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Path of the Bodhisattva, a FreeOnline Course

Gnostic Nativity of Christ


""It would be worthless for the Christ to be born one thousand times in

Bethlehem if he is not born in our hearts as well. We have to form Christ within

ourselves in order to enter through the doors into the triumphant and victorious

city on Palm Sunday. Christmas is a cosmic event that must be performed in

each one of us. The ativity !Christmas is absolutely individual. It is

necessary for the Christ to be born in each one of us." # Samael $un

Weor% Tarot and &abbalah !'()*

It is important for all of us to visualize, to understand, to comprehend, what

Christ is, because there are a lot of mistaen interpretations and assumptions of

what Christ is, and also the Nativity, which in this day and a!e is called


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#he word Christmas comes from the word Christ, whose root is in the Gree

lan!ua!e" Christ in Gree is written with the letter chi, which has the form of an $,

called chi, so, when you write Christ in Gree, the %Ch& has the form of an $, which

relates to another hiero!lyphic with which Christ is very often represented' when

you place a P on the $"


But really, the letter, which in (atin is P, is the letter ) or )ho in Gree" *o, when you write $

and )ho, you are symbolically pointin! at the activity of )ho or )a, the fire, because the ) is a

symbol of the fire in activity" )a is related with the *olar Force amon! the +!yptian

hiero!lyphics or +!yptian myths" mon-)a, or the God )a, is the *olar (i!ht"

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un !the waters lifts +a !the Sun% Christ

*o these letters $ and ) .Gree/ or $ and P .(atin/ are a very ancient symbol of Christ, that

fire" In Gnosticism we always emphasize that Christ is fire" #hat is rooted in the Gree word"

#he Gree word 0ristos means anointed, an ad1ective of %0hriein,& to anoint"

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 lso from this $, or Gree letter chi, comes the word ictus .Gree' 2345, 6789: or 6789C/ἰ

which means fish, which is an ancient symbol of Christianity"


In the Gree letter $ .chi/,we see a relationship with the word chi in #aoism that is represented

by two fish in the form of an $, the symbol of ;in ;an!, or the two forces or two polarities,

which are diluted in the universe" ;in ;an! are the two polarities of the same ener!y, the chiener!y, represented in the $ and Pi, or $ and )ho of the Gree alphabet" nd this is because

Christ is the source, is the ener!y, from where everythin! emer!es"

<hen you observe the infinite, which is formed by millions of !ala=ies, it brin!s into our

memory the statement of +instein, who said' %#he infinite tends to a limit"& By direct

e=perience, we now that this infinite to which our !ala=y belon!s, tends or e=tends to a limit> it

has appro=imately ?@@,@@@ !ala=ies and more> but after this infiniteAs limit, you find an empty

space, and then you find another infinite" *o, the theory of many infinites is somethin! that we

study in Gnosticism" Of course, you have to ima!ine ?@@ @@@ and more !ala=ies, or!anized,

 1ust in one infinite"

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It reuires intelli!ence to or!anize all of those !ala=ies in the infinite space" Observin! that in

the telescope, you become amazed by all of those stars, !ala=ies, comets, planets, how they

rotate around their centers, around their suns, and how everythin! is or!anized by many laws"

ust to thin, 1ust to assume, that the infinite is there without any intelli!ence is foolishness"

#hat intelli!ence is what we, the Gnostics, call Christ, which is not a person" ;ou have to

understand and to comprehend that intelli!ence can e=ist as itself, by itself, without form" #his

Intelli!ence is not one, but is what we call the Dultiple Perfect Enity, which is everywhere and

that uses the *olar (i!ht as a vehicle to e=press itself"

#he First Danifestation of that *olar (i!ht is what in 0abbalah is called in *oph ur , the

(imitless (i!ht, the First +manation of the Ennowable, which is the bstract bsolute *pace"

#hat (i!ht, in *oph ur, is the First Be!otten, which is symbolized in different ways, in

different myths"

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#his in *oph ur is what is called in esotericism the Central *un, where all the Intelli!ences

that or!anize this infinite of +instein e=ist" In 0abbalah we associate this with the First

+manation of that in *oph, which is called 0ether, and which is always associated with the


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Precisely in the very center the si!n of the infinite .the oly

+i!ht/, you find the $"

From the in *oph emer!es that (i!ht, which appears in 0ether,

the infinite" #he symbol of the infinite represents the emer!ence

of that li!ht into the universe, into the Infinite, which occurs in

every sin!le unit, in every sin!le solar system" #his is, we mi!ht

say, the first birth, or the first Nativity of that which we call Christ,

which is a Dultiple Perfect Intelli!ence, because that Intelli!ence, which is within the in *oph,

e=presses itself throu!h many bein!s"

 ccordin! to the #ree of (ife, that li!ht descends into all the *ephiroth in order to shine throu!h

the different intelli!ences or bein!s that e=ist in the universe" But when you, in a state of

ecstasy, penetrate into that which is the in *oph ur, then you discover that it is nothin!, but

part of your Bein! is there, because every sin!le unit in the universe has a particle of that

nothin!ness, within the in *oph" ;et, only those who *elf-realize themselves, meanin!, who

awaen all of their inner possibilities, are aware of how that li!ht emer!es and returns,

accordin! to the si!n of the Infinite, into the in *oph ur, which, I repeat, is called the Central


#his is the intelli!ence of the Infinite, which acts everywhere" #hat is why we said its

circumference is nowhere and its center is everywhere> yes, it is everywhere"

#he intelli!ence of the in *oph !radually chan!es when it descends from the hi!her

dimensions into the lower dimensions" )emember, we have seven dimensions and when we

tal about that in *oph we are talin! about the seventh dimension" But this seventh

dimension is divided in two parts, one abstract and the other concrete" Of course, the spiritual

sun, the Central *un of this infinite, is where all the intelli!ences abide, within the bstract of

the worlds" No telescope can find, for instance, the in *oph ur, that Central *un, but in the

state of ecstasy the consciousness can see it, because it is beyond the three dimensional


