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PE/Daily Fitness Term 1 Yerong Creek Public School Week 1Focus- Static balanceOutcomes:MOES1.4- Demonstrate a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences.MOS1.4- Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations.GSES1.8 – Demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing with & sharing equipment.GSS1.8 – Performs fundamental movement skills with equipment in minor games.MOS2.4- Displays a focus on quality of movements in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situationsGSS2.8- Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modified sports.MOS3.4- Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations.GSS3.8- Applies movement skills in games and sports that require communication, cooperation, decision making and observation of rules.

MondayTeach Skill – TeacherPlay a game of Freeze Frames.Students travel in a particular direction using a particular locomotor movement assigned by the teacher. Students can move to music or just listen for the teacher’s command. When the music stops or the teacher commands to do so, students are required to create a statue of the character which is called out by the teacher. Characters may include: Superman, tennis player, ballerina, lion, snake, monster etc. Students are required to hold the position for three seconds without moving. On the teacher’s command,students begin to move around the room again.Developmental activities for balanceDiscuss the term balance. Ask students questions like:

- what does balance mean?- how do you balance your body?- in what situations do you need to balance your body?- why is it important to learn how to balance?

Students listen to the instructions and demonstrate each balance on different body parts.- bottom and one hand- two feet and two hands- two elbows and two knees.

ActivitiesAsk students to stand with a beanbag on their head. Lift one foot off the floor without dropping the beanbag. Change feet. Challenge students to do the following without dropping the beanbag:

- lift one leg out to the side

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- lift knee up to chest- pick an object up off the floor- walk and move at different speeds and directions.

Ask questions like:-which action was the easiest/hardest?- what helps you keep your balance?Ask students to perform a static balance, swapping legs so they experience balancing on both legs.Independent-FreezeStudents move around playing area, selected student calls ‘FREEZE’ The children freeze and the teacher tell which parts of the body they will balance on.

TuesdayPractice Skill. – Independently Walk the plankStudents walk along a line e.g. court marking or masking tape, while balancing a bean bag on their head. Ask students to count how many times they can make it to the other end without the bean bag falling off.Balance offAll group members perform a static balance on one leg on the mats. A competition is held of who can balance the longest. For students who find this too easy, shrink the base of support so that they have to balance on the ball of their feet.Aerobic FitnessStation RunAs a class run around playing area, on blow of whistle, sprint to a station and complete sit up, push up etc. Continue until all stations have been visitied.

WednesdayMagic balance.Choose three students to be taggers and one to be the magician. Students move randomly in a designated area to music. When students are tagged, they have to perform and remain in a static balance until the magician releases them. The magician uses a braid to wave over the tagged student to release them.Teach Skill – TeacherActivitiesDiscuss importance of balance. Student practise balancing with in foot in front of the other, hell touching toe. Students:- hold arms out to the side- place hands on hips- balance a bean bag on head. Repeat activities balancing on other foot. Discuss which is best. Which leg do you prefer to balance on?Experiment with non- balance leg positions( behind, beside or high above preferred leg).Practise balancing on different body parts.

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FreezeStudents move around playing area, teacher calls ‘FREEZE’ The children freeze and the teacher tell which parts of the body they will balance on.

ThursdayReinforce Skill – TeacherDemonstrate and practise skill, provide feedback and reinforce major components of the skill.Bean bag balanceTeams line up at one end of their own bench or balance beam. One student at a time walks along the bench balancing a bean bag on their head. If the bean bag falls, students need to start again. Once one student has made it to the other end, the next student may start. When the whole team is finished they should be sitting down in a straight line in front of their bench.Static balance relayEach team spreads out in a straight line on the floor, standing one behind the other, about one metre apart. Team members perform the static balance. The first student removes themselves from the line and on the teacher’s command weaves their way in and out of their fellow team mates. If anyone on their team loses their balance then the runner has to start again. Once the runner has made it to the end they resume the static balance position and the new person at the start of the line becomes the runner. Repeat the activity until all team mates have had a go of weaving through their team.Red light, green light.One student (the caller) stands with their back to the class who are 20-30 metres away. When they call ‘green light’, students move forward using different locomotor movements e.g. skipping, hopping, side-galloping. When the caller calls out ‘red light’ and turns to face the class, students freeze and hold a balance position. If the caller sees movement, those students have to return to the start line. The student who reaches the caller first becomes the caller for the next game.Practice Skill. – IndependentlyChildren balance on low benches etc. Have competition of who can balance the longest. Also balance on piping around equipment.Assessment

- Stand still with your foot flat on the ground.- Hold your bent leg away from your other leg.- Look at something in front of you.- Stand up tall when you balance.- Relax your arms.

