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The script of Golf & Coaching TalkBy Kriengsak Niratpattanasai


Present to NTCC membersMay 9, 2012

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Golf & Coaching Talk.

Whatʼs in it for you?

The benefit from this talk to you is to learn to unlock your team potential, one person at a time.

With that benefit in mind, the objective of my presentation is to learn some practical coaching tips.

In order to achieve that objective, I designed the talk into 3 parts;

I will start by telling a story of a golfer and coach. It will demonstrates how a coach who cannot play golf could helps a good golfer to improve his golf game. Then, I will share an idea of Quiet leadership - the concept behind coaching by question. Finally, I will share some coaching question examples that you can take away to apply them with your team. All of my presentation will give to you in PDF format. So. you donʼt need to write it down.

Let start with the first agenda - a story of a golfer and executive coach.

There are 2 characters in this short story.

The first character is Tom - a business man. Tom happens to be a good golfer.

The other character is Jerry - an executive coach. Heʼs a good friend with Tom.

Tom is seeking help from Jerry on improving his golf game. Here are the conversation of these 2 gentlemen.

Tom asks Jerry, “Coach, I want you to help me improving my golf game.”

Jerry replies, “Tom, I am happy to help. But you know that I donʼt have a clue about golf.”

Tom says, “Itʼs similar to coaching a CEO. He knows much better than you how to run his own business.”

Coach responses, “Itʼs true. But we have to agree first that I will help you by asking lot of questions to facilitate your thinking. Youʼre like a CEO - you know your golf game much better than I do.”

Jerry continues, “So, what do you concern about your golf game?”


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Tom carries on, “Coach, Iʼve played golf for few years. Iʼm good among my friends. Nevertheless, I know I can play even better. What should I do?”

Jerry reflects back, “Basically, you want to move your performance from good to great?”

Tom acknowledges, “Thatʼs correct, coach.”

Jerry probes further, “Tom from your own experience, when good golfers want to move up their performance level, what would they do?”

Tom explains, “Usually, they would identify an area for improvement and then focus on improving that area.”

Jerry reflects and clarifies deeper, “Thatʼs a good idea. What specific area do you want to improve?”

Tom shares his view, “Coach, I think I need to improve my ability to chip out of a bunker. Itʼs not good.”

Jerry clarifies, “Can you be more specific?”

Tom says, “Iʼm not sure. My friends told me but they didnʼt give me a specific feedback.”

Jerry reflects back to test his understanding, “In this case, youʼre unable to obtain feedback from your friends.” Then he probes next, “How else might you obtain a specific feedback?”

Tom has a dazed look on his face. His forehead tense up as he think more deeply. He becomes silent for a moment.

Suddenly Tom has an insight.

Tom exclaims, “Coach, perhaps I will ask my friend to video me when I chip out of a bunker.”

Jerry says, “Thatʼs a good idea. Once you have the video, what would be your next step?”

Tom, “I will analyze my performance and find out the solution.”

Jerry continues to facilitate the thought with next question, “Usually, when a good golfer learns about his area for improvement, what would he do?”

Tom has a dazed look on his face again. He becomes silent for a moment. But this time is quicker.

Tom has another insight.

Tom replies, “It depends on each individual. One might decide to correct by oneself. On the other hand, other person might seeking the help from a pro.”

Jerry asks, “In your case, what would be your preferred solution?”Tom thinks.


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Another insight occurred.

Tom elaborates, “Coach, I will definitely seek help from a Pro. Iʼm a visual learner - I need to see the right approach and then I can easily copy that shot from the Pro.”

Jerry agrees, “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

Tom shows his appreciation, “Coach, thank you very much.”

Thatʼs a short story to demonstrate how asking questions could help people to discover the solution for themselves.

Now, we just learned a story of a golfer and executive coach to demonstrate how a coach who cannot play golf could helps a good golfer to be a great one. Next, I will share an idea of Quiet leadership - the concept behind coaching by question.

The idea of this concept came from the book - Quiet Leadership by David Rock. David Rock is a leading authority in an executive coaching field. He has a passion to help people learn how to discover the solutions by themselves.

Davidʼs rationale is that we - leaders in the twenty first century lead knowledge workers. Whatʼs the most organ that knowledge workers use?

Itʼs the brain, isnʼt it? So, why donʼt we learn more about the brain.

David studied lots of brain research. He found out several insights. For example:

Physically, no two brains are alike. We are so unique in term of how the brain developed and constructed.

Each individual brain is hardwired uniquely.

Itʼs interesting to see how our brains work. When we solve a problem, we connected several parts of our brain.

The way each of us solve a problem is like the maps inside a brain.

My maps are so unique. Even how to solve the same problem, my solution maps are different from yours.

If I give my solution maps to you, hope they help you to solve the problem.

It likes driving in Phuket by using the Chiangmai map.

David quotes in the book that. “When we try to think for people it takes a lot of mental energy on our part. We think hard, and still come up with the wrong answers for that person.”

Itʼs what the same that General George S. Patton knew long time ago. The general quoted. “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with there ingenuity.”


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Since no 2 brains are alike, we should let other find their own solution maps.

Further, when people discover solution by themselves, their self-esteem is enhanced.