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#hen by descendin! and studyin! only one part of that infinitewhich in this case will be a

!ala=ythen we discover that the *olar (i!ht .that unnowable force that comes from the

 bstract *pace/ or!anizes the intelli!ences of any !iven !ala=y"

In the case of this !ala=y that we call the Dily <ay, we now that all the stars or suns

appro=imately hundred thousands or all of the solar systemsthat form this !ala=y are

!ravitatin! around the sun *irius, physically speain!" But there is an intelli!ence in the !ala=ythat is called the Polar *un, which is spiritual sun, where all the intelli!ences of the !ala=y

conver!e, main! it a Dultiple Perfect Enity, which is another unfoldment of that li!ht which we

call Christ" #hus, when you see all the constellations of our !ala=y, how they mathematically

submit themselves to the laws of the !ala=y, we have to admit that there is an intelli!ence


#he problem with people in this day and a!e is that they always want to mae of that

intelli!ence a human entity, or to !ive a human form to that intelli!ence, to anthropomorphize

it" ;ou see, anthropos means human bein! in Gree, and morphe or morphos means form, so

to anthropomorphize means to !ive the form of a human to that which has no human form"

#he intelli!ence that or!anizes all the intelli!ences of this Dily <ay is called the Polar *un,

which is located in the seventh dimension" In spiritual ecstasies you can visit the Polar *un"

Dany myths, many cultures, studied the Polar *un, because this entire !ala=y depends upon

the Polar *un"

 ny initiate who wants to enter into the mysteries in the internal worlds of the !ala=y has to !o

directly to the Polar *un, which, we would say, is where the headuarters of that Christic

Intelli!ence throbs"

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#hat is another aspect of Christ> every !ala=y has its own particular Polar *un or intelli!ence"

But physically, all the stars of this !ala=y rotate around *irius"

;es, there are many laws i!nored by the people of the +arth in relation with the universe>

because, unfortunately, scientists, astronomers, only study the universe from the three

dimensional point of view, i!norin! that the universe has seven dimensions, and that the

intelli!ence that !overns all of this vast universe abides always in the seventh dimension, or

within the unfoldments of that *olar Force that we call )a, Christ, llah, or different names"

IN)I is how we call it in Christianity, which means I!nis Natura )enovatur Inte!ra"

Doreover, that li!ht descends down into our

solar system, or into our or!anization of stars>

you now that our sun, which is the center of

this solar system, is a star amon! many" Of

course, that star is a vehicle of that *olar

(i!ht, as many stars are a vehicle of Christ"

#hus our star belon!s to the constellation of

the Pleiades" #he Pleiades are mainly formed

by ei!ht stars, the center bein! the lcione

star and seven stars rotate around it> our sun

is the seventh amon! the %seven !oats& .as

they are also called in different traditions/ that !o around lcione" #he Pleiades are an

or!anization that is or!anized by intelli!ence" ;ou cannot state that there is no intelli!ence in

the or!anization of the Pleiades or in this system of stars to which our sun belon!s" (isten' that

intelli!ence is called Christ" *o, all the stars of the Pleiades, includin! our sun, rotate around


But there is another intelli!ence that cannot be seen by the telescope, which is called the

+uatorial *un" #he +uatorial *un is the *piritual *un, to which this constellation of the

Pleiades defers or is submitted to" In that +uatorial *un we find, for instance, that, which we

call the stral *un, which we refer to in different lectures, the stral si!nature of that stral(i!ht in its descension" +very constellation is submitted to different intelli!ences in their own

circle" *o, you see how that intelli!ence that we call Christ is multiple" #hat is why it is

symbolized in Buddhism by valoiteshvara, as havin! many hands, but is always the same

intelli!ence" valoiteshvara with many hands symbolizes the multiplicity within the unity"

#he intelli!ence of the +uatorial *un .the *piritual *un, the stral *un/ obeys the Polar *un,

and the Polar *un to the Central *un, and this is how that same li!ht or!anizes all the


If we loo only our solar system, then we find the intelli!ence that or!anizes this solar system

in the very heart of our sun" *o therefore, if we want to now about the constellation of the

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Pleiades to which this sun belon!s, we have to !o directly to the heart temple of our sun, and

from the heart temple of our sun to the +uatorial *un, and from the +uatorial *un, if we want

to now about the !ala=y, we !o to the Polar *un, with the same li!ht, with the same electrons,

same force" nd then we can !o even beyond to the Central *un, which is the in *oph ur"

#hen we see how that )ay of Creation descends in different levels throu!h the suns, throu!h

the stars" #hat is why it is written, that Christ, the $, is crucified, in every sin!le cosmic unit"


#he planet +arth sustains its life thans to the *olar (i!ht of our sun" ll the life that e=ists on

this planet, e=ists thans to the *olar (i!ht that is wisely or!anized everywhere" Furthermore,

the earth rotates around the sun> a complete rotation taes HJ days" Kurin! the rotation the

four seasons occur' sprin!, summer, fall and winter" #he *olar (i!ht or!anizes the life of this

planet +arth throu!h the four seasons" If we place each season in the ends of the lines of the

$, then we can understand how Christ or!anizes the life of the planet by its rotation" #hat is

why the symbol of Christ is always the Cross> because it is throu!h the Crossin different

ways, in the micro or in the macrohow Christ, fire, *olar (i!ht, transforms nature and the


