  • 8/8/2019 GMRC American eel/Ga't report


    Mawi apoqonmatultinej waqamnmug ula gmtginu.Gespegewaq Migmaq Resource Council

    The First Nations Perspective on American Eel population in theGaspe Peninsula of Quebec and Northern New Brunswick

    Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American EelHabitat in the Gespegewagi Migmaq District

    Lnug Tan Telinstasultijig Tan Tesitij GataqGespegewagig, Ugpiganjig, WinpegijuigGjijitaqan Lnueiei Ugjit Ugstqamug Tlel aq Tan Telinstasimgl

    Gategatil Gespegewagig

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    G espegewagi tan negaw Migmewaq ewumitij wejimajasgListugujijg tlapis tan weguteg Gespegewagi. Gisgug ulamaqamigew eteg aqataig Gepeg aq aqataig New Brunswick.Gespegewagi na lluignegewei aq tan mawgig maqamigewMigmagig. Piamiw tapu pituiptnaqanipunqeg gis eimutijigMigmewaq ula maqamigeg. Migmewaq etliwejitutip wiluowaq tan goqwei menuegetij enmjajigtug wegupegitgl, walnelaq sipul. Pem gaqi siwgw gisna toqwaq, na nqatmitital wigualtan etegl enmijajigtug aq pitawitataq etlijijigtugweg sipul tanmawiatitaq ugjit loqtegalanew plamug aq gataq. Gaqisipunqeg,gesgmnaq poqji wigtimgeg, maljewejg gegnuatutpnig tan go-qwei gis tliaq atugwaqanigtug, gtapegiaqanigtug aq amalgewaqa-nigtug.

    Migmewaq negaw gepmitetmitip mst goqwei mimajig, mstgoqwei tan wejisqaliaq maqamigeg aq tan tesitij wisisg. Munegmow ajimawotutigup gisna ajigtantutigup aq tan tel nutatijmimajunsultinew. Gaqaw sasewasgp tan teloltitij enmiaq gisinenuatiteg Apaqtugewaq mimajuinug. Migmewaq amuj panagwilmitip tan goqwei Apaqtugewaq menuegetitew sasewultinewugjit negmow msnmnew me piltuel goqwel. Tan goqwei negla

    puatmitipnn na anguowel, jiagewjuel, gigwesuel, giwnigel aq pjiliw gopitewel. Pugwelgig Migmewaq naqtmitipnn wigual en-mijajigtug etegl aq maw tan teloltitij ugjit gtantunew ugstqamugtlel tan sasewultitaq.


    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

    T he traditional Migmaq area of Gespegewagi extends fromthe Miramichi River to the tip of the Gaspe Peninsula. Thisregion now straddles the borders of modern day Quebec and NewBrunswick. Gespegewagi is the seventh and largest district in theMigmaw nation. The Migmaq have been living in this land for atleast two thousand years or more: It was along the shores of the

    bays, coves and rivers that the Micmac found the greatest amountof food and other materials for their needs. In the late spring or fall, however they left their coastal homes to go upstream to nar-row places on the rivers where the community gathered to trapsalmon and eels. Over the centuries, before the pen and paper,history was passed down by spoken words, through songs andalso through dance.

    The Migmaq believe that they came from a history of rituals andetiquette that respected the lives of plants and animals. They didnot gather or hunt more than they needed to survive comfortably.Then as they encountered Europeans drastic changes began tohappen. In order to trade for new items the Migmaq had to ndsomething that the Europeans wanted in return. This somethingwas furs of mink, muskrat, otter and especially beaver. Many of the Migmaq left their coastal homes and traditions to collect nat-ural resources for trade.

    Tan Gis Geitasg


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    Gis tesipunqeg pemiaq, aq mimajuinug gaqisunemigsultijigtan pewgwiqatmutijig ugstqamug ap nige wesgutmitij ugjittan tli gepmitetesnug aq glottesnug ugstqamug tlel. Nigenutaq ginu Lnuultigw mlginewatunenu tan itloltigup ugjitginamuanenu mst wenig tan tlimimajunsultitaq. Mu wen getu

    punatug uloqon. Gatu tali asgotmug ugstqamu tan teloltigw?Ula wigatign weji lugwatasgp ugjit menaqa gnuatugsinenutan Migmewaq negaw telimgitelmatij gatal teluitut Ameri-can Eel.

