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Groton Conservation Trust

Thanks to Advisory Council member Karen Riggert for this beautiful shotand the many others now appearing on our website.

Your donation to the GCT helps us manage over1400 acres of conservation lands, protecting

valuable habitat and creating recreationalopportunities for all. Please consider joining us

with a $50 family donation.

Dear Susan,

Accreditation Awarded by theLand Trust Accreditation

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September 2014 News from Groton Conservation Trust

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The Groton Conservation Trust has achieved fullland trust accreditation from the Land TrustAccreditation Commission, an independentprogram of the national Land Trust Alliance.This accreditation demonstrates that the GCTmeets national standards for excellence,upholding the public trust and ensuring thatconservation efforts are permanent. Accreditedland trusts are authorized to display a sealindicating this accreditation. (Which we will doin this newsletter!) The Land Trust AccreditationCommission, based inSaratoga Springs, N.Y.,awards the accreditation sealto community institutions that meet nationalquality standards for protecting importantnatural places. "This is a proud moment for the GCT and forGroton. To have the GCT awarded accreditedstatus recognizes the conservation work theTrust has been doing for the past 50 years. Itdemonstrates our commitment to permanentland conservation that benefits the entirecommunity. And it says that Groton is acommunity that values its natural landscape."says Dan Wolfe, GCT President. Read thecomplete story HERE.

Advisory Council Formed The GCT Advisory Council was formed to helpexpand the work of our all-volunteer organizationand capitalize on some common intersections wehave with other quality conservation groups intown. At the first meeting on Sept. 3, ACmembers met with Trustees for a dinner andconversation on how conservation efforts canexpand. Some of the outstanding ideas includedcreating a town-wide volunteer coordinator to

GCT Mission Statement(adopted 2014)

The Groton Conservation Trustenhances the quality of life in ourcommunity through environmentalconservation, and engages residents inthe enjoyment and stewardship of ourremarkable natural landscapes.

September Outdoors

Thanks to Advisory Council memberMary Metzger, you can print an OutdoorsGroton Calendar for all events inSeptember. Enjoy!

Gamlin FootbridgeProject Completed

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Project Volunteer Paul Nuccioenergize people around projects, including Grotontrails and open spaces in state-wide recreationalevents, and collaborating on beautificationprojects around town.

The new AC members are:Stacey Chilcoat Paul Funch Suzanna Black Tom Delaney John Maynard Peter Morrison Diane Carson Alex Woodle John Llodra Mary Metzger Karen Riggert These people represent the NRWA, Groton LakesAssociation, Groton Trails Network,Conservation Commission, hunters, farmers, andland stewards. Are you interested in volunteering? Contact us!It's that easy!

Bates - ShepleyInvasives Project Update

The Groton Conservation Trust, with fundingfrom a grant from the Community Foundation ofNorth Central Massachusetts, embarked on aproject at the beginning of July to study differentinvasive species removal techniques at twodifferent properties in Groton, the Bates Landand Shepley Hill. The project has been conductedunder the direction of trustee David Black withassistance from trustee Michelle Ruby. Most of thework has been carried out by technician SarahBlack and intern Nicole Fronsdahl.

As of July 29, the mechanical removal at bothproperties is complete. The two propertiesdiffered drastically in the type and size ofvegetation encountered. While both had many of

by David MinottA new footbridge at Gamlin Crystal Springwas installed in August in the GamlinCrystal Spring conservation area, affordingtrail hikers a sure-footed replacement forthe rickety beaver dam that was being usedto cross a stream. The project, afterreceiving approvals from both the GrotonConservation Trust and the GrotonConservation Commission, was shepherdedby Dave Minott of the Groton TrailsCommittee. Dave extends a big thank youto trail maintenance volunteer Paul Nuccio,shown in the photo, who proposed thefootbridge and lent his able assistance tothe task of constructing it.

Invasive SpeciesManagement Update

Grant work in progress:

Bates Land before invasive removalefforts.

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the same species present, common buckthorn(Rhamnus Cathartica) and Japanese barberry(Berberis Thunbergii) were the most common atShepley Hill.

As of August 6, the smaller brush piles at theBates Land have been removed using a portablechipper. The larger brush pile will be left todecompose. We plan to recruit volunteers to helpchip the multiple smaller brush piles at ShepleyHill. We have been working with an herbicideapplication company to set up a time to conductthe cut-stump and foliar spray herbicideapplications. See the before and after pictures onthe right. More detail about the project, maps andphotos are available HERE.

From the GCT President: It is with great pride that I tella little story out of school onmy fellow trustees. The pridecomes from the announcementthis month that we are one ofonly 10 land trusts inMassachusetts that has beenawarded accreditation sincethe fall of 2008. (See the fullstory up top.) The story is thatwe are a bunch of land loving,field-roaming, action-takingindividuals who would ratherbe ANYWHERE outdoorsinstead of at a computer. Butfor the last couple of years,GCT volunteer trustees, underthe helpful eye of ConnieLapres, have done some prettyheavy desk duty to prepare ourtrust for this nationalrecognition. It is a recognitionthat we share with all ofGroton because it truly alignsus with much largercommunities who value the

The same Bates Land parcel afterinvasive species treatment. Next year, a

simple pull will remove new growth.

GCT Events

Sept. 20, 10-5 PMGrotonfestLegion Field

Nov. 8, 2-4 PMGCT Birthday BashWilliams Barn

MORE information! Come see us!

Friend-Raiser! For our 50th anniversary, we have a goal tobring on 50 new members at a $50/familymembership. Your membership says youcare about the beautiful open spaces inGroton and you enjoy the recreation, thepeace, and the natural habitat that is

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beauty of the their naturallandscapes. So if you seesome wildly-joyous peopleromping along The GeneralField, or Fitch-Woods or GamlinCrystal Springs, no worries. Itis just a bunch of free GCTtrustees!

We hope to see you out therein our nationally recognizedopen spaces!

Dan Wolfe President

CCeelleebbrraattiinngg 5500 yyeeaarrssooff llaanndd pprreesseerrvvaattiioonn

possible by maintaining these open spaces.Your annual membership helps us keepthese properties beautiful, enjoyable, andmost important, protected.

If you are not a member, pleasejoin today. Already a member? Send afriend our way! Help us make our friend-raiser goal!

50th Anniversary:Family/$50.00

Support GCT with Amazon!

The GCT is participating in a trialdonation program with Amazon. Bylogging in HERE and doing your usualshopping, Amazon will donate a portionof the purchases to the GCT. You will useyour same Amazon account and log-ininformation, now you will just see theAmazonSmile logo and GrotonConservation Trust as the charity. Let usknow what you think.

The Groton Conservation Trust is a private, non-profit land trust in Groton, Massachusetts. It wasfounded in 1964 to acquire, preserve, and provide public access to lands with significant conservationvalue. The Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of Groton residents with variedbackgrounds, occupations and interests.

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Groton Conservation Trust | PO Box 395 | Groton | MA | 01450

September 2014 News from Groton Conservation Trust

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