CHECKLISTSay to students:- stand still with your foot flat on the ground- hold your bent leg away from your other leg- focus on something in front of you- relax your arms- stand up straight and tall

Indicators- balances on different body parts-participates in a range of minor games and practices that assist skill development-- proficiently performs static balance-demonstrates a range of skills in practices and modified games

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PE/Daily Fitness Term 1 Yerong Creek Public School Week 2Focus- Gymnastics -StaticOutcomes:GYES1.10 Performs basic movement patterns to show actions of the whole body.ALES1.6 Develops a repertoire of physical activities in which they can participate.MOES1.4 Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences.GYS1.10 Follows a simple sequence that links basic movement patternsGSS1.8 Performs fundamental movement skills with equipment in minor gamesMOS1.4 Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situationsGYS2.10 Demonstrates control in performing sequences of introductory gymnastics movementsMOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situationsGYS3.10 Demonstrates coordinated actions of the body when performing gymnastic sequencesMOS3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations

MondayTeach skill- TeacherDiscuss with students the different parts of the body they might use to balance on.On mats, students kneel with both knees to start. Get students to:

- balance on one knee and one hand- balance on one knee and one elbow- balance on one knee and two fingers.

Ask students questions such as:- What is the easiest balance?- What is the hardest balance?- What other balance combinations can you think of?

Challenge students to balance on:- four body parts- three body parts- two body parts- one body part.

Nominate a few students to demonstrate the balance they have created.

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ActivitiesIn pairs, ask students to create and demonstrate their own balance. Their partner then has to copy it. Give the students opportunity to explore various balances on mats as well as the floor. Ask questions such as:

- How many body parts were you balancing on?- Why might some positions be easier than others?

Allocate a beanbag to one student in each pair. Ask one student to place the beanbag on their head and walk towards their partner. The stationary partner holds up a number of fingers. The other person calls out how many fingers are being shown. Swap roles several times.Independent- Play the game Clumps.Students move around the designated space walking or jogging. On the signal, students modify their style, force and pace, for example using: - a slow, high knee lift - soft straight legs - on quick tippy toes - long or short strides or steps - hopping, forwards or backwards - skipping lightly forwards or backwards - stomping heavily on the spot.On another designated signal, call a number. Students form into groups of this number. Continue this for a number of clumping sequences.

TuesdayIndependent- Bean bag balanceTeams line up at one end of their own bench or balance beam. One student at a time walks along the bench balancing a bean bag on their head. If the bean bag falls, students need to start again. Once one student has made it to the other end, the next student may start. When the whole team is finished they should be sitting down in a straight line in front of their bench.Teaching skill-teacherRevise the static balance. Ask students to identify the key points for maintaining a static balance. Allow students time to practise the skill before showing them how. When demonstrating and teaching the balance use the cues:

1. Support leg still, foot flat on the ground2. Lift non-support leg, bend it so it is not touching the support leg3. Head stable, eyes focused forward4. Trunk stable and upright5. No excessive arm movements.

Ask students to perform a static balance. Ask partners to provide feedback on their performance. Students should swap legs so they practise balancing on both legs.

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Individual balancesAsk students to stand on a mat with a partner. Each partner takes turns at giving their partner a balance instruction. Examples include: - hold a static balance on your left foot - balance on two body parts - hold a balance with one elbow and one knee - hold a balance with no hands or feet.Students create a balance to show the rest of the class. Each pair then has to copy the balance made by other students.