    Lnueiei mawiomi teluisig Gespegewaq Migmaq ResourceCouncil gisipuguatasgp 2007-eg. Ula etlugutijig gis gisaptmitijugtlugowaqanuow tan tli apoqonmattaq lnuegatil. Agnuttaqtan giasgiw teliaq ugjit ulinstasgtn aq gwiltaq apoqonmati ugjitsiawi gelotasgtn ugstqamug tlel glaman mlgignewatasgttalaq negaw tetal. GMRC nemitutij tan teligaqawi asogotasggmtginu. Negmow getu niganuatijig enmiaq wesgutasgugstqamug tlel aq tan gmtginug wetmitetasgl.

    It is now many years later and cultures all over the world areagain talking about sustainable practices and how to use naturalresources with respect. We now need to strengthen our rituals andetiquette to teach everyone how to survive. No one wants to giveup a comfortable lifestyle, but what cost do our lifestyles have onnature? The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to an im-

    portant relationship between the American Eel and the Migmaw people.

    A First Nations group called the Gespegewag Migmaq ResourceCouncil (GMRC) was formed in 2007. The vision of the organiza-tion is to assist First Nations communities by creating awareness,understanding and gathering support to further sustainable natu-ral resource management for the development of the resources.The GMRC wishes to respond to change in the environment andsupport the development of their communities while being a leadvoice in addressing resources and environmental issues.

    Gisgug Tan Teliaq

    Present story

    Gespegewag Migmaq Resource Council

    Gespegewaq Migmaq Resource Council

    - -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

  • 8/8/2019 GMRC American eel/Ga't report


    Gataq tan teluitujig American Eel pemitgliejig Ganataewagigaq Pastungewagig tan mnaq teli nmitasgtnugus. Mst gataqtanig gaqigutijig newtsiniw etlisigalatijig gtan teluisig Sar-gasso Sea, je tlia tligaqigutitij wisgupoqigtug aq tgpoqigtug en-mijajigtug Ganataewagig aq Pastungewagig. Me gejigowjigel,wegla gataq na gisitetasgp ugjit pqoji maliaptasultinew. Namawiomi tanig niganpugutmitij,Committee On The StatusOf Endangered Wildlife In Canada (COSEWIC) sespetetmititltan gisimaliaptasgl toqo wejitasg gaqawitgliejig gataq On-tario aq Gepeg wejategemgeg 1970-eg.

    * Pasg newt sigalat gat tan telipgitawsij

    Tan Telinstasultimgig GataqThe American Eel population in central Canada and the USA isdeclining to levels never seen before. Although eels spend mostof their adult lives in coastal and freshwaters in Canada and theUSA, all mature eels breed at the same time in the Sargasso Sea.Recently, the American Eel was added as a species of SpecialConcern. The Committee On The Status Of Endangered WildlifeIn Canada (COSEWIC) is concerned by recent studies that haveshown a decrease in eel numbers in Ontario and Quebec as highas 99 percent since 1970s.

    * Eels only breed once in their lifetime

    Understanding The American Eel

    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

  • 8/8/2019 GMRC American eel/Ga't report


    - -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

    The EggSomewhere in the Sargasso Sea the eggs are fertilized. They hatch

    in about one week. Hatching peaks in February and may continueuntil April.

    The Larval Form (leptocephalus)When they hatch they are transparent, at and shaped like a wil -low leaf. They are caught up in the Gulf Stream and drift west andnorth for 7 to 12 months.

    The Glass Eel and The ElverWhen the larvae are about 200 days old, they reach the continen-tal shelf. At this time they change shape becoming elongated andstart looking like an adult eel. When they start swimming intocoastal waters around 255 days old, their pigmentation becomesdarker. They now continue traveling up rivers and streams. At this

    point they still are not male or female. They remain as elvers for 3 to 12 months.

    Gat American Eel UgtmimajuaqanmNijinjig

    Natami apaqtug Sargasso Sea, gataq tlisigalatitaq. Aqan-tiewuti na wegaw nijinjig panitatij. Mesipugwelgig panitajigtepgunset Apignajit aq gisi siaw panitataq misoqo Penat-muigus.

