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Beth El Celebrates the New Year! We are delighted that Cantor Galeet Dardashti will return to Beth El for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. She joins with Rabbi Olitzky to lead us in prayer and song for the High Holy Days, with her beautiful voice and vibrant personality enhancing our services as in years past. Many of our talented lay leaders will also be leading various services, reading Torah, teaching from the bimah, and blowing the shofar. We look forward to celebrating as a community! We have enhanced our programs outside the main sanctuary, including extended childcare hours, extended Youth Lounge hours, and a new B’Yachad program for children with special abilities and learning styles and their families. See the full Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur schedule on Page 10.

Shanah Tovah – a year of happiness and blessings to you and your family!

Golda and Michael Och Campus 222 Irvington Ave South Orange, NJ 07079 973-763-0111

Fall 2015 Tishrei-Cheshvan-Kislev 5776

Sunday, September 27 First we Build, Then we Decorate: Our Sukkah, of course! Something for everyone! Building begins at 9:00am and then we’ll join together for a Pizza Party and Suk-kah Decorating Extravaganza from 12:00-2:00pm. See the link in your email to sign up, or contact Sandy Sachs at [email protected]. The cost is $5.00 per person for pizza, with a family maximum of $20.00. All are invited – Golda Och Academy & Jewish Learning Center families, grandparents and kids of all ages! See the Sukkot and Simchat Torah Schedule of Services on Page 11.

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Rabbi Gerald Wolpe, of blessed memory, used to speak of a man who would cry out to God and complain about the terrible state of society. “The world is such a mess,” he would say. “Everything seems wrong. Why don’t you send someone to change the world.” God responds to the man’s pleas: “I did send someone. I sent you.”

The High Holy Days are a time when we focus on these messages of change and renewal. Rosh Hashanah is an opportunity to examine the parts of ourselves that we suspect we need to change: to work less, to care more, to eat better, to listen more, to love openly. Rosh Hashanah is our opportunity to start fresh on a new path if we choose. Yet, Rosh Hashanah is our opportunity to look beyond ourselves. In the High Holy Day liturgy of the machzor, we refer to Rosh Hashanah as the “birthday of the world.” This is more than just an acknowledgement that the world is a year older; more than a simple anniversary celebration. We say hayom – today – is the day that the world is reborn. On these High Holy Days, we have the opportunity through our personal and communal commitment to make the world anew. We use the term tikkun olam to refer to our social action and social justice work. Yet, tikkun olam literally means “repair the world, ” which suggests that the world is broken. If something is broken, that implies it was once whole. But, as we shape this world anew on these High Holy Days, we do not repair the broken world. Instead, we finish what God has started. God created this world incomplete: we set out to make it whole. The well-known teaching in Sanhedrin 37a of the Babylonian Talmud teaches, “whomever saves a life, it is as if that person has saved the world.” This reminds us not only of our individual, unique importance, but ultimately, of our connectivity. We are linked. We are united. The actions or inactions of each of us directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, impact all of us. The Hebrew word for angel is malach. Yet, the same word is used in Hebrew to mean “messenger.” The image of an angel with wings flying down from the Heavens does not appear to change the world. We do. Together with the angels, we are God’s messengers. Andrea, Cayla, and Noah join me in wishing you a happy and healthy New Year filled with peace and love. B’Shalom,

Rabbi Jesse M. Olitzky


You can follow Rabbi Olitzky’s blog at Please visit to read a selection of Rabbi Olitzky’s sermons, and articles. If you know of a Beth El member who is ill, hospitalized, or homebound, please call Rabbi Olitzky to let him know. Beth El members are our source of information.

At each entrance to our synagogue building, we have collection bins to collect non-perishable food items for the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges. While we give out hundreds of bags of food a month, I know that there have been weeks when our bins have been overflowing with donations and weeks when they have been nearly empty. Yet, hunger does not stop. A simple can of food can make a huge difference. Think about how many times you regularly enter our synagogue building. We come for services and for meetings,

we come to drop off our children and we come to socialize. We come to learn and we come to teach. Next time you come into the building, bring a can of food with you. Doing so is a small step to help ensure that we open our hands – and our hearts – to all those in need among us.

– Rabbi Jesse M. Olitzky

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My favorite part of the High Holy Days does not take place in the sanctuary (with apologies to our very talented Rabbi and guest Hazzan). It takes

place on the bridge near the South Orange Pool. We gather there on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, standing shoulder to shoulder, kids and adults, in the long late afternoon shadows. Each of us has brought a bag with a few pieces of bread. We say a brief prayer, and then we slowly and meditatively break off small chunks of bread and toss them into the running water below. This is the Tashlich ceremony: the odd, but entirely satisfying, symbolic casting away of our sins in preparation for Yom Kippur. Tradition says that any kind of bread product can symbolize our sins, but in our family we save a piece of matzah from the Seder plate to use for Tashlich. This ritual reinforces my sense of completion, and eases me into the start of a new cycle. It’s a homecoming.

This co-mingled sense of familiarity and newness is same feeling many of us get when we enter Beth El for the High Holy Days once again. Whether you are returning or you are new at Beth El: welcome home – even (or especially) if it’s for the first time! We are so glad you are here. My thanks to the army of volunteers who will help usher, greet, lead services and accomplish a multitude of tasks behind the scenes to make for a smooth and wonderful holiday. On behalf of the officers and Board of Trustees I wish you and your family a Shanah tovah u’metukah – a good and sweet year! B’Chaverut, in friendship,

Marilynn Jacobs [email protected]

From Our Executive Director

The pace of change at Beth El continues to accelerate. I want to highlight a few of the major improvements that are taking place, in addition to our ongoing High Holy Day preparations and welcoming over 50 new families in the past year!

This July we joined over 330 synagogues as we transitioned our data management software platform to Shul-cloud, a web-based service that combines our billing and congregant contacts into one system, to eventually in-clude e-mail, our website hosting and school registration. Shulcloud will make it easier to pay your bill, send a tribute and stay in touch with Beth El for all your needs. Already we’ve had positive reaction to the new service, and I welcome your comments and suggestions as we continue to roll out features. In July we hired STAR Building Services to provide all of our maintenance personnel. STAR specializes in staff-ing synagogues and has already made a great contribution to our operations. Be sure to say hello to our staff, Enrique and Jerry. It’s hard to believe that it is almost a year since Karen Freeman-Pettis joined our team as Assistant Director. Those of you who have had even a small interaction with Karen know that she has made a tremendous impact at Beth El. As our “B’nai Mitzvah Concierge,” our families are in great hands as she guides them on the path to a wonderful experience. We continue to make both small and significant changes, all designed to make our Beth El operations smoother and more successful. Thank you for all the positive feedback the team and I continue to receive! My wishes for a happy and healthy new year to each of you. B’Shalom,

Marc Colton

[email protected]

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Rabbi Becca Gould, Director of Education and Youth Programming 973-763-0119, [email protected]

Welcome back to a new year of learning and youth programming at Beth El! This year we’ll launch a new Family Ruach Service series, which I will lead with our

wonderful music specialist Morah Rory Sullivan (see her bio on page 9). Our Ruach service will be filled with love, learning and bustling activity, and a great opportunity for our Golda Och Academy and Jewish Learning Center families to connect and build community. Our 1

st through

5th grade participants will have fun dialoging about Parshat

Ha Shavua (the weekly Torah portion), learn the Shabbat morning service, pray, act and sing!