WednesdayWith teacher-Each team spreads out in a straight line on the floor, standing one behind the other, about one metre apart. Team members perform the static balance. The first student removes themselves from the line and on the teacher’s command weaves their way in and out of their fellow team mates. If anyone on their team loses their balance then the runner has to start again. Once the runner has made it to the end they resume the static balance position and the new person at the start of the line becomes the runner. Repeat the activity until all team mates have had a go of weaving through their team.Independent- Team balance challengeDivide students into teams of six students. Each team stands up along a bench. The team is required to pass a hoop using their feet only from one person to another until it reaches the other end. If the hoop or a student falls from the bench, the team must start again.

Equipment balanceEach team should split in two and line up at either end of their bench. One student from each end, steps onto the bench and performs two different types of individual balances using different body parts. Once the students have completed their individual balances, they pair up with another student on the bench and perform a partner balance. This may be a partner balance previously practised on the floor. On completion of the balances students return to the end of their line.

ThursdayWith teacher Play the game Magic balance.Choose three students to be taggers and one to be the magician. Students move randomly in a designated area to music. When students are tagged, they have to perform and remain in a static balance until the magician releases them. The magician uses a braid to wave over the tagged student to release them.Independent Play the game Skunk Tag.Select a player to be the skunk. Free players move around in a designated area using a teacher selected locomotor skill. A player can avoid being tagged by holding their nose with one hand (as if having smelt a skunk) and their foot with the other (maintaining balance). Any player tagged becomes the skunk. Choose different locomotor movements to move around the playing space.

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Assessment observes students balancing 1.Support leg still, foot flat on the ground

2. Lift non-support leg, bend it so it is not touching the support leg3. Head stable, eyes focused forward4. Trunk stable and upright5. No excessive arm movements.

Indicators takes weight on different parts of the body using small and

large bases of support performs known patterns with different movement qualities

takes weight on different body parts to perform a series of static balances demonstrating different shapes

uses correct technique when performing gymnastics skills balances on different body parts individually, and with a


PE/Daily Fitness Term 1 Yerong Creek Public School Week 3-4Focus- Gymnastics –Landing and SpringOutcomes:GYES1.10 Performs basic movement patterns to show actions of the whole body.MOES1.4 Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences.GYS1.10 Follows a simple sequence that links basic movement patternsMOS1.4 Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situationsGYS2.10 Demonstrates control in performing sequences of introductory gymnastics movementsMOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situationsGYS3.10 Demonstrates coordinated actions of the body when performing gymnastic sequencesMOS3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations

MondayTeach Skill- TeacherIn a large playing space, ask students to find their own space, ensuring there is enough room between them. On instruction, students perform the following:

- try and jump into the air without bending knees to take off- stand with legs wide apart and jump into the air- stand naturally and jump up and down with hands tight by their sides- use arms to help jump as high as possible

Question students on what happens for each technique and why. Questions might include:- Which jump was the easiest to perform?- How do your arms help you jump?

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- Why do you have to bend your knees?

Ask students to perform the following different jumps.- using two feet jump towards the teacher- jumping backwards- jumping to the left and to the right- small jumps with hands by your side- big jumps over the puddle (hoop, marker, skipping rope) in front of you using your arms

Explain to students they have been practicing jumps by taking off from two feet and landing on two feet. Get students to practise other basic jumps including:

Take off Land on- two feet – one foot- one foot – two feet- one foot – same foot- one foot – other foot

Independent activitiesMini tramp or beat board. Students jump from a mini tramp or beat board onto a crash mat demonstrating the correct landing. Have students move through the following sequence:

straight jump star jump straight or star jump clapping above your head.

Emphasise maintaining control of the body throughout the jump and landing.

TuesdayTeach skill-Teacher all stagesIntroduce, demonstrate and explain the motor bike landing to students.Ask students to explore the actions of a motorbike landingUse the following cues:

- pretend you are sitting on a motorbike- arms should be out straight as if holding onto the handle bars- legs should be bent, back straight

Ask students why it is important to bend your knees when you land from a jump. (So that shock can be absorbed safely and you don’t hurt yourself)Initially have students jump and land on the floor, from the floor. Instruct students to land with their feet close together and then try with their feet shoulder width apart.Ask questions like:Julie ClancyUpdated by Jessica GuthrieYerong Creek PS 2013

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- Which landing was easier?- Why is it harder to land and balance if your feet are too close together?- Why should you bend your knees when you land?