    GulpatgijGisi gtaqitatij na saputiamugsultijig aq pepgijigultijig stgelmujminaqsiei nipi. Witogutijig tan etligsigawitg apaqtug,teluisig Gulf Stream aq lluigneg tepgunsejig misoqo newtipun-qeg pmtogutitaq tgesnug tlapis oqwatnug.

    Saputiamtqasijijit Aq GatejPanaemg tapu gasgptnaqanugunoltitij na petalugutitaqnataqamtug tan mu teltemigtnug. Na tujiw pemi pittaqigutitaqaq poqji tliangamgusultitaq stge tan gis gaqigwet gat. Enmiaq

    poqjinataqamalugutitij panaemg tapu gasgptnaqanugunaq jel nanisgegigunaq jel nan na pmimqatawamugwitajig. Natujiw siawi pitawalugutijig sipul aq sipujijl. Na tujiw memu sgwemegwgewigw gisna mu napemegwgewigw. Siawgatejewultitaq panaemg nessijig tepgunsejig misoqo newti-

    punqeg .

    Life cycle of the American Eel

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    The Yellow EelOnce eel have reachedtheir habitat they havea growth spurt and be-come yellow eels. Thesex of an eel is decid-ed and in uenced by

    eel population. If the population is high theyellow eel becomes amale. If the populationis low the eel becomesfemale. Some yelloweel will continue up-stream to look for bet-ter habitat. Many eels that are found swimming to upper parts of the St Laurence river are already a few years old. Today in Canadait is said that 95% of the eels are female.

    The Silver EelSilver eels are the mature breeding form of the American eel. Asthe yellow eel matures there comes to a point when its size willtrigger a change into a silver eel. Eels mature anywhere from 7 to20 years of age. When changing form, their ns and eyes quicklystart to get bigger, preparing them for the marine environment.They are getting ready for a migration of about 2000 km. Themigration down our rivers and streams happens mostly at night.Mating will happen in the Sargasso Sea anytime between Febru-

    ary and April.

    HabitatEels use a wide variety of habitat, being able to live in salt, brack-ish or freshwater lakes or rivers. Not all eels live in freshwater;some eels actually go back and forth between salt water to fresh-water. In fact, eels use such different habitats that it is dif cult tode ne the important characteristics of eel habitat.

    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

    Wisawtqasit Gat Nqasaiw gataq petalugutitij gategatil na gsigawigutitaq aqwisawamugwitataq. Lpa tan tesultitij gataq na natel ugji-atew sgwemegwewultinew gisna napemegwewultinew. Enmiaq

    pugwelitij gataq na ula wisawtqasit gat napemegwewitew.Enmiaq teglejitij gataq na ula gat sgwemegwewitew. Altwisawtqasultijig gataq siaw pitawalugutitaq ugjit gwilm-

    new me ajiglulgl gategatil. Pugwelgig gataq gejujig pemi pitawalugutijig Maqtugweg Sipu gis tasipunoltijig. GisgugGanataewagig, suel mst gataq na sgwemegwaq.

    QasawQasaq na gataq tanig gaqigutitij aq gisi igatutaq wawl. Geswisawtqasit gat pemigaqigwej na gegnuegttew qasawuetew.Gataq gaqigutijig tampa tujiw wejategemg lluigneg tesipunqegmisoqo tapuisgegipunqeg. Ges pemi piltuiguegasij, ugpsual aqugpugugual gsigawigwetal, ugjit gisgajalsultinew tan tli ajitataqgtanug tapu pituiptnaqan km telpesug. Giwnaqa na welagultan tujiw papgalugutitij. Wejategemg Apignajit misoqo Penat-muigus na tlisigalatitaq gtan teluisig Sargasso Sea.

    GategatilGaqisi milamugul nmejuegatil tan gataq gisi imutitaq, wis-gupoq gisna tgpoqigtug; qospeml gisna sipul. Mu mst gataq

    eimutigw tgpoqigtug. Altgataq asuitajig wisgupoqig-tug aq tgpoqigtug. Metueggiasgiw wen gisitluen tan

    tett etegl gategatil, mutaweligjitasg tam pasg tettgataq gisi imutitaq.

  • 8/8/2019 GMRC American eel/Ga't report


    The American Eel isimportant to Migmawlife and culture. Gator kat is shed

    in all seasons, usingspears, weirs and alsolines. For thousandsof years, the AmericanEel was a traditionalfood, medicine and

    part of ceremonies.This study was initiated by the GMRC to gather traditional eco-logical knowledge on the American Eel. Since the American Eelis a traditional food of the Migmaw people the GMRC wishedto gather Traditional Knowledge and further the understanding of the American eel population.

