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· October 2011 · Issue #5 · $00.00 · A ZINE FOR FREE !! ·

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Created by the peoplein the interest of the peopleto energize our communityin a more sustainable wayfrom the bottom up!

# To everything turn turn turn.# Fuck 'em.# New friends.# Tales from SPACE!

Echo.echo.echo.# Some things are worth repeating.# The Free Calander for October 2011# "The space between my ears is

infinite."# A coalition of the cooperative.# Love thy self, am I right?# Bizarro Pasta# Life-long garbage.# Fin, for realzies.

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We need you!You are a valuable part of the human race. You have thoughts and

skills and talents. Oh wont you show us what you’ve got?

We’re looking for anything that can be printed. Anything embracing a culture of creative individuals living life wholly in awe and respect for our fellow terrestrials. Drawings, doodles, comics, poems, articles, rants, raves, parties, basement shows, other shit. Just keep it cool and we’ll put it in this here thingy.

We’re looking for places to distribute this zine. Let us know if you can think of any place that will let us leave these sitting out for people to steal. Maybe a few more people to help distribute. You can get a bundle from us, just ask. Or you can print them from PDFs hosted on our website. (You can also read all of the issues on there.)

We’re looking for people to help us test out a new website platform. We’re using open-source wiki (think: Wikipedia) software so all you have to do is create an account on the website and you can add and edit pages. Because we believe that in any real movement, everyone is a leader. You can find more details can be found on our website.


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Abbie Hoffman said…“The sixties. No matter what people think about the sixties. They know that young people were out in the streets, taking on the most powerful government in the world. And we didn’t win every battle. But think about what we did accomplish. Apartheid was driven out of America. We ended legal segregation. We ended the idea that you could send a million soldiers ten thousand miles away to fight some evil unjust war.* We ended the idea that women are second-class citizens. And we were reckless, we were silly, arrogant and headstrong. We were right… And we didn’t mind saying so. My government has been trying to silence me my whole life. I don’t know what it is about my ideas that is so dangerous. But I say to you, you young people and to you, my, that’s my son here. It’s always the young that made change. You don’t get these kind of ideas when you’re middle-aged. The young have daring creativity and energy. They have impatience… So you take your young legs and your eagerness and your natural feelings for justice and peace and a better deal for our planet and you go out… and you make tomorrow better than it is today. You go out, and you save your country.It’s your turn now.”

Oh, if only that was true.BBuutt II gguueessss iitt''ss oouurr ttuurrnnttoo eenndd tthhaatt aaggaaiinn..

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by Zahariah Malachi

This country was supposed to be for the people, by the people. But on January 21, 2010 the Supreme Court decided that corporations were people too and with that have protected rights such as Freedom of Speech. Now this country is by the people and corporations. These exclusively profit motivated entities are using their civic duty to make it for them.

Corporate taxes are lower than under Reagon. Corporate profits are at an all time high since the 1947 (when the data began to be collected). Yet our country is facing the longest stretch of unemployment since the Great Depression!

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Introducing the Sprout Anarchist Collectiveby the Sprout folks

Lately, it seems like there has been an up-tick in anti-capitalist resistance in Grand Rapids. Whether it is the collectively run Bartertown Diner, the monthly Really, Really Free Markets, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) organizing Jimmy Johns workers, the formation of a new Food Not Bombs chapter, or the starting of new zines like Act/React or the Good Morning Revolution Zine, there has been an increase in activity.

In every case, these new examples of resistance are anti-authoritarian in nature. They aren’t about recruiting people to join this or that Party, getting people to vote for such and such candidate, or anything like that. Rather, they are about people taking control of their own lives and their communities and creating counter-institutions and counter-power.

Another new project that we’d like folks to know about is the Sprout Anarchist Collective. We’re a new distributor/publisher and collective in the occupied territory of Grand Rapids. Looking back at past anarchist projects in Grand Rapids, a surprising variety of work has been undertaken: Food Not Bombs, antiwar organizing, labor organizing, and experiments in anarchist spaces such as infoshops. However, they all tended to ask people to join a specific group or sign on to a specific project, rather than encouraging people to start their own projects—which is what we’d like to see.