In this planet +arth we celebrate the nativity of that *olar (i!ht on the LJth of Kecember" <hen

we investi!ate the many myths or different Dasters, or vatars .Dessen!ers/ that came to this

humanity, we discover that many of them coincide with the date LJth of Kecember as the date

of their birth" It is because is that date is not related to their physical birth, but to their spiritual

development" )emember that we stated that the intelli!ence that we are talin! about here is

spiritual> it does not belon! to the three dimensional world, it belon!s to the seventh


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In the planet +arth, the *olar (i!ht sacrifices itself every year" <e now that accordin! to the

relative movements of the sun and the +arth, the sun chan!es its position in the sy

seasonally, from south to north and from north to south" #here are two vorte=es that assimilate

that solar ener!y in the planet +arth, which are called *outh and North Pole" #he North Pole is

that verte= .or chara in *ansrit/ that brin!s the ener!y into the +arth in order for a

transformation to occur" #he *outh Pole also obtains that li!ht, but really, the main chara that

sucs the ener!y of the *olar (i!ht is the North Pole" #hat is why you find in different myths,

especially in the Nordic myths, how they state that everythin! comes from the north" s!ard is

in the north"

For instance, in this day and a!e you find that symbol of *anta Claus that is very, very, very

vul!arized, a symbol with which ollywood maes a lot of money" #his is a symbol, of course,

and very ancient, but unfortunately, was taen by corporations in order to mae business" ;et,

that symbol is very ancient" *anta Claus e=ists, as Christ e=ists" But *anta Claus is not aperson, not a lon! bearded old man, as many thin"


*anta Claus represents an ener!y that comes every year throu!h the North Pole, which is the

*olar (i!ht"

#he ztecs celebrated this event in ancient times> they always used three colors in order to

invoe that ener!y" owever they did not call it *anta Claus, they called it Muetzalcoatl, or

Ometecuhtli, and other different names, accordin! to their relation to the forces of nature" In

order to invoe those forces of the north, durin! special rituals they burned powder made from

corals or seashells mainly with the colors red, white, and blac, which are the main colors that

appear in the vesture of *anta Claus"

)ed, white, and blac represent the different activities of that solar ener!y when it enters

throu!h the North Pole" #he red is the livin! ener!y of the sun" #he white is the purity, the

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intelli!ence, or that solar force" #he blac symbolizes when that ener!y enters into the

hydro!en, into the carbon, into any element of the earth> it becomes blac, meanin! that is

enclosed, lie in the charcoal" But when you li!ht a charcoal, then that *olar (i!ht is liberated,

and you call it fire" *o that fire, that *olar (i!ht, is within the air, within the water, within the

earth, within all the elements" #his is what we call Christ" #he main source is the North Pole,

throu!h which it descends into this %matter,& which is a (atin word for mother mother earth"

Dother +arth, Dother Nature, is symbolized by a ir!in" #hey call it the ir!in of the *ea,

because all the source of life from this Dother Nature is in the ocean" #hat is why the priests of

the ztec civilization were burnin! those seashells with those colors, in order to invoe the

forces, in a perfect ritual in order to invoe the forces of the north, solar forces" s"

In the bible, the prophet onah also performed this ritual, because onah, as you recall, is that

prophet who was worin! with the waters, the waters of the ocean"

<hen we study the ztec calendar or solar stone, amazin!ly we

discover that all the wisdom written in there is related with the

movement of the sun in relation with the earth" In the very center

of that solar stone, you find the Nahui-ollin, or what the Daster

*amael called the )une Olin, which is nothin! else than the

)une Gebur of the Nordics in activity" <hen that )une Gebur

rotates, then you find the *wastia, which is the same $, in

activity" *o this is called by the ztecs Nahui-ollin"

 nd in the very center of that solar stone you find four suns' the sun of water, the sun of air,

the sun of fire, and the sun of earth" iero!lyphically, symbolically, they describes how the

previous )oot )aces were destroyed and how this )oot )ace will be destroyed, by the same

fire, by the same Christ"

It is stated that the children of the first sun were devoured by ti!ers" #he ti!er in ztec

mysticism symbolizes fire"

It is said that the children of the second sun were destroyed by hurricanes, with the sun of air"

#he children of the third sun, which is the fire, were destroyed by the fire of volcanoes> this

was the (emurian root race"

#he children of the fourth sun, which is the tlantean civilization, were destroyed by the

waters, with the sun of water"

*o they were destroyed by the same ener!y, the solar force, the Christ, because Christ is an

ener!y that abides everywhere" #his is why when talin! about this present )oot )ace, Peter

states in his second epistle chapter H'?@'

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"But the day of the ,ord will come as a thief in the night- in the which the

heavens shall pass away with a great noise% and the elements shall melt with

fervent heat% the earth also and the wors that are therein shall be burned up." 

#he ztecs state in that stone that the children of the fifth sun, which are we, the ryan )oot

)ace, will be destroyed by earthuaes and fire"

<hen the ztecs mention %the children,& they mean the outcome of the transformation of the

ener!y of the forces of the sun in the planet, because everythin! is related with fire" Fire is

precisely Christ" <hen the outcome of the fire is not !ood, the fire burns it, and creates new

thin!s" <hat the fire wants is for every sin!le unit in its care to be aware, to be conscious,

co!nizant of it, in order to help it into this wor"

#hat intelli!ence, that solar force, abides within us" Christ is within and everywhere> but to

retain and transform that ener!y in ourselves is precisely what we have to learn" nd that iswhy the doctrine of how we transform and how we permute ourselves into *olar Bein!s is

written in different reli!ions"

#he permutation of the animal into a human is somethin! that only Christ can perform, that

only the fire can do" #hat fire transforms into the body, and abides or dwells as a creator within

our se=ual !lands" #hat is why the Great rcanum, the secret of secrets,se=ual ma!ic, is the

way in which Christ wors with the $" Paul of #arsus stated in Galatians H'?'

"ow to $braham and his seed were the promises made." 