    FishingAt one time, eel shing in Gespegewagi was a common activity.Eels were caught by hook and line, using eel traps or the most com-mon method, spearing. Some people shared memories of spearingeel at night from a boat with a kerosene torch made by braidingan old mop head into ve sections and attaching it to the bow. Thelight would attract the eel and when there was no smoke in your eyes it was easy to see them. Eel shing was not just a subsistence

    activity. Many shers used to sell eel to different markets. Todayeel shing is a rare activity. All communities said that the number of people shing eel has decreased. A few different reasons weregiven, the most common reasons being:

    1) Pollution in the water2) Change in diet3) The lack of eels available to be caught4) The tradition not passed down

    Traditional Knowledge of Eel inGespegewagi

    Tan Lnug Teli Nenuatijig GataqGespegewagigGat teluitut American Eel megitetasit ugjit Lnueiei mima-

    juaqan. Gat gisna Kat getanut newtipunqeg, ewasijig nigo-qolg, loqtegnn aq elg wesgalut. Gaqisipituiptnaqanipunqegl,(American Eel) gat lnueietp mijipjewei, ugtmpisunmuow aq

    mawi ewasip asutmatitij. Gespegewaq Migmaq ResourceCouncil (GMRC) weji pqoji panuijqatmitip ugjit mawotunewLnueiei gjijitaqan ugjit gataq. Muta gatewei negaw Lnueiei mi-

    jipjewei, GMRC menuegetip mawotunew Lnueiei gjijitaqan aqginamuanew mimajuinug ugjit me ulinstasultinew gataq.

    Usgaqan Newtejgeg, Gespegewagig apjiwsgalatipnig gataq. Gataqgisi petulutpnig mgignigtug, loqtegnigalutpnig gisna giwnaqanigoqolg ewutpnig. Alt mimajuinug agnutmitip tan itlisa-qsigutipnig ewumitij saqawei elisgnuatasg golailig map toqomegwasatasg nigantug ugtuluaq. Gataq na lalugutitaq nmitutijtan tett wasoqeg aq mu netlusiwun na naqmasnmutpnig gataq.Gategatimgp mu pasg ugjit wiluow. Pugwelgig usgewinugintuisgetutipnig gataq. Gisgug, awisiw gategatimg. Mstlnuegatil eimutijig teluatipnig gaqaw tglejijig tanig gate-

    gatijig. Wegla tan maw gaqisgewitasgpnn tan wejitglietij gataqna:

    1) Samuqwan wesam winjig2) Piltuatalultimg3) Teglejijig gataq eimutijig4) Mu geginamuamgig

    maljewejg gategaqan

    - -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

  • 8/8/2019 GMRC American eel/Ga't report


    Catching EelsEel were shed all year round, but with different methods at dif -ferent times. Usually it was men and young boys that would sheel. The eels would be about the size of a wrist, almost 1 meter long. In summer if you were using a spear you could see where theeels were in the mud because the little holes would have a differ-ent color mud in front of the hole. Sometimes we shed during thedaytime, but the best time to sh was the night. There was only 2hours during the day you could really sh when the tide was high.We would follow the tide in with the boats. In the winter you useda different type of spear but you would put the spear through theice and poke around in the mud, and when you felt an eel, youwould jab it and bring it up. Other times of the year people shedeel with a rod, line (20lb test or cotton), sinker and baited hook,usually worms, but also corn and red berries. When the eel takesthe hook, you have to keep pulling it back or it will wrap arounda rock and wont come loose; or it will get tangled up in the line.

    Traditions to be Handed Down

    Newtejgeg, gaqatepiepnig gataq Gespegewagig. Suel mstwen mestgp gatewei newt tes aqantiewuti. Alt teluatipnigmestmitip gatewei tesigisgg tan tujiw geggugunmitij aq ig-tigig teluatipnig pasg mestgp gatewei newt gisna tapu tesnewtipunqeg. Elg, pugwelgig teluatipnig ismuetasgp tan tujiwLnug mawitatij.