Our interest is in figuring out how we can create and nurture a stronger culture of resistance. For us, that means encouraging the creation of more specifically anarchist projects. The problems in this world are numerous: ecological devastation, patriarchy, white supremacy, etc—we can all make our own list. But what they have in common is that none of them are going to go away by voting for a specific candidate, passing a particular piece of legislation, or replacing the government with a more “revolutionary” one. The problem is capitalism and the state—and they must be abolished. In their place, we have our eye on a non-hierarchical world based on mutual aid, autonomy, and voluntary cooperation.

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“This is a game I like to play all the time,” Zachariah Malachi

We know this is a lofty goal—but we can start implementing anarchist principles into our lives immediately. We can start forming collectives and figuring out ways to resist. We can create projects that meet our needs and the needs of our communities (however we chose to define community) without relying on the state or corporations. Moreover, when we carve out these spaces—they can act as a base from which we take on the system.

Hopefully, the Sprout Anarchist Collective will be one of many such efforts—we look forward to seeing what else everyone comes up with!

For more information on our project, check our website out:

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“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatis-faction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.’”

— Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell

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We scream when no one everscreams anymore. We remainsteadfast in Tahrir Square untilthe desperate despot leaves. Weare crushed yet reappear inover-populated, food-subsidized,stronger greater numbers than before.

We are a river breaking throughdams that stand by our consentalone, half a million strong floodingLondon streets. We could live withausterity, but not while wecarry their prosperity onthe shoulders of our poverty.

We begin to awaken from theterror of the American Dream,finding the scream in our throats andforcing it from our lips in Madison,reverberating through hallsrestricting our thoughts, illuminatingwalls we merely imagined.

We come andwe comewe comewe come

We go hard and we don’t stop andwe have no name. We utterwords and they climb into thewind and become part of theworld. We say scream shout whisper,“I am a human being GODDAMMIT!”and become human againin every language that still lives.

2011 has never been said before!by Max Lockwood

*Though we are re-publishing this poem because it is just that good. And have you heard about #OccupyWallStreet?

Or #OccupyGrandRapids?

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Sat Oct 19:00am – 12:00pm Mayors’ 8th annual Grand River Clean Up - Sixth Street Bridge Park, Monroe St., Grand Rapids

3:00pm – 5:00pm Backyard Greenhouse & Hoophouse Workshop - Eastown Community Association 415 Ethel Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA

Sun Oct 210:00pm – 12:00pm Cafe Inquiry-Beer and the Origin of Civilization (CFI) - Schuler Books and Music, 3165 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI

12:00pm – 5:00pm Free Tacos - Birch Lodge 732 Michigan Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI

1:00pm – 5:00pm Really Really Free Market - Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Franklin St SE & Fuller Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA

Mon Oct 37:30pm – 8:30pm Free Women's Self Defense Class! - Gymco Sports 2306 Camelot Ridge Court SE Grand Rapids, Michigan

10:00pm – 12:00am Comedy Mondays - Open Improv - Dog Story Theater 7 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Wed Oct 512:15pm – 12:45pm Marital Justice Rally - Rosa Parks Circle, Grands Rapids, MI

9:00pm – 12:00am Wednesday Night Ride - The parking lot across from the DAAC 110 S. Division Grand Rapids, Michigan

Thu Oct 69:00pm – 11:00pm Progressive Picnic @GVSU (CFI) - GVSU - Allendale Campus, Kirkhof, Grand River Room, Allendale, MI

Sat Oct 8#OccupyGrandRapids is planning something downtown. Participate by showing up or going to

Sun Oct 910:00am – 12:00pm Cafe Inquiry (CFI) - Schuler Books and Music, 3165 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI

12:00pm – 5:00pm Free Tacos - Birch Lodge 732 Michigan Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI

Mon Oct 1010:00pm – 12:00am Comedy Mondays - Open Improv - Dog Story Theater 7 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

FREE Stuff to DO in Grand Rapids this month.The free calander is now viewable online. We'll be able to add events to it as the month goes on and things get planned. So you got something planned, let us know:

[email protected]

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Tue Oct 116:00pm – 8:00pm Becoming Radically Queer - GVSU - Kirkhof Center S Campus Dr & Campus Dr, Grand Valley State University - Allendale Campus, Allendale, MI 49401, USA

