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Grade 3 Updated: March 29, 2012


Word Sentence

1270 words

ability Her ability to react quickly got her the job.

aboard Everyone climbed aboard for a train ride around the park.

above Raise your hand above your head.

acceleration The acceleration of the plane was amazing.

ache My front tooth began to ache.

acre Our farm has one acre of walnuts.

across I can throw that rock across the river

action What type of action should we take?

actually He was actually very hungry.

adapt The kitten will adapt to its new surroundings.

address My address is 123 Brown Street.

admire I admire their parents.

admit Can you admit you were wrong?

adobe The Indians house was made of adobe.

adult Do you become an adult at age 21?

adventure An adventure movie held their attention.

against Yelling would be against the rules.

agency The agency closed its doors.

ahoy Ahoy, I believe I see a ship.

air We breathe air.

alas Alas, it is finally bed time.

allow Please allow me 30 minutes to finish my work.

almost I almost made it on time, but I was late.

alone He stood all alone on the beach.

along Will you come along with me to the store?

alpaca An alpaca looks like a llama.

alphabet I learned the alphabet in kindergarten.

alphabet The preschooler knew her alphabet well.

already It is already 6:00 p.m.

always You can’t lose if you’re always right.

amazement We watched in amazement as he jumped over the cars on his bike.

among There is a thief among us.

ancient The anthropologist discovered an ancient village.

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animals The animals were very thirsty.

another Have another piece of cake.

antelope We saw an antelope at the zoo.

antlers The male deer had huge antlers.

anymore She doesn't live here anymore.

anything You can buy anything you like.

ape We saw an ape at the zoo.

appear Would you like to appear on TV?

applaud People applaud to show appreciation of a job well done.

apple The apple was cold and crisp.

approach You should approach the wounded animal with caution.

aqueduct The aqueduct brought them water.

arrive What time did you arrive at home?

arrowheads Long ago, arrowheads were made of sharpened stones.

artist The artist painted a beautiful picture.

artwork My office has a display of student artwork.

asleep He was fast asleep in the chair.

asphalt The asphalt was burning hot.

assignment My next assignment is located in Germany.

asteroid The asteroid narrowly missed the hurtling spacecraft.

ate We ate our dinner at night.

athlete The athlete competed against his friend.

atmosphere The craft plummeted through the atmosphere.

attached You will find my card attached to the letter.

attack We should attack the problem head on.

attack The city came under attack during the night.

attention Please pay attention to the lecture.

automobile His friend's automobile is fun to drive.

autumn The autumn leaves began to fall.

avenue Which avenue do you live on?

avoid We tried to avoid the bumps in the road.

aware I wasn't aware that Dad was asleep on the couch.

awe I stood in awe of their creativity.

axes Lumbermen use axes to cut down trees.

axis We can't feel the Earth turning on its axis.

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baby The baby slept all day.

backwards She fell backwards into the water.

bacteria The bacteria grew in the test tube.

badger The badger crawled deep into its burrow.

baggage We put our baggage in the trunk.

bagpiper The bagpiper wore kilts.

baked Our bodies baked in the sun's heat.

bamboo The basket was made of bamboo.

banana I had a banana for breakfast.

bandage The bandage will keep out the dirt.

bar I need a bar of soap.

bargains We found many bargains at the flea market.

bark Don't let the dog bark so long.

barrel A barrel of pickles is near the store's counter.

base The runner slid into second base.

batter The cookie batter is full of little chocolate chips.

batteries The batteries in the flashlight no longer work.

beak The parrot has a yellow beak.

beast The wild beast charged the hunter.

beautiful A beautiful red butterfly was added to the collection.

beckon Quietly, she would beckon the children closer.

become The later it is, the more I become tired.

bedroom I keep my piggy bank in my bedroom.

beforehand We knew they were coming, so we bought plenty of food beforehand.

begun Hurry, the game has begun.

behave Sometimes it’s hard for a small child to behave.

bellows The bull bellows to be fed.

below There is a basement below the house.

bench We sat on the bench waiting for the bus.

bend I can bend this metal hanger.

benefactor He is a benefactor for Special Olympics.

bent The bicycle wheel was bent beyond repair.

better Daniel felt better after his sore throat stopped hurting.

between He sat between us to keep us from arguing.

bigger They grow bigger watermelons every year.

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billion A billion dollars is a lot of money.

bird Our bird can sing, but can’t fly.

birth At birth, the baby chick had no feathers.

biscuit The biscuit was delicious with butter and honey.

bitten She was bitten by a non-poisonous snake.

blackbird The blackbird flew to his nest.

blazes The forest fire still blazes out of control.

blood The blood flows through your veins.

blossom The pink cherry blossom is a flower with a sweet smell.

blotted He blotted out the whole bad experience.

blueberries The blueberries are ready to be picked.

bluebird The bluebird was happily chirping away.

blurring My eyes were blurring from lack of sleep.

boardwalk There is a famous boardwalk in Atlantic City.

boat The wave almost sank the boat.

body My body is too skinny.

bone The dog chewed on the bone.

bonnet The bonnet sat on her head crookedly.

book I just read a good book about horses.

boom The cannon boom startled the onlookers.

booth We sat in a restaurant booth.

boss My boss is a nice person.

both We were both painting together.

bother Please don't bother me now.

bottle The baby’s bottle was full of milk.

bought We bought 2 loaves of bread.

boulder This huge boulder weighs 2000 pounds.

bounce The ball bounced lower and lower.

boundary The boundary of our land starts at the river.

braced He braced himself against the shock of the cold water.

branch A large branch on the tree blew off in the storm.

brave He was a brave little boy for not crying.

breath The roller coaster took my breath away.

breeze A cool breeze began to blow.

brick The fireplace is made of brick.

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brief Can you give a brief description of the intruder?

bristle The old brush lost one bristle after another.

brittle This wood becomes brittle over time.

broad The path was broad along the cliff.

brought She brought that toy from her house to mine.

brown Her hair and eyes are brown.

bud The flower was in a small bud vase.

buffalo Cattlemen are now raising buffalo.

built The kids built a tree house.

bulging That bulging suitcase is about to pop open.

bulldozer A bulldozer has a wide steel blade across the front.

bumping The unsteady man kept bumping into things.

burlap This heavy, course material is called burlap.

burrow The squirrel will burrow into the ground.

bushy The bushy terrain hid the animals.

butter Please, may I have butter on my toast?

buy I will buy a book with my allowance.

cactus A cactus can survive in the desert with very little water.

cake Her birthday cake was delicious.

calm After the storm it was calm.

camel The camel will cross the desert without water.

camera My camera takes good pictures.

camp We will camp in the park tonight.

can I can jump high.

candle We ate dinner by candle light.

candy Most children love candy.

cannot I cannot run as fast as a rabbit.

cap I put the cap on my head.

capital What is the capital of our state?

careful Mothers always tell their children to be careful.

carriage The carriage was pulled by 3 horses.

carry May I carry the grocery bag for you?

carton The carton contains orange juice.

cartwheels The acrobat turned a dozen cartwheels.

carve The chef will carve the roast.