    Siaw Ginamuaness Maljewejg LnuoltimgGategemgGisi gategatimgp newtipunqeg, gatu lpa tes piltuigtanutpnig.Apjiw jinmug aq lpatujg usgalatitaq gataq. Gataq itloqo-noqsultipnig stge wen ugtangwisgptnm aq piamiw sist leppieitlpittaqsultipnig. Tan tujiw nipg, algumen gisi nmituts tan tettgataq geitapultijig sisguigtug muta piltuamugttew sisgu gigjiwenmaqejijigtug. Jijuaqa, gategatiegp nagweg, gatu mawmujgajewetp wesgemg welagul. Pasg tapugul ajietl nagweg

    tan gisiwsgets tan tujiw wajupaq. Majulgwatmegp gjigapanntulninaq. Tan tujiw gesig, ewats piltuigit nigoqol. Pijasgalt pgwignigtug toqo alinantuen, aq enmiaq migutej na sapalqatetaq natqalt. Ap na jijuaqa, mimajuinug wesgalatipnig gataqmgignigtug ewatijig wetig ugjit waqatign, gisna piesgminnaq glitaq. Tan tujiw petulj gat amuj pana siawi natqapilg gis-na giwtoqapegalsitew guntewigtug aq ma mnasigw gisnaamjilaptqasitew apapijigtug. Tan maw mujgajewetp gataqwesgaluj na pempisgiaq, gatu elg wesgalutpnig welagul. Ji-

    juaqa gataq petulutpnig tan tujiw plamuegemg gisnaatoqwasuegemg. Enmiaq etliwsgen toqo sangew natqapilewen

    na gisi petulats gatejg.

    GateweiGataq gisi petuluj na gaqapijolutpnig aq pesolutpnig. Munaqamasegtnug tan teli psaluj. Gatewei wejaqamatmgp,etoqtatmgp, wigplatmgp aq nutpatmgp. Wejaqamatasg gate-wei na maw mujgajewei. Nin tmg ugsuatugg gatewei gesmu plamuei aq jagejuei. Gatewei na maw gelulg mijipjeweiaq maw wigapug. Pusgi malqutmgp gatewei ugjit tan tel ge-

    At one time eel were plentiful in Gespegewagi. Most people saidthat they ate eel at least once a week. Some said that they ate eeleveryday when available and others only ate eel one or twice ayear. Many also said that it was served at gatherings.

    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

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    Eel as FoodAfter the eels were caught they would be hung up and skinned. Itis hard to skin an eel. Eel were boiled, baked, smoked, and roasted.Boiled eel is the best. I would choose eel over salmon and lobster.Eel are very rich, very very good. Eels were regularly eaten asa staple source of protein. The young people dont eat eel. Mostyoung people have not seen an eel, when they see one they think itis a snake. Eels were always eaten at every gathering or feast. Eelmake some people feel sleepy after they eat them. There is a littlegray line on the top of the spine that I always remove before cook-ing the eel it makes me feel sleepy and my legs tingly (maybe Iam allergic?).

    Uses of EelEel skin was usedto bind sprainsand other injuries.When joints wereswollen my fa-ther would wrapeel skin aroundthe joint, and theswelling would godown. It workedlike a bandage.The skin would be wrapped around the joint and would shrink and heal the joint. Women use to use a piece of eel skin to tie uptheir hair. It was sometimes used to lash snowshoes and to bindtoboggans.

    lulg tajigeimg. Maljewejg mu malqutmitigw gatewei. Suelmst maljewejg mnaq nemiatigul gatal, enmiaq nemiatijteltasultijig mtesgmul. Tes mawiomi gisna wigupaltimg apjiwesmuetasgp gatewei. Alt mimajuinug wen gtugsitew tan tujiwgistg. Wapimqataweg elapaqteg wogwinigtug na apjiw menatugesgmnaq wissugwatmu gatewei getugsuguig aq ngatl pissiatal.(Etug mu welalinug?)

    Tan Tel Milwegot GatGatopi ewasgp segpilsinn tan tujiw pestaqalsinn aq igtigl

    jilotaqann. Tan tujiw angwisgaqann mewpeg, nujj giwtoqopiltewgatopi toqo apoqpaqttew. Teluwegetmgp stge ajijgo-

    pilaqan. Gatopi na giwtoqopilasg wen angwisgaqanmg toqougsuwissasgttew aq nijgitew jilotaqan. Epijig iewumitip

    pugwei gatopi ugjit mawpilmnew usapunual. Jijuaqa ewasgpugjit oqotgwepiluj alaqamig aq ilpilmg tepaqanjijl.

