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Grand Old Party A Party of the Future for America

The Ideas of a Truly great party is one that provides great innovative

Ideas for the future to advance human dignity Dr.A.N.David

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New Party Platform on Social Issues

1.Stand for Traditional Marriage, encourage strong families a mother and father in the home Economy in Greek is Oikos the first economy is the Family and we will never rebuild our economy if families are crumbling as for LGBT people, at the federal level support of equal protection under the law and for legalizing sodomy or gay marriage should be left to the states (10th Amendment)

2.Abortion, there is room for pro choice Republicans and Pro Life republicans however there must be a limit, Third Trimenster Abortions are an abomination and we should make our case to the American people that Abortion after 20 weeks is a travesty and to reduce the number of Abortions in our society lets fight poverty for the poor amongst us, studies show there is a link between this two things.

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Balancing the Budget and Paying down our National Debt

• Medicare and Health Reforms (Repeal Obamacare, and send all Medicare and health programs back to the states out of D.C to be better effectively controlled by the States.

• Defense Spending Cuts by $100 Billion cutting back on civilian employees without gutting our military.

• Education Reform, (Taking all the block grant programs in the Department of Education and sending them back to the states, also advocating for school choice and charter schools.

• Transportation Funding sent back to the state instead of a one size fits all program out of Washington D.C

• Repeal Dodd Frank • Pass a Small Business Liberation Act getting rid of all uneccassary

regulations small business have to abide by • Passing the Fair Flat Tax, eliminating the IRS • Saving Social Security by increasing retirement age for young workers,

securing the border keeping out illegal immigrants and addressing youth employment getting young Americans into vocational education to learn skills and trades and increase the ratio of social security receipents to worker to at least 10 to 1 for every social security receipent there must be 10 workers paying Taxes

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Tax Reform

• Lowers Business rates down to 25% • Increases the income Tax Rate of

Hollywood Millionaires to 35% • Repeals Income Tax, Death Tax and

Payroll Tax on small business and indiviuals making lesser than 200,000

• Gets rid of all deductions except mortgage deduction and charitible donations.

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Veterans Affairs Reforms

• Heath Savings/Empowerment accounts for Veterans.

• Health Vouchers • Jobs training • Funding for new apartment complexes for

Veterans to curbs Homelessness amongst Vets.

• Decrease in pay for VA employs by 15% and an increase in benifits for Veterans.

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Energy and Enviroment • Lower Business tax rates for energy companies that

keep their jobs in the United States to 20%• Private Sector/Government partnership investments in

Clean Coal Technologies and Factories. • Investments in Nuclear Energy next generation Thorium

Reactors no risks of melt down • More Natural Gas Production and Export to the World. • Bringing Manufacturing Jobs back to America • Energy Independence by 2020 for America • Carbon Emissions Reductions through Capitalism and

Innovation by 25% by 2020. • Tax Relief for Private Sector green energy companies.• Lower Energy Prices • Less Regulations

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We are the party that embraces Science not War

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We Fight Climate Change through Innovation and not through Liberal Fantasy plans of closing down

our factories

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• Jack Kemp fervently believed that poverty can best be attacked by giving poor people a financial stake in the American system -- ownership of a home, a piece of a business, a sense of property.

• Jack Kemp a good human being. Had no malice, no private agenda, no special interest. To Kemp, the poor are not shiftless or immoral. They just need a hand up and that hand up comes by giving poor people the chance to own a home

Housing and Community Giving Poor people a chance to own a home

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Housing and Community Giving Poor people a chance to own a home

• Lower Rent Dues drop by 4% if Mother and Father are in the home, caring for their children effectively, where Child protection officers through routine home inspection per week.

• Allow the poor people in the inner city who live in subsidized housing to be able to invest in that home,make upgrades to that home give them a chance to raise up their home values prices and allow them to be able to sell their home with the landlord approval with deal that states the landlord gets a 50% cut of the money and 50% goes to the those living in the home, this process is called a Sweat equity where owners can do D.I.Y. improvements and increase the value of the real estate sweat equity explains the fact that value added to someone's own house by unpaid work results in measurable market rate value increase in house price. The more labor applied to the home, and the greater the resultant increase in value, the more sweat equity has been used

• Inner Cities Small Business and Community Banks Liberation Act going through all regulations and everything that hurts small businesses and community banks in our inner cities and repealing them giving them a fair advantage if not more of an advantage to succeed than wall street bankers.

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International Affairs (Middle East)Support of Kurdish State and the Kurdish People

1.Stand With our greatest Ally besides Israel, The Kurdish People in Turkey, Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan by giving them weaons of self defense, foreign aid, and stand behind a Kurdish Indepedent State.

2.Syrian Christian and Yezidi Refugee Resettlement Plan in Iraqi Kurdistan and the United States of America supporting the Kurds with Foreign Aid and Assistance.

3.Attracting and Directing American Investors to Kurdistan, and growing the Economy of Iraqi Kurdistan.

4.Our Strongest Force against the Radical Terror groups of ISIS created and funded by the failed foreign policy of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry

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International Affairs (Middle East)

Support of the Iraqi and Syrian Christians .

Matthew 25:35-40 I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was alone and away from home, and you invited me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ “Then the good people will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food? When did we see you thirsty and give you something to drink?

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International Affairs (Middle East)

• Support and Standing with Friends 1. Jordan 2. Lebanon 3. Israel 4. Moderates in Palestine 5. Dividing Iraq up into three Shia section, Sunni Section

and Iraqi Kurdistan 6. Working with Russia in Syria with Assad to defeat ISIS 7. Targeted Air Strikes on ISIS targets 8. Stopping Iran move money round the global economical

system.9. Closing down US bases in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and

Kuwait 10.A US Special Operation Command center near Erbil

and a US Base in Erbil

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We are the Party of Faith and Wisdom

James 1My brothers, you will have many kinds of troubles. But when these things happen, you should be very happy. 3 You know that these things are testing your faith. And this will give you patience. 4 Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete. You will have everything you need. 5 But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. God is generous. He enjoys giving to all people, so God will give you wisdom. 6 But when you ask God, you must believe. Do not doubt God. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea. The wind blows the wave up and down. 7-8 He who doubts is thinking two different things at the same time. He cannot decide about anything he does. A person like that should not think that he will receive anything from the Lord

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Party of Justice James 1:26

The True Way to Worship God

26 A person might think he is religious. But if he says things he should not say, then he is just fooling himself. His “religion” is worth nothing. 27 Religion that God the Father accepts is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help; and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence. This is the kind of religion that God accepts as pure and good.

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Stand up to the Evil of the World As God tells us in James 1:26

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