In their own space, ask students to perform five vertical jumps from the floor, landing in a motorbike position. Ask students to count how many times they land without having to take any steps.Independent activities- Ask students to form groups of five or six. Demonstrate and explain each circuit activity before commencing.Station 1Step up, jump and land. Students step up onto bench and jump off and land on a mat practicing correct jumping and landing techniques.Station 2Balance and jump. Students walk slowly backwards along balance beam with a beanbag on their head. Halfway along the beam, students turn to continue forwards. At the end of the beam, students jump and land onto a mat using the correct technique, trying to keep the beanbag on their head.Station 3Bunny hops. Students bunny hop over a low bench. To perform a bunny hop, students place their hands on either side of the bench with thumbs on top and fingers underneath. From a crouched position, push off both feet to take weight on hands. Adopt a tuck position in the air. Jump from one side to the other.Station 4Hoop hopscotch. Place hoops on the floor no more than one metre apart in a course that takes different directions. Students jump from hoop to hoop through the course, demonstrating correct jumping and landing techniques.

WednesdayTeach skill-teacher practicing jumping from different heights landing onto a mat using the landing learnt yesterdayIndependent activities-Stations1. Jumping JacksFrom a short run up which is identified by a marker, students take off from one foot but land on the beat board or mini tramp with two feet to perform any jump in the air they want, ensuring they land on a mat in the motorbike position. Encourage students to be creative with their jumps e.g. ‘oh what a feeling’ jump. A partner could give them a score (for fun). No somersaults allowed.2. Vertical jump near a wallStudents perform a vertical jump alongside a wall so they can reach up and mark the wall with chalk at the highest point of their jump. Explicitly show the students how to perform a vertical jump. Use the cues:- Look up- Focus your eyes where you want to go- Get ready to explode up high, get ready to take off- Swing your arms back and up- Straighten your legs when in the air- Bend your knees on landingJulie ClancyUpdated by Jessica GuthrieYerong Creek PS 2013

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- Control your body and balance when landing- Land with feet the width of your shoulders apart.3. Rotating jumpOn a beam or low bench, get students to walk along to the end and when jumping off, try and do a:- quarter turn (90 degrees)- half turn (180 degrees)- three quarter turn (270 degrees) if proficient at the others.

ThursdayTeach skill- Teacher mini trampoline straight jumps and jumping over cones focus on the landingIndependent activities- Play the game Twizzle. On the signal ‘go’, students are to walk, jog or skip in the direction they are facing. On the other signals, students have to perform the correct action:- Stop - stop moving and freeze- Turn - make a half turn (180 degrees) and freeze- Jump - jump and make a three quarter turn (270 degrees) and freeze- Twizzle - jump and make a turn of their choice and freeze.Students can not move until the teacher calls ‘go’ after each action.

Assessment- look up- focus your eyes on where you want to go- get ready to explode up high,; get ready for take off- swing your arms back and up- straighten your legs in the air- bend your knees when landing- balance yourself when landing- land with your feet a shoulder width apart

observes students’ jumping and landing technique at various stations in the springing and landing circuit

performs jumps using the correct jumping and landing technique

varies body shape while maintaining control of start and finishing position

Indicators identifies ways in which their body can move demonstrates jumps and lands using one foot or two feet identifies ways they can move by using different pathways,

levels and directions practises and reproduces movement sequences and skills

that include a starting and finishing position performs bunny hops over a low bench performs a variety of jumps

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PE/Daily Fitness Term 1 Yerong Creek Public School Week 5-6Focus- Hop/LeapOutcomes:MOES1.4- Demonstrate a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences.MOS1.4- Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations.GSES1.8 – Demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing with & sharing equipmentGSS1.8 – Performs fundamental movement skills with equipment in minor games.MOS2.4- Displays a focus on quality of movements in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situationsGSS2.8- Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modified sportsMOS3.4- Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations.GSS3.8- Applies movement skills in games and sports that require communication, cooperation, decision making and observation of rules.