    Atugwalujig jagej aq gat etlintisnig Pitgutgwiaq Sipu. Wejin-tisnig tan wen tlialsusitew toqo sesapaqtesgmitis samuqwan.Etna na ugjit gisgug mamuni sisguapuaq.

    Ap igtig atugwaqan, eigsnaq sgtemuj teliangamgusisnaq stgegat toqo ugsmuit. Na toq gisapsgnmaj ugsmul na gisi ewats tanteli wisuignemj tan wen getansg. Enmatatl tan wen getansg nagiwtoqapegasgttew ugtinneg wegla gat ugsmul.

    Wiguajeg Tan Gataq EtlnmujigGis nemigig gataq mawapsgtqaiatijig pugtug. Tal lugutijig?

    Nemituap pemapaqteg esgimoqon tan naqtmitip gesgijitatiteggeplutaqan Ugpiganjeg. Gataq na mu ewumitigw nmejueiatgsaqtasg egwitg samuqwanigtug, maqamigewitajig taqamo-qitatij awti.

    Atugwalut Gat

    The best time to sh eels was in the evening, but eel were alsoshed at night. Sometimes eel would be caught on salmon or troutshing trips. If you are shing and you reel in too slow, you will

    catch small eels.

    Legends of EelThere is a legend of a lobster and an eel ghting in the PetitcodiacRiver. They were ghting over whose territory it was and they

    - -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

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    Knowledge of populations was not clear because no one reallyshes for eel anymore. There were some de nite observations that

    there is still a strong presence of eel in some rivers and streamsin forested areas (Pabineau area) but few eel observed in highlydeveloped areas. One particular community (Eel River Bar) thatno longer observed any eel was affected by a dam that changedmuch of the habitat in the area. People also mentioned that the tra-ditional eel shing grounds in harbors and bays are also the areasthat have seen the most changes due to human development.

    Mu geitasgtnug giasgiw tan tesitij gataq eimutijig muta muwesgalamgig nugu. Menaqa angaptasgeg nemitasgp me pug-weliejig gataq alt sipul aq sipujijl nipugtug (Giwtaw Winpe-

    gijuig Lnuegati) gatu teglejijig gataq nemutpnig giwtaw tanetlipugweliganig. Newte lnuegati (Ugpiganjig) tan mu nugunemiamgpnig gataq. Geplutaqan igatasgeg na asgotgpnnnmejuegatil natel. Elg ewitmitipnn saqawel nmejuegatiltan etegl tes gwimuti aq tes poqtapeg gaqaw sasewasgpnnenmiaq mimajuinug poqji pugwelietiteg.

    Goqwajitetaqann Tan Wejitglietij GataqTapusijig gisigug tan iusgepnig ewitmitip ugtejgeweieggategetiteg panaemg nesisgegipunqeg. Panaemg 1970-eg. Mu

    wen tapusitij gisi angitetmugup tan weji puni gategepnig.Gatu tel pipanimuteg gtmitetmnew tan tesitij gataq, gitg tel-uepnig sespetetmitij tan tel winjig samuqwan. Sespetetmitijtan wejiaqal winjigl: mimajuinug ugtmjegeimuow; tan goqweiwetoqeg aq wejijuig mulinigtug aq mesgigl lgowaqanel. IgtigLnu ewitgp sespetetg tan telwinjig gigpesan aq igtigl tan we-

    jiaq goqwei winjig.

    Eel Populations

    Tan Tesitij Gataq

    churned up the water. That is why the water is so muddy today.There is another legend of an eel-like spirit, that has a horn, and if the horn is captured you can use it to defeat your enemies. You putthe horn in your enemy and it wraps around the enemy.

    Interesting Eel SightingI have seen eels in great big balls in the harbor. What are they do-

    ing? I saw a trail of slime that they left going over the dam at EelRiver. The eel dont use the salmon sh ladder there they just goover the road.

