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and her husband Tony are staffing the mission base and supporting several ministries in the area (See our last newsletter for Candy’s testimony). The Base is a great location for teams to come and stay while doing ministry. Some of the current ministries in San Luis include ministering at men’s and women’s rehabs and prisons, neighborhood outreaches and the construction of an Open Bible Church. Teams can also use our San Luis Mission Base as a “jumping off” point to go deeper into Mexico, especially to projects in Golfo De Santa Clara on the Sea of Cortez. The prospect for future projects in and around San Luis are nu-merous. We are excited for the open doors God is giving us in this area and would love to have more teams come and help in San Luis.

In our last newsletter, we did a short announcement of our new Mission Base in San Luis, Rio Colorado, Sonora Mexico (approximately 25 miles South of Yuma, Arizona). In this newsletter, we would like to share more about the Base. The Mission Base is located in the “Colonia Area” of San Luis. San Luis is a quiet and peaceful town in Northern Sonora. The

base is a 2,500 square foot house with 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, dinning room, living room and large garage. At the rear of the house is a large, covered and fenced patio that is great for feeding teams. There are also men’s and women’s bathrooms, with showers, off the patio. We are planning to build more sleeping room above a storage area off the patio in the future. Candy Comstock

Ministry Highlight - San Luis Mission Base

January - February - March - April, 2009 Ministry Newsletter

San Luis Mission Base

Contact us at:

Address: God Is On The Move 1269 Norma Court Rio Rico, AZ 85648

Phone: (520) 761-8837 Email: [email protected]

Del & Joy Brown

Dave & Toni Phillips

Bill & Fayth McConnell

God Is STILL On The Move in Mexico!

Mexico has been experiencing a season of violence, earthquakes, financial despair and now, swine flu. Due to the reports of these problems, tourism in Mexico (especially in border towns like Nogales) is virtually non-existent. Some major universities warned “Spring Breakers” not to go to Mexico and the U.S. State

Department now advises against “non-essential” travel to Mexico. This news has caused churches to re-consider planned mission trips with us and several have cancelled. While

we will miss the teams that have cancelled, we highly respect and support the important and weighty decisions that Pastors and Elders make for their congregations. Regardless of what is happening, ministry is still needed in Mexico more than ever. God continues

to call our team to work in Mexico and we travel there on a regular basis building, feeding, loving and ministering as God directs. We believe that this is a great opportunity to spread the Gospel of Hope through Jesus Christ to the people affected by these situations. At this crucial time, we ask for increased prayer for the safety of our Mexico ministries, pastors, leaders and their families. Also, please pray for our team as we continue to minister in Mexico. In addition, due to the decrease in teams and the resources they bring, we are in need of continued financial support to maintain our many ministries in Mexico.

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January 29th through February 5th 2009, we were pleased to host a four man team from Huron Church of the Open Bible. Pastor Dean and his crew worked at the Imuris Men’s Rehab on an addition to the leader’s house, framing walls and putting on a metal roof for an office and bedroom. In addition, they attended a church service in Imuris and ministered to the women in the Nogales Women’s Prison. We also had a great time of fellowship when our friends, Chuck and Venice invited the team to their house to watch the Superbowl. We would like to thank the team from Huron for all their hard work and we look forward to seeing them again soon.

Huron Church of the Open Bible - Huron, South Dakota

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The Huron Team

At Imuris Church

Finished Roof

Ministering at the Women’s Prison

A four person team from Faith Fellowship were here from March 7th through March 14th 2009. The team, lead by Pastor Anthony, worked at the Imuris Men’s Rehab doing the sheetrock for the addition to the leaders house. This is the same room Huron worked on, so we are now calling them the “South Dakota” rooms. Pastor Anthony, who learned Spanish in Argentina, preached at the church in Imuris. Following his message, the team had a powerful time of prayer with the teens from the orphanage. Pastor Anthony also taught the Bible Study at the Nogales Women’s Prison. We really appreciated the team and look forward to seeing them again soon.

Faith Fellowship - Vermillion, South Dakota

The Vermillion Team

Pulpit donated by Vermillion

Work Done by Team

Putting in the Last Piece

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February 21st through February 28th 2009, Calvary Open Bible tackled the construction of two block buildings at the Imuris Men’s Rehab. They also worked on plumbing and electrical on other existing buildings at the Rehab. The team had many opportunities to minister throughout the week including a Tea given by Joy and the women of the team for Lilia and the girls at the Imuris Orphanage. The week ended with an awesome service at the Men’s Rehab that included worship and testimonies from Calvary team members and men from the rehab. We would like to thank Pastor Kirk and the team from Calvary for all the work and ministry they did over this awesome week.

Calvary Open Bible - Springfield, Oregon

Calvary Team in Front of Finished Dorm

Tea for the Orphan Teen Girls at Imuris

Calvary Women with Women Prisoners

Pastor Kirk and Team Praying for Gloria

Before After Before After

Before After

Men’s Dorm

Storage Building

Page 4: God Is On The Move Newsletter - January through April 2009

Our Mission and Purpose

OUR MISSION is investing in the

harvest of Mexico.

OUR PURPOSE is to glorify God, bring people

to Jesus Christ and to minister to the spiritual, emotional, physical and

social needs of the disadvantaged men,

women and children of Northern Mexico.

Page 4

We’re on the web




• 10’ by 6’ “Wells Cargo”

Type Enclosed Trailer • New Spanish Bibles and

Tracts • New underwear and

socks for men, women

and children • Financial support for

weekly women’s prison ministry (Weekly meal, study guides, fuel,

etc…) • Van or truck for new

rehab ministry in Culiacan (Must be a

1998 vehicle) • Continued prayer for

our ministry

Nogales Women’s Prison Update

God has been doing wonderful things in the Women’s Prison. Weekly, the God Is On The Move Team meets with the women for lunch, fellowship and a bible study. This time of fellowship and studying the word of God has opened many of the women’s hearts and lives to the power of the Holy Spirit. While several women have been released from prison, more have come to replace them in our group. In addition, a new dormitory has been opened at the prison that will bring even more women to the group. We continue to praise God for His presence in the lives of these women and their families.

Small groups praying One of the women sharing her heart

Nogales “el Día del Niño” Day Camp

On Saturday, April 25th, Bill, Fayth and Gloria helped Pastor Victor Chavez’s church from Nogales, Sonora with a day camp for the church’s children to celebrate the upcoming “el Día del Niño” or “Children’s Day” in Mexico (which this year was on Thursday, April 30th). God Is On The Move provided puppet entertainment, games, prizes and a clown during the day long festivities. There were over 250 children in attendance and the camp was a great success.

Bill giving out candy to a game winner

Gloria clowning around with the kids

Boys waiting to play a game

Kids watching the puppet show

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