Page 1: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

RECYCLING CENTERLocotion-Doto-Time Below


GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU"Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

10 0.,". 1.4 p.m.

CANS~laln Can Co. 16$1 E, 1 Ml~ Rd."'y ..Sah~'''r,10D.m. 10 4 ~.m.

'ECO-L1NE 879-1333-Monday-friday, 10 Q.m.1o:l p.m.

rosse Pointe e~sComplete News Coverage of All the Pointes

Home 01 the New.

Vol.33-No. 51 Entered u St'Cond Clul Matt.r at tb.Post Ollie. at Detroit. Mieb18an GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDA Y, DI:CEMBER 21, 1972 ISe Per Copy

$/;.00Per \'ear 22 Pages-Two Sections-Section One

, jl..!


Records Reveal SEMTAGets· d Shot in Arm

~~~~t~~~%~~r~;~;:~~~~OfSnowfall to Date Much Heavier than Normal: Better Service

Colder Weather Would Have Buried AreaIf All Rainfall Had Turned to Snow

North HighStudents DoYule '.Thing'

Co-op Students

d ,'t',& .'e('dt •• t....?C'<et "bsd'hCAe:+e fiG"',c Emac:.... ,MP',.J:fc'.'ttM'~rs+i"q,"'..","isi'1'\'ti'ce'M ... '" , e ....... n'.

office co-op program; REGGIE VIVIANO, retailco-op program; DENISE KENNEDY, office; andTOM BELL, retail. Over 120 toys have been col.lected and wrapped by the co-op group, to saynothing of answering a Christmas mailbag fullof letters to Santa.

' ••• ' ". a. ' ' • *.Nt. ""OMit"" « •• '. '?htlfl La at' , 1M&'.

Santa Given Boost by North

Students from the North High School co-opprograms are lending a helping hand to SantaClaus this season by answering letters to Santaand co!lecting toys for distribution at the LapeerState Home and Training School. Seated, left toright, are North students KATHY KENNEDY,

The Woods Department ofPublic Safety repClrts thatLieutenant Roland Symons iscurrently recovering from aback ailment at SI. JohnHospital.

Lieutenant Symons, whojoined ,the department Au.gust 1947, was admitted toSI. J<.hn last week.

By Roger A. WahaThere's jvy in SEMTA-

Winter does not officially start until today, ville these days as theDecember 21, but it certainly had a head start this S tat e Leg i s I ~ t ur eyear. Pointe area residents, however, can consider smacked a tower in gthemselves lucky that the sncwfall was not more. round tripper in passing

Wendell B a k e r, superin. 'i---------- Governor William Milli-tendent of the Farms Water I C ken's estimated $83 mil.Filtration Plant, 2~. Moross ornerstone lion mass transportationroad, w her e offlclal U.s. package. The measureWeather gauges are kept, B S bOt cleared the legislature

Isaid that from January 1 OX u lee Thursday, December 14.through Monday, December I It raises the state .gasoline18, the a:-ea ha~ 11 inches of Of Mystery tax from the .present sevensnow, and durmg the same cents agallon to nine centsperiod in 1971, the number -- beginning February 1, 1973.of inches was the same. Demolition of VFW Post Around $21 million brought

The difference, he pointed I Clubhouse Produces In by the increase will beout, is that from November Q f F used to assist financially-l4. ,to Decemb'!r 18, oC this uery rom ormer troubled bus lines. About balfyear, the Pointe had a total Resident of the $21 million is sched.of seven inches of s now, uled ,to go to SEMTA's Lakewhereas, from November 9 By Kathy Duff Shore Division line and D~through December 31 of 1971, Occasionally an inter- trolt's DSR, plus Oaklandthe to~al snowfall was only esting letter will come in- County lines.three mches. I to the NEWS office and The remainder, some $62

- million, wilt ,go to south-Could Have Been Bad offer additional informa- eastern Michigan communi-

The fortunate aspect of the tion on a recent nrticle. tips to maintain existing:premature change in nature, Such is the case with a roads and for the proposedBaker pointed out, is that letter received in regard building of new roads. Thefrl!m November 14 through t the story on the razing State's highway Iu n d alsoMonday's date, a total of 4.62 O. ill b £'t d' thinches of rain feU, and if of the V.F.'Y. Fre~ Alger ~ep e~~ I r:~t~~a~~: ~aj~;blustery "Old Man Winter" Post, pubhshed In the roads.had mad e an appearance Thursday. November 23, Better Servicewith colder weather, the al'ea issue of the NEWS. In assessing the Lake Shorecould have had 46 inches Mrs. Earl Meininger, a Division's future now that the

M b f COP more of snow, based on the former Pointer who now lives bill hilS passed, Daniel D.em ers 0 t)- pro. fact that to inches of snow in Fort Lauderdale, Fla_, Morrm, SEMTA's assistant

grams Answer Letters Is .equivalent to one inch of writes: ~lleratlons manager, sa i.dto Santa, Collect ram. "On receivln~ our copy of "We are moving towards a

Toys f~r Home pe;~~in~~.~ ,~oai~hiir:~e' :.o.~.s.;... ~~~~~ti~~~.~..e:::...c~[,~By.lhtJtY~.DuLl 1"a"sft.;:J,"':,~;4.fl~~hb~'i6g~:eth:'~~~i~rtiif1l~~'t~'!t':;~€1~~rdf~~~t~~

Pointe children, as chiI- rain hit the Pointe, which Post of the V.F.W. Since Mr. as opposed to a number ofdren t h r 0 ugh 0 u t the could have been 11 inches of I Meininger was the electrical bus lines, thus encouragingUnited States, have long snow. i contractor, (Maryland Elec- !1'ore ridership. and makingwritten letters to Santa From December 1 ,thrOUgh' tric Company), when it was lt more convenient to go byClaus around Christmas the 18, the gauges recorded built and a frequent guest bus rather ~an c~r. .time. However, it is some- a total of five inches of snow- of the Otsekita Club, the ~r .. M~rrJU S~ld, at thISthl'ng unusual for a child faU this year d first occupant of the build. IpOlOt10 ,time. it s not deter-

, as compare. h f ill lth mined how much mone ato receive a return letter to only one inch for the same mg, e was am ar w . yfrom Santa! period of December 1971 the structure. His father, year wil~. ~o to the Lake

. Albert F. Meininger was a Shore Dlvlslon. Rules andStudents from the co-op Baker said that the norm ill member of that club. regulations ,governing the use

programs at North High snowfall for the. entire month Recalls Copper Box of the money still have to beSchool ha~e made jus~ t~at ?f December lS about two "At the cornerstone lay- worked out by the '~EMTAhappen thiS year. by plckmg mches. ing, he recalls, a welded board ~nd the State Highwayup and answe~ng !etters Detroit Had More copper box was enclosed!1t to our Santa-m-resldence I Q>mpared to the Pointe's containing the names of the In November 197~, a votethiS ye~r, enthr?ned at , b~g neighbor, Detroit, Point- architect and the contractors (Contmued on p"ge 2)Jacobso? s In-th~-Village. I ers should have little to com- who worked on the building. ------

As remdeers will be carry- plain about Detroit has had Also placed in it was a cur- FLEe Clinicing presents to Pointe chil- 13 more inches of snow this rent copy of the Grossedren this year, reindeers also autumn. than the same time Pointe paper, which we be. Had Bie:Yearcarry Santa's return mes- last year. More than 17 inches lieve was the Grosse Pointe U

sages. Hand-written on paper has hit the fifth lar.gest city Review at that time.,de.corated with. a cheerfut in the country. compared to "Mr. Meininger would be The free Centerpoint Medi-rem.deer danglmg a red a litll.e ~ore ~han four inches most interested in learning cal Clinic, located at Mau-Christmas bulb from one at thIS time In 1971. if the cornerstone was sim- mee and Neff, sponsored byantler (where else?) a FLEC, has bandIed almost 60

. . • pi)' bulldozed into oblivion visits per -month in the pasttY~lcal letter reads: Ilnporlant ! or if. by some lucky chance, year. This infomnation was

Dear Heather, Thank you I the box was discovered and recently released by JosephMrs. Edmund J. SenffUe- for the nice lelter anil pic- -- ! preserved." U" B Is M D h'tu t . I .... ea. .., w 0 IS theben of 24000 Harvard Shores, re you sen me. . Smce Christmas this ycar In an attempt to answer first vice-president of the

St. Clair Shores, tried to "My elves and I have been' falls 0" Monday, Decembcr Mrs. Meininger's query, the Grosse Pointe Famlfy Lifereach her mother by phone very busy making toys. 25. and New Year's Day, on NEWS first contacted Education Council.for two days. When she Since I know you have been Monday, January I, it would I Thomas Kressbach, city man' At the FLEC year-endfailed to receive any re- a good girl, I promise to be appreciatcd if those wish ager of the City of Grosse meeting on Wedncsday, De-sponse. she called The Park bring you a Big Surprise on ing to submit articlcs or ads Pointe_ It was city business cember 6, oa,t the GrosseFire Department. and it was Christmas Eve! for the December 28 and I as the City Council had to Pointe Memoriat Center, Dr.lucky s!le did. "Be good Heather. and January 4 issues of the approve the rezoning oC the BellIs reported the successful

Fire Chief Phillip Costa have a Merry Christmas! NEWS, would do so on the I Atger Post site to a parking progress of the Clinic.said that Mrs. Senfftleben Santa." Thursdays and Frida)'s p!'e- arca at the Monday night, According to Dr. Beals, 711called the department on Explain Program vious to these issues. A NO\ler.".ber 20, council meet- visits by youths, from theSunday December 17 reo Two girls in the North Merry Christmas and a ing. Po i n t e s and surroundingporting' that ~he had rec~ived High co.op program, Toni Happy New Year to all our Mr. Kressbach said that areas, ('overed such medicatno answer from her mother, Bufalino, in the retail pro. readers amI advertisers. (Continued on Page 2) problems as V.D., pregnan.

~~~. ~~~::n~~a~~~, :~ic~I r::m.b~~tn~:bbYp ~~~e;i~~ P ----S---f-.- -_.-- d T ff . f~~s_ and drug-related prob-Lake St. Clair Off -Limits that firemen investigate. stopped b¥ the NEWS ?ffices ointe a ety an ra 1C In answer to the question oCReceiving no answer to to _explam the Chnstmas why a free clinic is ne<'essary

T Sk t T Sh t Ibell ringing and rapping on I proJect~. C °It J.)!8 in this area, Dr. Beals said,o ee. rap 00 ers the door and seeing no move- The letter~ are picked up 01"'"1 ee OlnS If1erger "When our YOl!th are con-------- I ment in the llOuse the fire- once or tWice a week at --- fronted with social problemsThe Grosse Pointe Farms the winter months when the men pried open a 'first floor Jacobson's, aC'cording to By Kathy Duff called the Eastern Metropoli. they are embarrassed and

Skeet and Trap Shooting Municipal Pier-Park is not window to enter the building Debby, and the answers arc After more than 22 years tan Safety and TraHic Com. reluctant to consult a familyClub, organized in 1954. will being used. . Mrs Graham it was found sent t~rough the U. S. mails. of service to Thc Pointe mittee. The automobile club physician. Thea i I men t shave to look elsewhere if its The director said that the had ;uffered ~ stroke and During the second week of community. the Grosse Pointe sponsors a number of these usually go unattended. At themembers wish to continue Corps of Engineers can still had collapsed on the.' floor ~f:~~e~ro over. 25 Poin.te Safety. and Traffic .Commit- committees throughout t:,e free clinic. referral is 'madetheir sport, according to a issue a permit for the sport, in her house. She had bruises sives to s~~~lIStletoe .~IS. tee Will stop meetmg once state of Michigan. to specialized agencies forletter received by John A. but it will not override the on her left arm and thigh ' promISIng I a month as a stnctly local . I further help an,1 treatment.DeFoe, Farms ~irector of objections by ,the DNR The She W8S unable to move and that the'y had tried to be body. Because of its outstand- The comml.ttees arc com- The Important thing is thatPublic Service. Skeet and TNlp Shooter; Club was prone on the floor for good children al~ year lo~g ing programs, the group will po~e~ ofpohce department these cases are detected

The letter, sent to DeFoe has used the park facilities at teast three days the chief fnd th~n wrappmg up till! form the nucleu~ of an area- o!flclals. such a~ Woods Traf. early enough for successCulby the Michigan Department only once this season, with. said. ' e~:~~s~lth a Christmas pres- . wide, u:afflc safety com.~It. hc .Safety Officer Stephen treatment."of Natural Resources, was out a permit and had been I M G h . . . . tee, Jomed by commumtles Petn~k ~r .. and .Farms Traf. Eight cases of syphilia,read by the Farms rouncil on . rs. ra am was con. Both Tom and Debhy men- in the northeast corner of fiC. F,ngmeer Lieutenant Ig- nine cases of gonorrhea andMonday, December 18, for. ordered to stop. veyed to Bon Secours Hos. :;oned that the students Detroit the southcrn section natllls Bachman,. and .s~llte 79 pregnancies were detectedmally notifying that the DNR The leiteI' to DeFoe. over pital by the Department's never promise a particular of M~comb County 811d and county traffiC Of!lc.lals and referred for trea~ment Indoes not approve using Lake the signature of A, Gene amb~lance .. Doctors at thc girt in the return letter, that Highland Park. The present such as Serge3~t, WIlliam the past year.St, Clair as a target area for Gulay, director of the DNR, hospital said that the eldcrly they just en('l)urage each Hamtramck chltpter will be Monroe of the MichIgan De. Dr. Beals paid special trib-skeet and trap shooting. SlIid that the Department woman was suHering not child to be g<.:Jd and con- included in lhe group. partment. of .State Highways. ute to St. John, Bon Secours

DeFoe said that the normal does not approve of the city onl~ from the, stroke and tinue helping around thc The monlhly meeting place I ~om~lIU1catlon at the meet. and Cottage hospitals for pro.proccdure is for the cioty to using. Lake St. Clair u a brUlse~, but alSO from de. house and say that there wilt h~sbeen movcd by thc Auto- IOI(S IS truly.a two-~ay street, vlding laboratory studies andobtain a permit from the U.S. sho?~lOg area because t~e de. hydration. be a special surprise under mobile Club of Michil:an, the as the pollee offlclal.s are supplies. He added, "WithoutCorps of Engineers, which poSition of lead shot m an Chi'!f Costa said that at I the Christmas tree. sponsor of the group, to glv~n a chance to articulate the help of the 27 physicianshas j II r i s die t Ion of the aquatic . e.n~ironment froI!l th.e laft report, Mrs. Gr ..ham I Could Be Dangerous I Stouffer's Eastland from the thclr. traffIC safety problems and 30 nurses who volun.waters, so that the club can such actiVities. poses a serl' was said to be in fair con., It could prove dangerous Grosse Pointc War Memo- and Ideas tl) road and auto. tee red their time, tile cliniccarry out its activities during (Continued on Page 2) dnion. (Continued on Page 2) rial. The new body will be (Continued on Page Z) could not have survived."

Two Separate DrivesConducted in PointeConsidered Success-

ful by Lions Clubs

Wood~ OfficerIn St. John

Goodfellows, Public Sc.hools of PointeHappy Over Observing Yule SeasonPaper Sales With Special Programs

All 15 Buildings and Three Branches of LibraryScenes of Widely Diversified Events

to Celebrate Christmas

Each of the 15 buildings in The Grosse PointePublic School System and £he three units of theGroRe Po~ntePub1ic .Library; .~.,preparingto ob.serve the impending year-end holidays in its ownunique way. "'-----------

The festivities began on De- Parent - Teachers' meetingcember 6 with the joint was held December 20.North-South Christmas tea The staff and students ofheld at North High SChool for Parcells .also provided spe-members of .the parents' clal holiday activities for thegroups of 'both schools. youngsters at Mason School.

On December 16 the 70 mem-The public libraries, lonE! hers of the Parcells choral

an integral division of the group under the direction ofschool system, began their Mrs. Jacqueline Rentenbachh 0 lid a y observance with performed at Mason. OnChristmas films for children Tuesday, DeclID1ber 19, .. p.m. on December 6 in cells students of French un-the Park Branch. The pro- derthe direction of Mrs.gram was offered on Decem- Christie Brady. sang Frenchber 13 at the Woods Branch, carols in the halls.and will be presented at 7:30 Concens SCheduledp.m. on lJecember 28 at the On. Wednesday evening,Central Library. December 20, a Christmas

Brownell Middle School concert was scheduled atheld an evening Christmas I (Continued on Page 4)conctlrt on December 8. ------

Toy Drive Dance Stroke VictimOn 'Friday, December 15, AI 3 D

the Student Council of Par- one ayscells Middle School, 20600Mat'k avenue, sponsored a"Toys for Tots" fun night.Admission to the dllnce heldfor Parcells students was agame or toy to be passed onto needy children for Christ-,mas. Parcells students alsoengaged In another chari-table activity by providing(omplete Thanksgiving din.ners for a number of famitiesin the area. The faculty'sChristmas tea was held De.cember 19, and the Christ-mas student assembly and

of the

"' "' "'

• • •

* "' "'

. "' "'


As Compiled bi' theGrosse Pointe News

Monday, December 18RONALD E. EVANS, who

had been the forgotten mem-ber of Apollo 17's crew formost of the flight to themoon, and who orbited themoon while his fellow aslro-nauts, Eugene A. Cernan and.Tack Schmit! explored its sur-face, was placed in tile lime-light. He stepped outsideApolio 17's blistered sidesgoing hand over hand for 15feet to retrieve three filmcans from instrumenls at therear. His was the final spacewalk in the U.S. moonflightprogram.

Tuesday, December 19THE UNITED STATES has

resumed full-scale bombingof North Vietnam includingattacks on the Hanoi-uai-phong areas, ciling buildups. Radio Hanoicalled the bombing "devas-tating." but claimed that ithad shot down many Ameri-can planes and had taken ~number of ,the downed pilotsprisoners. I n Washinglon,Secretary Of Defense MelvinR. La i r d confirmed thestepped up bombing of theNorth and said that all reostrictlons have been removed.However, he did not 1:0 intodetail.

Friday, December 15THE LAST APOLLO EX-

PLORERS rocketed off themoon and rejoL'1ed their'mother ship in an orbitaround the moon. Challenger,carrying Eugene A. Cernanand fellow Apollo 17 ex-plorer 'Jack Schmitt from at r i u m ph ant 75 hours inTaurus-Littrow Valley, blast-ed off in a rainbow shower ofdust and a little more thantwo ~ours later, the Challen-ger and America, piloted byRonatd E. Evans, docked ex-pertly while circling 72 milesabove the crate red lunar SUf-face.

c. ".Both Gr09SePoirite andWoods Lions fell short oftheir goals in the Decem-ber 11 Goodfellow PaperSale but were still pleasedwith the response.

GP Lions set a goal of$6,000, and Chairman WalterBreyer said about $5,300 isexpected with some checksstill coming in. Street saleswere a little better than;5,000, he said, while 53Christmas baskets have beenrequested.

Woods Lions Club Presi-dent John M. Easton report-ed a collection of around

Sunday, December !7 I $2,600 toward a ,goal of $3,500.NORTH VIETNAM. l~ ac-I.A list of Christmas baskets

cused by Henry A. Kissmger is scheduled to be receivedof making a "charade" out shortlyof the latest round of peace .talks in Paris by constantly Both Mr. Breyer and Mr.raising new issues 01' with. Easton praised local policedrawing positions previously officers and firefighters foragreed upon. Kissinger said their assistance during thethat peace is only a decision sale.away, and is 99 percent com-plete. The <presidential ad-visor said that it is up toHanoi to decide if it wantsto be a party to a pact, in"which both parts of Vietnamagree to live in peac!! witheach other."

Saturday, December 16 IFOUR EXPLOSIONS, all

within half an hour, and afire ..ripRec! "through a newcoke','plaiit'i'Jieat Weu:ton; w.Va.• killing 21 persons andinjuring another 10. The fireand explosions started in acoal bin and storagf! area ofthe Weirton Steel ~companyon Brown Island in~;the mid-dle of the Ohio River betweenWeirton, and Steubenvilte, O.K-op per s Company Incor-porated. of Pittsburgh, wasbuilding the new plant forthe National Steel Corpora-tion, Weirton's parent firm.The plant was regarded asthe most advanced in theworld and ,the "showcase ofthe steel industry."

Thursday, December 14AMERICA'S LAST LUNAR

excursion in this centurybrought about a touch oC sad-'ness 'as astronaut explorersprepared to return to earth.Astronauts Eugene A. Cernan ,and Jack Schmitt, came up .with an "interesting and ex- I'."ciUng surprise" as they •chipped away for hours at ahuge mountain boulder richwith minerats believed foundin the moon's primitive crust.They made their discoveryon the slope of mile-highNorth Mas s if Mountain,when they found rocks thatappeared to have been form.ed by cooling of molten ma.terial, unlike the compactedfragments they found at the7,900-foot South Massif night.



__ . -..oil _.~~ ._.-1....

Page 2: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,






I ;

Thursday I Oeeemper 21, 1972


I~.~::;::::::~::~:~::::::::::;~:~::::::::::::::::*::::::::::::~::::::~:~~:::::':::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::=::-',#:"•.._ ,.g.w••,.w ~:~::::: ~. ", :::~:::


Herc's the perfecr jacket for chis ,,"remarkable polyester knic fabric... a hopsack-like weave in crispso1JJ colors thar yo.J will wearel'er)'!/'here and IIlr('(/)'J lookimmaculate. PainstakinglytailoreJ by GRAHAM &craftsmen in a two.buttonmodel with Jeep center ventanJ patch pockets with flaps.



Mystery Shrouds Box



carls/err';" A /III ill I 1/ • /I I IIli 11111 I./!/I"I /'/11 \ 1/ I {I< II'


Our wish is simple but sincere ...

Ma4 40u enjo4 a Merr4 Christmas.

Off Limits

SEMTA Picture Brightens



wardrobe.and easy

S'f:;> into a newworld 01 this handSoomenew boot by FrenchShriner. Luxuriou,lycomfortable. ,monlystyled, il's e)loctlyright for th. newloo~ in fin. opporel.Illustrol.d, one IromD cl)lIection 01 FrenchShriner Boots inbrown. block '36"

Wish All 01 YouA Happy Holiday


Are You a ManWithout

a Store



"The store with thepersonal touch"

for his Christmas

Minutes away from ail Pointes1.94 to Metropolitan Beach Exit

1430 $0, Gratiot, Mount Clemens

carl sterr

,ltaJ(.'''' Gifl Bowd al No Cha'K'



Mi-Tie, Tie Hangers

/\-\ode o! solid walnut, beout,fully hand rubbedfrmsh, comolimenled With brass hook ond (fOSSrod. Came'S wilh exrra gold plastic riders

HOlds both norrow and wide ,ies.

A greal (ontrlbullon 10 an':~ man'sAlways ~eeps ties neatly in order10 select.

Hairs'y1in9 GU, C.,'ilicates Are Available 10f Christmas Giving,

19609 MACK AVE, - Coli TU '.0010 fOl appointmenf


Page Two

- - - - - --~~~------------- .......------------~-------------_- e_ ..e _

• 8oniAm,"cold• MOiler Chorge• Americon E6.prtu

(Continued from Page 1) I money will be distributed by (Continued from Page I) 'I said that the men are alwayswill take place on a constitu-I the State Highway Commis- he had no knowledge 01 the, careful when thf); come totional amendment limiting to sion through the Department copper box and referred us ~he cornerstone of a the amount of; of State Highways. Aft e r to Arthur Schmidt the archi. lng, as cornerstones arethe gasoline tax which can ~thaI, the pa(;kage calls for tect for Jacob;on's. Mr. often used for historical diverted for llass trans. I the legislature to take charJ~e Schmidt's response was simi. poses, but that they did notportation. This would be a: of the mass transportation lar to Mr, Kressbach's in I find anything when razinghalf cent out of the nine cent, g('nera! fund, that the architect had no the corner structures of thea gallon tax. Until lhat time, i H f 11, l' frst In ney knowlcdge of anvthing in a old V,F.W. Post. He addedthe mas s ~:nspo~tat~o.~ Willo~: ~e1~iv:: s~metimoe in cornerstone,' that he was sorry if any

April, said :'Ir, Morrill. II The last dilrh effort was historical ~~rker was lost inwill be ongoing funding, lit' concentrated on the Adamo the demolition, even thoughstaled, possibly monthly or Wrecking COllllJany. located no cornerstone. memorab!liaquarterly. on Gratiot, which was given had been menhoned to him.

(~nUnutd from Page 1) Board Meeting the razing joh, John Adamo I Weather luterferesous threat to migratory A SEMTA Advisory Board --.. __ ._-_._------ However, the weather manbirds, meeting, 'Nith representa!i\'e~ M prevenied the last leg of the

"Lake st. Clair is a major from The Pointes and St. erger I search, that of searching thespring and fall migration Clair Shores, was he:d yps razed lot located on Maumeestopovn point for a majority terday, Wednesday, Decem.:. _ I avenue, between S1. Clairof eastern North America 's ber 20. The entire scope of I (Continued from Page J) I and Neff roads, as the areadiving ducks," Galley :;tated. the situation was scheduled. mobile club officials, while I has be~n covered with deep"These birds are particularly for discussion. I those officials can offer safe. I snow smce the beginning ofvulnerable to I('ad poisoning Mr. Morrill mentioned the. ty programs to the police, I December. But it's prettywhich results when the birds pos;;ibility of an in t e rim Often gllest speakers at.tend safe to guess ~at the cop~erin g est ,lead shots while period agreement starting at the meellngs, many tImes box has found Its last restingeating." the end of this year, with the cornp:wy officials presenting 'I place in the Pontiac area,

Gazley said that trap and tOffimunities for continued the 'atest developments in the pl,lce the Adamo Wreck.skeet operations result in a support untii the money be the safety and traffic field, i ing C~mpany deposited theheavy deposition of lead shot comes available, At a recent meeting. a I land fill.iuto "mOl.; an:a", wi,i"i, may I. nolh The Woods and St, l"I'.\;i,,'j~lil(j'iiJ \if [lito ~i.llJl" I. And lhat, Mrs. Meininger, ......-.... .....b th dr-I' Sh h h s t M ng and "Ianufac b t th b t th NEWS ~'II:S1os::9.\llll\liltllaltlla~l:lP.i~s=I~J::l'3~~;;::9.\~~-.,-'-,<I~.R~e . e same areas use as I \, air ores, II' ic pay 21 ,0 ~ Inl !' .- IS a ou e <;!s e Kfeeding areas by the water. I percent and 25 percent, re- tunng Con.Jpany, Allen RI' c"n do in answer 10 yourfowl. The Environmental spet'livety, of the $:;,000 per vard, explamed a [IeII' orange query.! ~'r~Proteciion Agency is present. month operating subsidy to I c?nstruction . color with a ~ ~1lll\li~lll'f1 .1t;;Iy considering selling lead ISEMTA, if needed, (and ill high reflection factor. An J( ~~~1 .' .. ~ r!. ';'.shot limits in the em' iron- has been), have passed reso.j' a~sociate of lh~ Autom~bile Il1 ~ )'1 w: ~,;ment, he added. lutions saying the commuo1i. ClUb, Steve While, explallled \Ve are pleased ~ I( ~ ~': :,....'.,.

A nontoxic irnn shot is! tic:; will nol continue PH' a new program convin,~ing to announce that FA. W 3ll 3ll .'

currently being developed for IliCiPatiOn a~d subsidiza~ion I persons t? use seatbelts. !.' ll! I. t1Mtinq° 'JIn111 a !ell, ir,..."'r

waterfowl and other small o.f the JUS hne upon explra- The POinte cha?ter of t~e I WiIiiam T. Skitch IA f,( W. ~ l:l ill: h u n tin g, he added hon of the contral:! Decem. I Safety <:!l<l Trafflc CommIt. Ii< 11 '!' )'1,.J

lurther. her 31,1972. tee began m"t:ting ill May is now associated I( il "7..1 '7f_'''J_ C'__ iA ~I~However, he pointed out, It's possible, said Mr. Mor- 1950. Credit is given to the with ~ W fTlPJ)bu fTll}..l.lLfLi1J ouai.dDn! ~' 1

even if non. toxic shot were rill, if there's no extension. group for. pioneering a uni.' t( ll! , r7 III i' tused, ,the "" used some adjustment in service form traffiC code for aU the Bart Lincoln Mercury iII ~ 1i~)1. '.:in skeet and trap shootin<1 and fares may be mad e Pointes, a high school driver 3700 E. Jefferson f,l IIIwould also pose a problem," primarily in those commun: training pro/U"am, (before it: 1II 11 Your 11 a.:-:.

------ ities. I became law), and a safe I 259-2190 (J, 11 ill III

NH St d Of the other municipalities, school busing program. I , • • ~ l( patronage !A ~u ents The Park pays 20 percent; In the bylaws for the new . ~. W (J, is ~ )'1


The Farms. 16, The City, Eastern Metropolitan Traffic ~~ ~ Vi )i :A(Co tl -d -f- P ) eight, and The Shores, four. Safety Committee is the pro. ~ ~ ~ f.l W appreciated lSl ~ ..

n nue rom age 1 I .. th t th 'I I:S ll! n tl.lor parents if the students New Equrpment \'ISlOn, a e gro~p WI 1 ~} ~ t I( ~ ~. ~...•

did promise certain asked. SEMT~ plans to. purchase '[OP~~~t.,l as a ~o~,.prof~t, r.~nd .:- .....) ~ 11 ill !';for gifts, as in lhe case of new equIpment. 11'1 t h the po IIIC~ lasstocla l°'.ld etvo e ~ ~ ~ "l'l • ~a B df d d b f money including an esti. exc uSlve y .0 accI en pre. " MERRY tt< ~. ~ ~ t'.'.~vear: o~ ~oa k ~Yf 1,~e mated' 150300 buses, v. it h . vention. The guidelines also i H ISTM f.l ~ P r/7z. t :Jl ~ -~. . ' w o. as e . or a about one.third of the Lake I ~tate that the group will eRAS W ll! 'l(Ja'" filii 0'" 0'" ~W r ~

I~Ig bO!l\ a fIre engine, a Shore equipment Qcing re- wo,-k closety with all official FROM 11 ~ ....I ". '" ~~'I~:-f.~:;ms a~ire aChietefle~~I,onhea.'I' placed, said Mr. Morrill. The a.g~ncies having legal respo~- ~ ll! f.( 11 illBeaupre I t .1 C r" new buses will have air con. Slblhty for safety and al'old {POINTE II. W 92 Kercheval-On the Hill ~ ~ ,; .

engine ba tSOh~an. sa. Irde ditioning and v.a engines public criticism of any pub. \. VI h~~~~~~~~~~~~~::n:~~~i'J:l(~~~~ n 'j;, u IS IS pflce d 'II ., , lic official Th .tt' HARDWARE ~ - ill'~around $85000. The chief an WI provide more rom. .' e comml ee. IS Ii )'1 :.~

ho t f: th fort for passengers he added responSIble for advancmg . II. ~ ~~~li:l;$"~~~li:l;$"~~~~2C:l~~~~~~~~'Jl ~~.

t peks thO lnhantce e ?CW The expected delivery dat~ positive, conslructive plans '""'.- ,~ruc roug wo years of f f h [or impro . <1 f t d' ------------ .:..~

Revenue Sharing funds but I ~ ~ t e buses is sometime. . V!D" sa e y con I. III f!!)(/~f!!)(J~(1) (1)(;; f!!)(...~(1)~(1)~(1)~(1) ,;:Smaybe he is going ab~ut it I durmg the fa!! of 1913, tlOns III .thc area.. I ~ ;~in the wrong fashion' The operational deficit for The fIrst meetmg of the I '~

Most of the youthful cor-I the Lake Shore line from Jul.y enlarged committee will be ';\1respondents have mastered 11 to Novemher 30, 1972, IS held on Wednesday, January ;,;8the soft sell ;5 many prom. $12,638. which is about a 31, C1 at Stouf~er's Easll~nd. ~ : ;.:ised to "leave cookies and $2,50

tO}a v1edr a

Mge los~ per ~edultr m

tleelllngtS ,~,red SCllded. ~

milk for you" as two young mon 1, no.e r. Morfin, e or Ie as "e nes ay " ".sisters. living in Fisher Wilh the package's pas. of every month. ~ :.-:road wrote in their letters sage, SEM fA hopes lhe com- ------- I :~,Othe'rs ext end seasonai plete. picture alters fro~ a IS~,ANDER COACH I '.'

greetings, "Have a very \ glumlsh g.ray to a rosy pllIk. Phil Goyette, former Na. ~I ' ~!1Merry Christmas," or offer S pee I f I C S on how m~ch ~ional Hockey League player, ~I .*: ;~~ioccupational advice, "Don't) money t!le Lake ~h?re hne IS the coach of the NHL's ':.:l '. ' '.~forget to put your gloves on WIll rece!ve, lhe f~lr Jncrease expansion New York Island- ~ .. ::1this year," (from a Clair. and. ser';"l"e quesllon, further ers. Goyette played with the ~ ,~view road girl) IcapItal Improvements - all M 0 n Ire a I Canadians, SI. ~I Graham & Gunn, Ltd. :~

. . I these remain to be definitely Louis Blues. New York ~Get Secretaflal ne~p finalized, Rangers ann Buffalo Sabres. ~! prellents

Of course, most 0' the I ' . . . _------ ;;£1children got a bit of secre- lr~~~it\llIl'~'ljlU.1il=IC~_~~i;lliUilll{~ .. _. IBItarial. help frum a big brother I~ . ...,' 0-.c. D .~ i ~Ior Sister, 01" l\lother. One Ii' ~.~Imother of a two.andahalf. I !ll ~ l~!~=:~~~11;0~ht~~0~01l~~Y~~~';'Greet 1. n Q' s ~i ~idictation on bright pink ~' , i ~i


writing paper: "Mommy is '-' !ll """"Ihelping me ",:rite my letter ~ 0 (;',~ 'Uto you; she is writinr; what II q ficre's wishing an of you ~ II say." III _ !II ~" a very special Merry Christma8! J Ja .•

Santa also gol a bit of re-I N. W ~gional hformation in the III :(Hi: ~ !ll ~letters, as one seven year. III ~~ Ja::.Jold Park girl wrote, "I go to ~ I " ~ ~

Maire School. We learn to ~ \:: i ~read and write there." Grcat i .W ~news for the Grosse Poinle III 111 ~Board of Education. lo\ ,\I ~ panerneJ slacks from S30.

As the business co.op i ~~I ~group is answering letters to i I ~Santa. the retail coop group 111 III ~Ihas embraced another worth Jot IIwhile project. For the last ~ DAY TRAVEL CO. WI ~ O:\VID WHITNEY BUILDING, DOWNTOWN • SOMERSET MALL IN TROY ~threc :veeks, they have he en i i ~ NORTHLAND CENTER. PARKING AREA "E"collechng toys fro m three I W! ~Pointe retailers: Punch and 111 please note our new /oration llli .~'J(,?).oo'J(.77.l~:.P(.77~'7(.77~(.v.OO'7(.77,5~:P(.77.~'J(.77.~'7(Q)oo'7(.voo'7(.v~Judy Toyland, Jacohson's la '" I --- ,~~ __ • . , _loy department and the Wool. r KERCHEVAL AT NOTRE DAME II ,...~it\llIl'_ ...... _ .. __ .. iiIlI{ .. _.c •

worth Company. i Wli ITays Sent ta Home W In the M(COURT BUILDING W r G ENT LEM EN II I

Over 120 toy~ ~ave. been !Il Ent'nn,. A,ound the Corner on Notre Dome !Ill I •collected for distributIOn at ~ }t ill ••~r~i;i~~c~h~t~o~r~l;t~r~~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~.~~~_~~~~~~J.!I !and emotion~lIy r1istur!Jrrl I ichildren., Studenls ~rom hoth 'OIl' 111 Christmas Shopping need not be C! tost minute Ithe reta II and biiS mess pro •. ,.

grams wrapped the lays and, \:'1\..,( t ~ ,> i bother! Avoid crowds, II'nes, and con;,.on b I~elivcred then~ to lhc home' ~' - • ~ r I ,T Y I~~ir~ar~~~' f.::I~~~ :)I:'oj~clthC : ~~~: (:,' ~ ~i<;.\ (."fI RJtETIIlG3 ,I calling •. In renewing th" two pro' .. ll~..... ,-:.\~ .. 1.If IJects, the letters from Santa -- 1-"" 1 ,,'(- _ iand the toylislrihution. it is ,. I z- . >" I PHOEBE WEINBERG,evident that the North co. or I', . I

KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE studcnts are look ing to the 0' I

___ o_p._nTh_',~'~'''-~~~ ~;~~~r::::~~'~ ,~. II HUDpSE~~~NE:lS~~~~~E~WN IBARBER'" STYLING SALON II For men. She'll do your shopping, toke core of gilt wrap- I

I ping, and be sure your special gifts are delivered by Christ-

Imas eve. (No charge for this - We're just happy to helpyou with your shopping.)

I Call Phoebe at

I 371-3232, Ext. 222 or


Page 3: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

Thursday, Decemb:~r 21, 1972


'Tis the season to be jolly andIhank 011 ou' customers fortheir suppa," 11\ been delight-ful serving you. Happy holidays.

Page Three

A very ... nonali ...... ItA GHtC.rtlflcal. for CUllum Ihlrl. • • •Shirts make in our own shop. Select from fabricswoven by the world', fine.t mills. from $19.50 up.

weUHcome o.•d s.. (w'. shop.

'JiltJlEl1 .C.U$T~t:4 SHIRT,M~.~~

Suite 205 Book Building1249 Washington Blvd.• Detroit-Phone: 10 2.4212

oun; Mon.-Fri. 8 o.m, • S p.m, Sot. b~ appt,


151 02 KERCHEVAL VA 1.8200~-------------------

Thi3 active, intelligent dog from England canmark, retrieve and deliverwith great style and And besides tbat, the Flat-Coat is wonderfulwith children and is a finewatchdog.

