Page 1: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple Taiseki-ji Edition

Introduction To Gongyo The Significance of Gongyo

In Nichiren Shoshii the most important signifi-cance of Gongyo can be found within the titles and meanings of the actual sentences of the Silent Prayers The First Prayer is an offering to the Shoten Zenjin who are nourished by the flavor of the Law of My6ho-Renge-Ky6 The Second Prayer is an offering to the Dai-Gohonzon the only true and absolute o11hodox Object of Worship of the Essential Teachings which is the embodiment of the Person and the Law We conduct the Third Prayer as an offering to the Treasure of the Buddha Nichiren Daish6nin and the Treasure ofthe Priest-Nikk6 Sh6nin Nichimoku Shonin and all the other successive High Priests of Nichiren Sh6shl1 In the Fourth Prayer we pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of Kosen-rufu the eradication of our past slanders against the Law and our enlight-enmentin this andall future lives In the Fifth Praver weprayforall ofourdeceascdancestors comme~cshying with our fathers mothers hrothers and sisters and conclude with prayers for the salvation of all existence

The second Significance of doing Gongyo is the offering of our sincere requitals of gratitude to the Three Treasures of the Buddha the Law and the


Priest We offer the Second and Third Prayers in order to repay our debt of gratitude to the Three Treasures The Fourth Prayer is to pray for the salvation of and repay our debt of gratitude to all existence as well as to pray for the attainment of Kosen-rufu The Fifth Prayer correlates to our repaying of our debt of gratitude to our parents ancestors and again all existence

The third Significance is that it is only this Gongyo which is based on the transmission of the inheri-tance and ceremonies (kegi) of the Daishonin5 Buddhism It is the basis of faith for the only truly significant practice in the age of llJappo as taught by the Buddha

The fourth Significance is that when we do Gongy6 we bathe ourselves in the benefits ofthe Gohonzon and develop life conditions of happiness Gongy6 is the source and generative power through which we attain Buddhahood

The fifth significance is that through our daily prac-tice ofGongyo we are able to polish our minds and bodies eradicate the slanders from our impure and sullied hearts and bodies and transform our lives purifying the six senses Herein lies the importance of Gongy6

We carry out our practice of Gongy6 as disciples


and believers of Nichiren Daishonin understand-ing and basing our practice on the aforementioned significances thereby amassing great fortune in our lives while striving for the accomplishment of the Daishonins original aspiration for Kosen-rufu

Attitude and Posture During Gongyo

One should have a correct appearance posture and attitude when offering the recitation of Gongyo and Daimoku to the Gohonzon One may sit either in the traditional Japanese setza fashion cross-legged in western style or in a chair However what is important to remem-ber is that no matter which style one chooses Gongyo should always be done out of profound respect for the Gohonzon Therefore one should sit up straight placing the right and left hands together centrally on the chest in prayer with both elbows resting evenly against the sides of the body If one prefers to use a chair then both feet should be properly touching the ground One should not sit in such casual manners as sit-ting askew having legs crossed or the like

Wben reciting Daimoku or Gongyo eyes should be focused on the characterMy() in the centerofthe Gohonzon ones voice should have a speed that is properly matched to the rhythm ofones breathing and be of a medium volume One should chant


strongly and correctly dearly pronouncing each word syllable and letter Wl1en reading the Silent Prayers one should fully concentrate on Sincerely offering these prayers to the Gohonzon

During Gongyo it sometimes occurs that one has random or distracted thoughts However we need not be swayed by such thoughts but should rather have strong confidence that if we practice this Buddhist training 10 this marvelous Gohonzon with correct faith without a doubt we will all be able to manifest the greatest of benefits in our lives Day by day we should carry out our practice with a fresh spirit and put forth our utmost effort to do the best and most concentrated Gongyo possible

As a standard rule we conduct Gongyo twice daily once in the morning and once in the evening Wbile there is no set or particular time that we must do Gongyo we should choose a time that is most convenient according to lifestyle and exert ourselves to make Gongyo the most important aspect of daily life


Pronunciation Guide Here is a guide to Japanese pronunciation

Vowels Consonants

a as in father ch as in cherry e as in let g as in go

as in machine as in just 00 as in post s as in say uu as in rule sh as in shell y as in yes ts as in gets ai as in I z as in needs ui as in Louie r as in the ei as in lei Spanish name


h is always sounded-note the differencebetween yaku and hyaku Long marks over the 0 (0) and u eli) do not change their pronunciation but indicate a spelling differentiation in Japanese The sign indicates the elision of two words or syllables eg on pg 1 but chi-e is an elision of butsu chi-e On page 22 at the beginningofthe Jigage section the first syllable ofthe elidedword budmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot rai is pro-nouncedlike the tlrst syllable ofthe word Buddha except that the d is clipped short Hyphens are used to divide words into one beat syllables There will generally be one Chinese character per beat in the rhythm of Gongyo with the following exceptions



~ g shari - hotsu ( two beats)

iPJ ~ hara - mitsu (two beats) f~i1Jjshaka

S (41 muni - butsu (three beats)

Cr fiSiiigi p22 (one beat)

Because each syllable or group of syllables is a word or phrase which contains profound meaning mispronunciation of a word will change the mean-ing of the sutra Hence each syllable should be pronounced separately and distinctly Words have been hyphenated to aid rhythm and pronuncia-tion These instructions are intended as guidelines To master Gongyo there is no substitute for learn-ing from one who has mastered it


How to do Gongyo Gongyo consists of a series of prayers Recite all five prayers in the morning In the evening recite the second third and fifth prayers only For convenience the sutra book is divided into four sections

A Excerpt from the Hoben chapter p 1-4 B - Chogyo or prose section of the Jury() chapter

p 5-22 C -Jigage or verse section of the Juryo chapter p

22-31 D -Silent Prayers p 32-37

Here is the order of recitation

First Prayer Face the Gohonzon chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times (Daimoku Sansho) bowing in reverence to the Three Treasures of True Buddhism (the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin the True Law Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Priest ie Nikko Shonin Nichimoku Shonin and each of the successive High Pliests) Face east chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and recite part A The portion of part A from Sbo-i sJo-JiY to nyo ze bon-makku-kyo to is always repeated three times Bow after the third recitation Recite the title of the Juryo chapter


(first twO lines of palt B) omit remainder of part B and recite part C bowing at the end of part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku (Hiki-Daimoku which is pronounced Namu-MyohomiddotRenge-Kyo ie chant Namu breath chant JVlyoho-Renge-Ky) Namu breath chant Myoho-Renge-Kyo Namu breath chant My)hf)-Renge-Kyo) Bow chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and while bowed offer the tlrst Silent Prayer (I11e bell is not rung during the first prayer)

Second Prayer Face the Gohonzon sound bell seven times Recite part A sound bell three times Recite parts B C chant three prolonged Daimoku and bow Sound bell tlve times chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and offer the second Silent Prayer This is the only time that the whole sutra is recited straight through (The places indi-cated for bowing in the first prayer are the same for all five prayers The number of times the bell should be struck is always the same as indicated above except as indicated in the fifth prayer)

Third Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Ky6 three times


and offer the third Silent Prayer

Fourth Prayer Sound hell recite part A Sound hell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and offer the fourth Silent Prayer

Fifth Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Sound bell seven times while beginning the chanting of Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To end the recitation ofDaimoku sound bell with each syllable of the last Myoho-Renge-Kyo and bow Chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three more times and while bowed offer the fifth Silent Prayer Sound hell and conclude Gongyo by chant-ing Nam-My6ho-Renge-Kyo three times and bow-ing


The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 2: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

