Page 1: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team


Gratitude Report

Page 2: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

Cover and this page:

Because of your support, Lily is here. Read her incredible story on page 5. Photography provided by Bean Family Wellness, with collaboration of the Tiny Footprints Project

2 | The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017

Table of ContentsChair, Board of Directors and President & CEO Report 3

The Why

Lily’s Story 5

Life Saving Medical Equipment 6

Making A Difference Locally 7

Research 8

Making A National Difference 9

The What

What Your Money Supported 10

The How

How the Money Was Raised 11

Children’s Miracle Network 12

Celebrating Community Champions 14

Kids Helping Kids 15

Thank You to Our Community Partners and Sponsors 16

Thank You to Our Donors 18

Board of Directors 22

Volunteer Committees & Staff 23

Page 3: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

Gratitude is more than just a word. It’s also a feeling we hope you sense as you read through the pages of this report.Whether you made a monetary donation, or took time to volunteer as a member of the Children’s Hospital Guild, Children’s Hospital Book Market, Teddy Bears’ Picnic, Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba Golf Tournament, Ice Crystal Gala or any of our various committees, thank you for working so hard to advocate for sick and injured children in their greatest hour of need. Through your generous support and community engagement, amazing things have happened.

From purchasing vital sign monitors, portable oxymeters, and wheelchairs, two bedside patient monitors, and surgical equipment to perform complicated ear and airway surgery for children like Lily. You are the cornerstone that allows these important pieces of equipment to be purchased.

From music therapy, to developing a physiotherapy program for babies with plagiocephaly, discovering tools to help parents identify wheezing, CHTV (the Children’s Hospital non-commercial, internal television station), and establishing the Patient Comfort Fund. The care you provide is everything to our children and their families.

From getting to the bottom of asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, breathing, and genetics, researchers at the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba are leading and collaborating across many platforms to create a brighter tomorrow for children in Manitoba, and around the world.

This year saw growth in our major gifts program with the introduction of Innovators. Innovators is an exclusive

group that engages the next generation of philanthropists to aid the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba in funding the areas of most need, such as research, clinical advances, and patient care. Our thanks to board member, Carmyn Aleshka for leading this charge.

Special thanks to the 2017 Champion Child, Logan Quatember and his family for dedicating a year of their lives to be ambassadors for the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. Logan traveled across Manitoba, Ottawa, and Florida representing over 130,000 sick and injured children that visit Children’s Hospital each year. He spoke at fashion shows, golf tournaments, motivational events, and numerous charity campaigns sharing his story to inspire. In doing so, he also raised over $25,000 to benefit the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Thank you, Logan! Thanks also to Walmart Canada and Air Canada Foundation for their ongoing sponsorship of this program.

When you see the strength, determination, and resilience of a child fighting to get better, it inspires all of us to do everything we can to continuously improve pediatric health care in Manitoba.

We encourage you to visit our website at to witness inspiring patient stories and to see the ongoing impact of your support. Sign up for our e-newsletter to receive regular updates on the life-changing difference you make. Please know that your impact is not only reflected at the Children’s Hospital and Research Institute, it is echoed even deeper – especially in the hearts of the mothers, fathers, grandparents, and the siblings you serve.

With gratitude,

Karen Cornejo Gary Rozak Chair, Board of Directors Acting President & CEO


REPORT FROM THE Chair, Board of DirectorS

and THE ACTING President & CEO

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017|3

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Lily before surgery

Page 5: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

Lily is here because of donors like you.Just before Christmas of 2016, after a critical, life-saving delivery, Ashton and Jordan Kehler’s baby girl, Lily, was born. It would be seven days before their tiny daughter would finally take her first breath on her own, surrounded by the doctors and nurses who saved her life.

An early ultrasound revealed a small mass on Lily’s neck, which grew until it was the size of a large apple, and was ultimately crushing her airway. More than 15 doctors, nurses, and medical professionals helped to deliver Lily by a highly specialized surgical exit procedure.

Thanks to essential equipment and resources that you have provided, the medical team was able to stabilize Lily before she was fully delivered and the umbilical cord was cut. Seven days later, Dr. Darren Leitao operated to remove the mass and get Lily breathing on her own.

“It’s really scary when you hear your tiny baby needs to have surgery, you don’t know what to think,” recalls Ashton. “But the quality of Lily’s care at Children’s Hospital was phenomenal. Dr. Leitao wasn’t just there to do his job; he wanted to give our daughter the best chance to survive.”

It’s hard to imagine the precision and focus a surgeon like Dr. Leitao needs to operate on a tiny newborn baby. It requires sophisticated medical equipment provided by life-saving donors like you.

Ashton has great memories of how the staff went above and beyond the call of duty to make holiday time special for their young family.

“At Christmas they gave us a plaque with Lily’s footprint and a poem. And in February they gave us a Valentine’s card from her. Sweet little things like that made the holidays just a bit easier.”

Those precious moments would not have been possible without your support.

“We don’t know if Lily would be here if we didn’t have these amazing people and specialized equipment,” says Lily’s Mom. “The money donated saved our daughter’s life.”

Thank you for helping to save the lives of children like Lily.



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Lily during surgery, and after.

Page 6: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

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Did you know that Children’s Hospital is home to a Child Health Transport Team that attends to patients as young as 24 weeks gestation, weighing as little as 500 grams?Moving these tiny infants as safely as possible required an upgrade to the T1 Hamilton Ventilator, which utilizes the most cutting edge technology to protect our vulnerable babies, and you made that happen!

“Our previous and current BioMed ventilators have been in use for over 30 years,” says David Ramesar, Nursing Coordinator, Child Health Transport. “While a very reliable and sturdy piece of equipment, we could only ventilate our neonatal patients in a way which did not promote optimal ventilation or prevent complications. New state-of-the-art equipment allows our team to implement the most current ventilation strategies and optimize patient outcomes during transport.”

