Page 1: Goodwood School News October 26th Week 2€¦ · October 26th Week 2 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Welcome back… we hope you had an

October 26th Week 2

CRICOS Provider no. 00018A








Goodwood School News








t R



A Message from Deb …

Welcome back… we hope you had an enjoyable break. Term 4 , as always, is shaping up to be an extremely busy one. Remember to check the

planner in our last newsletter for upcoming events. Important dates can be found on the last page of this newsletter. Pupil Free Day On Monday 17th October staff spent time reflecting on their approaches to teaching and learning through our system’s Learning Framework. Last term a sample of students completed a survey based on the areas of our Teaching for Effective Learning Framework. We are using the areas identified from this survey to

plan for 2017 and beyond. We were also able to make connections with our External School Review conducted earlier in the year. We are very excited about our directions in terms of building on our work in the following areas:

› Providing intellectual challenge through building task design that is purposeful and enables student to think critically and apply learnt strategies in a range of contexts.

› Developing student ownership which allows students to monitor and assess their learning.

› Building our teacher capacity to implement differentiated teaching and learning.

STEM Update We meet with our architect next week, for the first time, to begin planning for the Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) building work that will be occurring next year. Many thanks to Julia Wetherell and Cameron Bryson who are supporting us with this project. In terms of our teaching and learning practices it is great to wander around the school and see our students actively engaged in learning experiences that reflect STEM. For example visiting Shelley’s class

last term Kade and Angus shared with me their fantastic creations in technology. Their extensive planning documents demonstrated how they had collaborated throughout the process to create the turbo strike ship . Attendance and Lateness We have noticed an increase in the number of late students and unexplained absences. If your

child arrives after 9.00am they are required to sign in at the front office first before attending to the classroom. A late slip is filled out by the front office staff, which the child then takes to the teacher. If your child is absent, please notify the school. We have recently sent letters home for children with significant unexplained lateness’ and absences. Leadership will be following this up if your child still continues to be late. Please refer to page 4 of this newsletter for some interesting data on student absence.

Staff Weddings… Congratulations to ...

Sarah and Aaron A message from Sarah our year 1 teacher—“During the holidays I married my fiancé Aaron.

We were very lucky to have a sunny day and enjoyed a fun celebration with family and friends. Thank you for the well wishes! “

Holly and Angus Holly and Gus married on the weekend at Gus’ childhood home in Goolwa North. Family and friends enjoyed a beautiful day celebrating along

with feasting on delicious donuts!! We wish both couples a lifetime of happiness and laughs together. IELC Transition Meeting Last Tuesday evening parents from the IELC classes gathered for an information session about transition to a different school in 2017, where they will complete their learning program. Carmen made a presentation about some of the main points. Coordinators from the schools they will be attending were there to answer

questions. After the information session we were able to catch up informally over refreshments. All IELC staff and Myra Sandhu (Student Learning and Well Being Committee Chairperson) attended to support this process. World Teachers’ Day On Monday we started our World Teachers’ Day celebrations. The School Support Officers put on a lovely morning tea for us and provided us with a certificate, Freddo frog and badge. Our staff are often receiving positive feedback from the

community with regards their work, we encourage you to continue this. In a few weeks time the Baha’i Community will put on an afternoon tea to acknowledge World Teachers’ Day and all the fabulous learning our teachers facilitate. More information about this afternoon will be given next week.

Page 2: Goodwood School News October 26th Week 2€¦ · October 26th Week 2 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Welcome back… we hope you had an

Student News

Wheelie Wednesday at the Goody Patch

On Wednesdays students may ride/bring their bike or scooter to school. The Goody Patch will open to ride

and scoot at lunch time. Students MUST have a helmet. Thank you to all the parents and students that came

to the PAC during open night and completed the Way2Go survey. The 2 classes with highest percentage of

parents who completed the survey get the first opportunity for Wheelie Wednesday. Congratulations 14N

and 17N!

Week 3 – Wheelie Wednesday 2nd November

14N – Maree Year 1

17N – Mrs G/Sacha Reception

Bring your bike or scooter and a helmet!

Governing Council News

NEXT MEETING MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER at 7.30pm All parents/caregivers are invited to attend the next Governing Council Meeting in Week 3 to discuss the M&S fees for 2017. The fees are set at $400.00 for 2017.