7:00pm – 9:00pm National Coming Out Day Service - St. John's United Church of Christ 1934 Bridge St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Thu Oct 136:30pm – 8:30pm Step Up, Step Out--Men Against Violence - Rosa Parks Circle 135 Monroe Center St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, USA

Fri Oct 142:30pm – 4:00pm Job Hunting at the Adult Computer Training Center (ACT) through the Library - the Adult Computer Training Center (ACT) through the Library

Sat Oct 1510:00am – 12:00pm Occupy Lansing - The Capitol Steps, Lansing, MI

3:00pm – 5:00pm Urban Bicycle Tour: Fruit & Nut Trees - Free! - Eastown Community Association 415 Ethel Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA

7:00pm – 11:45pm JEALOUSY MOUNTAIN DUO - The DAAC - 115 S. Division · Heartside Grand Rapids, MI · 49503

Sun Oct 16All day Occupy Lansing - The Capitol Steps, Lansing, MI

10:00am – 12:00pm Cafe Inquiry-The Rationalizing Mind - Schuler Books and Music, 3165 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI

12:00pm – 5:00pm Free Tacos - Birch Lodge 732 Michigan Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI

Mon Oct 1712:00pm Occupy Lansing - The Capitol Steps, Lansing, MI

6:00pm – 9:00pm Dive (Film Viewing and Panel Discussion) - GVSU - Loosemore Auditorium 401 W Fulton St, Grand Valley State University - Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus, Grand Rapids, MI 49504, USA

10:00pm – 12:00am Comedy Mondays - Open Improv - Dog Story Theater 7 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Wed Oct 197:00pm – 10:00pm Cambodian Grrrl: Grand Rapids, MI - the DAAC 115 S. Division, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Thu Oct 207:00pm – 9:00pm Beehive Design Collective - GVSU - Calder Art Building Calder Dr, Allendale, MI 49401, USA

Fri Oct 2112:00pm – 3:00pm Occupy Detroit - Roosevelt Park @ The Train Station Vernor Highway Detroit, MI

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Sun Oct 2310:00am – 12:00pm Cafe Inquiry (CFI) - Schuler Books and Music, 3165 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI

12:00pm – 5:00pm Free Tacos - Birch Lodge 732 Michigan Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI

1:00pm – 2:00pm Living Without Religion (CFI) - Schuler Books Alpine - Meeting Room, 3165 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI

Mon Oct 2410:00pm – 12:00am Comedy Mondays - Open Improv - Dog Story Theater 7 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Wed Oct 264:00pm – 8:00pm Dia De Los Muertos: view altars built by citizens at the Library's Ryerson Center - the Library's Ryerson Center

7:00pm – 8:30pm Lecture:Topic TBA-Michael Rip (CFI) - Women's City Club-Upper Level, 254 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI

Thu Oct 279:00am – 5:30pm Dia De Los Muertos at the Library's Ryerson Center - the Library's Ryerson Center

7:00pm – 9:00pm Movie: END:CIV - The DAAC 115 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, USA

Fri Oct 289:00am – 5:30pm Dia De Los Muertos at the Library's Ryerson Center - the Library's Ryerson Center

5:00pm – 7:30pm Critical Mass - Rosa Parks Circle, Grand Rapids, MI

6:00pm – 9:00pm Skeptics In The Pub (CFI) - Brewery Vivant, 925 Cherry Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI

Sun Oct 3010:00am – 12:00pm Cafe Inquiry (CFI) - Schuler Books and Music, 3165 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI

12:00pm – 5:00pm Free Tacos - Birch Lodge 732 Michigan Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI

Mon Oct 319:00am – 3:30pm Art Studio & Gallery

10:00pm – 12:00am Comedy Mondays - Open Improv - Dog Story Theater 7 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

OngoingThe Revolotion - Inside Yourself, Grand Rapids, MI

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[email protected]

us XX

XX us

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So...what are we gonna do about it? I’m glad you asked...On September 17, about one thousand people set up camp on Wall

Street. Frustrated with the growing separation of wealth and the overwhelming role of big business in our politics, thousands more joined in solidarity occupying cities across the United States. Uniting around the fact that we are the 99%. It is our voice that should be heard. Not because we are rich but because we are the people.