CEO. YOUNES, Auctioneer

Fri., Dec. 22 at 7:30 P.M,

for information 772-4110

26020 Groesbeckand 10.YzMile Rd.

Furniture, Clocks, Chino, Glass,louis XV liquor Cabinet, Hall Trees,

Commodes, Round Oak Table end

Chairs and Much More.





I Probably the least knownof all retrievers, the Flat.Coated Retriever, with hissilky, caressable black orliver colored coat, is a superbpel. companion and h:mter.

fiRISTffiDS GR€€TlnCAll fOI IIUfStJMATlS & 101.105


III. I & , Mill ICAe


cO .... UCIAl



777 -6840 5.':;'1




We Would Like to Thank You,Our Loyal Friends, for YourPatronage This Year. It HasBeen a Real Pleasure Serving

All of You.


OPEN MON. AND THURS. UNTIL 9 P.M. VA 1.2000~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ..'t:'2~


Family Film Night at theCentral Library, 10 Kerche.val, will be Thursday, De. ~cember 28, at 7:30 in theExhibition Room. MILT HANCHERUK Sales Manager RAY SANDOE Service Writer

An all.color program willbe shown, highlighted by a DICK DOOLEY Used Car Manager MiKE CAMPANELLI Service Writernew W a I t D is n e v filmFLASH, THE TEEN-AGE JOE POMASKI lease Manager JIM ROACH Sales RepresentativeOTTER. Flash, one of na-t u r e 's ,greatest comedians fRANK HIWBRAND, JR. Business Manager DOUG SEIGFREID Sales Representativehas a series of adventuresthat would last any other ot. GEORGE ELLES Parts Manager ED A.GOPIAN Sates Representativeter for a lifetime.

The two otherflims to be JACK LA VASSAR Assist, Parts Manager ARNOLD LEINNINGER Sales Representativeshown are SILENT NIGHT,

FRED LAGRANGE Parts Clerk HAROLD BALLANTINE Sales Representativethe true story of the originof this favorite hymn; and

BOB LONGSTRETH Forts Clerk HENRY EISWIRTH Sales RepresentativeFI~E FEATHERS, a fascin-ating fable about two birds

KENT KRIMMEL Ports Clerk PAT DOOLEY Sales Representativewho exchange their plumagefor brightly colored leaves.

EIJI SHIBUT A Parts Clerk MATT BABCOCK Sales Representa!i'~e ~DALE MONTGOMERY Service Manager GEORGE MURPHY Sales Representative

SAM DOANATO Collision Manager NICK NADER Sales Representative

RAY ZIOLKOWSKI Assist, Service Manager ED DONLIN Sates Representative


Ferry SchoolConcert Today

1530-4 KERCHEVAl • VA 2.9070

Library OffersFanlily Films

Ferry Elementary Schoolparents have been invitedto a special Christmas pro.gram at the school at, Thursday, .December21. _

Highlighting .the programis a, production by fifth.graders, under the directionof Mrs. Charles Harmison,on the Legend of Befana. InItaly, Befana is the equIva-lent of St. Nicholas or ourSanta Claus. The choral/presentation is accompaniedby rhythm mstruments, reocorders, flute, oboe, andstringed instruments, also

Inarrators and pantomimists,Two Christmas musical

numbers have been re-hearsed .-and will be present-~ by. .....up of .ecOZId .andthird .graders under the guid-ance of music teacher Mrs.David Thomas.

The produc.tion was com-posed and written by Davidand Kay Maves as part ofthe Contempor8ry MusicProject in which young com.'Posers were sent into thepublic schools to write musicfor school children to per-form.

The school believes it willbe the first presentation oithis composition in Michiganif not in the United States. '

OrossePointe N~ws

Plibll.hecl Every ~al'lcJ., b,:Anteebo Ptlbllshera. Inc.99 Kerehev.1 "veDae

Grosle Pointe, MJeb. unsPhone TU 2.6900

iSeeond ClI" PO":lI' plld It De-,lroll. Mlehlrln.

Ibysu~:[I~~~~o:.R~~'~I:ocOr'~~:~~COUIley). .. Addnu III M.II (Subscription ••Chlnl' 01 Addresl Farm5 8579) tGlit K,rehtv.l, Grollt. Pot nt, Flrml.

IAll ne... Ind ad •• rulnr capy

mult be In th, N..... Ottlce byfTuel<lIy noon '0 InlUre InltrtlOll.,882.2755



'TiL 9 P.M.


Extraordinary richtones that blend

with your coloredshirts ot everyshade. Superbcraftsmansh ip.let "CountessMora" say



~ ..


'~men'swear. 520 WOODWARf : DETROIT


203 PIERCE BIRMINGHAMDelrail Sh"p' Open Mon'., Wed., Fri. unlil 6:308irmingham Shap Open~Mon. thru Fri. until 9

Button-down gingham IS thenewe~t urban development on the shirt front.

Gant gives it fine tailored fit andmeticulous detail. In a polyester and cotton

blend for minimal care.By Gant Shirtmakers

16900 KERCHEVAL, in the Village



rt _$ C • e. • r $'. '. 0 sr Z SEe 0 d t c Cd de.d d s'dd.'d" • ,-rd.' d eM'dlt'd .d:O dbb S'$'C.rt

Page 4: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,



It's always apleasure to wish

our friends the bestat Christmastime.


If YOD like the othe~Southern One .•. trj

:~\ ;~


a~~~~l ~pelf bottle


4/5 Q\lal1 $5.Z5COD~ NO. 6338 ~

Represented in Michigan by .DEMOREST SALES, INC ..

21304 Mack Ave., Gro .... Pointe Woods,Mithigon 48236 l








7Call 839-1850MON.-FRI. 9-9, SAT. 9-6

Thursd.y, December 21,

Life's most dilficult prob.! tolerant with anlem seems to be how to be person.



Eclmore--------~------tOPEN SUNDAY 12~5 T1L XMAS

Fast Expert Installationsand Servke on all Tape Decks & Radios



Haney's !.!ereo In'"Stereo ;s our only business""


SOUTHERN HOST UQUEUR, 100 Proof, Prod"ct of U.S.A.SOUTHERN HOST COMPANY, Cambridge, Mass. A TFI Co. Established 1936




20903 HARPER2 BlKS. W. OF 8 MILE

.,1-6600 .



5298 • $398 • '498

FM CONVERTERS ••••••••••••• '299'

HEADPHONES ••••••••••••••••••• '99'

AUTO SIREN (Burglar Alarm) ••• '2491

CAR CASSETTE PLAyER •••••• 54 91------------------------15% OFFON ALL MERCHANDISE





With Name Plus $1.00


Holiday Special *DUFFLEBAG

Serving This Area Since '956

Serving Grosse Pointe Since J 933


"The Lawn Mower People"

19815 MAC_K AVE.- TU 1.6233TU 1.6233


Light up the night• •with ~~~ \ti~1i'~" 111.111111' J i!1 II~~~I'!'", I__ ~ ,I ~~ ;;II!



To all of the people in the community, we wish the best of

health, happiness and prosperity in 1973.

People. lOU, .,,,,hc.I)?preciate quality work and personalservice at a fair price, help to make our company a success.Ne me: iu,)king forward to fulfilling the building and remod-eling requirements of your neighbors in the coming year.

We sincerel}' hope you are enjoying whatever facilities we

may have built or remodeled for you.

then UU'I, q the F-0st year.

We, at CUSTOMCRAFl, " i~~ to thank ail of the wonderful~e...,I,. , , ' " OT" Nr, ~n r 1'1 v,,::: "1 us the opportunity to serve


Gil Dauphinais, Doug Harrie, Oscar Amorir Lois Robinson,Bob Birch

~ml '111]i:i!(I~:i 11,' 1,1 1I!11!~!II~tt .!,I I

A complete system you can install in minutesfor beautification and security.

Malibu lights lei you enjoy the pleasure of exira hours ofoutdoor living in garden or palio. Makes steps and walk~safer, 100. Easy10 sel-up, no expensive inslallalion or per-miI, required, Place lighls anywhere. re-arrange wheneveryou wish, Safe, low voltage lighls operate for pennies per,night. Timer turns lights "ON" and "OFF" for •• Iow.sJUIOmalicJlly,Recommended by police and S89uinsurance comranies for home security,

LO 7-2293

Pa98 Four

--G;;;;i~l Pointe Schools Feature Yule ProgramsH II M (Qlntl.oued from Page 1) Welcenbach, Principal 0 f had' a tree.llghUng ceremClO)' road reporta that h1I build.

ave YOUfse a e"y, I Pl'er e M'ddl Sch I Trombly Elementary School, in the lobby on 'Uond.y De IRa:. h ed f dMerr" Christmas. Thank I C 1 e 00 . - ,....... av~g a cann 00

I' On the same evening, in 820 Beaconsfield avenue, com. cember 18, and that the staff chive for the North American

yov lor your continued the auditorium oC North High mented ,this week. held its Christmas tea m the Indian Auocilltion of Detroit.patronage and good will. I School, that building's music "The season gets lts great. lobby the followl.og aftel1lOOll. Tbe drive continued throughI department presented its est inspiration from and ex. A Christmas assembly has December 13, with more thanPO INTE I c~oral concert. The program pression in literature, music, been scheduled for 10 a.m. on aoo cans collected. In addle

II will be repeated at 8 p.m. on and art," he said, and added Frida)'. December 22. Per. tlon to the food, many clal'Ses

ISCUEEN & SASH, INC. IIThursday, Dec.ember 21. in that lists oC resources in li. forming for the event will be are providing toy gifts in lieu


_ • '1'1' I '1 ~ the same location. brary books and audio-visual the Grosse Pointe North of the exchange of classroom• _, ). ,\,ul'k An'. .., -b I, U In addition to musical materials had been prepared Choir aDd the children of gifta this year.llIiIUIt----------------.. evenl5. holiday activities at for the staff. Indil'idual class. Monteith. .......E"pIo .... M....._________________________ . N rooms in the upper grades Th ." ... ." 3'"

- orth High School include will carol in the halls on De. e schedule of Christmas Mrs. Helen Harmiion andStudent Association sponsor. cember 21.22. events at Poupard Elemen. Mrs. Anne 1bomas, Ferryship of a food colle<.lion for tary School, 20655 Lennon, IIIWSlcteachers are having adistribution to needy famil. Special Christmas projects Harper Woods, includes a ,presentation for the sLooenties. North High School's Spe. at Trom~ly include. kind?r. staff breakfast in the gym at body on Thursday, Decembel'cial Education Volunteers will g~rlen children making drift. 8 a.m. on Friday, December 21 that is related to the mythalso be collecting usable \\ood a.nd seashell or~ame.nts 1 22. to be followed by the staff (If Santa Claus.items for db-tribution to the for their parents. whIle fust singing Christmas carols on .' .needy through a missionary graders are making a Christ. the central stairs as the chi!. Dr. Custer Homeler, Pnncl'group in Detroit. mas "Pictionary" and are al. dren enter the building pal of Kerby Elementr.ry

so aoing some Christmas . 'School, 285 Kerby, reportsThe annual Christmas con. II'riting. The Chr~mas assembly that aU fourth and fifth grade

Icert to be presented by South , . I program will feature the pupils presented a musical

IHigh School's musical groups ?lftS for parents bel~g Poup~rd ~hool Ch?1r tulder program for the PTA meet-

Ihas been scheduled rl)r 8 p,m, made by second graders !D. ,th~ ~Irechon of musIc teacher ing held December 18. Firston Thursday, December 21. clude stTing ornaments and Wllham Ferry with audience d nd d . thde p g I Th' d ....' an uco gra ers In e

Parents Are Guests g codua e p'Ch!.1't par:ticlpation In 1iome oC the class of !tIrs.Irene Elkins

IThe holiday season at Mas. ra ers are ma mg rls. carols, according ilo Principal performed a play, "The Shoe.

on Elementary School. 1640 mas calldl~s and d~coup~ge I Edwin Wendt. k ' Christ, ..

Ip...pcl' ,H:lghtS, w;lIle fdth ma er s mas.

Vernier road, begar, officially I Christma t n_f

Ion December 13 with a fam- and sixth grad" children are . . . sa"", er Classes In all buildings ofily back to-school night WiI- fashioning macaroni wreaths. Acllvlties at Defer Elemen. The Grosse Pointe PublicHam A. Mesldagh, Principal, Special Projects tacy SCh~I, 15425 Kercheval SChool System will be in re-

7601 E. Jefferson , indicated that several classes According to Mr. Welcen. a ven~e, mclu.d~ .a num~ of cess from Friday afternoon,are making their own gifts bach, special art projects at lear.mng actiVlties usmg a December~, until the nor.for their parents and that Trombly include the long- Chnlltmas theme, S eve r 8 1 mal starting times on Janu.Christmas slories and poems slanding school tradition of featured ~~ents, a~d. !i nurn. 8'ry:tare being written in most making stained glass win. ber of ongmal aotlvltles. ~-------,--------------------

I dows out of construction pa. Over half the children at Cc as~s. f h' D C '11 ."\ d C rill"Our fireplace in the Sa- pe~ .or t e st;lIr .wells. Mrs. '! er WI - en .. a ongala Library will be aglow Juamla Arn~t s firth grad~rs Concert presented at the TRY THISwith flame and waI"mth as, have ..made. The Thr~e Wlse Grosse Poi n t e Memorial ':the students sit beside it and Men ~o~dl.splay, while Ken. Church on December 21. Theread seasonal stories" Mr neth Gittins s yougsters have visit will afford the childrenMestdagh added ' . f ash ion e d "Flight Into an opportunity to meet soli1it ,-... ~ ~

Mason School first graders Egypt" James SCott, to c11mb the ~ ./ . ~in Miss Carolyn Harwood's First graders in the class. I, to see the Carillon in GREAT TASTEroom will provide Christmas room of Mrs. Eleanor Pawluk a.chon, .and to. hear the bellscarols for residents of Geor- have ~ade forest tre,es, ?t,!iss nng With Chnstmas music. . ..'~'gian East Nursing Home on Katherrne Mulla.ney s "Sixth Christmas plays by the wr.December 20. The Mason Ser- grad~rs ar~ workm.g on G?o. ious classes ,at Defer wIll be ."vice Squad also under Miss metnc FIgures m Christ. shared this year by a tech. -)- )JHarwood's direction, will sing m~s," while Miss Betty Bra. nique called _ _ _ a unique Iqueur, rea:carGls 'at the home the pre. ?y s youngsters have fash. ence." Teachers will post .ceding evening. loned Germ~n Bells and plays to be given so that all d,

Contest Conducted ~and~ap~r deSigns. Louis Jor. classes will know where and '.)! ...•• B b Wh- k ieK~~~n;r~:~~~~~,i: ~::~ ~:l~~:df~~r:~~i~~r~~;~~~:~ wt;~~y ;:~~~~sgi~n'MrS.CaJ 1~11 "l'll't" ., °bUII OdDd -ISh' eJcreated a "Classroom Door mobiles... . Frances Whittingham's class .Decorating Contest" which In. addition to t~e gifts ~ncl h a v e designed permanent . '.. .. leD e WIIinvolved all classes at Mason. speclal art prolects belOg mac-a.lac plates as gifts for . .•. ...

Mrs. John Kubista's sixtlJ. conducted .at Trombly, ,the parents. - h b'graders are sponsoring a ~howcases m the hallan~ tbe Make Ornaments exotl" er sdrive to collect toys and hbrary center 'are. attractively Mrs. William Russell and r", .,.candy for ,the Red Cross, decorated for ChTl!;tmas. her daughter will help youn'g-while Mrs. NOl'ma Priest and Monteith Program sters in grades five and sixher fourth graders are work. John Hammel, Principal of 'make flour and water ona UNICEF project. Monteith School, 1275 Cook mas tree ornaments.

Mrs. Patricia Whelan and road, reports that the schClOl Kindergarten children willher filth graders are planning , take home as ,gifts their sU-an "International Day" on H . C houettes made by the tea~h.Friday, December 22. Theme u'vlng oncert ers, using original wrappingof the activity is Christmas in ASh H. h paper made hy the children.foreign countries, with appro- tout 19 Hollday story time in thepriate foods. Defer Library Center will be

FiffiJ graders in the class The South High S c h 0 0 1 conducted by Miss Bettyof Mrs. Mercedes Jacobs are Choral Mus i c Department, FrounIelter. assisted by Mrs.presenting to 1he entire under the direction of Leon. Brinkman, a parent volun-


~,chool an,d P~;4--the drama, ard Riccinto, will present its J teer. . .Hans Brrnker ,on the after- ann U a 1 Christmas Concert John D. Rohrer, Pnnclpal

noon 'and evening of Thurs. Thursday, December 21. at of Ferry School, 748 Boslynday, December 21. In addi. 8 p.m., in the gymnatorium.tion, the class is preparing a This concert is for the emire~ood basket for a needy fam. family and admission is free.Ily. Highlightsi n c Iud e the

Trombly Is Busy Beethoven Fifth Symphony,"Halls, classrooms, and lj. first movement, conducted by

brary reflect the spirit and Russell R e e d; the Girls'glow of Christmas," Frank J. Glee Club singing "Awake

The Trumpet's Lofty Sound"with trumpeteers Don Briggsand Paul Miller; the Chor.,aleers' song a b 0 uta henw hie h laid an egg; theiChorus' rendition of "TheTwelve Days After Christ.mas" and kazoo and kettleorchestra in "Thank YouVery Much."

The Towerhelles will offera swing arrangement of " 'SWondcrful" and thc Choirwill perform "'Twas TheNigh, Before Christmas" intheir nightgowns and caps.

Hril[('n', "A Ceremony ofr;~rol,'" Wi'l mark the seriO\l~ part of the concert, fol.lowed by two j a z Z - roc kpieces, featuring an instru.mcn\~1 ensemble.

The Choir alumni are in-vited to sing the HallelujahChorus with the mas sedchoirs and orchestra to con-dude the concert.

Patrons are asked to arrivec' ,1 r I y for the concert, as

I parking is poor due to theI constn cti~~:..,


rr-::-' ,-,--,--:---'-:--:--:--- ....~~~~------------"l""'-------------------'!""""'---------------........-......-..----......-,---~~~~---------.------

Page 5: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,






o10'01. $2.7 9










STICKS s,01.5ge .~.~


,AJIMlO OI.IVES sH...t61e


OYSTERS 3.66,01.79C



AU FOIE H,,01.39c





ICE CREAM 1f2 caL99c


CRACKERS. s'07.78e



KUMQUATS a<0l.75e



PATE 4%,01.89c


HEARTS 1401.6ge


PALM \4,01.9ge



DUMPLINGS 1,01.9ge


MINCE MEAT 28'01.99C


WATER 31'01.99c


SAY~ ___ .!6'07,3ge


~HE~RIES ____ 8'01. 7ge



P~ge Five





WEDGES 6,01.69C















KIWI FRUIT 15'01. $1.49


, APPLE RINGS 14-01.67e





Christmas Eve

10 A.M.105 P.M.


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FRESH . gcCranberries,. 2


























Mon., Tues., Wed.9 c.m. to 7 p.m.

Thurs. & Frio9 a,m. to 9 p.m.

Saturday9 a.m. to 6 p.m .

Prie.. Good thru Sun .• Dec. 24rhw. ,.,.,..,. rh. ,ighl 10

Umil qugntili.,.

If you a re new in town886.1551 or 881.5791




YOUR CHILD?The best parent can't give his child

all the answers, What he can give him is afoundation 10grow on-a way 10 seek oulthose i:1nswerswilh confidence,

Every week in the Christian ScienceSunday School. children discuss wilheach other, and with adillts. exactly howGod helps Ihem each day to overcomeproblems and !imitations It's educationof the most practical and lasting kind,


0,.. .. hint. lorm, ,.., Cttalfonl A....10:30 A.M,

SIXTH C:~IURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTISTDt'r4r'it, 14110 lC.'."lt'tal Av.

11 A,M,



Thursday, December 21, /972 Go R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W 5----------_._------------------------------------~ ------------J_:~~l'TheftSuspe~t I Alice Haas Set to Retire-Turns Self lit~. - As Park City Treasurer

\ Shores police arrested a I .. _


Roseville man last week on i By Jamea J. Njaim Iment with her sister, Mrs.a breaking and entering of an Alice Haas of 1091 Lake. Ann Miller of San DIego, whooccupied dw.elling ch~rge. pointe, the first woman to be. has invited. her to visit as

,Kenneth .Atchmso~, 19, IS al. come city treasurer in The s~on as possible after her reo.*.Iegedly mvolved m the bur. Park's history will retire on tlrement.~glary. of t~e ..William ~. December 29, ~fter more than .Mrs. Haas has three other~ S~hmldt resldeilce, 35, Clair. 20 years of service to ,the Sisters, Mrs. Frances Breau

;vlew road, on September 2. community. She reached 6511 of Oc~la, Fla. ; and M~s.Police said the defendant on December 1. the compul. Joseph:ne Goo~ of ~etrOlt;

voluntarily turned himself in sory age of retirement under and Mrs. Hen~lett~ Hmtz ofto the department and was The Park City Charter. ~a.rren. The five slste~s per.arraigned before Municipal She was the only woman 1~lcally have a lamJiy reoJudge Don J. Goodrow. Atch. among the municipal employ. union at the home of Mrs.

.is on stood mute and a plea es honored by the Park coun'

lBreau. .

. of not guilty was entered for cil on Monday, December 11, "I" lov~ Grosse P?,mte~;him. He was released on a receiving a gold charm Par~, s~ld Mrs .. Haas, and I

personal bond of $1,000 pend. bracelet with a replica of The I I. Will .miss workmg for the"~ing hi5 Wednesday. Decem. Park seal and the number of ~Ity ,with my colleagues he~e~bcr 2Q examination, years she worked for the city. In City Hall, However, I will, Another man accused in Mrs. Haas, who was born continue to. make my ho~.cthe case, Randy Wassman, in South Boston, Mass" and here. and will s~op f~r a vJSJt19, of Detroit, was arrested who has live<1 in the Park as ~!ten as poSSible.

"<in September on a 9imiliar for 31 years, began WOlkwith ~Ity Manage~ Robert Slone.; charge. He was ~cently the city on August 6, 1952, as s~ld that a retirement party'1 placed under the youthful of. a switchboard operator and wI~1 be held at t~e Grosse

~fel!.der act, police said. receptionist in the lobby of Pomte War M~morlal on !an., , the Municipal Building. 151151 uary 10, h.onormg the retiree... In the b~rglar~ over $10,000I East Jellerson. She held this "We Will miss Mrs. Haas I

~,worth of Items, plus a 1968 T f t ft very much here in our city• Cadillac Eldorado, were tak. Pc;:',1 ~onh 01' wo yea,rst,d

adel' government" the city manen. of 34 antique w r .~et wasappOJn e e. ager said :'She has been ;daggers with an estimated PUSYhCI Yt .reedasuthrer'ltt t dedicated' and responsible

1 f $5 915 tie re am e a er posvf ue ~th " Itere S? en for 14 years, until the retire. employ(;, always on time for


WI mSls2cean.eeus llew. ment of City Treasurer Char. work, and very rarity. ife y. over ,000 In va ue, I H' f ever missed a day'~ work

- - from a jewelry box. The jew.:rs ~Ise our yea.rst agbo. She' has h~ld the posts of

Celry included 36 sets of cuff th rs. '1aas was.laPtPam ed dY deputy treasurer and treasur.links, two watches, 14 tie He. Cl tYhcof.untci 0 succeeb er with honor and t"ust. else, e Irs woman to e . • .'pms. so honored "She always has a pleasant

Police have recovered 20 of Mrs. Ha;s, wife of the late smile and a cheery word fort~e daggers, and the auiomo. Rourke J., is the proud her fellow and al.

• bile, t?~ally torche~ beyond mother of five, a very proud ways gr~eted cItizens ":,h?r,~eco~nJtlon, was .dlscovered I grandmother of 17, and even have b~sl~ess at. the Munlcl-,~Jn Clinton TownshIp. more proud great grand. pal Building WIth courtesy

- Other missing items in. mother of two boys. and respect. ~es, she willcluded $700 in cash, a com. Her children are: Rourke surely be 'missed around

j'plete set of underwater div. J. Jr. the grandfalher of here."ing equipment, valued at th~ tw~ boys one each from The city manager's words$500. a Panasonic stereo set, the two old~st of his eight were echoe~ by.Mrs. Ha:ts'$200, a Magnavox digital children who l'esides in Or- 'colleagues m city govern.clock AM.FM radio set, $100, chard ~ke' Francis W. who ment.a Mexican topa,. ring in a with his w'ife and two' chil. -----gold setting of oval design, dren live in Ann Arbor; Mrs. Santa Visits$150, an aquamarine square Hugh (Geraldine) Rowan

'stone with rhinestones, $200, three children of Warren: M.ason Cubsand a round aquamarine in Noreen K., who is not mar:a gold setting, $175. ried, of Madison Heights;

----- and Mrs. Gary (Sharon)People with ambitions to Flynn, four children, whose

get into the social swim home is also in Warren.often find themselve~ in hot Mrs. Haas plans to spendwater. a few weeks of her retire.

Mason School Cub ScoutPack #290 received a sur.prise visit from Santa Clausat its Thursday, December14 meeting. Not only did SI.Nick bring presents for eachr-~--~--~--BJl--MIl:MIl:----",.scout, but he also had spe.

!II t ~. ' "t.": • ~~ .• " , 0 ~ ~ I d., gift, f", .n th. C.b,'II 1::.1.&K!N' " • little brothers and sistersI ~·\~. ," "..",~ •who were visilingthat eve.r : .' · v "', ~"~.~-1~.';-"',:, • ning.i_ v.:--~ J .' ';'. /\ t:Jl1' • ~". ¥:.j • Earlier, during the meeting

I ~ ~' ., 'f',~ in the Mason School gym, the.,~' . /~ ,~" • following Woods boys re-I - .,'l,,' . ~._.'OJ. Iceived Webelos achievement. I~: ~~:., , "•...",'. ~ pins: J 0 h n Karamanos of

, II , .: ,' ". . Hollywood avenue sportsman~.~~ '"0. ", • , .1 ':' <h, ',' and athlete; John'Pamerleau.: L~~~,I~:hl~~:t~rt~:t":n~ :~~J:~~~:


man; Pet e r Dembeck of". __ . Hampton avenue, engineer

and showman: Mark Shrievesof Hampton avenue, athlete,aqu"naut, artist and sports-, I man.

I, I More are Jim Prevot of~'••£IIS ••11II II Lochmoor avenue, sportsman• " and citi~en; Chris Delling of•• ."'1" t i Van Antwerp avenue, sports .

. .&•• cl-r\'f. .~ IriS 1I18S I~har~~t~~~:~a~tt~~e~;mC~~i~

Smile! These Christmas wishes !III boulevard, artist and sports.. '" man; John Bates of Van Ant-

!lI are gOIng to develop into i I werp avenue. artist and sci.'" • • • !lI entist; Mar c Luekhoff ofi a note o( sincere appreCiatIOn. '" Hampton avenue, athlete,I FROM ALL OF US ATI and Lee Chevalier of Holly-t Th C' ,. t B wood avenue. artist and ath.

I. e _a~ f!~.~.~en er! le\~ addition, the following1'1» I l~ ~ Mason. boys received their!lI, Cam Ce' lot s e r v Ice awards: one-year~ Way The era nter. 17114 i I pins went to Peter Dembeck." _. , . h !lI Robert Schippert, Lee Che.I- ". Kerc eval ,. valier and John Karamanos,II !~- "i '; in the I while two-year pins went toIi' ~ • Village II Chuck Jeffrey, John Bates,

'II I ' L I~ . .' I John Pamerleau, Marc LuckI I ',' '. !lI hoff •. Mark Shrieves, Chris!_~_~ ~;:;::ai ,.,.~~Delling and Grady Short.lIlI( __ lIJ "JAKE THE SNAKE"

One of the National HockeyLeague's finest goaltenders

II is Jacques Plante, who pla)'edfor the Montreal Canadian~and New York Rangers and Iis currently with the TdrontoMaple Leafs. ._1,..--Jl~..~ .

~ ,~"'''!.tL,£OMEW~

~ .. ' ;' ..-.r.\' ~,,JflJ-::!.'\~tb~/''~ ~


.. ___ ssdd

Page 6: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

- - - - - - ~ - - - -... - .....


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Thursday, DecElrnber 21, 1972



Key players Cor the Na.tional Basketball Associa.tion's New York Knicker.beckers include Walt Frezier.Dave DeBusschere, (former,Universit~' of Detroit star). :Jerry Lucas, Bill Bradley, iWillis Reed and Earl MOil .roe.

Center DeckedFor Christmas

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COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY16.136% effective annual inte;est)


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Come visi' us 101 manyo,hel great gil, ideas.

16" Deluxe Double-Edged Blode Shrub &

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DETROIT 18901 Kelly at Moross-DR 2.8877EAST DETROI'r 15751 Nine Mill! at Gratiot-PR '.8820

GROSSE PTE. WOODS 20247 Mack at Hunt Club-TU 6.1080GROSSE PTE. FARMS 63 Kercheval "On the HiIl"-TU 6.6661

HOURS' 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Ffiday .tiJ 8 f).m.


Crilhl'l1l irtlln enemies I Driver Caught Snloking Weed North Having Yule Concerthelps more than a Criend's!praise. ! There is nothing li-k-e-b-e-in-g--m-a-r-k-ed-pollcecar. searching The Music Depar-ln-le-lIt;i-Y~u-a~ Merry Christmas,"

p;...;;.;;"No~.,"''''-Il.-,,-~.''''''Pric''''.-:U~''''''. -....., .. on the spot when someone the neighborhood for suspects North High School will pre- and "Glory to God in The: :JI~~... : ~: t':::~.. breaks the law and making being sougbt in several day. senl its annual Chrislmas Highest" Crom the Christmas• P.. , C.l"d. • Po",phl... an arrest for the violation. time burglaries, pulled up Concert on Wednesday anrt Oratorio by J. S, Bach.

05ro.l:isi 1'Jllinte as in the case reported by alongside ano(her car Thursday, December 20 and The nine young ladies oC1i . Park Det. Sgt. James La. stopped Cor a red light on 21, at 8 p.m, in the Perlorm- the Honeylones will sing two

~1l5ilt(,55 ,SErvicEs! Pratt at 12:55 p,m. on Fri.i Jefferson at Maryland. ing Arts Center of the school. English Wassail Son g s as~ r day, December 15. I As the omcer was waiting The theme oC this yea r' s well as "White Christmas,"15318 Mack TU 1.4044 The sergeant, in an un.: [or the light to change, he concert is "The Sounds of Another singing ensemble.

-- .-----.----- lobserved the driver oC the Christmas." The Pointe Chorale, will com.

NOW Invest now in Colonial Federal Savings other vehicle, identified as hThe pro~ramB will. inc~ude plete the theme with its ren-. . I Joseph S Scott 24 of 5211 t e 130-vOlce e gin n I n g dition oC ";';nristmas Is,"

H IGH E R 6% Certfflcat~ ..... Compoun~ed ,Manistiqu'e. D~troit, reach Mixed Ch~rus off,~ring "De~k "Carol oC The Bells" andQuarterly to give you a new high! into his pocket and pull out the Halls" and Masters, 10 "Chestnuts Roasting' on an

Effl'Ctive Annual Interest of I what appeared to be a home. the Hall. The ,Intefl~edl~te Open Fire" with soloist RickEARN INGS 6136% Issued in minimum made rolled cigarette and I Chorus of 70 vOlces"wJll slOg Altman. Tracy Allen, and. '. I light it up. Suspicious, the a French C,? r 0.1 And .the Larry Porta.amount of $5,000. You choose maturity date between officer ,got out of his police Bells Rang wll? solOIsts The concert will concludetwo years and five years. Stop in at any of our offices! car. identified himself as a Robert Rasu and Lmda Bruc I with 'The Hallelujah Chorus"for complete ('etads I policeman and opened the c~~. The Orchestra. oC ~orth from the Messiah, performed

door of Scott's car. I ~\IIJ. a~co~pany thIS chorus by the combined choirs asTh . t k L I 10 smglng And the Glory oC I well as the alumnI' 'rom theere was no mls a e, a. th L d" f Ii d 1'. •PrllU said He whiffed the ' e . or, rom. an e. s audience ",ho wish to par.

od • b' I .. MeSSiah. The seleclwn WIll J ticipateor o. urn ng mariJuana. b d t d b G B .

Scott readily admitted that e, con uc e y . ru~e The vocal groups oC North

Iit was the weed he was Feighner, for m e.r . musIc High School are under the

k' d b'U d t teacher. and now pflnclpal of direction of Herman A Clein'smo 109, an su 011 e 0 North High School . ,arrest without incident. i The Com'ert C'h" r 0" the Symphony O~chestra is

I . . . Olr 0 ~" under the d,rei"!JOII vI ?\a-, Scott was taken to the sta. vOIces WIll con tIn u e the I than C. JudsonI lion, only a few feet away, theme with "0 Com e, a I Tickets for' the '0 tI and charged on a w~rrant Come Emanuel," "We Wish will be sold at th~ (jo~rn~\~d

Irecommende? by, the cIty ~t- the community is cordiallytorney, for VIolation of a cIty f S . 0 1 invited to attendordinance on controlled sub. I enlor tiler .

. st~~~~t was released on $100! Side 'Saturday I Plan for Callsbond pending a court hear-I -- 0 Nlng before par. k Municipal I A special Senior Other Side verseas OWJudge W'll"a E S will be held for students in

I 1m. peer, : grades 9-12 on Saturday eve. Michigan Bell today ad.scheduled for January 10, I ning September 23rd, from vised relatives and friends oC

1.8:30'11:30 o'clock at the be. servicemen in Vietnam to

PQWER LINES gin~ing of the p;lblic, school plan ahead for overseas tele"

IChrIstmas va£'atlon 111 the phone conversations duringThree o[ the National beautifully hOlidaydecoratfd the Christmas holidays. I

Hockey League's most pow- Crystal Ballroom. "The most eCfective way toeriul scoring combinations The theme of the Center's reach that friend or relative

COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS are the New York Rangers' decorations this year is in Vietnam is to arrange toVie Hadfield, Jean Ratelle "Peace" and in keeping with have him place the call fromand Rod Gilbert; Boston's the theme the band "Julia" there," explained Charles F.Wayne Cashman, Phil Espo. has been engaged for the Derr, general traCfic mana-sito and Ken Hodge, llnd evening. They are a group gel' - .metro area.Buffalo's Richara Martin, which in addition to rock Mr. Derr said that reach-Giles Perreault and Reile specialize'! in slow dream; ing a particular servicemanRobert. music . . , perfect for the quickly by calling from the

D#lPIt __ lIII -.--.-.- ...---.-.- ..-.-.-.-.-.-.--.- ..-.- ....---.--.-. setting and season of the U.S. is 'almost impossible be~16711 MACK AVE year. cause he is likely to be on

. • Both in d i v i d u a I s and duly or hard to Yorkshire couples are welcome ~o this Because of those diffieul

concert and dance. Candlelit ties, arrangements have beentables will be placed around made again this year to per-the dance floor. The lighting mit servicemen to call homewill be the tiny bulbs of when most convenient forHalian Christmas lights on themthe giant tree. and in the Th~ u.s.a" the military,ropes ~f ~ccoratmg. green~. the Bell System and commu-

AdmlsslO~ to thIS ~hflst-I nications people in Southmas party .IS$1.50 for tIckets, Hong Kong andpurchased 111 advance, and 25 Guam will be part of a co-cents more at the door. ordinated effort ~o simpliCy

calling and allow the maxi-mum number of service per-sonne 1 to call.

During the Christmas sea,son last year, the Bell Sys-

All Pointers are encour. tern completed almost 1,5(111aged to visit their Memorial calls a day for military per. ICommunity Center at 32 Lake sonnel calling home from IShore where the staff has Vietnam.worked very hard to create M' "SincP. .Christm,~s .is onoutstanding holiday decora-' ..•(lnday thIs year, said Mr'lr I Derr, "Saturday would be alO;~'ACE in giant let t e r s good day for to avoid

over Fries Auditorium to- the rus~ of Chmt?;1as Evegether wit h a two-story and Chnstmas ~ay. . .Christmas tree on Al g e r He .also advIsed. famllJesHouse, topped by a cross, a.nd fne~ds oC Amencans sta-sets the theme oC the Christ- tlo~ed In ~ther Southe.astmas decorations. Ins ide ;\slan countnes .to make slm-throughout Alger House are Jlar arrangements. Imore huge heautifully dee. Rates on telephone calls atorated Christmas trees, waIl all ho~rs between the U.S.hangings proclaiming and Vlet~amare ~9 for a I"Peace" in many languages, thre.e -mInute station - to 'hanging baskets, lighted man- station. call and $12 for atel and mirror r 0 pin g s, threemmute !wreaths, table arrangements caIl. Iand a host of angels to make ;;-;~:~=~~:;:~~Iyour Center a glory to visit ARI IUeKERand be proud of. EXCAVATING

You don't have to wait for Sewer & Water Linean invitation to come; just REPAIR & REPLACEMENT

I drop by with the family and FREE ESTIMATESappreciate the beauty. It's 771.8721Holiday Open House.



~;•t *Prime Rib7; Roast

All especially ideal forholiday entertaining


•.' .




Page 7: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,


, ,


Reg. $$9.50

Tflurs., Fri., Sat.9:00.5:00 WHit Day.

10:00.2:00 Weelt Ends

OW.ttl PRAXiS .... ~trlC typIi.o'f'li'W"n.L__ T,--.,......... t: ~ r:... -.,.... ....w --" ..~



lfI1UA UIUCTIIC !'OIT AIU TYPfWItUI_"--010 -..-00Q ... ~_C:... _._._~....~-_.:.......-....._-~ .. l.oM"' __ I""'"", __ ,......... -.....-., ........... '-"-w • ..:- ..._1_ ...,... ,

..............-. ... ,--'*"'~~:':~~:.'"t.::.~ ..~::.~______ ... {I e ...... _a ..