Time to get active… adults and kids alike

Keep PE Week free 14th—18th November!! We look forward to having families join in with children during this week. The Student Learning and Well Being Committee has been working with Somer and Alex to

plan an active and fun PE week. We encourage parents to join in on Monday morning for the Health Hustle to kick of the active week. On Friday morning we are looking for teams of staff and parents to be involved in some crazy relays—water balloon and egg and spoon at 9am. All classes will come out to watch the relays and fruit will be provided to celebrate our Active PE Week. If you can help out during this week please email: [email protected] The timetable for the week looks like this:

Monday Health hustle – 9am on the asphalt Sports Day captains will lead this event and Preschool children will join us. Parents are invited in to join in. Lunch time activity stations. Parents are encouraged to come in and watch their children taking part in the activities and help out. Tuesday Lip sync – R-3 Wednesday lunch time… Wheelie Wednesday at the Goody Patch

Walk/ride to school Wednesday—children are encouraged to ride to school. If large numbers of children bring along bikes etc. the basketball court at school will also be used. Parent helpers to supervise would be appreciated.

Thursday Year 6/7 teams at beach volleyball Friday 9am Crazy Relays - Teacher v Parent Skies, Water Balloon, Egg and Spoon

Register your parent team!!!!! Parent helpers are also needed to organise the fruit for distribution. Volleyball Match – Year 7 v Teachers Can you be involved? Then email Alex to let her know how you can help. School Concerts at the Capri Theatre Early Years (Rec-yr 2)—Monday 28th November Primary Years (yr 3-7)—Monday 5th December This year tickets will only be available online. More information about how to get your tickets will be sent

home soon. Second Hand Uniforms If you have any school uniforms that no longer fit your child then please donate items to the front office. These are offered to families through our uniform shop at minimal cost. For our front office supplies, when children need to get changed because of accidents, we are also in need of spare socks and underwear. Christmas Raffle

Each classroom now has a box to put donations in. The items are for our Christmas raffle hampers. This year we will have an Early Years Hamper and a Primary Years Hamper. The theme is ‘School Holidays’ so please donate new items that would be good to use in the holidays. The raffles will be drawn at the Early Years and Primary Years concerts. Two major fun community events are coming up and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at these events: The Goody Patch Open Day is this Saturday 29th October and the Goodwood Art House

Market is on Sunday 6th November. Thanks to all the many parent volunteers who have made these events happen.

Kind regards Deborah Brassington Principal

Page 3: Goodwood School News October 26th Week 2€¦ · October 26th Week 2 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Welcome back… we hope you had an

Great Achievements at Goodwood

Walk Together Welcome to Australia's Walk Together rally happened in Adelaide, and in over 25 other cities and towns across Australia, on Saturday 22nd October. Thousands of people participated in the Adelaide rally including around 25 members of the Goodwood Primary School community. This rally aims to show that all people are welcome in Australia, regardless of the reason or method by which they made their way to Australia. Welcome to Australia celebrates cultural diversity while

promoting compassion and unity. The walk finished at Elder Park where the gathered crowd heard many inspiring stories from people recently arrived in Australia while enjoying the picnic like atmosphere. Thanks to Bec Anderson for coordinating this event. For more information visit:

History through Personal Museums It was wonderful to wonder around the Reception classes last term listening to the children share their history through the Museums they had created. They were so proud of their work and were able to get feedback from their parents and other children across the school. Establishing a learning culture where students seek and value feedback to celebrate their learning and make improvements for their future learning is an essential part of their experiences at school.

Page 4: Goodwood School News October 26th Week 2€¦ · October 26th Week 2 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Welcome back… we hope you had an

Community Notices


Reason 1: Nearly one in every eight road deaths in South Australia is a pedestrian. In

addition to fatalities there are on average just under 100 pedestrians seriously injured as

well as many more who receive minor injuries each year.

Reason 2: Your child will learn about pedestrian safety by watching you, so use safe behaviour

around cars, roads, footpaths and car parks. Always stop, look, listen and think before crossing a

road, and use pedestrian crossings wherever possible. Always cross at the safest point, even if you

have to walk further out of your way and if you’re crossing at the lights, wait for the green man!

Reason 3: Queensland’s Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety recently conducted an

Australia-wide survey of parents focused on keeping kids safe around roads and cars. They found

until the age of NINE, children’s perceptual and cognitive abilities are not sufficiently developed to

enable them to make sound judgements when they are crossing roads. Holding hands with your

children is the best way to keep them safe around a school crossing.

Reason 4: The Australian Road Rules states that a pedestrian must not cross a road within 20

metres of a crossing (including a school crossing) except at that crossing.

And the other remaining 107 reasons? That’s the amount of the fine ($107) that can be issued by

SA Police for failing to cross within 20 metres of the school crossing. So keep an eye out for any

hazards and keep holding hands until you’re all safely in the school yard or in the car.