Servicing all of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, the Child Health Transport Team completed 330 trips in 2017, and that number is expected to grow. Safely transporting infants ranging from 24 weeks gestation to six weeks old, requires the most up-to-date equipment to deliver delicate and dedicated care.

“In the most severely premature infants, lung injury can take place in a matter of a few breaths,” says David. “This equipment will allow our team to ventilate our premature infants effectively and minimize lung damage.”

The tremendous support of donors like you has made these vital upgrades possible.

“Without donor support, we would not have the resources necessary for the ongoing care provided by Children’s Hospital-HSC Winnipeg and the Child Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team and the difference made by donors is nothing short of remarkable. Thank you!”

Because of you, our sick babies in need of transport have access to the most advanced equipment available, delivering the best outcomes for our tiniest patients.


Life Saving Medical Equipment

Page 7: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

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13-year-old Morgan Walker was having up to 10 seizures a day. He had them so often that the paramedics knew him by name.Morgan’s mother Meredith Walker said three years ago they started down the path for her son to have brain surgery, because no other treatments were helping.

“At that point, it was either going to British Columbia or Toronto for the surgery, there was nothing here,” she said.

Plans changed when Michael Schlater, Chief Executive Officer, Domino’s Pizza of Canada Ltd., and his wife Lilibeth presented a $2-million donation to the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba to create an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit for kids like Morgan.

Not only was this a donation of record proportion, but this would allow families to receive epilepsy treatments in their home province.

“After thirty-five years with Domino’s Pizza Canada, it gives us great pride to be able to pay back our success in the city where everything started. Knowing we had a special part in helping Manitoban children and their families to remain here is heartwarming,” he said.

Schlater too has epilepsy, and has been seizure free for six years since undergoing surgery.

In October, the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit was opened. The unit has two patient beds, a special monitoring unit, a separate room for patients to get and review EEGs, and two portable EEG machines. Not only was this unit made possible, but the program has allowed for two pediatric neurologists to be recruited and additional training provided to the health professionals that work in this area. The most important difference is that the Schlater’s donation allowed for more children to be seen, including Morgan, who was one of the first children to have surgery to treat his epilepsy.

Since then, Morgan has only had three minor seizures.


Making a difference Locally

Thank you to the Schlater family for helping care stay local so more sick children can be at home surrounded by loved ones.

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Thanks to your donations, ground breaking research is taking place right here in Manitoba that will have a huge impact on future generations.Manitoba has a high rate of asthma and allergy sufferers, which makes it the perfect place to house the revolutionary CHILD study.

The CHILD (Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development) study is providing a greater understanding of the root causes of allergies and asthma.

Over 3500 families with children born in 2010-2012 have been recruited from Manitoba (urban and rural sites), Vancouver, Edmonton and Toronto. The largest percent of participants are from Manitoba. The children and their families are monitored through frequent, extensive questionnaires. Children attend regular clinic visits for allergy testing, growth measurements, and cognitive assessment.

The CHILD study research team includes Meghan Azad, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Developmental Origins of Chronic Disease, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM).

“Having been a study participant myself many years ago, I have always been interested in improving child

health through research,” says Dr. Azad. “The CHILD study provides an incredible opportunity to do this. It is unique in the world, allowing us to study multiple aspects of health and development. It’s fascinating and exciting to be at the forefront of this ground-breaking research!”

Studies have shown that in Canada 50% of children with asthma do not have good control of their asthma. Poorly controlled asthma can have a significant impact on a child's and family’s quality of life including; poor sleep due to coughing at night, the inability to concentrate at school leading to poor grades, missing school or other activities, and more emergency room/doctor visits.

Poorly controlled asthma in childhood can lead to chronic severe asthma and permanent changes in the lungs.

Because of your support, things are changing. Figuring out how triggers happen brings us one step closer to solving this chronic condition.

“Our families are incredibly dedicated to this longitudinal study, thanks in large part to the friendly staff and atmosphere at CHRIM, which is the CHILD Study’s home,” says Dr. Azad. “We couldn’t do it without the support of our amazing donors.”

Thanks to donors like you, critical, innovative research is helping to shed light on chronic conditions affecting a large portion of Manitoba’s children.

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Change was needed to alter the way physiotherapy services were being delivered for babies with plagiocephaly and torticollis.

Because of your generous donations, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba awards grants that are making a difference in the lives of children.

Last year one such grant was presented for the development and evaluation of changes to the way physiotherapy services are delivered for babies with plagiocephaly and torticollis.

Plagiocephaly is a flattening of the back/side of the skull, and torticollis is when neck muscle imbalances lead to a head tilt or rotation. Physiotherapists work with families on various ways to improve neck range of motion, strength and development.

This important project promises better outcomes with utmost efficiency.

“Prevention has an important role to play, but for infants referred to physiotherapy, earlier treatment leads to better outcomes,” says Kristy Wittmeier, BMRPT PhD, Physiotherapist, Child Health. “With rising referral rates, we need to understand how to provide quality physiotherapy services in the most efficient way. We also want to ensure that children referred to physiotherapy for other conditions are waiting as little as possible for services.”

In the past, the pediatric physiotherapy department treated about 50 infants per year for these conditions, but that number has ballooned to nearly 500. With your support, these babies will receive earlier intervention with the goal of avoiding long-term effects.

“There are different thoughts about what long term effects might be linked with plagiocephaly and torticollis,” says Corinne Sheffield, Physiotherapist and Project Team Member. “Some concerns are primarily cosmetic (head shape, potential facial asymmetry) which can affect the fit of eye glasses or sports helmets down the road. As part of treatment, some infants may go on to use custom-made helmets designed specifically for head shaping. With torticollis, a small number of more severe cases may eventually receive surgery to help fix the muscle imbalances.”