Sol. $6." ""'..':1;••

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R8tI. $105.50

Page SevenPeople who are too proud I So-called golden opportuni.

to ask for favors don't get ties are usually only gold.many. plated.




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Fa1r"ily Helped by Girl ScoutsBy Roger A. Waha Mrs. Raes pians to take all

The Christmas spirit-Girl the items to the family beforeScouts from Troop 204, Ferry Christmas. She said toyS andSchaol, know all about that. some food are still needed,

For 2t girls between the so if you would like to makeages of nine and 11, along a donation. contact Mrs.with troop leaders Monique Raes at 886,9094, or Mrs.Ra(>s and Mary Gray of the Gray at 881.8388.Woods. have been active Sometime during the springsince summer to make cer. or early summer, Mrs. Raestain a needy East Detroit and the troop also are has a "Merry Christ. ning a Lakefronl Park picnicmas." for the family,

This summer the girls be. The girls inc~ude Tanya.gan talking about a special T~erese Raes, MIchelle Rae~,project badge, which they MI,ndy B~r,low, .Shelley Bel'called the "helping hand" zal, PatriCia Bricker, Karenbadge, the requirements of Co~per, D~nise G~ay, Dianewhich were approved by tile G~ y~ LorJ ,Hawkms, JanetDetroit Girl Scoul Council I Liebling, ~IS~ MacDonald,

, . ' Barbara Crlmms.said Mrs. Raes. The require. Iments were ultimately sent Most are Bell'.Ann New York, den. Amy Jean przydatek,

5. I' Barbara Benger, Mary Lynn

oCla services were can,' Roose Blai S 11 Stacted and a family was reo S 'P' ~ ne.~, uzanne{erred. t th t s' I terr, flscilla Wrlllht, Tam.0, I' roop. Ince my Rose and D'Ann S .then the girls are personally g cea Imaking sure the family, (a ram, __111 <J!ll",l' am1 :,<)1' nine chilo ... _--dre,n), have the happiest ofl Open Sunday. 10:00 to 4:00 ~g.;-':::,::=':£...,;;":,,,;::holidays,

Mrs. Raes said some of the WE DELIVI:Rgirls have picked vegetables I:and fruit from 'their backyard '0. O,ll.n .. $I .. Moleand helped can the "good.

Petersen Puties," They also spearheaded R 0 SLY N<: drive via word of mouth Sale '6650

On Comml'ttee to make certain each young. MAR K ET G p. 5ste" has one complete, and FOSSe olnte talioners

__ !Ieat, ~ct of clothes. And they Old.. t In tb Wonb

Wd C', d ' , , received some response! 1020 MA"K R r.l 19834 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods

00 s It) A mlOlstrator I Their parenls some teach. t;. at os YII R., Telephone 884.7600Chester E. Petersen has been t F~" , 114 3600appointed b f th ers a ".ry, and S1. Clair. Compl~:e Sale. and Se",ice Department

.' a ~~m er 0 e Shores residents have do-~1~hlg~r.umcCIPal ~etagu!e's nated money and clothing for I*' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I" * * * * * * * * * * * * ....* * * * * * ** ~

r an aIrs ~mmlt ee .or the family. Mrs. Raes said It''1972.73, The appamtment was her husband told his asso- It ~made by Thomas K. ~ardley, ciates at work about the It TED EWALD ItJr., mayor of Wyommg, and projl!ct and they contr'b ted ,. Itleague presidenl, earlier this toward a shoe fund' A Clh


month ' rls . ItAt ihe 1'1' g u I a r meeting I~:;t.r

lele dand decorations • IS PROUD TO PRESENT ,.

WI a orn the family's •Monday, December 18, the home. • lit

Woods Council unanimously I • JIM ROACH ..said they were proud to R. ..have Mr. Petersen appointed eports Theft • . the commitlee, 0". AS.

In a letter to Mr. Pctersen, I f Calculator ,. SALESMAN OF THE MONTH •Mr, Eardley said, "I would. you to serve in this im-I S --- .. Itportant position because the CUI~t~:o~~IU:~m~tv$~ a !rcal

. It TED EWALD ItBoard .of Trustees needs your th' , om • Itassistance in the difficult and an~e Macahees M~t~al Insur. • ,.continuing task of developing I Campany bUildmg, 19329 Jim Roach CHEVROLEI ItL,eaguE'fPOJieyandd lin ,the .re. ~~~~era~~nue, Monday, Dc. : 18 YEARS ~view 0 propose eglslatlOn I Max H' • ..a{{ec!ing local government." [ Public S ~n? ~~ld W~od~ It SAME LOCATION 15175 E. Jefferson . VA 1-2000 ..

The function of Ihe commit. a I' Y Icer al It- ..tee is to make recommenda. Crook Tuesday.. December * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** *-**-*-** * * * * .. * * * ~ * * 1l * ..!ions to the Board of ,Trusl~es ~~30 t~~~ 1s~~,ellme ~t;~~r~~/!:.~';#I!:/;a:.~~~~In numerous areas meludmg I a m, on elocal government structure I Commodf)re Calculator,regiGnalism. boundary adjust: ffithodebl~13d~F"wafS tatkenff.Irarn. e U1 mg s ron 0 Icements, housmg development He also stated ,th .and urban r~newal. <lnd I~nd insurance agents in e~~dw~~~ ~use controls mcludmg zOlllng of th b 'ld' b t -and planninG mallers Th ' e U1 I~g e ween tho, I'

, b, ,I' . times workmg in back of.c.o~mlttee. Will serve as, a Ifices, Mr, Henr dd d thliaison WIth Slate agencies f y a I' econcerned with these prob. ront door was open andl' ,someone could have walked .lems, and particularly WI.lh in and snatched the calcu. •the State Boundary Commls-Ilator' ~sion, the State Office on Land I • ,Use and the State Conslruc.' ~

tion Code Commission. leNoDMUMSTERRleAIALL&~'STRONG STEELERS t\

Standout players for theNational Football League's PIPING?Pittsburgh Sleelers in their • Cilldrive towards lhe Super BOIYIare quarterback Terry, rookie running backFranco Harris, defensivetackle "Mean" Joe Greene,'linebackers Henry Davis and \ PLUMBINGaHEATINGJack Ham, plus numerous 1530"' KERCHEVAL ' VA 2.9070others.








GROSSE POINTE--------------_ .._-- ----- --_._----_._--St. John P.~ansSnlo~illg Clinic IA, significanl number, of ve~oped by the Sel'enth Day

p~lIents at SI. John Adventists and adopted bywllh lung cancer, heart dl~ the Michigan Cancer Foun.ease and respiratory prob. dation will be used, It hilslems are heavy smokers. To been the most successfulreduce t,he toll from these program yet developed, withtragic ~Ise~ses" SI. John, is more than 70 percent of thosesponsOrJolg Its fIfth Smokmg attending having been ableWithdrawal Clinic. to quit smoking,

The ('linic, "lIow to Quit The clinic will include ex.Smoking by Really Trying," posure to the full range ofwill be held on five SUCCI'S. the hazards associated withsive el'enings beginning Mon. smoking and the positiveday, January 8, ~t 7:30 p,m, benefits of not the hospital. Group dynamics and the

John II. Burrows, ~1.D., a "buddy" system will be used'cancer specialist will agrdn to reinforce the proven

head the clinic, Also appear, meth;ds to st~p smoking,ing on the program will be Alsa mcluded will be effec.the noted crusader in the t,ve m;:thods to avoid exces.battle a~aillst smoking, AI' sive weight gain which oftenthur W, We:lI'er, ~1.D, Chief occur~ after a person stopsof Head and l'\eck Services smokmg,at Veterans Hospital The Smoking Withdrawal

Dr, Wea~'er will i~lroduce Clini.c is f~ee and open to thethe smoking withdrawal tech. public, It IS bemg offered byniques he has used success the, 51. Jehn Hospital Men'sfully aiding thousauds of 9ulld, to assIst those who

k" . ""ave made or plan to make

S!UU 'C("S HI IJll' Ncv y', 1. 'smokin'; habits, ~. " e~r s reso utlOn ta

". qUit smoklOg "Others appearmg 011 Ihe ..

program include Donald B . For fr~e lIckets or furtherS 'Ih D S ,. , ' IIIformalJOn call SI. John,nll , ,D"" (hl~f of Oral l10spital 881.8200 I 'Surgen' at \'('tnrans 110- ' , ex enSlOll

, . • C ':. ' 460 .or 4'/4,Pit:;:, ]a mes J, !1umesM.D" Vice. President f01:Medical Affairs at St. John:and Jacques Beaudc,in, Al.D"Thoracic surgeon 'lO the hos,pital medical staff.

During the five, one'and.ahalf.hour sessions, Ihe with.drawal techniques first de.

rom ReA~ 'J'

. ,.'L"f~ ~

Grone Pointe ~Od5

88604280.Harold McLilf9~lin



PORTABLES.~~rl 29995


Carlson's TV3064,9 Mack

The ARGOSY Ii"Model Efl.475 ~ ~

19" diagonal picture ~.".

c"l17 XL.100 is more ttl.n jus, gr •• t coror. The,e~~ i1re no c.h.assls, tubes 10 burn aU11 ReA has ,eplac.ed 1 Year

:~\ them all wllh 100% solid Slate comj::.cnenlS Free Serv;cfl'




Thursday, December 21, 1972

POINIE VACUUM SERVICE2100'2 MACK AVE. 831-'014,77'2-4050


TOP QUARTERBACKS Terry Bradshaw, Miami'sSome of professional foot. Bob Criese and Earl Morrall,

ball's top quarterbacks in. Oakland's Darryl Lamonica,clude the New York Jets' Los Angeles' Roman GabrielJoe Namath, San Diego's and Minnesota's Fran Tark.J 0 h n Had I, Pittsburgh's I ington.. ~----~iMM:iiii-a

,,:"<''l'' . ,



GRASS grass trimming fun for the entire lamify.• Trims your lawn in 1h the time, more hours for

summer pleasure.• Light and compacl, only 28 ounces.

Cordles!>convenience.• Perma~enl type batteries recharge overnight.• Non-slick coated, self.sharpening bladlils.

s1699 to $3299 InclueS.. UL .pJlrow.cflong Handle Model $28,15 andwin tlrlc:ktl. I._----------------~~

Page 8: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

TU 1-5000

. &

HOME OF THE~ -PANTERA by del5ffiaSO,





:Jrank Adam, 3nc.130 KERCHEVAL "ON THE HILL"


c •

Unitarians SetDec. 24 Walk I

Preceding the 11 p.m.1Christmas Eve service, memo I

bers of the Grosse PointeUnitarian Church will holdagain this year their Christ.mas Walk for Peace. Theprocession will assemble,past 9 p.m., at the residenceof the Reverend Harry C.Meserve, BOMoran road, andwill lJegin shortly after 10;p.m.

The route will be down IGrosse Pointe boulevard, in. Ito Maumee avenue and di.rectly to the church, locatedat 17150Maume. The distanceis about one and a half milesand persons are encouragedto join the walk en route.

Reverend Meserve com.mented that he hoped thewalk ar.jthe service wouldexpress the concern for peaceand the determination fore8ch person to do what hecould to see peace realized I

in the year ahead.

Starting FridayExclusive Area

ShowingRobert Radford as


In Ponavision and le<hnicclorRated PG

All Ages Admitted



JAMES H. FARRELLFuneral services for Mr.

Farrell, 57, of Huntingtonroad, were held on Tuesd8YDecember 19, in the Verhey:den Funeral Home and OurLady Queen of Peace Church.He died on Friday, Deeem.ber IS, in SI. John Hospital.

Born in Massachusetts heis survived by his ~ifeEugenia; two sons, Jame~and Terrence; a daughterKathleen; a grandchild andtwo sisters.

Interment was in Mount

IOlivet Cemetery.• • •MARYANNA PAWLOWSKI

i Funeral services for Mrs.

IPawlowski, 81, of Yorkshire

~~._~-------------- road, were held on Thursday,, December 14, in the Verhey.den Funeral Home and SI.Paul On.the.Lakeshore, Shedied on Monday, December11, in Cottage Hospital.

A nalive of Detroit she issurvived by two da~ghtersMrs. Thaddeus Skuba andMrs. Michael Derlicki; twobrothers and two sisters.

Interment was in the Sa.cred Heart of St. Mary Ceme.tery in Detroit .


Funeral services {or

4 4


New EnglandClam Bake '7.95

.\'i~htl)' Entertainment at(;nl~I~~'S SUPPER CLUB

."il. ('lair ."ihor ...

• 17 Piece Coachman Bond 9.12 Mon.• DON FARRAH with FRANK FOGUTH

on drvms' Tves ..Wed ..Thurs & Sun.• lARRY HOURIGAN'S Fox Trol

3;J;IJ I.;:ujvl _ny ShuronWill;oms -- Vocalist

Plan Ihem here I

We've got the f,x,n'sand the Atmosphere'

(We diso nellerrun out of ICe)

By Reservation OnlyThursday, Friday and Saturday

t'J':n I r;qlond Clom Chowder, Steamed Clams,Who I" Live Moine lobster. Corn on the Cob.

A GALA NEW YEARS EVE PAITY!~041 .how, dan.cj"'liI lill 4:00.

i)inne' and &'Hllloll NI'" York Strip SlltOkno Q C:Ol,lpl. ond , drinl...

For reservlIlion (all PR 2-1200 or 71S-937125419 JEFFERSON(W. of 10 Mile) 71S-'317

fn'ertainmentand Dancing

Friday and Saturday


(fcrmerly Owner of Captain Shumway's)nth .. fxcel!en' Me,IV Suggestions

(S't:o~ and Sea'oodsl• "')'1" • I~ I"'i Jf~1 ((Hill'le .. ond Meeting koorn• 1.1" or ~ [;.'lil" • A(()mmodohom for BV11nt\\ l~n<heon1• 1'1'11 ,i "r,1 1" Ih(, liol,rlny\, Ch'I\lmo~ POI'I!!!'1

• frh'" ".' frl <'fit [ ...."nlnq

GI-.:ck ,-"II, OOl1na'QUi party' planner

, washinoton 8OUIe\Ianloetroit. Michigan

..... V.tiOflS _ended965-0200


SM()RGASBORD';undcys from '4 7l!!!.

1:00 p,m. till 9:00 p.m. • ...

Carmen ~edilerrunean

100'1 ~:Vf'R ROADIl, (I,,, W'd, 48U43.,.,...,.. ..~

Page Eight G R 0 SSE _P_O_I_N_T_E__ N_E_W_S , Thursday, December, 21, 1972~~,\ ' --d-a-ti-on-,-s-ho-r-th-a-n-d,t Ypin g ,'ing any of the classes call

~ I .. I Offer Students Extra Classes and woodshop. : Carl Scho(:ssel al 885.3808.---.IT Ij,'L- I 1fD Obituaries Persons interested in teach. I

1)011'1PUlJklldrlrllrl) -Ii 11011.'1P()llh."llll~,l m~~~y D;~a:~~~n: s o~f C~~; ~f;dl:~n~o~~~t::~c~\e~e~JOHN DEVOS Locke, 83. of Neff road, were Grosse Pointe Public School In c Iud e s art appreciation,

When you plan your I pARTY " Funeral eervlc8I fCll' In. held on Thursday, December System is developing a Youth a u 10 mechanics, creative9-Ioliday ~ E ... spector DeVOl, 58, of Bourne. 14, in the Verheyden Funeral Enrichment Pro g ram that writing, ecology, metal shop,TIM ...... mouth road, were held on Home and St. Paul On. the. will consist of a series ofGf'estivities Wednesday, December 20, In Lakeshore. She died on Mon. classes in a vari. modern dance, music appre.

Put your office the Verheyden Funeral Home day, December 11, in Bon ety of special interest areas. ----------h Id and Our Lady Star of the Secours Hospilal. Scheduled for one hour per WATERon 0... sea Church. He "'~" .ud. k f 10 k .w""" • A natil'e of Grosse Pointe, wee or a .wee sessIOn

and bring everyone denly on Saturday, Decem. she was the wife of the late beginning February 12 and the Pontch ber 16, in Dearborn. Charles H. and is survived ending April 16, the chsses i"

for a good time. Inspector D e V 0 s, com. by three daughters, Mrs. will be taught in differentThey'l1 love you for it! mander of the Wayne County Valerie Baumeisler, Mrs. public school buildings.

Call Donna. sheriff's Metropolitan AIrport Charlotte Smart and Mrs. Tentative plans call for ele.our party planner at unit and a Sl.year veteran of Helen Ashcroft; two sons, mentary school classes in

the force, was found de8d Marvin and James; 13 grand. arts and crafts, art and mu.965 -0200 Saturday in his auto after children and eight great. sic appreciation, conserva .:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~I apparenUy suffering a heart grandchildren. t ion. creative w r it i n g ,

_ at t a c k. He was reported Interment was in Mount French, Spanish, physicalI missing Friday, December Olivet Cemetery. development, and mod ern16, by his wife when he failed • .. • return home from investi. MARY T. MURPHY The tentative list of offer .gating the fatal plane crash Funeral services for Mrs. I -- -.-----------------

• at Metropolitan Airport Fri. Murphy, 45, of Bedford road. Iday morning. were held on Monday, De .

He wa.s made. ~0!J1mander cember 18, in the Verheyden Iof the allport diVISIon about Funeral Home and 81. Claretwo years ago. He formerly of Montefalco Church. Sheheade~ .the road patrol.. died on Friday, December 15, I

He IS survived by his wife, in Harper Hospital. ,

)Ann, a daughter, Mrs. Dallas I' . ICarrier; a son, John Jr.; Bo:n 10 Maryland, she IStwo brothers and two grand. sUr\'lVed by her husband,children. Robert. J.; three sons, Rob.

• • • ert, TImothy and Martin;MARION I. LESCHEN four daughters, Mary, Bar.Funeral services for Mr. bara, Laura and Dianna; her

Leschen, 78, formerly of The parents, Mr. and Mrs. An.Pointe and more recently of thony Kinkel; and two broth. IGreenwich, Conn., were held ers.on Tuesday, December 19, In Interment was in Mount.the SS Michael and George Olivet Cemetery.Church, 51. Louis, Mo. Mr.Leschen died on Saturday,December 16, in Greenwich.

Born in SI. 1.ouis, he issurvived by his wife, Lucile;a daughter, Mrs. Mary AnnMorsey; a sister and threegrandchildren.

Interment was In the Belle.fontaine Cemetery, St. L<>i1is.


Funeral services for Mr.Brown, 68, of Merriweatherroad, were held on Monday,December 1B, in the A. H.Peters FUneral Home. Hedied on Saturday, December

• 16, in his home.Mr. Brown was graduated

from the Ferris State Schoolof Pharmacy in Big Rapids.He r e t ire d in 1969 fromMeyer's Pharmacy in Mackavenue. He also worked for32 years as a sales represent.ative for Eli Lilly and Com.pany.

He is survived by his wife;Reatha; two daughters, Mrs.Marilyn Buck and Mrs. Bar.bara Downey; and e i g h tgrandchildren.

M e m 0 ria 1 contributionsmay be made to the FerrisState School of Pharmacy.

Inlerment was In WhiteChapel Cemetery.• • •ROBBBT E. O'CONNELLFuneral services for Mr.

O'Connell, 52, of Brys drive,were held on Wednesd8Y,December 20, in Ule Verhey.den Funeral Home and St.Joan of Arc Church. He diedon Sunday, December 17, inGrace Central Hospital.

A native of Detroit he issurvived by his wile Suozanne; his father, Jdseph'and a sister. '

Interment was in WhiteChapel Cemetery.

• • •

Sophisticated dining for jaded appetities. Amid theexotic atmosphere of the Far East. Polynesian andContinental CUisine Be sureto set sail With one of theTraders mys!erlousliquid concoclionsVal et park IngDelroit Hilton HolelWashington Blvd. alGrand Circus Park(313) 965-7800

Detroit Hiltonis the delightfulpolynesianatmosphere ofTrader Vic's


Page 9: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

-_...-...------------~---~~-~---~--- -- - -- ..--_-~-- ~ - -- -- -- -- --- - .- --------


ITO: The Lutheran Retirement Center,1170 Earhart Road, Ann Arbor, MI 481116

Send information about retirement living to:Name . _Address

r~---lillII:~--~---~lillII:~_lillII:--aI Grosse Pointe ~I United Methodist Church II 21 1 Moross Rood II. Grosse Poinfe Farms, Mich. W .

.\fin/sfl'r . P('(rll. rtlOlI/II.\ II DECEMBER 24th IlONE MORNING SERVICE AT 10:15 A.M. •.I Grade School children included. II Nursery and Kindergarten in session. II CHRISTMAS EVE II 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. - Family "Service of lights" II 11 :30 p.M. - "Service of Lessons and Carols" II ar,d Holy Communion, •~" __ "~_~~ __ ~~ lillII:lillII:_~

rFiriiCh~rchOilIUnderstanding Ii Religious Science !I Taught ~

10 a.m. and 11 a,m. iI Sundoy ;I Grosse Pointe War ~I Memorial Bldg. ;; '1 Have Seen the Christ" I• Re\'. Sarah Salada, D.D. JlI 882.5377 IIr.._il:l!t~ ~~

The LutheranRetirement Center

now under construction on Earhart Road at Glacier Way in Ann Arbor

Plge Nine

There's a new style of retirement living waiting for you when The Lutheran RetirementC8nter opl!ns in a few months. , . retirement living that means freedom from the reosponsibilities of home maintenance, meal preparJtion, food shopping and the anxietyof future care. Here, in a dignified and gracious environment you'll meet congenialcompanions, enjoy th8 independence that you've earned and deserve and be betterpr8pared to pursue the interests that retirement gives you the time' to follow. Thisinterdenomina~ianal cammunity'~ advantages. are many, and they include private apart.ments llach WIth full safety.aquIP.ped oath, wdmduaily-colilrolied air conditiOning andheat, scheduled local transportation, planned SOCial and educational activities nutri.tious meals pr8pared in The C~nter's own kitchens, heavy cleaning and flat iaundrydone for you. But above all, a assures you worry free living for life-plus theh81lth, therapy and convalescent services of The Center's own attached facilities. Youawe it to yourself-and others-to get complete information soon .

Fill out and mailthis request soonfor informationabout The LutheranRetirement Center,or call313.663.1330.

Security ••• Companionship ••• Interdenominational •.. Yours in 1973 atOn account ot the Christ.

mas and New Year's holi.days, trash pick up in eachof the Pointes will be oneday later than the customaryday. Pointe residents havebeen asked by the DPW de.partments to allow for theone day delay.

IHolidays DelayTrash Pick Up

757-0767 or 536-6260

• •

.•.to the wonderful folks


we've had the pleasure

of serving this past year!


friends house, a mother onlyhas to look up the spaghettirecipe by "Johnny and MaryJones' Mom."

AWESOME ATTACKThe 'awesome attack of the

National Basketball Associa.tion's Los Angeles Lakers isled by Wilt Chamberlain,Jerry West, Gail Goodrich,Happy Hairston and MelCounts.

r~--~~--~~----~~-~,.,.-~~----~ Ii SWEETEST HEART OF MARY •! ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH II CHRISTMAS EVE PROGRAM ii 11:30 p.m. Traditional Polish Carols •! 12:00 Midnight Service: I,. * SOLEMN LATIN HIGH MASS * IIi CHRISTI'AAS DAY PROGRAM ,,. (Same as Sunday)

Ill! Detroit's Only Saturday Evening Mass ,

).l In The Polish Language 5 P.M.SUNDAY SCHEDULE7:00 and 10:00 PolishI 8:30 and 12:00 English I

,. Assistants: Rev. S. JozwiakRev. J. Szewczyk

i Pastor: Reverend B. T. Poznanski i! Organists: Joyce Schemanske !" Teofil Tarnowski '"I Joseph A. Elias I

I II II II •.. ,.,._lillII:,.lillII:,.~~.R.:~~ lillII:~ ~"JII( J

Maire Offers Netv Cookbook

7601 E. Jefferson

The Maire School mothershave complied recently thesecond edition of "HappinessIs Home Cooking," a C!Ollec.tion of favorite recipes nowin cookbook form and at the school office. Theprice is $3.

Mrs. J. Maurice Des Ro.siers and Mrs. Michael G.Marrs acted as co.chairmenin assembling the book. Illus-trations were provided byMrs. Daniel A. Schaitberger.

Maire S c h 0 0 I PrincipalDonald B. Bassett said thatthe project will provide fundsto help supplement classroommaterials.

The cookbook contains over600 tested recipes and in.cludes a speC1al section on"Children's Do It Yourselt."Each mother who subimtteda recipe received indirectbilling by being identified byher children. So if your childraves about spaghetti at a



Serving Grosse Pointe Since J 933


* Holiday Special *

:~lillII:" lillII:~I GROSSE POINTE II WOODS IIpredtglerian II Church I1lI18950 !lI.4,CK AVE. at TORREY;"'ROAD 8854300"IWoubip strvtce 10 to 11 a.m.


• 10 to 11:15 am, Nunery tbruII UUl.,. I, SimeonI IIlL Dr. John Olert, Jr. d------,.--

LO 7-2293

FORESIGHTEfficiency in industry de.

pends largely on the thinkingof men born ahead of theirtime.

Detroit, are charged withassault with intent to murder, armed robberyand breaking and enteringof an occupied dwelling.

Reed's Wayne County Cir.cuit Court arraignment wasMonday, December 18, whileWilliams was arraignedTuesday, December 19. Bothstood mute and a plea of notguilty W8S entered for eachsuspect, Shores polke said.Bond in the a m 0 u n t of$50,000, two sureties, was con.tinued for each man.

A pre.trial cvnference isscheduled for Monday, Jan.uary 8. for Reed, fnd, January 9, for Williams.

ThursdlY, December 21, 1972

Pre-Trials Set for SuspectsPre.trlal conferences have

been set for the two mencharged with th~ beating ofAlfred Glancy. Jr., and theburglary of his Lake Shoreroad home Sunday, Novem.ber 12.

Henry Reed, 27, and Ed.ward Williams, 22, both of

Two Woods girls, 12. and13.years.old, told 'Police theywere approached by a youthwho exposed himself, Sundayevening, December 17.

The girls told Woods Pub.lie Safety Officer MichaelGilfer ,they left Mr. Tony'sRestaurant, 19341 Mack 8ve.nue and were wa I kin gthr~ugh the alley to severnroad. The youth then ap.proached them and askedfor a match, whereupon thegirls noticed his pants wereundone.

After they began walkingaway. the youth asked onegirl how old she was. Thegirls ignored bim and con.tinued on their way. Thegirls sta ted the youth hadbeen in Mr. Tony's the sametime they were there, policesaid.

Officer Gitfer, after at Mr. Tony's, discoveredthe youth reportedly comesinto the restaurant abouttwice a week. He was de.scribed as a white male, be.tween 18 and 19 years of age,around 5'9" tall, and 150pounds, with black frizzy longhair, a pimpled complexion,and wearing a blue jacketand light brown 'pants.

Girls ReportExhibitionist

fTheLUtheranChUnhesolGrOS'SePOiDieliInvite You To Worship On Christmas I~ ~lillII:"_"~~~ ~ ~ ~I CHRIST THE KING I ST. JAMES Ii LUTHERAN CHURCH I LUTHERAN CHURCH •I Mack and lochmoor I McMillan near Kercheval II Grosse Pointe Woods I Grosso Pointe Farms IISunday, December 24th-Christmas Eve I ISunday, December 24fh-ChristmasI Sunday School 9,00 A.M lJll I!II Youth & Adult Bible Ciasse, 9,00 A.M. ,. Morning WOrlhip 11,00 A,M. •,. Morning WOrlhip 10,30 A.M. I Childre~" Servic~ 4,00 P.M.• Condlelight Service 11:00 P.M. I Candlel,ghl ServICe 11,00 P.M. •

IMonday, December 25th-Christmas Day I Monday, December 25th-Christmas Day'I Fe,tivolService 10,30 A.M. ~ Fe.,ival Service 11,00 A.M, II AllChoi,. Parlicipaling I With Holy Communion I:L- ~ .. _- __ -,.--_- ~I FIRST ENGLISH I "'1I EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH I ST, PAUL I'. 800 Vemier Rd. at Wedgewood Dr. I EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH •. G'o .. e Pointe Wood, I 375 lothrop at Chalfonte •I It Groue Poinle farm$ ~

SlJnday, December 24th-Christmas Eve )I . Jt1M, W h' 8.30 & 11.00 A "Sunday, December 24th-ChrIStmas Eve'•

ornlng on tp . . .M. JI~~~_"JllIiIM~,*,JllIiI~~1\:!;>~~""_JllIiI~_~ Sunday Church School 9:30A.M. I family Wonh;p 9:30 A,M, tJlllil_M~!?~~M~~~~J\:f.U:~.u:~~~~~~M';1tl:; The Grosse Pointe Congregational Church )I • Chri.tmc, Eve Service B,OOP.M. II f~"lval Wc"h,p . 11,00 A.M, It! .# ,_.' "'''. )1fol lA • Carol. by the Choi" 7,45 P.M, Jl Ch",tmo, Eve WOrlh,p 11,00 P.M. U 11"~ _ . ~. ;.:l~ :140 Chalfonle at Lothr"p. Graue Pointe. Mich. 1\ -I ~ L Chri,tmo, Day Wor,nip 11:00 A.M I Ch"'t"'~'. Ooy WOrlhlp 10,00 A.M. ~ ~ ~-r jJ \ ~! fA . ---------,.----*-------------- ~;, ~\!~t l~p;scopal !W ~ .. ------------._---- .. ~M~.Ulll"~~-~~~--_-----1 I~"\~L1if~j 6; Grosse Pointe,~i J I JEFFERSON AVENUE AMERICAN I ~ 1& W '>c'~ Boulevard ~

! I• BAPTIST CHURCH I~Grosse Pointe Unitarian Cluch S ~ ~~ I~ ~I 13337 E. Jefferson at Lakeview • ~ 17150 Maumee at Neff Rd. iA ~ O"ember:14 Ch",tmnl Fv~ g~~ Sunday, Regular Wonhip Service 9,30 & 11,00 A.M. Sunday, 9,30 a.m. Church School Iit ~I~ 5,00 p.m Family (nrnl S"'v,,~ OO1d 1,1.",0" "I the creche .,.

Sermon Topic, "Now the New," 600 Th I f lA

I ~~~i 11 :OO"OB'lmG',WlIToT'lsEhiBPETHlEHEM" i~1l"<I'I11I"'1 21: )1 1l! 11.00 pp',mm - H" y"chn"d ~Candleligh1 Service" - December :1.4: II :00\.\1. Chr;~lmas Fp~li\'al Sf'r",in" iA R Choral ( ...I~hro'H)O nf '~f" Holy ftJ(},.'f.~t ~7,30 p.m.. NUrlery facilitie, Available ~ i ~

11:15 fI.m.. Wonhip Service • Christmas Eve ?:30 p.m., Candlelight Worship I W "U",'II"a-. I'r",,, allli 1'1l"lrv" ill 1l! December 25 (hr"tmn, Doy B• The Rev, Roy R, Hutcheon, 0.0. )J Rev. Robert Fletcher ~mi,h • tI! elm-I mOl' E". S"" 11'(' 1i;00 1'.\1. 14 f( 8,00 om The Holy E,,,ho,,,' •~ Th- R.y S'ep"en l S1erner Associate Minis1er iA R G '. f.( }f tI ,1~OOo.m COfol Ce-lcblOlion ()f thr : 1(1)" Eu, hOfl~'f( ~ _. .• )I L ev. ary W, Harm I tl! .' , III ~W ill Ministers f~ II,. /lorn L \I".'NI" ~ ~ The Rt. Rev, Richord S fmrich. R"h"r 01 MHhlqnn Prenche, l'A~~---~~---~~~~_~~ __ ~ ~--------- Jt~~~~~~~~_~~~liI¥~_~~~liI¥~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~t ~tt4utrS tptStnpu1iI ar~urd7 IVi 20745 Sunningdale Pork (Near Mock and Vernier) l!i Grosse Pointe Woods ~~ The Re""rend Edgor H. Yeomon. Rector ;

~ CHRISTMAS EVE l!~ 4,00 p.m., Candlelight Carol Service l'A,~ 8,00 p.m.. Choral Euchari,t 1AVi 11015 p.m.. Choral Euchari,t )1

~ CHRISTMAS DAY ;u. 9,30 o.m.. Euchari,t with Hymn. Ii NUrle'y Care 8,00 p.m. on Ch,i,'ma, Eve, Ii 9,30 on Chr;"",a, mo,ning l'A


~-----~----~--~-~IGrossePOinte Baptist Cluch II 21336 MACK AVENUE II COME AND ADORE HIM II 9:45-Sunday School - for all ages. II 11 :OO-Morning Worship Servke - Special Christmas II Music by Adult Choir. II Sermon Entitled - "The Real Message Ifi of Christmas" by Rev. Jack Fullard I111 6:00-CHRISTMAS EVE Candlelight S!lrvice - I= Carol Singing and a Musical Package by:heJ1 Ensemble. A Christmas reflection will beI given by o(Jr Pastor. II NEW YEAR'S EVE- Watchnight Service - 9:00 p.m. Ifi ti! Midnight. looking Bock and II looking Ahead. Refreshments II and then a Communion Service. IW Help Us Declare to this lost and Dying World II A SAVIOR IS BORN I~_lillII:_~ " " ~_~

Id a 5. 'lSSSzSSC11mssrn'.7 1$11 ern 7' PUtzrMts


'c'ctndtd ••• 2 11 d ddMt'T a ri tert it rfnrJ:tlF'iJT r 2mx Sf I

Page 10: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,


644-6000Worldwidt Rl'prl'lItntation

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•South Bound Families . . . stop first atYoung Clothes, 110 Kercheval for fun in thesun fashions for children. Included are brotherand sister swimsuits and Frenchaprons with bonnets are adorable for littlegirls and there are short.alls with caps forlittle boys.



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•For Your Convenience ...•the Sign of the Mermaid, 75Kercheval, will be openThursday, December 21 andFriday, December 22 until9 p.m., Sunday, December24 the Mermaid will ,beopen 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

•Delightful, Decorative , . . gift items forthe home ... DenIer has them ... of course!

.. 77 Kerr.heval.

•Find Original And Useful Gifts ... at theMorse-Capponi Gallery which will be openThursday, December 21 until 10 p.m. andSunday, December 24 noon till 5 p.m.

•Everyone Loves ... Minerva Russel's suncatchers at Virginia William:... There's one witha special meaning for many on your list. Justone flight or an elevator ride up in the ColonialFederal Building.

•Hamlin's Has ... a handsome stainless steelfondue pot with a polished wooden handlewhich holds over a qllart. It's made in Franceand it is $18.95 at 89 Kercheval ... TU 5.8400.•A Bronze Door Gift Certif~c:Je ... for anyamount, anytime opens the i9.,0or to elegantdining for your friends and .business associ.ates. Joe Wagstaff is appearing 'at The BronzeDoor, 123 Kercheval Tuesday fbrough Rendezvous night is every Wednesdayevening with cocktails and hors 9'oeuvres from5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Bronz~poor is on Sunday for those spec~l private par-ties with a minimum guest list ~ 75 up to 125.886.1932. FASHION SHOW ~¥ERY TUES-DAY. .::l

By Pat RousseauMade expressly by A. Sulka and Company

for Picard-Norton, 92 Kercheyal, handsomeall silk neckwear and French fine cotton hand.kerchiefs. The mix and match sets will put asparkle in your own Santa's eye.

•Great Gifts Twelve Dol.lars And Under , .. arefound at The League Shop,98 Kercheval. They includea gay green and white flame ~'stitch set of six canapeplates and six k n i v e s($12.00). A handsome handy ~.I-ut.~ .teak and lucite bar box is -;-7just the thing ~o :;ervecheese ($9.50). ChristmasTree Glasses ... highballand old fashions are $10.00for a set of eight. CourocSanta with reindeer tray is$11.50.

mat~nWO~"r"lE "'I tl





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• Con,',uc,.d wil~ quolily Sw",croftsmon'lhip and imported ex:-elusively by Kombi Corp

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:10 I/,e parellh

of I/,e groom,For 1111 rX/fllI/l'Il' {""I.l\, W'.\/lIrr lIf/d rXllfrss;oTJof MfIIl;IIII/I' IlIr f'llrTJd"d l'Ollflr.l;r,1 hI' 1/'1' /lr;t!r',1

II/m;ll. d/lf/fi{-: II'rddlll/! 111'1;1';1/1'.1 I'On,I;t!rr II

Irill I;IWlllr!

IInlrl;lI/! UI,hl'/lrslll Ih""rf

Jeflerjon Colonnadef(eJlauranl

Letters to the EditorTo The Editor: i hear do?wna lillIe bit on these

Delighlcd to read ahout the: Infants. .motorist who caught up with; The taxpayer tS a wonderthc kid and smacked him a I ful source of revenue forgood onc for throwing things! school assessmcnts, etc., tor,t his car. Hope the boy's' help educate ~ batch of un.father had enough sense to: ~ratcf~l brats In the manner"dd a few finishing touches I to :-vh1eh they feel they are10 a job well done, enlltlcd..

'. . " Beller not sIgn my name-Too bad a motor.lsl Isn l some 10) car old might de

ahie to nde along wJlh some. dde to come over and setsensc of ease nr,waday.lwith. : fire to my house kill my I

out a 14.year.old monster t'n. ! cats and throw a~id in mydangenng hIS hfe. face, I'll just sign __ .

How come parents dun'l, An interested reader.

Grosse Pointe News What Goes 01.ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC.

OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL a.... Open Dally 9 a.m ••9 p.m.GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 ., (Sundays building open 10 a.m .•5 p.m.) postaceP.ld .t Detroll,Mlchli'D Y L.b Deeember 21.28----F-U-L-L-Y-PA-ID-C-IR-C-U-LA-T-I-O-N--- Ollr I rary 1::< All Memorial sponsored aetlvltles open to the_._______ -----. d Grosse Pointe public. Hospital equipment avail.