Paul continues'

"/e saith not% $nd to seeds% as of many- but as of one% $nd to thy seed% which

is Christ." 

People mistaely thin that the seed or the !eneration of braham into Kavid, and to etc etc,

will become esus Christ, the Dessiah" Christ is not esus of Nazareth, even thou!h esus

incarnated it and Christ is still within him" esus of Nazareth, the Daster beramentho, came

to this planet +arth in order to represent the drama, this cosmic drama, of how we incarnate

Christ in order to permute ourselves into solar bein!s" esus came in order to represent that,

to show us physically how to do it" )e!rettably, people misunderstood the messa!e and

thou!ht that esus was the only one" <e will fall into the same mistae if we thin that Buddha

Gautama *hayamuni is the only Buddha, and that there are no more Buddhas" ;et, if we

understand that Buddha Gautama *ayamuni came in order to represent the way we can

become a Buddha and that each one has his own Buddha within, then we can also understand

that Christ is a fire, an ener!y, that is within everybody, and that we have to awaen that

ener!y and to develop that ener!y"esus of Nazareth came in order to teach us how" But he is

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not the only one that did that transformation" Dany Dasters in the past performed that

transformation in themselves"

umanity did not now this, because in the past, in order to receive the nowled!e of how to

christify yourself, or to become a *olar Dan, you needed to awaen your consciousness first,

and to be aware of certain elements that you have within, and you had to pass many tests in

the colle!e of initiates, in order to receive the clue" nd when someone was doin! it, they were

under an oath of secrecy, to not to tal in public about the secrets" In ancient times, those

initiates who broe their oath and publicly tau!ht this nowled!e were illed" In the ztec

temples for instance, the anthropolo!ists of this day and a!e .they thin/ they assume that the

Dayans and the ztecs were sacrificin! human bein!s" <ell, let me tell you one thin!, the

 ztecs and Dayans new about the secrets, and they had many initiates, and sometimes one

of those initiates were talin! about thin!s that they should not" *o they were illed in the

temples, because that was the rule" #hose bein!s were mana!in! death and life> they had thepower" nd that is why they were illin! and tain! their hearts and burnin! that heart and

throwin! the ashes into the Four <inds, because of sacrile!e"

Nevertheless, in this day and a!e, the <hite (od!e, the bein!s who are *olar Den, feelin! pity

for this humanity, and !ave permission to tal in public about this ancient nowled!e" #his is

why in this day and a!e you find boos, and many lectures, and we tal openly about the

transformation of the se=ual ener!y and how to enter into the path" But if we were in the times

of the ztecs or Dayans, they would tae us to the stone and sacrifice us with the nife, they

will tae our heart and burn it" Dany initiates in the past tried to tal about this and they were

burned alive" But now, the Great (aw is !ivin! to this humanity the opportunity to see the

secrets and to discover that the *olar (i!ht, which sacrifices itself throu!h this cosmic drama

that is repeated every sin!le year on the +arth, in nature, is somethin! that happens not only

in this planet +arth, but in all the planets, in all the suns" #hat ener!y called Christ is a force

that !ives its life for everythin! in the universe"

*o, do not thin that we, the people of the +arth, are privile!ed by nowin! how to wal on the

path of the (ord, Christ" Other planetAs humanities now this as well" ;et, there are differencesamon! planetary humanities" In other planets, when the (ord incarnates, when that *olar (i!ht

incarnates in a bein! and teaches, they do not ill that Bein!, they worship him and follow his

rules" Only in this planet +arth do we have the custom of illin! Christs" esus of Nazareth was

illed two thousand years a!o, because his teachin!s were opposed to those of that time> and

not only him, in the past many !reat initiates were illed here" #his humanity is barbaric,

barbarian" +ven thou!h some people thin that we are special, listen, we are nothin! special"

But the law has pity on us"

In the winter in the northern hemisphere, the days are very short and the ni!hts very lon!,

because the *olar (i!ht is in the south" nd nature is wea in the North" <hen we are enterin!

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into winter, nature is dyin!, and you now that we need the *olar (i!ht in order for nature to

revive, to resuscitate" *o, on the LJth of Kecember, upon this planet +arth, the *un be!ins its

movement towards the north" #his is why the LJth is when *anta Claus comes, or that *olar

(i!ht starts a!ain to brin! a new sprin!, little by little, and when the sun moves and passes the

euatorial zone, from south to north, then when we celebrate the crucifi=ion, which sometimes

falls in Darch, sometimes in pril" #hat is the crucifi=ion of the *olar (i!ht, of the *olar Force in

the planet, in nature" #his is a cosmic drama that repeats every sin!le year, whether you are

Christian or an theist" Because there are many atheists in this day and a!e that say %I do not

believe in Christ,& so, anyhow, they receive that solar blessin! every year, whether they believe

it or not" Because the sunwhether we believe it or notwill be!in its 1ourney the LJth of

Kecember from the north and will be crucified in Darch or in pril when passin! the euatorial

zone, and will !ive its life no matter who you are, or which reli!ion you believe" #hat *olar

(i!ht will !ive you life a!ain and a!ain and a!ain and a!ain" #his is sacrifice of the (ord" nd

this is somethin! that we have to understand and comprehend, it belon!s to nature, it doesnAt

belon! to any reli!ion"

#he benefit of that sacrifice !oes into your body, into your mind, into your psyche, into your

spirit, if you now how to tae advanta!e of it" Commonly, the ener!y !oes into your physical

body and nourishes your physical body, and then you suander the ener!y in different ways"

 nd that is the problem" umanity doesnAt now how to tae advanta!e of that *olar, Christic

Force, in order to !ive life to themselves"

#here are many Christians nowor people who call themselves Christianswho believe in

the bible and the !ospels, nevertheless, they suander the Christic ener!y, even when they

say they love the (ord very much" )e!rettably, they thin that they only have to believe in

esus" esus is a Daster who is discoura!ed with all of his followers, because none of them

transmute their se=ual Christic ener!y" #hey accept esusA teachin!s, but they do not practice


