


Wedding CrashersOn the third day, Jesus and His disciples and His mother went for the wedding in Cana. Unfortunately, the wine ran out during the wedding.Jesus mothers ask Jesus to help to prepare the wine. Although Jesus not willing to do but he still have to follow his mother order. Jesus tells servant to prepare six giant jars and fill them up full of water.When the head waiter drank some water in jar, all the water turn into wine. The wine was extremely nice 2.11 The beginning of his signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory, and his disciple believed in Him.This was the first miracle that Jesus performed in the presence of the disciples

Jesus had reasons for performing the Miracle

To show respect to His motherSimply provide pleasure for the people at weddingTurns water into wine

First Miracle did by Jesus

Jesus Trashes the TempleSoon Passover, Jesus and His disciples visit the temple in Jerusalem, but he was annoyed when he went inside the temple.In the temple, Jesus saw the merchants selling all kind of stuff that worshipping god.Jesus made some destroy on the merchant goodies and yelled at them because they turned a holy place into marketplace.The merchants later asked Jesus why He disturbed their business.

Jesus Trashes Temple

2:19 Jesus answered them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

Jesus was referring to Himself, in that He would rise from the dead three days after His crucifixion.2:18 The merchant then said to Him: What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things ?

Jesus refers to His earthly body as a temple because He was filled with the Holy Spirit

So,When a person receives Christ and places his trust in Him , the Spirit of Christ--the Holy Spirit--comes to reside in that person

Hence, the body of the Christian is called a temple.

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