Because of you, this research, originating in Manitoba, is having an impact far beyond provincial borders.

“In mid-March, we had the opportunity to present a webinar on the work we have done so far,” says Dr. Wittmeier. “This was well-attended locally, and included 36 other sites from across Canada. We have learned so much from our Canadian colleagues and from international research on this topic, and yet there is still more work to be done.”

This life-changing work can only continue because of donors like you.“A huge thank you to the donors on behalf of our team,” says Dr. Wittmeier. “This grant has allowed us to reach out to colleagues from across Canada and learn from what others are doing. It has also provided support to more fully involve local parents in defining what changes make the most sense for our population. Finally, funding has allowed our busy clinicians to be very involved in this project. Combined, these factors will give us the best chances for positive and lasting change. Thank you!”

Your support means brighter futures for children in Manitoba and beyond!


Making A national difference

Back row, left to right: Lynne Morrison Rehab Assistant, Barb Borton Director of Rehabilitation and Clinical Services, Kathy Mulder Physiotherapist/Project Assistant, Kristy Wittmeier Physiotherapist, Researcher, Shayna Pierce Project Assistant, Emily Ratzlaff Physiotherapist

Front row, left to right: Amy Swirsky Physiotherapist, Corinne Sheffield Physiotherapist, and Cal Jones, Emily Jones, Parent Partner and Declan Jones, Marie Paterson Physiotherapist

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What Your Money supported

Iris Tilt Wheelchair for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Bedside Ultrasound Machine for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Epilepsy Monitoring Unit

ResearchMusic Therapy

2017 GRANTS■ Medical Equipment $3,289,122■ Children’s Hospital Programs $469,183■ Clinical Care $45,419■ Children’s Hospital Research

Institute of Manitoba $4,096,236






Trauma Stretcher

Surgical Tools

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How the MONEY WAS Raised

Christmas for Kids

Ice Crystal Gala


FIVE YEAR RETROSPECT FUNDRAISING REVENUES (IN 000s)$9,0008,0007,0006,0005,0004,0003,0002,0001,000












2016 2017


22Central Transport Refrigeration

FUNDRAISING REVENUES■ Major Gifts $2,220,627 ■ Annual Giving $1,406,313 ■ Children’s Miracle Network $1,359,984 ■ Community Relations $1,272,127■ Special Events $934,919 ■ Planned Giving $127,546






Brandon Radiothon

Page 12: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

12 | The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017

Imagine if your perfect two-week-old newborn suddenly started to have seizures. Baby Karrma was rushed to Children’s Hospital-HSC Winnipeg, and a few hours later was transferred to the St. Boniface Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for children. It was quickly discovered that Karrma had contracted a virus which turned into viral meningitis. After a week in ICU, Karrma was admitted to Children’s Hospital-HSC Winnipeg to receive treatment for meningitis.

“Karrma and I lived at Children’s for five weeks,” remembers Mom Raelynn. “Karrma being sick was the worst experience I’ve ever gone through, but the nurses and doctors were amazing and made it the best possible environment for the both of us.”Meningitis attacked little Karrma’s brain causing not only seizures, but also brain damage. The extent of the damage would not be known until she recovered. Raelynn was prepared for the worst, including the potential inability to walk, talk, or hear.

Thanks to your donations to the Children’s Miracle Network, the outcome wasn’t so dire.

“I’m happy to say that although Karrma has some daily struggles with speech and behaviour, she is walking and running and very social,” reports Raelynn. “If it wasn’t for the amazing nurses and doctors at Children’s Hospital, I honestly don’t know where Karrma would be today. I owe so much to them and am so very grateful for everything they have done for me and my daughter.”

As a Dairy Queen employee, Raelynn always looked forward to Miracle Treat Day knowing that every blizzard she sold on that day would benefit a child in hospital. Since her daughter’s illness, the impact of the day has become immeasurable.

“It’s one thing knowing you’re helping sick children,” says Raelynn. “But it really hits home when you realize without Miracle Treat Day, maybe all of the things that helped your child get better might not have been possible. It’s important for people to realize that the more we help and donate, the better it will be for sick children and their families going through what is already a life-changing experience. I feel proud to be part of a business like Dairy Queen that really puts forth an effort to help kids in any way they can.”

Because of your support of the Children’s Miracle Network and their fundraising initiatives, kids like Karrma can look forward to bright, healthy futures.



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Dairy Queen in Brandon


Regent Avenue Costco The Brick

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14 | The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017

Thank you Children’s Hospital Guild – over $100,000 raised! The Children’s Hospital Guild has always been the backbone of fundraising for the Children’s Hospital. Started in 1909 with the St. Agnes Guild and Alexandra Guild, followed by the St. John’s Guild in 1915, and the Earl Kitchener Guild in 1917, the Guilds made a substantial contribution to the needs of the Hospital.

Fast forward many years and the Guilds expanded and became one strong force to make a difference in the lives of sick and injured children in our province. The Nearly New Shop, the Children’s Hospital Gift Shop, Sew-4-Kids, Bear Essentials Fashion Show, Bake & Trinket sales and so many more activities are thanks to volunteers who continue to work tirelessly to support the children.

Thank you all!

OVER $100,000 RAISED!




The Best Book Ever Read The Children’s Hospital Book Market celebrated another successful year raising over $648,000 to support the commercial-free, internal television station, CHTV, the Family Information Library, and the Book Corner. Over 400 volunteers work vigorously throughout the year to make sure each sale is a huge success. If you ever visit their workshop, you see their smiles and dedication knowing that their hard work is providing so much joy to the patients and their families at the hospital.

