
Expedition Journal

Indonesian Archipelago Cultural Initiatives

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Gorga expedition is an activity under

“Sejuta Data Budaya” campaign.

“Sejuta Data Budaya” is a campaign which

invites Indonesian people, especially the

young, to submit traditional culture data to

Expedition date : July 10 – 22, 2012

..let’s go


not this Gorga...

You’ll see her if you try to google “GORGA”….

Various Bataknese


ornaments, motifs

of decoration.

M.A. Marbun,

I.M.T. Hutapea.


“Kamus Budaya

Batak Toba”

Balai Pustaka

to have preliminary

documentation about

megalithic relics.

documenting Gorga motifs

Objectives! Expedition


The Journey

Siallagan Village

Catholic Church of Pangururan

HKBP Parapat Church

Govt. Building of Toba Samosir

Sisingamangaraja Tomb

Batak Museum / TB Silalahi Center

Govt. Building of North Tapanuli

Sitorang & Silaen Tourism Village of Jangga Dolok

King of Sidabutar Tomb





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1. Raja Siallagan house

2. Siallagan Court Stone

3. Sopo

4. Museum

5. Execution stone sketch

Catholic Church of



HKBP Parapat Church

The Gorga is tintless, but remain varnished.

Claimed as the most beautiful church

in South East Asia.


Cultural & Tourism Agency

of Tobasa Regency

Toba Samosir Govt. Building

Toba Samosir Govt. Building

Left: District House Of Representatives

Locals say the Gorga is from Samosir.

Right : District Chief Office

Some say, the gorga is from Toba.

Gorga also exist on rear side. Many said, it’s totally wrong!

Batak Museum

TB. Silalahi Center

Batak Museum

Six pictures of traditional cloth from 6

puak (clan) of Bataknese people

Yes, there is Toraja traditional house in



Govt. of Tarutung

Sitorang & Silaen

Huta Bagasan Janji Maria

Huta Bagasan Janji Maria

Very old houses, with original paint.

No re-paint at all.

Many ornaments has been stolen.

The house in the middle has singa-singa

which shaped like an elephant’s face.

Could you say “NO”

to those faces?

Yeah, me too


Huta Bagasan Janji Maria

Hey, brother, brother, take a

picture of us… Please..!!

Tourism Village Jangga Dolok

Tourism Village Jangga Dolok

The roof still made from “ijuk”.

There is a house which has no gorga. The old

lady (the household) has no enough money to

held the rituals.

On left and right side of the houses, there are

some army and hero figures combined with





6 buildings

with different


Some people

say, those


represent 6 of

something of


1. Raja Sidabutar I (400+ years)

2. Raja Sidabutar II (300 + years)

3. Raja Sidabutar III (100 + years

4. The bones of soldiers who

died in a war.

1. Raja Na Ualu : the gestures representing

rain dance.

2. Court Stone Chair

3. The statue of guards protecting the court.

4. Raja Sidabutar VII tomb

5. Many statues remain unknown.

D O N E !!

…no title

Luckily, when heading back home, I was not charged for having extra baggage, though carrying gigas instead of kilos.

Sometimes, got too much coffee because of the hospitality of the locals.

Hospitality of Nusantara people won’t make you bored..


• Identify the objects you’d like to observe. It has to be a traditional culture.

• Usually the objects scattered to many areas. Therefore, gather information about the locations and try to make your journey map.

• Make sure you have at least one contact person that could guide you in those locations.

• Wrap this into a proposal, and then send it to us at [email protected]

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