Page 1: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · Pero me gustaría agradecerles a todos los que nos recibieron como uno más de la familia desde que ... Dios comenzó la buena obra y el
Page 2: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · Pero me gustaría agradecerles a todos los que nos recibieron como uno más de la familia desde que ... Dios comenzó la buena obra y el


GRACE PRESS Reflect ion from the Pastor

“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also over-

flowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:12

My wife Joni and I have remarked on numerous occasions to each other how special are the

people of Grace Presbyterian Church. Your generosity, kindness and love for others in your

community goes way beyond the expected for a church of this size. You are a blessing to the com-

munity of Vista.

I’m impressed with all the programs to help the homeless and working poor beginning with the Bread

of Life meal every Tuesday night, through all the food distribution programs of our resource center, to

the garden ministry. Your vision and volunteering at the after school tutoring program to help young

children learn is amazing. Lastly, your desire to connect with and provide a meaningful worship and

ministry to our Spanish-speaking neighbors has excelled. These and many more local mission out-

reach programs set Grace Presbyterian apart, as truly a Grace-filled church!

Now that we have launched Iglesia Gracia to become an independent ministry under Pastor Eliecer,

we’ll continue to support this new worshipping community in whatever way we can, mainly through

providing space for their worship and meetings. May God bless this community outreach.

As we enter the third quarter of 2018, its good to assess where we are financially. The Financial Com-

mittee has reported that we are on tract for the projected deficit for this year. Session has taken ap-

propriate actions to address this deficit through cut backs and tapping into reserves. However, your

continued giving, even increased giving will alleviate some of the pain programs and services might

experience. Thank you for your giving of your time, talents, and treasures!

As the Session is working hard on the 2019 Budget, their intent is to present a balanced budget with

appropriate stewardship considerations. They will be presenting to the congregation in the month

of October a clear vision for what our ministry will cost in 2019 and asking for your support. In No-

vember, we’ll have a Congregational meeting to communicate and another Sunday to dedicate our

commitments for the coming year. Please know that they are prayerfully planning and developing a

realistic and attainable ministry goal for next year. I ask for your prayers on their behalf and for your

increased giving wherever possible. Know that your service to God is not going unnoticed but is over-

flowing into praises to God who is behind all that we do.

May the Lord richly bless you to be a blessing to others,

Pastor Mike

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Finance Committee Report Finance Committee Report

GRACE NOW ACCEPTS Year to Date August

Budgeted Actual Budgeted ActualReceipts Receipts Receipts Receipts

280,000$ 277,988$ 35,000$ 30,994$

Budgeted Actual Budgeted ActualExpenses Expenses Expenses Expenses

381,000 370,167 47,500 41,158

101,000-$ 92,179-$ 12,500-$ 10,164-$

AND/OR PAYPALMichael Cooley, chairFinance Committee

Presbyterians help transform lives through our work for peace, with the tools God has given us. To-

gether, in the Spirit of God, we work to break the power of hate, and heal the wounds of violence

and division. We join in the Peace & Global Witness Offering because it is the boundless peace God


By giving to the Peace & Global Witness

Offering, we work together to share

Christ’s peace with one another. We seek

peace in a chaotic world, finding strength

in knowing that God is always near.

Your gifts will help more people experi-

ence the freedom and dignity that Christ

wants for everyone. Let us offer peace of

Christ at all times and all ways.

50% of this Peace & Global Witness Offer-

ing will stay with our community and our

region for ministries of peacemaking and


50% of this offering will unite Presbyterians

who are working actively for peacemaking

efforts around the globe.

Peace & Global Witness Offer ing

Page 4: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · Pero me gustaría agradecerles a todos los que nos recibieron como uno más de la familia desde que ... Dios comenzó la buena obra y el


GRACE PRESS Farewell Letter from Pastor El iecer Barrantes

Dear brothers and sisters of Grace Presbyterian Church,

I give the Glory to God for giving me the opportunity to serve in this church for the last three

years. If I were to recount everything I learned I would never be able to finish.