Phone TU 2.6900 By Virginia Leonar able for free loan: erutches, wheelchairs, hos.MemberMlell. PressAssoclallonand Natlo"alEditorialAssocl.tloJl d 'b pital beds and heating lamps.

NATIONALADVERTISI!'~GREPRESENTATIVE Recently we purchased as ~ I ~ith the fjr~t .chapter escr:. GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER ANDWeek!)'1'iewspaperRepresenlallve,Ine, memorial for the Central Li. 109 the Orlgm and assoc.a.

404 Fifth Avenue.Ne'" York19. NewYork BYr.nt 9.7300 !:'rarv a most timely and ap. tions of this happy season; LENDING LIURARY CLOSED DURING DE.CHICAGOOFFICE'# . th "L~llIBER.

133 North ~lIrhllanAvenue PhoneFlnancl.1&-2214 pr"priate book reprinted by the next chapter gives us e \..j~"

---------- ...----------- Gale Research and enlilled earlier celebrations of the Thursday, Deeember 21-RO-BERTB. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGEll hCHRISTMAS.It was origin. festival. From ere, we move . CWILLIAMADAMO ADVERTISINGMANAGER ally written by W. F. Dawson to the early Christmas cele. * 12:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. Phillp .JANET MUELLER FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY in Londonin 1902. I shall now brations in Britain. Next, Gibbs, Director.JAMES J. NJAIM NEWS give you the lengthy subtitle Chrislmas from the Norman * 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, InstructorROGERA. WAHA EDUCSAPTOIROTSNI NNEWEW~and explanation of the book Conquestto the MagnaClirla, 6:00 p.m. Womell's Acquatic Club.KATHY DUFF 'as it appears on the title and then continuing on from 8:00 p.m. Our Lady Star of the Sea PromLILLIANKARR ..' ADVERTISING .. d the lateer to the end of theADVERTISING pa.;e: "Its orlgm an as;,o. be 22MARYLORIMER .ADVERTISING ciations, together with its his. Wars of the Roses. ~hapter Friday, Deeem rPI)~TU&O~~~~~INO . '.'ADVERTISING torical events and festive cel. 6 deals with the Yuletide sea. 12:00 noon Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-

ADVERTISINGebrations during nineteen cen. son under Henry VII and Open Card DayKATHYBRYEN CIRCULATIONturies: depicting, by pen and I Henry VIII. We continue * 3:30 p.m. Ski Hi Twinight Trip to Pine Knob IM. COLETTE KREINER '. BUSINESS pencil. memorable celebra. chronOlogically with Christ. * 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor IJOHN MacKENZI~ "'ACCOUNTS I tions•. stl1,tely meetings of mas un.der Edward VI. Mary I: * 7:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. Philip C.JOANNE EASO;.l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING early kmgs, rem ark a.b I e and Ehzabeth, under James Gibbs, DirectorJO ~IULHERSCINI IANSKY r.LASSIFIED AlJVERTISING events. romantic episodes, I, and under Charles the * 7'00 pm Beginning and Advanced Karate _IDOROTHY H r. CLASSIFIED",DVEllTlSING brave deeds, picturesque cus. First and ,the Commonwealth. . ..BETTY RAUGHT .. ._____________ toms, time honored sports, Chapter 10 takes us from the I * 8 00 ~aanrgenKtsYWUl~thhlo'mut'DpairretCnteorrs I

royal Christmases, corona. I Restoration to the death of I : p.m. •

AntOI-Vandal'lsm Act"lon tions and royal marriages, George II. * 8:00 p.m. Adult Ski Club "African Safari"chivalric f~ats, court ban. ., Saturday, December 23que tin g and revellings, "Chapt~r 11 1.S entitled: 6:00 p,m. Grosse Pointe High School South I

The effort to reduce vandalism, begun in The Christmas at the colleges M0 ~,e r n at Band and Orchestra PartyWoods on the part of concern~d residen~ and law and the inns of court, popu. home, bul IS mlsleadmg to 7:30 p.m. Summit Lighthouseenforcement officials, is an actJ9n of WhlCh the en. lar feomvities and Christmas us as we forget that we are, * 8:30-11 :30 p.m. Senior Other Side with thetire community should be cogmzant-and support. keeping in different parts of speaking of England and that "Julia" band.Be"ause, in the long run, even though th.e concerted the world derived from the "modern" ig really 18th cen.

~ d h f f most authentic sources ond tury! In skimming this chap. Sunday, Deeember 24spark has flashed in The Woo s, t ~ Ires 0 con- arranged chronologicaliy." ter I learned thal the first Anawimstructive action affects all of The Pomtes. . . Christmas and New Year 9:30 a.m.

Some 200 teenagers created the stimulus ~or t A d~I~~?~St~rn-of.the-c~n. cards were originally circu., 10:00 a.m. 1st Church of Understandingthis effort when they created what Woods pollce ~~: D:~~~n'sal~re~:~~ea,,~~ lated in England ~n 1846. 10:00 a.m. Self Realization Fellowshipcalled a "near riot" situation on "Devil's N~ght," the third quarler of the nine- O~ly a thousand copies were Monday, December 25the evening before Halloween. The teens, wlthout tennth century, it fell to my prmte~ t~al year but each * 3:30 p.m. Ski Hi Five Day Trip to Boyneanything beneficial to. do~ blocked streets, started lot to write an article on year llle ldea became more Tuesday, December 26fires, pulled up traffIC Signs .and hurled eggs at Christmas its customs and popu~ar, and ~y 1880 they '" 9'40 a m Ski Hi Trip to Vail, Coloradocivilian vehicles and scout cars 10 the area of. Barn~s festivities '... I became en. had become qUitepopular! . 12:00 n~o~ Senior Men's Club Card Groupsand Our Lady Star of the Sea Schools. P?hce s~ld amoured of the subject. for, In Chapter 12 entitled I * 4:00 p m Rochester Hills Riding Schoolsome resl'dents even armed themselves WIth cluos, in addition to historical inter. "Modern C h r is t mas e s 6'30" KI'wanl's Club of Grosse POl'nteest is ,the charm of its leg- abroad," one is slartled to : p.m.apparently to protect their property if necessar~. endary lore, its picturesque find the first subject for dis. 7.30 p.m. Weight Watchers of Eastern Michi.Should Woods r(,sidents, or for that matter, reSI. customs. al).d pop u I a r cussion "Christmas.ketpmg gan, Inc.dents of the other Pointe municipalities put up with games.". in the Arctic Regions, 1850.1." * 7:30 p.m Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. Philip C.such a destructive mentality and such waste? Mr. Dawson's aim is nei. (I wonder how many of us' Gibbs, Director.

At The Woods' November 20 regular council ,ther critical nor apologetic, really. c,are!) India, Crim~a, * 8:00 p.m. College Crowd Get Togethermeeting a resident suggested an ordinance which bul historical andpiclorial. Abyssmla, Canada, Austra~la, * 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Chess Clubhe hope'd would stop "the wanton and willful Here we find materials col. New Zealand, the SandWIch

I I d d f. II . A Wednesday, December 27vandalism of our properly by you~hful bands. of lected from all ove'.' the s an s, an ma y In mer-marauders." Other lelters were received requestmg world. 'ancient and modern. ica! *10:00 a.m. Pied Piper Express to "Cinderella"the city administration's help in preventing such An effort has been made to If you read the article on at Institute of Artsvandalism. The foundation for action was set to be give a chronological accounl Christmas in America of this 11:00 a.m. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-

o! the celebrations and ob. period one must remember Cribbagelaid. servances (If Christmas from the date. otherwise lhe style * 12:30 p.m. Senior Ladies Club of Grosse Pointe

The council, at the November 20 meeting, di. ~hebirth of Chrisl to the end and information become ter. ------------------------recled City Administrator Chester E. Petersen and of ,the nineteenth century. In ribly funny, when ,they are rides are greatly in vogue. it would be very useful in aCity Attorney George Catlin to explore the possi. looking at the various cele. not supposed to be. "Today And so other m\)dern Christ. library of any sort. In thesebility of some new regulatory type of ordinance brations of Christmas, Mr. the prodigal once more reo mas abroad are considered in days of contemporary andapplicable during the Halloween period. Ai his Dawson has observed that lurns to the pa,terna! roof; much the same way. commercialized Yuletides, itrequest for a police department representative at whatever views men hold re- the spend.thrifl foresakes his This book contains a mine is interesting and certainlythe December 6 meeting of the Barnes PTA Execu. specling Christ, they all agree boon companions; the conviv. of information on Christmas. different to see how celebra.t' B d D Ed d J k 1 k' PTA president lhal His Advent is to be ialist deserts the wine.cup. es of long ago. I can see that lions used to be.Ive oar, r. muw as 0 s I, , hailed w:th joy. In closing his The beautiful genius of do .. ---- . _and, the ~oard heard Youth Service Division ,De- preface. he says: "I sincerelyt~ctlve .Mlchael Ferrence speak .. From the m~ehng, wish that all who read it ~n~Sti~~~veca~asfot:~~:Ph:~~five pomts toward a plan of achon were outlmed- ((;HRISTMAS) may find as blessed events?" You seenot only for The Woods' interest but also for the I much pleasure in its perusal what I mean? I find no men.entire community. (For why try to cure a pain in as I have had in its compila- tion of lhe Chrislmas tree,your arm when your whole body aches?) tion." bul Santa Claus is ,there,

The detective described the five points: (1) to CHRISTMAS starts out I slockings are hung, sleighhave Mr. Catlin explore various ordinances on cur. ----------------------few to control this type of activity; (2) to make plans r.-------to deal with the schools themselves regarding theorganization of activities during the evening hours Iat that time of year; (3) having parents clubs can. Itact other parents dubs to consider such topics as Iparents' control over their children and an aware. Iness of mob violence; (4) to talk with retail foodbusinesses to consider restrictions on the sale ofeggs and other possible missiles to youths, and (5)in whatever means are finally employed, to discussthe matter with other Pointe communities regardinga uniform program for the future. "We want to Igo to them with ideas in hand," he said, All of thesepoints are important, perhaps the last, doubly so. L-,-----,

Vandalism costs a community dearly not only dollars but in staining its conscience, in causingunnecessary anguish among its residents, businessesand schools. Like the most despicable of litter, thescars caused by a vandal's hands can relegate acommunity into a woeful eyesore.

A starting point has been reached regarding"Devil's Night" in The Woods, and hopefully in theother Pointes as well. For what transpired in TheWoods on such a scale this year could have hap.pened in The Farms, City, Park or Shores.

The objective is to make certain that potential"Devil's Nights" anywhere in The Pointe, and takinga wider view, vandalism per se, can be so curtailedas to become a minor blight on the community.


.... . . . ~ .


b ozo tr t • • crt? 7 ri. ...

Page 11: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,


Page Eleyen

Bart EdmondBeauty Salon


886-6060 WO 2-1112Thursday and Fridoy evenings by appointment

merry Chrtstm9sIn other words, this is a hairdresser that cares. Hedoesn't consider his clients faceies! ladies in shapelessrobes, He considers them interesting individuals.Which is why he studies their faces arid clothes andasks about the lives they lead and the way they reallysee themselves. It's also why he gets the most beautifulresults. This kind of hairdresser isn't easy to c:pmeby.But if you come by our plat;e, you'll find quite a few.You see, it's th!,':only kind of hairdresser we be.lievein.

Members of the President's Cabinet of the Uni.versity of Detroit gathered at the Ranger House inLakeshore road Sunday, December 17, for theirannual Christmas cocktail party.

Co. h 0 s t e d by Mrs. ~-'---------


Mark Valente, Jr., of I Henry Ford, II. chairman ofWhittier road, Mrs. Roger I the board. ~ord Motor Com-J. Rinke, of Woodland pany, ~rdle Howe, Detroit

IShore drive, and Mrs. Red Wmg superstar for morreDennis J. Flynn of Troy tha~ a quarter ~entur.y. D ., , Adrian KaDtrowllz, pIoneer.the party was attended ing heart surgeon and re-by over 100. ,searcher, and Dr. MarllhaU

They came to wish Univer. McLuhan, explorer of thesity President Father Mal. and communiea.colm Carron S.J. a "ery lions field.merry Christmas, and to join A t nd' th Ch'.tin seeing the Uni"ersity off t e 109 e ns masto a successful exciting 96th party at the Ranger lIouseyear • were a number of prom1DeDt. . people from The Pointe, in.

U. of D.'s President's Cab. eluding the Nathan B. Good.

Iinel, consisting of the Uni. nows of Handy road, Frankversi~y'~ major donors, is McGQugh,of Neff road, thenow In Its 6th ~'ear, I Richard Harve~'s. of Mount

It is best knownfor its an. Vern a n road. the Briannual dinner each spring at O'Keefes, of BuckinghadCobo Hall. road, the Ray Macdonaldl,

At the dinner, outstanding of Lochmoor boulevard. theNorth American men and. Walker Cislers, of Devo~women, selected on the basis I shire road, the Earl Peeled',of excellence of pertormallce II of Cadieux road, the Rinkes,within a chosen field, are the Valentes and Mrs. Flor.honorc(). ence Sism:m, of East Jeffer.

The 19'72 dinner honored son avenue.

IU. of D. President'sCabinet Has Party

Entertaining at cocktailsin her holiday.decked Lake-land avenue home December20 will be MRS. YOUNG Le.GRO, whose son in-law anddaughter, MR. and MRS.GEORGE H. BUSHNELL,and three-year-old DAVIDBUSHNELL, arrived in ThePointe from California intime for Thanksgiving, andwill remain through Christ.,mas.

(Continued on Page 17)

son of MR. llnd MRS. ALEXP. GIKKAS, of Yorkshireroad, has completed WeaponsSystem Officer Training atLuke Air Force Base, Ariz.,in the F-4 Phantom fighter-bomber. Graduated in 1964.from Grosse Pointe HighSchool, he received an As-sociate in Arls degree fromMacomb Community Collegein 1967 and a Bachelor ofScience degree in 1969 fromNorthern Michigan Univer.sity, He was commissionedin 1970 through OfficerTraining School at Lackland~ir Force Base. Tex.

• • •

----------_ .._----------_ ..

~ .... '

Photo bv Eddie McGrath. Jr.WEBER. The two teenagers are partof a Madrigal Choral Group fromFerndale High School which caroledat the party. Mrs. Bush is over-allchair;!1an. Santa, himself, dates backto the childhood of the late HoraceE. Dodge, Jr., to whom the mtinsionformerly belonged.

MR. and MRS. FRANK D.BOYNTON,V, of Ypsilanti,announce the birth of theirsecond child, a daughter,AMY ANNE, November 16.Mrs. Boynton is the formerNAN CY MARANTETTE,daughte!' of MR. and MRS.THOMAS M. MARAN.TETTE, of Berkshire road.Paternal grandparents areMR. and MRS. LAWRENCEJ. VERDIER, of Leland.

•••Air Force First Lieutenant


Ninety.five pound PointerLISA FlNKENSTAEDT, aUniversity of Michigan sen.ior, polished off 46 pieces offried chicken in 15 minutesrecently, ,to take first in achicken eating contest spon.sored' by Delta Gammasorority and Colonel SandersFried Chicken, In Ann Arbor.

• • •

JAMES F. WHITEHEAD,JR., of Del Ray Beach, Fla.Paternal great.grandmotheris MRS. J. FRAZER WHITE.HEAD, of Stephens road.

• • •



Kercheval at St. Clair • Grosse Pointeaid aur new stare

2861 Somerset Mall T/'OJ

Jbt .sbops of


Santa Presides At Christmas Tea.' \1'.... ~ .. ':...~:. ~;

::: .:

" r1



MR. and MRS. JAMES F.WHITEHEAD, III, of De.troit, announce the birth oftheir first child, a daughter,ELIZABETH COURTNEY,November 30. Mrs. White-head is the former CAROLWELCH, daughter of LAW.RENCE WELCH, of BocaRaton, Fla. Paternal grand.parents are MR. and MRS.

Pointer NANCYDIEHL, aWestern Michigan Universitysophomore, was a memberof the WMU Forensics ClubDebate Team which, de-bating the negative aspectof "Resolved: That the fed.eral government should pro-vide comprehensive medicalcare for all citizens," wasundefeated at a tournamentat Ferris State College thisfall.' • • •

IllinoIs Wesleyan UnlversilyConcert Band December 7,in IWU's Presser Hall. TheGrosse Pointe South HighSchool graduate is a sopho-more Music Education majorat Illinois Wesleyan.. ,.. ,..

. .. .

short and toThe Pointe

NANCY HOUGHTON,daughter of DR. and MRS.MATTHEWA. HOUGHTON,of Berkshire road, performedon the French Horn with the

NORMAND.NIGRO,M.D.,of Lochmoor boulevard, oneof Michigan's leading proc-tologists, was named winnerof the Michigan CancerFoundation's DistinguishedService Award for 1972 atMCF's annual board of trus-tees meeting December 13.MCF President MICHAELJ.BRENNAN, M.D., made thepresentation. Dr. Nigro isclinical professor of Surgeryat Wayne State UniversitySchool of Medicine and beadof Colon and Rectal Serviceat Harper Hospital.

* • •

The National Institute of IGeneral Medical ~ciences, ~.unit of the Nalional Insh'.tutes of Health. has awarded I "",'a three-year fellowship to A larger-than-life Santa Claus~AVID GRANDISON.. as- I presided ever the Christmas teaJ;lstant professor of BIOlogy given by the Grosse Pointe Symphonyat Oakwood College, Hunts. , .ville, Ala.• for study toward Women s Committee Monday, D.e.a doctorate in Physiolo~y, cember 11, at the Ranger Hou~e munder the direction of DR. East Jefferson avenue. Admirers,RAYMOND HENRY, of (left to right), are GRACE WARD,Aline drive. at the Wayne MRS. FLORENCE E. SISMAN,State University School of MRS. J. ROSS BUSH and MICHAELMedicine's Department of --------------------------------Physiology and Pharmacol.ogy.

Accompanist for the Christ-mas concert.presented by thecombined choirs of PeaceLutheran Church Sunday eve-ning, December 17, at theChurch, East Warren. Balfour ~oad, was ELEA-NOR LORENTZEN. of Idalane. BOB SCHOENHERR,ofGrayton road, gunar, andKAREN MINTURN,of Holly-wood avenue. !bass clarinet,were among other instru-mentalists who accompaniedthe singers during some oftheir numbers.

• • •



from the jtaff

atl!lJ;lb~3 Kercheval Ave., at Fisher Rd. IPunch and Judy Block)

Store Hours: Mondayrhru F"doy 9,30 a.m.

'Iii 5:30 p.m.Closed Saturdays

From Another Pointeof View


Thursday, December 21, 1972--------_._- ---------- _._-._-_._---

By Janet Mueller

Last year, Carolyn and Russell Lucas, of EastJefferson avenue, sent a "family" Christmas card,picturing thirty-six members of their brood, chilodren through great.grandchildren, gathered for ahappy reunion at Pioneer Huron City.

This year, they've sent another family card-but this year's picture is of Carolyn's grandmother,Amanda Lester Hubbard, wife of Langdon Hub.bard, surrounded by her children, Frank, Annabeland Richard, in their log cabin nea~ the tip ofMichigan's thumb.

It's not th~ REAL Amanda, of course. She diedin the middle of the last century, aged 26.

But Carolyn has lovingly reconstructed PioneerHuron City, an early Michigan lumber town, as itwas in Amanda's day, and has placed mannequinfigures, representing her family, in some of thebeautifully authentic rooms of the restored build-ings.

Amanda, Frank, Annabel and Richard are onesuch group. Theirs is the picture on the LucasChristmas card this year.,.. ,.. ,..

And, as always, there's one of Carolyn's orig.inal verses to accompany the Lueases' holiday goodwishes to all their friends.

This year, Carolyn Hul>bard Parcells Lucas bastaken the young Amanda as her inspiration. Thisyear, Carolyn's Christmas poem is entitled:

O. PIONEERSDear little grandmother you look so young,Rocking away in your old rocking chair.What were the lullabies, dear, that you sung,Long, long ago to your little ones there?Life was so short and your years were so few,Time passes swiftly, but memory is long.Dear little grandmother, I will be true,

, J will remember you, dear, and your song.,.. * ,..And, this year, Carolyn has declared a Christ.

mas dividend polfuY, for all NEWS readers:;ciIOLY NIGHT

The child¥e1J,stood beside the treeAnd gazetP,tit wonder at the sightOf so mu'chlove and mystery;The Manger in the candlelight.And outsi~, shining on the snow,Etching diathWay clear and bright,A great r lent its light to showRemembr nce of the Holy Night.

(Continued on Page 14)

td _.Cd •. 0' d • ,.' ". d". Htrtrt 'c. 'f'" cd« td dc" 1d« Cart .' S S ,. • ne. s • 7 Cd S 1 E 5 ' e • I::~\•

Page 12: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

• l ' ..... "0',' ...

Peg, Twelve G R 0 SSE POt NT ENE W S Thursday, DKember 21, 1972-----_._----,------------- ------_._------_.-----------


20339 MACK(Near Vernier)



. : / '.882~154Q;I "9ft.'1L (. ~." .. , '

1,,'<'0_;;' . {ISO;'.; .. ~, .'. C . ,., .f., II - ... - .. -.. .. _ .... , .- . I:) .II J:"l 63 Kercheval "On lhe Hill" UJlu.-,1MJ.Dov;Ta Nosf,iJC,earion. Fa un ber stil, -WllereIlle beouly ond e~~el/ent cOndition a' you, IIai;iJ of P,ime Imporlance. Tile 'jned p,od~dJ pJIIJtloe ,.ill

01 au' e"IH,j.".ed sly/j,b anu'eJ YOII 01 ma"jm~mIIaj, beauty. . .;,0.. 'Ih. HJM" GN_ hUlt. IItlchlpn

.63 K'ICHEVAL...!n ,. CNnIaI F;l.ntlllcif .•

rIel. Idl)W with the bride', pIreDtITbe newlyweds will be.before leavms for the IOllth.

JPendin, the Chriltuul boll. weat,

/I you hurry you can pick from Michigan's largest and mostlInusual setee/ion of jewelry, etc.

"SELL ALL MY JEWELRY"!!!So . . . we 'oolc off the reduced price 'iclceh and pu' on thegiveway price 'ide's.Our Christmas present to you, Jackie, and your ovel5penthusband.



Mr. IDe! Mr.. H. RipleySChemm, of Meniweatherroad, annOUDC8 the man-aileof thelr daUihter. Lynn Car.ver, to Peter AlexanderHarding.

The afterDoon eeremonytook place at the Schemmfl1lmily colt:age in Metamora,Monday, Decembei' 18.

The bridegroom'& parentiare Mr. and Mn. Ray, of LyUleton. South AI.

Lynn SchemmSpeaks J'ow..


2'0'. E,te. tauder Eau d. porfum

Wilh 1I, Karol llold setting'.



Ea,y 10 carry. easy 10 open. Choiceof colors.




Sold to $24

Mrs. George D. Carter



.Photo by J. S. De FOJ'elltExchanging marriage vows Saturday. Decem.

ber 16, in Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, wereMARGARET FENLEY (Wendy) VAUGHAN.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Vaughan. Jr.,of Edgemont Park, and Mr. Carter, son of theArthur W. Carters, of Guilford, Conn.

~P.g. as High as$11.00

Famolls MakersAll Newest Colors

HlIndreds to Choose from

Many Fabrics and Colors

All Foil ond Win'er

Making her bow to societyat a tea Wednesday, Decem.ber 13, at the Country Clubof Detroit, was Anne Wing-field Stoepel, daughter of t.heFrederick Christopher Sloe.pels, of Grayton road, great-granddaughter of Dr. ArlhurDavi1 Holmes, the pedialri.cian who founded the WayneCounty Medical Society, andMargaret McMillan Holmes,a decendant of United SlatesSenator James McMillan.

Her maternal grandmoth-er, Mrs. Ray Emery Wad.leigh, and maternal great.aunt, Mis:! Agnes Holmes.presented the 19.year-oldMacomb County CommunityCollege freshm!!n at thl" 4to 6 o'clock party.

Anne wore an ice blue satinafternoon dress, fashionedwith long, filted sleeves anda deep V.neck, and an an.tique gold heirloom necklace.Mrs. Wadleigh chose a dressof Alice blue crepe, MissHolmes a kelly green frock.

The trio r"ceived in theCountry Club's French Room,where a traditional tea table,set in the bay windows, wascovered by 'a Stoepel heir.loom linen cloth and set withsilver services from the Sloe.pel and Davis families.

Anne's maternal grand.father was the late Ernl'stGuthrie Davis.

Her paternal grandparentswere the late Frederick Sut.ton Stoepel, son of dry gooeswholesaler Frederick C. Stoe.pel, Sr., and the late Mrs.Stoepel.

Anne, a Grosse PointeSouth High School graduate, dcr blue silk-and.wool jacketenjoys skiing and combines dress, ~rimmed with Alenconher studies with work for lace, and a Eucharis lily cor.Dr. Charles C. Markel. sage for her daughter's wed.

The family gathered after ding.the party for a dinner in The bridegroom's motherAnne's honor. at the S'toepel selected a gown of minthome. brown chiffon, styltd with a .. '

pleated skirt and full, ,bishop I:::::bride. I sleeves, and a cymbidium or .. ;::::

Mrs. Vaughan chose a pow. chid corsage. :::::

Iii ~JacobsorrS ""~ t ..

h i:-,rl\


....~~~~.:~OH~~';~NT HANGERS~ $6 ::~'.r:f.~.::

Solid walnlll, holds 5 pairs.-- "- :=:;:

PERSONAL PURSE SECRETARY __ .... $14 lEATHER GLOVES ..... _ . I •••••••• $8 .....Pad, pen, card car,ier, ch"nge purse, check book holder, 011 Acryliclined, block or one easy-to-carrycowhide leather folio.


j..:~.:~..::~.:.::.~~~i: ~~~~,~~n :r~c~d~~S - $9 r'leece lined groined ~other.


ROSE PIN _ . . . . . . . . . . .. 5:::=: Real ros.e covered with 24 Karat gold plate 3 inches. lon;l. $ .:.:.:~~ G;" b... d. MANICURE SET . , , .. , . , , . , .. , .. , 7 •..:..~.:;.;..:.•1.::.~.::::

JADE PINS $8Each in 0 satin bracade bag. FOR THE HOME .••

LUCITE MUSIC BOX $10 t:;::;::u~~::::::~ 6.5Q ~~1~1~USTERLING SilVER MEDALLION $10 :::::

m~ ~p~~rMpo~~r~k:~~e,;a~. 'G;~;c~lo'rs.' $3 :;:R~;t::YS::::R ~~~~iiLADY MANHATTAN POLYESTERSHIRT, $12 ?;:=~;~~T~:~~~.OWflAKE .... , , , ,$10 I•• ,',0,

I. :~:::~:I~:::~::::::::::::::::::: ::~::;:::I:~~~~I;~:::~~~:B::: I:~:.~:~.1:. SALTON PIZZA WARMER 14.95 :.:::.:

lEVI POLYESTER KNIT JEANS $16~r ETHNIC DOll MUSIC BOX $10 mj:..... BANlON PUll.ON PANTS $16 :::::~~ :x:.•••. FOR THE CHILDREN. . • •....v.' ~~;m BOYS' HATS .....•.••..... 2.00-2.50 ~~~j:;:;:: FOR MISS J . . . 1,.7 loque,... ki" ,ki.l\at" :::::

~~j~~GLOVES AND MITIENS '2.00-4.50 BOYS' AND GIRLS' ~.)::;.):j...• Prinl or ,alid warm woven knit acrylic' with plain or~~i~~leather palm,. WATERPROOF MITTENS 1.50-3.00 :::~~ ~~tKNIT HATS 2.50-5.00 GIRLS' HATS AND SCARVES 2.00-4.00 :::~

~f11i ::~ c::;' ::~:. ~n~ ~o~u~" 4.50-$10 ::;~~~I:I:dH7::~NS $7 ::.1.1


~m! Sol;d, ond prinl hat/milteMand hot/scarve teft. Nylontricot party dre" dyle. 4-11,.N. M~: ~~ ~::::: JAc.:08S0N'S OPEN TO 9:00 P.M. TONIGHT, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS. ::1::~~ ~


Anne StoepelBows at Tea







63 Kercheval-On- The-Hill



SKIRTS 5599 to51199VESTS Reg. $11 to $24



All Fabrics,MAXI'S Styles and Colors



Starts Tomorrow Morning! A Wild Wonderful SavingsSpree on Hundreds and Hundreds of Fashion Items.


Society News Gathered from the PointesChrist Church RitesFor Miss VaughanAfternoon Ceremony at Which She Becomes Bride

of George David Carter Is Followed byReception at Country Club

Motoring in Canada are Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeDavid Carter, who exchanged marriage vows December 16, at a 4 o'clock ceremony in ChristCh~rch, Grosse Pointe, with The Reverend ArnoldFenton presiding.!

Mrs. Carter is the for.! touooed with velvet at herml.!r Margaret Fenley neckline and wrists.(Wendy) Vaughan daugh. Bridesmaids. dressed iden.ter of the He~ry F. tically in ~owns of nile greenVaughans, Jr.. of Edge. crepe, WIth long, ruffledmont Park sleeves, were Mrs •. Arthur

. Cooper, of New York City,Mr. Carter is the son of Mrs. Bert Ladd, of West Rut.

Mr. and ~rs. Arthur W. Car. land, Vt., Mrs. Winston Tag.:c.; ter, of Guilford, Co~n., where gart, of Champaign, Ill .• Mrc.~ the. newlyweds will make Clementine Lely-Van Goch,

their ho,ne. the bride's American FieldA reception at the Country SeI"'{ice exchange sister. who

Club of Detroit followed the lived with the Vaughans duroafternoon riles. ing 1965-66,of Delft, Holland,

Wendy wore her 'Mother's and the bridegroom's sisters,wedding go",n of ivory slipper Janice B. Carter and Eliza.satin, styled with an heir. beth A. Carter.loom lace collar and cathe. They carried arrangementsdral train. of red carnations and holly,

An antique lace cap caught with holly berries.her long, ivory illusion veil, Best man was Bert Ladd.and she carried an arrange. Ushering were Albert Daven.ment of gardenias, stephan. port, John Of~~edl, Markotis and ivy. Dudley and Jeff Yates, all of

Victoria C. Vaughan, honor Guilford, and Henry F.'maid for her sister, wore a Vaughan, III, .and David A.frock of kelly green crepe, Vaughan, brothers of the

31301Gratlol Av~. / Hoseville. Mich. / (313)293'4500

-~..... dine out,~atthelnn, GEORGIA"Dinner in the Crystal Room~ ~'IJI rom $3.95 e5 PM-MidnlghteMon .Sat~ Cocktails ancI tlIferhlin •• ill the 111ft(lull~ 4 P.M.-2 A.M. Sents ... c..... y with~ TolftKing, at lite pTaM, Tm.-Sat."";~:,'--







• en ..... bth •• . • • t e ..

Page 13: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

'Thursday, D~cember 21, 1972 GROSSE POINTE NEWS PIge Thirteen

• • •

lemie Fat StllIilslicllHrs IIIteriers, allt,.r r.rterlelange

J. I. Ricurds LaNnt",

Grace UnitellC.rch If Cllrist

Dr. A.L. PsseUeDr. R.•• 1'''1, DDSDr. A. S...... DDSIr. .kIiHFISM ... ~lelll,re Stllllioleyn !IotIse-

, La.,s-I.,.lrliria DiMtII. McDanielClItlS.,

anJ "innl'e l'anL"fol' 'IOUI' pail'Ona,e'



Belding Cleaner~Grosse PointeAninal Cliiic

Grosse laundry

Coach StopLOUllgeRichud


KercheYCEI In The ParkBusiness & Professional Assodation



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.:1-'.. ~~\~. .

3400 Seaslar yellowlop, slainle" .Ieelbac~ case walchSelf-winding, wale,-rHislanl and day"dale lellinR dial. 165



is the answer


.~~». ,

TEI260 While or yel. • ~low top, $tainle.s "ZJ~••~.Ieel bac~ ose ~bracelet walch .~<~

169 50 ,~tm

Now is the time to buy Tissot-FROM AS LITTLE AS $39.95


Mrs. Douglas G, Barry

Married Saturday evening, December 16, inGrosse Pointe Memoria! Church were DEBORAHJANE MERRILL, daughter of the Melvin DaleMerrills, of North Edgewood drive, and Mr. Barry,son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Barry, of MountClemens.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ The largest-selling watch in Switzerland

~ I

II."I~Ol E. Warren FINE JEWELERS SINCE 1934 TU 1.4800I . ~~~~~~~~~';H;~2,~ ~~~ ct


27 years in same location14933 Kercheval




Camfortan .'"Iul



A nonprofit Michigan corporation establishedto provide dignified. secure and comfortable

housing for the retirees of Michigan,announces

TO: The Lutheran Retirement Cente,1170 Earhart RoadAnn Arbor. Michigan 48105

Please send complete information about ZionI.ulheran Church Retirement Center subordi.nated debentures.Name --- ----------Addrcss

Purchase (lIthest drbentllres ;s limited to bona fiderr.fidenl. n; Michigan,

This announcement is neither an offer to sell norsolicitat;on of offers 10 bur any of Ihese debentures,

Such uffering is made only in the information stalementwhich is available upon request.

These debentures mature five years from date of Issueand yield 7l/2% annual interest. payable on the lasl uloy

of June and December. (This issue supersedesSeries I debentures. which have been

completely subscribed).

Debentures can be purchased in a minimum amount ofS1.000 and in am"unts greater Ihan thaI in increments of

5500. Interest is paid aUlomatically by checkmailed to the holder.

Income from sale of these debenlures wili be usedfor the construction and furnishing of THE LUTHERAN

RETIREMENT CENTER. Ann Arbor. now underconstruction and scheduled for opening in the

sprillg of 1973.

For information about these debentures-orabout residence at The Lutheran Retirement

Center - write or call


I 170 Earhart RoadAnn Arbor, Michigan 48105

3 D/ti63-1330







theship's wbeel

, .... MACK TU 1.1OPIN _IL" , TO ,

.... till ........

Miss Merrill Brideof Douglas G. Barry,

..Women's Page-by, of and for Pointe Womenr Kohring Takes Exhibit Prize I:~~ ~.I

John Kohring. of T"uraine I some 1,500entries by a three. -r ~ IN 'h. *road, was an award winner member jury including Dean ~ * ~~ein the 59th Exhibition for Swanson, chief curator, ~ ~ A *Michigan Art i s t s wltich Walker Art Center, Minnea. '* ~ *

I opened at the Detroit InsH. polis, Minn., Elaine Varian,

i' lule ,.{ Arts December 13. director, Finch College Mu."wo other Pointe residents seum Contemporary Wing,

I are represented in the bi. New York, N.Y., and Jamesi ennial juried show. I K. Monte, curator,. WhitneyI The Detroit Society of Museum of Amerlcan Art.i Women Painters and scuIP.1 New York, N.Y.! tors prize for an outstanding Both . ,th~ 59th ~xhibition

work went to Kohring for his for. ~{Ichlgan Arhsts andacrylic on canvas "#1 July Pamtmgs by Anthony Dc25 1972" " Blasi, professor of Art at

" - Michigan State University,J. W. Corcoran, of Lake. are open to the public at the

shore road, is represented Detroit Institute of Artsby his plastic tubing "Den. through Sunday, January 28.sity Piece #3," and Jim De Blasi's one.mar. show isPallos, of Bishop road. by part of his award ...~ winnera six.and.a-ha1f.foot s tee I of the Founders Society Pur-"Feedback Tower." chase Prize in the 58th Ex.

Seventy works were from hlbition.

Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Fries BallroomSetting for \Reception Following Saturday

, Evening RitesA home in Kalamazoo awaits Mr. and Mrs.

Douglas Glen Barry, vacationing in New York Cityfollowing their Saturday, December 16, weddingin Grosse Pointe Memorial Church.

Mrs. Barry is the for.!;"'-'---------1mer Deborah Jane Mer. trailing ivy.rill, daughter of Mr. and Honor maid Shari Veen. I

Mrs. ,-Marvin Qale Mer. stra, of Grand R;~pids, andrill, of North Edgewood bridesmaids Denise Butler,

, qrive. I also of Grand Rapids, Denise... Mr. Barry is the son of the I Barry, the bridegroom's sis.Arthur E. Barrys, of Mount ter. and Beverly Mee, ofClemens, Brighton, carried Colonial

The 6:30 o'clock ceremony, bo.u~uets of white roses andat which The Revereud Jolin mlm~ture mums, ,comp~.McCreight presided, was fol. m~ntmg the flowers m theirlowed by a reception in the hair. I

Grosse Poi.lte War Memor. Ivory satin bands defin-;'d .ial's Fries Ballroom. the waists of their long moss

Re - embroidered Alencon green velvet froeks. 'Theirlace, seed pearls and crystals satin yokes were rimmedaccented the neck, bodice, with ivory lace, ,their longsle~vesand scalloped hem of sleeves edged in matchingthe bride's Empire.waisted lace.)vory satin gown. .

,"" Matching lace, studded I CI~r~nc~ Beardsley was hiSwith pearls and t I COUSID S best man. In the I. crys a s, usher corps were Jeff Van.formed .two front panels on D m d B Wh't both

, her skirt and edged her floor a an ruce. I e,length illusio m nrll of Kalamazoo, Tim Hogan, of

. n a 1 ~. Mount Clemens, James Mer.She carried a Colomal ar. rill, the bride's brother, and

rangeme~t of yellow ro~es Scott Barry, the bridegroom'sand miniature mums. With brother.

