
© grasp business development ltd 2017

Category Vantage Point


executive summary

Category Vantage Point 2017 - Methodology

At the turn of 2016/2017, grasp surveyed 36 UK Fast Moving Consumer Goods professionals. Our survey aimed to help

participants (and other category-focussed professionals) understand how to drive maximum value from UK FMCGs’ investment in

category data. Participants were asked to benchmark the performance of different category data & insight suppliers. This is

an executive summary for participants and key stakeholders.

SOURCES OF DATA & INSIGHTCategory Vantage Point 2017

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Focus groups remain most popular ad-hoc research

focus / discussion groups at-fixture intercepts observation in-store

online surveys taste panels “vox pops”

omnibus surveys hall tests

telephone surveys

… back to 2015 levels

Kantar Retail most common category consultancy

Kantar still penetration of UK Cat Man in 20171. 86% 2. 64% 3. 47% 4. 47% 5. 44% 6. 37% 7. 32% 8. 25% 9. 22% 10. 22% 11. 22%

… was 90% in 2016

dunnhumby & Tesco Link seeing use grow YoY as Tesco business recovers. i2C also fares well

and IRI’s Infoscan market read grows from 31% penetration last year …

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sales web


… nielsen Homescan Answers used by 8% of participants, 5one/Laser Ocado data by 5% , M&S CIU credit card data by 3% and nielsen

Homescan CASE by just one participant.

Data Quality is the most important attribute

quality: coverage, trend, consistency & reliability

speed & timeliness of data deliver

value for money

ease of access to data (software etc)

people who will offer you day-to-day support

support functions: people who you contact occasionally on ad hoc issues

Most feel they are within 2-3% of market trend

31.4% (11)

last year …

you asked

… & read accurate to 2-5% of market value

last year …

you asked

Data quality & delivery challenges … dunnhumby “The dunnhumby SKPI report is very time consuming to get anything out of”

“introduced new Shop Lab in May … was quickly apparent that insufficient testing had been carried out on Lab which resulted in long data delivery times (up to 18 hours for some reports);

frequent system failings; incomplete reports … not helped by a poor response from Client Service” “good except for waiting time”

IRI “Appropriate coding aligned to database structures needs to be right first time, IRI often get this on 3rd attempt”

Kantar “Constant data reconciliations as trends do not mirror EPoS” “a few issues raised over the reliability of the Kantar discounter trends but in the absence of any epos data it's hard to verify” “panel trends vs epos (discounters a big issue)” “frustrating that Kantar won't now let us have Powerview and aren't then always able to turn more ad hoc detailed requests around quickly

which could have been done using Powerview.” Nielsen “Still confusion in Nielsen on whether their date includes and excludes the discounters”

“categorisation is way under average”

Data quality & delivery positives …

dunnhumby “very good”

IRI “good quality in general”

Kantar “always deliver to schedule” “WorldPanel Online is a good tool”

Nielsen “deliver on or, more frequently, ahead of schedule.”

dh edge Quality lead on i2C … Kantar win overall










D &
























most important least importantlowest aggregate score

highest aggregate score

Average Scores /5 - 5 being “very good” Base: 11 to 29

scores highest on all measures beyond data quality

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Generic customer service issues …

“service levels and integrity of database” “neither IRI nor Kantar are able to support

short customer driven requirements” “Not enough pace when getting to the bottom of issues”

“Level of knowledge and insight outside of the data about the category”

“some [people/agencies] stand out in this field as exceptional, others are not bothered about you as clients.”

IMPROVING DATA & INSIGHTCategory Vantage Point 2017

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Challenges “… feels as though there is a leaning towards involving the Expert Solutions team more without fully exploring the brief

through what we have available within contract.” “client service team proactive when chasing commercial proposals

but totally reactive when dealing with coding issues and failure to chase through with back office.”

“very rigid in interpretation of contractual data entitlement and hard work to get anything contextual”

Positives “lead the way in terms of customer service, pro-actively provide market insights and regularly contact us to ask if we need any help.”

Customer service feedback …

“still not as strong as Kantar as a data provider, and are not as well resourced.”

“Migration to IRI's Advantage platform for EPOS data is disappointing. Industry limitations on sharing EPOS data with third parties (for say econometrics) creates a virtual

monopoly for IRI on certain key types of analysis.”

Customer service feedback …

“response times” “Dunnhumby 'shop' is a good step forward,

however performance is still lacking” “didn't seem to be bothered by the problems

being caused by introduction of Lab” “desire to ‘understand your objectives’ motivated by

opportunities to cross sell Clubcard marketing.”

Customer service feedback …

Challenges “Coding issues” “Spending lots of time to help Nielsen categorise,

resulting in an even higher rate for the data.”

Positives “The Nielsen Client Service Online (CSO) team is efficient and a useful support function to have access to but

the experience levels within the team are varied, which impacts how queries are handled.”

Customer service feedback …

What changes would you like to see amongst agencies?

1. Deeper understanding of client businesses (6 participants) “our objectives and challenges” “Category dynamics … time taken away from desk to demonstrate” “understand our market and the challenges facing our customers and consumers”

2. More context (5) “Situation analysis” “Topline insight into macro trends & retailer agendas” “Other data to enrich their offer” “General market & consumer insight” “Free of charge!”