But I would like to thank you. Thank you to everyone who welcomed my family and I as part of the

Grace family since we arrived in the community of Vista. Thank you to everyone who saw me as a

pastor and were always asking for advice and spiritual support. Thank you to those who came to

see how my family was doing at a time when some of us were sick.

Thank you to those who over the course of these three years have received all the Hispanic fam-

ilies as part of Grace’s family. Thank you to those who, for one reason or another, have invited us

to share food at your table in your home or in the comfort of a good restaurant. The idea from

now on is that we continue to work together, but now as two churches. God began the good work

and He will be faithful to finish it. We set our eyes on the pioneer and perfecter of faith in order to

achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.

This work is of God and we will continue to learn as instruments in which direction we will have to

walk to see more and more people come to the feet of Christ. I cannot say goodbye here because

we will continue to live and serve the community of Vista for one more year or until the Lord al-

lows us to do so. Therefore, we hope you come and visit us during our services in Spanish. We will

gladly help all who wish to learn this precious language.

We ask all members of Grace Presbyterian Church to pray for this new Hispanic Church plant.

Please continue to pray for the leaders who with great joy and enthusiasm have wanted to sup-

port me as a Pastor to see this new church come true. Let us pray for all the new believers, who

through this ministry, have begun to follow Christ as their Lord and Savior. I ask for many prayers

for my family because the decision we have made will bring new challenges, which we will face,

always trusting in God.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and

in truth; because also the Father such worshipers seek to be worshiped”. John 4:23

In Christ,

Rev. Eliecer Barrantes

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OCTOBER 2018Farewell Letter from Pastor El iecer Barrantes Farewell Letter from Pastor El iecer (Spanish)

Queridos hermanos de la iglesia Grace Presbyterian,

Le doy la Gloria a Dios por haberme dado la oportunidad de servir en esta iglesia por los últi-

mos tres años. Si hago un recuento de todo lo aprendido no podría terminar.

Pero me gustaría agradecerles a todos los que nos recibieron como uno más de la familia desde que

mi familia y yo llegamos a la comunidad de Vista. Gracias a todos los que vieron en mi un pastor y

siempre estuvieron pidiéndome consejos y apoyo espiritual. Gracias a los que llegaron a ver como

estaba mi familia en momentos que alguno de nosotros estábamos enfermos.

Gracias a los que en el transcurso de estos tres años han recibido a todas las familias hispanas de

nuestro grupo como parte de la familia de Grace. A los que por uno u otro motivo los han invitado

a compartir los alimentos en la mesa de su casa o en la comodidad de un buen restaurante. La idea

de ahora en adelante es que sigamos trabajando juntos, pero ahora en dos iglesias. Dios comenzó la

buena obra y el será fiel en terminarla. Ponemos nuestra mira en el autor y consumador de nuestra

fe para poder alcanzar las metas que nos hemos propuesto.

La obra es de Dios y nosotros sus instrumentos seguiremos aprendiendo en qué dirección tendre-

mos que caminar para ver más y más personas viniendo a los pies de Cristo. No puedo decir adiós

porque aquí vamos a seguir viviendo y sirviendo a la comunidad de Vista por un año mas o hasta que

el Señor nos lo permita. Por lo tanto, esperamos que vengan y nos visiten durante nuestros servicios

en español. Con mucho gusto ayudaremos a todos los que deseen aprender este precioso idioma.

Pedimos a todos los miembros de Grace Presbyterian Church orar por la plantación de la nueva

Iglesia Hispana Gracia. Por favor sigamos orando por los líderes que con mucha alegría y entusiasmo

han querido apoyarme a mí como Pastor para ver esta nueva iglesia hecha una realidad. Oremos por

todos los nuevos creyentes que a través de este ministerio han comenzado a seguir a Cristo como

su Señor y Salvador. Les pido muchas oraciones por mi familia porque la decisión que hemos toma-

do traerá nuevos retos los cual enfrentaremos confiando siempre en Dios.

“Mas la hora viene, y ahora es, cuando los verdaderos adoradores adorarán al Padre en espíritu y en

verdad; porque también el Padre tales adoradores busca que le adoren”. Juan 4:23

En Cristo, In Christ,

Rev. Eliecer Barrantes.