“When my daughter needed surgery recently a Child Life Specialist told me about the Family Information Library.

The books about preparing my daughter for surgery were so helpful and really the day of her surgery could not have gone better! Thanks so much for all the great work you do!” – Angel

“We are frequent fliers to the hospital with appointments two to three times a month. We always have to coordinate our appointments around CHTV. We are grateful to CHTV as it provides him something to look forward to – a great distraction to what is going on in his little life.” – Chantel

Special thanks to St. Vital Centre, Dufresne Furniture & Appliances, City of Winnipeg Fire Halls, all the incredible volunteers, and you for supporting!

OVER $648,000 RAISED!

Bake & Trinket SaleBear Essentials Fashion Show

Thank-you LunchOpening Day

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APHA Winterhawks


Kids Helping Kids

Melita School

Emilia and Tenley


Anola Fellowship Chapel



Anola Fellowship Chapel Sunday School

Arborg Early Middle Years School

Arborgate SchoolBird’s Hill SchoolBuchanan SchoolCollicutt SchoolDonwood Elementary SchoolDr. D. W. Penner SchoolDr. George Johnson Middle

SchoolEcole Assiniboine SchoolEcole BannatyneEcole GuyotEcole LacerteEcole Van BelleghemEcole Viscount AlexanderGlenlawn CollegiateInkster SchoolIsland Lakes Community

SchoolKirkcaldy Heights SchoolLakeshore School DivisionLakewood SchoolLinden Meadows SchoolLouis Riel School Division

Manitoba Education and Training

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

McMaster UniversityMontrose SchoolMorrow Avenue Child Care

CentreMurdoch McKay CollegiatePacific Junction SchoolReston Collegiate SchoolRiver East CollegiateRiver West Park SchoolRivers ElementaryRobert H. Smith SchoolRussell Major Pratt SchoolRyerson School Age Centre Inc.Seine River School DivisionShaftesbury High SchoolShamrock SchoolSpringfield Heights SchoolSt Vital Montessori SchoolSt. Andrews SchoolSt. Maurice High SchoolStanley Knowles Children’s

CentreUMLoL 24H Charity Stream

Victory SchoolKIDSAbby WeissAiden AndersonAllura SanburnAmelia RanieriAmy KerseyAnna KerseyAvery ShortridgeBrooke BobrowichBryanna DoerksenCarson BurrCato KeijzerCavell & Nixon WoroniakClaire MortonEli FordElissa MarquesElla PerrettEthan BurnellGabby RobbinsHeidi ZechelIsobel FulfordJace WindattJacob BrownJanelle CampagneJeff Hunt

Kalvin MeilleurKiyah BadderKonrad SlaterLexi Sasley-HymanLogan GoldingLogan QuatemberLuc HuberdeauMadelyn J. ToewsMia BouwmanMikalah GrantMiles GirardinMilla KostyniukMolly TeskeyNicholas DolhyNuna MauroOlivia CollingridgeRilla NickersonRyder MoquinSarah ClaassenSarah EricksonSebastian Hinther-FlorescoSophie AmiraultSydney Sasley-HymanTalia PelletierTaylor Manson

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BENEFACTORS ($20,000+)7-6 Ranch Lobster and Steak

Dinner BMO Bear’s Paw Golf ClassicDairy Farmers of Manitoba

Golf TournamentDragonboat Festival –

CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Inc.

Kenzie’s Kauze in memory of Kenzie Elizabeth Paterson

Kid Fish Ice Fishing DerbyLogan Quatember’s

Champion Child Fundraising for PICU

Manitoba Metis Federation’s Gala in support of TREKK

The Royal Princess BallWinnipeg Police Association –

Charity Ball

CHAMPIONS ($10,000+)Central Transport

Refrigeration Customer Appreciation Day

CN Campus EmployeesEMCO Waterworks Golf

TournamentThe Father Daughter BallManitoba Building and

Construction Trades Council Charities for Kids Golf Tournament

Manitoba Hydro “My Bill” Promotion

Spirit HalloweenThe Lorette Dragonettes

Spaghetti Fundraiser

BUILDERS ($5,000+)Cars 4 Cures Inc. Luc Huberdeau’s Celebration

of LifeKeeping Kenzi Close in

memory of Kenzi Cathleen Kopansky

Rotary Club of Fort Garry – Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Southern Manitoba Harley Owners Group

The YM Inc. Charitable Foundation

TSN (Bell Media) Golf Tournament

FRIENDS ($1,000+)176 Boeing of Canada RCACS –

Flight for Life ChallengeAiden & Ella’s Annual

Lemonade StandCarl & Lee-Anne Bangert

25th Wedding Anniversary Donation

Bridge Drive-InCargill Ltd. – Staff BBQPatti Caver’s Retirement

designated for Children’s Emergency

Tanisha Dhillon’s A New Years Miracle Fashion Show

Dugald Community Club Variety Heart Breakfast

Long and McQuadeManitoba Public Insurance

“Manitoba Citizens on Patrol Program”

Murray Hyundai 10th Anniversary Shine & Dine

Pass The Dip Poker League Tournament

Prairie Proud Apparel CorpRomanetz Ukrainian Dance

EnsembleTim Hortons Smile Cookie

CampaignUgly Sweater SocialUnivar Canada Ltd. Car Show

& BBQWinnipeg United Cover ShowThe Zumba Yanihan

FundraiserThe Zumba Fitness

Masterclass for a Cause

Our Community Partners

BDI Father Daughter Ball

Freemasons EMCO

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The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017|17

Adesa WinnipegAevi Spa Salon BoutiqueAir Unlimited Inc.Tom AmbrosieArctic Spas ManitobaArgus IndustriesBison Transport Inc.Bituminex Paving Ltd.BMO Bank of MontrealBoston Pizza – Enright GroupBulat & PoutsieCanadian Dermatology

AssociationCaspian Projects Inc.Cherry Tree ProductionsChildren’s Dental WorldChurchill WildCI InvestmentsNancy CiprykCity PressDaytona HomesDeloitte LLPDenver Restoration

Services Inc.