In order for us to be born a!ainas Christ tau!ht throu!h the lips of esuswe have to be

born by the waters and the spirit" #he waters and the spirit are the symbol of this fire that weare describin! here" #he spirit is the *olar *pirit of life that is symbolized by *anta Claus and

that comes and places !ifts into the hearts of those who are worin! with that fire, with that


+very sin!le year, the LJth, that fire enters into the planet, throu!h the water, throu!h the air,

throu!h the fire, throu!h the earth, and into the body of the animals, plants, human bein!s, and

minerals" +very sin!le year it enters and !ives that !ift, which is life" But who retains that !ift

and develops it in order to !ive life to his #ree of (ife, or what people at this holy day call the

Christmas tree

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#he Christmas #ree

<hat is the Christmas tree (et us analyze the word Christmas" %Christ& is a solar ener!y, and

%mass& is a rite> so, Christmas, is a transformation or a rite in which the solar ener!y is

transformed into life"

#he #ree of (ife is always studied in 0abbalah" It is represented in the spinal column of every

sin!le person" #he spinal column is the #ree of (ife" If you have your spinal column healthy,

your whole body is healthy, stron!" If you dama!e your spinal column, you can dama!e your

brain, you can dama!e other limbs of your body" #he #ree of (ife, the Christmas tree,

symbolizes the spinal column" ll the li!hts on the Christmas tree represent the senses of the

soul that we need to awaen in order to perceive what Christ is"

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The Tree of ,ife0 The Christ#1ass Tree

<hen that li!ht is shinin! in our spinal column, within the seven churches that are described

in the Boo of )evelation, and within all the powers of that #ree of (ife, then *anta Claus

comes and delivers a !ift" #hat comes from the north then down the chimney, which is ourparticular north, the chara *ahasrara, or the church of (aodicea, related to the pineal !land

and the sephirah 0ether" #his is where he enters" #his is precisely what is written in the cts of

the postles, that when the postles were reunited, celebratin! it, ton!ues of fire came

hoverin! above their heads" #hose ton!ues were the fire of the oly Ghost, or the fire of *anta

Claus, which is a force" #hat was the !ift that they received" #hey received many !ifts,

because remember that is written there in the scriptures that anybody can receive different

!ifts accordin! to the transformation or permutation of this ener!y" But in this day and a!e

people do not understand what type of !ift or what is that, that the bible calls %a !ift"& It is a

power of the oly *pirit and it is not somethin! that you will automatically receive" No, you

have to earn it"


"23cept ye be converted% and become as little children% ye

shall not enter into the ingdom of heaven." 4 1atthew


#his is why Christmas, the Nativity of Christ, is for children" Ko we

have the minds of children <hat type of mind do we have #he

mind of children is symbolized in the pine tree" #he pine tree is

related with the forces of childhood, the forces of uarius, the

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mind" Observe your mind' is your mind innocent Kid you acuire that innocence in your

mind Only a Buddha has that type of mind" #hat is why it is written that in order for Christ to

descend into you, you have to be united with your own particular individual Buddha, who !ives

you that illumination" #hat is what the word Buddha means' Illuminated, +nli!htened One" #hat

is symbolized in the #ree of (ife, in the Christmas #ree, which is a symbol taen from the

Nordics, yet, this symbol is represented in every tradition"

But of course, many Christians have their Christmas tree with its li!hts, but donAt now

anythin! about this" Indeed, in this day and a!e Christmas is 1ust a business" Dany people

celebrate Christmas, and when Christmas comes they i!nore about the relation of this rite of

the *olar (i!ht with the +arth, and they 1ust worry about what are the !ifts somebody is !oin!

to !ive them, and what type of !ifts they should !ive to their relatives" nd everybody is

thinin! in that" <hen you watch # you find a lot of commercials, advertisements,

encoura!in! you %to !ive& for Christmas" #he Blac (od!e has commercialized everythin!,taen all the sacred symbols and mocs the symbols of reli!ions> this is why people in this day

and a!e celebrate these holidaysA celebrations but i!nore the meanin! of them"

#his drama of the Cosmic Christ and the way in which we can assimilate that *olar Force is a

secret related with the spinal column" )emember that the spinal column has HH vertebrae" #his

is why Daster esus, it is written, lived HH years" #he Dasons tal about HH initiatic de!rees"

 nd it is because in order to develop that ener!y, we have to do it in HH de!rees, but in

different octaves, different ways"

#he ir!in Dother 

<hen Christ is born, accordin! to the Gospels, the n!el Gabriel announces always that" #he

 n!el Gabriel, or Geburael, represents the perfect man who has to appear within each one of

us, by nowin! how to transform the lunar forces that act mechanically in the physical body"

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Dary, the vir!in mother of esus, represents Dother Nature" s Dother Nature is represented

in the planet +arth, liewise Dother Nature is represented in our physical body" #his nature in

us has to become vir!inal" #o become vir!inal is to become chaste" But this not

the chastity that people thin or have the idea of" It is scientific chastity" <hen we enter into

scientific chastity, then our own matter, our own body, becomes vir!inal" Only a vir!in can !ive

birth to that li!ht within" #his means that a fornicator, an adulterer, somebody that is

suanderin! the se=ual force, is not a vir!in" <e are not talin! here about that vir!inity that in

this day and a!e people thin, that it is 1ust related with the se=ual

or!ans" People thin that if you never had the se=ual act, you are

vir!in, and if the woman has the hymen, she is a vir!in" No, this is

not that literal vir!inity" <e are discussin! the vir!inity of the psyche,

the vir!inity of the soul, in which we learn how to transform the

se=ual ener!y throu!h scientific chastity" #his is how our polluted

sinful nature, sinful matter, becomes vir!inal"