In addition, we are rolling out a new curriculum for the Jewish Learning Center, focused on giving Beth El’s children and teens the opportunity to claim a proud Jewish identity in today’s world. Students will “identify in” -- understand our Jewish past, know text and be able to connect to ritual and kehillah (community). We will celebrate Judaism’s big questions, from Judith Plaskow’s theology of women’s place in Judaism to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s idea of praying with our feet (based on his experience marching with Martin Luther King, Jr.).

Our 7th grade year will become the pinnacle of the Jewish

Learning Center experience with four classes: Tikkun Olam and Jewish Heroes, Leadership and Ritual, Shoah/Holocaust Studies, and a Hebrew/Israel Studies class highlighting our new partnership with an Israeli sister school. And the entire Jewish Learning Center and Beth El will benefit from the experience and energy of Ran Sharon, a young Israeli who will visit with us for the year as part of the Metrowest Rishon program, and will lead activities and connect us to Israel today.

This year we will celebrate the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) with a wonderful range of services and activities with something for everyone. We are also introducing a special B’Yachad service including quiet stories and activities for children with different abilities and learning styles. Shalom u’vrachah – May it be a new year of peace and abundant blessings. L’shalom,

Rabbi Becca Director of Education and Youth Programming


Be sure to read the messages from our B’nai Mitzvah in the Weekly Update email!

September 13: Benjamin Hirsch, son of Jeremy Hirsch and Sabrina Safrin October 10: Lael and Clea Licht, daughters of Adam and Kora Licht October 24: Lily Forman, daughter of Gary and Amy Forman October 31: Betsy and Elana Chernoff, daughters of Allan and Robin Chernoff November 7: Sarah Solomon, daughter of David and Ellen Solomon November 14: Sydney Rednik, daughter of Joshua and Debra Rednik November 21: Mia and Elliot Deutsch, daughter and son of Leslie Deutsch December 5: Zoe Grayer, daughter of James Grayer and Sheryl Parker December 12: Rachel Rostan, daughter of David Rostan and Barbara Ward December 19: Zachary Zimberg, son of Ryan and Melissa Zimberg

Mazel Tov to our 2015 Graduates Best Wishes for Your Future!

Daniel Gerstein,son of Sharon Miller and Alan Gerstein, graduated from Columbia High School and is participating in the Young Judaea Year Course in Israel Meryl Goldstein, daughter of Joyce and Neil Goldstein, graduated with a Master’s degree from the Columbia University School of Social Work and is pursuing her social work license Sam Gomberg, son of Leah and David Gomberg, graduated from Columbia High School, and is attending Tulane University Marisa Lieberman, daughter of Susan and Mitchell Lieberman, graduated from Union College and is working at the Human Capital Management division of Goldman Sachs Jesse Nelson, son of Rivka and Peter Nelson, graduated from Columbia High School and is attending the University of Delaware Aaron Rakib, son of Chris and Pierre Rakib, graduated from Golda Och Academy, and is attending Rutgers University Jacyln Tamaroff, daughter of Ellen Tamaroff and Peter Leepson, and Steven and Jill Tamaroff, graduated from the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and is beginning a pediatric residency program at Johns Hopkins Medicine Amalia Williams, close family friend of the Gevirtz family, graduated from Seton Hall University and is moving to Los Angeles to begin a career in counseling

Mazel Tov to our Fall 2015 B’nai Mitzvah

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Sandy Sachs, Director, Thelma K. Reisman Preschool, 973-763-0113, [email protected]

As always, the summer flew by! Our camp season was lots of fun, and the weather was cooperative this summer. Our outdoor space is a wonderful

place for the children, with lots of room to run around and explore. We provide as many opportunities as we can for water play during the summer. In addition to being fun, so many lessons are learned by interacting with water, and simple splashing, floating and pouring contribute to a child’s emotional, physical and cognitive development. Our Nan’s Garden, dedicated by the Buber Family, has blossomed. The children helped to plant and take care of flowers and veggies and watched them come to full bloom. We even ate some lettuce and tomatoes that we harvested. This year the beginning of school arrives just a few days before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The concept of new can be both exciting and occasionally a little intimidating for some adults and children. Some children have an easier time than others transitioning from summer routine to school, and in separating. We take extra care to make children comfortable in exploring the new at their individual pace, so that they learn to look forward to the firsts of other things. Even those children who are returning are going to a new room with new teachers and perhaps different friends. What will be the same and what will be different? As the children are a little tentative, so sometimes, are their parents. It is my goal as the director to ensure we are making everyone feel comfortable and ease into the year at their own pace, making sure that the process is child-centered and child-led, and spans the time before school starts and after the routine is established.

We begin with our summer mailing to introduce the year to our parents and their children. We include our Parent Handbook that anticipates many of the questions that come up, and a full school calendar, including those dates we invite parents, grandparents and caregivers to join us for a special program. We follow up in a way that is unique to our preschool program: our teachers make home visits to every child before school starts. The main goal of the visit is to meet and connect with the children in their familiar environment. The teachers usually leave a craft or project for the children to complete and bring back on the first day of school. This connection between home and classroom helps to ease both the child’s and parents’ transition and makes the first days of school much easier for everyone. Our return to school process is completed on Back to School Evening, where the parents can spend time in their child’s room and engage with the teacher on their goals for the year. I look forward to another year with new faces, and welcome our new and returning families. I know that I grow personally from each experience and look forward to joining with you all in making a year of great memories for the children, their families and our staff. Please mark your calendars for our Second Annual “Vendors and Vino” Night Out on Wednesday, October 28. Our first event was very fun and festive! Join us to get a head start on your holiday shopping while enjoying some wine and hors d’oeuvres. Wishing everyone a Shanah Tovah U’metuka: Happy, Healthy Sweet New Year Sandy


Our 4-year-old Moving Up Day!

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Come to Beth El— Bring a Can!