Introduction To Gongyo The Significance of Gongyo

In Nichiren Shoshii the most important signifi-cance of Gongyo can be found within the titles and meanings of the actual sentences of the Silent Prayers The First Prayer is an offering to the Shoten Zenjin who are nourished by the flavor of the Law of My6ho-Renge-Ky6 The Second Prayer is an offering to the Dai-Gohonzon the only true and absolute o11hodox Object of Worship of the Essential Teachings which is the embodiment of the Person and the Law We conduct the Third Prayer as an offering to the Treasure of the Buddha Nichiren Daish6nin and the Treasure ofthe Priest-Nikk6 Sh6nin Nichimoku Shonin and all the other successive High Priests of Nichiren Sh6shl1 In the Fourth Prayer we pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of Kosen-rufu the eradication of our past slanders against the Law and our enlight-enmentin this andall future lives In the Fifth Praver weprayforall ofourdeceascdancestors comme~cshying with our fathers mothers hrothers and sisters and conclude with prayers for the salvation of all existence

The second Significance of doing Gongyo is the offering of our sincere requitals of gratitude to the Three Treasures of the Buddha the Law and the


Priest We offer the Second and Third Prayers in order to repay our debt of gratitude to the Three Treasures The Fourth Prayer is to pray for the salvation of and repay our debt of gratitude to all existence as well as to pray for the attainment of Kosen-rufu The Fifth Prayer correlates to our repaying of our debt of gratitude to our parents ancestors and again all existence

The third Significance is that it is only this Gongyo which is based on the transmission of the inheri-tance and ceremonies (kegi) of the Daishonin5 Buddhism It is the basis of faith for the only truly significant practice in the age of llJappo as taught by the Buddha

The fourth Significance is that when we do Gongy6 we bathe ourselves in the benefits ofthe Gohonzon and develop life conditions of happiness Gongy6 is the source and generative power through which we attain Buddhahood

The fifth significance is that through our daily prac-tice ofGongyo we are able to polish our minds and bodies eradicate the slanders from our impure and sullied hearts and bodies and transform our lives purifying the six senses Herein lies the importance of Gongy6

We carry out our practice of Gongy6 as disciples


and believers of Nichiren Daishonin understand-ing and basing our practice on the aforementioned significances thereby amassing great fortune in our lives while striving for the accomplishment of the Daishonins original aspiration for Kosen-rufu

Attitude and Posture During Gongyo

One should have a correct appearance posture and attitude when offering the recitation of Gongyo and Daimoku to the Gohonzon One may sit either in the traditional Japanese setza fashion cross-legged in western style or in a chair However what is important to remem-ber is that no matter which style one chooses Gongyo should always be done out of profound respect for the Gohonzon Therefore one should sit up straight placing the right and left hands together centrally on the chest in prayer with both elbows resting evenly against the sides of the body If one prefers to use a chair then both feet should be properly touching the ground One should not sit in such casual manners as sit-ting askew having legs crossed or the like

Wben reciting Daimoku or Gongyo eyes should be focused on the characterMy() in the centerofthe Gohonzon ones voice should have a speed that is properly matched to the rhythm ofones breathing and be of a medium volume One should chant


strongly and correctly dearly pronouncing each word syllable and letter Wl1en reading the Silent Prayers one should fully concentrate on Sincerely offering these prayers to the Gohonzon

During Gongyo it sometimes occurs that one has random or distracted thoughts However we need not be swayed by such thoughts but should rather have strong confidence that if we practice this Buddhist training 10 this marvelous Gohonzon with correct faith without a doubt we will all be able to manifest the greatest of benefits in our lives Day by day we should carry out our practice with a fresh spirit and put forth our utmost effort to do the best and most concentrated Gongyo possible

As a standard rule we conduct Gongyo twice daily once in the morning and once in the evening Wbile there is no set or particular time that we must do Gongyo we should choose a time that is most convenient according to lifestyle and exert ourselves to make Gongyo the most important aspect of daily life


Pronunciation Guide Here is a guide to Japanese pronunciation

Vowels Consonants

a as in father ch as in cherry e as in let g as in go

as in machine as in just 00 as in post s as in say uu as in rule sh as in shell y as in yes ts as in gets ai as in I z as in needs ui as in Louie r as in the ei as in lei Spanish name


h is always sounded-note the differencebetween yaku and hyaku Long marks over the 0 (0) and u eli) do not change their pronunciation but indicate a spelling differentiation in Japanese The sign indicates the elision of two words or syllables eg on pg 1 but chi-e is an elision of butsu chi-e On page 22 at the beginningofthe Jigage section the first syllable ofthe elidedword budmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot rai is pro-nouncedlike the tlrst syllable ofthe word Buddha except that the d is clipped short Hyphens are used to divide words into one beat syllables There will generally be one Chinese character per beat in the rhythm of Gongyo with the following exceptions



~ g shari - hotsu ( two beats)

iPJ ~ hara - mitsu (two beats) f~i1Jjshaka

S (41 muni - butsu (three beats)

Cr fiSiiigi p22 (one beat)

Because each syllable or group of syllables is a word or phrase which contains profound meaning mispronunciation of a word will change the mean-ing of the sutra Hence each syllable should be pronounced separately and distinctly Words have been hyphenated to aid rhythm and pronuncia-tion These instructions are intended as guidelines To master Gongyo there is no substitute for learn-ing from one who has mastered it


How to do Gongyo Gongyo consists of a series of prayers Recite all five prayers in the morning In the evening recite the second third and fifth prayers only For convenience the sutra book is divided into four sections

A Excerpt from the Hoben chapter p 1-4 B - Chogyo or prose section of the Jury() chapter

p 5-22 C -Jigage or verse section of the Juryo chapter p

22-31 D -Silent Prayers p 32-37

Here is the order of recitation

First Prayer Face the Gohonzon chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times (Daimoku Sansho) bowing in reverence to the Three Treasures of True Buddhism (the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin the True Law Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Priest ie Nikko Shonin Nichimoku Shonin and each of the successive High Pliests) Face east chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and recite part A The portion of part A from Sbo-i sJo-JiY to nyo ze bon-makku-kyo to is always repeated three times Bow after the third recitation Recite the title of the Juryo chapter


(first twO lines of palt B) omit remainder of part B and recite part C bowing at the end of part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku (Hiki-Daimoku which is pronounced Namu-MyohomiddotRenge-Kyo ie chant Namu breath chant JVlyoho-Renge-Ky) Namu breath chant Myoho-Renge-Kyo Namu breath chant My)hf)-Renge-Kyo) Bow chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and while bowed offer the tlrst Silent Prayer (I11e bell is not rung during the first prayer)

Second Prayer Face the Gohonzon sound bell seven times Recite part A sound bell three times Recite parts B C chant three prolonged Daimoku and bow Sound bell tlve times chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and offer the second Silent Prayer This is the only time that the whole sutra is recited straight through (The places indi-cated for bowing in the first prayer are the same for all five prayers The number of times the bell should be struck is always the same as indicated above except as indicated in the fifth prayer)

Third Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Ky6 three times


and offer the third Silent Prayer

Fourth Prayer Sound hell recite part A Sound hell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and offer the fourth Silent Prayer

Fifth Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Sound bell seven times while beginning the chanting of Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To end the recitation ofDaimoku sound bell with each syllable of the last Myoho-Renge-Kyo and bow Chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three more times and while bowed offer the fifth Silent Prayer Sound hell and conclude Gongyo by chant-ing Nam-My6ho-Renge-Kyo three times and bow-ing


The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 3: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

and believers of Nichiren Daishonin understand-ing and basing our practice on the aforementioned significances thereby amassing great fortune in our lives while striving for the accomplishment of the Daishonins original aspiration for Kosen-rufu