#his is why the rcanum *i= of the #arot depicts a whore and a

vir!in" But where is that vir!in, what is that whore <ell, the whore

is our physical body, because we are pollutin!, prostitutin!, the

physical body throu!h our vices" Observe how we behave se=ually"

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Obviously, there is not a sin!le vir!in in humanity" *e=ual de!eneration is even applauded"

<hen somebody !oes out and says %Oh I did this, I did that& and starts talin! about his or her

de!eneration, everybody says, %e deserves applause,& because he is darin! to tal about his

or her de!eneration" *o everybody, of course, has within a whore, that is the physical body"

<e be!in with the physical body, to mae it vir!in> which means' to now how to save the

se=ual force and all the other forces that enter into the physical body, the solar forces" <hen

we learn that, then our matter becomes pre!nant with the fire that we call 0undalini" nd that is

 1ust the first step"

#o awaen the ener!y of the 0undalini is to awaen ercules" erales is a symbol in Gree

mytholo!y" era is the Kivine Dother, and 0leos means %aura"& erales means the aura of

era, of the fire of era, within the body" #hat is why it is written that when ercules was born,

when erales was born, Dercury too him" Dercury is a symbol of the sublimation of the

se=ual ener!y" e too him to Olympus in order to suc the breast of era, and to !ive himimmortality" It is written that when Dercury put ercules to the breast of era .the wife of Qeus,

upiter/, she was sleepin!, and when she awoe and noticed that ercules was sucin! her

breasts, she was an!ry and pushed him away" But ercules already too a lot of mil, a lot of

wisdom, a lot of nowled!e, a lot of ener!y, from nature" Because he was sucin! the breast

so stron!, when she pushed him away, the mil suirted out into the space and the Dily <ay

was born" #hat is a symbol, as you now if you read between lines, then you understand" #he

Dily <ay, the !ala=y, was born from the breast of era> a beautiful symbol of Christ, of the

aura of the Kivine Dother Nature or Cosmic Dother" *o then, you have to understand andcomprehend that"

Ko you worship the Kivine Dother Dary re you Catholic Or are you indu Ko you

worship, for instance, the Kivine Dother 0undalini, *hati *he has many names in induism>

different aspects" Ko you worship the Kivine Dother <ell, understand and comprehend that

the Kivine Dother e=presses itself to the matter, because that is what the physical body is, a

matter" #hat is why in 0abbalah, Daluth is represented by a female aspect" Daluth is the

physical body" Ko you want to receive Christ within <ell, mae of your physical body, of your

Daluth, a vir!in, meanin!, a chaste matter> and this is accomplished by avoidin! the

abominable spasm, the filthy or!asm of animals> animals cannot retain Christ, because they

naturally, mechanically, instinctively fornicate" But we learn, we receive nowled!e in order not

to fornicate, thus, if we transmute the se=ual ener!y, our matter, our body, becomes vir!in" nd

from that vir!in is born the child> that child that everybody worships and celebrates his birthday

on the LJth"

#hat child was born within esus" #hat child was born within Doses, within Buddha, within

0rishna" #hat child is fire" #hat fire is Christ, the *on of God" Or the First Be!otten, the First

+manation of the Ennowable Kivine, which is the bstract bsolute *pace, that we can call

Father, Cosmic Father, that has no shape, has no form" #his is the first step" ;et Christ has to

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be born not only in the physical body, but also in the vital body, astral body .emotional body/,

mental body, body of will, body of the consciousness, and the body of the spirit" #hose are the

seven steps that we have to tae" Christ, as fire, has to enter into every sin!le body or every

sin!le part of us"

#he first matter that becomes vir!in is the physical body, and then the vital body, and then the

emotional body" *o Christ has to be born within your emotions, within your mind, within your


;ou now that phrase that is written RFather, if it is possible, tae this cup of me, but not my will

but thine be doneR" #hat is only possible to utter, if we receive Christ in our own particular will"

<hat type of will do we have

#his is the birth or Nativity of Christ within the human bein!> it occurs in steps, and is not lie

the common and ordinary Christians, the fundamentalists in this day and a!e, thin, that you

 1ust raise your arm and you say %I accept esus,& and then Christ enters into you automatically"

No, Christ does not enter anyone lie that> first you have to become a vir!in" Christ was born

from Dary, a vir!in, he did not arrive because of a few words' he needed a woman in order to

be born"

#hat woman was crucified as well> she crucified herself as well"

Christ is crucified every year in the planet in order to !ive life, in order to resuscitate in all the

elements" fter Darch or pril, after the celebration of the crucifi=ion, you see how nature

becomes happy, full of li!ht' the plant and animal in!doms bloom with new life" nimals are

char!ed with se=ual force and then they start multiplyin!, because this is the only way that

they now how to do it" #hey are not intellectual> they do not now anythin! about recreational

se=" ll of nature multiplies, is full of li!ht, full of life" #he same thin! has to be within us" <e

want Christ to e=press itself not in the animal way, not in the plant way, but in a conscious way,

because this is what Christ wants in every sin!le person, every human bein!' to e=press itself

in a very co!nizant way, intelli!ent way" e wants to mae of us a vehicle of intelli!ence"

 n animal cannot do that, because the animal acts instinctually" In order for us to do it, we

have to sacrifice the animal part of us, and that is only possible throu!h the crucifi=ion" ll that

which is animal has to die" <hen the Christ child is born into the vir!inal human, that vir!inal

initiate is in a stable amon! the animals" #hat is unfortunate" ;ou see how oseph and Dary

represent the two polarities, ;in and ;an!, that !ave birth to Christ" But unfortunately, when