Monday Teach Skill - TeacherAsk student to try hopping with free leg:-straight and to the side- bent and held high to the side- bent, with foot behind the supporting leg and not swinging.Try hopping:- with eyes closed-looking at ground- watching a partner hopping beside them- looking straight ahead.Which is easiest? Link to components of hopping.Hopping PatternsChildren hop on spot. Hop on one foot then other using sequence eg- L-L, R-R, L-L. RR-L-RR etc.Hop on right foot four times, left foot four times etc.Heart Attack Game- see sheet

TuesdayPractice Skill. - IndependentlyEverybody’s It.( Hopping)Try to tag as many people as you can. If tagged sit down. Last person standing wins.Independent ActivitiesPlay a game of fly. Place plastic poles on the ground, students take it in turns of leaping over the poles. Last child removes a pole. Students are out if they can’t leap the distance between the poles. Continue until all students are out.

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WednesdayMan From Mars- (Ready to Use PE Activities Grade K-2)Teach Skill – TeacherActivities- Students stand with one foot inside a hoop, push off and land outside hoop on the other foot.- From standing start, leap over obstacles, then use small run up to leap over same obstacles. In pairs, student leap from different legs, marking the difference between each leg. Use markers to measure the difference between each leg.Vary the run ups, bent and straight leg take off.

ThursdayReinforce Skill – TeacherTry hopping using arms in different ways:-swing arms up high, alternately, keep arms at side, holding arms in front of body.Hop ScotchHeart Attack Game- see sheetAssessmentStudents:- use light springing steps- keep eyes straight ahead- step, hop, step, hop (verbal cue)- take off and land on the front of your foot- make sure your body faces to the frontCHECKLIST

Instruct students to:- look straight ahead- bend knee on take off- scissor legs- stretch arms out- lean into the leap- land softlyCHECKLIST

Indicators-Shows rhythmical step-hop. - Head and trunk stable, eyes focused forward- Arms relaxed and swinging in opposition to legs.- absorbs force when jumping and landing from different heights- demonstrates a range of skills in practices and modified games

PE/Daily Fitness Term 1 Yerong Creek Public School Week 7/8

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Focus- Gymnastics - RotationsOutcomes:GYES1.10 Performs basic movement patterns to show actions of the whole body.MOES1.4 Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experiences.GYS1.10 Follows a simple sequence that links basic movement patternsMOS1.4 Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situationsGYS2.10 Demonstrates control in performing sequences of introductory gymnastics movementsMOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situationsGYS3.10 Demonstrates coordinated actions of the body when performing gymnastic sequencesMOS3.4 Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations

MondayTeach skill-teacher Ask students to form pairs on mats. Explain to students that rocking assists us in moving and exploring the space around us. Each rocking activity will be performed as a whole class.It is important to explicitly demonstrate each rocking action prior to asking students to complete it.Rock the boatInstructions:

- lie on your back- hug your knees into chest (this is like the tuck position)- grab your legs to hold your body in tight- rock backwards and forwards and side to side like a boat rocking on waves.

As a challenge, ask students to freeze and balance on their bottom. Feet should be off the ground and chin should remain tucked into the chest.Independent activities-Locomotor skills - rotationsRevise and discuss log rolls, based on students’ prior learning.Demonstrate or ask another student to demonstrate, a vertical (standing) log rotation: arms stretched above the head and turn in a circle on the spot.

Partner log rollsStudents explore rolling with a partner by:

- holding hands- holding partner’s feet- touching feet- rolling forwards/backwards.


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Teaching skill- teacherPendulum swing

- sitting up on your bottom, hug your knees tightly into your chest- rock right back onto your back- gradually rock faster and bigger to get back onto your bottom without letting go of your legs.

Can you stand?- hug your knees into chest (this is like the tuck position)- rock back and forth- On the third rocking action forward, try to roll up onto your feet in a crouched position without your hands touching the floor.

Rocking challenge- link arms with your partner- rock on your backs and try and get up at the same time without using arms to balance or to assist when standing up.