Attitude and Posture During Gongyo

One should have a correct appearance posture and attitude when offering the recitation of Gongyo and Daimoku to the Gohonzon One may sit either in the traditional Japanese setza fashion cross-legged in western style or in a chair However what is important to remem-ber is that no matter which style one chooses Gongyo should always be done out of profound respect for the Gohonzon Therefore one should sit up straight placing the right and left hands together centrally on the chest in prayer with both elbows resting evenly against the sides of the body If one prefers to use a chair then both feet should be properly touching the ground One should not sit in such casual manners as sit-ting askew having legs crossed or the like

Wben reciting Daimoku or Gongyo eyes should be focused on the characterMy() in the centerofthe Gohonzon ones voice should have a speed that is properly matched to the rhythm ofones breathing and be of a medium volume One should chant


strongly and correctly dearly pronouncing each word syllable and letter Wl1en reading the Silent Prayers one should fully concentrate on Sincerely offering these prayers to the Gohonzon

During Gongyo it sometimes occurs that one has random or distracted thoughts However we need not be swayed by such thoughts but should rather have strong confidence that if we practice this Buddhist training 10 this marvelous Gohonzon with correct faith without a doubt we will all be able to manifest the greatest of benefits in our lives Day by day we should carry out our practice with a fresh spirit and put forth our utmost effort to do the best and most concentrated Gongyo possible

As a standard rule we conduct Gongyo twice daily once in the morning and once in the evening Wbile there is no set or particular time that we must do Gongyo we should choose a time that is most convenient according to lifestyle and exert ourselves to make Gongyo the most important aspect of daily life


Pronunciation Guide Here is a guide to Japanese pronunciation

Vowels Consonants

a as in father ch as in cherry e as in let g as in go

as in machine as in just 00 as in post s as in say uu as in rule sh as in shell y as in yes ts as in gets ai as in I z as in needs ui as in Louie r as in the ei as in lei Spanish name


h is always sounded-note the differencebetween yaku and hyaku Long marks over the 0 (0) and u eli) do not change their pronunciation but indicate a spelling differentiation in Japanese The sign indicates the elision of two words or syllables eg on pg 1 but chi-e is an elision of butsu chi-e On page 22 at the beginningofthe Jigage section the first syllable ofthe elidedword budmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot rai is pro-nouncedlike the tlrst syllable ofthe word Buddha except that the d is clipped short Hyphens are used to divide words into one beat syllables There will generally be one Chinese character per beat in the rhythm of Gongyo with the following exceptions



~ g shari - hotsu ( two beats)

iPJ ~ hara - mitsu (two beats) f~i1Jjshaka

S (41 muni - butsu (three beats)

Cr fiSiiigi p22 (one beat)

Because each syllable or group of syllables is a word or phrase which contains profound meaning mispronunciation of a word will change the mean-ing of the sutra Hence each syllable should be pronounced separately and distinctly Words have been hyphenated to aid rhythm and pronuncia-tion These instructions are intended as guidelines To master Gongyo there is no substitute for learn-ing from one who has mastered it


How to do Gongyo Gongyo consists of a series of prayers Recite all five prayers in the morning In the evening recite the second third and fifth prayers only For convenience the sutra book is divided into four sections

A Excerpt from the Hoben chapter p 1-4 B - Chogyo or prose section of the Jury() chapter

p 5-22 C -Jigage or verse section of the Juryo chapter p

22-31 D -Silent Prayers p 32-37

Here is the order of recitation

First Prayer Face the Gohonzon chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times (Daimoku Sansho) bowing in reverence to the Three Treasures of True Buddhism (the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin the True Law Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Priest ie Nikko Shonin Nichimoku Shonin and each of the successive High Pliests) Face east chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and recite part A The portion of part A from Sbo-i sJo-JiY to nyo ze bon-makku-kyo to is always repeated three times Bow after the third recitation Recite the title of the Juryo chapter


(first twO lines of palt B) omit remainder of part B and recite part C bowing at the end of part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku (Hiki-Daimoku which is pronounced Namu-MyohomiddotRenge-Kyo ie chant Namu breath chant JVlyoho-Renge-Ky) Namu breath chant Myoho-Renge-Kyo Namu breath chant My)hf)-Renge-Kyo) Bow chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and while bowed offer the tlrst Silent Prayer (I11e bell is not rung during the first prayer)

Second Prayer Face the Gohonzon sound bell seven times Recite part A sound bell three times Recite parts B C chant three prolonged Daimoku and bow Sound bell tlve times chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and offer the second Silent Prayer This is the only time that the whole sutra is recited straight through (The places indi-cated for bowing in the first prayer are the same for all five prayers The number of times the bell should be struck is always the same as indicated above except as indicated in the fifth prayer)

Third Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Ky6 three times


and offer the third Silent Prayer

Fourth Prayer Sound hell recite part A Sound hell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and offer the fourth Silent Prayer

Fifth Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Sound bell seven times while beginning the chanting of Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To end the recitation ofDaimoku sound bell with each syllable of the last Myoho-Renge-Kyo and bow Chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three more times and while bowed offer the fifth Silent Prayer Sound hell and conclude Gongyo by chant-ing Nam-My6ho-Renge-Kyo three times and bow-ing


The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 4: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

Pronunciation Guide Here is a guide to Japanese pronunciation

Vowels Consonants

a as in father ch as in cherry e as in let g as in go

as in machine as in just 00 as in post s as in say uu as in rule sh as in shell y as in yes ts as in gets ai as in I z as in needs ui as in Louie r as in the ei as in lei Spanish name


h is always sounded-note the differencebetween yaku and hyaku Long marks over the 0 (0) and u eli) do not change their pronunciation but indicate a spelling differentiation in Japanese The sign indicates the elision of two words or syllables eg on pg 1 but chi-e is an elision of butsu chi-e On page 22 at the beginningofthe Jigage section the first syllable ofthe elidedword budmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot rai is pro-nouncedlike the tlrst syllable ofthe word Buddha except that the d is clipped short Hyphens are used to divide words into one beat syllables There will generally be one Chinese character per beat in the rhythm of Gongyo with the following exceptions



~ g shari - hotsu ( two beats)

iPJ ~ hara - mitsu (two beats) f~i1Jjshaka

S (41 muni - butsu (three beats)

Cr fiSiiigi p22 (one beat)

Because each syllable or group of syllables is a word or phrase which contains profound meaning mispronunciation of a word will change the mean-ing of the sutra Hence each syllable should be pronounced separately and distinctly Words have been hyphenated to aid rhythm and pronuncia-tion These instructions are intended as guidelines To master Gongyo there is no substitute for learn-ing from one who has mastered it


How to do Gongyo Gongyo consists of a series of prayers Recite all five prayers in the morning In the evening recite the second third and fifth prayers only For convenience the sutra book is divided into four sections

A Excerpt from the Hoben chapter p 1-4 B - Chogyo or prose section of the Jury() chapter

p 5-22 C -Jigage or verse section of the Juryo chapter p

22-31 D -Silent Prayers p 32-37

Here is the order of recitation

First Prayer Face the Gohonzon chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times (Daimoku Sansho) bowing in reverence to the Three Treasures of True Buddhism (the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin the True Law Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Priest ie Nikko Shonin Nichimoku Shonin and each of the successive High Pliests) Face east chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and recite part A The portion of part A from Sbo-i sJo-JiY to nyo ze bon-makku-kyo to is always repeated three times Bow after the third recitation Recite the title of the Juryo chapter


(first twO lines of palt B) omit remainder of part B and recite part C bowing at the end of part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku (Hiki-Daimoku which is pronounced Namu-MyohomiddotRenge-Kyo ie chant Namu breath chant JVlyoho-Renge-Ky) Namu breath chant Myoho-Renge-Kyo Namu breath chant My)hf)-Renge-Kyo) Bow chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and while bowed offer the tlrst Silent Prayer (I11e bell is not rung during the first prayer)