In 5776, we encourage everyone to bring a canned food to be donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges each time you come to Beth El for a weekday program, when dropping off for school, or attending a meeting or daily minyan (we’ll rest from can collection on Shabbat and holidays). Help us address the urgent need in our area and support Beth El at the same time!

Education at Beth El:

Everyone Teaches and Everyone Learns

Guided by our strategic plan, we seek to create a seam-

less and vibrant Jewish education program within and

beyond the walls of the synagogue. At Beth El, we learn

from and teach one another through our shared experi-

ence, and welcome all ages and backgrounds to join us,

learned or novice.

Essentials of Judaism: Rabbi Olitzky and guest

teachers will guide us through an 8-part series of classes on the why and the how of being Jewish in all aspects of our lives. Dates to be announced.

Tefilah Leader in Residence: We look forward to

welcoming a renowned guest rabbi who will lead us in different ways of experiencing and understanding prayer. Dates: January 22-23

World Wide Wrap Day: Men’s Club and Sisterhood

will host breakfast and a morning program in conjunction with the international tefillin learning event. Date: February 7

And More: Stay tuned for announcements of our up-

coming Jehiel Orenstein Memorial Lecture, book talks, films and other learning opportunities.

Shabbat at Beth El:

Relax and Reconnect

We’re continuing to enhance our celebration of Shabbat for ourselves and our families.

Welcome Friday Night Meditations: Our Friday night

meditation series, led by Rabbi O, returns with additional meditations and leaders. Dates: October 2 and 23, plus two more dates to be announced

Shabbat in the ‘Hood: During the summer and peri-

odically during the year, our Friday night service moves out into the neighborhood, with relaxed, family-friendly services, followed by dessert! Dates to be announced.

Family Ruach Services: New for this year! Morah

Rory Michelle Sullivan, our JLC music leader, and Rabbi

Becca lead an energetic and song-filled service for our

Golda Och Academy and Jewish Learning Center 1st-5th

grade families. Dates: September 26, November 14,

January 9, April 9, from 11:00am-12:00pm.

Beth El Celebrates the Holidays

Just a few of the highlights of activity inside and outside Beth El! (See the full Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot schedules inside this Bulletin)

CHANUKAH December 6: A full day prior to the first night…Beth El University: Chanukah texts and traditions; Bible Play-ers performance for ages 4-grade 7; Community Candle Lighting in Spiotta Park December 8: Join us in our early morning distribution of donuts and coffee to the community at the train station December 11: Congregational dinner and service

PURIM March 14-17: Join the Sisterhood in our hugely successful fundraiser, and help us assemble and deliver our Mishloach Manot Purim baskets!

March 23-24: Megillah Reading…we’ll start in the eve-ning with pizza and activities for our youngest revelers and grade schoolers, then read the Megillah and end with our post-reading party at Ricalton’s (a free drink for anyone in costume!). The next morning features more Megillah and mayhem!

PASSOVER April 3: Beth El gets ready for Passover with PesachPalooza! – a full morning of activities to get us ready for the holiday and spring, including Beth El Uni-versity discussions, a Men’s Club-sponsored Bike Tune Up, a special Sisterhood event, and the Beth El Book Fair

SHAVOUT June 11-12:The Beth El Torah Hop returns! In our twist on the traditional Erev Shavuot evening of study, we’ll

“hop” to several congregants’ homes to study a new

topic and enjoy dessert at each. Then we’ll gather for

Shavuot services the following morning.

Social Action Programs

Beth El actively partners with local organizations to support change and serve the community.

2015-16 ~ 5776: THE YEAR AHEAD AT BETH EL

An exciting year of learning, fun and conversation is ahead at Beth El. On the follow pages are some

of the highlights of our upcoming year. Be sure to check the Weekly Update Email and Facebook to

confirm all dates and times.

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Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges: Beth El is

responsible for providing volunteers on the third Wednesday of every month, from 8:45-11:00am at the Church of Epiphany, 105 Main Street in Orange. We sort, bag and distribute food to IFPO clients.

Interfaith Hospitality Network: Beth El partners

with Prospect Presbyterian Church in Maplewood to offer shelter to homeless families as part of this Essex County program. Often one or both parents are employed, but they still find themselves homeless, and IHN works with them to help them find permanent housing and employ-ment. Our job is to make their stay as comfortable as possible, providing food for dinner, playing with the chil-dren and offering companionship to the adults. This is a great volunteer activity for members to do with their chil-dren of all ages. Dates to be announced.

National Coming Out Day: Beth El will commemorate

National Coming Out Day with a guest speaker at Shab-bat morning services. Date: October 17

Community Martin Luther King Day Commemoration: Beth El is the host site for this year’s annual community event, co-sponsored with the Community Coalition on Race. Date: January 18

Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance: Our annual com-

munity activities include a March and Memorial Service as well as a special interfaith program for teens. Service and March: May 1; teen program date to be announced

North Jersey Pride Week: Beth El will again be a spon-sor of North Jersey Pride Week, joining celebrations in

the community and at the synagogue. June dates, to be



Programs for all ages!

For Young Families (through Grade 2)

Young Family Friday Dinners: Communal family dinners, with songs and blessings: October 23, February 19, April 1, May 20

Young Family Havdalah: Blessings and dessert to end Shabbat: January 23 Indoor Playspace: Come in from the cold and enjoy our fantastic indoor playground: December 20, January 11, January 24, February 8, February 21

And more: watch for information on our upcoming Parenting Workshops, our annual Unbirthday Party social action event for young children and other activities.

And mark your calendars for Vendors and Vino on October 28, a night of shopping, wine and hors d’oeuvres to benefit the Thelma K. Reisman Preschool

Chaverim Connections (Grades 3-5) Chaverim Connections brings together our Golda Och Academy and Jewish Learning Center kids for fun and community.

Shabbat in the Home: Following our awesome launch last year, we’ll gather again for family Shabbat dinners in member homes. Date: October 9

Maccabiah Games: Our own sports challenge! Date: January 31

Backpack Pals: We’ll help pack new backpacks to support local kids who lack school supplies. Date: April 6

Kadima (Grades 6-8) & USY/USY Plus

(Grades 8-12) We’ve got a great year planned for Kadima and USY,

including our USY Plus educational modules. USY’s

Opening Event will be October 3, and Kadima kicks off

on October 25. Watch the weekly email and Facebook

for updates!

GET TOGETHERS: Sisterhood,

Men’s Club, Boomers & Beyond

Eat. Drink. Schmooze.