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GRACE PRESS Local Missions: Chaplain Phi l l ips

Chaplain Richard Phillips SEPTEMBER 2018

4890 Pointillist Ct, Oceanside, CA 92057 [email protected] (760) 631-7764

PHILLIPS Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association

Donate To Ministry

HCMA (acct# 479) 101 S. Kraemer Blvd Suite 123A Placentia, CA 92870

1 5 t h A N N U A L O P E N HOUSE! SUNDAY OCT. 7

1-4 pm

Come and enjoy food, warm fellowship with our wonderful friends, and receive a hand made gift.

We are deeply grateful for the many ministry

partners who continue to give through HCMA

and pray for the ongoing work of service to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Greetings to you all and thank you for your prayers on our behalf as the Lord leads us into a new journey of life and ministry. We wanted to give an update on what’s been going on in our lives.

I’ve been working steadily on a book about providing effective pastoral care in the healthcare setting, intended to give some training to those who visit the sick and dying. The book will be filled with stories and coaching based on my training and experience as a pastor and hospital chaplain. So far, my computer tells me I’ve written 38,000 words and I expect that 50,000 to 55,000 will be the finish line for writing. Then will come the arduous task of editing and, most likely, self-publishing. This is not intended to be a money-making venture but rather a means to assist people in ministry.

The neuropathy pinprick pain in my feet has not subsided at all (as I had hoped) since I am not standing and walking as much. Two hours of standing is about all I can tolerate before needing to sit down and take off my shoes. I did however, preach at two services at Lighthouse Church near our home the last Sunday of July. It had been a year and a half since I last gave a sermon. A few people reached out to me for follow-up counseling.

It’s been enjoyable meeting with a small group of men on Wednesday mornings. The fellowship, accountability, Bible sharing and prayer is encouraging to us all. I sense the Lord using me to minister to them too.

On August 23rd, Jessy and I celebrated our Forty-Ninth Wedding Anniversary. Recently, we visited our son, Clint, and his wonderful family in Bakersfield. Our oldest granddaughter, Mallory, is turning 14 and now attending a good Christian High School and plays flute in their orchestra, jazz band and pep band (for football games). Grandson, Ben, celebrated his fifth birthday, loves swimming in their pool and is into Star Wars Legos. The twin granddaughters, Sky and Lola, will be 12 in December and are both home schooled by mother, Mary. Sky is a singer and pianist, Lola plays saxophone and all three girls have been active in Jiu Jitsu.

“Blessed are those who

keep His testimonies,

who seek Him with his

whole heart.”

Psalm 119:2 ESV

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OCTOBER 2018Grandparents@Prayer


Generation G: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (or Hot Topics on Grandparenting)

-by Gramma Pat Whisler

Well, football season has arrived. Are you a fan? What is your favorite team? I will unashamedly admit that I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. One of my high points when I first moved to

California was a phone call from a neighbor inviting Russ and I to a Steelers Fan Club nearby. I anticipate

the season pre-games starting. I get excited when I watch the games-that-count. Am I always pleased with the way they play? No. Am I always pleased with the ending score? No. Sometimes I don’t like the way they played but end up liking the score. It’s complicated and emotionally draining. You should sit beside me during their games. I am definitely a cheerleader!

This month’s GP Hot Topic: C H E E R L E A D I N G I must ask myself am I as dedicated a cheerleader for my grandchildren as I am for my football team? I hope more so. We grandparents need to be cheerleaders when our grandchildren (of any age) get discouraged, lack

self confidence and are low on self esteem. We must be their cheerleader when no one else is. We must inspire them with hope, courage and confidence. Yes, even in times when we are lacking those qualities ourselves. They tend to focus on their discouragement rather than the encouraging promises of the Lord. That’s when our quarterback sends us the signal to

go to the aid of our teammate. As their cheerleaders, we must send encouraging words like:

“Keep up the great work!” “I admire your persistence.” “I know you can do it” “You’ve put a lot of work into this and it shows.”