Second Prayer Face the Gohonzon sound bell seven times Recite part A sound bell three times Recite parts B C chant three prolonged Daimoku and bow Sound bell tlve times chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and offer the second Silent Prayer This is the only time that the whole sutra is recited straight through (The places indi-cated for bowing in the first prayer are the same for all five prayers The number of times the bell should be struck is always the same as indicated above except as indicated in the fifth prayer)

Third Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Ky6 three times


and offer the third Silent Prayer

Fourth Prayer Sound hell recite part A Sound hell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and offer the fourth Silent Prayer

Fifth Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Sound bell seven times while beginning the chanting of Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To end the recitation ofDaimoku sound bell with each syllable of the last Myoho-Renge-Kyo and bow Chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three more times and while bowed offer the fifth Silent Prayer Sound hell and conclude Gongyo by chant-ing Nam-My6ho-Renge-Kyo three times and bow-ing


The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 5: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

How to do Gongyo Gongyo consists of a series of prayers Recite all five prayers in the morning In the evening recite the second third and fifth prayers only For convenience the sutra book is divided into four sections

A Excerpt from the Hoben chapter p 1-4 B - Chogyo or prose section of the Jury() chapter

p 5-22 C -Jigage or verse section of the Juryo chapter p

22-31 D -Silent Prayers p 32-37

Here is the order of recitation

First Prayer Face the Gohonzon chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times (Daimoku Sansho) bowing in reverence to the Three Treasures of True Buddhism (the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin the True Law Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Priest ie Nikko Shonin Nichimoku Shonin and each of the successive High Pliests) Face east chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and recite part A The portion of part A from Sbo-i sJo-JiY to nyo ze bon-makku-kyo to is always repeated three times Bow after the third recitation Recite the title of the Juryo chapter


(first twO lines of palt B) omit remainder of part B and recite part C bowing at the end of part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku (Hiki-Daimoku which is pronounced Namu-MyohomiddotRenge-Kyo ie chant Namu breath chant JVlyoho-Renge-Ky) Namu breath chant Myoho-Renge-Kyo Namu breath chant My)hf)-Renge-Kyo) Bow chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and while bowed offer the tlrst Silent Prayer (I11e bell is not rung during the first prayer)

Second Prayer Face the Gohonzon sound bell seven times Recite part A sound bell three times Recite parts B C chant three prolonged Daimoku and bow Sound bell tlve times chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times bow and offer the second Silent Prayer This is the only time that the whole sutra is recited straight through (The places indi-cated for bowing in the first prayer are the same for all five prayers The number of times the bell should be struck is always the same as indicated above except as indicated in the fifth prayer)

Third Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Ky6 three times


and offer the third Silent Prayer

Fourth Prayer Sound hell recite part A Sound hell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and offer the fourth Silent Prayer

Fifth Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Sound bell seven times while beginning the chanting of Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To end the recitation ofDaimoku sound bell with each syllable of the last Myoho-Renge-Kyo and bow Chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three more times and while bowed offer the fifth Silent Prayer Sound hell and conclude Gongyo by chant-ing Nam-My6ho-Renge-Kyo three times and bow-ing


The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 6: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

and offer the third Silent Prayer

Fourth Prayer Sound hell recite part A Sound hell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Chant three prolonged Daimoku sound bell chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times and offer the fourth Silent Prayer

Fifth Prayer Sound bell recite part A Sound bell recite first two lines of part B omit remainder of B and recite part C Sound bell seven times while beginning the chanting of Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To end the recitation ofDaimoku sound bell with each syllable of the last Myoho-Renge-Kyo and bow Chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three more times and while bowed offer the fifth Silent Prayer Sound hell and conclude Gongyo by chant-ing Nam-My6ho-Renge-Kyo three times and bow-ing


The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 7: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

~t 7 l1-- at

fJJ ~ ~~o Myo ho ren ge kyO

o ~O

Ho-ben-pon Dai ni l 3A i

o tE = ll7Ko Ni ji se son Jii san-maL An-jo

gt j l--

fIJ ltme ni ki Go shari-hotsu

f~ tr i $i l)o k0

but chi-e Jin - jin mu-ryo Go b~ 1jA (1- tilv dgtj l tl

F~ fi m fi Ao ~ t)] chi-e mono Nan-ge nan-nyii Is - sai L L- ~-) L-

ij X f911 0 pIT sho-mon Hyaku-shi-butsu Sho

~ 0 LrJr 0 Lir Wo 1~ fu no chi 5ho - i sha gao Butsu

LA itA i 0)ltfJa T 3iJ W

zo shin -gon Hyaku-sen-man-noku


i-) c-~ f9110 ~ 510- t -u Mu- rv() do- ho Yll-myo 1 bUS 1 J ] L A ~ J -I L- A -)

ffl ~o 15 Wi sh() - jin Myo-sho fu mono R) ju


-+-751L ~ jin - jin Mi-zo-u hc) Zui gi sho


o Shari-hotsu


nX 1 ~otpound Go jii jC) -butsu rai Shu -ju in -nen L- Lltt- u- 4-

f~ f~ yen Dtlto Shu-ju hi-yu Mu ~lcent- A ~A ~ t)_

tZ 1pound0 ~I bull shu ho-ben In-dc) shu-jo Ryo ri

Lvlt LJ - ~~ l- - ~l

~ ~o PIT pound( 1f 5ho jaku Sho - i sha gao Nyo rai

io ~U 1~~ ho-ben Chi-ken hara-mit5u Kai


tEo () i gu-soku Shari-hotsu Nyo-rai 7- (tA -j tt 4Hpound l~~

1[]~o ~ mochi -ken Ko-dai jin - non Mu-ryo


(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 8: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

(- (f- fJ~ t- L- l- t-Iv Lt-J 4IlE = -J 4IlE he EEl ~ 9 W1to J 0 rJI No Ii =0

mu-ge Riki Mu-sho-i Zen-jo t ~A 1tl ~_k 114gt -) t- ~~ m ~o ll7Ko i~ A ~ ~o Ge-das San-mai Jin nyll mu-sai Lt-l~-~ I lmiddot i - ) -- 1) L-gtV)

b~ gjt t]o ~ ~ Ito ~flJ Jo-ju is-saL Mi-zo-u h() Shari-

(0) l- ~ 0)) Lgt~- lt- iA

iff PO flE 0 fpound fpound 7t hotsu Nyo-rai no Shu-ju fun-

L J - 11-)

~IIo rs ~ ~ ito betsu Gyo ses sho ho Gon-

- t It -) ~ 1- Z b _ L~ - l A l i)p

1Wi ~o ~ uJ o~fIJ ji nyu-nan Ek-ka shu-shin Shari-

L ~ J ) L t - h 4 -7 He1 iffi 4IlE--JiA -g - 0 ~J

hotsu Shu yo gon shi Mu-ryo L - ---- ~- + -) + (~~ 1fu ~ ~ amp0 ~ -R 110 1711 -

mu-hen Mi-zo-u ho Bus shitsu ~J )Lt LPl i~) _~- Lj- 2-

J]~ gto ~fIJ F ~l 1~ jo - ju Shi shari-hotsu Fu shu bu ~ 0 LplT DLit f~T () f~ LNi-

ses Sho-i sha gao Bus sho hf~i ~ ~ ft W ~0

jo - ju Dai ichi ke-u Nan-ge shi


137 p~~ J~- J- )~- f~ (J)-j

fED III f~ ~ f~o JJ ~E ho Yui butsu yo butsu Nai no (- CAt Lt- 1i-) Ll t-)