The bride's mother sell!ctedan Oriental style gown, fea.turing a sleeveless ,tangerine .bodice and yellow, tangerine Her corsage was fashIOned of IF ~W!fWII~~---~-_llIDlI!!_-----------.:iBnd charcoal-on.white pat. yellow roses. II, I

"terned siIkbrocade skirt, with I The bridegroom's n1oth:;r III a gift certl'fl'cateI a matching brocade jacket. chose an Empire.waisted, V. =---- , necked gown of deep wine It

, . v(llvet, and a corsage of pink 15AmerICan and Swiss roses. I

• WATCH REPAIRS --- i• DIAMONDS Set Welcome If


Members of Welcome Wag. Ion Club gather for their "out. Ij

luncheon," a Christmas party \=at the Detroit Athletic Club, =today, Thursday, December =21. III

The group ,meets for brunch 5and cards the first Thursday I

, of each month, at the Grosse IPointe War Memorial, atllll11:30 o'clock, Ilnd schedules:an out-luncheon, at a differ- location, each month. r

"Oriental Rugs" will be the ~regular session Thursday, rJanuary 4. Welcome Wagon's IIIpast.presidents will be hon. =ored Thursday, January 1B, a luncheon at Grosse IiPointe Woods Presbyterian IChurch. I

The Club invites anyonenew to The Pointe ,to join inits activities. Reservationsmay be made by calling Mrs .•Bud Day, 882-0536, or Mrs. ICarl Georgi, 885.5624. i

Persons wishing to .become .members must first be con.tacted bya current memberof the Welcome Wagon organ-ization. Mrs. Lucille Hutchen. Ireuter, 881.5791, will arrange lI!to have someone call on all I- •prospective members. I I

Mrs. Nan Alden and Mrs'l ICharles A. Knapp are the IClub's newest members. '" M .... .... ....


,...,' sr. • 1ass 2 P1 gp r s $ 5 7'S' p S ''7 ?7 7S '2 'PS 7 '.50 eras as '$ S$ 7 5 ." 5M 5 ? ? • '-Tit s{ •

Page 14: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

Thursday. DeG&mbet 21, 1972

TIl~ resortS a'e :::'5t.r:9'.,Sf\e.~ 0'1 !.'ie,rOtllr.. - ,-itate ::..cach S'Nltr. !cwrt9o;, sun-!af1 dan-ee. gc f :)' JUS! reia.< at pool-s~,:.e in t.l"t€ , a'r'!'l Ff.t;,;.aa S-l...ftSh,ne.Pr,', ate C"llt CC()y'J?r:",cf'lt [c shops

On the

FlorIda Gold Coa.ft .Irs the

Beach Club HotelThe PoinsettIa

Holiday Hotel &Villas

I.,r llr. Caulkins, pr~en.t of Waterways Navigationof View Company of Detrolt~ • •

, His eJtation ~ads: "•.u aJl agriculturist lAd bas-IDas ex«utiv~. you hue ~td fa muy activojties t.Iuough yoar intellige!lft and vision. To the

(C~ 011 Page 1')


Jacob SonS~~ U@)cr ~ 0u@Di70@

SAVINGS OF 20% to 40%


Beautiful new furnishings for your home may be purchased

at substantial savings during our year.end c1earan-:e.

Everything is from our regular stock, mostly one.of.a.kind

discontinued styles and fabrics. Now is the time to

save on superbly crafted furniture from Henredon, Heritage,

Founders end many other makers noted for fine furniture.

Come early for best seler,tion of these important values.



YEAR-END " _/A~~ 'u-L



Captain KeanTo Take Bride

A Feb~':l!"Y ~.~ U te!!-::!:r_e:i:i bE~ pi.,.!~

For HolidayEntertaining

Selecl I~om our


All His Favorite


A fine selection of


Russell StoverCANDIES

GREAT FORGift Giving




lsol"ooe i! !:ct t':e • .:.;...-er. for these ).0'.l..:4 t:~)?[-€, B'.::lack O! teaehing ~,~cl i.s

i a prob:em)lr Gmeh elDlai!:td t.:, ....

. ~.s~ is h~~ at til"school now. Any ur. Ujual ~-

I tadled to neh DffembeDe'II'51eUet' by the mailingeommi~. ](ore are from the b..igh ~ 01.ike. 01 from )In. Doiul~.8l52.Stas. or ](n. Heklt, 882.1);51.

1l!e ctie r E1pires Deee m.ber 31, aM shonly tilerea."tertile Hethen Club treaswerv.i1l r:~~lve a cud, fromKe!1tu;:ky Fried C'~cj:en,~auks by Jeny ~ri<hPri.ncj~l Jerri' Gen<:b ';To,"S

on n.ud to di..<o;~s sC'.en:Th~ C';Ql()!15 WerE at. area.s at ~erl He pre-

------ 'seated t'...iti3Li.c~ ,;c. gl'ad"perfornliin« by each of thefour c1a.s.Jles at SollL'l High.

He also spoke ab<.".:t Ie an:I i.!1g problem;, and what i! Q.e.: ing dooe !or S(1.Meot.s '. !:J:' 00, !l« func'Joo. ...ell i.:l a c:ass

d~orotive or,d procticol

lin Gevl'ie Heldt, Jl., fund.rai.>Ulg cil.urme1l, uplaL~de-.ails of t':e pro~ By00..... all Sox.'ti! Higb fa mil:ies~Hc r~tved CO'JpottS wh.-cllr-U enc-Je them to a disl:ounto.e C~t<lQel ~"Ers' '.J;ill resl.L~ i!:! moe",' rocSO:"_~ lligh's eX'.racurricularl~U'",':.t~.


From Our Coilec'ion of Unique Bar Acceu()I:')\,HANDSOME WROUGHT IRON WINE RACK

Prices start al S6,OO.


for all the U'omen in')'our Life ... select from our

Finest Cl>Jo!i''{ i" olf r,.,.e nome', sil~ 1o'<'ESmo\t, . NO~RELL, 50~GHESE. CHANEL.GUEi<LAIN, CA.;lON 0"0 mon'l' omen:






PA~ Fourtee"


FASHIONS UP TO 50% OFF884.7938

Inside The Mothers' Club

Henry Caulkins ga\'e his Pewabic Pottery Com.?a~y in E3~ Jeffe~l)n a\-ent1e, to ~(i~t-jgan State

ia \~.)'," by a ;t;.;dent is in 1000, for use as a rontinuing education facility,':1)(.:~~ to the atttr.OOtt of The historic building has been restored and adaptedti:e ;JrL,:!p3: Or ~ON. ,for adult classes and a public museum of Pewabk .

1: 3.!1 emetgeney. a 5tOOax Pottery.:a=- b~ ~c.'1. ~tly to a During the Pottery's Christmas .Exhibit andc..::;p!.:::-. ,0111: to.e s.:hcoi car.. Sale oJ student and professional work, it ;:5 open to::!.:r. a-:mm:3ter Hen a.o. a.;. the public. free of charge, from 12:30 to 4:30

o'clock Tuesdays through Saturdays. Adult groupsand college art clas..-:es may arrange guided tams.

It's a IWITICAL CMUSTUS AT B Scholarships, which have assisted more than 1

Ih She I Wh I rowse" 600 young people to attend the Agricultural Pro- ;• IpS •• h duction Progr-...m of MSU's I.Astitute of Agricultural .

JWlT'K:Al. SITS & BOATSUPPtlS t e Technology. form another major rontribution by',

i ship's pirin without written permis- 1...-------------.--"'---.,-....lM....--tM*~--...l-. ...._._~_~_.-li_.!•.••;_~_iWlIi_........-J,IilI, ~---Ii • ~'I....... wheel ! ~~. Gerich tou<hed upon I .,)';' Ii '-7 - ~l .: the actiO!! ne«s.sary in Ci3eS I '.. II • s".ny T...... PI r af. "~-unce abcsE." Sepa. III s....,. ..... SMa It'1 Jf~a4 ! ra \ion is lJSed as a disci ..lin- I l

• IiIIoAMn .-,. II;"" , Uj measure. Tbi.'5 ean mean I ~ I: ... ....... being out it sd:loot for up to J ' II, • N..x.' ~ Wry, Got 111 ., a> days, bUt l() doli'S has been J I

• Ha.rncal Joe... ..u-, the loogest ta-m used so fax. II. • H~j ~tN<r._" I ~ ~e:7..,,~bear:n~ ,I I

• S«tfl n.omc.. S<-~ a..4 ' ,...-

: Coda and ~"'n •~e:~(~poliCilS boa'ie I "I Stll"'S WIEl F.l.M04JS NOR1"OU t~n changed as at ~m, I! ;~~;Mu1.~~$;~~~1:~anaan~~:n~=I II' i •••••• $"7.9S =ti~,~t~~;~~;~: I I: .am U".5~ v__ mans, stating rE3..'<:C :i:.:- '1l.te I I, 19605 M,-ek TU 2-134C absence .tnd dAte of n-~'"!!.. J I

MACI( A r LOCHMOOR • 0,.. 0.., .-'. Sft .• 5 ,... ,. • In ~ cas.e oc p!'~-1:7~~ I I' _ . dect£lr or ee:;w.J a:;:o;a.:;t. I

, !Dents, an awobt:::'€nt sb:p i;; I For Her~ ~ I ~ ~ ~- JIIIIf::1:;'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ;ufficient. I Iit jiWlNO'1

-""..J' .~Tc-1QiE~.D--...G#.."'i:.!.DA~".......IVE-.,r'" 'j~. - -~ .•~t~~J.,~E,,~.f[:.1 Th:::.;;~::/;:ea:;:~;:"m. IJIj i er. and mues up ma}<ll' tests I WAR M 1N CREAM Y $ 1J.588 I

----p H ARM A C' y.. e ,:£~=7~o~il I_______ - ~ h.. 'i't'; cootributed to the fiDe i I rr H .

. . ..., spirit of ~e High School this ! I .c 0r 1m I16916 Kercheva', In the VjjJ.gge - TU 5-21 S4 year, Mainl}'. t!leM; seems to I, $1194 •

be a turn.aroond Ul stUdent i I HOT COMBS from IJilKJreds of last Minute Suggestioos from Ow' Woodertand of Gift ttems a=eEmploymeat Blinn '. ii~~'WC'I'.j>..

M:s. Ronald Birgbauer: I 'I'~ .~Irr============= ~e briefly on bebalf of the ; . A" 0 t bee Q r y Shop ~<r '>~ I~eigbborbood Club TeeD~ : I r ',~.).,~ IEmployment Bur e a u.. c»! I •t21 KERCHEVALAVt" "ON THE HIll" TV, 1.5688SIlOll.SOr€d bi" :he Jwtior, I ILeague : I "Where the modern and traditional meet" I

A publicity campaign h.u i I(C~ Ge Pale 15) . 1__ .. - ~ ~1tlMii

Society News Gathered from the Pointes"' KerJt:ld:y Fri~ Chi~.

ken" is the thought for, u exp~d 2l.t th~Gnll5~ Poin:e Sacth HlC:~boo, liOlL..:" C!!Jb e1~U'me brA~j 4. lir~ Rlcb.arC S~r.prt:5.~dc!!t-e£«~. prt's.x:ee ic.tbe ab:i.e:::.-:e ~)1y~. ~~o.:rtD:':L5a J~, p:es:ee!l.t





Page 15: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

Thursday. December 21, 1972 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen

Women's Page-by, of and for Pointe Women---------------------------------------------

Our Collection ;s extraordinary.

leI us do the worl!.Call 293-8610

Breathes there a woman who doeln't crave a minktopper for her holiday and dresst;me? Ask Santa-it's every gal's secret wish,

. ,

or (;rmHi(' Pn;llh' WUIHbMock (or. Moross) 886-7715

Open Doily 9:30 A.M, til B P,M,19361


D b W T S V !ored 8t pre.nuptial partiesar y erner 0 ay Olt'S given by Mrs. Harold M.------ Haas, of Stanhope avenue,

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F.! meJiately for San Jose, C~l. Mrs. B. M. Underwood, ofWerner, of Severn road, are if., wht'rt; Mr. ~ushman WIll Detroit, JaequeUne Scham.announcing the engagement, be aSSOCiated Wlth the Gen. horst and Lynda Pietrzak ofof their daughter, Darby eralEJectric Company, work. East Detroit and the StailJeyAnn, to Steven Lee Kush- Ingn Nuclear Engineering. Kushmans 'man, son of the Stanley Miss Werner has been hon. j . _Kushmans, of Stanhope Bve.nue. ~

Miss Werner attended Cl'n. ., :----'.tnJ Michigan University and ' !received a Bachc~or of Arts THE PURPbE flleKbEdegree in Elementary Educa. . .-lion from Wayne State Uni. 31315 Harp."versity. H~r fiance received 51, Cfai. Shore., Mich.his Bachelor of Science de. Order now professionallygree in Engineering trom the Prepared HOLIDAYUn i v e r sit y of Michigan, PARTY TRAYS forwhere he affiliated with AI. 4.400.pha Delta Phi.

Alter their December 29\wedding, they will leave im-

Carol Duvail, whose dailyTV show and numerous per-sonal appearances lu..e madeber "Queen of CralU" lo-cally. has published a newbook, "Wanna Make Some.tbllig Out of m" - and it'siUustrllted by a Poi n t e r,Joyce Martin, of Hamptonroad.

Joyce has put a lively per.sonality into line drawingsthat help point out the steps10 the 202 pages of ideasCarol has packed into herbook.

As the tiUe indicates, thebook shows how to whip upuseful and decorative itemsfrom just about anything Iy.iog around the house, frompaper clips to used flashcubes, old egg cartons totin can fO'PS.

Joyce first devised the il.lustrations for a monthlyCraft Letter Carol pul~ out.

Pointer's ArtUsed In Book

Alii iii

f1YJJ~/ig/IIA1Wrfrom all of us at

Lou lacobell Shoes

Magie Tree," "Why The SkyIs Blue" and "Symmetry"

classic tale, with original are, lyrics and chorea- Regular museum hours aregraphy, features New York 9:S0 to 5:S0 o'clock TuesdayCity's Prince Street Players. through Sunday.

A speci'll program of films Holiday exceptions will befor children will be screened Sunday, December 24, andSaturday, December SO, in Sunday, December 31, whenthe museum lecture ball at the galleries will be open1 o'clock. "1II'atroisha," "The I from 9:30 to 1 o'clock only.

"I'm Dreaming of a WhItt:Christmas" bec8me realityla.t saturday, December lit,for children at LochmoorClub, when Santa, with thehelp of Susan Andary, SallyBernard, LInda Draper andKim Suhrbeinrich, ,'.ressed asRaggedy Anns and Andys,greeted every little boy andgirl, delighting them withcandy canes and presents.

Tile children, accompaniedby Mrs. Herbert Kricksteinat the piano, sang Christmascarols. Rachael and ReneeKrickBteln performed a pianoduet.

The Lochmoor Children'sChristmas Party commiUeeIncluded Mrs. Roy Eugenio,chairman, Mrs. Lee Andary,Mrs. William Cosgrove, Mrs.Edmund Jaskolski, Mrs. Wi!.!iam Draper and Mrs. JohnWooton.

Willitom Draper's assistancehelped to make the party agreat success.

Santa ComesTo Lochmoor

To Marry


63 Kercheval, on-the. Hilllower 1• .,.1 Colonia I Fed.rol Bldg,


A fineSefection of


QUARTZ WATCHESAccurate to On .. Minute a Year

Museum Full Of Yule Treats

Lightolier:one step ahead

The Lightil'lg Gallery20234 HARPER • HARPERWOODS, MICH. 48225 114-I994


~~ \9~{,J

for HERTHE MINr ACCUTRONGuaranleed One Minute per month accuracy


for HIMBULOVA ACCUTRON WATCHESAccurate to One Minute a Month


Light the candles, thedownlighf irl"tfie column,or both. You:1I have thelight you M~d fordining, decoration, workor play. We have acomplete selection oflightolier. Andlighting experts to helpyou. Come in and see.

Holiday spectacle begins at ICoHas South of the Sahar8,"the Woodward avenue ent., 360 world.wide loans show.ranee of the Detroit Institute ing the skill of native artistsof ArtJ, and continues. .throughout the museum's 10 In makmg objects and flguesgalleries. necessary to their traditional

A dramatically. presented lifeslyle, is the South Wing"One World Creche", com. G r 0 u n d Floor Galleriesblnlng a striking contempor. through January 21al')' showcase with a do~en The 59th Exhibition forNativity lIg~es representing Michigan Artists and a one.diverse periods of art, from man show of paintings byandent Egypt to 19~ .cen. Anthony DeBlasi present antury England, greets VISitors overview of the Stat'!l's the entr~nce t~ the .Great Ists in a biennial event .1beHall. :rhe m!10vahve dIsplay current juried show of 70case IS a gift of the Ford paintings, photographs, gra.Motor Company. Fund. phich and sculptur~ is one

A survey of "ATrican Terra of the most selective in the

I.--liIQlll(-----~__RR:HR:il.U&lI(M«IilI(_., Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. m.I mlli', of Ida lane west, an.

' .., ' nounced the engagement of'their daughter, VICTORIA, ANN, fo Gary Kent Rowley,• I:Ion 01 Mr. and MEs. Harold

• J. Rowley, of Oxford, at a

I' supper party yesterday.• The gathering doubled as a

I weddiI1,gaJiDiveJ'Sllry celebra.tion shared by the tnmers

I ' and the Rowleys, both of

•:. • whom wel'e married Decem-

, ber 20, 11Ml.

I I The bride.elect, a GrossePointe North High School

I'graduate, ¥.'ill complete herI studies at The Carnegie In.• sUtute of Detroit in June.

•Her fiance, graduated from

•General 1110 tor s InsUtute,

Iwhere he affiliated with Phi

I TO All OUR GOOD FRIENDS Gamma Delta fraternity, is aAND PATRONS , GM Hies engineer.

I I'1b~y plan a February 17

from the gang at wedding.

•Connies - Boys' and Girls' Wear " -EX-bi-blu-o-n'S--his-to-ry-.--

For theatrical entertain.'!) /? VJ I ment,, Detroit

• oe Lonnie Kub'l I, Youtheater is presentingeight performances of "("'in-

I C1J n m , dereila" in the museum audi-Ji anc'l aI", torium, December 27 through/I f) 30. Cutain times are 11 and

•./</naela 0ackt::-Je 2 o'clock, with tickets avail-

if (/' able for $UIO 'lit the ArtI Institute Ticket Office.~ ~ __ ~i1lIIt . The lavish treatment of this


Page 16: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

FOR BROCHURE WRITE TO:Admissions Director

The Leelanau achool-Rm. 10Glen Arbor, Mich. 49636


Somebodywho careseFinding a competent nurse to livein or help out isn"t nearly 80difficult as finding a competentnurse who cares.

Our RNs, LPNs, aides andcompanions are second to none in

training and experience. Just asimportant is the attitude of each

Medical Pool Nurse. We make surethey're the kind of people you

- and your patient -like to bearound. ,We're a national nUJ8ing service,insured, bonded, really to help dayor night. .

Call us ...354-429024 HR. SERVICE

Better Dre.ueJ-Gr'OJJe Pointe only


Cooed country boarding school located on Lake Michiga';' iill'the middle ofbeautiful Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore-30 miles from Traverse City.Outstanding spiritual and moral environment. "Full college preparatory curriculum with focus on Ecology - I'ndividualizedInstruction.Spcu:e available for second semester. Applications being processe4 in theorder they are received.

FOR INFORMATION CALL:Donald F. Chamberlin964.9800

Just in time for your holiday special occasion -designer and distinctly better dresses, both long and short -

costumes, dressy pantsuits, palazzo costumes. In velvet, bmcade,metalfics and more ... at fantastic reductions.

Arrangcd in OOf' '(lCHtioll for your ~hopping convcniencc.



lh to lh OFF

call 821-1177e... ill III. "'.Ie Irlnd

Wile,. a Iriendly sloll wlloknow and love wines(we 0 re con5l0n Ily /05lin 9many, many win.s) can helpyou select superb wines atIhe /owesl pouible price<from Grosse Poinle's JOl9-esl .e/eclion 0/ importedond domestic wine ••

Make upyour mind

LlqUO.- .0.-MIX.' - Gln.-

GLA'S.A.. DIP'.15221 E. JeHerson Ave.!C:;r. Beaconsfield).

The fourth Annual Christ-mas Sing.a.Long with the Sa1.valion Army Ensemble at theLondon Chop House takesplacl! today, Thursday, De.cember 21. at noon. Lastyear, many families brouglltchildren. The you D g s t e r sthoroughly enjoyed the noonentertainment and participa.tion.

Two months ago, the Lon.don Chop House receivedfirst reservalions for thisevent. Friends last year do-nated around $1,000.

Nick Kerbewy, a greatfriend of the Salvathm Army,will lead the singing,'s invited.

hallmark 01Excellence

the world over.


ond Fri. EveningSoturdoy 'Iii 5,30



(Continued from Page 14)given the program new life,and 250 young people, 13 and r-over, have signed up for jobs ..

Their file cards show great I, imagination - their services

include everything from ani.mal sitting and patty-helping

Ito tutoring.

All references are beingcalled, and job offers are


pouring in.Mrs. Birgbauer made a

. plea for volunteers to help


during office hours, Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays,from 1 to 5 o'clock, since theprogram is expanding at such~ rapici rate. Anyone interest- .. ~now IlloI you ore drink'ed may call 885-4600. ing mo,e wine, wi!l you

US) Volunteers also are needed .. locI Irom 0 slore wllerewine is just 0 .sideline or

. to .assist as Health Aide Vol- Irom the, unteers in the clinic at South .

High. The Red Cross is pre. village wine shopsenting an eight-hour train-ing program for mothers twodays a week for two weeks.

A new course will be givenJanuary 9, 11, 16 and 18,from 9:30 to 11:30 o'clock.Anyone willing to help maycall Mrs. J. R. Bush, 821-9558.

ct.listmas MatineeTV and Motior. Picture

Council Representatives Mrs.David Coolidge announcedthat the film "The RaliwayChildren" will be shown atthe Esquire Theater Thurs-day, December 28, art noonand 2:30 o'clock. Tickets are75c.

A pIea for membershipdues will be be included inrlhe next newsletter mailing,as the Mothers Club needsmoney to Illleet its expenses,(such as postage!)

The meeting was adjournedwith this parting thought:"Eat Ohicken!"

21300 MACKGrone Pointe Woods


New Breed for New YearThe Don R. Fords, who moved from BalIan.

tyne road to Hartland, Mich., a few years back, andsettled into the country life, breeding their fabulousLancer Arabian horses-are selling them.

But Don's NOT going out of the horse business.

After a series of trips to Egypt he's received

~Per paraen, double occupancy plus 10% lax & setvlce.

February 10, 1973

March 31, 1973

January 20, 1973(Regio'rolion deadline Decemb.r 29)

For further informationTelephone 884-4444

OPEN AS USUAL DURING THE HOLIDAYSexcept on Christmas and New Year's Day





Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48236

J(hweJt~er18780 MACK

Grone Poin'e Forms Rea tor.f

• Michigan's Oldest College Preparatory Scheol• Private Co-educational Day School

Admissions Testing1973-14

• Financial aid available for exceptional candidates(grades 6-12)

• Space$ are limited and it is unlikely additionaltesting dotes will be scheduled

Grades 9-12

Grades 5-8

Grades 1-4

4 days/3 nights from $199.00.5 days/4 nights from $219.00.Attha HOLIDAY INN Center Strip.Round trip via UNITED AIRLINES.The Riviera, Aladdin, Frontier, Desert Inn, Sahara,or Circus Circ11S available at additional cost.

11~;;i;;~~ rwI''''~" "O"'''O"~I~. ~=" "tA [MAIN fLOOR) BLOOtolFIELO VILLAGE SQUARE


371-8470 77:1-3300 147.1100

~.; ~'i"'- - - .~ J_ ~ .. ~,. ,; ..

~ .ct~~"~~;~~88~~~

One 0/ the JO'/:J 0/ theij the Opporlunity

10 put AjiJe lhe Rouli~e

0/ [iver'lJa'l

and in Real Since'/Wjh You a



'\ .,'\ ;



" ••1,

!Society News.Gathered from the Poiates------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------._-----------. _. -"

h Gal S h did 11~----------------J!permisSion to bring 17 Egyptian horses over to TheTwelfth Nig t ace u e From Another POI.nte of View States, to establish a new breed here, and, in order

to ,devote himself to the Egyptians, he's decidedGrosse Pointe War Memor. i and library, then invited into the Arabians must go.

lal Center's Twelfth Night I the Fountain Room whereGala for its patrons will take set-~ps w~ be provided. (CoatilWed from Page 14) His wife, Jeanne; admits she'll find it a bitplace in the lOO-room Ro.1 Dmner. ~11l be served iD the people who know you, and to many who do not, difficult to say good-bye to some of her favoritechesler mansion Meadow I state duung r~m. Alter you are 2n exemplary citizen who has unselfishly mares, the ones who know her, but their heads downBrook former home of Mrs. [ wards, guests will move to h eel th d f his ith his f 1J0wAlfred G. Wilson, Friday the ballroom for dancing to sue rewar S 0 success w e on her shoulder when she stops to pet them, butevening, January 5. the music ot Fred Netting's men. she's looking forward to meeting the new arrivals. I

A chartered bus will pick cO:tbo midnight the coach ''The Pewablc Pottery in Detroit, whIch you Th '11 b . b h t d Iup patrons at brings patron's b8cll: to gave to this University and which bas been devel. ey e cOfl,mg- year ere pane, no I6 o'clock at the Memor~al. Grosse Pointe. Black tie is oped into an adult education center. is one of the less!-in the New Year. IGu~sts are asked to brtog suggested. but not necessary, appreciated symbols of your .generous concern with Ithel~ 0hwnflasks or thermos. Transportation, set ups, the improvement of education and human service. Set Salvation Army Ies. to a~pers. ?inner and dancing are all There are many olners, Jncludlng the scholarships Sing-A-Long Today

On arm'al at the ,!UdOT mcluded. for $35 a couple. you have contributed to our Institute of house, they Will be ReservatIons are limited, and tiT h Iwelcomed by roaring fires in should be made promptly at ura ec no ogy , ..I I' Greal Hall, dT~wing room the Center's office. "Because of your notable contrlbatlons to edu-

cation and your unswerving devotion to betteringthe condition of vour fellow citizens, MichiganState Unherslty is pleased to grailt you the degreeof Doctor of Humane Letters."

• • •




..~..,. _'iii; - ..J.'-~.::II'iII~""'I'JI"':"i:'fr""""',:-,,,,. --~---"""'------------------."",, .............-:- .._--.~PP"'1•.~"""'!...... ,4"---- ..---1!".411J1"C_... _ ....... _ ..ZIZZ14...... e...QIZQ~.QIIIQ.. _ .......... -.QIQQ ... 4 .. 4.. 1Q(... IIQIIZ .... I!I4IlIII[IZ ..4.t.,.a..4 __ .. __ ..... r', ," .. (

, J

" '.9. Sixteen G_R_,_O_S._S__E P_O_I_N_T_E_N_E_W_ ~__________ Thul~day, Dece"'l-,ber 21, 1971----------\"




.... ,._ ........ _ ....

Page 17: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

Thursd.ty, December 21, 1972 G RO S S F. POI N TEN E W S Plge SevtntHn


with StyleJock.t Only2".50



.....L"•• lHOP""'jno Uno,.. .1 t..."."Happy Holidays to ALLIA.nd 10 aU WI eus,."..,.

A. lig '"onlt Yov'17012 MACI( III CADIEUX

the J'ship's wheel, int ,:tNOs MACK TU 1.U.orlH gAILY t TO,

5.f ••IIII 5 p.III. .


w .... tileH1DOlN HOOD

n.!\O V.I ..


Rae, who had been makingber borne 1D East Jeffersonavenue, 11 the daupter ofMr. and lIn. J(jJm R. Rae,of Maryland avenue.

Her husband, formerly aRoslyn road re.ldeDt, 11 theson of the late Mr. aDd lira.John Foreham, of KeD08ha,Wis.--_._-----


Ideal Gilts lor The Home



Quality Nursing Care

ON_TH~ ~



~ ..,...~~~.,......,...~

..,..... 'IW .~ ..

"lP. ..4"TU.l.561'


new 'Year from THE LEAGUE SHOP



SATU~AY. DECEMBER30th-.;.'.~ ti~ , .. ,~ •• I•.'••/'..I'~~ '<\ •.

•.......•.....~ ...•....rJII<.•......i'I' Ii I~..!'l' '_ ~1.f11t1~J:~a

, ..•.....................< •• ~ •. I" . .. .,I ,-


[_D_UN_H_IL_L p_A/ip_O'Ew_S_;/~t_SUH_PA_y LF_stp~R_I-C_E-==1

~ Apothecary Slop, ".,.,. 121 ItlllCKlVAL Ave.. "ON THt1ILL"


very'Merry .Christmas Jt t:'iS 1O~~/erIUItime 01

year, we prescribe the most me : 01 Christmaseslor you, our customers, and lur jamilies. .

And thanks jor rour patronage ... il' most appreciated!

Alliance F ran c a Is e deGrosse Pointe has the NewYear well In band, with plansfor January, Fet-Nary end Chaniil/\' Lace Accents Satin Bridal Gown: WhiteMarch programs. I

Members enjoyed an after. Roses, 8aby Yellow Carnations, Baby's.Breathnoon of chants de Noel, pre. and Ivy Form Bridal Bouquetsented by young Alliance-ers,at .the Woodland pIa ell home At.home in Huntington road are Mr. and Mrs.of Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Edward John Foreham, who vacationed in OntarioWilkinson last Sund1ly. following their wedding Wednesday, November 22,

The Wilkinson home will be at the home of Dr. and Mrs. James Blain, where a~etting for the January pro. receptiOl followed. ~,-------gram, a conference in Eng. The lbnorable William She carried an arrange.lish aDd French by M. S pee r, Grosse Pointe ment of white roses. andJacques Leblanc, president Park Jll:lge, presided at baby, yellow c~rnalions,~r~::, ~~~:~eorc:~ the 6 o'dock candlelight baby s.breath and IVY.

Containerization l1\Stitute, ceremq),l. Tbe former Barbara AnneInc. Chant~~ lace trimmed lhe

His talk, "Revolution in bride's foor length satinShipping," will be followed gown, laC h~r Chapel lengthby a 2O-minute En g li s h illusion viiI feU from a lacemovie on the subject. Date of headpiecethe program js Friday, Janu. -----.----ary 19. It's to begin at 8 pital, QKlected to provideo'clock. better Il8nagement of pa.

The ~rosse Pointe Alliance tients vlh artificial he81'twill present a French movie, and ve~tl implants.with English subtiUes, in i. .. • ..February, and on March 10 FRED ROlIN, III, son ofand 11 Jean Belliard, trouba. MR. aid MRS. FRED A.dour, will return to The ROHN, i fR., of BerkshirePointe fora Saturday night road, il a meOl:)er of therecital and a Sunday .. fter. brass ,instrument quintetnoon program.' which t' sented a program

of car /l at the Albion Col.explore artificial heart.assist iege "!SUval of Lessons,devices and lheir affect on Carols ld Motets" Sunday,parts of the body and the Decem\'lf 10. Fred is anbiood stream on a $27,000 Albion, financed by Sinai Hos. (Co ued on Page 22)


• • •






345 FISHER RD.881.0200

w. Hone,8an~A",.rj(ard & Maller Chorg.


Thurs. and Friday

EVENINGS(Saturday 'til 5:30)

..................................., .

. Closed ::Tuesday, Dec. 26:. .........................

DR. EBERHARD MAM.MEN, of Woods lane, pro.fessor of Physiology andPharmarology and professorof Pathology as well as as.sistant dean for admissionsat the Wayne Slale Univer'sity School of Medicine, will

MARY B. LONG, of Fleet-wood drive, is one of 19Registered Nurses who badnot been on duty for one tofive years who completed aneight-week refresher courseat Hutzel Hospital, offeredby the Michigan Nurses As-sociation In conjunction withthe Michigan EmploymentSecurity Commission and theDivision of Adult and Con.tinuing Education of theSlate Department of Educa.tion. The course, fundedtbroughthe .Manpower De.velopment Training Act, wasprovided free of charge, andenabled the nurses to resumetheir careers. It included240 hours of theory andsupervised practice.


More relaxing than"boozen •••

And wilhout Ihe"hangovetl" ...


llautique Jewelryplus hand era fled 9jf1s

. .. see the wee shop at1205 WAYBURN, in the Par~

PholQ by Norbert P. '!'alarWed Wednesday evening, November 22, in

th~ home of Dr. and Mrs. James Blain wereBARBARA ANNE RAE, of East Jefferson ave.nue, and Mr. Foreham, of Roslyn road. She isthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rae, ofMaryland avenue. The bridegroom is the son ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. John Foreham, of Kenosha,Wis.

DECOUPAGE'11 cDR1JP!, "iJj C/' . _

gan Court of Appeals, DR.JOHN H. BURROWS, Chiefof Oncology, Saint John Hos-



• • •

~(11 Sl-gn of111(\ the





JACK RENAUDfo,Pic/c.up

VA 2.5800

for the convenience of

(* K/IAIJAP./AN 11-)

•75 Kercheval on the Hill + Grosse Poinfe + TU 2.1610

Matching people and hou~es .

with imagination

will be openSunday, December 24th

11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sign of the Mermaid and Morse-Capponi Galleries


Establishl!d 1899



Be EXTRA GOOD To YourselfFROM 2x3 SIZES AT $32.00 and up - way up!


12876 E. Jefferson VA 1.9500

Massage byBeverly


SWEDISHMa.SAGEIn your home, including

iadal mask. Women only.Gilt certilicates available.

(c.ll&ialIecl from Page 11) I ter. HEATHER ANNE. Mrs.AmoD( soloists in the saint Morrison is the Cormer

Celleia Mas. presented by KATHY HEN DE R SON,the Hillsdale College Concert daughler of MR. and MRS.Choir during their annual GORDON W. HENDERSON,Christmas COD C e r t, was of Lennon road. PaternalPointer KIM MENAGH, a grandparents are MR. andsophomore. M~. THOMAS GLISAN, of

• • • AddISon, Pa.

Women's Page-by, of and for~Pointe Women----------_ .._---------- .._-----_._----

I_S_h_o_rt_o_n_d_toThe Pointe Mrs. Edward Foreham It~;;::~~:8Miss Rae MarriedTo E. J. Foreham

MR. !lnd MRS. LARRYMORRISON,"of Lennon road, Pointers re.elected recently Iannounce the birth of a son. to the board of trustees ofKEITH ALEXANDER, No. the Michigan Cancer Foun.vember 16. The Morrisons dation include Judge VIN.bave a two-year.old daugb. CENT J. BRENNAN, Michi.p;;;;.==;;;;;;:;--;;;;;;;;;;~I

r:1W;i~~BWwnwmm~rl,I HOLIDAYS!Itf~~1~j1t


~~\l~ D~~~~'R~I;:IX:q

r.:,.;:":~.:!:i>.:I.:.:.:l:',.: ~;:~ltE::"d'"~:~:,~;?~~:::.. William "Bill" Devlin Merry Stamman~~r:~Stuarv A. Fraser Winnifred Weybing

~"i.;::.:.!L:~:~ Winifield "Bill" Jewell Bernard Whitley ii.;:;:.:l.~ lOne Hour Mass,ages«"'~~Hugh Wilson Erwin Satlelmeier f.."i I In Your Home:j:",~ :.::.:::i (Reg Price $90)~11:1 a B;':::i Hc»liday Special $60~%, M~ber Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board H~.: Or G' 'n. Ingll,h ...., "Try b.-


•• e_ c_ - " 7 • • Cd den •• c S e s s e. 0 0 eM.0. .p t 'dd •• crts.m a.J. C.' r c.

Page 18: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,



N. J. Ortisi

ICity Clerk

GPN 12.21-72





SERVICES. OF THECODE OF THE CITY OFGROSSE POINTE PARKTHE CITY OF GROSSEPOINTE PARKORDAINS:SECTION 1. Section 2.5of Chapter 12 entitled"Garbage and Rubbish"of Title II. Utilities andServices, of the GrossePointe Park OrdinanceCode is hereby amendedto read in its entirety asfollows:Section 2.5 C a IIe c ti0 n

I PlaceRefuse containers sbaH beplaced for collection atthe curb or on the prop-erty abutting the alleyonly on the day on which

Icollection will be made orafter 6 o'c:ock p.m. of theday preceding sucb col-lection day. Leaves and

I garden rubbish shall beplaced in containers likeother refuse, except thatduring the months of Oc.tober and Novemberleaves may be placed inpiles along the curb forvaCUum collection by leaf-loaders.SECTION 2. The effectivedate of this' Ordinance isJanuary 1, ]973.

FLORINE STALLARDTreasuerCity of Grosse PointEFarms

CHESTER E. PETERSENCity Administrator.Clerk


Thursday I December 21, 1972



a. 4 4 : Oi .{In JL .. a


2. Tnere shall be no rubbish collection onMonday, December 25th, 1972 and on, January 1st, 1973. Rubbish scheduledto be collected on those days should be setout for collection on the following Tuesday.The regular schedule of rubbish coltectionshall be maintained throughout the remain.der of the holiday weeks.

1. The City offices will be closed from 12Noon, Friday, December 22, 1972 to 8:30a.m" Tuesday, December 26, 1972; andfrom 12 Noon, Friday, December 29, 1972to 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 2, 1973.

Notice is hereby given that the followingschedule will be observed in the City of GrossePointe Woods during the Christmas and NewYear holiday weeks:

N 29 W,' t .he 9 'de dtri' 7 • Hi" ",t,.' '#4*'" #1

Published Grosse Pointe News, December 21,1972.

Payment without penalty may be made upto and including February 14, 197,&\

The 1972 County and Scho91~,Taxis nowpayable at the City Office, 90C)~~rby Road,Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236.

Beginning February 15th, a 4-% collectionfee will be added as provided by lal

Pay your taxes before Februa!y 14, 1973,and avoid the collection fee.





N. J, Ortis:City Clerk

GPN 12/21/72

The regular meetingof the City Councilscheduled for Decem-ber 25, 1972, will notbe held. The Cc;,mcilwill hold its next meet-ing on January 8, 1973,at 5:00 p.m. in the Mu-nicipal Building, 15115East Jefferson Ave.nue.