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case This is a case of pink paper.

castle The castle stood high on the hill.

cattle The cattle were scattered all over the hills.

cause Lightning was the cause of the forest fire.

caution Always use caution around fire.

cave Do not go into the cave.

central The lake in the central area is best for fishing.

ceremonial A ceremonial robe was worn for the occasion.

certain I am certain that there are twelve eggs in a dozen.

chalk I use white chalk on the blackboard.

champion The champion will win the biggest trophy.

change I had to change the plan.

chapter You must read a chapter of the book each day.

charge We will charge 10 cents for a glass of lemonade.

chased Timmy chased the cat down the street.

chatter We could hear the chatter of the children in the yard.

cheerful She always appeared cheerful around us.

cherry We will help our mom make a cherry pie.

chew It is good to chew your food thoroughly.

chief The president is the chief of the armed forces.

child The small child played with the blocks.

children My family has 3 children.

chill The empty fireplace left a cold chill in the room.

chocolate My favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream.

choice What is your choice for dessert?

choke He began to choke on his food.

chomp Soon the rabbit will chomp on the carrot.

chore Each child has one chore to complete.

cider Apple cider is a delicious drink.

circus Have you been to the circus?

city I live in the city of Hanford.

clam We had a clam bake on the beach.

clang We heard the clang of the fire engine bells.

clap Please clap to the music.

claw The cat’s claw is sharp.

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cleaned We cleaned and polished all the furniture in the house.

clear The air was clear and fresh.

clever She is a clever lady.

click I heard the camera click.

clipping We are clipping the dog today.

clock The clock keeps ticking away the minutes until recess.

clothes There are not enough hangers for my clothes.

cloud A cloud drifted by in the bright sunny sky.

clue What will the next clue be in the story?

clutter The clutter in the streets was deplorable.

coach The coach said we work out tonight.

coat After I come inside I take my coat off.

code He needed a code to open the lock.

coil The rattle snake will coil before it strikes.

coins Pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters are called coins.

cold It was very cold when it snowed.

collar Put the collar on your dog.

collection My collection of stamps is valuable.

college From which college did she graduate?

colorful The comedian led a colorful life.

comets Many comets streaked across the sky.

comfort Dad loved the comfort of his favorite chair.

comfortable I do not feel comfortable when asked to make a speech.

command The soldiers were under his command.

common John and I have nothing in common.

communicates I don't think he communicates his ideas clearly.

company Our company stayed all night.

compare You can't compare an apple to an orange.

complained He complained to the cook about the burnt food.

complaint Take your complaint to the judge.

complete She did a complete job for 20 dollars.

complicated The boy couldn't understand the complicated directions.

concrete The concrete for the driveway was poured yesterday.

cone I like my ice cream in a cone.

confident I'm confident I'll do well on my test because I studied very hard.

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contact Please contact the nearest hospital for this emergency.

contest Did you enter the contest?

control When driving, you must have complete control of the car.

cool The weather is cool outside.

cooperate We cooperate by sharing things and helping one another.

copper The copper coins filled the boxes.

cork Pull the cork from the bottle.

corn I like to eat corn.

corner The child bumped his head on the corner of the table.

corral The large corral held 20 horses.

costume I liked her frilly costume.

cottage This cottage was built in 1921.

cotton I like shirts made of 100% cotton.

cotton I like to wear clothes made of cotton.

cough His cough is getting worse.

coughed He coughed off and on during the night.

could How could I ever forget you?

count You can count on me being there.

country We live in a great country.

couple I found a couple of socks that do not match.

courageous The courageous mother bear defended her cubs from the hunters.

court She hit the ball across the Tennis court.

cousin Jane is my cousin.

cover The cover on the book is torn.

cowboy The cowboy rode his horse.

coyote A coyote is closely related to the wolf.

crackle The crackle of the camp fire echoed in the forest.

craft He is an expert at his craft.

crash The boy was not hurt in the car crash.

crate The crate was full of melons.

crater From the airplane I could see the crater.

craving I suddenly had a craving for ice cream.

crayon He had a crayon for each child to color with.

creaky He rocked back and forth in the creaky old chair.

crease The crease was pressed into his pants.

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crew The ship’s crew got shore leave.

crime He was in jail for his terrible crime.

croak The frog gave more than one croak.

crowded The movie theater was very crowded.

crumpled Karen crumpled the paper in her hand and threw it away.

crunch I like to crunch on peanuts.

cup The cup sits on the saucer.

curb He fell when he tripped on the curb.

curious Are you curious about what is in the big box?

curve The curve in the road hid the oncoming car.

custodian A custodian responded to the emergency bell.

custom One birthday custom is to blow out the candles on a birthday cake.

dairy I grew up on a dairy.

damage Hurricane Katrina did a lot of damage.

dare Don't you dare cross the street alone?

darkness There was total darkness in the room.

dazzling The sunlight was so dazzling that we had to wear sunglasses.

deer In the evening, the deer will come into the meadow.

defense He covered his ears in defense from the cold wind.

demonstrate She will demonstrate cooking in her electric skillet.

dentist The dentist will check your teeth.

denying Are you denying the charges?

desert The desert was full of cactus.

designs We drew different designs on the paper.

dessert Ice cream is my favorite dessert.

detective A detective follows clues to solve a crime.

devour My hungry cats always devour their food quickly.

diamond A diamond shape has four equal sides.

diary As a young girl, she kept a diary.

different One was different from the other.

dimly The dimly lit stairway was unsafe.

direct The direct sunlight hurt her eyes.

direction In what direction did the car turn?

disappear The magician made the coin disappear.

disbelief His disbelief registered heavily on his face.