3. More proactive (3) “Beyond the brief” 4. More pace (2) “More timely” / More insight (2) “less data”.

© grasp business development ltd 2017

What changes would you like to see … (1 participant ea.)

“Tableau” (2 participants)

“Scanmar” “internal data warehouse”

“IRI's Advantage system allows us to access Kantar data on their platform. We are still to fully capitalise on this ability …”

Prioritise accuracy “Kantar trying to build their accuracy for M&S”

Don't cost Key Account Data on Supplier Share “Ridiculous … makes IRI data for Tesco way too expensive, out of proportion”

Be our agent in their business “So coding changes don't have to be chased by the client”

Earn the right “get the basics right before trying to sell in other services”

“More resource.”

DATA INTEGRATIONCategory Vantage Point 2017

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Less than 1/5 of us have invested in data integration

last year …

you asked

… who have you looked at / invested in?

“Tableau” (2 participants)

“Scanmar” “internal data warehouse”

“IRI's Advantage system allows us to access Kantar data on their platform.

We are still to fully capitalise on this ability …” last year …

you asked

SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATIONSCategory Vantage Point 2017

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Sources of data & insight - 2017 Summary• Kantar maintain their role as the key currency in the market but

dunnhumby, i2C & Tesco are all up year on year. • Data Quality remains the most important attribute (94% v.

important) with most of us expecting our lead data supplier to be within 2-3% of actual category growth and within 2-5% of market size.

• dunnhumby were felt to offer the best quality of data BUT Kantar win on every other measure.

• There are plenty of challenges for all our agencies, most commonly the need to develop a better understanding of their clients & their markets.

• Fewer than 1 in 5 of us have invested in integrating data sources, but a further 1 in 5 have looked into such an investment.

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Recommendations• We hope this feedback is useful context for the challenges you & your business

face in accurately reading & developing your categories. Know that you are not alone in the challenges you face!

• We will share these insights with agencies in the next few months, to the most senior levels we can. In the meantime, please use these results to inform your discussions internally and with agency account teams.

• Receive a category-oriented take on FMCG news, discuss of category topics from this survey and network with your peers … join our LinkedIn group graspFMCG.

© grasp business development ltd 2017

Topics for further investigation

These topics will be on our LinkedIn group “graspFMCG” during 2017: • Best practice in creation & use of shopper insights LIVE now • Retail environment: developing context from agencies, identifying

challenges & growth opportunities • How to build relationships with retailers • Category vision: best practice in development & execution • Optimal management of agency consultancy days • A cross-industry forum with each agency?

this year …

you asked

Robin Norton Principal Director

in f

grasp business development ltd The Corner House, Harlow Oval, Harrogate HG2 0DR United Kingdom

[email protected]

@robinatgrasp +44 794 112 9025© grasp business development ltd 2017

grasp Management ConsultancyAside from the hands-on application of our expertise in primary research, category management and commercial activity … grasp has a wealth of experience in the following:

• business strategy - reviewing organisations’ positions in their marketspace then collaboratively developing a renewed vision, mission & values

• category vision - examining brand / product range / service propositions through the eyes of B2B customers, shoppers & consumers to generate a compelling category story

• innovation workshops - facilitated free-thinking, prioritisation and planning for process, product & experiential development (including brand licensing & partnerships)

• business development - supporting sales channel development by meshing organisations’ existing intellectual property with grasp’s business development database and new insights

… we also offer consultancy in internal reporting, category structure, commercial team development and category data negotiation.

Please contact Robin Norton (Dip Mgt Studies) to discuss your specific requirements: 0794 112 9025 [email protected]

grasp Primary ResearchAside from the hands-on application of our expertise in using continuous data … grasp has a wealth of experience in the following ad hoc qualitative & quantitative research methods:

• fluffy stuff - observation, shopper intercepts, depth-interviews, cupboard audits & vox pops • focus / discussion groups - we cover the full range of group work incl. hard-to-reach profiles,

taking in-store groups “mobile” to fixture, .com focus groups and larger “workshop” formats • hall tests - using our network of home economists to deliver taste panels to your specification • face-to-face / telephone / online surveys - quantitative-focussed surveys that can also

include a variety of stimulus and open-ended questions

… we regularly deliver “blended” projects that combine the most effective & efficient qualitative/quantitative research methods for your requirements and budget. We have many partners that help with specialist categories, international projects & with eye-tracking technology.

Please contact Robin Norton (MSc Social Research) to discuss your requirements: 0794 112 9025 [email protected]

grasp Category InterimsAside from our hands-on, integrated approach to management consultancy and primary research, grasp has a dynamic network of category interims:

• category managers - at any one time we have at least two Category Controllers / Senior Category Managers available for placement, or in the field

• insight managers - we also typically have one or two people in our network who can help you manage qualitative & quantitative insight work

• category analyst - we have a regular associate who can undertake category analysis off-site and associates who can provide on-site support

• shopper marketing - we have a number of associates who apply category management principles to shopper marketing / trade marketing projects

• qualitative consultancy - we have several associates who can work with you planning qualitative activity and project managing actions resulting from qualitative programmes.

… whether you need short/long-term resource, at any level, or with any specific expertise: our existing associates and network of contacts can help.

Please contact Robin Norton to discuss your specific requirements: 0794 112 9025 [email protected]

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