Belleview BillmoreBelleoir

C1eorwoter, Florida

Defending Bi-County Basketball Lea g u e championGrosse Pointe North shot 70percent in the first half andproceeded ,to defeat St. ClairfJlores Lake Sho1'1! 76-63Friday, December 15: '

N:>rth, standing 20 inleague .play and 4'() overall,was led by Ron Zenn who'Popped in 23 points. KevinKiley netted 16 points whileDave Chapman added 12.

What do the following Min.nesota North Stars Of the Na.~onal Hockey League havem common? Lome ("Gump")Worsley, Dean Prentice andl!0b Nevin. They all at onetime plaYed with the NewYork Rangers.

North CagersStill Unbeaten

U-l SkatersWin 3 in Row

$3,000Bracelet Reported LostA $3,000 platinum and dia-I ing morning wbm sbe dis.

monel braeelet was reported covered thebracele! mlsslDg.missing to Shores pollee last She calleD the club man.

In the first year of or. weekend. ager whose check had nega.ganiud hockey competition, M W Cl it 60 K I tive results. said pollee.the University. L i g g e It rs P. ar, en. I -

SChool's Bantam hockey wood,' toId Corporal William:team, (ages 13-1.), is off to Marshall the bracelet con.a Oying start. ]n their first tained three marquise dia.three games, coach Jon monds, nine other diamondsGandelot's chargers are 3-0 aDd 117 round diamonds. One \and have surprised many of tbe diamonds is reportedlyveteran hockey enthusiasts missing and the clasp iswho thought the DeW U.L broken. IHockey program would take She said she attended aat least two years to develop dlnner-dance at the Grosse

The Bantams were formed Pointe Yacht Club SaturdaY,1earlit.r this year, largely to December 9. Her daughtergive U.L boys a chance to borrowed the bracelet toplay for the school and to wear and returned it to herprovide a "f€e<ler" team for mother when the clasp broke.the varsity-short on quail Mrs. Clark stated she pu~ IItied players because of the the bracelet in her purse andcompeting Grosse Pointe Hoc. left it on a table whilekey Msoclation. dancing, She assumed this is I

Ban tam s and Peewees, when the item was taken,(ages 10-12), were conceived police said. The purse wasn'tby U-L Headmaster Raymond used again until tbe follow-P. Robbins and varsity hockey coach Tony Elllot.Bothof the clubs al'e AmateurHockey Association of theUnited S tat e s registeredteams .

Mr. Gandelot, a formerGP Hoc key Associationwach, has assembled a fewformer GPHA players andseveral first-year boys to puttogether a bard.skating, fastpassing group of enthusiasticlads.

On Saturday, December 9,the Bantams buried the Fraser Cougar Jets, 6-0. C8ptainJon Wardwell led the waywith two goals and an assistfrom his defensive positionDavid Bubl also contributedtwo goals from his left wingslot on a line centered byHarry Jewett with Bill Gilbride on right wing, Othergoals were scored by ClarkStandish and Tom MatthewsGlenn Burton made his firstgame in goal for U.La memorable one with the shutoutHe stopped 10 shots.

The Bantams played the stClair Shores North Shore


te,.m Wednesday, Decembe13. Again, tile U.L team usedits home ice to advantage fora 3.1 victory. The St. ClairShores team scored first, butalternate captain Jewett tiedthe score on a neat break.away after ,Buhl's pass puthim in the clear,

Jon Wardwell then contrlbuted his third goal of the season with a low, blistering slapshot. Buhl added the insur-ance goal, also his third ofthe season, on a neat passfrom Wardwell, to wrap it up

The Bantam's third straightvictory was another home iceaffair Saturday, December16, Wardwell again led U-Lwith two goals and an assistin a 5-0 victory ever theDearborn Hawks. Jewett alsoscored twice and Rob Dana .her got the final goal on anassist from Weber Hudson.

Tn •• m?

From Ail Of UsTo All Of You



16840 Kercheval"'n The Village"

TV. 5.5690

Go R0 SSE P 0 ~N TEN E W S

C 4 4

There's no way. man witha one.track mind can lose ifhe', on the right track.

Cougars WinTwo Ice Tilts

Thieves EnterWoods Homes

Numerous rifles and around$147 in cash were amongitems stolen from a Stanhopeavenue home Wednesday.December 13.

Woods Public Safety Of.ficer Donald Schmaltz wastold by Wayne Merritt, 32,2369 Stanhope, that someonebroke into the home betweenthe time his mother left forwork and his father returnedfrom work.

...rticles reported missingat this time include a Spring.field rifle; a Savage, leveraction, rllle; a Ruger rifle;a .22 Suvage automatie; a30 caliber Winchester; a 30"30Winchester, (a new rifle in abox); a 22 Winchester pump,and a 22 of unknown makewith a scope. The rifles areof unknown value.

More items are a SiarsCourier woman's suitcase26" pullman; a Sears port:able black and white TVabout five.years-old; $100 ~10'8 and 20'8; a 1936 silverdollar; six John F. Kennedysilver hall dollars; $20 inpennies from a plastic con-tainer, and several old coins.

Entry was gained by pry.Ing open a rear door with alarge crow bar. Upon enter-ing the rear porch, the cul-prits then pried open a door.

The crow bar believedused was found on the porchleaning against the doo;frame. It may have heentaken from the complainant'sgarage.

The Grosse Pointe Bruins, firat 011 a pretty piss playthe Squirt travel tetom spon. from Jim Morris and BiUsored by Pro.Systems. Inc. Williams. In a power playalld Malia rc:I , Inc., have a situation Morris biaud ..curent winning soot from the point eft&r re-atreak, ceivinc I pus from BIU

I'll I League game with Seaver. John Davies twredDearborn Tuesday, December tile nex! two goals with an5, the Bruins came out on assLat on each to Greg, 5.2. BUI Seaver scored stan and Robert Bryka1ski.---.------- The final goal was a soort-

B I St I handed one by Mike Burk.urg ar ea s I helser.

ROEI C h TV The Bruins met a stubbornI es, as, Fraser teaom in an exhibi,Uon

game Saturday, December 9,and eked out II 3.2 win. TheBurkheiser, Matt Costello,Alan Taber line played avery atrong game. CosteUoscored the ~ two goals ..ndBurkheLser shot in the clin-cher. Taber assisted OIl allthree goals. Jim Kennary andRudy Lewis played stronggames on defe~ and goalieDrew Mascarin was verysharp.

Later that day, the Bn.dnswon a league ga:nle .gllID6tOak Park, &-0. Burltheiserscored e.rly after I'eceivinga long pass from Costello.The game remaJned 1'() forquite some time until theBruinll opened up. Davisscored from Bill Seaver.Sectt Seaver then scored ona pus play from 'l'aber andBill Seaver. Costello scoredwith Lewis assisting andTaber put in the final twowith Burkbeiser, Morris andLewiJ receiving assists.

'I1le Bruins played one oftheir finest games of the sea-son against the Windsor Allst1lrs winnIng 9-1. TheBruins' passing wu out.standing and provided manypre t t y goals. Burkheiser,Costello, BUl seaver andTaber each scored two goals.And Davies scored abeauti-ful goal, unassisted, whilepenalty ki1llng.

Then the Bruins faced theS1. Clair Shores Little Saintsin .. league game Wednes.d.y,De~berI3.Taber9ndBurkheiser each scored twiceand Morri9 once In the 5-1win. Brykalski and Kennaryturned in same great checksto stop the Little Saints.

On Saturday, ,December 16,in their second league gamewith Southfield, the Druinsmatched the score of theirfirst meeting, 8-0. MascarinadMd to his long record ofshutouts. Morris SCOTed 8n•other of his blazers after re-ceiving Burkileiser's pass .Then Mike Fredal shot thepuck in after a pretty passfro m W"llliams. Brykalskipassed to Bill Seaver in frontof the net for another goal.Willlams then scored on a re-bound with Fredal and John-ston assisting. Burkheiser fol-lowed with a power play goalfrom Costello and BUl seaverand then scored .again. Cos.teno scored efter receiving 8pretty pass from T-aber. AndTaber scored the final goalwith Costello and Morris as.sisting.

In II. high scoring gam"Sunday, December 17, theBruins found themselves be.hind 1.0 'ifter 36 seconds butcame back to win 7-4 overthe Tri-County League Sa-bers. Burkheiser scored the"hat trick." Costello had twogoals while Taber and BillSeaver po s t e d the othermarkers.

The Bruins will be travel-ling to London. Ont., to par.ticipate in .the 0 a k rid g eEighth International NoviceHockey Tournament Decem-ber 26.31. Thirty.six of thermest Squirt teams In theUnited States -and Canad41 areentered in this tournament.

Bruin Squirts Stand TallWith Seven in Row

Two breaking and enter.ings were reported to theWoods Department of PublicSafety within a 9O-minuteperiod Thursday, December14. A South Renaud roadburglary was r e po r t e daround 8:45 p.m., while aHollywood avenue breakinwas reported at 7:22 p.m.

Public Safety Officer JackTreppa was told the culprits

. took a lady's mink Apollocoat, valued at $4,000, agirl's rabbit skin fur coat,$125, B Magnavox 21" colorTV of unknown value, $50 inmiscellaneous cash, pluscredit cards. from the SouthRen/lud home.

E. Wickline said upon re-turning home around 8:~p.m, she noticed a bedroomlight burning which wasn'ton before. Investigation reovealed the thieves kicked ina milk chute door andcrawled into the house.Police said rooms on themain floor were fl'l1sacked.

Entry into the Hollywoodresidence also was gainedthroul!h a milk chute. Har.riet Helen Werley told Pub-lic Safety Officer RussellAllard she didn't find anyitems missing at this time.

Police said a desk drawerwas pulled out and placedon the dining room Ooor withpapers thrown aU over. Asmllll Sears black and whiteTV was moved from thesink in the. kitchen andplaced on the dining roomOoor.

The complainant returnedhome to find her front doorstanding open with the stormdoor closed. She also founda porch door standing openoff the dining room.

The detective bureau isinvestigating both breakingsand enterings.

ft ...' • e •••

YSD Has essComplai ts

The Youth Seprocessed seveplaints in Noveparison withthree complainceived and pYSD last month

Narcotics vithe leadingceived. Fourlee drug caseswer handled i comparisonto 22 for Octob . Of the 14received, 10 w for mari-juana, tlIree syntheticdrugs and one s for para.phernalia. :Eigh n hoys andfive girls were involved inthose cases.

The second ading com.plaint handled as for lar.cenies, (10 cas ).

I There were De applica.tions for petltidrl filed withWayne County Jia'enile Courtduring Novemt:el. S eve nwere for boys 11I1two werefor girls.

Two girls -andOle boy hadpetitions filed f Violation Ofthe Controlled S stance Act,(VCSA). Two s each hadcompla~nts filed r larceny,possessIOn of n propertyand disorderly nduct. Thetwo girls were 'erred backto the YSD for division'sown counseling ervice. Nocourt action ha been takenon the other a ications atthis time.

The breakdow, of totaleases for Novetoer showsVC~A, 14; larcek, 1(); van-dalism. (malici~ destroc.tion of p~pertY)teven; as- 'The week of December 10saults, SIX; run ays six' was a quiet one for the Frankotiler criminal co ctll'three' Adam Llncoln.Mercury spon.and one apiece f b~glary: sored Pee.Wee Cougars, whoauto theft, fraud quor Jaws played only two trouble,' 1schieYou~ On Saturday, December 16,

I children and su dous ~~. the Cougars won \heir eighthsons. II. eague game by beating Mad-

ison Heights #1, •. 1. ChickA man can te when he's Taylor ~ontinued his hot scor.

on the right r d by the lng pace by netUng two loa\s.grade. Rod Barker and Jeff Kydd

also turned the red light on,with Joe Seehee gettklg twoassists.

The Poin'.ers faced a big,rough Teuer Plumbing team.from Detroit Sundtoy, Dect'm.her 17. The Cougars won, 6-3,on goals by ROb B a riter,Steve Levick, Joe seebee,Ben Amore and Chicle Tl!Y'lor. Joe n ryk a Is lei wascredited widl two assiBta.

League OpenerBad for Devils




By Mark lYKeefebut they're temperamental Grosse Poinlt South ,,:asand are more likely than dumped by Hlthland Park,mutts to snap at chlldren. 66-55, in their BCL opener

Cat fanciers have their Friday, Decelf>er 15. ThetallteS, too. According to An. Devils hit a ceil ttreak latedrews, Siamese IUtties are in the first ,quarter andnot for everybody. They de. played for six pinutes with.maDel a lot of attention, make out scoring a JOint.a loi: of noise. and get Into During the fllenlng quar.absolutely everything. Long. ter, the DevUs "ere shootinghllrs, though docile and af. with good accuracy andfectionate, need a lot of care. played nearly even with

For mOlt famllies, common Highland Park. Two qulckdomestic cats are the wisest field goals ena~Jed the Polarchoice. Bears to hold ,i misleading

Turtles. chameleons and 2+17 lead at t'~end of theliurds are absolute no.nos. rirst quarter. tThey cilrry salmonella, a 'I1le second .'iod was likegerm which c£n infect people a bad dream ~ the Devilsand cause stomach disorders. Good passes w e tipped out

Regarding exotic pets, An- of bouDds and ghland Parkdrews tells the story of the rolled up an inous 36-22of{~ring of a parrot crossed halftime lead.with a leopard: "The owner Jim Bird sc~ 12 of hisended up feeding it what- 20 points in the second halfever it asked for." OCelots and Dave Gaijw also wasand other wild cats are not hot Late 'in the pme, netting

fr. 13 points,the lendliest animals on the In the reho,_ling "I"melli, Jim Sc~ paced the

Andrews also frowns on Devils with 13. 5urprisingly,~ple giving monkeys as the Devils out de<! thepets. "You can't jungle breat Parkers, 39.37. Unfortunate.them, much less housebreak ly, South stiJl t the gamethem," he says. "Exotic pets, which was bil as "Theas a rule, oWl! their owners. High School me of the

"Unless someone wants to Week" by the etroit Freemake a pet a fun time reo Press.9poI1sibllity, monkeys, oce. Coach C b a e s Hollosylots and wild cats are not noted, "We ca~ afford togood choices." lose another L game."

Once you've decided on the The Devils hav an 0-1 BCLtype of pet you want, make record, but s~ hold hopessure you buy one that's for a BeL Cbaj'onShip. Mr.healthy. Hollosyindicat that some

"Contrary to popular be. good might co from thelief," Andrews says, "puppies loss-"I think ball play.only have cold, wet noses ers really lea d that wewhen they're in cold, wet have to mo~ the ballplaces. A nose -is no bal'ome- around well to ~."ter of the health of a dog." A failure to rtf the offense

Puppies' eyes Should be properly was c( by coachHollasy as a Ijor reason

bright and clear, their coats for the defeat. Ie claimedclean and unmatted. that this bas be a problem

A simple test for checking throughout the leason, butthe health of a puppy is the Devils had en able tograsping the scruff of the win in spite ofpuppy'S neck, and gently After somepinching its hair up. If the tlces during Chhair stands up matted, the tion, the Dev' will hostpuppy is probably dehydrat- Mount Clemens and Notreed, symptomatic of many Dame Saturday January 6diseases of dogs. . and Tuesday,' anuary g',

When buying a dog, An-I respectively.drews says, it's always good Mount Cleme is take it to a vet to have it ly undefeated a has beenchecked before making a playing very ag essive ballfinal purchase. If the pet this year, Dave uda, one ofstore owner i3 .not willing to their betler pia rs, can belet you do this, he may be expected to give uth a hardtrying ~o hide something. time.

It's much harder to deter- Notre Dame s lost onlymilH! whether a kitten is once and bas very bighealthy. A normal kitten is team. Looking aId to thesespunky and ready to play, games and the "fs !bitt fol-even when it's in a cage. low, .Mr. HolosYlOmmenled,Lethargic, lazy kittens are "I don't think th' are goingoften sick. to be any more asy games

Andrews also warns about this year."pet store owners who offersuper bargains. Pr-ices forpedigreed animals are rela-tively constant, so if a petstore owner oUers a specialdeal 011 a pedigreed pooch,he may be trying to sell youan expensive mutt. Get allclaims in writing.

"Whatever pet you buy forChristmas," Andrews con-cludes, "exercise some carein decision making.

"And buy the pet NOW.~n Christmas Eve, almostall the pet stores and animalshelters have been emptiedof little furry critters."

So get your pet now, havegrandma or a neighbor keepit till Christmas . . . thenwatch your child glow withdelight on Christmas day.

Iftc/lldilt'Chain Link AU-Steel and

Rudic Styl ..

21719 Harper


----_.-._-- -- --------------


............. ZZQ W


Ey,ry Sly" of for '01'

WA 1.6282


Home and Industrial repairs. Additions, attics.Porch enclosures, recreation rooms, kitchensand bathrooms. Gar ..ges repaired, remodeling,aluminum gutters, storm doors.




]5011 KERCHEVALSalt 0' All" • In Ut. Pull

TU HOOOCloled Mond.,.

Plge EightH"



----- ~- -----------_._---






~'~,AllPointe Club~i'f : '

.n:Divides Pair5~. The All Pointe Swim Club/'holds a 1-1 record in the cur-':h? rent Metro Winter League

Season.~~~I' The club recently lost tol' ,Crestwood in an evenlyh'':Jmatched meet, 253-246.Then,-lh they snapped back to beat the

Livonia Spartans, 304-208.'~:, Some of those taking first.::;place ribbons in individual

events fer the All Pointe__ Swim Club were C a th y~~.Schmidt, Marie Zerweck,:.' ,Gretchen Maghielse, Tony

Montague, Steve Mokos, Bon-. nie McKenna, Connie Robin-

, son, Tracy Launs Pete Hueb.:-ner and Steve and Dave Ki.


Uve Presents Can BringJoy, Lessons to Children

~ To I kid, there's nothing• like waking up to the smellt of turkey on CbriItmas morn.: mg, ftying pljlma-clad into; the llvlnc room-aDd discov.• ering • new puppy or kitten: eurled up asleep under the

Chriltmu tree!"Giving a pet for Christ.

mal is juse like giving yourchild a new best friend."lIyt Frank Andrews, exeeu.

.;; Uve director of the MichiganHumane Society. a TorchDrive service.

Like having a friend, own-" ing I pet can teach a child

countless lessons about reosponsibility and kindness.

"So give your child a pet- lor Christmas." Andrews

SIYS. "Just exercise some.' tommon sense before mak-

••• l,_~ In. a purchase, so Christmas;: joy isn't spoiled by laterr"..' tragedy."

The mistakes people mostoften make are buying un.healthy pe~ that dje jwst

'j;J when cillldren have become"1 attached to them, or buying-J~ pets unsuited to the fa mUles

: they're being given to.klo "Pe.lple are forever faUing(n in love with cuddly little..~j puppies that turn into 200

pound monsters," Andrews18)'S, "and when these dogs

I),' CJ'1)wup and outgrow their.;, living quarters, they're sent

rlght back to the Humane.' Society.

"That makes both dogs and:: .tids vel')', very unhappy."

':";,. Before purchasing a pet,_-:;(.,.uk yourself a few questions

about the person or familyyou're buying it for. Andrews

,;, offers the following tips:J.", DoCS in :general don't be.

1000g in apartments. Theyr need room to run around,

";: .• Dd they tend to misbehave;~."if left alone an day while;:. their owners are at work.

Kittens or tropical fish are. much better bels for apart-

.,.,' meDt dwellers-and it's al.

..... way' good to find out what........ l.ndlord will allow.2'i', Certain types of dogs are

better with children than~'" others. Beagles, like Snoopy,; . love everybody and make ter-:' rilic companions for kids.

Bulldogs and mulls also? . make ,good family rpets be..'.' .cause they're gentle and: :-friendly.

: ,'. Toy dogs and miJIia,turesare great for people who

. don't ~ave kids. They're fan../. tastic watch d{)gs - they

.' make lots of noise when any-.'.'one comes near the bOllse-


t.~.',~ '..: I.

Page 19: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,


;~£1SSl1flE1J;.A.1l1, ' , ' , ' " , , , , , " '.:,'" ' "':",:~', .'" , ' '.. " " ',', ,- .

Thursday,' December 21, 1972





• DecoupQgtler Tole

Greeting Cards


r HOUSE FULL of better fur-niture, Itlllian dining roomset, bedroom' set, walnutshelving, 2 couches, silk chairs, tables,chests, lamps, paintings.By .appointment only. 884.7414.

MEN'S size 11, C.C.M. blackfigure skates, like new, $13.886-3794.

TRANSMITTER, Drake, 2NT. Cost ,~164,best oUer.881-8673.







RINGS (over 1,OOO.Opals.G.r-nets - Emeralds - Rubles •Diamonds.etc.) - 'lhe Gldand beautiful of Ute An.tlques and the really dIffer.ent of the New-$5 to $500- also ANTIQUE GOLDJEWELRY of every de.9tription-alld some inter.esting things in tilver.Even 200 year old 11radeBeads.


LEE'S )20339 Mack 881-;az

10 .to S:3Odally 1 .

Thursday and Friday tI1 9


The world's most intereatJngstore-we have almost every.hing for lale-or will bave

any day.





G YO YO's electric San~ Clausor V.l.P. order now. Span.ish Bitt, 1733f Mack. 886-

'0CT17. 'mht B'OY'S Henke pla&tlcs, size

7, $30. BGY', Mlmod boots,size 6, $25. Both excellentcondition. 881.7175.


7edu S. (15Ottd",,".".'d*6'#"4:'-;'

, INC. ning 6:30 to 8:30. 4674 Beaed. stove, refrigerator, sidedrive, garage. Available 886.3400 consfield. Must sell!December 15. $200. For SCHWINN Varsity 10 speedappointment call 882-5529 green, like new. $90 or belevenings or 1.794.5474. 6D-VACATION offer. 884.9461.-- RENTALSHARCOURT, spadous mod. TOP DOLLAR for old TVern 2 bedroom apartment, FLORIDA, Marco Island, working or not, 89,-0551plus enclosed heated porch; renting beautiful wa ter. anytIme,new carpeting throughout, front condominium villa,modern appliances, private bi. weekly , monthly, fish- WANTED - Lionel eleelriparty. 961-9141 - 821.7364'1 ing, boating, pool, etc. train for my sons. T

Sleeps 6 adults, new. com. 6-0614.MARLBOROUGH - Kerche.

val, upper 5, quiet, redec. pletely furnished TU 1. MARLIN 22 caliber rifle,orated, adults only. TUxedo • 4982. mounted scope, 9 shot clip2.7379 after 8:30 p.m. A.FRAME located in Harbor case, good condition, $35.

LOWER 3 bedroom flat. Springs, 5 minutes from After 6 p.m. 885-8013.

Fully carpeted and draped. Boyne Highland and Nub's MEN'S Garmant ski bootsSeparate heat and utilities. Nob. Completely furl1ished 10 medium, $20. BaueOutside maintenance pro- and sleeps 8. 565-0971. hockey skates, size 9, $8vide<!. Ohildren O.K. Le8se. LAUDERDALE BY SEA Excellent condition. 881HIGBIE MAXON, Ocean front luxury 2 bed- 7739.

room Townhouse, beauU. QUALITY SEASONEINC. . fully furnished, private F'IREPLACE HARDWOOD886.3400 beach, pool, WO 3-3123, GUARANTEED TO BURNevenings TU 4-7944. BUNDLED KlNDLINJEFFERSON.ALTER, 2 bed.

1972 WINNEBAGO, 27 foot AVAILABLE. , .apartme.ot, $180month, adults only, no pets. motor home. Sleeps 6. SeU. MOVIE CAMERA, Kobena1 year lease required. VA contained. Full ~ower and like new, el~lric zoo2-&611 or 822.7594 until 9 air. 779.:0348. lens. super 8, ligp.m. lEWISTON, north on 1.75 meter with leather case,

hear Grayling. Beautiful single flood attachment.DUPLEX - 918 Harcourt, 3 motel units and family Cost $250-$90. 886-2425.

bedrooms, drapes, carpet. suites. Main lodge with SKIS, Henke boots, fuing, stove and refrigerator. fireplace, dming and cock.Private driveway, 2 car jacket, dress coat, and •garage. $325 month. Eve. tail lounge, 440 acres of Cory coffee pot, all new,nings. TU 4.3340. markoo snowmobile trails. miscellaneous. 884.5577.

Daily rates as low as $8EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBOR- per persoh. Some openings AURORA H.O rac,ing car set,

HOOD, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, over Christmas Holidays. 100 pieces of traclc, 10 cars,townhouse. Includes beated 1-517-786-2452. ete. 884-2291.swimming pool, guard servo HILLSBORO BEACH, Pom. TANDBURG, 41 portable raice. Adults only. $300 pano, Florid'l, furnished dlo, also 3 PiereUi 165 S Rmonth. apartment on ocean, beach, 14 radials, American Flye

773-9337 pool, pictures. TV 4.6949, S gauge train equipment.Fisher 202 FM receiver.

OUTER DRIVE - Beacons. BOYNE.NUBS area, fur. 881-674.4.fIeld, 2 bedroom lower nished A.frame, sleeps 6.8.flat, stove, refriger Iotor, 751-7884. CAR OWNERS! Oaly $U.carpeting, security deposit. SKIERS, Boyne City. House

quarterly bU)'s $20,~ ••000 Liability Property Dam.527.9249. and cabins available week. age for safe driver.. TU

BEACONSFIELD. Out. end, week, month. Can Drive area, 5 rooms and 1-616.5B2-11B4S.bath, upper, refrigerator -- SIG BOOTS, buckle, size 8~

SKI CHALET, 2 betirooms, senior Cubeo bindings, exand range, storage area. 2 minutes from Boyne cellent condition. 886-6918.Immediate occupancy. $150 mountain, available week-plus security deposit. 889. ends or weekly. 884-30281. MAGNAVOX portable stere0241 after 6. record player, very new,

S ROOM upper income, noDEERFIELD BEACH, Flori. -turntable, 2 speakers, and

da, one bedroom and effl. amplifier. $70. 881.1936.children or pets. 881.1577, eiency apartments nowTROMBLEY ROAD, up~r 8\'ailable. 2 blocks from NEW SKIS, 190 White Streak

flat, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ocean, private beach. 751. $17. Kolfleck boots (7~)modern kitchen. VA 1-0366. 8140, evenings 800-4493. $20. Poles, jacket. 886-2099.

6A.-FOR RENT FORT LAUDERDALE, 1 WEDDING InvItations, 10%bedroom apartment, d is c 0 u n t with this ad.

FURNISHED screened terrace, complete. ECONOMEE SERVICEWESTCHESTER, 3 bedroom Iy furnished. tennis courts PRINTING, 15201 Kerche.

colonial, nicely furnished, and sauna bath, Olympic val at Lakepointe, Grosseshort lease, security. 823. size pool. $150 a week. 823- Pointe. VAlley 2.7100.2915. 4379. $10 AND UP for desks. Her.

6 ROOMS completely furnish. MONTEREY Yacht and man MiUers sofas and ta.ed, $235. Security deposit. i.:ountry Club-Stuart, Flor. bles. 816 Grand Marais,No pets. 884.'1987. ida. Newly furnished 2 bed. Grosse Pointe Park.

room, 2 bath apartment. CROSS COUNTRY Skis, 6'4"NEWLY furnished 5 room Adults, no pets. TU 2-0510. and 5'8", wilh boots. New,apartment, well situated 881.9436.near all transportation. $2:',5 PETOSKF,Y / CHARLEVOIX.per month. 823-5431. Alpine Ilki chalet located DUNCAN PHYFE 8 piece

ALTER ROAD near Grosse directly on Little Traverse dining room lIet. ExcellentBay. Features include 2 condition. Best offer. TVPointe. Nicely furnished full baths, 3 bedrooms, 1,6710, apartmenta. Only fireplace and beamed ceil. -$130 to $140 per month. ings. Comfortably sleeps 9. SKEE B'ALL bowling m••

This Includes the electricity. Available .lter New Year's chine, 9' long, $175, RayNice for one person. No 885-002:1. gun target $150. TV 4-8835.pets. College graduates .-preferred. This is in a nice

6F-SHARE LIVINGIHOTPOINT double oven elee:-

quiet, peacllful neighbor. trlc slove. $SO or be3t of.hood. Each apartment has QUARTERS fer. 331.2378.a charm all ils own. Come

YOUNG LADY wanted to Isee for yourself. You willlike it. Telephone anytime share lovely apartment on THE CHIalso evenings. 821.2818 or East Side. Must have ref.821-8985. erences. Call 823-1203after


vate bome for employedTWO BEDROOM ~partment, I • Chino Painting

,gentleman. kit c hen and• Poplaundry privileges. ReIer. Condominium or small

ences. TV 5-8379,TU 5.8219. house In Southern FloridaCustom Gifts -for month of February. No

EMPLOYED LADY, home children or pets. Refer.16115 E. Warren. privileges, references. 7 ences. 964.1144, alter 6.

f Mile r,l)ar Mack. 886-9236. 882.1693. .


IF'S 712727 71 2 17?1tSS 57715,,75 I' 'tU

screened, insured domestic help for one day 0more.

DOMESTIC PERSONNELPOOL, 961.1060, 963-0161.

TWO WOMEN will help withparties in your home. Owntransportation. WA 1-3983.

EXPERIENCED lady wisheday work. 823-2715.


Small cocktail parties,teas, hors d'oeuvres andparty trays, special des.serts. TU 1-4198 after 4:30p.m.


WOODBRIDGE EAST - forlease-new 2 bedroom, 2~bath townhouse, carpeted.paneled family room, fullbasement. Occupancy Jan., uary 1st, 1973. 886.1800.

TROMBLEY, lower flat,, bedrooms, 2 baths, famll

room, .garage. VA 2-3323.

22240 COLONIAL CT., St.Clair Shores - Beautiful3 bedroom, 1'h bath ranchwith family room. No pets,prefer couple. One yearlease.

654 ROSLYN - Sharp 3'bedroom, 11h bath ranch,2 car garage. For lease orlease with option to buy.$350 month.

TAPPAN 884-6200

HARCOURT, upper 2 flat, newly decorated,no pets, 00 children. 885-2810.

LUXURIOUS 2 bedroom, 2baths, bullt4n G.E. kitch.en with dishwasher, car.peting aDd carport includ.ed, excellent location, 9MUe and Jefferson. 779-1818.

FOR LEASE, new 2 bedroomduplex, large rooms, ga.rage, direct access to lake.31917 E. Jefferson. $275.884-0009.


For rent or sale from $275and up, I and 2 bedroomapariments, townhouses,Vernier road across fromLochmoor Golf Cub. Open12 to 6 Saturday and Shown daily by ap-pointment.

886-4()36 775-0000

GROSSE POINT~, 6 rooms.$200. Security deposit. Nopet"'. 884-7987.

RIVARD, Grosse Pointe City.3 bedroom home. 885-4005.

UPPER 6 room flat, Beacons.field.Mack, range. refrig.erator, carpeting,, $150 plu~ heat, own.l!r, 863.1910.

GROSSE POINTE Woods,deluxe new duplex. 3 bed.rooms, IIh baths, formaldining room, carpet;;)g, airconditJoning, attach.ed garage. 884-0055.--

6008 KENSINGTON - Newlydecorated, fully carpeted,3 bedroom home, paneledden, .garage. Near schook$250. 886-8123.

2 BEDROOM, com pi etekitchen. bed, draperies,carpeting. $200. AvaillibleJan. 10. Reterences. TU1-02..'\8.

---1385 EASTLAWN, 1 bedroom

apal'llment, appliancps, car.peted, all utilities, nearbus line, ideal for retirees,also furnished apartmentfrom $110. ED 1-2330 -991.9141.


WANTED - Experiencedcoo k s. waitresses andcouples. Grosse PointeEmployment Agency, TUx-edo ~76.

TWO HIGH school seniorswant interior painting andodd jobs. Relia},lle, ~xperi.enced. Mark, 821-3745.

In home, hospital or nursinghome. RN's, LPN's, Aides,companions, male attend.ants, live.ins. Scre.:ned andbonded. 24 hour service.No service fee.


SKI tune. up. Sharpened, flatfiled and waxed. 886-16<Y1

MATURE woman wishesbabysitting in my .home.(Lakepointe). Call 882-3292•.

NURSES AIDE - Experi.enced, part or full time.References. '172.5337.

RESPONSIBLE high schoolstudent seeking indoor-out-door odd jobs. ~0607.Ask for Mark.

HANDYMAN, painting, wallwashing, etc. Reasonablerates. -Peter De Galan. 372.4518.



Nurses, Nurse Aids, Geria.tric aids and housekeepersto work part or all the

I time. All employeesscreened, bonded and in.sured. 24 hour service.Detroit Mt. Clemens872-0200 79~0620

Ern r "i"


MUSICPiano, organ, voice, guitar,

strings, woodwinds. Dis. WANTED-Mature woman totinguished Faculty. TU 2- baby sit for a 9 month4963, 16237 Mac!': Avenue. I baby. 886-7931 after 'I p.m.





YOUR OWN HOMEAll subj':cts; ,all grades.Adults and children. Cer.tified teachers.




Ph.D. Mathematician886-41750

NEEDLEPOINT Lessons$25 for 6 weeks (15 hours),Afternoon or evening. 881.7073, 886-6318. TYPING, term papers, es.

I say's thesis, others. Pica3-LOST AN D FOUND or Elite, 823-5l24.

LOST black wallet, if found TABLE LINENS. washedreturn to address on I.D and hand ironed in mycard. Reward. 884-4121. home. Applique, Italian. I cut, Lace. Excellent ref.

LOST, Welsh <?crgl dog: Mas. erences. 773.2185.sachusetts lIcense. \,Idnlty _

~~t~oe~~:;.1 ~~87~~~che.1 PRIVA TE NURS INGAround the CloakLOST in vicinity 7 and Mack,

pink paisley change purse,containing gold keepsake,around the neck watch, andJ:'old earrings, and a Pont.chartraln dinner of themonth card. Reward. 882.9M3.


DENTALHYGlENIST forpermanent position in con.genial, comfortable Gro~sePointe office. 3 days perweek. Box K.7, GrossePointe News._._----------

RETIRED MAN needed totrain for managerial posi.tion in service station. 884.4476, ask for Dick.-----------

MAN AGE R I A L pos~tionavailable lor the right man,willing to learn all facetsof service station business,must be at 'least 18, andout of school. Call 88404476,ask for Dick.


Legal NoticePersonalsDeath NoticePublic SaleEntertainmentMusic EducationTutoringHobby InstructionCamps •Athletic instructionSchoolsConvalescent Corelost ond FoundHelp Wonted GeneralHelp Wonted DomesticServices to ExchonQeSituation WontedSituation DomesticEmployment AgencyCateringFor Rent UnfurnishedFor Rent Furr,;.hedRooms for RentOffice for RentVocation RentalsGarage for RentShore living QuartersStore to RemWonted to RentRoom WontedRoom and Boord WontedGaroge WontedStorage Sp'lce WontedArticles for SoleMusicol InstrumentsAntiques for SoleOffice EquipmentArticles WontedSnowmobiles for SaleMotorcycles for SaleTrucks for SoleCars for SoleCor RepairCars Wonted to BuyBoots and MolorsBoot RepairBoot Dockage ondStorogeTrailers ond CampersMobile HomesSuburban Acreage

Classified DeadlineIs Tuesd8Y noon, 12 p.m.,,(or all new copy, changesof copy and cancellations.It is suggested rthat allreal estate ~oopy be sub.mitted to o~r oUice byMonday :I p.JIl.


Bose rale: 12 wards tor $2.00additionol wardli each $.10.. weeks or maTEo__. $1.75Retail rate per inch .... $3.404 w .. eks or ~. .. $3.00




Grand Ctrc:UI Park New. StandlMaJesUe New" St.ndTrianile News St&fld, Mlch~an

and Griswold


Nada'. Gilt ShOl', Marina Driveand the Rlverhouse

Park Pharmacy, E. Jeller:lOnand the City Umlb

GROSSEPOINTE PARKLou'. Parly Slore, Charlevoix

and LakepolnteArt'. patty Siore, Kercheval

and Wa)ilurn.

GROSSEPOIl~"'ECITYAIle:- Party Store, Mack and

St. ClairThe Grog Shop, Mack and NellCunntncham Drug Store, Noln

Dame and KerchevalNotre Dame Pharmacy, Kerche.

val and Notre DameBon Secours HospItal. Cadieux

a..d Maumea

GROSSE POINTE FARMSlIa~ Mellleal Pharmacy, Mack

and MoranTrail Pharmacy, Kercheval

on the HiliKenl Drugl, Kercheval and

Flabu RoadSchetller Drug., Fllher and

MaumeeCUllSllnlham Dt'ugl, 7 Mile

Road and MackCottage HOlpllal, Kerchenl

an4 Mull'Blazo'. Reataurant, Mll:k and

BoumemouthMerll WooM Pharmacy, Mlck

and Bournemouth


will drive your car to Flor.ida, immediately aft e rChristmas. Pie 41 s e call884~()78.

GROSSEPOINTE WOODSGroue Pointe Phormaey. Mack

and ManchelterHarkneN Phumacy. Mack and

Loch moorBob'. Drull., Matk and Roolyn

DITROIT AREAIt. J(lhn HOIJ>llal, Seven Mile

Ro.d • nd MoroSIDevor»hlre Drull~, Mack Ind

DevonshireL.t';a~~::re'f' Mock andMaryland Beverage Sheppe.

Mack near Marylandrilla .. Putt., Grayton ond


Manor Phannacy. Greater Mackand Red Maple Lane

La~t:~rm~:~~ ~~ ~~r,e~~


TRUMPET and trombonelessons tn your home byexperienced teacher. VA2.9226.

GUITAR LESSONS - Begin.ners welcome. Home orstudio. Enroll now for~anuary. 293-69'14.


