Page 1: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

Guide for using the West Virginia Wesleyan graphic identity

Graphic Standards


Page 2: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

This manual outlines the proper uses for the new logo and wordmark

and should serve as a guide as you help us present the college. While it

is impossible to identify every situation that requires use of the graphic

identity, this manual provides clear rules for typical use.

Logo and Wordmark .......................................................... 2

Acceptable Logo Variations ............................................... 3

Minimum Size ...................................................................... 4

Protected Area .................................................................... 4

Improper Usage .................................................................. 5

Color .................................................................................... 6

Acceptable Color Variations .............................................. 7

Typography ......................................................................... 8

Stationery Guidelines ......................................................... 9

Samples of Usage ............................................................. 13

Ancillary Graphics ............................................................. 15

Page 3: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

Wesleyan’s primary signature is composed of the wordmark “Wesleyan,” a customized “W” and the mountains.

The wordmark “Wesleyan” is set in Trajan Bold type and is a customized arrangement of letters. No substitute may be used for this wordmark.

The “W” and mountains are also customized for Wesleyan. No substitute may be used for this.

Do not attempt to recreate the logo. The logo may not be altered in any way and should always be used in the propor-tion and configuration shown in this manual.

The development and use of any other logo for Wesleyan is prohibited. There should be no more logos developed to represent the College or College activities without direct approval by the President’s Cabinet.

College logo

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ACCeptAble College logo VAriAtions

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WeSLeyAn VerSIon


LoGo VerSIon

(Athletics only)

Page 5: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

MiniMuM size

The logo has been created for maximum readability and clarity. The minimum acceptable size of each component is shown below. Please do not attempt to recreate or adjust the size or configuration of any logo component.


proteCted AreA

The protected area ensures that the logo is always readable. The purpose is to prevent other graphic images or words from getting too close to our signature. No other type or images should appear in the space indicated.


protected areaheight of “W”


1.25” 1.25”

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iMproper usAge for the College logo

The logo was designed especially for Wesleyan. Please do not attempt to recreate any components of the design or alter the position or configuration of the elements in relation to one another.

1. no SIze VArIATIonS.never alter the size relationship of the logo from its original format.

2. no CoLor VArIATIonS It is unacceptable to change the color of the logotype or logo.

3. no reArrAnGInG of eLeMenTSdo not try to rearrange the configuration of the logo.

4. no oTher TyPefACeSThe typeface of “Wesleyan” should not be altered.

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Color plays a critical role in ensuring the overall impact of the Wesleyan identity. The college and athletic logo are to appear in a combination of orange, gray and black.

If necessary, the logo may be reversed.

If printing the logo via four-color process or using it on the web, use the color selections detailed below to match the Wesleyan orange, gray and black.


Orange (PMS 1655)gray (PMS 430)Black

4-CoLor ProCeSS



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PMS 1655

4-color process: C:0, M:84, y:100, k:0

hexadecimal: f05123


4-color process: C:40, M:40, y:40, k:100

hexadecimal: 000000


PMS 430

4-color process: C:5, M:0, y:0, k:45

hexadecimal: 949ca1

Orange gray Black

cyan 0% cyan 5% cyan 40%

Magenta 84% Magenta 0% Magenta 40%

yellow 100% yellow 0% yellow 40%

Black 0% Black 45% Black 100%

Orange gray Black f05123 949ca1 000000

hexAdeCIMAL (for Web)

If the colors are to appear on the Web, use the hexadecimal values detailed below to match as closely as possible the Wesleyan orange, gray and black.

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ACCeptAble College Color VAriAtions

TWo CoLorS

one CoLor

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reVerSe - one CoLor

Page 9: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

Trajan Family



Goudy Oldstyle Family

Goudy Oldstyle RegularABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Goudy Oldstyle ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Goudy Oldstyle BoldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Goudy Oldstyle Bold ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir family

Avenir LightAbCdefGhIJkLMnoPQrSTUVWxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir Light ObliqueABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

avenir BookaBcDeFgHIJklMnOPQrSTUVWXyZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir Book ObliqueABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir RomanABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir Roman ObliqueABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir HeavyABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir Heavy ObliqueABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir BlackABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Avenir Black ObliqueABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

typogrAphy The use of consistent typography is an effective means of reinforcing a cohesive look in all Wesleyan materials. Trajan, Goudy and Avenir are the official typefaces of Wesleyan’s communications. Typographical substitutions are discouraged. When selecting typefaces for text in posters, recruitment publications, and other materials, please follow these recommendations:

Trajan: Use for headlines, large quotes, and callouts

Goudy: Use for headlines, body copy in publications, large quotes, and callouts

Avenir: Use for subheads, body copy in publications, sidebars, and captions

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Page 10: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

general STaTIOnery gUIDelIneS

1. The recommended stationery typing format is shown on the following page. We strongly encourage everyone to follow this style for consistency.