This article has been prepared by A/Sgt Nigel ALLEN of the Road Safety Section, South Australia

Police. If parents have any questions about school crossings please contact the Road Safety Section

on the telephone number 82076586.

If your child is away from school please notify the school via email [email protected] Phone the school on 8271 2280 or use the Tiqbiz absence feature. If your child is absent for 3 days or more we require a doctor’s certificate if sick or an exemption form if other reasons.


PARENTING SEMINARS by STEVE BIDDULPH Raising Girls—Tuesday 1st November Raising Boys—Wednesday 2nd November Venue: Concordia College Chapel, 24 Winchester St, Highgate, Adelaide, SA 5063 Both events commence at 7:30pm BOOK NOW - tickets selling fast For more information visit the event website

Page 5: Goodwood School News October 26th Week 2€¦ · October 26th Week 2 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Welcome back… we hope you had an

Community Notices

Goody Patch Open Day


This Saturday, 29th October, is our

annual Garden Open Day at the Goody

Patch. Please bring the family and enjoy

the work of the community gardeners

and the students.

We are seeking donations for the cake

stall. If you are able to contribute, please

deliver to the cake stall on Saturday with

a label of the ingredients.

If you can volunteer some time on the

day on one of the stalls, please email

Nicole on

[email protected] with

a time preference.

Thank you in advance.

Page 6: Goodwood School News October 26th Week 2€¦ · October 26th Week 2 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Welcome back… we hope you had an

Week 1 Assembly

Congratulations to Andrea’s Year 1/2 class on their

assembly last week.

Congratulations to these students who received awards

at last week’s assembly….


Nima Esmailzadeh Holly Fitzgerald Dahlia Leondaris Hugo Fordham-Mellin


Liam Grech Nicole Liang Tom McGinn Zunaid Arefin Maxwell Wallace Finlay Horan Chi Chi Zhang Kade Finlay Yolinda Rainho Elena Politis Rommy Bishop-Humeniuk Axel Kuss

Dion Bagnato Zara Bowles Caitlin Gay Willem Van De Kerke Enea Bianco Prevot Patrick Everingham Zara Bowles


Jasper Jokela Anan Anan Kade Hammond


Zac Hawke-Brooks Jasinta Brownbill Alyssa Borysenko Hari Nadar Jake Balzary Taniya Khanom Reuben Sibbald Jenu Perera Connor Bernhardt Andre Hart


Tiago Rainho


Helen Wan Adam Brownbill Gracie Smith Sophie Grist Basil Sibbald Lenya Bertram

Traffic Monitors Students have now had training to be crossing monitors. This is a very responsible job and we

thank them for their commitment to this role.


› Be at school before 8:30 AM and head out to

the crossing as a group at 8:30 AM. The reserve should

also be at school before 8:30 AM.

› Wear your hats if it is a hat wearing day. Do not take

your bags.

› Stay focussed on your job.

Head Monitor Reserve

Week 4 Violet Cynthia Tyler

Week 5 Wendy Mari Lila

Week 6 Gracie Olivia Yashika

Goodwood Art House Marketplace Sunday 6th November 10.00am—4.00pm The Goodwood Art House Marketplace is a vibrant showcase of local designers and makers from the Adelaide

and South Australian community. A bouncy castle for the children and food by Sneaky Pickle will both be available on the day. Thanks to our sponsors Goodwood Community Bank– Bendigo Bank, Goodwood Traders, Unley Council and Swift Signs.

Community Notices

Important Dates

Friday 28th October Parent Tour 9am Saturday 29th October Goody Patch Open Day 12-2pm

Monday 31st October Governing Council 7.30pm—ALL WELCOME to discuss 2017 M&S Fees

Monday 31st October —Wednesday 2nd November 11C camp Wednesday 2nd November assembly Maria 17N 2.30pm

Sunday 6th November Goodwood Art House Market 10-4pm Wednesday 16th November assembly Nina, Carmen & Emily

November 14th to 18th Physical Education Week … join in with activities throughout the week and encourage healthy life styles!!!!!

Wednesday 16th November Preschool transition 9-11am Thursday 17th November Preschool transition 9-11am

Wednesday 23rd November Preschool transition 9-12pm Wednesday 23rd November Preschool parent get together

Thursday 24th November Preschool transition 9-12pm Monday 28th November Concert Early Years 6pm

Tuesday 29th November Governing Council 7.30pm Wednesday 30th November assembly Holly 8M 2.30pm

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