Download - Got Software

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got software?

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Do you need to download software for your…





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First, check the approved download list

• Go to• Under BOE Departments, select Technology• Scroll down the page to the Printer and Scanner Drivers for approved printers• OR, continue to scroll down to Approved Software

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Choose a path


I see the program I need.

Oh man!

I don’t see the program

I need.

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YEAH!• On the private technology site, double click the program to be installed • Select RUN

• And then RUN again

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YEAH!Follow the online instructions to continue installing the program.

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You are now ready to use your newly installed program.

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First,Did you purchase the software?

If YES, GREAT we can move on!

If NO, stop! The software must have a site license to be used by multiple people. If you are in doubt, ask the person who gave you the software.

There are licensing agreements with each piece of software that we MUST follow. If we are found to be in violation of licensing agreements, we can be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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OH MAN!What do you need to do to get the software on the approved download list?

• Submit a WORF (Work Order Request Form)• Pony or bring the software to the Technology Department with your name and WORF number on each piece of software.• The software will be scanned and approved.

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If it is a single user license, the software will be installed on your computer. We will keep the software in the technology office to ensure that licensing is not violated. We are not taking ownership of it, just maintaining the licensing information.

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If it is for general use, the software will be place in the approved download list on the private technology site. Then, everyone will have the ability to download and use the software.

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Currently, we have 76 different software collections submitted for approval. Some of these have multiple CDs. Approving a single program can take 30 minutes or longer to complete. The technology department is working on getting software approved for teachers as quickly as possible.

Please be patient.

We will notify you as soon as your software is ready for installation.

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This has been aGeeky Weekly


If you have any questions about the directions in this production, please e-mail April Chamberlain.

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