3-t ~o ~ fE jf mo ku - jin Sho- ho jis - so

LJ- 1- LJ- (l-j ~J- -tf- i-j

PJT ~ ~ 5no ~D ~ ffio Sho-i sho-ho Nyo ze so J- tf- LJ tI- tf- tll

~D ~ Ii 0 ~D ~ no Nyo ze shoo Nyo ze tai ~~- ~- ~I ~o- ~- 3-~D ~ tJ 0 ~D ~ 11= 0

Nyo ze riki Nyo ze sa IJ- i- llA It- if- tA

~D ~ ~ 0 ~D ~ io Nyo ze in Nyo ze en ~o ~- ~- ~~- ~- ~~

~D ~ ~o ~D ~ ~o Nyo ze ka Nyo ze ho 00-- IV iO- (- lo~ 17

~D ~ $ ~ ~ ~o Nyo ze hon-mak~ku-kyo to

(Recite section from Sho-i sho-ho to Nyo ze hon-makku-kyo to three times)


7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 9: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

7 J) ipound hA-

if) ret ~ 0

Myo ho ren ge kyo i I - J l L - lj (i A t t L gtcent) s lt ~[J ii db 0 ~ + f 0

Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon Dai jii-roku 1- ~S-) L 1- g~ yen)s

~Il fli 0 ~ ~ amp0hl

ji butsu go Sho bo -satsu gyii r ~ f t L - t --

~17] 7 ~Q ~ To Is - sai dai - shu 5ho zen-nan-shL

--- If- r J- i - l

1~ fiJyen tm c~ ~ to shin -ge Nyo- rai if) - tat

Z ~ 1~ ~o iCrtz ~ shi go Bu dai - shu Nyo-t() -J 1- - Lf t L- ~i-

1~ ft[j IDlX m Z Mfox shin - ge Nyo-rai j6middot tai shi go U



~o tiD l~ ~ ~ 0 li Mr


ge Nyo -rai j() - tai shi go Ze ji

~ ~ Liit-o ~ i~ ~ L~ 0

bo-satsu dai - shu Mi-roku i shu

Li~ Gtfult 1~ 0

Gas-sho byaku butsu gon Se - son


~ trj- -1TI tJ- c--) Cry

at ~ ~ ft~~ Yui gan ses shL Ga -to to shin - ju l if- centtI

(Ii ~[J ~ butsu-go Nyo ze san byaku i

lYgt tIv L- -o l ~ 20 ft

Bu gon Yui gan ses -0 shi Ga- to C LA J- ~- Ct

~ f~ f~ ~o fjj ~o to shin ju butsu-go Ni ji se-son t- LJ- 52 ~A LJ J~- L j[J ~ ~o - im G llo Chi sho bo - satsu San sho fu shi (- L- tJ- J-j t~

fffi2 ttc~~ 00

Ni go shi gon Nyo-to tai cho t~- o-1 l- J- LJv j1 l f)~

~D ff~ 0 fiipoundIllm 2 fJ 0 Nyo -rai hi -mitsu Jin - Zll shi tiki ~1 ~l- tt- 17middot0 A ~4gt 1)- L

-lJ] TIt Fs 0 Aampo ~ flff Is - sai se-ken Ten-nin gyll A-shu- - tJ~t l ~ ndeg ~S-j

m 0 gr flf J1 f~ 0

ra Kai ikon shaka-muni-butsu l~( ~ 0 ~D ij c~~

Shus-shaku shi gu Ko ga-ya-jo - ~ilv - 10middotmiddot co ( ~ lt lt - 0)(

G ~o 1K Jt ~o ~ ~iif ~ fu on Za 0 do - jo Toku a-noku-


f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 10: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

f- i) ~A ttl 11 ilv

~m tilL ~ ta- ra -san-myaku-san-bo-dai Nen

tA L- )- C)7 ~)

~ -=fo ~ M 911 zen-nan -shi Ga jitsu jo - butsu ~- ~ tt- t~ -h 1gt (

E 0 ~ ~ jfo B i - rai Mu-ryo mu-hen Hyaku-sen

0( u- 0- ~-~ I- ~- ~-

it 0 =n~ IE i1 fJJ 0 11 ~o 1i man-noku Na-yu ta - ko Hi nyo go-(j( 11 ltD( ~- t~-tshyB 1l 1 0 JJ~ IE 11 0

hyaku-sen-man-noku N a-yu -tao - t I- acA f 1gt tr- iJ

~~ mo - ~ tt Wo A-so -gi San -zen -dai -sen - se - kaL

- IC t- i-- tA

~ Ao 1 ~ ~ ~o Ke shi u nino MaCchi mi - jin n- 15- t -) il-j OP lt ttl J ~ ~ 170 B ~ 1lKa 0 to-boo Go-hyaku-sen-man-t - ~- l - - lt

o JJB 11 0 ~ ~ m ~ 0

noku Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku tj - L t- C7 t7 TJ ~o ~O froNai ge ichi jin Nyo ze to gyo lA tf-- I Lt- tr1 L-

bull I ~ ~o ~ ~-=fo Jin ze mi - jin Sho zen-nan-shi


)1 1)lt- l J - TJ

PI 0 ~ W-o un-gao Ze sho se -kaL Ka

ei ia ~t) 0-fYf ~ IX 7 toku shi-yui kyfi-ke Chi go shu ~ -- - ) lt L lt f~o iIliJJ M o ~ fu Mi-roku bo-sat to Ku byaku ~ It L~- WO butsu gon Se - son Ze sho se -kat

r-A- jA - L-

jl ~ 15fT Mu-ryo nm-hen Hi san - ju sho chi

L Jj k-t L~ ~J ~- -

~ igtTI 0 3Z f~ H $I sho-mon Hyaku-shi -butsu I mu-7- ~$- t-

iJfi of~ 0 fJD 10 - Fu no shi - yui Chi go

if)- PI s-- L~-

Ix ~ 11 yen plusmnfu 0

gen-shu Ga-to jll A-yui-ot chi-ji ~- ~j~ c ~-

1i~ tp 0 30 fiJT1~ o ze ji chilo Yaku sho fu

~ tit ftO L~~f 1ft W0

das se - son Nyo ze sho se kai


--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 11: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

--- --

- f) ~ -) tJ~ Iv 1- J-)

~ ~ ~ ito m ~o Mu-ryo mu-hen Ni ji butsu gO ~ M ~L~-Dai-bo- sas shu Sho zen-nan-shi A ~A 1fA l~- c~

~ 7t flljo sect amp ~o Kon-to fun-myo Sen-go nyo to If- it- n~) ~ lt Jj- LA

Ji tit W0 ~ 1If( 1m 0

Ze sho se - kai Nyaku chaku mi - jin fi to ltgt- LA- t- 1shy

amp ~ ~o 1 ~ ~ 0

Gyii fu chaku sha Jin ni i jin - tJlt- t ~ oj Jt

- $ho ~ nXi~ chi - jin ik -ko Ga jo-butsu i - rai

b-- L- 0 ( ~ ~ lb~o B

Bu ka 0 shL Hyaku-sen-man- fJ- gt1gt- - - -1 If-- t-if- 0 jj~ rn 18 0 jliiJ 11 Jmpound $h 0 El noku Na-yu- ta A-so-gi ko Ji Lgt4J i tJt- ~1 L L1 i--ffpound 0 ~ tE l1to ~ ~ iii ze raL Ga jo zai shL Sha ba-tr- n tt--1 l) It- ( ll-

tit Wo m ift ~ 1~D ~ ~ se- kai Sep-po kyo ke Yaku 0 J- LJ 0lt ~A 17)(

t~ ~o B ~ tio yo-shoo Hyaku-sen-man-noku


centl- -- j)- r) tJ- C7 yen)-rn f~ jliiJ ~ Jmpound ~ 0 ~ 12iJ0

Na-yu-ta A-so-gi koku Do-ri L- ~ s-

o ~ -j~8 fj~ shu-jo Sho zen-nan - shL 0 ze

1fv t- idA c j J

is10 ~ ~ ti iJil c

chii-gen Ga setsu nen-to-but to ~- (i-

X Jtc 1]( 0

1 bu gon go NyU 0 ne-han J ~- Iv ~~

to flo 1pound ~1J 0

Nyo ze kai 1 Ho-ben fun -betsu ~- + - ~~jo

Sho zen-nan-shL Nyaku u shu - jo f~- L j gt

tit fix 0 ~J 0

Rai - shi ga sho Ga i butsu-gen

ii oL~ ti~1j 0

Kan go shin-to Sho-kon ri-don LJ - c- L-- - ~ tt--fix J5pound0 ~ El ~o

Zui sho 0 do Sho-sho ji setsu ~- c - fi ~ L J ) lt F[P] - Jo 2Jj

My6-ji fu-do Nen-ki dai-sho Yaku - gt - - (~ --

A ~ X bu gen gon To nyi ne-han U

10 9



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 12: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu



~ L4- -It- h~ i-J-

fl fi f 0 ~ tFJ shu -ju ho-ben Setsu mi-myo

iJ J Lcent tl

~ ~ ~ ho No ryo shu jo Hok~kan-gi

L J - c~

c ~ ~ shin Sho zen-nan-shi Nyo-rai it fi- L J IJ[L ~ ff J ken sho shu - jo Gyo 0 sho -bo

~ l L ~-~ ~o

Toku-hak~ku jii sha I ze 7lt- --

ft nin setsu Ga sho shuk~ke Toku

~ i ili ~ tE 0

a -noku-ta ra-san-myaku-san-bo-dai if ~~ 0

Nen ga jitsu jo - butsu i - rai t- 1

Wr fl fo Ku-on nyaku shi Tan ni ho- ben

~ t - IJ j -) 14gt - Ifit ~ ~ A 7J1

Kyo-ke shu - jo Ryo nyii butsu-do ~- t- -- ttl

iF tm ~o ~ 0

Sa nyo ze setsu Sho zeo-nan-shi

tc ~~) - r)l It m Nyo-rai sho en kyo-den Kai i

- - I L J ~ L S ~

i5f 1m ~ to ~ do-dasshu - 0 Waku sek- ko-shin

~~ t- h( Lfu

~ it ~ ~ ~o0

Waku setta shin Vakui ko-shin ~ L~ ~

yi ~o ~ Waku ji ta-shin Waku ji ko-ji hlt 1- Lj ti-lt

~ ft pJT ~o Wakui ta - ji 5ho sho gon-setsu

l- L- ~ -- )lt-

Jf mo pJT ~ iiI 0

Kai jitsu fu ko Sho-i sha gao i J - t j t- Iv tr l

~lJ Jf IJ[L 0 W-Nyo-rai nyo - jit chi - ken San-gai

v) L- r o 1Ii ~o 5

shi so Mu u sho - ji Nyaku tai

~ tE oyaku shutsu Yaku mu zai - se li Ii L45 Gyii metsu-do sha Hi jitsu hi

[)- ~J p_ 1- I) ~A

~o 1~ ~o 1~ ~o G flo -ko Hi nyo hi i Fu nyo san-

12 11

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 13: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

Wo i~ ~ io~D- wr gai Ken no san - gai Nyo shi

i JJo ~D- H

gts)jJ ~o ~ ~ shi ji Nyo - rai myo ken Mu u

Lt-lJ7 llt4l- L~- J( L4gt- L~- ~middotJmiddot1

ti 110 ft ft poundXo ft ft 11 0 ju shoo Shu - ju yoku Shu - ju gyo L b - L - t lt i- -j ~v - J lt fl fi t~ ~O ft ~iJ itt 0 BX Shu-ju oku-so Fun-bek ko Yoku

J) L J -j L J - -lf Iv _ Ie l _ i= J tr-v

1pound~~ttL0=pound T ryo sho sho zen - gon I nyak -kan v tlv [J - 4l- v ~ - L 1l - L 11gt - -lj-~ ~r-j

IEl ~~o fl ~ ~ ~o fi fi m ito in-nen Hi-yu gon - ji Shu - ju sep-po L J - c- - ~ -) L - h - -f -j ~v 14- l

FJf fF f~ $ 0 = ~ I ~ 0

Sho-sa butsu - ji Mi zo zan pai d- - -tt - 1 - -- J -j J --J l - LA t

~IJ ~ iJ( nX i~ B 0 ~ Nyo ze ga jo - butsu i - rai Jin - dai (- tJ1v l gtlgt - h J -j c- J J -) ltt)- -f -j ~-- -)

~ )amp0 ~ iIJ ~ [WJ -ffit ~iEpound tJJ 0a ku-on Ju-myo mu-ryo A-so-gi-ko L J -j L cent -j ~ - t) -l L J - -tt Iv t J l- -

~ 11 T- ~o ~ ~ ~ ~o Jo - jii fu - metsu Sho zen-nan-shL


L J - L J-jfi ~1i ~ M Uio FJf nX Ga hon gyo bo -satsu do Sho jo ~ ~-JJJ -j v gt4l-) lj- Liv )- ii~ L J -j

~ ilJo ~ m= ~o 1~ ig L ju-myo Kon yU mi jin Bu bai jo

fdv A(j- L-- -0 1-lto ~ ~ ~F Jr ~ J3ro shu Nen kon hi jitsu metsu-do - - A A L J -j v -j L gt1 - 1)--)

rffi 1pound ~sect ~ 0 1it Irx ~ Ni ben sho gon To shu metsu-

iJ- gtll - 11- Ii) Ie ~J -) (t-

J3ro ~D 0 ~ 1] 1pound0 fx 1~ do Nyo-rai i ze ho-ben Kyo-ke L gtt - L J ) L J - l - Lp - tJ - i p lt J I

1K 1pound0 FJf 0 ~ iiiI 0 =pound f~ shu - jo Sho - i sha gao Nyaku buk~ lt - I~ fjgt -jti - -tplusmn- - I lt c lt L - A-

7- tt ~ iiL 1 f~ Z Ao ku-jii 0 se Haku-toku shi nino - Lcent- lJ1v v (Jiv (- If-~v cA-T- fi ~ fNo ~ ~ T ~o jtFu shu zen-gon Bin-gu ge-sen Ton-

-t- -0 lt =- J lt gttgt -j 5- t lt c-j ~~ Ii 1 fA I~ tEl~ tJAo )) Ie ~-o jaku go-yoku NyU 0 oku -so

~J-) ~ j- ~~ -A -e- ~J-j L-

~ 1pound G ~o 1pound ~ ~ 0 0 Jo zai fu-metsu Ben ki kyo-shL


- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 14: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

- ~ -5-- L -) b- ~i_~

IR O~ i~ fi Ni e en-dai Fu na sha o Nan-



Ku-gya shi shin Ze - i~ - 1 ~ --) )~-it~

itt ~D fJ 1] if ~o j~ ko nyo - raL I ha-ben setsu Bi-

c --) l - J 1 -t-If ~ iffl tiL

ku ta chi Sho bus-~shus - se ~ ) - - L - L - --

~ iff pJT -tf M Nan ka chi guo Sho-i sha gao

l-J lt c lt t ) - 1 -~ ~ ) liI11 jc i[lI 0

Sho haku-toku nino Ka mu-rya ]7 h(

B ~0

Hyaku-sen-man-nokka Vaku ~~) vlt ttl L(gt

f91l C ~ 5 -tf 0

u ken butsu Vaku fu ken sha I - - X

JJ nt ~ 0 = I shi ji ko Ga sa ze gon

~ Jio ij ~ Sho bi-ku Nyo-rai nan ka tok-~ken

Li- ~ Po- 100

Shi shu ja ta Mon nyo ze go


~f -7 t~ Ar L-Q ~ 7-

0m fi -

Hit to sh) O Nan-za shi sa

ii Ii f~L Shin ne ren-bo Katsu-ga 0 butsu ~ eli c

Ben shu zen -gon Ze ko nyo - raL Y)

rm iItpound

Sui fu jitsu metsu Ni gon metsu-o~fo 1~ i~D

do C zen-nan-shi Sho-butsu nyo-( -- --

tzo raL Ho kai nyo ze I do shu-

fio I~D-

ja Kai jitsu fu ko Hi nyo f()-

fj i~ ~o ~ i Chi -esc) - datsu Mya ren ha-

l- L~- ~40 ~

) ttl ftt W-J 0 A yaku Zen ji shu-bya Go nin ta ~i -+ - o~middot sho shi-soku Nyaku jii ni-jii Nai-

o L- S ~o j

hyaku-shu I u ji - en On


- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 15: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

