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• Gather a better understanding of the individual with co-occurring trauma and addiction concerns

• Support client’s to choose realistic goals and timelines

• Develop therapeutic relationship while modelling appropriate boundaries within

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• Recognize the symptoms & characteristics of clients impacted by trauma including how trauma can negatively influence a, – Person’s ability to modulate emotions without

using substances to cope with (anger, stress, frustration…)

– Person’s ability to access problem-solving skills

– Person’s ability to access their impulse control • Teach client’s various methods of self


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Types of Trauma

• Developmental Trauma– Living in adverse conditions that affect the

nervous system of the child• Shock Trauma

– An unexpected event that is sudden and can be extreme (May include medical procedures)

• Relational Trauma– Can be on the continuum of war, bullying,

domestic violence to sexual assault or abuse by someone we know

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

• Condition where physiological and psychological processes are in a state of disequilibrium, altered by trauma impact.

• Involves intrusive symptoms with subjective loss of control and lack of awareness of trauma triggers, but fear of them.

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Trauma and Dysregulation

• Early trauma leads to affect dysregulation due to excess stimulation of Central Nervous System (CNS).

• Youth have problems learning how to regulate the intensity of feelings and impulses.

• Results in a wide array of problems- physical and mental.

• Inability to identify specific emotions.• Hard to live in body (somatic reactions


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• Anxiety • Low mood • Irritability • Emotional ups and

downs • Poor concentration

• Isolation • Difficulty falling

asleep/staying asleep• Hyper-vigilance• Difficulty concentrating, and

Difficulty trusting.

Psychological symptoms such as:

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Symptoms (continued)

Physical symptoms such as: • Feeling palpitations without knowing why;• Feeling sick; • Numbing out when everything seems okay;• Overreaction to sounds, smells;• Chest pain; • Headaches; • Stomach pains and;• Breathing difficulties.

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Symptoms (continued)

• Overwhelming fear and helplessness;• Belief that adults are dangerous and fail to

protect; • Inability to concentrate;• Lower Intelligence Quotients (I.Q.’s);• Low self-esteem; • Self-defeating styles of relating to others;• Affective volatility.

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• Clients who suffered attachment issues as children are unable to mollify their emotions

• They do not have any access to their endogenous opioids

• As a result, they seek out drugs or engage in behaviors that may stimulate these opioids

• Can lead to anger management issues and other behavioural difficulties including criminalized behaviour

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Scientific Detached








Big picture





Psychophysiology of Early Childhood Trauma/Neglect

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We start here – Non Use

Non use

Experimental Use


Chaotic Use

Regular Use



Before LongYou Need toUse to GetBack Here

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Rituals Now what?







Doing it!

No Issue?

Understanding How People Change &Why They May Be Ambivalent

HistoryEnvironmentSelf Talk/Beliefs


Page 14: GOALS Gather a better understanding of the individual with co-occurring trauma and addiction concerns Support client’s to choose realistic goals and

Treating Trauma & Addictions• Stabilization and safety

– Bottom-up: settle autonomic responses– Increase relative safety in current life– If relational trauma – relationship with

worker is more important• Separating past from present and future

– Develop language for emotion and sensation

Expand flexibility and ability to adapt / cope• Rebuilding balance

– Self confidence, self-esteem; Healthy connections

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Stabilization and Safety• Structure, predictability• Educate about trauma• Stabilization / regulation tools• Awareness of sensation• Self-care & basic needs• Dealing with other stressors

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When exposed to repetitive crisis;Our arousal begins to rise; Hyper or Hypo arousal becomes

the constant State; This influences positively and

negatively how we deal with conflict?

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S & S: If You Want to Teach Efficient Coping Strategies

1. Explain the approach

2. Confirm the client understands the approach

3. Give time to ask questions & give consent, and

4. Confirm that the client can stop if needed.

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Safe Place Visualization/Filmmaking

– So let’s go to your “happy place.”– Tell me - can you see… ?– What is _____ doing? – What are you doing?– What do you…

• The job of the worker is to have discussed something that the person enjoys and work to have them visualize the experience.

• Please use the template to assist you.

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S & S - Body/Breathing

• 3 – 6 Breathing • Many people who have suffered, are

typically chest breathers. • They typically only breathe in their

chest and rarely down into their stomach.

• The object of this exercise is to get people breathing into their stomach.

• Our work is to help them see that they can de-escalate themselves through a very simple process of breathing.

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Breathing Exercises

• Sipping – have your client pretend to be taking deep breaths through a straw. Inhale is through the straw, exhale is through the nose.

• Three to Six breaths – have your client inhale deeply to the count of three and exhale for up to six seconds.– Contraindication – this could make people feel


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When Over-Reaction is a Theme

• Teach them about the brain • Help them learn how to think when getting

angry • Teach them skills to do that:

– Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT)– Find out what worked; – Use distractions in the moment…– What have you used???

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Grounding Techniques

• Movement - Dance – Exercise (with focus on releasing the negative energy)

• Assertiveness training – BIO – Behaviour – Impact – Options or what Outcome do you want

• Rituals – coping card – what has worked in class when you are mad

• Write out what you are mad at – read it – write it again – read it – write it – until you figure out how to deal with it “well”

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Sensory Grounding and Containment Body 3 - 2 -1


Three things you:

Two things you:

One thing you:

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Groups of three• Attempt to teach your colleague and do one

of the safety exercises

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How you know you learned is:

If you feel differently;Think differently;Act differently.

Name three areas where you will use the skills;BRAINSTORM.

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