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discover We will discover the answer tomorrow.

disgrace That old broken-down house is a disgrace to our neighborhood.

dish I broke the dish in the sink.

disprove Can you disprove my theory on the results of the case?

distance We saw them coming in the distance.

doctor The doctor was on vacation.

dollar I have one dollar in my pocket.

dollhouse The children played with the dollhouse.

dolphin The dolphin swam freely by the boat.

donkey The donkey has long ears.

door Remember to close the door.

doorknob The doorknob slowly turned in my hand.

double We can double our investments within 3 years.

dove The gray dove sat on the roof of the barn.

downstairs We went downstairs to the basement.

doze He likes to doze in the chair.

dragging Why are you dragging that blanket around?

dragon He attacked the dragon with his spear.

drank Altogether we drank 10 glasses of water.

draw I like to draw horses in my notebook.

drawing The children were drawing pictures of a house.

dress I have a new dress.

drew She drew a line on the sidewalk.

dried She dried the dishes.

drill Should I drill a hole in the wall?

drink What will we drink for dinner?

drip We drink drip coffee.

drop If you are not careful, you will drop your plate.

drove The cowboys drove the cattle to market.

drum He beat the drum with a stick.

dry You need some dry socks.

duchess The duchess and her husband live in a big castle.

duck You have to duck so that you don’t hit your head.

dug The dog dug a big hole in the yard.

during We discussed the plan during our lunch hour.

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dust The dust rose behind the plodding mules.

dwindle We watched our supplies dwindle steadily.

dynamo Fran is a real dynamo; she never stops working.

ear I accidentally hit my ear on the corner of the door.

early I go to work early in the morning.

earn She will earn enough money to buy a new dress.

earth The astronauts returned to earth.

easel The students will paint at an easel.

easily It is a job I can easily finish.

eclipse Did you see the lunar eclipse?

egg I would like an egg with my breakfast.

eighth The eighth graders went on a trip to Disneyland.

elder My grandma is an elder of our family.

electric He has an electric train.

electronic I have a new electronic watch.

elementary Mary is still in elementary school.

eleventh We turn right on eleventh street.

ellipse The shape of the Earth's orbit is an ellipse.

else Someone else will wash the dishes.

empty The empty box fell off the truck.

enable This plan will enable us to work faster.

encircle The wolves began to encircle the weary travelers.

engine My car has a small engine.

enjoy We will enjoy the Birthday party.

enormously The club spent an enormously large amount of money on the party.

enough After you get enough money you can buy a ticket.

eraser Use your pencil eraser sparingly.

errand I sent her on an errand.

escape He will try to escape from his jail cell.

especially I was especially happy to see my friend was there.

even The score was even at seven to seven.

evening I like to watch T.V. in the evening.

event Which track event do you like the best?

everywhere She follows me everywhere I go.

examination My doctor gave me a complete examination.

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example If you want to do well, you should follow my example.

except He can do everything except cook.

excite The good news will excite you.

exclaimed "Good grief!" he exclaimed. "It's 6:00 o'clock."

exhibit They had a flower exhibit at the fair.

expensive She wore an expensive fur coat.

explained The teacher explained the whole problem to me.

explore We will explore the forest together.

extra We will need extra help for the party.

eyebrow She raised her eyebrow in scorn.

fabulous The trip to Hawaii was fabulous.

face She has a pretty face.

faint I feel faint when I skip a meal.

familiar The old gray house looked familiar.

family Do you keep a record of your family tree?

famous She is a famous actress.

fan We will turn on the fan to cool the room.

fantasy Do you like to read fantasy stories?

faster He ran faster than I did.

fault It was not his fault we didn't win the game.

fear I do not fear the night.

fearless She was fearless in her pursuit of justice.

feather He placed a feather in his cap.

feeds She feeds the dogs every day.

fell He fell out of the tree.

fellow Do you know the fellow that lives down the street?

felt She felt better an hour later.

fewer I have fewer cookies than you.

fiddle He plays the fiddle in a western band.

field Plow the north field first.

fierce She is a fierce competitor.

fifty I counted fifty words on the page.

fill Please fill my glass with milk.

fin You can see the shark's fin above the water.

finally We finally completed the job.

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fine I'm feeling fine, thank you.

finest This chocolate cake is the finest I have ever eaten.

fingers Please keep your fingers out of your mouth.

finished The boy finished his homework so he could go out and play.

fire The fire was burning brightly in the fireplace.

firecracker He shot off the firecracker on the 4th of July.

first You can be first in line.

fisherman The fisherman caught his limit of trout.

fist He clenched his fist in fury.

fit This dress will fit you perfectly.

fix Dad will fix my broken toy.

fixture This light fixture is broken.

flag I will take down the flag today.

flapping The geese were flapping their wings.

flat The table has a flat surface.

flea We found a flea on the kitten.

flight I took the 2:00 p.m. flight from Los Angeles.

flipper What happens if a dolphin damages its flipper?

flock Look at that flock of birds.

flood The water will flood the town.

floor She mopped the dirty floor.

flute He plays the flute in the orchestra.

foggy Driving is dangerous in foggy weather.

follow Will you follow in your father’s footsteps?

food You have to eat from all the food groups to stay healthy.

foolish It was foolish of him to park in the middle of the road.

footstep Her footstep was light on the floor.

forcefully He retrieved the knife, forcefully.

foreign We cooked a dinner of foreign foods.

forest The forest is a habitat for many different animals.

forever The naughty boy was forever in trouble.

form Let's form a ring holding hands.

fort The soldiers kept their supplies and weapons safe in their fort.

fortune She made her fortune in the stock market.

foul He hit a foul ball.

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found I found a wallet lying on the sidewalk.

foundation The workers built the new house on top of a stone foundation.

fox The fox is a beautiful animal.

frame The frame on the house goes up first.

freely They soared through the sky, freely.

friend My friend lives next door.

from The train from Fresno arrives at 12:00 o'clock.

fruits Vegetables and fruits are very nutritious.

fry The oil spatters when we fry chicken.

full I ate too much and now I am full.

fun Playing ball with you is fun.

funny Her joke was not that funny.

furry My cat Murray is soft and furry.

future Everyone should plan for the future.

fuzzy The stuffed bear was soft and fuzzy.

game I like to play this new game.

garbage The garbage truck comes by to pick up our trash.

gas I put gas in the truck.

gasp She gave a gasp of surprise when she was startled.

gave I gave my mom a hug.

gear Her fishing gear was missing from the boat.

gentleness Her gentleness with the animals makes her a good veterinarian.

get Would you please get me a cookie?

getaway He drove the getaway car.

getting Tommy is getting very sleepy.

ghastly She had a ghastly cut on her arm.

ghosts They say that ghosts haunt this tavern.

giant We saw the giant redwood tree in the forest.

giraffe We saw the giraffe at the zoo.

given She has given all her money to charity.

glare The glare from the water will hurt your eyes.

glider The glider swooshed past the landing area.

glove He wore a single glove, while playing golf.

glow I like the glow of the lamp in the evening.

glue The glue stuck to my fingers.