Department of Pediatrics & Child Health

Derksen Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Dr. Kenneth Murray Medical Corporation

Emergent BiosolutionsErnst Hansch Foundation Inc.Dr. Mark & Sharon EvansExchange Income CorporationFillmore Riley LLPFoyston, Gordon & Payne Inc.Freeman Audio & VisualGrace Anne II – Chia GroupGreat-West LifeIndustrial MetalsInvestia WPGInvestors GroupJames & Leney RichardsonJM Johnson Insurance

AgenciesJohnston Group Inc.Sean & Michelle LawtonManitoba Association of


Manitoba HydroManitoba Liquor & LotteriesManitoba Public Insurance

CorporationManitoba Teacher’s SocietyMaple Leaf Construction Ltd.Master Roofing Ltd.Jamie & Julie-Anne McCallumMidwest EngineeringMJ Roofing & Supply Ltd.National Bank of CanadaNemCan Management Ltd.Old Dutch Foods Ltd.Once Upon a ChildOpticians of ManitobaPlanet KiaPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPDavid & Joanne ProvincianoQualicoRBC FoundationReflex Instrument North

America Ltd.Republic ArchitectureRodren Drilling Ltd.Save-On-Foods

Scotia Wealth Management The Stewart-Renouf Group

Shaw BusinessNadiah Sidik- Clinic

PsychologyTDThe Gail Asper Family

Foundation Inc.The Golf DomeThe Keg Steakhouse & BarThe Pollard Family FoundationUpside Down Tree FoundationUrbanmine Inc.Village Orthodontics –

Dr. Bruce McFarlaneWawanesa Mutual Insurance

CompanyWhite Canvas Landscaping

& Renovations Inc.Winnipeg Building &

Decorating Ltd.Winnipeg Jets Hockey Club LPZeid’s FoodFare

Thank You to our SPONSORS

Giant Tiger Telus

Sandra Schmirler Foundation

Nearly New Shop


Manitoba Ghost Busters

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18 | The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017

Thank You to our DonorsVISIONARIES (500,000+)The Firefighters Burn Fund Inc.

GOODBEARS (250,000+)Children’s Hospital

Book Market Costco Wholesale Canada Domino’s PizzaWalmart Canada

PARTNERS (100,000+)AnonymousChildren’s Hospital Guild of

Manitoba Inc.Dairy Queen Federated Co-operatives Ltd.McMaster UniversityMichael Nesbitt FamilyDavid & Joanne ProvincianoRE/MAX St. Vital Centre The Winnipeg Free Press

PATRONS (50,000+)Air Canada Foundation Dufresne Furniture Extra Life Gaming The Kay FamilyWilliam LuffSandra Schmirler FoundationTDThe Brick

The Winnipeg Foundation Robert & Mary Toews

BENEFACTORS (20,000+)92.1 CITI & 102.3 KISS FM94.3 The Drive & QX104All Charities Campaign CBC Manitoba Child’s Play CharityEnergy 106 & Hot 100.5EquiGenesis Corp.Dr. Mark & Sharon Evans Funding Innovation Great-West Life Brian & Ruth HastingsManitoba Hydro Employee

Charitable DonationsNCI 105 & Now Country 104.7Power 97, CJOB 680,

Peggy 99.1Robert & Margaret Elizabeth

Mackay Memorial FundSave-On-FoodsErnst & Norma SchellScotiabankSobeys Inc.True North Sports

+ EntertainmentLinda van den Broek Virgin 103.1, 99.9 BOB FM,

TSN 1290West Kildonan Curling Club Ltd.

CHAMPIONS(10,000+)93.7 CJNUAll-Fab Building Components

Inc. Anonymous Boeing Company Cando Rail ServicesConviron & Conviron

Employees Cystic Fibrosis CanadaDoubledutch BooksDr. Alfred E. Deacon Medical

Research Foundation Inc.Duracell Canada Renee EthansFWS Group of Companies Giant Tiger Stores Ltd.Roy & Lynn GreinHealthy Child ManitobaDr. Michael G. JohnsonBrian & Lois KlaponskiShirley & Don McQueen FundTyler & Michela Myers New Flyer Industries Ltd. The Paterson FoundationBenjamin & Diane Plett Gerry & Barbara PricePuchniak Family FundReflex Instrument North

America Ltd.Paul ScharfHarold Simpson

Peter & Leslie VlahosWestJet Airlines

BUILDERS (5,000+)95.1 CHVN96.1 BOB FM & 101.1

The FarmAnonymousB. A. Robinson Co. Ltd.Benevity Social Ventures, Inc.Leo & Mary BlanksteinThe Blennerhassett Family

FoundationAlex & Richele Burr Children’s Hospital of

Winnipeg Research FundGenessa Cram Memorial FundDr. Rizwan Manji Medical

CorporationDuron Equipment Inc.Elite Intellicare Staffing Ltd.Fillmore Riley LLPGlentelMark & Anne Gray William E. GrayGregg & Mary HansonInvestors Group Employees Johnston Group Inc. Cory Kehler Master Roofing Ltd.Dr. Doug & Cheri McDermidRaymond McMurray

� Monthly Givers Children’s Miracle Network PartnersInnovators 10+ Years Donors

Manitoba Fire Fighters Burn Fund

Page 19: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017|19

Kristie Pearson Verna PennycookPioneer Energy Foundation

– EssoPizza Pizza Ltd. Red River Co-Operative Ltd. Leney & James RichardsonDr. Celia Rodd & Dr. Atul