Sisterhood Opening Brunch: Our member and

dynamic speaker, Cindy Chazen, is back, along with an elegant brunch: October 11

Boomers & Beyond Progressive Dinner: November 14

Sisterhood Pinot & Painting: Enjoy wine, desserts

and an outlet for your creativity: December 3

Cabin Fever Night: Beth El will host dinners through-

out the community and our USYers will provide the baby-sitting: January 30

New for this year: Sisterhood will host informal

monthly gathering in members’ homes on Erev Rosh Chodesh. Rather than a traditional women’s study group, we’ll feature interests and issues that are important to the women in our congregation, ranging from profes-sional, to personal, from religious, to entertaining. Come to a few or come to all! If you have any interest in hosting a discussion, please contact [email protected].

AND MORE: Look for news of additional Men’s Club and

Boomers & Beyond activities, as well as our congrega-

tional spring social event.

2015-16 ~ 5776: THE YEAR AHEAD AT BETH EL

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Special 5776/2015-16 Events!

Mark Your Calendars!

Galeet Dardashti and Divahn: Live in Concert! Sunday, November 22 • 4:00pm

Beth El is thrilled to welcome Cantor Dardashti back as you’ve not heard her before – as the lead singer of Divahn, the internationally acclaimed all-woman Mizrahi/Sephardi ensemble! Infusing traditional and original Jewish songs with so-phisticated harmonies and entrancing improvisations, Divahn has gained an international following. The group's high energy live shows include lush string arrangements, eclectic Indian, Middle Eastern, and Latin percussion, and vocals spanning Hebrew, Judeo-Spanish, Persian, Arabic, and Aramaic. Cantor Dardashti's diverse background performing Persian and Arab classical music, Ashkenazi cantorial music, Western classical music and jazz enhance Divahn's unique and innovative sound. As one of the few groups performing Mizrahi and Judeo-Arab music in the U.S., Divahn welcomes its audiences to a beautiful sphere of shared Jewish and Muslim culture. Sample their music at All ages will enjoy this dynamic, unforgettable concert! Watch your mail and email for ticket information.

Artist in Residence: Mordechai Rosenstein Wednesday-Saturday, December 16-19

The Hebrew alphabet is the essence of Mordechai Rosenstein’s instantly recognizable style. Using vibrant shapes and colors, he has enhanced syna-gogues and numerous commercial and private estates throughout the country. His unique style evolved as a result of various influences. He was a member of the first graduating class of Akiba Hebrew Academy. While studying at The Philadelphia College of Art, Ab-stract Expressionist professor Franz Kline profoundly influenced Rosenstein. By uniting his interest in Judaica and painting, Rosenstein has given a contem-porary meaning to the art of Hebrew calligraphy.

During his residency at Beth El, Mordechai Rosenstein will teach a variety of classes and hands-on work-shops for our students and adults. He will also be donating a piece of artwork to Beth El as his gift to the congregation. His visit will include a Saturday evening cocktail reception where his artwork will be available for viewing and purchase. See more about Rosenstein’s work at:

Look for more special events to be announced throughout the year, including speakers,

guest prayer leaders and our spring social event!

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Music at Beth El: Meet our Guest Cantors & Musicians!

Cantor Galeet Dardashti Once again, our High Holy Day worship will include Cantor Galeet Dardashti. She is the daughter and granddaughter of world-renowned distinguished Persian Jewish cantors. In addition to leading worship, Cantor Dardashti is a Middle Eastern vocalist, composer and leads the

all-female Mizrahi band, Divahn, coming to Beth El in concert on November 22! To hear Cantor Dardashti’s music, visit:

Cantor Lisa Kendal We welcome Cantor Lisa Kendal, who joined Beth El in May as Lead B’nai Mitzvah Tutor & Rit-ual Coordinator. Cantor Kendal was born and raised on Long Island, New York. She has studied classical voice and piano, and

received her Bachelor’s degree in voice performance from the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford, Connecticut. She received her Master’s Degree in Sacred Music and Cantor Investiture from the Jewish Theological Seminary. Cantor Kendal has served synagogues in the New York/New Jersey area for the last 16 years as a cantor and educator. In her new role at Beth El, Cantor Kendal will join the B’nai Mitzvah tutoring team, as well as work with our adult learners. She’ll also help arrange our schedule of lay service leaders and periodically contribute davening, Torah and Haftarah reading.

Ira Levin

Don’t miss Ira Levin, the amazing singer-storyteller who leads our Mini-Minyan! Even parents – and Rabbi O! – love to participate in Ira’s 11:00 am Shabbat morning service, geared to young families with children through first grade. Please watch

the weekly emails for the specific dates when Ira is at Beth El. Many of our talented leaders fill in on alter-nate Saturdays, with songs, stories and Shabbat-appropriate crafts.

Song Leader Rory Michelle Sullivan We’re thrilled to welcome Rory Michelle back to the Jewish Learning Center for her second year as our Music Specialist, and also stepping up to lead our new Shabbat morning Family Ruach Services for kids in grades 1-5 and their families, as well as help us welcome in Shabbat on a few Friday nights.

She is a singer-songwriter and recently came out with her third release, “The God Album.” Rory Michelle studied at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies while living in Jerusalem. She has also sung with children and made music in Vienna, Boston and on Long Island, New York. Rory Michelle holds a Master’s of Arts in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Cantor Jerry Blum

Cantor Jerry Blum will join us periodically for select Shabbatot. “Cantor Jerry,” as he is known to his students, is one of our wonderful Jewish Learning Center faculty members and leads our very successful B’nai Mitzvah Institute service for 6th-7th graders.

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Beth El Celebrates Sukkot & Simchat Torah!

Something for everyone! Our Men’s Club will build the sukkah from 9:00-11:00am, while our Sisterhood transforms our sanctuary for the holiday. Then we’ll join together for a Pizza Party and Sukkah Decorating Extravaganza from 12:00-2:00pm. See the link in your email to sign up, or contact Sandy Sachs at: [email protected]. The cost is $5.00 per person for pizza, with a family maximum of $20.00. All are invited – Golda Och Academy & Jewish Learning Center families, grandparents and kids of all ages!

Sunday, September 27 Erev Sukkot Candle lighting: 6:15pm

Monday, September 28 Sukkot Day 1 Morning Services: 9:30am Candlelighting: 7:25pm

Tuesday, September 29 Sukkot Day 2 Morning Services: 9:30am Wednesday, September 30- Chol Hamoed/Intermediate Days Friday, October 2 Morning Minyan: 7:30am Friday, October 2 Welcome Friday Night Meditation in the Sukkah: 7:30pm Sunday, October 4 Hoshanah Rabbah Morning Minyan: 7:30am Candle lighting: 6:17pm

Monday, October 5 Shemini Atzeret Morning Services: 9:30am Yizkor at approximately 11:00am

Monday, October 5 Erev Simchat Torah Evening Service, we sing and dance with the Torah!: 6:30pm Candle lighting: 7:13pm

Tuesday, October 6 Simchat Torah Morning Service, with more singing and dancing!: 9:30am

Sukkot & Simchat Torah Services Schedule:

Join us in celebration!