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goal He made a goal in the soccer game.

goes He only goes to the store on Fridays.

goggles Wear your goggles when flying.

going I am going to town.

golden She was given a golden chain necklace.

goodness Surely goodness and mercy will follow you.

gooey Spilled honey made a gooey mess on the floor.•

grabbing He was grabbing everything in sight.

grandfather My grandfather is fun to be around.

grandstand The grandstand was filled with rooters.

grant I will grant you permission to go.

grasshopper The bird caught the grasshopper as it leaped off the plant.

great I’m better than good, I’m great.

greedy This corporate officer is greedy.

green The grass is green.

greenhouse They grow many exotic plants in the greenhouse.

grew The young man grew an inch over the summer.

gripping It was gripping my hand in fear of falling.

group A group of children went to the park.

group We had to practice together because we were a group.

growl The dog began to growl.

grown The corn has grown very tall.

guard His guard dog walked by his side.

guess Should I guess at the answer?

guide Do you need a guide for the trip?

guilty The jury found him guilty of the crime.

gunpowder He bought a can of gunpowder at the hardware store.

gushed A stream of water gushed to the surface.

gust A gust of wind blew the papers away.

habit He has a bad habit of biting his nails.

habitat The newly created habitat was comfortable for the animals.

hair My mom does my hair in the mornings.

half Cut the apple in half to share with your sister.

hammered He hammered on the door until someone unlocked it.

handy She was handy with a needle and thread.

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happen What would happen if I didn't call you?

happily The kittens were happily playing with the yarn.

hardly I hardly know the man.

harness She put the harness on the old horse.

harvest Farmer Tompkins will harvest her corn in August.

hat Don't forget to put on your hat.

hatch Will the bird eggs hatch overnight?

hate I don't hate anyone.

haunt Lies will come back to haunt you.

hawk The hawk flew high in the sky.

haze In the morning there was haze in the air.

head He scratched his head in thought.

headdress She wore a ceremonial headdress.

hear Can you hear that noise outside?

heard Have you heard the latest news?

heart In my heart I know I'm right.

heavenly The dessert was heavenly.

heavy The heavy rains caused all the flooding.

heavyweight He was the heavyweight boxing champion.

helicopter The helicopter landed carefully on the platform.

helmet He put on his helmet before riding his motorcycle.

help We should all help each other.

helpless I felt helpless being unable to reach the struggling child.

hem The hem of her dress is torn.

hen A hen is a female chicken that lays eggs.

hero The firefighter is a hero for rescuing the campers.

hibernate Many animals hibernate during the winter.

hidden The dump is well hidden behind the trees.

high How high can you throw that rock?

highway This highway will take us north to Fresno.

himself He stood by himself because his parents were not yet there.

hire Will they hire you for the job?

hiss We heard the hiss of the snake before he struck.

hit Try to hit the ball over the fence.

hoist Which flag should we hoist first up the flagpole?

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holding She was holding a small bird in her hand.

hole I ripped a hole in my pants.

holiday Which holiday do you like best?

home I can play when I get home from school.

homeland I was born in Texas, so my homeland is the United States.

homework Harold has to finish his homework before he can watch television.

hoot You can hear the hoot of the owl in the evening.

hoped I had hoped you would arrive early.

horrible He awoke from a horrible nightmare.

horseshoe My horse lost his left front horseshoe.

hose My dog chewed a hole in the water hose.

hospital They took him to the hospital in an ambulance.

hospital The surgery will be done at the hospital.

hot It is hot during the summer.

hour What hour of the day is it?

housework There is always housework to do.

hover The helicopter began to hover over the accident scene.

however There should be 3, however only 2 showed up.

hug I gave my dog a big hug.

huge A huge boulder fell onto the road.

hummingbird The hummingbird seemed to have invisible wings.

hump The camel has a hump on its back.

hundred One hundred people attended the party.

hunter The hunter took his dog on the trip.

hurried They hurried to the party.

hurt The small child fell and hurt her knee.

husband Her husband loves to play golf.

hydrofoil The hydrofoil took them swiftly to their destination.

ice There is ice on the sidewalk.

icy Don't slip and fall on that icy sidewalk.

idea He had a bright idea on how to decorate the room.

ignore Do not ignore your friend’s advice.

imagine I can't imagine anything so silly.

impolite It is impolite to not pay attention.

important It was important to do well on the test, so we studied very well.

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incomplete Your answer was incomplete.

indoors We played indoors because of the rain.

inflate He will inflate the bicycle tire.

inhabit Animals that inhabit an area with lions must be on their guard.

ink I write with a blue ink pen.

inning Gary won the game when he hit a home run in the ninth inning.

insect The insect bite on my arm itched.

inspectors The inspectors looked at our passports.

inspired The music inspired me to dance around the room.

interest He lost interest in the dull game.

invention Her invention saved time for her co-workers.

invite I will invite you to my party.

involve Please don't involve me in your family problems.

iron I will press the shirt with an iron to take out the wrinkles.

island I will take a ferry to the island.

item Which item on the toy shelf do you wish to buy?

itself We watched the cat giving itself a bath.

jacket A short coat with sleeves is a jacket.

jail The criminal will go to jail.

jam I put strawberry jam on my toast.

jar I have a jar of grape jelly.

jaw His jaw was broken when he was hit in the face.

jellyfish Some jellyfish will sting you.

jet The jet airplane makes a lot of noise.

joined They were joined by two more of their friends.

journey Their journey covered many miles.

joyous They were greeted with joyous expectation.

judge Who will judge the livestock at the fair?

juggler The juggler dropped the balls twice.

jumped The dog jumped on the ball.

jungle Wild animals live in the jungle.

junk Have you been to the car junk yard?

keep Please keep the door closed.

kept The custodian kept the building and grounds clean.

key I have a key to the door.

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kind I like her because she was kind to me.

kindness The kindness of friends is always appreciated.

kiss I kiss my mom and dad goodnight before I go to bed.

kite He flew the kite on a windy day.

knee He fell off his bicycle and scraped his knee.

knew I knew that before you told me.

knowledge Everyone gains more knowledge as the years pass.

ladder The ladder was used to climb upon the roof.

lady She is a very old lady.

lamb The lamb couldn't find its mother.

landing The airplane made a smooth landing.

language I don't speak a foreign language.

lap Run another lap around the track.

large I would like a large because it is bigger than a small.

latch Latch the gate to make sure the pony can't get out.

late It was late at night when we got home.

later If it gets much later I will fall asleep.

laugh It's good for your health to laugh.

laughter Their laughter could be heard outside the home.

lava The volcanic lava destroyed everything in its path.

lawful The police did a lawful search of the crime scene.

lawn The lawn needs to be mowed.

layer She made a 2 layer cake.

laziest That is the laziest dog I've ever seen.

leader The leader of our scout troop taught us to tie square knots.

leads She always leads the pony to water.

leaf A leaf fell from the tree.

lean I like to eat lean meat.

leaped The monkey leaped from tree to tree.

learn She will learn to cook a beef roast today.

lease Dad will lease our apartment for one year.

leather His shoes are made of leather.

left You left the door wide open.

leg He broke his leg when he went skiing.

lemon A lemon has very sour juice.