- L~-

~ Jlo~O ~ famp ~ ~

shi yo-koku Sho-shi 0 gO On yaku-so 5hiki - ko mi-mi Kai shitsu ( tA

0~ rG9 ~ fit 0

ta doku-yaku Yaku hotsu mon-ran gu-soku To-shi wa-go Yo shi t ltJ Iv-i tttio ~ ~~ 0 11= llt

En-den u jL Ze ji go bu Gen ryo buku Ni sa ze gon 5hi dai-it- L J

~o ~ 0

rai ki ke 5ho-5hi on doku ro-yaku Shiki - k() mi-mi Kai shitsu ~ ~

RfoWaku shitsu hon-shin Waku fu gu-soku Nyo-to ka buku Soku jo

c~ H iv 13 0 n _-

shls sha_ Yi) ken go bu Kai dai ku-no Mu bu shu-gen Go sho-

ipound 0 RJ6 kan - gi Hai - ki mon-jin Zen nan- 5hi chu Fu 5hi5 shin ja Ken shi

I ~ ~ - lt amp ~ ~ Rf ~ 1~ i~ fi

non ki Ga-to gu-chi Go buku ro-yaku Shiki ko gu ko Soku-ben ~ lt i)J z ~ t


Lmiddot iJc

doku-yaku Gan ken kU-ryo Kyo ~o W~ JX J


o f)

) rpoundi shi ju-myo Bu ken shi to Ku-no shin ja Ken go bu rai Sui yak

it c~co0 o 0f~ nyo ze E 5ho kyo-boo Gu ko kan-gi mon jin Gu-shaku ji by()

17 18




ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 16: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

ipoundo ffi1 yen ~ Nt Nen yo go yaku Ni fu ko buku

Lo~ IJ~ C I L 1M ~ fiiJ w= 0

Sho-i sha gao Dok-ke jin nyCl - Ik Lk 15- L

7( $ I~ rtt ~ llt Shipc- pon-shin ko 0 shi ko

- ~-

0 Ifij f shiki-ko yaku Ni i fu mi ~- h~

X ~0

Bu sa ze nen Shi shi ka min v- )l ~-

~ 0 -sect riP I doku sho chi Shin kai ten- eti t~ lt lfIJ0 1il ~ Jamp0

do Sui ken ga ki Gu-shak-~ku-~- ~~

o 1m ~ ryo Nyo ze ko yaku Ni fu ko

~t f~ foC

buku Ga kon to setsu ho-ben 4~lt L f-~ E-

ij~ llt ~p F0

Ryo buku shi yaku Soku sa ze

~ ~Oo ~ gon Nyo-to to chi Ga kon sui-


JS ~) L- L- ~- 7

~o sectE ~ ~ H roo Shi ji i shi Ze ko ro-

E ~ IJ 10-~iJ


EEl tE l~tc i1x liT yaku Konru zai shi Nyo ka


~ Rt try yen ~ 11= shu buku Moftsu fu sai Sa ze

~- L - it f~ ft~-z 7 ii plusmn 0 Ja kyo i Bu shi ta-koku Ken shi

Ji if X ffiyen0 0

gen go Nyo bu i shi Ze ji L J - L - IS~ - il (

~ -=faX 1t sho - shi Mon bu hai - so Shin

- ~) -7 I 2-

~ Ifklo ffiJ F 0

dai u -no Ni sa ze nen Nyaku -J VJ

o ~o llE bu zai sha Ji - min ga - to No ken

L -0 1- fdA f~_

o rg w 5amp it ku-go Kon-ja sha gao On so ta-

c- ~ ~ i- L

o sect Itrm 1~ I~ 111 00

koku Ji yui ko-ro Mu bu ji -ko -j~- ~~

I~ M0 0

Jo e hi-kan Shin zui sho-go


~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 17: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

~ L- hshy

~n ~t ~ Nai chi shi yaku Shiki ko rni-mi ip ~~i Soku shu buku shi Doku byo tmiddotmiddotl Jjgt- l -J

1ff ~o ~ ~ 0 d~ kai YUmiddot Go bu rnon shi Shit chi

o o toku- sai Jin ben rai ki Gen ~~ oL~~f~~yen shi ken shi Sho zen-nan-shi

i 0 ~A ~~ ~ o i un-gao Ha u nin no Ses

1- - 1)lt-

~t ~o ~ ollia shi ro -i Ko-rno zai fu Hot~cha

ip - - lt 1 J -it ft ~ 1(0 Se-son Butsu gon Ga yaku nyo

t- -) C-LJif ii e- 0 O ~ ~ o

ze Jo - butsu i - raL Mu-ryo rnu-hen

( o

Hyaku-sen-rnan-noku Na-yu -tao 1i- ~o) =- _ ~~ tJJ~~o 0

A-so-gi-ko I shu jo ko I ho-


b)~) _ ~lt

~ 0 iJtX Et ~ ben -riki Gon to rnetsu-do Yaku

oo rnu uno Nyo ho setsu gao

Jo Ko-rno ka sha Ni ji se-son ~ ti 0


L it -) L p-m ~t 0 ITo Yoku sen shigi Ni setsu

ge gon

~ f~ f~ c

Ji ga toku bud raL M L~- fj] ~

Sho kyo sho kos-shu csectlt

Mu-ryo hyaku-sen-rnan l t- i7 1-

~ [fur ~ ~o Oku-sai -a - so -gi

J- t - 0 lt lt-

~Jampt 0

Mu-shu-oku shu -jo


~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 18: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

~lt4gt-JiQ- $lt) 7

A 1t~ f~ mo Ryo nyii 0 butsu- do 10- ~- -gt m ~ Wo Ni-rai mu-ryo -ko v-c- L Lt)-

~~ ~ ti i5Xo I do shu-jo ko

1j i ii ~o Ho-ben gen ne-han

c 1)--gt c-Jl ~ ~o

Ni jitsu fu metsu-do l J ~ L a -j L - tt 7 irmiddot)

~ t1 Itt ~ mo JO jll shi sep pO n- tot-)s- L~

~ fplusmn ~ J1to Ga jo ju 0 shi l-LJ- tA- -)

U~ ffiiJ a

I sho jin-zu-riki f) ~ -) 1 f c LlI L J f- flIt fyenU ~ ti 0

Ryo ten-do shu- jo 1-

f Sui gon ni fu ken

IOL-~ ~ ~ Shu ken ga metsu-do


) -) V) bullbullbull

Il 1t flj 0

Ko ku-yo sha-ri irt ttA-

~ ~ Gen kai e ren -boo

Iffi ii Ni sho katsu -go shin

e ~

Shu-jo ki shin-buku [yl ~0

Shichi - jiki nyU-nan J tJ

t1z ~ 0

Is shin yok~ken butsu ~J J ~ 0[10

Fu ji shaku shin-myo

~ ~ ~o Ji ga gyU shu-so


Ku shutsu ryo - ju -sen L -

~~ ~ Ga ji go shu - jo

L J1~

J6 zai shi fu-metsu


jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 19: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

jJ lifo I ho-ben - rik ko

Gen umetsu fu-metsu t~ ~ -r 0

Yo-koku u shu - jo lt - ~ J

$ ~ Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha

Ga bu 0 hi chii

I setsu mu-jo ho + t

~ ilL Nyo-to fu mon shi

sect~ rstc Tan ni ga metsu-do

c L-

~ 1ft 0

Ga ken sho shu - jo (- fl-

5 riff Motsu-zai 0 ku -kai

Ko fu i gen shin

Ii J - J-)

rlJ 0

Ryo go sho katsu-go l L~

[ZSI L 0

In go shin ren -boo t f j

7J ~ 0

Nai shutsu i sep- po LA ~~ ~~-

)ji$ tm ~ Jin zit - riki nyo ze

3) - --) tf~ -)