Christ is born into the physical body, there are still a lot of animals there" #hese are the

animals of desire that everybody has within' lust, an!er, !reed, envy, laziness, !luttony etc etc"

 ll of those elements have to die, have to be crucified" #he terrestrial man has to die in order

for the heavenly man to be born" nd that is a process as well" Ko not assume that you have

to accomplish this process only one time> you have to do it seven times within seven times"

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;ou have to die in your animal behavior in the physical plane, in the vital plane, in the

emotional plane, in the mental plane and the plane of will, and the plane of consciousness,

and even in the spirit" ;ou have to become completely absorbed by that fire"

Ko you thin that esus of Nazareth became esus of Nazareth 1ust lie that, easily (isten' he

wored very hard in order to transform himself, as did Doses and all the !reat Prophets,

 vatars, and Dasters" #hey wored hard on themselves, so that li!ht or Christ was emer!in!

little by little until they became the same li!ht, part of it" nd that is to Christify yourself, to

become a real, a true Christian" It is a process" *o, the same drama that you see in nature,

you have to repeat it in your own particular individual body, mind, and spirit> then indeed, you

will understand what the Nativity of Christ is"

#he *hepherds

Christ has to be born in your heart" <hen Christ comes, the shepherds come and receive the

news that the (ord is bein! born in the stable" People thin that the shepherds are people that

were at that time tain! care of the sheep" #hey i!nore that even in this day and a!e, those

people that are tain! care of other people, of other souls, are called pastors" pastor is a

(atin and *panish word for shepherd" *o, if you want to receive the birth of the (ord in your

heart, you have to be a shepherd" In other words, you have to wor for im> you have to

spread the <ord, the real nowled!e" #o become a shepherd is to become an instructor, to

become a missionary"

#here are different levels of shepherds" #hat is why in the bible it is written that the shepherd

Kavid became the 0in!" Doses was a shepherd, and esus is represented as bein! a

shepherd" It is a symbol of those who wor for the !ood of humanity"

;ou see how the shepherd taes care of the sheep Ko you see any shepherd icin! their

sheep Or slau!hterin! the sheep NoS really !ood shepherd !ives his life for his sheep"

#he sheep are a representation of the souls, the animal souls of !ood people that want to

become human" *o, in other words, the shepherd is a human, and the sheep is an animal" #he

symbol of that is simple' the shepherd is already in the level of human bein!" #he shepherd

reached the level of #iphereth, the level of Dastery" s a shepherd, he is dealin! with sheep,

with those souls that still are not in the level of #iphereth, but are mee souls that are truly

followin! the <ord of the (ord"

)eferrin! to the time of the Gospels, there were many teachers .shepherds/ who were worin!

with the souls of people that were still intellectual animals, but mee, followin! the <ord

written in their sacred boos" *o, the n!el appeared to them and said, %;ou are shepherds"*o, there is !ood news for you, because you are worin! for the souls, now the (ord is comin!

and bein! born within you in another level, as li!ht"&

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#hen there is happiness in Bethlehem, which means %in the house of the bread of wisdom"&

Bethlehem is Belen, the pineal !land" #his is where the (ord is born" #hat little city of

Bethlehem is the pineal !land, which is surrounded by other cities of udah, the brain, which

represent the mind of erusalem" #he mind where you find all of those defects, vices, and

errors that we have in abundance" *o, all the people, the mind, are here in the brain, but in the

middle is the pineal !land" It is the smallest of all the cities, where the (ord is bein! born" #hat

is the symbol of the shepherds who come to celebrate the birth of Christ" #he same event has

to happen within us in different levels"

#he #hree <ise Den

 nd what about the three wise men, the three

in!s, or three ma!i #hey are also symbolic,

and are shepherds who are already dressed

with vestures of the (ord, with the (i!ht, with

the *olar Bodies"

<ise comes from the word wisdom" <isdom

in ebrew is Chomah" Chomah is the

second *ephirah, which is attributed to the

most beautiful atoms of that ener!y that we

call Christ" Chomah, Christ, wisdom, maesone wise" #o be wise is to have Christ within"

*o, the three <ise Den are three steps or

three cate!ories, three de!rees, in which we

incarnate the (ord"

In other places they are represented with a

crown" Crown in ebrew is 0ether, the

Father" #he Crown of (ife is Christ" #hey are crowned already, meanin! that they are in!s, as

Kavid, as *olomon, because Christ is within" #hey are anointed by fire" #hat is what we call

Dessiah" Dessiah is the same as Christ, or an vatar, somebody that is a vehicle of the *olar

(i!ht" Christ e=presses itself everywhere"

#hese three <ise Den are three levels in which Christ e=presses itself within those who are

already walin! on the path'

?"a blac wise man

L"a white wise man

H"a yellow wise man

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#hese are the three colors of lchemy" #he first one is blac because when you first receive

the (ord, your matter is still blac withe!o and desire" #he fire is still enclosed within different

parts of your Bein!, within your consciousness, within your body, and you need to liberate it

lie a charcoal needs to liberate the fire" <hen that fire is completely liberated and the

blacness disappears, then the whiteness appears, which is the purity, the vir!inity of the fire

within the matter"

#o become a white wise man is not easy> it is the most difficult part" #here are many initiates

who enter into the first part of the wor and become blac wise men, or blac in!s" #he word

Dalachim is ebrew and means in!s or ueens, and refers to #iphereth in the world of

;etzirah, the world of the n!els" t that level of initiation you receive the level of Dalachim, or

in!" Only in that level you can become a wise man, the incarnation of Chomah, wisdom" But

in the be!innin!, as the Daster *amael e=plains in his boos, you donAt notice the fire within

the blac, because that blac has to annihilate all that blacness within, which is lust, e!o, allof that ne!ativity, animal desire that we have within" By annihilatin! it, the consciousness

which is fire, Christis liberated" #hen the initiate be!ins to shine more, little by little, and

seein! more li!ht until become white"