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lesson We were taught a lesson each day of the year.

let Don't let the cat outside.

letters There are two letters for you on the table.

librarian The librarian hushed us for talking too loud.

libraries I researched the story at two libraries.

life He lived a long life.

lift Please help me lift this heavy box.

light Turn on the light so we can see the pictures.

lighthouse The lighthouse saved many a sailors life.

likeness She painted a likeness of the blooming rose.

limb The storm blew the limb off the tree.

lime I like lime juice in some foods.

line If we stand in a line it is more orderly.

lioness The lioness prowled the riverbed.

listen Don't listen to bad advice.

little He is just a little bit afraid of the barking dog.

lives Sandra lives in a beautiful city.

livestock All of the livestock got out of the pen.

lizard The lizard was on the fence sunning himself.

lock We lock our home before we leave.

locker I gave Liza my locker combination.

log I jumped over the log.

logger My grandfather worked as a logger for the forestry.

lonely He paused to survey the lonely stretch of road.

longer My rope is longer than yours.

loop He will loop the rope around the pole.

loudly She spoke loudly for all to hear.

loved The little girl loved to hold the soft furry kitten.

low The plane flew low to the ground.

lucky This could be your lucky day.

lung The lung is part of the human anatomy.

lurched The car lurched forward and then came to a stop.

lying The book is lying on the table.

machine The machine was used for drying clothes.

magical It was a magical fairy tale.

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magnet She picked up iron filings with a magnet.

magnify The computer will magnify your errors.

mailbox I dropped my letter into the mailbox.

mainland I took a plane back to the mainland.

man The man drove his new car with great pride.

mansion The mansion had 30 rooms and a long driveway.

map I have a new map of the city for you.

march They will march in the parade.

marine All the marine life is protected near our shores.

market We went shopping at the farmer's market.

mask He wore a Halloween mask.

mate He is first mate on the ship.

material He searched for just the right building material.

mathematician The professor is a famous mathematician.

matter It doesn't really matter how long we stay.

meantime In the meantime, the dog kept barking.

measure You must measure the ingredients carefully.

medal The boy won a medal at the spelling bee.

media Radio, television, newspapers, and magazines are part of media.

message The message was delivered at 4:00 p.m.

meteor We saw the meteor falling from the sky.

meteorology The study of weather conditions is called meteorology.

middle The middle of the road is marked with a yellow line.

midnight It was midnight before we arrived at the farm.

might I might get to town tomorrow.

migrate Many people from other countries migrate to America.

migration Great-grandma was part of the migration of Swedes.

milk A glass of cold milk tastes good.

million It will cost a million dollars to replace the damage.

mind I don't mind if you leave now.

minutes I was only a few minutes late.

miracle It was a miracle he survived the crash.

mire After it rained, our car became stuck in the mire.

mirror She looked in the mirror to put on her lipstick.

misbehave She asked the children not to misbehave.

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mischievous The mischievous grin turned into a look of horror.

mislead The ad will mislead the public.

missionary His father was a missionary in Africa.

misspell Try not to misspell this word.

mistake We can correct your mistake.

moan He began to moan from the pain.

model He built a model car.

molasses She likes to put molasses on her pancakes.

mom My mom has brown hair.

money Save your money in the bank.

money My dad gives me money when I do the dishes.

monitor She will be the class monitor this week.

monsters The monsters in the movie scared the children.

month Pay day is the last day of the month.

moonlight We went walking in the moonlight.

morning School starts in the morning.

mosquito A mosquito buzzed around my head.

motion We swayed with the gentle motion of the boat.

motor He owns a motor bike.

mountain We climbed the mountain together.

move We will move the chairs to the other room.

movie When the new movie theater opened, they gave away free popcorn.

mud There is mud on your shoes.

multiplication You will learn your multiplication tables in school.

museum We visited the museum exhibits.

music Turn on some dancing music.

must You must wait your turn so that everyone has a chance.

mustache His mustache needs trimming.

mutter He seems to mutter his words when he speaks so softly.

myself I stood by myself.

mystery Can you explain this mystery to me?

national The 4th of July is a national holiday.

nature Isn't it wonderful what mother nature can do?

neighbors Our neighbors have noisy barking dogs.

nerves The loud music is getting on my nerves.

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net I caught a butterfly in a net.

newcomers Our neighbors are newcomers from Pakistan.

newest She is the newest addition to the family.

newscaster The newscaster reported the results of the election.

nice How nice of you to bake a cake.

night When it is night, we can see the stars.

nod He greeted us with a nod of his head.

noisily The children noisily got out of bed.

normal My temperature is a normal 98.6 degrees.

north Can you see the north star?

nose The boxer’s nose began to bleed.

nose My mom likes to kiss me on the nose.

notebook The secretary keeps a notebook.

nurses Usually, nurses dress in white uniforms.

obey You must obey your parents.

observe The astronomer will observe the stars through his telescope.

occupy Reading will occupy his time.

oceans This continent is surrounded by oceans.

officer The officer stopped the speeding car.

often How often do you brush your teeth?

onion The yellow onion is strong smelling.

onshore We could see the onshore lights of the town.

opened She opened the door to let the cat out.

opening Tom is always opening doors for his mother.

opossum The opossum lived in the tree.

orbit The space ship will orbit the earth.

order When my cards fell I had to put them back in order.

ordinary This is no ordinary book on the history of our country.

otter The otter played in the waves in the ocean.

ourselves We can finish this job by ourselves.

outlaw The outlaw was caught by the sheriff.

overboard A passenger on the cruise ship fell overboard.

overflow The overflow crowd stayed outside the building.

own He would like to own a car.

oxen They used oxen to pull carts.

