  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 1

    Introduction to Groundwater Flow

    Hydraulic rock properties

    hydraulic conductivity

    effective porosity specific storage

    Hydraulic parameter measurement

    water pressure measurement

    hydraulic conductivity measurement

    typical hydraulic conductivity values

    Groundwater resources

    confined and unconfined aquifers

    aquitards and aquicludes

    complex aquifer systems

    storativity and specific yield

    modelling aquifer flow

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 2

    Hydraulic and Piezometric Head

    In hydraulics, the hydraulic (or energy) head in an incompressible

    fluid is given by:

    where u is the fluid velocity.

    In porous media velocities are always very slow so the term u2/2gis

    omitted and the piezometric head is given by:

    Hydraulic (or piezometric ) heads are generally expressed in relation to

    the mean sea level as with topography.

    Pressure headH, is defined by




    gz= + +




    gz= +

    H h zp

    g= =

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 3

    Measurement of Water Pressure

    Saturated Medium

    (1) Piezometer

    Hole drilled in ground fitted with perforated tube. The water levelgives the elevation of the water table (the point where the pressure is

    equal to atmospheric)

    Beneath the free surface pressure generally increases with depth

    (2) Pressure Gauge - Required for low permeability formations

    Electric pressure transducers

    Hand operated pressure gauge: A tube with a porous point is

    hammered into the ground. Air is injected by a foot pump. A rubber

    membrane is held in place at the base of the air tube by the water

    pressure. When the air pressure exceeds the water pressure, air comesout of the tube outlet (which can be placed in water to make it


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 4

    Darcys Law for Saturated Flow - Reminder



    cross-sectionalarea of pipe,




    constant water level








    :dimensionsin threeor


  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 5

    Hydraulic conductivity - depends not only on the rock type, but also on

    fluid viscosity and density.

    A requirement to separate the hydraulic conductivity into that p art derived

    from the rock and that from the fluid, has lead to the introduction of intrinsic

    permeability, k, which is entirely dependent on the rock properties

    where is the fluid viscosity, is the fluid density andgis the acceleration

    due to gravity.

    Intrinsic permeability is essentially a function of the diameter of the pore

    throats that provide interconnected flow pathways through the rock; the largerthe square of the mean pore diameter, the higher the intrinsic permeability.



    Intrinsic Permeability

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 6

    Anisotropic Permeability in a

    Sedimentary Formation

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 7

    Laboratory Measurement of Permeability

    Medium to high permeability

    constant head permeameter (Darcys Experiment)

    falling-head permeameter

    Low permeability medium

    Apply large pressure differences with the help of pumps and measure

    pressures up and down flow for different values ofQ.



    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 8

    Typical Hydraulic Conductivity Values for Different

    Rock Types (m/s)


    coarse gravels 10-1-10-2

    sands and gravels 10-2-10-5

    fine sands silts loess 10-5-10-9

    clay, shale, glacial till 10-9-10-13


    dolomitic limestones 10-3-10-5

    weathered chalk 10-3-10-5

    unweathered chalk 10-6-10-9

    limestone 10-5-10-9

    sandstone 10-4-10-10

    granite, gneiss, compact basalt 10-9-10-13

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 9

    Specific Storage

    Specific storage, SS, represents the volume of water that a fully

    saturated porous rock will absorb or expel per unit volume per unit

    change in head.

    It is usually expressed in units m-1.

    Specific storage depends on:

    the elasticity of the water

    the elasticity of the rock matrix structure

    the elasticity of the rock

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 10

    Groundwater Flow Equation




    qx(x) qx(x+x)



    q z(z)


  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 11

    Groundwater Resources

    Groundwater resources are described in terms of:


    unconfined (or phreatic)




    Groundwater resources tend to have a much greater lateral extent than

    vertical extent

    aquifer modelling is generally two dimensional with groundwater

    flow assumed to be horizontal

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 12


    Aquifer A layer, formation or group of formations of permeable rocks,

    saturated with water and with a degree of permeability that allows

    economically profitable amounts of water to be withdrawn.

    Typical Unconfined or Phreatic

    Valley Aquiferground surface


    water table

    vertical exaggeration approximately 100

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 13

    Confined Aquifers

    flowing artesian well

    confined aquifer



    water table

    upland recharge area

    The water table or phreatic surface, is the level to which the water

    rises in a well

    in an unconfined aquifer, this is the depth at which you reach water

    in a confined aquifer the aquifer is under pressure, so this may even

    be above the ground surface ...

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 14

    Low Permeability Media


    a less permeable saturated geological formation


    an almost zero permeability saturated geological formation


    a saturated geological formation that neither contains nor transmits

    significant quantities of water

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 15

    Aquitards & Aquicludes

    An Unconfined Aquifer







    perchedwater table

    mainwater table



    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 16


    AquiferA layer, formation or group of formations of permeable

    rocks, saturated with water and with a degree of permeability that

    allows economically profitable amounts of water to be withdrawn.