INDEX TO SERVICE OFFERED I GENERAL WANTED __ U_N_f_UR_N_IS_H_ED__ONE OFFICE in Chet Samp. GRANDFATHER c 10 c 11:" UNIQUE GIFTS for Cbrllt--W-O-M-AN--w-i-th-s-om-e-s-e-w-in-gHAVE YOUR PIANO tuned son Travel Service Build. mantle c1oeu, c u c too mas, leather ll00ds, suede

_____________________ experience to work in small for tbe Holidays. Call Jo. ST. PAUL - :;~eious 3 bed. ing.~. 100 Kercheval. clocks, old c1oeu. pocket aDd wrought iroD. Spanilbl1A Suburban Home Fabric Shop. Tuesdays and seph Pehrson, 884-6959. :~:~~~:::alwi:t.~~:~885.7510. waldies and wrist watchel Bitt, 1' 888-0077.128 Vacotion Prop'rty Thursdays, 12-5:30 p.m. I d't" n bl elk '-D --ES--K-a-d--U-.---- repaired by MichiJaD IJ. HEAD JR 90 "... suitable- 268.2324, 886.6685. PARTY HELP and clean up I 10JUDll, 0 e 0 .. om n 0 Ice space, censed Watchmaker. Pick '. _IS,12C Forms for Sale by two experienced girls. 'Village' .and shopping. telep~one answering. sec. for 8-1% year old, length12D Lake and River Property 1----------- Excellent references. 881. retarial service. 17901 E. up Ind deUvery 111Pointe 6 It. lOW', complete Cub.12E Commercial Property ASSISTANT to general 0254 after 5. JOHN S. Warren, 885-1900. area only. AlIodwe adfew.D. co bindings. 886-6908.13 Reol Estate ager, young energetic gu' I GOODMAN ------- ! xious to buy 01 Pen wn13A Lots for Sole with oUice experience and RESPONSIBLE College girl. A'M'ENl'lON DOCTORS. clocks and poc:k&twatcMt. WELLS FARGO belt $30, coo.13B Cemetery Property excellent t y~ i n g skills. desires bahyJoitting, days INC. Modern medical suite, con. 886-3011. .ole table, 2 matehing13C Land Contracts Grosse Pointe area. $450. or evenings. References. 93 Kercheval 888-3060 \'enient Grosse P"inte 10- ---------- clJ.1rs $30, TV, portable,14 ReoI Estate Wonted 881-5095. 881-674.4. "On the Hill' cation. Mack at University, FISHER Racer Silverg1ass $!S, 20" bicycle $25, Leica14A Lots Wonted ----------- moderately priced. Phone Skis like new. Marker Model C, ladies coats, aile14B Resorts Wonted RESPONSIBLE high school ---H-A-V-A-R-D--D-tro-'t-3/ 822-1030. Rotomat bindings. $85 12 to U, $10, Remmgton

MAY THE JOY tude t ki g . d 3515 R ,e I, 882.'>'>18 .- $3S14e Real Estote Exchange s n see n Ul oor, b d C I . 1 1H, - . "cwt 821-87%2e roo m oonla, Tot SINGLE OFFICE or suite I . • r . •15 Business Opportunities outdoor jobs. 499.0057, ask b th $215 th I LIONEL Tr se d'.16 Pets for Sole of I for Mark. a s, mon , p us I and prestige building at 1m ta an miA' SAROUK RUG, genuine im-

--------- security deposit. 885.9449. 23000 Greater Mack. Cox I cellaneous. 37%-0569. port, 9 ft. 1 x 11 n. 11, blue16A Horses for S'Jle C H RISTIv~AS ODD JOBS b)' experienced & B'aker, 7196600... and beige design with bur-16B Pet Grooming \ college student dUringlWHERE WOULD YOU EX. I _ Z4 ELECTRIC atove. 6 gundy background. Ex~l.16C Pet Boording Christmas vacation. 881. PECT to find a log cabin? KERCHEV!,-L. Not~e Dame @o~th;s old, $65, perfect lent condition. VA 2.an7.19 Printing and Engraving Abide with you throughout the 2305 after 5. I In the Woods, of cour~"l! ar~a, smgle oUices or coooition. 886.7387.20 Generol Service 1----------. -- And that's where this three sUlte, 100 to 600 sq. ft., SCRATCH PADS 3~ d CAR PET I N G - N.UOIlI120A Carpet Laying NEW YEAR FORM~R teacher Wls~es to bedroom two and one half newly remodeled, 'Paneled • E" poun Brands, 10% .bove my208 Refirigeration &. Air babYSit, 3-4 year old In my bath CllU~is complete with walls, tile floors, air con. ~ rR~: c~ip~~~r:~mill cost, mill representa.

Conditioning Repoir I home. 885.2160. beamed cathedral ceiling ditioning, janitor service, 15201 Kercheval at Lake tive, B86-'l~.20C Chimney &. Fireploce Sincerely: 5A-SITUATION living room, a brand new rese~v.ed parki~g space, pointe, Grosse Pointe. VA 1 T lk

Repair Mary Parker DOMESTIC kitchen with appliances, m~nlclpal pukmg space 2.7100. M~Gem~,L L~e e~e~S~~d~21 Moving Norma Klee finished basement and two adjacent, all for $60 per I --=_21A Piano Service Margurile Elsz ~--------- car g a C'I g e. $300 per office. Immediate occupan. 2 MATCHED Silver Fox tion. TU 1.2523.218 Sewing Machine Janet BarUett TAKE THE DAY OFF monUl. cy. TU 2.7252. skins, asking price $200 MAHOGANY dininll room21C Electrical Service I !lAIDS transpOrted. Bonded, I TU 5-8763. credenza buffet, $75; ma.21 D T.V. &. Radio Repair KELLY GIRL R. G. Edgar "On the Hill" _ 700 sq. ft.1 ooDS ibogany corner cupboard,21E Storms and Screens 372-1222 r & Associates of air conditioned offices. HOUSEHOLD G - (curved glass), $75. Both21F House Siding B R~-----'-l-t 886-60J 0 Powder room, front and Frooremnc,hDuPnrCoaVlDn'cpiah~.#eUvd~ngin excellent condition. 882.21G Roofing Service EITE women's specla y r t 7" 001421 H Rug Cleaning shop needs experienced ear en rance. ing ro:>m, Kenmore wash .21-1 Painting, Decorating sales women, for sports. 1-14-3-S-S-0-M-E-R-S-E--T-,-u-p-pe-r-2HIGBIE MAXON, er, dryer, G.E. porlp.hIe SKIS---F-lI-' c-b-e-r-S-upe-r-g-la-ss-,21J Wall Washing wear, dresses and shoes I bedroom flat fully carpet. dishwasher. Thursday eve 200 C.M., .good condition,21 K Window Washing lHarvi's, Fisher Building, $85. 886.1607.21L Tile Work 873-7223, call ,between 9:30.21M Sewer Service 11:30 and 2-5 p.m. HARDWOOD, $19 aDd 423.21N Asphalt Work I I White birch, $26; fruit-210 Cement and Brick Work CONGENIAL companion to s t wood, $29; kindling, $2.5021 P Waterproofing children of business couple a bag, $2.00 dellvery, $2.00,21Q Plaster Work who tlavelper.iodically, I s stacking. 7M-3494.21 R F prefer 'age under 45, with

urniture Repoir d . . ELECT"ON,IC CalAwators,21S Co nvmg ability, evening, on; '-

rpenter dinnertime and weekend new aDd used typewriters,21T Plumbing & H~ating hours only. General house. c check writers, adding'ma.21 U Janitor Service k . U chines at discount prices.21V Silverplating eepmg is provided. Will Zero, 19866 Mack. :21W DressmakIng & Tailoring consi<ler person already21Y Swimming Pools employed, daytime, but BARN SIDING _ Authentic21 Z Landscaping and who wishes to supplement I" weathered, hand hewn,

Snow Remavol mcome. 371-4920. natural timber, i~.:!I19.II CARPET Salesman wanted. ELECTRO. VOICE Speatters,

, 2A-MUSIC Mus t be knOWledgable. I (top of line 3 way); Bani.EDUCATION Good earning potential and lay walnut cabinets, enclo.

excellent opportunity for r sures only if desIred. TUMILDRED BRIGGS I future. FE 3-7086. 1.2523.

PIANO 'and THEORY IGTCHEN steward for largeBRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO restaurant on East side

some experience necessary,15 Kercheval send short resume and ex.

Punch and Judy Building pected salary. Box L.lGrosse Pointe Grosse Pointe News.

TUxedo 2.5880 MAINTENANCE man forEast Side club, send short

VOICE LESSONS', given by resume, Box L.l, GrosseUniversity of M i chi g a n Pointe News. 'Masters Graduate. 961. I _


S 22 I




Page 20: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

:-~7~.""'.~,~."--~-""-""---"------~----------~- ~."-4_---'Il"fJIlIOi!r-'P¥". lI'I!i_a_:4Il1'1lr'llP-"' .• _'11III.__ 11I 11II 14 _1'1 _ _ --------------- ~--...., ..

--------_.- ---_._----_._--------,







&*trl'Wb' :1'.:1: r .J

"On The HIll"


St. Clair OUicePhone (313) 329-9003

MarinetClty ~Phone (313) 765-4013



Near Marine City .- francisStreet (E. China Twp.)One year old 1815 Iq. it. 4bedroom :bome on larlelot; fireplace in 11v Insroom; dining room; kItchenbuilt.ins; '2 bedrooms andbath down' and 2 bedroomsand bath up; carpeted; fullbasement and attached 2ear garage, water sewerand paved street. $41,900..

You 5{


TV 4.5700

.,Thursday, December 21. 1972


" **** ':,n'1" tUrt





i:ft i



Dl) Kercheval

SANTA'S HELPERSTerry Anderson Fred Honhart Betty StirlingNonna Byron Duke Huber Kathryn VogelGene Caldwell Viola Liddell Jack WalshNonn Cassube Virginia Main Melba WeidelmanRita E. Dodge Irene Pfeiffer John A. MossRoss Honhr.rt Oharlotte Schneider





. . 5 ~rnn h use1145 BALFOUR-Prestige location, ';-<r-_m 0 ,3 full bat,bs, 2-car attached garage. Excellentcondition, only $46,900.

971 CANTERBURY - 4 bedroom, 2W bath centerentrance colonial, large family rooJll with raisedhearth, fireplace. Intercom, centrally air condi.tioned, sprinkler system, attached garage. Easymaintenance, immediate occupancy.

932 GRAND MARAIS - 4 bedroom Early Americancolonial, family room, modern kitChen, '3ttachedgarage. AU carpeting, draperies, appliances in-cluded. Graciously decorated, beautiful lot, earlypossession.

57 HAMPTON-Choice semi.ranch in the Shores, 2bedrooms, library, family room,' prize-winningkitchen with barbecue, large 'bedroom, bath onsecond floor. Attached garage, b~autiful garden.House in exquisite taste.

653 LAKEPOINTE - CustomJbuilt 4 'bedroom, 2~bath F~:lnch Colonial with heavy slate roof, king-sized master bedroom. Nicely landscaped, shady street near waterfront park.

749 LAKEPOINTE-Beautiful tall shad~: trees behindwrought iron carriage g<lte, 3 bedroom, IIf.1bathEnglish home, knotty pine recreation room withfireplace. Home in excellent condition.

781 LAKEPOINTE-English Tudor, 4 bedrooms, St,2baths, 3 natural fireplaces, den ,plus Floridaroom. Priced lower 40's. Qharm and grace every-where.

1994 ROSLYN-Custom-built 1967, priced low 30's,first floor bedroom and bath, 2 -bedrooms and bathon second. First floor laundry, electronic kitchen,completely automated ,brick semi.ranch.

1937 SEVERN-Comfortable, roomy S 'bedroom, llhbath colonial with large living room, dining room,kitchen with eating space. Family rocm 10.9x24.2,all twin.sized bedrooms, recreation room withfireplace.

529 SHOREHAM-Let us show you this 3 bedroom,2 bath ranch, carpeted kitchen with built.ins, largefamily room with fireplace, finished basement withfireplace and bar, attached garage.

SECLUDED LANE in the Farms, distinctive ranchbuilt by Wilberding featuring outstanding 2Ox13family room with fireplace, wet bar. Centrally airconditioned, heated 32x16 swimming pOl)l,sprinklersystem, paneled basement office.

1228 YORKSHIRE-Large lot, exceptionally good con.ditkln, priced low 40's, 3 bedroom, Ilh bath colo.nial located close to Village shopping and trans.portation.

102 Kercheval

Catherine W. Champion-BrokerSelma E. Bacheller Shirley J. KennedyJohn E. Brink Helen G. LancasterSally S. ClarkI! Maryrose PalffyAnn M. Dingeman Dorothy M. MitchellR. G. Elliott Jean A. BoobDorothy W. Healy Evelyne 1M.Rupp


NEW NEW13 Cameron. custom Southern

ColoDial, prime location, •bedrooms up, 1 bedroomdown, open daily exeeptSun., 2.5 p.m., attractivelypriced.


k atits b" •

BISHOP RD. This out-standing 3 bed roo <Illranch plus large familyroom-3 baths radiates abe8utiful scenic viewwin t e r or SUmJller.Home can 'be obtainedfor a very realistic price-Immediate occupancy.886.5800

BRYS DR. A brick ranchhome in perfett coruli.lion. Carpeting, Double closetsand a cedar closet.Breezeway and garage.886-5800

MUIR. A tlIree bedroombungalow h 0 m e with.basementand garage. Asecond smaller borne in.the rear is now rented.886.5800

~OTTINGHAM. Attraotivebrick ranch home on anicely landscaped lot.Big carpeted kitchen.Attached two car ga-ragc. Din in groom.$27,900. 886-5800

RIVARD. A spacious con-dominium home idealfor a large family. Fivebedrooms, three baths,fully carpeted. Nice kit-chen with range, dish-washer and refrigerator.Basement and carport.886.5800

S H 0 R E C REST CR. Abeautiful brick ranchhome in mint condition.Three bedrooms, twofull and two half baths.Family room and diningroom. Two fireplaces.First floor laundry. Tiledbasement and two cargarage with automaticdoors. 886.5800

SUN N r N G D ALE. Achal'ming four bedroomhome. Two and a I;alfbaths, fa mil y room,large kitchen, recreationroom. Across from Loch.moor Country Club. 886-5800

UNIVERSITY. A g<lodbuy in a large home.Centr'al air conditioning,fireplace, f 0 u r bed.rooms, den. f ami 1yroom, ]tjorida room, fin.ished recreation room.886-5800

A well cared for bricksemi.ranch in GrosSi!Pointe Woods. Ideal forthe large or $maU fam-ily with 3 bedrooms ortwo bedrooms and fam.ily room. Spacious lot. Many otherfeatures. 886.5800



Picture a custom built 3 brick ranch on a 100foot tree.studded lot 10'cated in the heart of GrossePointe Shores. Features in.elude: den, glass porch, 2natural fireplaces, 2 car at-tached garage, sprUlklingsystem, close to Star of theSea. Price reduced. Widow Imust sell. Call to see this BEST WISHEShome. FOR A


room brick ranch, new car. andpel, air conditioned, stove, YOUNGBLOODrelrigerator, $4,700assumes REALTYmortgage. By owner. 886-1135. 886.1270

21300 MACKGrosse Polnle Woods

• J, ir in




Grosse Pointe F.amis

Borland. McBreartyREALTORS

graced with good healthand blessed with happiness

in a world at peace

FONTANA. A spaciousplush executive ranch.Three .bedrooms, twoand a balf baths, hugefamily room, first floorlaundry. Kitchen built.ins. Central air condi.t ion i n g. Recreationroom. Lar,ge attachedtwo car garage. A stonethrow to the lake. Circledrive. In GP Shores.886-4200

MOROSS. A charming andunusual three bedroomcolonial. FCM1al diningroom and den. Beautifulnew kitchen with allbuilt ins. Lovely grounds886-4200

NEFF. In a prime locationjust two blocks (rom thePark. A large colonialwith four bedrooms plusthree full baths and twohalf baths on the thirdfloor. Two car garage.886-4200

WAYBURN. A large wellm~intained c 0 Ion i a 1home. Natural fireplace.Formal dining room,den, three bedrooms,with one and one halfbaths, plus two 8nd abalf car garage. Imme.diate occupancy. 886-4200.

2025 HUNT CLUB. An at-tractive three bedroombrick colonialliome. Up-dated kitohen with selfcleaning oven and dish.washer. Modernized el.ectrieal system. Fullbasement. Two car ga-rage. 886-4200

SOUTH RENAUD. A brickranch home, in a beauti.ful wooded area. 3 bed-rooms, bright roomy kit.chen with beautiful woodcabinets. Attached ga-rage for 2 cars. Big 105x121>It. lot. 886-4200

BEACONSFIELD. A cleanbeautifully decorated 4flat. New furnace, 3 cargarage. Good ratio ofrent income to price.886-4200

BEDFORD. A graciousfour bedroom brick col.onial. Two and halfbaths. Den equipped forentertaining. Mod e ,. nkLtchen with appliances.Air conditioned. Manyextras. 886.5800

BELANGER. A three brick bungalow ona deep lot. Dining room.Like new carpeting.Basement and two cargar8ge. 886.5800

For youand all whom you hold dear,

m.ay it bea very Happy Holidayand a good New Year


HAMPTON - Charming 3bedroom Colonial, fire-place, (ull basement, 2 cargarage. Low $208.

WESTCHESTER - Luxur.ious English Tudor. 4 bed.rooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs.,Ultra modern kitchen, for.mal dining room, famUyroom, rec. room, terrace,sprinkling system. Customcarpels and drapes throughoul. Let us show you thisunique family home.


687 WASHINGTON - Gra.cious 4 bedroom home,great location, 1'h baths,large screened porch, 3car garage. Owner trans-ferred. $41,900. 884-7487.


• • •

. " .. , ,. , .... ,............. tea ••





Clayton C. Purdy, Jr.Mary F. Schlaff

James P. DanaherMarian J. Bode

Sue Megowen AdelbergBarbara S. DavisGeorge S. Baer, II

T. Raymond JeffsFrank J. McGinnis, Jr

Paul H. TwoheyMartha S. Moray

Virginia S. JeffriesJoseph R. MasonKaren 1. Shepard

Edna 1. .10ssCarol A. Graham

Strongman, Kelly& Associates

100 KERCHEVAL889-0800

8'13 ST. CLAIRTired of looking at old 3

bedroom homes? Seeour brand new 3, bath and half duoplex with an added di.vidend of walking dis-1ance to the village andpub 1i c transportation.$30,900,




Santa'sSugge!itionsFor ShrewdShoppers

470 SHELBOURNEThe fire crackling in the

fireplace aoo the peace-ful beauty of winter canbe enjoyed from the ex-tra special living roomof .this well <planned, 2bedroom, 2 bath ranch.$45.900.

Purdy andAssociates

WASHINGTON - 7 bedroomc 010 n i a 1 with domt-ilticquarters.


RESORT-See Sedion 12.4.

RENTAL - Perfect near Village. seeSection 6.

HOLLYWOOD-Unusual lay.out perfect for 3 bedroomfamily.

BEACONSFIELD - Cw.y 2unit English Half.Timber.

CLOVERLY-Spacious 4 bed-rooms with family ( and rec. rooms.

N. DEEPLAND-Fascinating5 bedroom colonial withevery extra.

HARVARD - Bright colonialwith ideal location.

PARK LANE - Near wateron one of the areas moreinteresting lanes.

PEMBERTON-4 bedrooms,2'h baths indicates morehome for the $.

RIDGE RD-Just a GREAThome for the warm heart.

SHOREHAM - 2 bedrooms,den, terrace, and,


Inc.93 Kercheval 886.3060

"On The Hill"

GROSSE POINTE WOODS onHollywood, 2 bedroom allbrick ranch with attached.garage. B'rand new carpetand custom made dr8pes,decorated, beautl!ul. Nobrokers please. 886-8656.


EXCEPTIONAL commercialcorner parcel near Shopping C e n t e r.Abutting parcel .vailablealso.

884-7733 BOUTIN 773-7820






BISHOP-View of lake with3 bedrooms, library, ter-race.

SHELBOURNE - Superiorranch with Ale and familyroom.


PRICE REDUCED $2,000On this choice 50' Lallefront

Lot. Has everylhing neces.sary (qual. boat well, elec.trlc hoist and steel seawall,plus.) -



acres channel. ChesterfieldTwn.-W acres, 10 wood.ed. Lake Huron - 300 ft.frontage. Lake Erie-Mod.ern cottages. 6 acres, 4lots lake front.


lNC.93 Kercheval

CC "RED & WHITE" Classicpostwar 25' m a hog anyplanked' . express. $1500.00or trade. up or down forDory, Whaler or small sail-boat. 889'{)300.

ICE BOAT, DN. Excellentcondition, $550. 821-8257.

ICE BOAT, excellent condi.tion, Scamp Class, $150.evenings. 886.1617.


COLLEGE STUDENT needsOne owner, low mileage,sm8ll' or intermediate car,up to $1,400. No dealers.TU 1-2492.






VE 7.0506

For information772-4110, 463.0392






1972 KAWASAKI motorcyclelike new, 280 miles, streetlegal, 125 cc, purchased inJuly 1972, best offer. 8847414.

BOOKS, Art Objects Sought.Browsers always welcome.B. C. Claes Book Shop.Miss Ethel Claes, 1670 Le.verelte (48216). WO 3.4267.

LIONEL trains and othermakes. 771-0529,


7:30 P.M.



'72 MERCEDES 220, automatic, AM.FM stereo, tinted j!lass. $5,500. 886.6799.

_."-, -~_.. _-~.-1969 CHRYSLER 300 hard

lop, bucket seats and console, power brekes, powersteering, air. Private owner, Call evenings or Satur.' We can arrange to financedays. TIJ 2-5036. and build your new home

---.--.-------- so you'll be ready for next1963 CHEVROLET Impala Spring. Ownet must Iiqui.

hardtop, radio, heater, good date Make oUertires, needs engine work . .'and exhaust system, $100. MARV BOUTIN88k8268. 773.7820 884.7733

GRANDS, Spinets, Consolesand Small Uprights. Cash.

BEAUTIFUL 36" Que e nLOUise 0011. Perfect condi.tion. $250. 882-8839.

DENTAL CABINET, maho.gany. inlaid, $250. 771-3440.


MOTORSWANTED - Player Grandpiano. Also player rolls.Top dollar paid. 455-0177.

Furniture, clocks and col.lectors items. and chinacabinets, marble top com.modes and Cort cupboards.Chinese cabinets. Bakerracks, breakfronts withmarble top. Clocks approxi.mately 35. Grandfather'swall and manUe clocks andmuch more.






PR 2-0200




964-6811Inside Heated

ShowrOOMOpen Saturday






CADILLAC CO.536-6260



P-:.;;C Twenty -_._._._--------. J-ARTICLES FOR SALE i 8-ARTICLES fOR SALf I I-CARS FOR SALE

OUTFIT THE ENTIRE :21" R.C.A. Ultra.Vision, black THE VOLKSWAGEN you'veFIU!ILY AT V4 OF THE i and white, mahogany. con. been waiting for. 1964, very

REGULAR PRICE . sole, U.H.F., $75. Hide.a. good condition, snow tires."ALMOST NEW" bed, $25, 1937 antique con. 823-3606.

APPAREL sole radio, $50. 881-2693. '69 BUICK LeSabre 4 door~arefully selected ~or qur.lity, I SKIS, Head 660, 180CM., S.B. hardtop. vinyl roof, power. style and condltlon , . . i 40 bindings, valued at $200. steering, pOwer brakes,

Dresses. Co a t s, Sports. I Asking $150 or best offer. low mileage, one owner.we.u, Furs. Shoes. Etc., 8890730. $1,350. VA 4-5882.and interesting Bric.A. ------- .. -_ .. _-. .--- IBrac. I WOMAN'S bicyrle, 26" 3 1966 MERCURY Monterey,

Four outfits for the price of. speed. $15. Play pen with very good condition, $350one at . . . . pad $3. 8861654. or best offer .. 821.2191.

LEE'S : MiNKJACKET~-A-;t;; m n CHEVROLET Wagon, 196320339 lfack 881-8082 Uaze, excellent quality, $185. TU 4-1872.10 to 5:30 daily Frio 'til 9 like new, reasonable. size 11967 PORSCHE 912. Wife'sConsignments of (ine quality. 16. 293.6465. car. Excellent condition.good «ndition and current ROy AL- pvrtable typewriter, $J900. clothing welcome. like new, $50. FM.AM

stereo recel"'er e u d 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, 2,OLD CLOCKS, watches. jew.. , n ver se •, elry. We repair. buy or lists $139,95, onl)' $60. 886 door hardtop, V-8 automat.

6318 ie, power steering, TVsell. Edward Kiska, Cerli. ._-.-~-._.______ 4.1865.lied Master Watchmaker. H,O. AURORA Race Track,63 Kercheval, Colonial Fed over 30 ft. of track, 6 cars. '70 OLDSMOBILE 98 hard.eral Bldg. 885.5755. Extras. 4'x8' board includ. top, air conditioning, AM.

ed 886 4121 aft 6 P m FM stereo, $2,500. 885.3243.'NEW STEREO components. .' er..

P l 0 nee r turntable and BLACK Mink Coat, trimmed PORSCHE 914- Appearancespeakers, Akai automatic in sable. Excellent condi. group 1970, Zlebart, tape,reverse recorder, Kenwood tion. Worn five times. Paid 23,000 miles. Like new,receiver, $1,000. 881.1785. $4.800. Asking $2,000. Size driven by "Scllool Marm."

TUXEDO, black and white _1_0_._88_1_'64._2_6_. 821-7430.j' jackets, size 44, all acces. SA-MUSICAL '69 MUSTANG fastback, V-8,

sories. Mint condition, $55. INSTRUMENTS standard shift, radio, mag. 889.0483. wheels. No rust, excellent---------.- DRUM SET, complete, used condition. $1095. 777-1165.STEUBEN GLASS, berry excellent condition. $95

bowl, 8" diameter, ciga. 861.2662. t969 FORD Torino SquJre,reUc box, ash tray. Call stick shift, one owner, make884-4350 after 4 p.m. GUITAR, cia s sic a I, folk offer, clean. TU 5.5990.

----------.- used, like new, $35. 861.4 KNOLL "Polloch" chairs, 2662. 1967 OPEL station wagon.. armless. swivel pedestal very low mileage, good

base, pOlished chrome and OPTIGAN ORGAN, disc value, suede leather, brand books and bench includednew - in original carton. Excellent condition. $350 '67 PONTIAC convertible,Call 882-4800. 885-2841. clean inside and out, well

.maintained. 400 engine withELECTRIC Whirlpool dryer, WURLITZER Console Organ ,power, excellent rubber,

used 2 months, perfect con. beautiful' condition, $1000 $675for quick sale. 881-0426.ditlon. Call after 6 p.m. TU 4-0638.885-4326. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Square-

DRUM SET-Rogers W. Zyld back station wagon, $925.WEDDING GOWN, Empire cymbals. Over $1,000 value CADILLAC 1963. Clean.

waist, silk organza, Alen. Mur.t sell. $550. 885.3821. $500. 82:;-7102 or 821-7430.con lace trim. Matchingheadpiece with floor length 8B--ANTIQUES '69 CHEVELLE, SS 396, 375

. , veil, size 10.12. $90. 882. FOR SALE horsepower, AM.FM radio,4063. FURNITURE refinlS'hed, re- 4 speed, bucket seats, com-pletely black. 823-5971 still

"ANTIQUE hand carved oak paired, stripped, any type under warranty.dining room -table, Spanish of caning. Free estimates,styling, 6 matching chairs 474-8953. '69 PONTIAC LeMans, lowand credenza, also 4 leaves mileage. Excellent condl-and 'Pads, $350. Solid walnut A COLLECTOR selling his tion, undercoated. 885-3003.d k I antique clocks, a wonder.$9Oes'G texClelent I condition, ful Christmas gift. 881 '63 FALCON, running. $60 or

. a e eg ova drop leaf 3365. best offer. 886.8137.table, $80. Cedar chest $15.886-8529. ANTIQUE FURNITURE 1973 BUICK Electra 225, 4

.MISCELLANEOUS SA L E, REPAIR door hardtop, 5,500 mUes,. stove, ~ofa,bedroom set Specializing in Chair Caning air, steering, bl'akes, vinylr and more. Friday oniy, 11 and imitation Rush 5eat top. $4,500. 386.5937.

a.m.oJ p.m. 1350 Alter work. 7764890. '73 VEGA GT Hatchback.Road. BRASS BEDS, polished 4 2,100 miles. GM executive.

---------- poster double, solid brass 556-4045, 886--7606.twin. VE 5.9005. '66 CADILLAC convertible,

gold, 4 new radial tires,new seat covers, excellent.886-5160.

1955 MERCURY hardtop,only 45,000 miles. Verygood condition. Drive everyday or continue specialcare, and value will in-crease. 881.9387.

1968 PONTIAC Firebird 400,$1,250. 822-8373.

1953 ROLLS ROYCE, silverWlI'aith. 63,000 original,miles, recent engine '8tldcoach overhaul, $11,000.822-8373.

972 OLDSMOBILE luxurysedan, full y equipped.$4,500. 822.8373.

1969 BUICK LeSabre custom,2 door hardtop, low mile.age, very clean. 886-5160.


Page 21: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

as; 5 ;g $ 'S



A-l CARPENTRY .Quality Workmanship

ReasonableAlso small jobs

Suspended CeiUngs



Page Twenty.One



We Install

Formica-Sink Top$Cabinets-All StylesBuilt-Ins-Installed

Free EstimatesNo Obligations

No DelaysBill Pilge



I do the work myself.New 8nd Old Homes

All types of remodeling, kit.chens and bathrooms. Fromroof to basement, lDterior,exterior. Try our ....lnter roof-ing special. F re e roofingvents with every job. Freeestimates. Call


CAR PEN T E R Repairs.Major and minor. 884.5471or 884.2750.

FAMILY rooms are my spe-cialty. 884.5471 or 884.2750.

CARPENTER-AU types reopair and remodeling. CarlWatson. LA 6.5501.

Construction Company•


•Additions, Dormers ,

Rec. Rooms, BathroomsKitchens, New Homes

•Cur,tom Garages and Doors

•Free Estimates and Planning•


Modernization.MORE VALUE for yoUr

money. Additions, kitchens,dormers, basements, bath.rooms, wall removals.


Office 772.5715Evenings, Sundays TU I~


HOME MAINTENANCE ..;.Burst pIpes, leaks, unplugsinks, 12 years e~erienc~,reasonable. !n1.309a. !


PLUMBING AND I{EATIN~Residential and Commerctal

Repairs .and Remodel .Lawn Sprinkler Service .

Water Heaters-A. O. SmIQ1Permaglass and Rheem '

TU 1.7410 :I

FOR CLEAN and dependableservice, call ELMERSPLUMBING and HEATrlNG, Plumbing Licenstl#04556, TUxedo 4-4882. :

PLUMBING repairs. MajoraM minor. 884.5471 OJ'884-275<1. •

ALTERATIONS and repair~.1152 Maryland, G r 0 s sl!Pointe Park, VA }.2631. :

EXPERT tailoring and alter.ations - By David. 16900Kercheval, Grosse Pointe.882.2755 - 886-8408. :

PROFESSIONAL alterations.20928 Anita. 884.5264. .

bEE aces


YORKSHIRE Window Reasonable. Free esti.mates. Insured. 885-0894,882.7418.





21Q--PLASTER ~ORKNEW and repair work. N~at,

clean service. 20 years ex.perience. Free estimates.759.1676.

SPECIALIZING in repairsfor 18 years. Cracks elimi.nated. Clean. Jim Black.well. VA 1.7051.



Custom made furniture; dec.orlltive fabrics; ' needlepoint mounting,tapestries and yard; chairsand s tools in st(lck.EWALD, established 1926.13929 Kercheval at East.lawn. VAlley 2.8993.

sa •




50 ROSLYN RD. TV 1.8170


KURT O. BAEHRCUSTOM Painting and Dec.

oraling, Wall papering.Guaranteed. Free esti.mates.. LA 1.5716.

C & V PAlNTING, all typesinterior painting and wallwashing. LA 6-7836.

HI NEIGHBOR, I live onGrayton, Wall washing,reasonable, neat. Experi.enced. TU 1.5306 '3fter 5.






BEAUTY SALON - Goingbusiness, 6 operators. only. 371-6069.




FIX.IT NOW. A.I handymen. Painting, plumbing,electrical and carpentry.Major and minor repairs.Call for an estimate today.884.5471, or 884-2750.



Stair Carpet ShiftedRepairs of All Types

Cigaret Burns Re.WovenALSO

:NEW CARPET SALESSamples Shown in


294-5896 TU :>-0703



KEN'S MOVING-Local, sub.urbs. One piece or house.ful. Low rates. TV 2-8540.


ing. Thomas Pettit. 884.2507.

COMPLETE piano service.Tuning, rebuilding, refinish-ing, de.molhing. MemberPiano Technicians Guild.R. Zech, 731-7707.


---------- Exlerior InteriorGROS.5E POINTE'S ONLY Free Estimates

TU 1-705040 Ypars in Grosse P'linte




TU 1-1014 PR2-405021002 MACK

HARRY SMITHBUILDING CO. 21V-SILVERPLATING:Established in • Silver and Gold Plating

Grosse Pointe Area Since 1937 • Oxidizing and RepairingResidential and Commercial • Brass Polishing,

Remodellnll LacqueringAlterations and Maintenance • Fireplace fixtures

New Construction I reFinished885.3900 885.7013 • Copper polishing and.QUALITY WORK b}' carpen. bulling

ter with over 2tl years ex. LEEBERTp~rience in Grosse Pointe. 5 I LVERSM ITHSKitchens remodeled, lIase.ments paneled. room addi. 14110 CHARLEVOIX .tions, etc Conscientious. 3 blocks west of Cb;llmer,;Small jobs acceptable. TU VA 2.7318 ,


CONST. CO.Modernization • Alleratlol!sAdditions • Family Rooms

Kitchen and Recreation AreasEstate MaintenanceJAMES BARKER


HOME MAINTENANCE eling, partitions, shelve::ELMER T LABADIE (kitchens, ceilings. small

ELECTRICAL Repairs. Ma. . job$, etc.) TlJ 2.2795.jor and minor. 884.5471 or TUxedo 2-2064 ------ 21Z-LANDSCAPING 4-884.2750. ---------__ REMODEL ING S_N_O_W_R_E~

TOWN & Country - WallCANNON ELECTRIC washing and windows, car. Kitchens • Additions TRIMMING, removal, 'pray,

COMPLETE ELECTRICAL pet cleaning, interior paint. Recreation Rooms • Porches lng, feeding and stumpSERVICE ing. 777.8896. and Repairs removal. Free estimate •.

RESIDENTIAL --------_._ Licensed • Insured Complete tree service. ClilCOMMERCIAL WALL WASHING, rllason. Fie m I n g Tree Sel'ylc4l.INDUSTRIAL able, free estimates. York. ONTAR 10 TUxedo 1-6950. i:

Licenge 47 294.4749 shire Window Cleaning. S R CT 0 - ....-,----.---1 8R5.0894, 882.7418. CON T U I N SNOW REMOVAL - Free2IE-STORMS AND ----------- 881-4400 estimatp.s. Pete Maguet and

SCREENS 21K WINDOW ----------- Sons. 771-8360. '- ALL nOME REPAIRS-Mas. _ONTARJO CONSTRUCTION I WASHING ter Carpenter. Roofs, gut. EASTERN TREE and stump

I 881-44Gil -A-.O-K-W-i-n-do-w-C-I-e-an-e-r-s.-S-e-r.ters, chimneys, porches. removal. Insured. 293'-Wood and steel windows reo Licensed. 839.1993. or answering service. 7~.vice on storms and screens, ------_____ 0600. •

placment with new.tiIt win. Free estlmales. Monthly • Attics. Porch Enclosures . _dow hardware. Permits I 52124 9 I Keasy cleaning of both sides ra ea. . 5. • Add tlons. Itchens PRINCIPLESof the glass from Inside of CALLEBS and son windl)w • Commercial buildings Right only and right a~~

jthe house. Insulated or reg. and carpet cleaning. Rea. JIM SUTTON Iways should be the creed ofular glass. sonable price. Free est!. j677 Brys Drive each and every person ~

Inrred Licensed mate. 772.9555. I TU 4.2942 TV 2.243& the world. :




'fom KeppelmanGen-y OlsonWilliam TrombleyRichard WallaceBob MonroeMichael Pilorget



BY OWNER. Grosse PointeWoods, 4 or 5 bedrooms, 3baths. family room, 2 cargarage. Close to schools.Ideal for large family. 1161Falrholme. 886-8752,by ap-pointment. For 2 weeks Low 40'6.

GROSSE POINTE SHORES,4 bedroom custom builtranch, 2~ baths, Z fire-pla<:es, formal dinlng room,kitchen with nook, paneledlibrary, recreation roomwith wet bar, wall to wallcarpeting, porch. 3 car ga.rage. 70's, owner. 884-M89.

OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog,male and female. 4 monthsold A.K.C. Champion sired ROOFING and chimney re-$3SO. 616.749.7000. (office) pair.s. gutter c 1e ani n g,616.749.9517 after 6. very reasonable. 885-0012.

SAMOYEDS (sled-dog) 6 --'-A-LL-R-O-O-F-&:--- I S ICEXmas puppies. AKC, par. GUTTER WORK 21M-SEW£R ERVtlnta X.rayed clear, Cham. Caulking, chimney repairs ELEC'I1RIC SEWER clean.pion llne. 886.9172. Gutters cleaned ing. No footage charge.

HUNGARIAN PULl, smali <\DVANCE MAINTENANCE Telephone price. 17 yearssheep dogs, 2 males, $175. TU 2.5539 experience. Cal Roemer,881.5913. Plumbing. TU 2.3150.

KERRY BLUE TERRIER, 21H-RUG CLEANING ISEWERS CLEANED, brokenAKC, non shedding. paper CARPET CLEANING Sewe:s repaired. Guaran.trained. 886.8823. WALL WAS'HING teed. Reasonable rates.