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oxygen They gave the man oxygen to breathe.

pack Please pack me a picnic lunch.

pageant We'll dress up like the Pilgrims for our school's Thanksgiving pageant.

paintbrush Wash your paintbrush when you have finished painting.

pair This is my favorite pair of shoes.

pajamas Before I went to bed, I couldn't find my pajamas.

palace The prince's palace had fifty huge rooms.

pan I bought a new cake pan.

panda The panda bear is black and white.

pane The window pane was broken.

pangs Before dinner, I began having little pangs of hunger.

pant The animal began to pant from lack of water.

pantomime We each performed a simple pantomime.

parachute I will pack my own parachute for the jump.

parrot My parrot has brightly colored feathers.

partner Choose a partner for the next dance.

party The party was over at 9:00 p.m.

pass He threw a touchdown pass in the football game.

passenger I was the first passenger on the bus.

pasture The horses were eating grass in the pasture.

pavement The new pavement does not have lines on it yet.

peace I need peace and quiet to study.

peach I picked a peach from the tree.

pebbles They tossed pebbles across the stream.

peck Chickens peck grain from the ground.

peel I peel the orange before I eat it.

peg Hang your coat on the peg in the hall.

penny I found a penny on the sidewalk.

perhaps Perhaps you can spend a day with us.

period Place a period at the end of the sentence.

personality She has a great personality.

petition People who agree with the person sign the petition.

petroglyph A petroglyph was found out in the desert on the rock.

phone The phone rang constantly.

photographs I am putting my birthday photographs in an album.

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physiology The college has a science class that teaches physiology.

picket A picket fence guarded the small house.

pickle She would like to have a dill pickle.

piece That piece of wood is for carving.

pile She left a pile of dirty clothes on the porch.

pillow I can loan you my extra pillow.

pine We have a pine tree in our yard.

pitied The distraught little child is to be pitied.

planet What planet can you see with the naked eye?

platform They were sitting on a low platform.

playful The new kitten was very playful.

plead They began to plead for their lives.

plenty There is plenty of work for everyone.

plot They've discovered a plot to kill the Queen.

pocket The pocket of his coat was torn.

poet The poet wrote poems about roses.

point Do not point your finger at people.

poisonous The bite of a poisonous spider can make you very sick.

politeness His politeness was noticed by everyone.

ponder I'll ponder all the facts before I make a decision.

position What position do you play on the baseball team?

positive Pam's positive attitude makes her feel she can learn anything.

possibly The main event could possibly take place tomorrow.

pour Please pour the coffee.

power The power was turned off for an hour.

predator Some insects have no predator.

prehistoric Eons ago, prehistoric animals roamed this land.

preserve She will dry and then preserve the flowers in glass.

pressure He applied pressure to the wound.

pretended The boy pretended to not hear his mother calling him.

price I love the dress, but the price is too high.

primitive The primitive man used only what nature provided.

probably She is probably wondering what happened to us.

promise I promise to be a good boy.

prong The prong on the fork was bent.

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prosper We all hope to prosper as we grow older.

protestors The protestors shouted at the men.

prove Can you prove your story is correct?

pump We pump the water to irrigate the crops.

pumpkin I like pumpkin pie.

purify Always purify tap water before drinking it.

purple Do you like the color purple?

quail I saw a quail in the vineyard.

quartz We gave dad a quartz watch for his birthday.

question Please answer my question.

quickly Quickly they burst through the door.

quietness He sought the quietness of the country.

rack Please put your shoes on the rack in the closet.

radio Don't turn on the radio, yet.

railing We stood behind the railing and waited.

rain I like the rain, but not the snow.

rainbow We saw a rainbow after the rain shower.

raise Please raise your hand to be excused.

rare I like my steak cooked rare.

raspberry Do you like raspberry jello?

rather I would rather go home than stay at grandmother's house.

rattler The rattler is a poisonous snake.

readable This is a very readable book about animals.

reason My reason for being late is that my car had a flat tire.

rebuild They will rebuild their fire damaged home.

recess When recess is over, we stop playing games and go back to class.

recipe The recipe called for one egg.

recited Oscar recited some poems for his class.

recognize Becky could easily recognize her brother in the crowd.

record The record jump was 7 feet.

recover They will recover from the terrible disaster.

recycle Most communities encourage people to recycle.

refuse I refuse to answer the question.

registry John signed the registry at the hotel when he checked in.

rejoice We will rejoice when the work is completed.

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relation I have one relation that lives in Oregon.

remarkable It was a remarkable trapeze act.

remembered He remembered to brush his teeth this morning.

repair I don't know how to repair the toaster.

repeat Please repeat these words after me.

reporter The reporter phoned in his story.

reptile A rattlesnake is a dangerous reptile.

rescue The rescue team hurried up the mountain to help the hurt hiker.

restoration After its restoration, the old bicycle looked brand new.

reunite The picnic will reunite the families.

reward He received a reward for doing a good job.

ribbon Margie wore a blue ribbon in her hair.

ride I can ride a horse.

rim The rim of the plate is painted red.

ring We sat in a ring around the campfire.

ripe The cherries are ripe now.

ripped He ripped his jacket on the fence.

rise The river will rise with the rain.

roadbed The work crew dug into the roadbed.

robber The robber got away with the money.

rodent Dad put down a rodent trap in the basement.

roller He used the roller to paint the wall.

rooster I hear the rooster crowing early in the morning.

rotted The bottom had rotted out of the pot.

rough We had a rough ride.

rubber The paper boy put a rubber band around the newspaper.

rubbing He was rubbing his eyes as he got up.

rubbish Material to be thrown out is rubbish.

ruins We visited the ruins of an old castle.

rumble The rumble of the thunder was loud.

running Greg bought new athletic shoes for running on the track.

runway The airport runway was well lit.

sad We were sad to see him leave.

saddle We will saddle the horses and go for a ride.

safely They climbed safely aboard the rescue boat.

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sailor The sailor left the ship quietly.

salmon The salmon are swimming up the river to spawn.

salt Don't put too much salt on your food.

salute We salute the flag every morning.

salvage After the flood we were able to salvage some of our furniture.

sandy The sandy shore felt good on my bare feet.

satellite We set up the satellite post.

satisfy How can I satisfy my sweet tooth?

sauce He poured fudge sauce over his ice cream.

scare Please don't scare the birds away.

scene The scene on the stage looked real.

scheme Our team will scheme to win the game.

schoolroom We learned a lot in that old schoolroom.

scientist A scientist will study the newfound data.

scoop Help me scoop up sand into this pail.

scoreboard We finally got a scoreboard for our ballpark.

scream A horrible scream filled the night.

scrubbing He is scrubbing the floor with a mop.

searched He searched everywhere for his lost watch.

second The second time was harder than the first.

secret The secret to success is hard work.

selfish Don’t be selfish with your toys.

separate Please separate the fighting boys.

serious We had a serious talk with our children.

serve We will serve the food hot from the oven.

seven I have seven cats.

seventy We counted seventy books in one room.

several The patient was in severe pain from the accident.

severe Severe pain emanated from the damaged limb.

shaft A shaft of light filtered down through the broken beam.

shaky Her illness left her feeling shaky.

shallow A shallow stream flowed down the mountain side.

shame It was a shame she couldn't go with us.

share I can share my sandwich with you.

shelves The cabinet had moveable shelves.