F-iiJ ~ 11la tiJ o a-so-gi-ko

Jo zai ryo-ju-sen ~- -) L J

amp ~ Gyii yo sho jii -shoo L - (1 A ) L f

1ft ~ til ~ Shu-jo ken ko jin

l J - L-pJT B~c

Dai -ka sho sho ji

ilpound Ga shi do an-non

A Ten-nin jo jii-man

26 25



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 20: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu



~ L~- ~o On-rin sho do- kaku

ii ~ 0

Ho-ju ta ke ka L 0pfr I1H

Shu-jo sho yu-raku ~plt (-

~ ~ ~~ Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku

) t r~ Jo sasmiddotmiddot shu gi-gaku

t Iv ]-

yen Hi 0

U man-da-ra ke

~ fi 0

San butsu gyU dai - shu L J 7 lsect-

iyen ~t fE~o Ga jo-do fu ki -

fffi Ni shu ken sho jin

U -fu sho ku-no


Nyo ze shitsu jll-man L~ --lJ

~ R 3 Ze sho zai shu-jo

0 I aku-go in-nen

for ~ ~o Ka a-so-gi-ko

Fu mon san-bo myo L 2 ~

1i f~ Ji f~o Sho u shu ku-doku

L z iTiT Fl

~yU-wa shichi jiki sha f- 1)dl 7-

~IJ ~ poundit c

Sok- kai ken ga shin


Zai shi ni sepmiddotpo hlt lc- ~- l Lltcent-

~ a~T ffi Jl~ fflt Waku-ji i shi shu

Setsu butsu - ju mu-ryo

27 28

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 21: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

~-~ f9l cit-o Ku nai ken bus-- sha

~ i fJi I setsu butsu nan chi

jj 10 Ga chi riki nyo ze ~ ~) bullTlI ~o

E-ko sho mu-ryo ) (-

~ tfJo ]u-myo mu-shu-ko

~fli- m Ku shu go sho toku


~ Nyo-to u chi

l 1


- L

ll1 0

Mot-to shi sho gi

To dan ryo yo jin

Butsu-go jip pu ko ri --) k

1] ffo ~yo i zen ho-ben


tic I ji 0- shi ko

Jitsu zai ni gon shi ~ -tz

Mu no sek ko-mo

~ 0 Ga yaku i se bu

~~- it Co

Ku sho ku-gen sha (bA - IiL jlL c

I bon-bu ten -do


Jitsu zai ni gon metsu L - t r

~fJ I jo ken ga ko ffi ~~7 o

Ni sho kyo-shi shin

~ Ho -itsu jaku go-yoku

~I- C -j ~ ill 0

Da 0 aku-do chilo


Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 22: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

Silent Prayerst-

~ -3Q ~~-

Ga jo chi shu-jo -

fr ~ 7

First PrayerGyodo fu gyo do Offering to the Shoten Zenjini 2-L -~ pfT It Zui o sho ka do I sincerely pray that Daibontenno

i Lft iii Taishakutenno Dainittenno Daigattenno I ses -- shu -ju ho Daimyojotenno and aU the other Shoten

l L - -tf- Zenjin sworn guardians of the Lotus Sutra sect=l ~ 0 may increasingly be nourished by the powerMai ji sa ze nen

oL1yoh6-Renge-Kyo so that they will be ableL~- 0

to continuaUyprotect thosewho embrace True I ga ryo shu-jo Buddhism

i~ -j t- t -) Cmiddot~

A ~ )]0 Toku nyu mu-jo-do

Chant Nam-141yoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Ii f~ 0

iHyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Soku jo - ju bus-shin


Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


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Second Prayer Offering to the Dai-Gohonzon

I express my sincere devotion to the Oai-Gohonzon-the soul of the ]uryo chapter of the Essential Teachings and the Supreme Law concealed within its depths the fusion of the realm of the Original Infmite Law and the inherent wisdom within the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo the manifestation of the Buddha of Intrinsically Perfect Wisdom the etemal coex-istence ofthe TenW orIds the entity of Ichinen Sanzen the oneness of the Person and the Law and the Supreme Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Its beneficence and pray that Its profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Chant Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyobo-Renge-Kya


Third Prayer Offering to Nichiren Daishonin and the Successive High Priests I express my sincere devotion to the Founder of True Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin the bound-lessly compassionate Buddha who revealed the True Cause of Original Enlightenment who pos-sesses the Three Enlightened Properties and whose Three Enlightened Properties comprise His single being whose beneficence transcends the Three Existences and who possesses the Three Virtues of sovereign teacher and parent I also express my heartfelt grJtitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL

Cbant Nam-illyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myobo-Renge-Kyo Narn-Atlyobo-Renge-Kyo I express my sincere devotion to the Second High Priest Byakuren Ajari Nikko Shonin the first among the Treasure of the Priest and the Great Master of Propagation who directly received the Living Essence of the True Buddha from Nichiren Daishiinin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His benefi-cence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevaiL Cbant Nam-lvlyobo-Renge-Kyo Nam-Alyl5bo-Renge-Kyo NanhlIyoho-Renge-Kyo


I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


Page 24: Gongjo knjizica Niciren Sosu

I express my sincere devotion to the Third High Priest Niidakyo Ajari Nichimoku Shonin the Master of the Seat of the Law who directly inherited the Living Essence from Nikko Shonin I also express my heartfelt gratitude for His beneficence and pray that His profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

(Silently) Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-jlJyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~yoho-Renge-Kyo

I express my sincere devotion to the Fourth HighPriestNichido Shon1n theFifth HighPriest Xichigyo Shonin and all the successive High Priests who have inherited andcorrectly hand-ed down the Living Essence I also express my heartfelt gratitude for Their beneficence and pray that Their profound benevolent power may ever more widely prevail

Chant Nam-iHyohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-Kyo Nam-ll~lohi5-Renge-Kyo


Fourth Prayer Prayer For Worldwide Propagation

I sincerely pray for the attainment of the Great Aspiration of the True Buddha - Kosen-rufu the worldwide propagation of the Buddhism oftheTrue Cause through the powerofMyoho-Renge-Kyo

ChantNam-jl~Joho-Renge-Kyo Narn-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narn-ltIyobo-Renge-Kyo

I pray to eradicate my many past and present slanders against the taw and to continually purify and deepen my faith and practice so that I may attain enlightenment in this and all future existences

(Olfer personalprayers here)

Chant Nam-llJyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-ilyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


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Fifth Prayer Memorial Prayers for the Deceased

I pray that all my deceased relatives all deceased Nichiren Shoshu believers and all others who have departed this life may attain Buddhahood through the power of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoh6-Renge-Kyo

(Offer special memorial prayers while sounding the bell continuously)

Chant Nam-llfyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nal1hlfyoho-Renge-Kyo

May the impartial benefits of Myoh6-Renge-Kyo spread equally to the farthest reaches of the universe so that I together with all other existence may attain the tranquil state of enlightened life

Chant Nam-illyoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nam-Myohi5-Renge-KJlo


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