    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

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    There are a large number of mills and industrial plants along theBay of Chaleur. Most of the mills and plants opened up in the1970s. During this period of time government provided incentives

    to industry to create jobs in New Brunswick. New or renovatedfactories and plants started to produce waste products and some of this in was dumped into coastal waters and watersheds. It seemslikely that the slowing and eventual stopping of eel shing may berelated to the arrival of big industry and pollution.

    As communities were developed, a different lifestyle was offered.This meant not only a choice in activity but also in diet. Manyfear that withouta traditional dietyouth will lose

    connection withnature.

    BarriersEel River Bar sawa drastic changein coastal habitatwhen a dam was

    put in the river to

    Pugwelgl mulinn aq mesgigl lugowaqanel pemamgtegl MawiPoqtapeg. Suel mst panitaqapnn 1970-eg. Na tujiw Gpnnolapoqonmatgpnn wegla mulinn aq mesgigl lugowaqanel ugjitlugutinew mimajuinug New Brunswick. Nat goqwel wijiglwejiaqapnn ula pilel gisna tan pililugwatasgpnn mesgigllugowaqanoguoml, aq tasgl elotasgpnn samuqwanitug. Tlue-ness tan teli awisiw gategatipnig tlapis pegaj puni gategatipnigna gisi ugjiass panitaqeg wegla mesgigl lugowaqanel aq tantesg goqwei winjig wejiaq.

    Ges gutanjijl pemigwegeg, piluegp mimajuaqan neiasg. Mu pasg piltulugutimgp elg piltuatalultimgp. Pugwelgig mimaju-inug jipaqitetmitip mu gjitmg tan itlatalultimgp, maljewejgntutaq tan tel gigjotmugup ugstqamug.

    Etoqwaluegl1963-eg, Ugpiganjig nemitutip tan tel gaqaw piltuasgpnnnmejuegatil tan tujiw geplutaqan igatasgeg sipug ugjit meajipugwelg samuqwan lian negla mulinn. Na tujiw, gisinmutpnig

    pugwelgig gataq pemalugutijig epuneg asoqomtaqanigtug aqgisgug lpa pegaj mu nemiamgig.

    So What Happened 30 Years Ago? Gatu Talianutuguneg Nesisgegipunqeg?

    Reasons For a Decline in Eel PopulationTwo elders that were active shers stated that the last time theyhad shed for eel was around 30 years ago. This would be some -time during the 1970s. However, neither one could think of a par-ticular reason why they stopped shing for eel. But when asked if they had concerns about the eel population both men stated thatthey were worried about pollution. They mentioned concerns over

    multiple sources of pollutants: sewage and household waste, ef-uent from mills and large industry. Another community member

    mentioned concern about acid rain and other sources of pollu-tion.

    - 0 -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

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    Gaqisipunqeg, elg asoqomitasgp awti sipug gutan teluisig Win- pegijuig. Ula awti elg asgotgpnn nmejuegatil tan ula telgig gi-wtaw. Ap igtig ewitasgp geplutaqan ugjit hydro electric etegsipug teluisig Nipisiguit. Mu geitmg gataq etoqwalugugunewula geplutaqan ugjit ltanew tan etegl nmejuegatil gisna mu.Etugjel, giwtoqotesgmutug ula geplutaqan ewg piluei sipujij.

    provide more water for the mills in 1963. You use to be able tosee lots of eel swimming under the bridge and today you dontsee any.

    There is also a causeway that was built many years ago in Bathurst.This causeway has also changed the habitat in this area. There wasanother dam mentioned along the Nepisiguit River that is a hydro-electric dam. Whether or not this dam prevents eel from gettingto traditional habitat is not known. Maybe the eel just use another stream to get around the dam.

    Lnug Gespegewagig me gelotmitij pugwelg ginamasutiugjit gataq. Migmewaq tan teloltitij negaw gategatipnigugjit wiluow. 1970-eg weji pqoji punigategatimgp, aq ula etugtlategenutug tan teli winjig samuqwan. Wejategemgeg, ges

    pempugweliatiteg mimajuinug, pemimsgigeg gutanjijl aq poqji panitaqeg mesgigl mulinn lugowaqanel, geitasgp tantel winjigl sipul aq sipujijl. Amipoqwajitetasgp samuqwan aqnmejuei. Ugjotmuggup geligatmnenu nmejuegatil aq siawi

    panuijqamuggup wegla tan tesgl goqwel winjigl lnuegatig.Tan teliagnutasg gatewei wigapug aq mawipuatasg, je tlia gis-gug tan telatalultitij Migmewaq. Lpa gis tliaqsp, gategaqan,atugwaqann aq tan teli lnuoltimgp apijatasgts ges mu ges-gaqtnug tan teloltimgp maw na gisigug tan geitutij ulaginamasuti.