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We Welcome These Members to the Beth El Community! (Reflects March through August; additional members will be listed in the next Bulletin)

The High Holy Day season brings with it the spirit of renewal. This has special meaning for Beth El this year, as we celebrate the incredible growth and vitality of our community, led by Rabbi Jesse Olitzky in his second year as our spiritual leader. Every member in our community is a critical partner in this work. Your ideas and dreams for Beth El have already inspired our task forces in the strategic planning process, and now we are implementing those plans. But membership dues and school tuition contribute just two-thirds of the funds required to meet Beth El’s operations. For the remaining third, many members give to Beth El to sustain and fuel the continued growth of our wonderful community, beginning in the fall with our Annual Partnership Campaign. Launched last year, our Chai Society has added a new dimension to Beth El’s Annual Partnership Campaign(which includes all donations below $1800). The successful launch of this additional giving program led Beth El to growth in annual giving last year, expanding our capacity and powering our progress. The creation of a giving society enables us to give donors well-deserved recognition and has inspired others to give at higher levels as well. The Chai Society has four giving levels:

Chai Level: $1,800-$3,599 Double Chai Level: $3,600-$6,499 Chazak (Strength) Level: $6,500-$12,499 Zahav (Gold) Level: $12,500-$25,000+ As a thank you for your commitment to our community and to honor that commitment, we will continue the donor recognition in our lobby honoring the members of Beth El’s “Chai Society.” Thank you for your generous support.

– Sheryl Hoffman and Jimmy Schwarz, co-chairs

Stephen and Marilyn Abramson

Ethan and Kimberlee Berlin

Allan Attar and Liba Beyer

Julian and Jennifer Attock

Liron and Rachel Bensimon

Claude and Taffy Brodesser-Akner

Deborah Camiel

Roehl and Jessica Empestan

Jane Felton

David Goldman and Ora Warmflash

Shirley Gordon

Stuart and Linda Gottlieb

Les and Jackie Greenberg

Adam Hirsch and Sharon Feder-Hirsch

Theodore and Toby Kaufman

Ken and Sharon Kaufmann

Steven and Lori Klinghoffer

Jeffrey and Arlene Kreisberg

Yaniv and Elana Livneh

Scott Morgan and Sue Albert

Gerald and Steffi Poss

Michael and Faye Poss

Brian and Naomi Rindenau

Steven and Francine Rod

Gary and Susan Smotrich

Christopher Tarrow and Nikki Lazar

Greg and Melissa Wachsman

Leora Wiener

Stuart and Aliza Weinstock

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Beth El Chevrah Kaddisha/Holy Burial Society(Chair: Mark Brownstein) and Nichum Avelim/Comforting Mourners (Chairs: Erica Anthony, Eda Chodrow, Claire Nierenberg).The dedicated volun-teers that form Beth El’s Chevra Kadisha (BECK) respond to the needs of our congregants at time of loss. Working closely with Rabbi Olitzky, BECK offers ritual preparation and prayers for the body prior to burial. The Nichum Avelim comforts and offers extra help to mourners with Shivah preparations including providing Shivah minyan leaders. Rabbi Olitzky and these committees work together to meet the unique needs of each family in mourning. Boomers & Beyond (Planning Group: Claire Nierenberg, Erika Gold, Irene Beyth, Meryl Levine, Joy Markel, Alicia Zucker) are our social group for empty nesters of the congregation who gather throughout the year at programs usually held at the homes of members and on trips. Chaverim Connections Chair: Stephanie Marks, Deborah Goldstein) Beth El’s Chaverim Connections is made up of Beth El families with children in grades 3-5 and holds events throughout the year. Communications Committee (Planning Group: Sheryl Hoffman, Eda Chodrow, Kristine Foley, Marilynn Jacobs, Joy Markel, Jeff Markel, Debbie Rubin) The Communications Committee helps to promote events to Beth El members and to the public, and works to build awareness of Beth El to support our growth and expand our community presence, both online via email, our web site and Facebook pages, as well as through the quarterly Bulletin and other communications. Education Council/Va’ad Chinuch (Chairs: Ada Beth Cutler and Jason Kent): One of the key recommendations of the congregation’s strategic plan is the relaunch of our Education Council, or Va’ad Chinuch. The council will create programs and initia-tives that promote life long learning and fulfill our vision for a vibrant education program within and beyond the walls of the synagogue that provides entry points for

individuals of all ages, backgrounds and interests in meaningful and diverse Jewish learning experiences. House Committee (Chair: Bill Gold): The House Committee supports the repair and maintenance of our facility, supporting our Executive Director, and works with other teams to help beautify the synagogue. Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges (Chair: Diane Stein): IFPO currently serves over 170 clients a week, and the number of families in need continues to grow. Beth El is responsible for providing volunteers on the third Wednesday of every month, from 8:45-11:00am at the Church of Epiphany, 105 Main Street in Orange. It takes about 20 volunteers weekly to bag groceries, bag bread, unload shelves and restock and to help distribute food to clients. Come help with one of our most important and satisfying mitzvot, and come for any part of our mornings. Jewish Learning Center (Chair: Ken Feinlieb): Our JLC Board works with Rabbi Becca and her team to support the school’s goals and operations, and to serve as a liaison to parents. Kitchen Cabinet (Planning Group: Joy Markel, Erika Gold, Emily Kameros): The Kitchen Cabinet helps to plan and prepare meals or supplement select Shabbat morning Kiddush luncheons, as well as special events. All levels of cooking experience are welcome! Membership (Chairs: Rena Kaufmann Abrams and Jill Mendelberg): Our Membership committee works to increase our membership; to welcome our new members into the Beth El community; and to engage our existing members by creating opportunities to spend time with each other and connect with congregational life. The Membership Committee also partners with Rabbi Olitzky to support our presence in the community through outreach events. Men’s Club (Chair: Michael Schloff): The Men’s Club hosts and partners with other Beth El groups to create a diverse calendar of events. One of this group’s many


Not only are our volunteers an essential part of making possible our diverse and rich range of programs and activities, but volunteering is the ideal way to meet new people at Beth El. There are many ways to be involved no matter what your schedule. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more. And, a big thanks to all our committee chairs for their contributions (if we have inadvertently left someone off, please accept our apologies)!

