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Grandparents and Special Friends Day!

Written and Illustrated by Room 103Old Trail SchoolApril 25, 2014

I sleep with Teta and Gedo at their homes for a sleepover. I like to watch TV with Nana and Dada. My Nana has hair in a ponytail. Dada wears his hair short. My grandma does and grandpa wear glasses.-Annie-

Mor Mor has long hair. She makes us dinner every night! She plays with us when she comes to our house. She eats healthy stuff like my mommy and daddy. We like to go out in the boat and play in the basement.-Ben-

Grammy and Bepa like to fish. Bepa has a boat. My grandma likes to feed our cat. Even she likes to come to our house. My Pop Pop likes to go fishing with Bepa. I think Pop Pop is 17 and Bepa is 21.-Charlotte-

My Papa goes to work and he likes to play with me. Grandma plays matching games with me. Grandma helps us do stuff when we need her to do something with one hand. She turns on the TV for me.-Daphne-

Grandma and Papa like to play with me a lot. They let me do whatever I want to do! They like Friday food pizza! Papa has a hole in his hair. My grandma has curly hair and she puts curlers in her hair in the morning.-Dominic-

Grandma and Grandpa and Mama love me. I like to play Barbies with them and play outside and pretend its a party. They say happy birthday sometimes. Sometimes I am so hungry with them and they give me food!-Emily-

Grandma Honey Bunny and Grandpa Ray just like to be tired. I keep going in Grandmas closet. Grandma and Grandpa have Cooper. Cooper only barks.-Emma-

Nana has white hair. She takes me places like to the store with toys. She takes me to get ice cream. Her loves me.-Jack-

I like when they do sight words and play war with me. G-Pa has a big belly and legs. He is kind of big. Mae Ma has curly hair. She doesnt very walk well.-John-

My Grammy likes to read books with me. She also doesnt like the fire on because it makes the house too hot. My grandpa likes to read books to me. One day we read books and they were all princess books.-Laura-

Grandma likes wearing dresses for parties. She likes to dress up and she likes to run by her house. My Papa works at home on his desk. Sometimes he goes places.-Lindley-

Nina has smooth hair. She lets me have snack. She likes to eat mac and cheese. She likes to cook and do laundry. She is old, kind of like grandmas.-Logan-

Teta has short hair. She speaks English and Arabic. She likes Lebanese sandwiches. My grandpa likes to give me and my sister and brother hugs. His favorite food is the same. Lebanese sandwiches!-Marleina-

I like to play with Ma-Ma and Ye-Ye. Ma-Ma seems like she is too busy. They are crazy! Ma-Ma doesnt give away stuff but Ye-Ye does. They eat a lot of stuff, like ice cream. They do eat their dinner still.-Nina-

I play baseball with Papa, Grannie and Auntie Betty. And football with my brother. Auntie Betty likes to eat broccoli. They watch football on TV.-Noah-

My Papa just likes to talk about Batman with me. My grandma loves me a lot and always stays at my dads work. She works really much. Papa tells jokes. He always asks if anyone wants to babysit his three grandkids.-Reid-

Grandma and Papa Kosco cook us lots of food and I ate all of it I think. Grandma and Papa Shaheen same thing. I like their hotdogs the best!-Ryan-

Grandma looks like she has short hair. She has curly hair. Grandpa has only hair on the sides and only hair sticking up in the middle. I like that they spoil us and play games with us.-Zane-

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