2. The recommended typeface for body copy on stationery and letterhead is goudy Oldstyle or Times new roman. The point size range (height of the letters) for the typeface is 10-12 pt.

3. The recommended paper stock is as follows:

leTTerHeaD anD enVelOPeS:

Strathmore recycled Bright White, 24 lb. writing, wove


Strathmore recycled Bright White, 80 lb. cover, wove

Do not attempt to create your own stationery from the examples shown in this guide. The examples on the following pages should be used as guidelines for creating all business cards, envelopes, letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office of Publications.

Stationery is the most common and most visible use of the graphic identity. Stationery includes letterhead, envelopes, mailing labels and business cards. To ensure consistency across all forms of stationery, the following pages show examples of approved letterhead, envelopes, business cards and mailing labels.

stAtionery guidelines

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Page 11: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

59 College Avenue | Buckhannon, WV 26201 | (304) 473-8000


NameTitleCompanyStreet AddressCity, State Zip

Dear Colleagues,

There are many styles of typing formats. This example illustrates the preferred typing style for all communications on the College’s stationery.

The recommended typeface for body copy on stationery and letterhead is Goudy Oldstyle or Times New Roman. The point size range for the typeface is 10-12 pt.

The left margin should line up 1” from the left edge of the page, and the right margin should not extend past 1” from the right edge of the page.

When a letter is longer than one page, use plain white matching stock for the second page.

Remember, correspondence portrays the image of the College. How your letters look often say as much about the College as the words on the page.



Page 12: Graphic Standards Manual - West Virginia Wesleyan · letterhead and labels. The files can be obtained from the Office

College letterheAd


Logo is positioned .5" from the top of the page

LoGo SIze

Logo width should be 1.65" (not shown actual size)


8.5" x 11" (not shown actual size)

STreeT AddreSS

Goudy Oldstyle Point size: 8 pt. (not shown actual size)

Web AddreSS

Avenir Heavy Point size: 7.5 pt. (not shown actual size)

59 College Avenue | Buckhannon, WV 26201 | (304) 473-8000

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nuMber 10 enVelope, business CArd And MAiling lAbel

59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201

LoGo SIze

Logo width should be 1"


Logo is positioned .28" from the top and left edge of the envelope

nUMber 10 enVeLoPe

9.5" x 4.125" (shown at actual size)


6" x 4" (shown at actual size)


Font: Goudy Oldstyle orTimes New Roman

The address is positioned 1.75" from the top and 2.35" from the left edge of the label


3.5" x 2" (shown at actual size)

59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201

John A. Doe123 Main StreetAnywhere, USA 12345


59 College Avenue Room 281Buckhannon, WV 26201 (P) 304.473.8000 (M) 304.473.8001 [email protected]

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sAMples of usAge









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sAMples of usAge




Title(P) 304.473.8000

introduCtion slide

June 2013

heAder Copy here

• Bullet point copy here. Copy style for bullet points

• Bullet point copy. Copy for bullet points here.

• Bullet point copy here. Copy style for bullet points

• Bullet point copy. Copy for bullet points here.

• Bullet point copy here. Copy style for bullet points

heAder Copy here

In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right. In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right. In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right. In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right. In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right.

heAder Copy here

In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right. In most cases, paragraph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right. In most cases, para-graph copy will be formatted flush left, ragged right.

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AnCillAry grAphiCs

West Viriginia Wesleyan College alumni have used the paw print for years as a symbol of pride in the athletic program. We retain the paw for limited use as a secondary athletic logo, always to be used with the primary logo and smaller in size than the primary logo. Examples are the back center of a hat, on shorts for a basketball uniform, or on the back of a helmet (spirit stickers for good plays).


The official college seal will be featured on diplomas and other offical documents. The seal is not to be used for marketing internally or externally.

The CoLLeGe SeAL

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