    ConclusionThe Migmaw of Gespegewagi still retain much knowledgeabout American Eel. Fishing and eating eel was a central part of Migmaw culture. Eel shing stopped almost completely in the1970s, and this might have something to do with concerns over

    pollution. Over time, with population growth, larger towns andthe arrival of big industry, coastal waters and harbors were per-ceived to be polluted. This caused some lack of con dence in lo -cal water and its sh species. Efforts should be made to protecthabitat and further the understanding of contaminants in commu-nities. Responses from this study showed that the American Eelis a tasty and desirable food, even in the modern Migmaw diet.If possible, eel shing, legends and related traditions should beresurrected before the traditions are lost with the elders who carrythe knowledge.

    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

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    Davis, A., J. Wagner, K. Prosper and M.J. Paulette. 2004. The Paqtnkek Mikmaqand Kat (American Eel): A Case Study of Cultural Relations, Meanings, andProspects. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 24(2):359-390.

    Mikmaw Ethics Watch. 2007. Mikmaq Research Principles and Protocols. TheMikmaq College Institute, Cape Breton University. (

    prinpro.htmlProsper, K. and M. J. Paulette. 2002a. The Mikmaq Relationship with Kat (American

    Eel). Fact Sheet #7 Social Research of Sustainable Fisheries and the Paqtnkek Fish and Wildlife Commission.

    Prosper, K. and M.J. Paulette. 2002b. The Paqtnkek Mikmaq and Kat (American Eel Anguilla rostrata). A preliminary report of research results, phase 1. SRSFResearch Report (Accessed June 23, 2007)

    Whitehead, Ruth Holmes. McGee, Harold. 1983 The Micmac How Their AncestorsLived Five Hundred Years Ago Nimbus Publishing Limited

    Vicaire, J.M. 2007. Gat American Eel Gmtginaq Spring 2007. Newsletter of theGespegewag Migmaq Resource Council.

    Brusle, J. 1991. The Eel (Anguilla spp) and organic chemical pollutants. The Scienceof the Total Environment 102: 1-19.

    CEWG (Canadian Eel Working Group). 2007. American Eel Management Plan. DraftJanuary 15, 2007. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ontario Ministry of NaturalResources, Ministere des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Quebec.

    COSEWIC 2006. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the American eelAnguilla rostrata in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlifein Canada. Ottawa. 71 pp. (

    Couillard, C.M., P.V. Hodson, and M. Castonguay. 1997. Correlations between pathological changes and chemical contamination in American eels, Anguillarostrata, from the St. Lawrence River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries andAquatic Science 54: 1916-27.

    DFO (Fisheries and Oceans Canada). 2006. Underwater World: American Eel

    Migmaw Literature

    - -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

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    Fisheries and Oceans, Science Branch www.dfo-mpo.gc.caDFO (Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2007). Integrated Eel Fishery Management Plan:

    Eastern New Brunswick Area Gulf Region 2001-2006. Accessed (Nov. 30, 2007)

    Environment Canada. 2003. Canadas National Environmental Indicator Series 2003.Environment Canada, Ottawa. Accessed (Dec. 6, 2007)GMCME (Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment). 2007. American Eels

    - Restoring a Vanishing Resource in the Gulf of Maine. 12 pages.

    Schafer, C.T. 1973. Distribution of Foraminifera near pollution sources in Chaleur Bay. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 2: 219-233.

    TranslationsJanice Vicaire & Mary Ann Metallic

    - - Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Perceptions of American Eel Habitat in Gespegewagi

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    Study Area

    Listuguj Eel River Bar Pabineau

    N o v a S

    c o t i a

    New BrunswickP.E.I



    - -Tan Telnenasgl Gategatil Gespegewagig

  • 8/8/2019 GMRC American eel/Ga't report


    94 B Riverside EastListuguj, Quebec G0C 2R0

    T 418.788.3017

    F 418.788.3192

    Mawi apoqonmatultinej waqamnmug ula gmtginu.Gespegewaq Migmaq Resource Council

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