#he white in! or ma!i appears after defeatin! (ucifer at one particular sta!e" #his is what

happened with esus' he appears before the multitudes after defeatin! (ucifer, within, as a

white ma!ician"

#he path has to be waled in a hi!her level in order to become the yellow wise man" #heyellow wise man is above the white" ;ellow is the color of !old" #hat !old has to appear in the

initiate" Before the !old can appear, he has to purify himself very much" #hat !old appears

when the individual is resurrected"

#he metal !old is the symbol of the sun" *ilver is the symbol for the moon, and the !old for the

sun" If you are becomin! a yellow wise man, it is because you are already a *olar Dan" ;ou

are completely purified, you are a vehicle" s the metal !old is a vehicle of the *olar (i!ht, you

are also a vehicle of the *olar (i!ht, you are a !old man, a *olar Dan" #his is because you

built a diamond soul"

  diamond stone is also related to the *un" #o have a diamond in your fin!er or in your

neclace is easy, but to mae your soul a diamond, that is very difficult" #o mae your soul a

diamond soul is to possess the Philosophical *tone, to be a resurrected Daster with dominion

over the four elements, because you are in the very center of the cross, of the $, and from the

very center you command the water, the air, the fire and the earth, because you are the vehicle

of that li!ht, which is in the center of the sun, in the center of the earth, in the center of the

Pleiades, in the center of the !ala=y, in the center of the universe" #hat li!ht transforms you indifferent levels as well"

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#here are many resurrected Dasters who have dominion only in this solar system, others who

have dominion over the !ala=y, others who have dominion in the Infinite, because that li!ht

transforms the initiate in different steps" mon! the resurrected Dasters, not all of them have

that e=pansion, only those who have the wisdom of many infinites can enter into the bsolute

.with the level of nlad/ and become Paramarthasatyas" #hat is why when we refer to the

Daster esus of Nazareth, the Daster beramentho, we always bow before him, because he is

a Paramarthasatya" e has the wisdom of many infinites within himself" e came to this planet

+arth in order to help" #here are other resurrected Dasters who have the wisdom of !ala=ies"

#his is how the *olar (i!ht e=pands, and it depends on your wor, it depends on your

consciousness" ;ou see, there are always different ierarchies, even amon! the )esurrected,

amon! the yellow ma!icians"

*o, this is the Nativity of Christ" It is a !raduation, a system of awaenin! the *olar Powers

that are latent within each one of us"

Muestions and nswers

 udience' <hat about the star of Bethlehem

*peaer' #he star of Bethlehem is our own particular individual Bein!, our own particular

Donad" +ach one of us has our own particular star of Bethlehem" #he pineal !land is related

with the city of Bethlehem, where the (ord is born" #he pineal !land is also related with the

star of Bethlehem, the star that !uides the ma!ician" #hat star is self-remembrance" #his iswhy we always state that we have to remember ourselves, that we have to follow our own

particular star, because all that which we are emanated from the in *oph" <ithin the in *oph

we have our own particular atom or star that is connected with our own particular physical

body and consciousness" #hat particular in *oph or star, which is connected with Christ

above, wants to unfold, to develop all the powers of the (ord within us" #he in *oph !uides

us if we listen, and descends accordin! to our de!ree, in order for us to develop" #o follow that

star means to be a ma!ician" )emember that the three wise men were followin! that star" *o,

if you want to follow that star, you have to become a priest, which is the same as ma!ician" #o

become a priest or ma!ician doesnAt mean to merely perform rituals, but only one' the ritual of

transmutation of your *olar Force"

 udience' Christ has to be born in secret, because of erod"""

*peaer' In the be!innin! of findin! this nowled!e, when you are enthusiastic and awaenin!

and developin! your inner self, you start talin! and want everybody to follow the path" #hen

you find people that are very septical and start puttin! doubts in your mind" #his is erod"

erod represents the world, and there is a erod inside of the mind of everybody" <e all have

our own particular erod puttin! doubts in our minds" erod is committin! adultery with

erodias, humanity"erodias represents the whore humanity that worships ne!ativity" *o, our

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inner erod is fornicatin! with erodias" <hen we tal to others about Christ, immediately they

feel threatened .because of their inner erod/ and they want to ill the child of Christ that is

emer!in! within us" *o, that is why when we start awaenin! and havin! e=periences, we

have to eep our mouth shut, behavin! as anybody else, and hidin! the (ord> in order for us to

!o to humanity and help, first the (ord needs to !row and mature inside of us" But if the (ord is

a child, remember, that at that time erod illed many children" Only those who are smart are


 udience' Kurin! the lecture you indicated that Christ is the in *oph ur, but we also hear

that Christ is Chomah" I !uess you answered in the lecture, but can you e=plain the difference


*peaer' Christ is the li!ht that unfolds in many li!hts" Christ is one and many" Christ is the in

*oph ur" Christ is the )ay of Oidanoh, the Central *un" Christ is the oly #rinity' 0ether,

Chomah, Binah> Father, *on and oly *pirit, whose most beautiful atoms shine in Chomah,

wisdom" Christ unfolds into the couple, which is bba and ima, Father and Dother" #he

Kivine Dother 0undalini is also Christ" Christ unfolds into the #welve postles who are within

us, so every sin!le apostle is part of that li!ht, is part of Christ" Christ unfolds into the twenty

four li!hts, or the twenty four elders, which are written in the Boo of )evelation" +very sin!le

elder is Christ in itself, in a different level" #o the end, Christ unfolds into TU fires" #o put in

activity all of those parts of Christ within, is to connect all the bulbs in order to have li!ht in your

home from the same electricity" )emember that Christ is everywhere" Christ in Gree

mytholo!y is called Qeus, upiter, the Father of all Gods> Christ is symbolized in many ways"


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