Independent activitiesTuck positionDemonstrate the correct technique for the tuck position whilst sitting on a mat.In the tuck position, ask students to gently rock backwards and forwards, trying to maintain their balance without over-balancing (over-balancing is when their back or feet touch the ground). Ask students to rock back and forward to a standing position.In pairs, ask students to explore a variety of rocking actions:- rocking in different ways e.g. lying, curled, stretched, twisted- rocking on different body parts e.g. lying on back with hands and feet far from body, near body- rocking in different directions e.g. forwards, sideways, backwards, small, large, slow, and fast.Egg rollsDemonstrate or ask another student to demonstrate an egg roll on a wedged mat. In pairs, ask students to demonstrate and practise egg rolls. Encourage students to assist each other.

WednesdayIndependent activities-Stations which explore different rotationsDivide students into four groups and have them rotate around the following stations.Station 1 - Twists

On a mat, students perform a straight jump with a ¼ turn (a turn to the left or right). Students who can master a balanced landing for this can try a ½ turn and then a full turn.

Station 2 - RockingStudents position themselves in a tuck position on the mat, rock three times and attempt to stand without having to use hands to push off. (This is the same as the Can you stand? activity above)

Station 3 - Double upIn pairs, students lie head to head and perform log rolls while connecting hands to create a long log. Ask students to count how many times they can roll.

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Station 4 - Around the worldStudents sit on the mat, bring knees up to chest and hold onto their ankles. Students try and rotate in a circle by shuffling sideways on their bottom.

Station 5 - Splattered eggOne student from each group stands as the leader. The rest of the group positions themselves in the egg roll starting position. The leader calls either left or right and the group have to roll in that direction. A student who rolls the wrong way or takes too long is out and swaps places with the leader.

Independent activities-Explain and demonstrate what is required at each station. Each station is to be set up with two or three mats.In small groups of five, ask students to line up behind one of the stations. Remind students that they will continue each activity for three minutes.Station 1 - Log rolls

Students roll to the right on their first log roll and then to the left on their next. They continue to alternate between left and right for the full time of the activity.

Station 2 - Egg rollsStudents practise an egg roll on a wedged mat. Students roll to the right on their first egg roll and then to the left on their next. They continue to alternate between left and right for the full time of the activity.

Station 3 - Partner rollsStudents roll with a partner in the log roll position holding hands. They roll to the end of the mat and back. They continue this, swapping sides with their partner at each new turn.

Station 4 - Rock and roll In the rocking position, students rock back and forth three times. On the third rock forward they are to try to roll up onto their feet into a crouched position.Station 5 - Ball passing

With a partner, students sit in the tuck position facing each other. The partner with the ball rolls back and as they roll up again they throw the ball to the other partner, who catches it as they roll backwards and then rolls back up to throw.

ThursdaySame stations from yesterdaySame stations from yesterday

Assessment Observation of different rotation skills- twisting, rocking,

double up, around the world, splatted egg Log roll - students lie down stretching as tall as possible

with a tight body. Rotate hips and shoulders together. If the student is not going straight, they are likely to be turning their shoulders first. Remind students that the hips direct the movement. A beanbag held between the hands and the ankles helps to keep a straight body. A wedged mat can

Indicators takes weight on different parts of the body transfers weight using a variety of body shapes and

positions draws on imagination to select movement patterns

identifies ways they can move by using different pathways, levels and directions

practises and reproduces movement sequences and skills Julie ClancyUpdated by Jessica GuthrieYerong Creek PS 2013

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make rolling easier. This can easily be made by rolling or folding one mat and placing it under the end of another. The wedge assists students in rolling.To reinforce safety aspects and correct body control, teaching cues may include;chin tucked into chest, tight body, not loose.

Tuck position - on bottom, hug knees into chest. Hands should be placed around knees. Students sit on their bottom and pull knees into chest wrapping arms around knees, lift feet off the ground and balance on their bottom. Chin should be tucked into chest. Placing a beanbag under chin or between knees can help maintain the correct position.

Egg roll – students form the tuck position; hands on shins, chin into chest and roll sideways down the wedged mat. A bean bag held under the chin assists students in keeping their chin tucked. A wedged mat can easily be made by rolling or folding one mat and placing it under the end of another. A springboard may also be used for the incline. The wedge assists students in rolling. Always have other mats attached to the end of an incline for safe

that include a starting and finishing position creates and performs movement sequences that vary in

shape, size, direction, level, speed, and flow performs a side roll

Term 1-Week 9/10 Cross country practice whole school

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