So far, we learn that there are 2 reasons people should find answer for their problem by themselves. Because the different brains and the self esteem.

In addition to that, when people discover solution by themselves, the employee engagement is increased.


In 2005, at NYU they experiment coaching under fMRI.

At the moment an insight occurs the brain gives off strong gamma-band waves. It likes an Archimedesʼ Eureka!

David Rock names this phenomenon as The 4 faces of insight.

These 4 faces are; awareness, reflection, insight and action. Let look at each face in more detail.

1. Awareness: When we face a problem or dilemma, our face looks a little unhappy or perplexed. Our eyes might squint slightly. We recognise we have a problem, we feel stuck. From a neuroscientific perspective, we have various mental maps in conflict. They have competing values, competing demand for resources, and the brain has not yet worked out how to resolve this conflict by creating a new metamap or by reconfiguring our existing maps.

Example: Tom did not have a specific feedback about how was his bunker play.

2. Reflection: Your face changes. Most people look up, or slightly up and across, and have a dazed look on their face. Their forehead might tense up as they think more deeply. Nearly everyone becomes silent for a moment.

Example: Tomʼs case: “How will you obtain specific feedback?” “Umm”

3. Insight: There's a rush of energy if it's big idea, like Archimedes' "eureka" moment.

Example, Tomʼs case. “Ah, I think I will ask a friend to video tape me during bunker chip.”

4. Action: People's eye movements show they are ready for action.

In summary, here are 4 faces of insights; Awareness, Reflection, Insight and Action. But what the scientists found is very interesting.

When people are in reflection mode their brains produce alpha waves just before they have an insight. Alpha waves coincide with the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, a chemical messenger that increases relaxation and eases pain.


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Further, at the moment an insight occurs, the brain gives off strong gamma waves, signifying that parts of the brain are forming a new map. At the moment of insight the brain produces; adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin - a pleasant and happy moment. When we have an illuminating experience we are creating a supermap that links many parts of the brain. The creation of this new map gives off substantial energy that can be tapped as a valuable resource.

Gamma-band waves give off substantial energy.

Let me summary 3 benefits from coaching by question; 1. Unique brain 2. Self-esteem enhanced and 3. Gamma-band waves increase employee engagement.

Now, we cover 2 topics. First, I share with you a story of a golfer to demonstrate the power of question. Then, I share with you about the concept of Quiet Leadership and the science behind the theory. My final topic is coaching question examples. But first, let have the same understanding about the definition of coaching by example.

Coaching by question is a process that a coach uses to facilitate the coachee to discover the solution for himself.

We ask people back when they come to seek advice / opinion / judgment instead of giving them an answer.

As I mentioned earlier that you will walk away with some practical coaching tips, here are some coaching question examples.

Generic coaching question

1. Whatʼs your concern? 2. Can you be more specific?3. Do you know the cause? 4. How would you know the cause? 5. What would be an alternative solutions?6. Which one is most suitable?7. That mistake already happened, what did you learn?8. If you have to do it again, how would you do it differently? 9. If you donʼt know the answer, who would know and ask for?

This set is what David Rock calls; thinking question. Itʼs the question that you ask people to think about their thinking.

10. How can I best help you with your thinking? 11. How long have you been thinking about this? 12. How often do you think about this? 13. How important is this issue to you? 14. How clear about this issue? 15. Can you see any gaps in your thinking?


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Coaching by question in action

Khun Supicha Sorndamrih, the editor-in-chief of Cleo magazine Thailand was interviewed on the Modern 9 TV programme The Idol.

In this interview, she recalled when she was newly appointed as the editor several years ago. At 26, she was quite inexperienced and younger than most of her subordinates.

Her challenge at that time was ineffective work due to a lack of passion and poor working discipline. After a while, she asked her team. "What is your life's purpose? What is your dream? What do you do best? What is your passion?"

 Most of her team members, it turned out, had the same goal _ they wanted to make Cleo one of the best magazines in Thailand.

Then, she asked them. "If that's the goal, why don't we collaborate to make it happen? Now everyone needs to have input. What ideas can improve our magazine?"

 When dealing with some of the poor performers, she asked them directly how they could improve. She recalled one such conversation:

"Now we have the same goal. We need to discuss matters straightforwardly. What is your weakness?" Khun Supicha asked.

 "I always come to work late," the young man replied.

"How can you change in order to make our magazine the best as we have dreamed?"

"I have to start work on time."

"When would that be?"

"9 am."

"That's good. Shall we agree on it as a commitment?"

 She approached others in a similar way by reminding them of their shared goal _ to make Cleo a better magazine.

After a while, she observed a radical change. For example, a piece of artwork usually took three days. It turned out that each day they produced three pieces of artwork with much better quality.

Khun Supicha concluded : "Everyone has potential to do high-quality work. It's just a matter of unleashing their potential."


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Today, we cover 3 agenda;

Golfer & Executive coachQuiet Leadership conceptCoaching question examples.

The objective of todayʼs presentation is to learn some practical coaching tips.

The benefit is; to unlock your team potential, one at a time.

Thank you for your attention.

Obtain a book / E-book (kindle) / audiobook: Quiet Leadershipfrom

Or learn more bout it at;

Contact:Kriengsak NiratpattanasaiMobile: [email protected]


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