“I want you to overcome. I want you to succeed.” “God is on your side; everything will be ok.” As a cheerleader we must be an uncritical enthusiastic supporter… when they do things we like or don’t like or a mixture of both. We still love them and they are still our grandchildren. That scores the touchdown! Prayer: Dear Father, give me the mindset to be positive around my grandchildren. Help me to be strong when I don’t feel it so I can be strong for them. May your smile show through them from words of cheer. Action: Next time you see your grandchild say something positive, even if nothing extraordinary has happened. Watch for his/her smile. It’s really God smiling at you. A thought: Grandparents sprinkle stardust over the lives of their grandchildren.

Join our Grandparents@Prayer meeting on Oct 28 in room 10 a half hour before the traditional service begins.

God’s Word: …if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

------Romans 12:8

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GRACE PRESS Bread of L i fe Ministry (Soup Kitchen) Report

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me

something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you

clothed me. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for

me. Matthew 25: 35, 40.

I would like to say we feel blessed to be part of a church that reaches out to those in need.

Each Tuesday we serve approximately 35 – 70 people at the church, and twice a month we prepare

food for another 40 people at the Operation Hope shelter. Of the individuals attending the meal, some

are working but unable to make ends meet, some are disabled and come with caregivers, some are

unemployed, and some are homeless. Most of the guests that come are regulars and are known to the

volunteers by name.

This ministry reports to the Mission Com-

mittee and works closely with the Neigh-

borhood Resource Center and is grateful

to Felipe Huget who picks up some of the

food needed from Feeding San Diego and

the San Diego Food Bank. Others pick up

food donated by Panera Bread and Fro-

gy’s donut shop in Vista. Additional funds

are donated by contributions given by

members of the Grace congregation and

the Vista Lions Club.

The Bread of Life team meets faithfully every Tuesday starting at 2:00pm. The team consists of Terry

Breen, Andrea Chin-Parrillo, Amy DiPietro, Tom Harris, Julie Heron, Suz & Les Long, Joe Madeiros,

Dave Parrillo, Patrick Ryan, Mark Hiltrand, Marion Spence, Linda Huston, and Mary Bryan. Each member

has a particular assignment. There are 2 team members who work on preparing the salad and cutting

the cakes for dessert, and 2 other team members prepare the bag lunches. These two groups work

from 2:00 to 3:30pm. Four other team members remain until closing at approximately 6:30pm pre-

paring the hot meal and coffee, greeting the guests, and serving the food. At 5:00pm five more team

members come to place the hot food on the serving table, wash dishes and clean up the kitchen.

The doors are open to the guests at 4:30pm and they are welcomed with coffee and drinks, some

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OCTOBER 2018Bread of Life Continued.. .

donuts and breads. Those who desire

are also given a bag lunch that they

can take with them, which for many

serves as their food for the next day. At

5:00pm, clothing is handed out. This

clothing has been donated by mem-

bers of the congregation and from

Garment Gourmet and picked up by

Russ and Pat Whisler. Jeans, T-shirts,

jackets, shoes and blankets are needed

and so appreciated by the guests.

At 5:15pm, the spiritual “food” is giv-

en first with a message from God’s

Word. At 5:30pm the food is served. By

6:30pm, serving is complete and everything is cleaned up until the next Tuesday.

As already mentioned, this is done every Tuesday, 52 weeks a year. We can use your support in

several areas:

(1) First, we ask for prayers that the Lord’s Word would touch the hearts of those who come.

(2) Helpers – there are currently two openings for the 2:00pm – 3:30pm shift. We can accom-

modate additional volunteers from time to time, if notified ahead of time, due to the need for

advance planning each week.

(3) Food delivery to Operation Hope Shelter. During the two weeks each month that we

provide a meal to Operation Hope Shelter we need 2 people, each week, to pick up the food

from our kitchen at church and deliver it to Operation Hope Shelter at 5:00pm. Karen Camp-

bell (760-908-4923) coordinates this activity, if you can help, please contact her to be put on

the schedule.

(4) Clothing. We always need jeans, t-shirts, shoes, boots, and jackets for men and women.