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strengths is its wide range of ages and experiences, generating high enthusiasm and sharing of experience across generations of Beth El men. Ritual (Chair: David Suskauer): The Ritual Committee partners with Rabbi Olitzky to help manage worship operations, support our Shabbat and holiday traditions, develop new ways to expand our experience of prayer and spirituality at Beth El, and to increase accessibility of our services. Technology and Database (Planning Group: Mike Finesilver, Dan Segal): Our newest Beth El committee is helping to guide our transition to the Shulcloud data management system, and to strengthen the syna-gogue’s information and communications. Sisterhood (Chair: Alba Hochman): Our Sisterhood is thriving with a full calendar of events and opportunities that engages women of all ages and at all stages through interactive and enjoyable programs and activi-ties, educates families about Jewish life and provide opportunities for personal growth, and does so much to enhance life at Beth El through fundraising for its schools and its programming. Join the wonder women of Sisterhood for a new year! Strategic Planning Implementation (Chair: Ada Beth Cutler): The Implementation Committee manages the entire strategic plan approved by the Board in June

2014. They assess progress on the recommended initiatives and partner with the Board of Trustees to determine the roadmap for the coming years. Thelma K. Reisman Preschool (Chairs: Lisa Buber, Adena Traub): Our Preschool Board works with Director Sandy Sachs and her team to support the school’s goals and operations, and to serve as a liaison to parents. The Preschool also serves as part of our hub of activities for young families, including hosting parenting workshops and information series. Young Family Programming (Chairs: Alisa Cohen and Shayna Schmidt): Working with our Preschool Board, the committee helps to round out our calendar of fun and engaging programs for young families, in-cluding Sukkah decorating, Young Family Friday night dinners, Havdalah celebrations and more. Youth Programs Committee (Planning Committee: Stephanie Carmel, Marcy Felsenfeld, Ellen Solomon, Jason Kent) Our Committee partners with Youth Pro-gram Advisor Jamie Mittleman in helping to run our local chapter of Kadima (middle school) and our USY (high school) programs which offer a wide range of ac-tivities and trips for teens at the local, regional and in-ternational level. Our South Orange chapter also hosts our “USY Plus” series of education modules that en-gage our 8th grade and up teens in hands-on learning and experiences.


Our Boomers and Beyond group attended the “Lincoln and the Jews” exhibit this past spring

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(Reflects tributes from approximately March-August 2015. Additional tributes will be listed in the next bulletin)


In Memory of:

Bertha Friedman Aronson from

Raphael Aronson

Jean Kassover from Harriette Baime

Samuel Kassover from Harriette Baime

Bette Soschin from Richard and

Harriette Baime

Stella Baime from Richard and

Harriette Baime

Israel Baime from Richard and

Harriette Baime

Barney Miller from Sandra Brown

Piney Pollack from Stephanie and

Matthew Carmel

Sandra Levine from Stephanie and

Matthew Carmel

Harold Berman from Stephanie Carmel

Harris David from Shoshana David

Robert Mann from Carol Mann

Nathan Sugarman from Jill Goldstein

Michael Levine from Francine Levine

Herman P. Lieberman from

Judith Lieberman

Golda Och from Michael Och

Max Sommer from Joseph Sommer

Harold Tamaroff from Steve Tamaroff

Max Blacker from Natalie Tambor

In Honor of:

Jeremy Beyth’s wedding from Sheryl and

Martin Hoffman

Eda Chodrow’s dedication and work in

creating new Torah covers for the Chapel

from Susan and Mitchell Lieberman

Joy Markel’s dedication and work in

creating new Torah covers for the Chapel

from Susan and Mitchell Lieberman

Ellen Weisbord’s dedication and work in

creating new Torah covers for the Chapel

from Susan and Mitchell Lieberman


In Memory of:

Ruth Auslander from Reba Auslander

Fay Rosenblum from Hermine Barnet

Gertrude Miller from Sandra Brown

Greta Meier from Matthew and

Stephanie Carmel

Benjamin Chernoff from Allan Chernoff

Ruth Gilbert from George Gilbert

Piney Pollack from Joyce and

Neil Goldstein

Ron Baylis from Barbara and Jerry Grunt

Sarah Sher from Lowell Jacobs

Judith Klein from Bart Klein

Bette Leibowitz from Ronni Klein

Louis L. Leibowitz from Joel Leibowitz

Anne Blacker from Doris Leibowitz

Charles Blacker from Doris Leibowitz

Laura Leibowitz Salbin from

Joel Leibowitz

Rose Ann Weiss from Jackie and

Michael Levinson

Ron Baylis from Joy and Jeff Markel

Bernardo Romanowsky from Joy and

Jeff Markel

Herbert Nelson from Peter Nelson

Miriam Szatmary from Rivka Nelson

Eva Nelson from Peter Nelson

Moe Rosenthal from Susan Rosenthal-Jay

Alex Rothstein from Stephen Rothstein

Sheldon Schatten from David Schatten

Sari Kalter from Sharon Schwarz

Sophie Graff from Sharon Seiden

Emanuel Graff from Sharon Seiden

Arnold Graff from Sharon Seiden

Barbara Seiden from Stephen Seiden

Inge Kahn from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden

Sadie Forman from Sharon Seiden

Sylvia Graff from Sharon Seiden

Lillian Ginsburg Solomon from

Burt Solomon

Gertrude Solomon from Burt Solomon

Edward Straus from Robin Straus

Jacob Tamaroff from Steven Tamaroff

Leslie Schwartz from Sherry Woocher

Harold Fleisher from Sherry Woocher

Jerome Zeller from Harvey Zeller

In Honor of:

Harold Colton-Max being honored by

JCHC from Sheryl and Martin Hoffman

Birth of Vera Wainer from Joy and

Jeff Markel

Marilynn Jacobs for all you do for Beth El

from Laura Sacks

Marilynn Jacobs thank you so much for the

books from Laura Sacks


In Memory of:

Greta Meier from David and Joani Ascher,

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max, Richard

and Ellen Goldstein, Leo and Eva Lynn

Gans, Jackie and Michael Levinson,

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz, Sharon and

Stephen Seiden, Nomi Colton-Max and the

Beth El Board of Trustees

William August from Howard August

Annie Katz from Hermine Barnet

Bernard Barnet from Hermine Barnet

Sidney Katz from Hermine Barnet

Morris Katz from Hermine Barnet

Maurice Braka’s mother from Harvey and

Joan Bucholtz

Bernardo Romanowsky from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max, Marilynn Jacobs and

the Beth El Board of Trustees

Ron Baylis from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max, David and