    Unconfi ned (or Phreatic) Aquif ers: Aquifer where the piezometric

    surface coincides with the free surface of the aquifer which is overlainby unsaturated zone

    Valley aquifers in humid zones: Recharge occurs across the whole

    surface, outlets are the low points in the topography such as sp rings and

    rivers. The aquifers behave like underground watersheds.

    Valley aquifers in arid zones: Recharge happens in short heavy

    bursts. Water infiltrates through the river/waddy beds. The water table

    is higher beneath the river than elsewhere contrary to what happens in

    humid zones.

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 17

    Alluvial aquifers: Unconfined aquifers situated in alluvial deposits

    along the course of a stream. The water is in equilibrium with the

    stream which continually drains and recharges it. At the entrance of an

    alluvial plain, the water level in the stream is higher than that in the

    aquifer, as the plain narrows at the downstream end this causes the

    water table in the aquifer to rise often causing marshy areas.

    Perched aquifers: These lie on an impermeable layer and are not

    connected to a stream which feeds or drains them They often result in

    spring lines and provide what is termed a perched water table

    Confi ned Aqui fers:An aquifer is said to be confined if it is overlain

    by a formation with low permeability and if the hydraulic head of the

    water it contains is higher than the elevation of the upper limit of the


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 18

    Combined Aquifer System

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 19

    Modelling Aquifer Flow

    Groundwater flow in large aquifers is generally assumed to be two-

    dimensional and horizontal

    In phreatic aquifers, the movement of the water table must be

    accounted for

    dewatering and resaturation of porous media

    hence redevelopment of the storage term in the groundwater flow


    the concepts of storativity and specific yield are introduced

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 20


    The storativityorstorage coeff icient, S, represents the volume of

    water that a porous rock will absorb or expel per unit surface area per

    unit change in head.

    It is a dimensionless quantity and is expressed as either a percentage

    or fraction.

    There are two basic components of storativity: specif ic storage, which refers to the compressibility of the water and


    specif ic yieldwhich describes the quantity of water drained from the

    aquifer as the water table drops.

    The specific storage of a porous medium is small in comparison to the

    specific yield and only becomes significant in the case of confined

    aquifers, where the rock matrix remains fully saturated.

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 21

    Specific Storage - Confined Aquifers


    clay layer

    clay layer

    sandstone aquifer


    Where the aquifer is fully saturated,storativity is the amount of water

    released due to specific storage, SSb

    where b is the depth of the aquifer.

    Specific storage (m-1) depends on:

    the elasticity of the water

    the elasticity of the rock matrixstructure

    The elasticity of the rock

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 22

    At the free water surface, the water table can move in response to

    pressure changes and either falls, releasing water from pore space,

    or rises, saturating new pores within the rock.

    this is termed specific yield, Sy and represents the volume of water

    that can be drained under gravity per unit surface area, per unit drop

    in head.

    In a phreatic aquifer, storativity, S, describes the release of water due

    to both compressibility and desaturation of the rock matrix:

    where h is the head in the phreatic aquifer

    S S hS y S= +

    Specific Yield

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 23

    Groundwater Flow Equation




    qx(x) qx(x+x)



    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 24

    Recharge and Discharge Areas

    In unconfined aquifers, some characteristics are common to most

    recharge areas and some to most discharge areas.

    Recharge areas:

    topographical high places

    deep unsaturated zone between the water table and the land surface

    Flow lines tend to diverge from recharge areasDischarge areas:

    topographical lows

    water table is found either close to, or at, the ground surface

    flow lines tend to converge, unless the discharge area is large, such as

    the sea

    physical manifestations of the groundwater take the form of a spring,

    seep, lake, stream or presence of vegetation common in wet areas

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 25


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 26

    Groundwater Interaction with Lakes and Wetlands

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 27

    Naturally Varying Flow Regimes

    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 28

    Groundwater Flow Patterns in Homogeneous Aquifers

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 29

    A One-Lake System with a Homogeneous Anisotropic


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 30

    A One-Lake System with a High Conductivity Layer

  • 7/30/2019 Groundwater Flow Continued Lecture notes


    Groundwater Flow and Contamination 31


    Three important hydrogeological rock properties:

    Hydraulic conductivity (or permeability), porosity and storativity

    Groundwater flow governed by:

    Darcys Law

    Conservation of water mass groundwater flow equation

    Groundwater resources

    aquifers are economically viable groundwater resources that are either under

    pressure, confined, or with a free surface, unconfined.

    aquitards, aquicludes and aquifuges are all low permeability formations

    aquifer systems are complex and may comprise several layers of aquifers

    separated by low permeability formations

    groundwater flow in large aquifers is generally assumed to be horizontal

    storativity and specific yield are used to model two dimensionaltransient flow

    groundwater can both drain and feed surface water features

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