If you have any questions, want to donate clothing or volunteer, contact Mary Bryan at

760-809-9136. Thank you for your generosity & support for this ministry.

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GRACE PRESS Operation HOPE-Vista

Please join us in thanking our Volunteer Coordinator, Evan Hodges for his dedication in serving

Operation HOPE-Vista the last few years by enhancing our volunteer program. Evan has chosen

to focus on furthering his education and his last day at Operation HOPE-Vista will be Friday, Septem-

ber 14th. He has been an instrumental part of the

OHV team and we would like to thank him for all

his hard work and efforts with the volunteer pro-

gram. Evan will be with the OHV staff team for the

next few weeks, so feel free to call, email or stop in

to give him your well wishes. We wish him all the

best in his future endeavors!

“I would like to thank each one of you for nearly

three excellent years at Operation HOPE-Vista and all of the wonderful experiences you have given

me as a Volunteer Coordinator. The volunteers truly are the heart and soul of Operation HOPE-Vista,

and I have had the great pleasure of working alongside some amazing individuals who are committed

to creating a better community for those who have the least among us.

Operation HOPE-Vista and all of the wonderful people who are involved will always be near and dear

to my heart. I am excited to see all the positive growth that has yet to come and I hope to see some

of you over the next couple weeks. Please be sure to take a look at the calendar and sign up for a

volunteer shift!” -Evan Hodges

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GRACE PRESSLocal Missions: InterVarsity

Real Hope in San Diego and Beyond

God loves every student and fac-

ulty member who has stepped

onto campus for fall semester at

CSUSM, Palomar & MiraCosta. That’s

why we spent hours praying and pre-

paring for New Student Outreach with

our student leaders. We want each

person to feel welcome to join us as

they are and to experience the hope

found in Christ. We met hundreds of

students at our club table at Palomar,

Snow Cone Outreach at CSUSM, and

Large Group last Wednesday Night! We met 40 students who are potential leaders and we are hoping

to continue the good work that their youth group leaders and families started!

BIG THANKS to our volunteers that came to events like Ariel’s mom (in photo above) who came to

meet students on campus and Ariel’s cousins who led worship at our leaders retreat! We also had

members of local churches come meet students and help with our first large group of the semester!

We could not have met as many students without their help!

Nationally, we are excited that InterVarsity is officially on 695 campuses—near our all-time high—which

means thousands will be welcomed to campus by an InterVarsity chapter this fall. But God has also

been breaking our hearts as an organization for the hundreds of campuses across the US that don’t

have any known witnessing community.

In response, the Lord has given InterVarsity a bold picture for the next 12 years, our 2030 Calling:

Longing for revival, we catalyze movements that call every corner of every campus to follow Jesus. By

the year 2030, we hope to see diverse witnessing communities on all 2,500 US campuses that have

over 1,000 students. Even more, we’re praying for God to bring revival, along with:

71,500 multiplying small groups

134,000 new followers of Jesus

4,000,000 partners praying

12,000,000 reached for the Gospel

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Partner with Us

This is a big calling, so we need help, now and throughout the next 12 years. You have been such

a faithful friend and partner to us. Would you consider partnering today in one or both of the

following ways?

1. Pray for Follow Up at CSUSM, Palomar & MiraCosta—that God would connect students

into small groups on campus and that new students would start new Bible studies this

fall. Would you also commit to pray regularly for the Lord to bring revival on our campus

and on other campuses across the nation?

2. Give a gift to support the Lord’s work in San Diego. Your gifts enable us to serve students

on these campuses as well as engage with other campuses that currently don't have

a witnessing community. You could become a monthly donor, increase the monthly

amount you already give, or give a special one-time gift to help us start the school year


Thank you for your care for us and for college students and faculty!

Local Missions: InterVarsity Continued.. .

Personal Updates

The past month has been packed with transitions and has been very

exciting but also deeply tiring. Your prayers and support have really

carried us as ministers on campus and we appreciate it more than

we could ever describe.

Ariel's new position with InterVarsity—Ariel is officially the Team

Leader in North County! This is very exciting as she gets to grow in

her leadership even more by coordinating campus events with our

staff team. It has been stretching as well as exciting seeing God provide for our team of 3!