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sheriff The sheriff attempted to arrest the man.

shine The weather man said the sun will shine tomorrow.

shipped We already shipped all the luggage ahead.

shoemaker The shoemaker used the finest leather.

shook Richard shook his head.

shortcoming His temper was seen as a shortcoming in hiring him for the job.

should I should write to my aunt today.

show I will show you my collection.

shown Have you shown your picture to your mom?

shriek The girl let out a shriek when she saw the mouse.

shrub That shrub needs to be trimmed.

sickest He was the sickest person in the hospital.

sidewalk We walked down the sidewalk.

sideways She walked sideways down the hill.

silence The silence was broken by a loud bang.

silently Silently the robber stalked the halls.

silliest That is the silliest costume.

silly They had a silly quarrel.

silver They went prospecting for a silver mine.

simple The simple way is the easy way.

sincere She gave a sincere greeting to the new teacher.

single The batter hit a single.

sister My sister is taller than me.

sitting Meg and I were sitting together on the bench.

six I have six brothers.

sixteen She has her sweet sixteen birthday tomorrow.

skateboard The skateboard is fun to ride.

slam She had a grand slam in tennis.

sleepy I'm too sleepy to stay awake for the late movie.

slumber The girls had a slumber party.

slums The slums are the poor and crowded areas in the city.

small It was a small insignificant tear.

smart She is a smart little girl.

smog There is a lot of smog in Los Angeles.

smoke The smoke rose from the chimney.

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smokestacks Some factories have very large smokestacks.

smooth Before the storm, it was smooth sailing.

snack I had a snack at mid-morning break.

snapped She snapped her fingers to the beat of music.

sneer He likes to sneer at his competitors

sneezes He covered his sneezes with his handkerchief

sniff With his cold, he began to sniff.

snowman We built a snowman in the snow.

sock I can only take one sock off my foot at a time.

soda I had a soda at break time.

softer This new pillow is softer than the old pillow.

soldier The soldier carried his rifle.

solid The table was made of solid oak.

solve Please solve this math problem.

someone Will someone please help me finish the work?

sometimes I like to watch the stars, sometimes.

sooner The sooner you go, the sooner you'll get home.

sorry I'm sorry if I caused you to be late.

soup The soup was very hot.

southwestern Arizona and New Mexico are two of the southwestern states.

spaces Are there enough spaces at the table for 10 people?

speak Please speak softly.

special They are having a special sale on ice cream.

spend Don't spend beyond your means.

spent We spent 3 hours cleaning house.

spider The spider weaved its web.

spied She spied her friend down the block.

splash Tim jumped into the pool, making the water splash everywhere.

spoil Don't spoil your appetite by snacking before dinner.

sponge We will use a sponge to soak up the water.

sport Soccer is a very popular sport in Europe.

spot A leaky roof caused a spot on the ceiling.

spray We will spray water on the dirty house.

squeak The wood steps squeak when you walk on them.

squeal The child began to squeal with laughter and delight.

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stage The Spelling Bee Contestants were seated on the auditorium stage.

stalk The corn stalk grew high above my head.

stamp Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter.

stand She will stand beside her sister.

station We all boarded at the train station.

steadily The rain came down steadily.

steamship It takes a long time to travel on a steamship.

steep The hillside was steep.

sticky Wipe that sticky syrup off the counter.

stone A large stone blocked the path of the ant.

stop The traffic sign said stop.

stopper Put the stopper in the bottle.

store We buy our food at the grocery store.

stores My mother stores cans of food in the cupboard.

stories Do you like fantasy stories?

storm The rain storm lasted all day.

storyteller Grandma is a wonderful storyteller.

stowaway They found the stowaway 20 miles from port.

straight You can draw a straight line with a ruler.

strange We arrived in a strange land.

straw Drink you soda with a straw.

stream The bubbling stream flowed gently by.

strengthened I strengthened my knowledge by reading yesterday.

struggle In the wild it is a struggle to survive.

stuck She was stuck behind the chairs.

studying How many hours a day do you spend studying.

stump The tree stump had to be removed.

stupid That cat is so smart he makes our dog look stupid.

submarine We saw one submarine at the pier.

such Cathy likes some vegetables, such as corn and carrots.

sugar He puts sugar in his tea.

sugar I like to use sugar in my coffee.

summer Hanford is hot in the summer.

Sunday We go to church on Sunday.

sundial The sundial was an ancient kind of clock.

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sundown We walked home at sundown.

sunk The toy boat sunk in the bath tub.

sunny I like bright sunny days.

supper We eat supper at 6:00 p.m.

supply We received our supply of paper from the store.

supportive Bill is supportive of Mary's idea to change recess hours.

surface The surface of the lake was as smooth as glass.

surround The agents began to surround the hideaway.

survivor He was the last survivor carried off the plane.

swam We swam across the lake together.

sweat My shirt was soaked with sweat after I ran two miles.

swiftly The water rushed swiftly over the rocks.

swim Some animals love to swim in the water.

swivel I had to swivel the chair around to see the TV.

swoop The eagle will swoop down on its prey.

swoosh We could hear the swoosh of the hawk as it flew by us.

swung He swung upside down the playground bars.

symphony We listened to the symphony orchestra yesterday.

tadpole When a tadpole grows up it becomes a frog.

take Please take the garbage outside.

tame It would be hard to tame a wild animal.

tan Every summer I get a dark tan.

tangle The fishing line will tangle if caught in the bushes.

taste The first taste of the banana was delicious.

tattered The teddy bear was torn and tattered.

teacher I brought my teacher an apple today.

tear As she started to cry, a tear ran slowly down her cheek.

tedious His work was tedious and unappreciated.

teeth Her teeth are bright and clean.

telephone I talked on the telephone to my mom.

telescope I bought a new telescope to look at the stars.

tent We sleep in a tent when we go camping.

territory Wolves feel safest when they are on their own territory.

terror In terror, he watched the shark coming closer

thank I write thank you notes to everyone who sends a card.