SharmaDharminderpal Sandhu

Dental Corp.Garth & Debbie StylesTerracon Development Ltd.The Winnipeg Rh Institute

Foundation Inc. Winnipeg Building &

Decorating Ltd.Winnipeg Goldeyes Field of

Dreams Foundation

FRIENDS (1,000+)A Yard or 2 Inc.AbbVie CorporationAgrico CanadaDouglas & Dale Aitken Paul & Marylou AlbrechtsenBelina Alcera Carmen Aleshka Alyia Equities Ltd.Kelly Amodeo �Michael AngersAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousKevin & Sarah Anseeuw Bob & Joy AntenbringAntex Western Ltd.Arctic Spas ManitobaJane ArnotRyan Auxtero Elizabeth AyanaBaek & Kim’s Dental LabEarl & Cheryl BarishHarley Barthlette &

Nicole SchaworskiAllan & Kerry Bartlett � Bath FitterGreg & Sheila BeatonDr. Allan & Lynne BeckerHeather BergmannRichard & Marta Bhopalsingh �

Bold CommerceDiane L. BoyleCassondra BrightWilf & Carolyn BrockJordan BrownCanada Revenue Agency –

EmployeesCanadian ESOX AssociationCanadian Premature Babies

FoundationCarte International Inc. Celgene Inc.Archie Cham Carolin & Jarrett ChambersChellett Holsteins Inc.Dr. Aaron Chiu & Dr. Leslie

Simard-Chiu Theron Christianson Jason & Heidi ChubackCipher Pharmaceauticals

Inc.City of Winnipeg –

Employees Charles & Laurel Clark � Dennis ClarkeColin & Monica CloutierColliers Pratt McGarry Inc.Colliers Project Leaders Inc.Connexion Western StarKaren Jarema Cornejo &

Eduardo CornejoMike & Karen Costello Dennis & Louise CowanCredit Union Central of

Manitoba EmployeesCrosstown Civic Credit

Union Ltd.Crystal Springs Colony Farms

Ltd.Rod & Janet CyrD.E. Fawcett Law CorporationD.J. Plumbing Ltd.Doug DarlingDave’s Do It Right

ConstructionRyan Davis Lisa Derenchuk Leanne Docking � Gordon & Trudy DoerksenJoseph B. DonnellyJoanne M. DouglasDr. Elisabete & Rhyl DoyleSuzanne M. Doyle &

Terry Otchenash � Dr. Lisa Miller Medical

CorporationDr. Norman Silver Medical

CorporationDraeger Medical Canada Inc.Jack & Rhonda DriedgerMichael Dubienski Alice DubowecRandy & Carol Dueck Roger & Angela DuvalEsther Dyck E-Care Benevolent FundELI Lilly Canada Inc.Sara EnsEnterprise Holdings

FoundationCatherine EverettExhale Dance StudioDoug Fawcett Ronald Fitzpatrick Floform CountertopsGrant & Linda Floren FordiaTom & Pat FoulisHenry & Donna FriesenDarlene FunkeKimberly Fyles Scott & Tara GairSteve Gallagher Raymond & Kelly GasmenGenstar Development

PartnershipCorinne GonenDan & Lorraine GouletBarry R. GrahamGrand Lodge of Manitoba Maria GrandeDavid GreenGreen Drop Lawns Ltd.Grizzly Transport Ltd. Halarda Farms Ltd.Dr. B. J. Hancock �Dr. Michael &

Dr. Sande Harlos � Bruce Harvey Kenneth & Ruth Hayes

Lisa HeimbeckerHenkel Consumer Goods

Canada Michael & Janet HladyWade & Angela HusmannRob Hutchison Industrial Investments Ltd. Investors Group –

Winnipeg West OfficeTerry & Michelle Isaryk J. K. May InvestmentsVionell Jacobson Jayanel Properties Ltd.Jim Gauthier ChevroletDerek & Mary JohannsonJohn & Elisabeth Peters FundJohnson & Johnson Medical

ProductsJoseph Kellaway May FundJust Like New to YouLeilani KaganReginald Kehler Blanche KeithKris Keough Cliff & Betty Ann King David & Barbara King Glen Kirkland Dan KlassenDarrell KlassenDr. Terry P. Klassen &

Grace Dueck

Boeing Canada


Page 20: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

20 | The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017

Andy Kloppenborg Bruce & Diana KochenTheodore M. Konyk &

Dr. Leo Konyk Family Foundation Fund

Nathan Koop Robert & Sandra Korkosh � Mark KoslovskyJohn KusykThierry & Nathalie Lacaze-

MasmonteilCharles (Chuck) &

Christiane LaFlècheColleen LambertDr. Laurence LauColin D. Lawrence LCL Construction Ltd.Ed Lee Lego Canada Inc.Robert LegrosLoewen Piano HouseGermaine LongtinDavid Luke Ron LypkaDonna MacawDr. Grant & Dr. Eleanor

MacDougall Magellan Aerospace –

Employees Anne Mahon Frank MaidaThomas & Joanna MalkiewiczManitoba Blue CrossMarriott Hotels & Resorts

Canada Doris MaxwellMazza Enterprises Inc.Iain McDonald Debra McFaddenDr. R. B. McFarlaneLaura McMillan John & Sandra MeloGraeme & Michele MerchantMicrosoft Canada Inc. Jim MiddletonRobert & Marilyn MillerDonald & Allison Minarik Mitzi’s RestaurantMLT Aikins LLPRachel Moore Scott Moore Albina MoranAllan MorrishHarold Murdoch �

Martin Mushinski Michael NesbittLucille NolascoNorthern Reflections Thomas O’Brien � Olschewski DavieShirley O’NeilHon. Brian & Esther PallisterGarrett Parker Greg & Bonnie Patenaude John & Jane PearsonPeter & Anita Pelech Allan & Simone PennerLinda PennerRene & Eileen PennerBonnie PerchalukGordon & Diane PetersPfizer Canada Inc.Mike PfrimmerPiazza De NardiMatthew PilloudPJ Falcon Inc.Platinum PromotionsPlaying 4 A PurposeFrank & Jeanne Plett Stan & Lorraine Plett John & Beth PollardJason PortasPortico Indoor & Outdoor

Living Inc. Prairie Livestock ExpoPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPLawrence Prout & Lisa

Gardewine �Nik Quatember & Kathryn

McBurneyJennifer Queen Quintex Services Ltd.Paul RathgeberRBC Royal BankRBC Wealth Management –

Private BankingKelli Register Anthony & Cheryl Reid � Larry Reid Robert ReidyGwen & Owen Relph � Krista Rempel � Sharon Reynolds �Kathleen RichardsonShirley A. RichardsonZoe & Raif Richardson Richlu ManufacturingRising Phoenix Hair Salon

Thank You (Continued)� Monthly Givers

Children’s Miracle Network PartnersInnovators 10+ Years Donors

Rob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking

Robyce Holdings Ltd. Rodren Drilling Ltd.Christophe RodrigueRaffaela (Raffie) Rosenberg Al & Colleen Rosendaal � Round 2 Real Estate

Investments Inc. Heather Sarraillon � Catherine Schellenberg Dean & Christy Schinkel Chris & Tanya SchrofRaj SharmaMorris & Dr. Rana

ShenkarowShivam Enterprises Inc.Paul & Margaret Shuckett Carly Shuler &

Shane Kozlowich Anna Shusterman

Ernest I. Silverberg, Morris Silverberg, Memorial Fund

Marco Silvestri Stephen SimonsAngela Simpson Don & Kim SissonsSleep Country CanadaChristopher & Janet SmookSouris River Colony Farms

Ltd.Standard Aero Ltd.

EmployeesPhyllis StarkSteelcity PhysiotherapyLisa StiverDarcy & Jeanne StrutinskyFrank Sus Jamie Swaile Justin SwandelOmar Tasse �Jane Tataryn

Prairie Proud

Royal Princess Ball

Page 21: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017|21

Gertrude TaubenseeTaylor Family Legacy

FoundationJess Tesoro Tetra Tech Canada Inc.The Assiniboia Chamber

of CommerceMark Thiessen Allan & Louise ThompsonArlene TkachukJohn & Cathy Topp Traugott GroupTrek GeotechnicalBellas Trinh Medical

CorporationLynda Troup

Curtis TurkoUnited Firefighters of

Winnipeg – Local 867 IAFFUnivar Canada Ltd.University Medical GroupValeant Canada LPAmber van den Broek Jordan Van SewellVanguard Credit UnionVeron Consultants Inc.Victoria Inn Hotel &

Convention CentreJason VienCarolyn WawrinTerra Welsh Donald & Florence Whitmore

Garrett WhittletonDr. Brandy Wicklow &

Dr. Nelson GovernoA. C. WiltonWinnipeg Environmental

Remediations Inc.Winnipeg Furniture Services Ltd.Winnipeg Prosthetic &

Orthotic Specialty Co. Ltd.Woolwich Project

Management Inc.Meghan & Danny Wright Matthias & Melanie YeungWenlong YuanBen ZachariasWarren Zukewich

Every effort has been made to ensure that this list is accurate and respects your recognition requests. If there are any errors or omissions, please contact Astrid Mazur at (204) 787-4073 or [email protected].





Endowed FundsThe Kerry Anderson-Gillman

Endowment FundAnne Becker Endowment FundAnnie A. Bond Student

Scholarship Endowment Fund

Arthur Birt Memorial Lectureship

The Margaret Bishop Child Life Endowment Fund

Branden's HopeThe Children's Hospital

Foundation of Manitoba Inc. Board of Directors Studentship Endowment Fund

The Children's Hospital Guild of Manitoba Endowment Fund

Children's Sports Legacy FundKarla MacKenzie and Sophie

Conner Memorial FundDr. Heather Dean Lecture

for Excellence in Pediatric Diabetes Research

The Renee Ethans Child Life Endowment Fund

Dr. Charles Ferguson Memorial Fund

The Firefighters Burn Fund Inc.The Captain C. F. Galbraith

R.F.C.D.F.C. Endowment FundThomas Gilroy Endowment

FundThe Bill and Fimi Glesby

Family Endowment FundDr. James and Mrs. Marian

Haworth Metabolic Research Endowment Fund

Abie and William Hoffman Scholarship in Heart Disease in Children

The Andrew S. Jackson and Elsie M. Jackson and Family Endowment Fund

The Ruth Kettner Child Life Education Endowment Fund

The Loeppky Family Endowment Fund

The George and Bernice Lyon Memorial Fund

The M. Sc. Graduate Studentship Endowment Fund

The Peter and Maureen Macdonald Endowment Fund

The Wilberta M. Malcom Endowment Fund

Manitoba Neurofibromatosis Support Group Fund

The Elaine and Neil Margolis Family Endowment Fund

Dorothy Martin Endowment Fund

The Lori McGregor Memorial Fund

The Stephen Walter Mical Research Endowment Fund

The Nathan Morantz FundThe Carl and Clara Pitura

Endowment FundThe Carol and Jim Sangster

FundThe Deklyn Sawatzky

Endowment FundDr. Irene Uchida Fund for

Medical Research in Pediatric Genetics

PATIENT COMFORT FUND Because you took the time to care, over 56 patients and their families have been helped since the program took effect in the fall of 2017. This Fund assists our financially challenged families with parking, meal vouchers, taxi transportation for medical appointments, and so much more.