We moved! After several months of praying and searching for new housing opportunities, we have

officially moved back to San Marcos, near two of the colleges that we serve! We are loving the shorter

commute and still unpacking!

Please update our address: 1045 Armorlite Dr. #212 San Marcos, CA 92069

Thank you for your love and support!

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7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

If you have a birthday or anniversary in October and your name does not appear above,

please contact the church office at 760-724-0077 to update our records. Thank you!

8am Church 9am Synergy (SDGE)

6:30pm Worship Committee

8:30am New Member’s Class

6:15pm Fellow. Committee7pm Deacons

6:30pm Mission Committee

1pm Finance Comm.

3pm Personnel

6:30pm Session




9 & 10:30am: Worship Services

9 & 10:30am: Adult Studies

10:30am Iglesia Gracia

10:30am: Children’s Sunday



7pm: AA meeting


10am Women’s Bible Study

1pm: Knitting Ladies

5:15pm: Soup Kitchen


10am: Staff Meeting

2pm Creciendo Juntos

6:30pm Growing in Grace

6:30pm: Spanish Bible Study (IG)

7pm: Deep & Wide Study

7:30pm: Worship Band Rehearsal


10am: Bible Study

2pm Creciendo Juntos

6pm Hand Bell Rehearsal

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal


9:30am Grandpar-ents@Prayer10am Reformation Service

6:30pm Spanish Leader mtg.?

17 Richard & Arcilia Tauber (58 years)

30 Earl & Valerie Allen (29 years)

9am Discipleship Class (Iglesia Gracia)

8:30am PEO

12-2pm EFAP

16 Mike & Jan Erickson (47 years)

20 Norm & Peg Long (46 years)

2 Lois Stephen

3 Bob Wilson

7 Carol Eldridge

10 Arlene Cratsa

Frances Hummel

14 Janet Arris

16 Christie Elliott

17 Robin Matthews

19 Terry Breen

22 Milka Romero

29 Elaine Corley

1 2 3 4 5 6

8:30am PEO

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Alice Nolf

Anna Weintre

Apollo Bostian

Audrey Baker

Bill Greenway

Bob Mautte

Bob Wilson

Carole Wolf

Cathy Medlyn

Chris Nolf Family

Compton Family

Damon Family

Denise Stockman

Dick Woolsey

Ed Huston

Elizabeth Johnson

Erin Eldridge

Fanny Aliaga

Grigorii Kirillov

Huston Family

Jan Patterson

Judy Ambrose

Judy D. Kirkland

Judy Woolsey

Ken Dickson

Kevin Dickson

Maxine Fox

Mike Cooley

Neil Kirkland

Paulina Cooley

Richard Tauber

Rita Sinatra

Scott Brady

Terry Breen

Tom Harris

Trisha Roest-Sinatra


Punch/Coffee Flowers

October 7 Fellowship Jayne Parker

October 14 Fellowship Ken & Sue Bouchard

October 21 Fellowship Terry-Jeanne Sawyer

October 28 Fellowship Lou Drexel

Punch/Coffee Service and Flowers for October

(Bill Sinatra’s sister in law)

(Bill Sinatra’s brother in law)

(Elizabeth Bostian’s son)

(Terry-Jeanne’s 1st Husband)

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Church Staff


1450 E. Vista WayVista, CA 92084

Phone: 760-724-0077

Fax: 760-724-2534

E-mail: [email protected]

Address Service Requested

W H E R E G O D ’ S F A M I L Y G R O W S



Interim Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Dr. Michael Wallman

Director of Church Operations Christie Elliott

Bookkeeper Albina Lumetta

Secretary Veronica Campos

Bridge Ministries Director Felipe Huguet

After School Program Director Maria Haigh

Sunday School Coordinator Hannah Foster

Chancel Choir Director Jayne Parker

Organist Frances Hummel

Hand Bell Choir Director Pat Sexton

Facilities Jim Aliaga


That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

That Holy Scripture is the triune God’s revealed Word,

the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life.

That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.

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