AQUARIUM, 30 gallon, fully, FULLY INSURED I 881.0063 or 779.1225.equipped; also Golden Re. YORKSHIRE ADVANCE MAINTENANCEtriever, Siamese c-ats. Ger. MAINTENANCE Electric Sewer Cleaningbils. 886.7287. 885.{)894 882.7418 COMMERCIAL.

--------.--- Free EstimatesSCHNAUZER. Miniature, 11, .___ RESIDENTIALweeks old AKC papers. I CARPET and upholstering All Work GuaranteedMust sell. TU 1.8671. Merry I cleaning. Pic h e Mainte. 884.9512Christmas. nance Co. 294.7172, 775- -Z-J-.O----C-E-M-E-N-T-A-N-D-

--.------- 8144. BRICK WORKCHAMPION sired AKC Eng'llish Springer Spaniel, male, SPECIAL ONE ROOM any1 year, liver and white, all size $20. Includes Soil Re. CHAS. F. JEFFREYshols. $200, 889.0592. ,t~rdent - anti static solu. MASON CONTRACTOR

1S-IUSIHESS ---------- tlOn. Fully Insur~d. CAM LICENSED INSURE'OPPORTUNITY FREE GERBILS with cages Floor Car~ ServIce Inc. • Brick • Block • StUne

for Christmas gifts. 885.0365 Grosse POinte Park. VA I' • Cement Work ,DISPLAYS I G ~ 20'x40' __0_r_8_8_2._928_5._______ 2.0328. Ask for Rod Mercer. _ Waterproof,'ngequipped with lights, op- I

posite City County building. I • Tuck Pointing$100 ver month. 822.1384, 19-PRINTING 6' 21-I-PAINTING, • Patios of any kind10 to 12 noon. ENGRAVING DECORATING 'PORCHES A SPl!:CIALTY'----------

PRINTING and Engraving. INTERIOR.EXTERIOR 882.1800I Wedding I n v j tat ion s~ PAINTING CEAIE-N-T--W-O-R-K--o-I-a-n-y

Christmas Cards. Inform. . ki d B d d I' ed'als, Personal Stationery, COMP.LETE De c 0 r.a 11n g n. on e , ,cens ,In'

Meeting Notices, Posters, I servlc~. Paper ha.ngmg and sured. TU 2-9988, after 6Tickets, Roslers for clubs, removln.g. Material, work-I p.m. or 372.4939.Addressing and Malling ma.nkshlp guaranteed. For CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTIONMeeting Notices, Addresso- eshmates call All types of Cement andgraph Plate6, Mimeograph. WILLIAM FORSYTHE , Brick Wor!_lng, Photo Copies, Offset VAlley 2-9108 All types of waterproofingand Letter Press Printing, ---------- All types of excavatingInstant Printing, Scratch TED'S All work guaranteedPads, small jobs our spe- WALL PAPER REMOVING Licensed and Insuredcialty. ECONOMEE SERVo EXCLUSIVELY 885.0612ICE P R IN TIN G, Ht201 Free Estimates _ Insured ----- ------Kercheval at Lakepointe, 565.9555 21P-WATERPROOFINGGrosse Pointc. VA 2.7100.

---------IR. & T. PROFESSIONAL BASEMENTS WATER-painting, interior and ex. PROOFED - Reasonableterior. Free estimates. 462 rates, workmanship guar.Roland, Grosse Pointe anteed. 881.0063 or 779.1225.Farms, 882.4586. CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION

--R-U-n-O-L-p-H-T-O-N-'-E-L-L-O-All Types of WaterproofingDecorator Guaranleed Reasonable

Licensed and InsuredInterior.Exterior 88:>-0612Wall Papering882-0870 ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION

Three Mile Drive I 881-440025 Years Experh:nce Waterproofing

Uudcrpin FootingINTERIOR and exterior Repair Walls

painting and paper hang. Insured Lirenseding. Reasonable rates, 30years experience. RayBarnowsky. 371-2384.

COMPLETE decorating. Pa-perhanging. insured, guar.anteed. Al Schneider, TU1-0565.


882-9750 or 371-8128FIREPLACE cleaned, lubri-cated, repaired. Chimneys HI NEIGHBOR, Iii v e onrepaired. Heavy duty chim. Grayton. Painting and wallney screens for incinerat. washing, 12 years experi.ors, fireplaces and bird ence, neat, reliable. TUand squirrel protection. 1-5306 alter 5:00.Advance Maintenance, 884- I9512. PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand.

ing and finishing. Specializing in dark staining."Supply own power." Callfor free el'timate. W. Abra.ham, TW 1-5924.

EXPERT painting, PI: perhanging. Free estimates.G. Van Assche. 881-5754.

100 FT. LOT on WoodlaDdShores Drive, G r os s ePointe Shores. Cox &:Baker, 779-6600.

CANTERBURY. Excellentfour. bedroom colonialwith marble foyer andcircular stairway. Two-and .... half baths. Two-and.a-nalf car garage.Recreation room plusfamily room.

FORD COURT. Charmingbrick Cape Cod onquiet court. Lallge coun-try kitchen. Three bed.rooms plus den. Two fullba.lhs, two-car garage.Excellent condition.

LAKESHORE-147 it. front.age. Preston Pl.-':Minutesfrom water. Woods Lane-Fine locale to build.


INC.93 Kercheval 386.3060

"On the Hill'

BLAlRMOOR. Three-bed.brick tri.level. Kitchenwith built.ins. Familyroom with fireplace.Recreation room andutility room. Two-and-a-half baths. Two-car ga-rage.

• p_ • s .. ,





The "Real Estate People"

Wish You the MerriestChristmas

Robert G. EdgarVincent E. Butterly, Jr.Dave DeMlsJohn GraceFrank Huster

•• e., •

R. G,



BLAIRMOOR. Gra-cious<:lroorn colo-nial. Two full baths plustwo half baths. FamilyTOO m, 2-car garage.Built.ins in kitchen.

SOUTH BRYS. Lovelyfour - bedroom colonialwith circular staircase.Family room plus li.brary. New kitchen.Three full balM. Cen-tral air conditioning.

LA BELLE. AttractiveCape Cod. Three bed.rooms, two full baths.Kitchen with disposaland range. Two car ga.rage.

NOTTINGHAM. brick bungalowwith expansion porch. garage. Immediateoccupancy.

20431 Mack

IF A CLEAN THREE BEDROOM, two bath home on atree.lined street is what yolt've been searchingfor, your goal is in sight. When you add up theFlorida Room, two car garag;l on a large fencedlot and convenience to transportation and schools,we're sure you'll come up with the right answer-1197 Hawthorne.

FOR THE LARGER FAMILY on a limited budget.we offer 'a four or five bedroom home with threebaths that meets every requirement. Living roomwith fireplace, separate dining room, large pan.eled family room and finished basement completethe inside. The two car garage sits at the b8c.k ofthe 60 foot fenced lot. It's priced in the lowforties all<i awaiting your inspection. Ask to see1161 Fairholme.

BEAUTIFUL GOLF COURSE setting where you canwatch the sunset from your own terrace just afew steps away from the Country Club fairway.Magnificent example of the small Dumber ofPointe properties actu,'lJ1y abutting a golf course.Drive by 381 Country Club Driv,," and call usfor more information.

F'AR.'l:S COLONIAL WITH LARGE l.OT. Of recentconstruction it has three good bedrooms and oneand one haH baths. Large kitchen. Paneled rec.reaoon rO«ll has an adjacent lavatory. The 150foot lot provides ample space for outdoor living.Convenient location to schools, transportation andshopping. Where else can you find all this except1',t 3'70 McMillan.

THE ULTIMATE IN CONTEMPORARY LIVING.Specially designed for the owner; you won't findthe equivalent outside the cover of "Better Homes&: Gardens." Magnificent spiral staircase, masterbedroom with heated sunken bath, super equippedkitchen, octagonal family room. We can't beginto list all its features. Can us for an appointmentto see it for yourself.

SOUTH OF JEFFERSON in a prime location we havea mini.castle with two story living room. Formaldining room, den, kitchen, and powder roomccmplete the first floor. Upstairs are five bed.rooms and two full baths. The basement recreationroom has a wet bar with refrigerator.



NEWCASTLE - 3 bedroom, 13A-LOTS FOR SALE1~ bath rolonial. Centralair. Beautiful decor. Patio.

Merry ChristmasBLAlRMOOR - Impressive 4

bedroom: «llonlal, familyroom, 2Jh baths, central airconditioned. Many extras.

MIDDLESEX-OutstandiDg 5heUroom dream home. 1m.mediate occupancy. Hugelot. Many custom features.

BERKS.'IlRE - 3 bedroomcolonial with den. Largelot. Priced to sell.

HAWTHORNE - 3 bedroombungalow with kit c b e nbuilt.ins. F am. I y room.Finished basement. GrossePointe schools.


33 Preston PlaceLARGE home jlat bel n g

completed. beauWuJ lot inprime Farms location. 5bedrooms. large foyer withcircular stairs, deblledpaneled libNry with fire-place, family room, kitch.en with separate breakfastroom, formal dining roomand dining room. also laun.dry room on main floor,ema large garage, com.pletely carpeted. Shown byappointment.



PRESTIGE FARMS SITEoverlooking the CountryClub. 1st floor bedroom,bath plus 4 additionalbedrooms, 3 baths. Ex-tra special kitchen, 1stfloor utility room andcentral air. Prime con.dition and well priced.TU 4.0600.

FAMILY COLONIAL oftrue English design-4bedrooms, 3 baths, 2lavs, paneled library, 3fireplaces, kitchen built.ins plus breakIast nook,terrace and at.tached garage. Owner~ransferred. $56,900. TU1-6300.

OUT S TAN DIN G PIL.LARED COLONIAL Inprestige Farms locationnear Lake. 4 bedrooms,3~ baths, family room,library, enclosed ter-race, ullra mod ernkitchen and the very,best in dec(ll', materialand workmanship. Priceadjusted to $122.000.TV 1.6300.

TROMBLEY - LovelylOOx15O wooded site.Modem 3 bedroom, 2~bath 2-8TORY with sunk.en Uving room, newkitdler. bullt.ins, 2 carattached gar ag e withcircle drive. Immediateoccupancy 'and goo dvalue. TV 4.0600.



• w


2.3 BEDROOMSAudubon .., , .., $ 44,500Country Club 74,500Fleetwood ................_.......................... 45,000Grayton '. 3'7,500Harbor Island ., ,., ,.,.......... 39,000Harvard ,....... 52,000Huntington ., ' ,. 34,900McMillan _.. 45,000Shelden 160,000'Van Antwerp , ,............ 29,500Washingtor................... 36,900Westchester .., ,.......... 47,900Westchester ,................... 39,500

4 BEDROOMSAudubon , ,.................. 49,900Barrington...... 29,900Fisher ,............ 34,800Grosse pte. Blvd....... .. ,.. , 96,500Grosse pte. Blvd. .........., ,.,.. 72,500LaVon ,................._... 69,900Locbmoor Blvd. 125,000Lochmoor Blvd. 69,500Lothrop .. .. _ , '. 65.000Pemberton , ,.. ," , ,.. ,..... 47,900Pemberton 43,900.Roslyn 44,000St. Paul................. 44,900St. Clair ,.' , , ,.......................... 44,900stratford Place .. ,., 115,000Yorkshire _ _............... 59,500

5 or MORE BEDROOMSBalfour ,.................. 62,500Country Clnb Lane ,., , ,.0' 139,000Country C1.f.P-Lane ,........ 198,000Harvard : \~ ,...............,...................... 49,900E. Jefferson_....... 103,000Kenwood ,._......... _.. 135,000Lake Sbor~ Road _ ' , .. 350,000Oxford R6Ild 225,000Provencal Road 99,500Provencal Il.oa.d......,.. ........•... 235,000Provencal 'Road .........................................•.........179,000

~~~~~.&~d ..:::::.::::~.:~.::::::::::~::..::1~~Webber P.lace............. .. ,._ 135,000Windmill 1.te. Drive ., _ _ 175,000


REALTORSThe Hallmark of Broker Dependability

We're here to help YOU!



QUAD.LEVEL in popularLiggett School sectionwith convenient floorplan, 3 bedrooms, 2baths, 2 lays, kitchenbuilt.ins, 33 foot familyroom and low interestexisting mortgage. $59,.500. TU 1-6300.

NEFF - Excellent TWO.FAMILY in (!()nvement~ocation near the village.3 bedrooms each unit,full basement, 3 car ga.rage. Very popularGrosse Poi n t e rentalarea. TU 4-0600.

LANCASTER - 3 bed-room, 2 bath Bungalowin the Woods. Carpetingand draperies included,IJ,2 car garage. Pricedto sell at $29,500. Ar.nnge to see today bycalling TU 1-4200.

LOCHMOOR - Delightful3 bedroom BUNGALOWwith fireplace, beauti.fully paneled g a m e sl'oom and garage.An attracl\ve home withexcellent de cor andworkmanship. U n d e r$40,000. TU 1-6300.

GRAYTON-Want a goodaddress? Opportunity toown a 3 bedroom Eng.lisb COLONIAL nearVlllage shops set on 50foot lot. Rare buy-acttoday! TU 1-4200.

Thursd,y, December 21, 1972@


MERRY CHRISTMASExqu1sJte Coloolal-ExceUent

eoodlUon, 5 bedrooms, 3baths, modern kItehen witbbuUt-inl. 2 extra rooms onfirst floor, powder room.2 new turnaces. Assumablemortgage. Luge lot. Forfurther information call us.

!lACK AVENUI: near NEFFSpace available for rent or

sale 1,000 square feet.Good for oUice, etc.



REALTOR LIKE NEW 3 bedroom brickTU 6-4444 ranch, new carpeting, shut.

,tered windows, garage,~onvenient I 0 c II t ion inA Family Blisiness For Woods, Immediate oecupan.

Over A Century cy, $36,000. TU 4-0467 (no,_____ mor_ning_s).__ WILCOX

I 884-3550

INORTH Oxford Rd. by Classic Brick Colonial" bedroom, 2!oi1batb, largoJtitchen, dining room, den,living room with IU't!p1ace,2 car .garage, 1a r g escreenfld porch, patio withgas grill, finished recrea.lion room with piano. Prin.cipals only. 884.3498.



Page 22: Grosse Pointe Public · RECYCLING CENTER Locotion-Doto-Time Below NEWSPAPERS GPUs.~~~~ftrd'i~."'PU" Soturcloy. JAnuary 6,

- - -~ -...,.""' ,, ""., 4""'4.""'3!111._"":;: .- "'. "': "I'l--"""- '"""'_----------- ---[ .e ..Qlllla.. e _ _.~ .. e A c..e _CCIl Z _IIZ.$~ _ .. ""=_---~

Thursday, December 21, 1972~II!

: !, i Pige Twenty.Two


Feature Page * * * *


• • *

This yeaF more than any otherJear we eXlend our hlessing5and thonk-)'ous 10 our police"'and nre deparlmenls. II seems10 me everylime I picked upIhe Grosse Pointe News oneor our men was risking his lire

i IOS811(" someone rrom a drown" shoo ling or some othercalaslrophe. Last year seemedIn be open season on police-men and I sure would like 10see a lillie Jess le"ieney (orIhe ..rrenders and a lillie moreapprecialion ror Ihe orneer~'"Couse man, "",-hen you need'em Ihere ain't no suhslilule!"

I So I\lecry Chdslmns and asorer. happiec New Year rromall or us al Sludiu Camera.

Allemon Floriston E. Warren

17931 East Warren TU 4-6120

Michelle's Boutique ... will be open every eve.ning till 8 p,m. except Sundays through DeCember23, Of course, there are fashion gifts galore for thegals. YOu'll also finct designer ties and shirts for theman in your life plus handy small tool kits; letter,scissors and rule3et plus fun stocking stuffers sureto please him at 17864 Mack Avenue.

* * *

------------------------'------------_._------------------------------------ --.------_._-'-t72~~n.-Ae Pointe;" of Interest ITrowel, Error I-S-h-o-rt-a-nd-to-T-he-P-o-in-te-]V~ '" Club. to Meet . '

C0 U nter 'PO1.nt S The Trowel and Error Gar. (CoAUnued trom Page 17) I ~omple~g their ,basic tra~.den Club gathers today, MR. and MRS. C. BROOKS .mg period at Mis50.uri Mill.

k d tary Academy, MexIco, Mo.,Thursday, December 21, in BEGG, of La ~lan avenue C det JOHN GREIN.By Pat Rousseau the Ballantyne road home of welcomed friends and. family ~~s so~ of MR. and MRS.

Head Start On Fashion. , . In the New Year. . • ~;:i'st~~~~~cf~~iSiolf~~e~ ;rl~:;.rs T~~r BC::~:~l1~a~:~~ CLAUDE A. GREINER, ofstart with a matching mink hat made-to-order in the by a gardening.or.cra(Jtsgift ter CATHY arrives home Lakeshore road.millinery department of Walton.Pierce, Choose your I exchange, for' Christma's December 22 • • •

'11 t h . k H' after months of World Cam.' Gathering in.. Omena, Mich.,style, Mrs. Creeger WI ma c y~ur mm. a~r. _covering turbans offer another fashIOn boon. Soptus. pus Afloat study.wandering. for Thanksgtvmg were MR.

I 1 h d h building their countries, as SALLY BEGG h' 'th and MRS. J, LAWRENCEticated, sleek, they a~e particu ar y a~ y. w .en quickly as possible. • w 0 ~ WI BUELL, III, of Merriweath.Your hair appointment IS tomorrow or you re Jetting If an African student had a the New York offIce of -d MR and "'RS J

d . "Re d • D' t " ill b er roa , . m..without a setting. They come in jersey an m many scholarship to an American a er s Ige~, w . e LAWRENCE, JR., of Ven.colors. Turoans call. also be made-to-ordfC. When college, and a place to live in h~fJet~the h~lid~~stooA~s dome road, MR. and MRS.we previewed the spring and summer collection in America, USIA would fur. ;kONY E, a~OUNG •. (she'~ JOHN H. STEPHENSON,New York, open, headband turbans in solids and nish his transporiation over the former BAR R A R A JR" of Newber~y place,prints were shown morning to night. and back. B . (she's the former >liLEANOR

• • * Simple as that. EGG), of Alexan~:la, Va., BUELL), and MRS. STEPH.Find Security. , . at the Jefferson Apartments. I And it was a good idea, and of course the CHAR~ES ENSON, SR., of Riverside,

As you knott>, security is an increasingly precious and it worked but like all B. BEGGS, JR., of Washmg. Ontcrash program's there were lo~ road, and their MARY, .' * * *commodity. Owners of luxury condominium homes f " h" bod I Will be on hand for Chnsl'l

in the Jejjer:;on Apartments have the comfort of at.. ewt dcras es no y an. mas dinner with the family, TEltRENCE V. PAGE, ofh . . d IClpa e , • • .. Vernier 1.oad has been that their persons, t e~r possesstons an 'Many of the students found, I MR. and MRS. DENNY ed to the oo'ard of directors

their ho-nes are protected by not one but three a£ter a .few months, that they TURNER FRAZE f A I of the University of Detroit.s. individual electronic guard systems. These include tWbere)m h tble wrong, (for ilIo Tex. announde ~he ~:t~ 30,OOO.member Alumni As-an apartment entry alert system providing positive em , sc 00 s. f ' d' ht W NDY sociation

't h th t t' . d d h Summer came-and there 0 a aug er, E .seCUTt y w en e apar men !S occuple an w en were 1,500 to 1,800 young WEIR,. December 1. Mrs. * • •owners are absent. Special TV cameras on closed Africans for whom no sum. Fraze IS the former SUSAN A two.week cruise tocircuit telemsi011 watch public areas around the mer provisions had been SHELDEN, daughter of MR. Caracas, Venezuela, and nineclock. An entry communication system engineered made. Dormitories closed. I and MRS. ALLAN SHEL. West Indies ports was partby Michigan Bell Telephone Company controls ad. Photo by Lud Schomlg Church Lends Help DEN, III, 0t road. of young Pointer JOHNmittance to the lobby. Further elements of sl?curity MRS. RAY H. KIELY, OF LAKELAND AVENUE "The Church was the first HACKETT'S recent F-Ioridaare the uniformed doorrrum attendant wlLo is 01t 11 ,~ to sense that these young Hosting their annual holi. vacation,duty and resident caretakers, Visit the model apart-I By Janet Mue ,er IAssembly for Church Worn. people needed help," Martha day buffet December 15 will

-'- 1 W d da S be MR, and MRS. OSCAR L. Traveling to Pine Manor,ment open 12 to 5 ~i Y ex,cept . ~ nes ys. ee She was never what you might call rooted in en U~ited, . . Kiely explains. OLSON, of Renaud road, Junior College fora Mothers'(the generous room stzes, cetlmgs and lear'!l' place. "I married," admits Martha Kiely, "a hit-and- S~e s served as nati.onal "The National Council put • * * Weekend program early inabout the super sound 1?roofn.g. Enter on St. Cla.r run minister," and that marriage took her from her chaIrman of the Co~nuttee out a call, asking people to Among 10 high school reo November was MRS. ROYor Neff Roads .. : 1.'1111 East J~ff.erson. Model native Ohio 10 Long Island, to Wisconsin, to utica of?OO for Targe! Mrlca for open up their homes, their cruits honored recently for TOLLESON, J,R" of KenwoodPhone 886-5759. Mlclugan Condomlmum Corpora- d B fN N Yi IUmted Presbytenan Women. churches to these students, 1---------__ road, whose daughter, ELIZ.

. an u ,- o. " I Have Three SOIls to help them get jobs, helptwn 886-4880. The Kielys didn't flit, like most concerned we've known She and Ray have raised them get re.located, help. We began lo realize there ABETH, is a member of

* " * 1 ed t Ii I Pine Manor's Class of 1974.butterflies, 3nywh~re.". _ ,I three sons. them over that first sum- was a rea ne 0 Ie I>GUt Suggesllons .•. from Mutschler Kitchens our I They settled Ylhcrc they that s not the M:ID1sleroS I J hKi I 27 d ate mer." people see beneath the sur- * ••

Mlshella Hot Food. Warm:r is great for keeping the rest of landed--.five ycau in Utica, Wife saying the right words of t~encoll~I~ of V:~~r ~0" The people responded, face." During the recent Fall,the roast warm, ,warlllln" up any carry out foods without eight in Buffalo _ but '.hey because she has to. works for CBS ill Chicago. "Ia Utica, that summer, They've been try i n g to Honors Assembly at Hills-turnIng 01), the 0\ en. It also ~elps def~ost frozen p~ck~ges, DID get around. Martha Kiely's not that Middle son lJavid has com- we had eight to 10 Mrican meet that need ever since, dale College; KIM MI-It installs under a wall cabIDet and IS an exclUSIve Item In a relatively circum- kind of Minister's Wife. 1 t d h' d. f students. That's how we got Next spring, they'll lead a CHELLE MENAGH. dau&lI.,.'Ith us It's also one of our most popular Christmas gifts . pee IS secon year 0 f 40 I fr m ter of MR. and MRS.avaUabie al 20227 I\lack Avenue '11J 4.3700 scnbed. area. _ She's a person in her own Theological Seminary. He and involved." group 0 peop € 0

* * .. .:. . Phy.slcally, lhat IS, right, public speaker and his wife are taking a year It was a tremendous ex- Memorial Church through CHARLES MEN A G H, of• h h h d the Middle East They'll be Blairmoor court, received aT elr concerns and com. author of articles published off--'to work as houseparents perience for Martha. Sea .-

g' - m' G neva wl'th a brl'ef Certificate of Merit from themitmen.ts ranged. the world. in "Guideposts," "Presby- at a home for emotionally always been interested in 11. e ,. -Then, some SIX or seven lerian Life," "Concern," The disturbed teenagers In Fort Civil Rights, but here were ing on the Middle East at Epsilon Delta Alpia scholas.

years ago, the Kielys began Church Woman," "Outreach" Wayne, Ind. blacks, mRny of them born, World Council of Churches tic honorary society. Kim, ato range it physically, too. and "Church Management," Mark J'ust turnm' g 20 has literally, in the bush, who headquarters. T.hey'J1 make Lutheran High School East

" contact as many con "raduate, is a Hillsdale"One thing aft~r nnol~er as well as a book, "Devotions transferred to the Lawrence were making the leap from - '"opened up, often m relatIOn for Women at Home," Instl.tute of Technology bush to technology in them- tacts as they.can, wherever sophomore,to the chllrch" selves.' .People who were ac. they go. They'll look, not :.~~~~::~~;~;_;_;;.";_;_~.-_=-'=-~...• She wrote the 19'72 Church School of Architecture, after "' =d

Ray was rnvlted,~? serve Women United World Com. two yea r s at Alma. He luaUy capable of this . .• merely at, but into. -~. - m~lft~as an exchange mlDlster to Turns Down Cha ....e Martha, working in con. .- I"II:!H. S-Fashion Shop ... the easy, fun way ... during _. munity Day program, "A "hangs his hat" at home. -". . 'th tIt _..=. -yO,,-=-:: _,Bntalll. C' f A C I b tl' n " d hi! Martha Kiely found herself Junction W1 a rave agen, • -- - - - -

lunch at The Golden Lion, Wednesday, when Mar-Martha was invited to join ommg 0 ge ethe ra ~ 'd There are no gran c . heading a national committee using her own entrees, is ,.~- __ :-O' 'ft"ft~m.....~;tha's Closet presents holiday fashions. the ll-member team that' used th.roughout e Untte dren. Yet. of 500 Presbyterian women, handling arrangements for . ::\;;1 ~-';I;L'

* '" o!' , 'I d . Ai' ti' States In November. For relaxation Mar t h a I h . the trip. As usual.VISi e nlDe rlcan na ons . . 'to try to re ate to ,t e Mrlcans Travel Is WonderfulIn Martha's Closet" , . 375 Fisher Road, you'll find a on the Christian Causeways- .Oth~r Ach~ties rides her bicycle. Her oldest in their areas. One thing led

sunny cruise collection of gay cotton prints both short and Direction Mriea, 1966. . She s ~lce-presld~nt of th~ son introduced her to biking, to another. "We had confer. "I ,think the fa~t thatlong. You'll alsD find that fabu1oll~ '~bric Qiana in fashion- Nc.w there's no stopping Metropolitan DetrOit CounCil (she'd never even owned a ences at the UN." She had p e 0 pie are u:avelling. areable, packable long year-around party.going dresses. We: them. ' of Ohurches. bike), two years ago. 11 was a chance to go to Mrica- able to t~avel, I~ wo~derful.admired a geometric print on Qiana In contrasting hillh 1 Committed To Travel She's a trustee, (with Harry love at first ride. and turned it dOWQ. I B.eca~se if ':": did thIS, andtones of green, pink and blue. It is styled with a high neck- Marlha Kiely is committed Golden. Dick Gregory, et a1), "For most sports, you have "I felt I shouldn't, because II did It senslhv,ely, it couldline and long sleeves and a band encircll~g the waistlinl."l to travel, as a means of fost- of ~orth Carolina'.s B~rber- to have a partner. ThIs, I if my work, (with the African m~,ke such a difference ...There are may, many other styles from which to choose. erin" understanding sym- Scolla Co!tege, which IS try. can do alone," Airlift student committee) How few p;ople ever

• * * path~ and sensitivity between ing an entirely ne~ approac~ At any time, weather per.. I b I'd't uId really go to Mflca! They flyThose Folks At Mr. Q Say, . , for {! I nations and people. toward the e<!ucabo.n of ml- milling, for as long as she were 0 e va I , 1 WO by the thousands into Nairobi,

have to be I3S an average fl ff to th 'malsthat last minute Christmas gift, letMR. . She's committed to recep- ~orily groups, And It's work. likes, other commitments per. churchwoman in America, y 0 b k ~eeth .e ;~ I tus set up a delightful little travel tive lravel. mg. mitting . . . with no speci.':ll experience c?me ac. o. e!r. ~ e s apackage for you. Stop by 19517 Mack Among other th,i,n?s. She's, been a c ~i v e .with Most sports require a court or qualifications." ~~~~~i-':':~~t~~:~~~I~ 1: ~:;Avenue or call 886-0500. Such as her hll.and-run YWCA s from WL~consm to or a field a stable arena. A few years later, she had little part of Africa.

• • * minister," who came, two New York, but recently took Kee~s Her Moving a se~ond. chance, . "The exciting things thatGive A Celebrity For Christmas ... at the years ago, lo Grosse Pointe a leave of absence from the Martha Kiely chooses This time, she Jumped at h . In th world

Notre Dame Pharmacy find handsome Celgbrity Memorial Churrh. Ray and Downtown Detroit YW board something that keeps her it. are ~penmg he. tMartha really fought thal to concentrate on her travel moving along. Church Women United's are w at are appenmg o.

shoulder totes and t'f'avel cases along with the handy coming for a while. ministry. "I think '" she muses "that 1966 Mrican Causeway team whole ~oples. ~emembe,':triple purses. For the stocking, there's a whimsical The "Grosse Pointe Image," She's an alumna of Ohio after World War II, v.:hen it included five black and The AfrIca~ ~onhnent wasmouse, frog or lady bug paper clipper. For the host, you know . , . Universily, and has don e became possible for people s-"ven white women Their under colomalism . less thanthere are good looking wine racks, ice buckets and "I didn'l expect to like it graduate study at New York to travel we all expected d~nominations differed. They 100 years. The Afrh:~ns accessories. here - but it's wonderful. Theological Seminary. travel to' change people to bad different interests, dif- ag.~d before; they WIll agam.

* * • We've found the people at She's Ie<! Bible Sludy at change the world to help us ferent backgrounds. They ~ we could t~avel and .tryTeenagers " are making appointments at Edward our church some of lhe finest, Synodical. and at the State to understand o~e another. came from different parts of to


tnd ouldtwhhats haWPllhenm


Nepi, 19463 Mack Avenue for eyebrow arching, skin care ---------------------- "It hasn't happened. the United States, w a cou. appen, . erev r , _,and make.up consultations. They are starting now for the cruisewear. Departing daily ... an the sale-tagged I "I think: it hasn't happened Two, one black, one white, ~e g~, It would ennch our [STUDIO CAMERA SHon.:brIght eyed and pretty look always ... Call TU 4.8858. fashions. , . 822-2818. becau~e of the KIND of trav- were from Alabama. lives. . , r:

• * • * * * .~t'IM.. I el we do. We take our cocoon They all cared. It has Martha Kiely s. , CARL JOYNER ":-:If . . . The man you're shopping .' g;::..--;~~ with us" They journeyed into Africa Of course,. she was never ~02:!9 MACK • tJ, w. cIc

The KG,leidoscope . . views, a ~_~ It's ~n anomaly: More together, and spent 10 days ~hat you nught call rooted r - tn Cl o_o:!:.:for is a wine buff, shop no further. <t'. tIt f last t ft ~ n 10 placegrea se ec Ion 0 mznu e gt s '61:.. 'I peuple going more places as overseas guests at the .Introduce him to the fun and fascina- and stocking stuffers. There is some. I~. ~ than ever before, and many World Council of Churchestion of wine making in his own home. thing for everyone at 16135 Mack ~ of them at the same time Center in Mindolo, Zambia, FINALGive him a home wine making kit A venue. . remaining IN place. in conference with Africanimported from France and treat him • * * Because of the kind of women leaders. PRE CHRI5TMASto a new wine rack to store his wine l I R d M th Kiely Each t~am member thenl\largaret ..• is leaving for merry old England, De. rave ay an .ar a .~ •collection. Both are available at The cember 24, to spend the holidays with her family and to were able to do, they were received a special assign.Sphere, 19849 Mack Avenue, personally shop for antiques for her shop. Margaret's An. able to travel deep as well ment. Martha's took her into SALE

• * .. tiques, 20129 Mack Avenue will be closed alter the 23rd as wide. Soulb Africa for three weeksIt's Posh ... Michael says ... "The cut's the and will open again January 20th. "We had certain doors of "keeping still, listening and Artificial Trees 6', 7', 8'

thing for '72. Nothing is more important to today's * * • opened for us. We were sent learning," She travelled. h k'lf II . d d h d h d ". . I to do a particular job, We alone, and was guest of the 20~ Ifco~ffure t an a s l u y tnmme an s ape ea A Jewel Of A Chnstmas GIft Fmd It at knew people in the areas." local ehurch group wherever 0 0

of hair and while the kind of expertise it takes to Bijouterie Jewelry by Cueler. For pierced ears Got Close To People she travelled. The denomina.execute a great hair cut is relatively rare, more and there are beautifui pearl, jade, opal or emerald English families opened lion of the hosl church didn't LIGHT SETSmore crimpers are cropping up on the scene. The earrings in the new selection. For her charm brace- their homes to the AmerIcan matter. Martha came underhair is cut and blown dry. Brush work (with a _spe. let, you'll find a meaningful addition. Gift lighters e~change minister an.d his auspices of the Christian com. Any Light Sets, 10 Sets or Merecial round brush) giv"s the hair body and lift." by Zaima are distinctive. Stop by 19850 Mack Ave. wlf~. Ma rt h a expenenced munity, and was the Chris. lOot.. olfWhere can you find superb crimpers? At the Posh nue ... open ]0 a.m, till 9 p.m. Monday thru AfrICa as a member of a tion community's responsi- Ie,Studio, naturally ... call 886-1377 f07 an appoint- Saturday stud?, team, not 11 surface bility. -.ment. • • * toUrISt. She had official permission • FI S. I

* • * JI Put Your Best Face Forward ... ~ "I had been interested in totravelwheresheliked.She lower pee.a I.k Africa from thi~ end, (Ameri. had tea in the home s ofSlufl Stockl~gs ... with O~lr ~toc lng stur~ers ~ season. Make an appoint. eai, for several years." black!) and color,'ds, (al. I

from Mr. Moles super select!on. The Mole !_ole merit now for a relaxing refreshing It all started about the time though she always had to : FRESH CUT MUMS.III stili well slacked with IlllJq~e gifts for your I' . P' ' C I ' . '.last mlnnte roToblem people. The Mole lIole will' facwl at The omte 0 oseum,' ...' Kennedy came into office. sleep overnight in a whitebe open Thursday and Friday evenings until 6:30 20335 Mack Avenue ... 881-7252. when new n a lions were home), Government spokes. • S288 .,

I * * * emerging, exploding into ~- men explained their country's•• , Mack at Three M Ie, I I f ff' . I 't' Pri t lti I• • • IJllht Up Your l.lfe ... at home for Chrislmas. Choose ing, a lover A rica. The new 0 ICla posllons. va e c - • LARGE BUNCH. I

d I I. f I d nations neerled trained civil zens expressed private sup-: Your Bag ... find it at the Margaret.. '. a. istinctive lamp fr(l~ an excc lent seechon 0 arge an servants, personnel to run port, or doubt, or support. I Dec. 27 th,u Dec. 25 •

Diamond Shop, 377 Fisher Road. For i little lamps at Wright s Girt and lAmp Sh~p, 18650 Mack them, Higher education for and.doubt. WITH COUPON Iday there's a good looking tapestry : Avenue (next to the post office with convement free park

l. native poputations had not Martha kept still and lI$ten. L -_e

Sho~lder bag ,c$14.50) a!1d a hands~me' I' ~~~2}TJ~:;;~sure you know ~omeone who'd love th~ lIumme been amung the colonial po"". ed.handbag by PIerre Cardrn, For evemng, G' . *.. ers' priorities. Makes DIscoveries Christmas Corsagessilver an,d gold metal purses hang. on ~.~I Preventive medicine is a common The Churches had tried to "I discovered there are all II C I F'long cham~ f$18.5~), Fmd gay holIday "- phrase for all of us today. It also repre- fill thc gap-98 percent oi kinds of people. all kinds of an u owers.d g dally the new African nations' different attitudes. I got to 0 d E J

resses arnvm .'. • sents common sense, Vitamin C for COld.. I United Nations personnel. in see under the surface." r er or y. C t t prevention, Vitamin E fOf' vim, vigor and thc early 60's, had been mis. The following spring, the

At Ed MaliszewskI arpeting ... cus om carpe. stamina and less heart strain. Chewable sion school. trained-but sud. Kiclys had an opportunity Chr-.s'mas Plan'sing from California. This special line of wools, ny. vitamins in fruit fla\-ors for children. denly thei'e was a need for to go to the Middle East.klns, acrilans and antrons come in one of the most Adult therapeutic vitamins (Purchase a nood, an eruption of qUali-, They went - and no sooner , S3

99exciting color ranges to be found .. , And you cm, 100 and get a bonus of 30 more free). fied Africans to run their I were they back, when tftebuy special widths at no additional cost. See them Start today to ward off colds, flu and own countries. Council of Churches In Buf. romat 21435 Mack Avenue. feel really super, Call our pharmacy for African AIrIlrt I falo asked if they'd like to

.. .. • information and your personal needs, A. Enler the African Airlift. take a group to the MiddlcThe Nativity &~ts ... at 16237 Mack Ave. ~.r. J Meyer Inc 16361 ~i:ack phone 882. Run t h r 0 ugh the United East.

ftae are both beautiful and ~lJlusuat. Made of . ., ", States Information Agency, I They would Indeed.hand painted clay the price range Is from $25 1040. ... * it was a crash program dc. I Ray and Martha Kiely,10 $50. 'tbere is one of woven palm, painted by . signed to get African students physical travelers at last, had"and ($11.00). There's still time ... to pick up a hairstyling to colleges and \1Dlversilies begun to notice something,

.. .. .. gift certificqte for your favorite feilow at Modern in the Sta'p.~. as quickly as "Our experiences, going toArriving Daily, . , at Mr. Julian Fashion ~ou. Man Barber & Styling Salon! 9609 Mack Ave. '\ . possib!t:, so they could get the same places others had

tique: 15114 Kercheval in the 'park, new beautlfulj Call TV 1.0010 for any appomtments. home agllin and get to work gone, "ere sa DIFFERENT.






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