Estate GivingGeorgina Dorothy AlderdiceEleanor Elliott GibsonDoris GilmanEmma GruenkeMargaret JanzMarie KirkMargaret KnappDoreen KrasniukRuth McDowellStephen MicalEthel MitchellCzeslaw SzczesniakGordon ThreadkillGwendoline Wright

Page 22: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

22 | The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017


Dean Schinkel, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Chair of Finance

Mark Evans, Past Chair

John Perrin, Secretary

Jean Burton, Chair, Children’s Hospital Guild of Manitoba

Robert Darling, Chair, Investment Committee

Peter Davey, Chair, Nominating/Governance Committee

Dr. Janet Grabowski, Chair, Child Health Advisory Committee

Carmyn Aleshka, Chair, Development Committee

Chris Kauenhofen, Representative, Children’s Hospital Research Institute – Board

Jim McEachern, Chair, Communications & Marketing Committee

Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, Chair, Advisory Council

Darcy Strutinsky, Chair, Human Resources Committee

Diane Boyle

Wilf Brock

Michael Choiselat

Peter Drazic

Priti Mehta-Shah

Dr. Michael Narvey

Norva Riddell

Carly Shuler

Holly Toupin

Munther Zeid


Dr. Terry Klassen, Medical Director, Department Head of Pediatrics & Child Health

Dr. Terry Klassen, CEO and Head of Research, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba

Monika Warren, Program Director, Child Health, WRHA

Mr. Ronan Segrave, Acting Chief Operating Officer, Health Science Centre

Lawrence Prout, President & Chief Executive Officer


Cindy BennettJudy BorusDr. Kevin CoombsDr. Jim DavieDr. Gary GlavinMark GrayArlene HintsaChris KauenhofenScott LancasterJohn PerrinDr. Carolyn SniderJim SpencerDr. Barb Triggs-Raine

EX-OFFICIO:Dr. Terry KlassenLawrence ProutNicola WigleKelly Ross

Board of Directors

Front Row: Dean Schinkel, Michael Choiselat, Carmyn Aleshka, Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, Karen Cornejo, Carly Shuler, Diane Boyle, Gary RozakBack Row: Peter Davey, Dr. Terry Klassen, Ronan Segrave, Wilf Brock, John Perrin, Anna Sikora, Chris Kauenhofen, Darcy Strutinsky, Mark Evans, Robert Darling, Jim McEachernMissing: Jane Burton, Peter Drazic, Dr. Janet Grabowski, Priti Mehta-Shah, Dr. Michael Narvey, Norva Riddell, Holly Toupin, Monika Warren, Munther Zeid

Page 23: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba | GRATITUDE REPORT 2017|23

Terry KlassenNicola WigleChelsea BowkettBernadette FrancoLorraine HernaezErin HillChristina Hrankowski

Debbie KorpeshoLisa KnisleyRebecca RalloKelly RossGeert t’JongJasmina Veinot


ADVISORY COUNCIL 2017/2018Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, ChairMarie-Alice GrassickColleen HorbayDavid JohnstonHelen LitzMeredith McArthurJohn MyersJim RaeJim SangsterErnst SchellEarnest ShaperaFiona Webster-Mourant

CHILD HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEEDr. Janet Grabowski, ChairSandra Biesheuvel, Vice-Chair Donna Askew Dr. Michael NarveyColleen HorbayDon MinarikDr. Terry Klassen, Non-VotingJennifer Luong, Non-Voting

Monika Warren, Non-Voting Karen Cornejo, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

INVESTMENT COMMITTEEBob Darling, ChairGreg Ozechowsky, Vice-ChairKim McCartneyAl McLaughlinZoe RichardsonNoel Zapotoczny Karen Cornejo, Ex-OfficioDean Schinkel, Chair of Finance, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

FINANCE COMMITTEEDean Schinkel, ChairVacant, Vice-ChairChris KauenhofenPriti Mehta-ShahMunther ZeidKaren Cornejo, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

HR COMMITTEEDarcy Strutinsky, ChairWilf Brock, Vice-ChairBrian PetoLorraine WaldbauerHolly ToupinKaren Cornejo, Ex-OfficioDean Schinkel, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

GOVERNANCE/NOMINATING COMMITTEEPeter Davey, ChairMichael Choiselat, Vice-ChairPeter DrazicJim McEachernJohn PerrinMark EvansKaren Cornejo, Ex-OfficioDean Schinkel, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEECarmyn Aleshka, ChairDiane Boyle

Donna BurnerEllen KroftGreg LoaderJim McEachernHolly ToupinJen DerrettMunther ZeidKaren Cornejo, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEEJim McEachern, ChairNorva Riddell, Vice-ChairCarmyn AleshkaKim JohnsonDwight MacAulayJake MarksKathryn McBurneySara OrleskyJohn PerrinDave PetrishenJim RaeCarly ShulerDiane WrefordKaren Cornejo, Ex-OfficioLawrence Prout, CHFM Ex-Officio

Volunteer Committees and STAFF

Lawrence ProutPamela AndersonJoanna BacaniSherry CannonSandy DanylchukTania Douglas**Shayna Ferens**Scott GrayNicole LaTourelleCourtney LeimanAstrid Mazur

Ruth MehzentaAngie MunchColleen O’RourkeMelanie Ozubko**Jacquie SimpsonGary RozakCorinne SwiderskiDawna Wallace**Tanya WilliamsNina Yoon*


*On Maternity Leave ** Departed in 2017


Page 24: Gratitude Report - · Health Transport Team,” says Todd Mortimer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Pediatric Transport Coordinator. “The support given to our team

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