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thankful We are thankful for all we have in our home.

thermometer What temperature does the thermometer indicate indoors?

these These flowers are yellow, but those over there are blue.

thicket The fox hid her babies under a bush in the thicket to protect them.

third If you hit a triple in baseball, you run to third base.

thousand A thousand soldiers marched up the hill.

thrill It was a thrill to ride the roller coaster.

throat Sometimes having a cold will cause a sore throat.

thump The beaver began to thump the water with his tail.

thunder The lightning flashed and the thunder roared.

ticket I have one ticket to the show.

tickle She had a tickle in her throat.

tiger They have a tiger at the zoo.

tight His shoelace was tied tight.

tiptoe They tried to tiptoe past him.

title The name of a book is its title.

today I will do all of my homework today.

told She told me a funny joke.

tomahawk The tomahawk was a small ax used by North American Indians.

ton I bought one ton of bricks.

tongue While eating my sandwich, I bit my tongue.

took It took all day to finish that.

total She added up the prices of our groceries and gave us the total.

tough This was a tough problem to figure out.

toward My friends walked toward me.

towel I put the blue towel in the bathroom.

townsfolk The stores were closed while the townsfolk watched the parade.

track The rangers will track the bear to its den.

trails We took two hiking trails to get to the top of the mountain.

train We have to train the puppy not to bite.

trap I will trap the mouse in a cage.

trapeze He was called the man on the flying trapeze.

treasures It is one of the nation’s art treasures.

treetop The bird lives in a treetop.

trek They enjoyed their trek across the valley.

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triangle A triangle has three sides.

tribe The Hopi are a tribe of Native Americans.

tricky It was a tricky quiz question.

trip I hope to go on a trip soon.

triple He got a triple dose of medicine.

trouble What trouble are you in now!

truck The car fits more people than the truck.

try Let's try to help each other.

tube My toothpaste is squeezed from a tube.

tumbleweeds The wind breaks tumbleweeds at their roots.

tuna Do you like tuna sandwiches?

tunnel The tunnel went through the mountain.

turn If you turn it too fast it might fall.

turtle I saw a turtle in the sea.

tusks Elephants and walruses have tusks.

twig A twig from the tree fell on my head.

twist I will twist the handle and the door will open.

umbrella She forgot her umbrella and got wet in the rain.

umpire The umpire called a strike.

unbelievable His story was unbelievable.

unchain They will unchain those prisoners inside the prison.

uncover We will try to uncover the secret of the story.

underground The gopher's tunnel is underground.

understand I don't understand the question.

underwent He underwent major surgery, yesterday

uneasy I feel uneasy about his takeover attempt.

unfamiliar The new land was unfamiliar to them.

unicycle A unicycle is not easy to ride.

unimaginable The awesome sight was clearly unimaginable.

united We are united in our cause against cruelty to animals.

universe Our universe is a vast and wondrous place.

unknown Her identity remained unknown.

unreliable He has proven himself unreliable in a crisis.

unusual The most unusual incidence happened today.

uphill We traveled uphill against the wind.

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urged Yesterday, they urged him to try harder.

useless Her attempt to look surprised was useless.

usually I usually eat at a restaurant on Fridays.

vacations Summer vacations are always too short.

valley We need rain in the valley to grow the crops.

vanish The magician will make the rabbit vanish.

vegetable Carrots are my favorite vegetable.

vegetation Vegetation is thick around the river.

victory It was a great victory for the French soccer team.

village The village was nestled against the hills.

visible The bug is not visible to the human eye.

visited We visited many different towns.

visitor The unexpected visitor stayed an hour.

vitamins He supplemented their diet with vitamins.

vivid Bright red is a more vivid color than pale gray.

voice They heard a tiny voice calling for help.

volcano An active volcano may erupt at any time.

voting We will be voting for president tomorrow.

voyage It was a long voyage across the ocean.

wagon The wagon was full of hay.

waiter The waiter was busy with a customer.

wake Mom forgot to wake me at 7:00 a.m.

walk We will take a walk around the neighborhood.

walrus The walrus slid into the water with a splash.

wander The puppy began to wander away from its mother.

warm Another blanket will warm me up.

warrior Sitting Bull was a great Indian warrior.

wash Wash your hands with soap.

wave The President began to wave at the crowd.

wax My dad put wax on the car.

weary We grew weary from the continuous noise.

weather The weather forecast is for sunny skies.

weekday Do you have a weekday job?

weevil A weevil is thought to be a pest by farmers.

weigh I will weigh myself tonight to see if I have gained weight.

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Grade 3 Updated: March 29, 2012


weight The weight of the suitcase was too much for me to carry.

weird He has a weird sense of humor.

welcome Everyone is welcome to come to the party.

whenever Whenever possible, it pays to do good deeds.

whichever Whichever job you choose, I'll support you.

whirled The leaves were whirled into the sky by the wind.

whirligig A pinwheel is a kind of a whirligig.

whirlpool The floating sticks were pulled into the whirlpool.

white I have a new white car.

whole The whole loaf of bread was eaten at lunch time.

whoop Our team will whoop with joy if we win the game.

wife My wife and I live all alone.

wildlife You can see wildlife best at dawn or at dusk.

windows The front windows are dirty.

windy It was so windy, my hat blew off my head.

winning The winning team will get a first-place medal.

winter It was a long, cold winter.

wire The wire fence held the cattle in the pasture.

wise It is smart to listen to the wise man.

wish I wish my dreams would come true.

wither The flowers will wither without water.

wizard She is a wizard at solving puzzles.

woke I woke up with a headache.

woman The woman was taller than her husband.

wonderful We had a wonderful time on our trip.

woodland This country has large areas of woodland.

worker He is a hard worker.

worksheet I had a math worksheet for homework.

world Our world should learn to live in peace.

worry There is no need to worry, the problem has been solved.

worth This ring is worth twenty-five dollars.

wreath They hung the wreath on their front door.

wreck He was in a car wreck last week.

wrestle The brothers loved to wrestle each other to the ground.

write Sound the word out before you write it.

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Grade 3 Updated: March 29, 2012


written A new contract was written up so the work could be done.

wrong Children should be taught right from wrong.

wrote Mom wrote a note to my teacher.

xylophone Can you play the xylophone?

yawned He yawned as he grew sleepy.

years It has been several years since we last met.

yellow The bird was more yellow than orange.

yesterday We went to the bakery, yesterday.

yet My dad is not home yet.

yolk The yolk of the egg is yellow.

younger My mom is younger than my dad.

zeal She shows great zeal for knowledge.

zoology The scientific study of animals is called zoology.

Please email any errors found to Dee Fricks at [email protected]

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