This is complicated and messy and awesome. This is wild. This is real. It’s supposed to be a mess; it’s supposed to be hard to figure out. It’s everybody fighting for their rights. That’s something we have to think about. We have to come to our own conclusions about how we, as individuals, interact with our country and country ppl. I am impressed with this act of cooperation. A real grass-roots movement working as a decentralized coalition. Using the internet to build consensus around a list of demands. We may not agree on everything but we agree that we need something better. This is a movement for everybody. In this moment, we come together as the 99%, screaming “We’re human beings, goddammit, and our lives have value!”

By Zachariah Malachi

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We’re going to #OccupyGrandRapids. We will be persistent. Giving up and returning to the status quo is not an option. I have no interest in being quiet. I want it to be active and exciting. My goal is to get us on TV. To get the word out. I want music and chanting and marching and sleeping on the sidewalk. I’ve seen a lot of “they’re not scared of you,” and, “you’re not changing their minds.” Well, duh. I don’t expect any of those “job makers” to suddenly stop being greedy, self-centered pricks. But the mindset of the bankers is irrelevant. This is about us, how we can be the ones to control our own destinies. We don’t have to bend and bow to the whims of the market. We don’t need to sacrifice so much for the benefits of so few. We can survive and thrive by using local products and services instead of filling to coffers of corporations and executives with our hard earn dollars. “Our participation in the system is the wind in its sails” (Joy Pryor). We can survive and thrive on less crap in our lives.

You are the leader of this movement if you want a better future. You want a job, a better job, better pay, effective health care. If you want your retirement account that’s gaining money. If you want politicians to listen to you, a person, as opposed to a corporation who's sole reason for existing is profit...not love, not peace, not sustainability, just profit by any means. Then show up and do your thing.

Part of the power behind a democracy is that the citizens think and act for themselves. We are organizing in order to be more effective. We are not getting everyone completely on the same page before we act. Just in the same play book.

As Cornel West said, “It’s impossible to translate the issue of the greed of Wall Street into one demand, or two demands. We’re talking about a democratic’re talking about raising political consciousness so it spills over all parts of the country, so people can begin to see what’s going on through a set of different lens, and then you begin to highlight what the more detailed demands would be. Because in the end we’re really talking about what Martin King would call a revolution: A transfer of power from oligarchs to everyday people of all colors. And that is a step by step process.”

Welcome to the revolution. All you have to do is show up, be aware, and do your thing!

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James Mollison photographed fans who were about to go to concerts of


Dolly Parton.


The Casualties.

AAcccceeppttiinngg tthhee ggiifftt ooff aannootthheerr''ss hhuummaanniittyy mmeeaannss rreeccooggnniizziinngg tthhaatt tthhee cchhooiicceess ootthheerrss mmaakkee aarree nnoott **oouurr** aaffffaaiirr.. OOuurr ccoonncceerrnn mmuusstt bbee lliimmiitteedd ttoo oouurr oowwnn rriigghhtt ccoonndduucctt,, nnoott tthheeiirrss;; wwee nneeeedd ttoo ccoonncceennttrraattee nnoott ssoo mmuucchh oonn tthhee cchhooiicceess ootthheerrss mmaakkee aass oonn tthhee cchhooiicceess **wwee** mmaakkee..((sseeee BBoonnddss TThhaatt MMaakkee UUss FFrreeee,, pp.. 229999))

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their favorite group was then assembled on the pan.

Missy Elliot.

Merilyn Manson.


Rod Stuart.

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“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

―Desmond Tutu

With the end of the world just around the corner, it’s hard not to give into decadence. Escape this terrestrial pain with temporal pleasures. But that is futile. There is no victory in decadence. There is no honor in giving up. To have a life worth living be brave enough to fail. And fail. And fail again. When you recover, you’ll be more beautiful than before.

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Only after the last tree has been cut down.

Only after the last river has been poisoned.

Only after the last fish has been caught.

Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.

—Cree Indian Prophecy

You should probably check out if you haven't already.&


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Well, that was weird.

[email protected]

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