Joani Ascher, Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz,

Marilynn Jacobs and the Beth El Board of


Jack Binder from Richard and

Ellen Goldstein, Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max, Nomi Colton-Max

and the Beth El Board of Trustees

Samuel Spielberg from Almor Furniture,

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El

Board of Trustees

Gloria Spivack from David and Joani

Ascher, Nomi and Harold Colton-Max,

Sam Convissor, Joyce and Neil Goldstein,

Janice and Michael Wallach

Florence Dove from David and

Joani Ascher, Sam Convissor, Francine

Levine, Nomi Colton-Max and the

Beth El Board of Trustees

Inge Kahn from David and Joani Ascher,

Sam Convissor, Joyce and Neil Goldstein,

Ron Meier and Joyce Raynor, Francine

Levine, Adena and Matthew Traub,

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees, Francine Levine

Gertrude August from Howard August

Joan August from Howard August

David B. Bellin from Libby Bellin

Gordon P. Potasnick from Libby Bellin

Piney Pollack from Judith Colton

Sandra Levine from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max, Joshua and Debra

Rednik, Nomi Colton-Max and the

Beth El Board of Trustees

Edith Ullmann from Nomi and Harold

Colton-Max, Marilynn Jacobs and the

Beth El Board of Trustees

Bertha Comenchero from Lenny Comenchero

Mollie Convissor from Sam Convissor

Joseph Eisenstein from Evelyn Eisenstein

Ruth Saxon from Mae Gordon

Annie Goodman from Ken Mayers

Bernard Gitlin’s mother from Ken Mayers

Harvey Samo from Eva Samo

Joel, Evan and Steven Schwarz from

Roger and Barbara Schwarz

Irving Gall from Sharon and Stephen

Seiden, Janice and Michael Wallach

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Marilyn Straus from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden

Pauline Siegel from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden, Harris and Shevie Winitz

H. Kravitz and W. Tambor from

Ronald Tambor

Benjamin Welt from Florence Welt

Ella Grossman from Florence Welt

Louis Schaffer from Rita Yohalem

Dennis Barnet from Nomi Colton-Max and

the Beth El Board of Trustees

Lucyann Saltzman from Nomi Colton-Max

and the Beth El Board of Trustees

In Honor of:

Ori Ben-Ari’s Bar Mitzvah from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Shana Ascher’s engagement from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees, Francine Levine

Birth of Burt and Alice Solomon’s grand-

son from David and Joani Ascher

Jimmy and Sharon Schwarz’s grandson’s

Bar Mitzvah from Treasure and

Richard Cohen, Sharon and Stephen Seiden

Stephen and Sharon Seiden’s granddaughter’s

Bat Mitzvah from Treasure and

Richard Cohen, Francine Levine, Jackie

and Michael Levinson

Sarah Campeas’ marriage from Treasure

and Richard Cohen

Karen Gevirtz being named Researcher of

the Year from Nomi and Harold Colton-Max

and family

Joan Bucholtz refuah shlemah from

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max and family

Shana Ascher’s engagement from

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max,

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Jeremy Beyth’s marriage from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max, Jackie and Michael

Levinson, Robin Straus and Marty Reiman

Congregation Beth El from Cravats and


Sharon Seiden, best wishes for a speedy

recovery from Joyce Goldstein

Claire Nierenberg’s milestone birthday

from Robin Straus and Marty Reiman

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max being

honored with the Star of Essex County

Award from Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz,

Sharon and Stephen Seiden

Shirley Gordon being honored by the

Federation of Orange and Sullivan County

from Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz

Sam Convissor’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

from Sharon and Stephen Seiden

Birth of Vera Wainer from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden, Nomi Colton-Max and the

Beth El Board of Trustees

Marilynn Jacobs becoming president from

Sharon and Stephen Seiden

Sheryl Hoffman on being names Beth El’s

Volunteer of the Year from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden

Jimmy Schwarz on being names Beth El’s

Volunteer of the Year from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden

Nadia Seltzer’s Bat Mitzvah from Nomi

Colton-Max and the Beth El Board of


Eva Hale’s Bat Mitzvah from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Jonah Heimowitz’s Bar Mitzvah from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Joshua Sachs’ engagement from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Daniel Fox’s Bar Mitzvah from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Birth of Asa Kleinbaum from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board of


Judy & Jason Chudnofsky’s 50th wedding

anniversary from Ken Mayers and

Sally Fortunato

Hannah Anthony’s Bat Mitzvah from

Nomi Colton-Max and the Beth El Board

of Trustees

Anita and James Freedson-Jackson’s B’nai

Mitzvah from Nomi Colton-Max and the

Beth El Board of Trustees



In Memory of:

Michael Spielberg from Almor Furniture

Blanche Rosenberg from Marilyn Abramson

Harold Schneider from Claire Asarnow

Paula Gash from Sam Convissor

Ruth Goldwasser Gallner from Jill Jackson

Murray Jay Goldwasser from Jill Jackson

Irving Gall from Susan and Mitchell

Lieberman, Gail and Dennis Roth, Ed and

Diane Stein

Steven Greenblatt from Susan and

Mitchell Lieberman

Stephen Rosenfeld from

Rebecca Rosenfeld

Meyer Weisman from Gail and

Dennis Roth

Harold Roth from Gail and Dennis Roth

Inge Kahn from Gail and Dennis Roth

Frances Weisman from Gail and

Dennis Roth

Ron Baylis from Gail and Dennis Roth

Florence Dove from Gail and Denis Roth

In Honor of:

Michael Och’s second Bar Mitzvah from

Susan and Mitchell Lieberman

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max being

honored with the Spirit of Essex County

Award from Dennis and Gail Roth

Jeremy Beyth’s wedding from Gail and

Dennis Roth

Norma and Ray Aronson’s 25th wedding

anniversary from Gail and Dennis Roth

Claire Nierenberg’s 75th birthday from

Gail and Dennis Roth

Joan Bucholtz’s speedy recovery from

Gail and Dennis Roth

Sam Convissor’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

from Gail and Dennis Roth

Norma and Ray Aronson’s granddaughter’s

Bat Mitzvah from Gail and Dennis Roth

Appreciation for the Purim gifts from

Eleanor Shachat



In Memory of:

Ruth Dranoff from Beth and Glen Dranoff

Inge Kahn from Nomi and Harold Colton-Max,

Judith Lieberman, Joy and Jeff Markel,

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz, Gabriel and

Samantha Migdal, Thelma K. Reisman

Preschool Board

Irving Gantman from Beth and

Glen Dranoff, Stuart and Louise Gantman

Revella H. Frankel from Beth and Glen

Dranoff, Stuart and Louise Gantman

Jules Lawrence Mayers from Ken Mayers

Jack Binder from Sandy Sachs

Greta Meier from Sandy Sachs

Mitchell I. Kalter from Sharon and

Jimmy Schwarz

Irving Kalter from Sharon and

Jimmy Schwarz

Gina Zlotnik from Rebecca Zlotnik

Seymour Goldberg from the

Thelma K. Reisman Preschool Board

In Honor of:

Shana Ascher’s engagement from

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz

Birth of Asa Kleinbaum from the

Thelma K. Reisman Preschool Board

Joshua Sachs’ engagement from the

Thelma K. Reisman Preschool Board,

Ronnie and Jeff Weinstein, Judith and

Richard Falkin

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz’s grandson’s

Bar Mitzvah from Sharon and

Stephen Seiden

Joshua Sach’s wedding from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max

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In Memory of:

Irving Abraham from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Samuel Kleppel from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Rose Bucholtz from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Ina Regosin’s mother from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Inge Kahn from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Anat Gertner from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Michael Moore from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Lisa Small’s mother from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Greta Meier from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Sophie Mittleman from Eleanor Shachat

William Shachat from Eleanor Shachat

In Honor of:

Sarah Campeas’ marriage from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Nomi Colton-Max’s Beth El presidency

from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz’s grandson’s

Bar Mitzvah from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Jaclyn Tamaroff’s graduation from medical

school from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Hannah Anthony’s Bat Mitzvah from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Shana Ascher’s engagement from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Fran and Steve Rod’s anniversary from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Evelyn Litwinoff’s engagement from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Sophia Zelizer’s Bat Mitzvah from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Jerry and Brenda Deener’s grandson’s

graduation from Gan Academy from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Ivan Sobel’s kindness from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Marilynn Jacobs’ Beth El presidency from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Claire and Aaron Nierenberg’s kindness

from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Brenda and Jerry Deener’s kindness from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Ada Beth and Chuck Cutler’s kindness

from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Leah and Ken Tarlow’s kindness from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Norma and Ray Aronson’s anniversary

from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Sharon and Stephen Seiden’s granddaughter’s

Bat Mitzvah from Joan and Harvey


Jerry Beyth’s wedding from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz



In Memory of:

Sandra Levine from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Frieda Glasofer from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Gerda Alterman from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Stan Schwartz’s sister Arlene from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Pauline Siegel from Joan and Harvey

Bucholtz, Brenda and Jerome Deener,

Elsie Lederman

Gloria Spivack from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Susan Drucker, in memory of Mildred

from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Selma Lubman from Joan and Harvey


Susan Zwillenberg from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Piney Pollack from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Florence Dover from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Harry Katz from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Ron Baylis from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Ann Deener from Brenda and

Jerome Deener

Harry Deener from Brenda and

Jerome Deener

Greta Meier from Brenda and

Jerome Deener, Gail and Dennis Roth

Rebecca Zarn from Deborah and

Larry Levinson

Marc Shachat from Eleanor Shachat

Louis Mittleman from Eleanor Shachat

Goldie Brenner from Eleanor Shachat

Ira Schachat from Eleanor Shachat

Abe Siegel from Noel Siegel

In Honor of:

Len Feldman’s birthday from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Joshua Sach’s engagement from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max’s receiving

the Star of Essex Award from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Samantha Kaminsky’s L’Dor Vador from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Eva Hale’s Bat Mitzvah from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Sam and Jan Kaminsky, thank you for the

Purim goodies from Joan and Harvey


Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz, thank you for

the Purim goodies from Joan and Harvey


Josh and Lori Schor, thank you for the

Purim donation from Joan and Harvey


Daniel Fox’s Bar Mitzvah from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Marion Jacobson’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

from Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Joshua Sachs’ marriage from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

David Levin’s engagement from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Bill Glasofer’s photography exhibit at the

Frelinghuysen Arboretum from Joan and

Harvey Bucholtz

Michael Och’s milestone birthday from

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Barbara Zimbarg’s milestone birthday

from Brenda and Jerome Deener

The Deener Angus family, on Eytan’s

graduation from Gan Academy from

Elsie Lederman

Sharon and Stephen Seiden’s granddaughter’s

Bat Mitzvah from Gail and Dennis Roth

Shana Ascher’s engagement from Sharon

and Stephen Seiden



In Honor of:

Mike Morris for his tutoring of Hannah

from Erica and Gabriel Anthony


In Memory of:

Lee Grand from Debra and David Rubin

In Honor of:

Noah and Elise’s wedding, to Marilyn and

Alan Kohan from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max

Laura Sacks’ many mitzvot from

Debra and David Rubin

The Rabbi O Ad Journal team from

Debra Rubin


In Memory of:

Betty Leepson from Peter Leepson

Ethel Dorf from Ellen Tamaroff


In Memory of:

Anne Kupperman from Rita and

Alan Yohalem

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In Memory of:

Gedaliah Convissor from Sam Convissor

In Honor of:

Joan Bucholtz’s speedy recovery from

Francine Levine

Sam Convissor’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

from Francine Levine

Norma and Ray Aronson’s granddaughter’s

Bat Mitzvah from Francine Levine

Michael Och’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

from Francine Levine

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max being

honored with the Star of Essex County

Award from Joshua Schor and

Lori Schuldiner Schor


In Memory of:

Their grandparents from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max

Piney Pollock from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max

Philip Colton from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max

Irene Colton from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max

In Honor of:

Mike Morris from David Winitsky and

Elizabeth Samet

Beth El Executive Board from Nomi and

Harold Colton-Max


In Memory of:

Robert Pinchev from Alicia and

Stephen Zucker

Norton Pinchev from Alicia and

Stephen Zucker

Fannie Pinchev Rosenbaum from

Alicia and Stephen Zucker

Felix Rosenbaum from Alicia and

Stephen Zucker

The Bulletin of Congregation Beth El Published quarterly by Congregation Beth El (Beth David Jewish Center Affiliated 1988) 222 Irvington Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 Office: 973-763-0111 Fax: 973-763-5793 Jesse M. Olitzky, Rabbi [email protected] Jehiel Orenstein, Z”L, Rabbi Emeritus Marc Colton, Executive Director [email protected] Rabbi Becca Gould, Director of Education and Youth Programming [email protected] Sandy Sachs, Director, Thelma K. Reisman Preschool [email protected] Marilynn Jacobs, President [email protected]

The Bulletin Editors: Debbie Rubin, Sheryl Hoffman, Marilynn Jacobs Advertising: LPi 1-800-888-4574 x3380

Beth El Office Email Contacts Karen Freeman-Pettis, Assitant Director [email protected] General Inquiries [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Please do not make telephone calls or sen-demails on Shabbat (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) or on Jewish holidays to Beth El officers, staff, committee chairs, congregants, preschool or religious school staff. Remember to notify the office at 973-763-0111 or [email protected] if you change your home or work phone.

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A great time was had by nearly 275 people at our annual August BBQ. Thanks to all our hard working volunteers and our professional team for another wonderful afternoon of fun, food and friends! (and thanks to our photographer Kristine Foley!)

Beth El Backyard

BBQ 2015

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Congregation Beth El

222 Irvington Avenue

South Orange, NJ 07079

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