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Should Kazakhstan Allow to Spread Fast Food Companies In the Country

The information that fast food leads to obesity has recently become a global theme. This affects the choice and economical side and on human health. That the country did not allow to take the decision as to allow fast food chains spread, many researchers and economists analyze the harm of these corporations. There are many studies related to the survey of visitors to fast-food restaurants, I also found a link between the density of restaurants and obesity, but there are studies which states that the effect of fast food on the global epidemic of obesity in developed countries only slightly.

Sometimes the price is not the real exchange rate of the local currency to the dollar, and a value, such as a Big Mac. The reason for choosing a Big Mac as an indicator of exchange because it is sold almost all over the world. Due to the decrease in purchasing power during an economic crisis, a number of operators formed a special "anti-crisis" proposal - with discounted prices. McDonald's has initiated a temporary reduction in the price of Cheeseburger and Chickenburger, offering them at 26 rubles. In turn, maintaining the trend Rostiks-KFC formed proposal is opposed Mcdonald’s "save tastefully." For 25-35 rubles can be purchased for such unexpected Rostiks dishes as "crackers with meat", "crackers with meat and cheese", "Butera chicken" and Mini Twister.

Restaurant chain Rostikc-KFC last year grew faster than the market, allowing it to improve its performance. Thus, the gross turnover of the network in 2008 increased by 60% to $ 164 million. This means that in such financial condition of the state spent for numerous land which they sold for the construction of fast-food restaurant. Although this loss can build institutions for the benefit of residents, than simply buying fast food every time and everywhere. In Kazakhstan, potential employees refer to advertising:

• Good salary

• Provide a flexible schedule that allows you to combine study and work;

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• opportunities for professional growth;

• The skills that will be useful later in life.

The fight against obesity has acquired the character of a global problem. The results of recent laboratory studies that biochemists conducted on rats have shown that the reaction of animals to a meal consisting of fast - food is akin to the consequences of the consumption of hard drugs. This is the conclusion after three years of science experiments with rats came a team of American scientists from the Scripps Institute (The Scripps Research Institute) in Florida. "We now have strong evidence that the basis of obesity and drug addiction, whether it is nicotine, cocaine or heroin, are the same neurobiological mechanisms," - says project leader Professor Paul Kenny.

The word "fast food" is translated into English means power with reduced time consumption and cooking, with simplified or abolished cutlery or off the table. Therefore, the correct way to call any dish that is instantly prepared, served and eaten as quickly. There is another reason, adds fast food calories. Client to come back to school or bought something in a particular fast food kiosk, you need to eaten he liked. And to strengthen the sense of taste is not so difficult: you just need to add to the dish a little more fat and sugar. Excessive calorie healthier food does not. Fat, for example, only supplies the muscles of energy for intellectual activity, he almost never gives in our time, when people are the bulk of their time working in the office and move a little, such a diet can lead to overweight, if not obese, almost a month. Cause harm to fast foods for health - is the use of trans fats in the process of cooking "fast-food." So

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called "fat-killer" cause obesity, and various diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as promote the development of human cancers.

Another reason for the danger of fast foods for health is as follows. It is proved that the constant use of fast food leads to a chemical dependency on trans fats, food additives, flavorings contained therein.

Also we should mention one more threat from "fast food". It is connected with the quality of the preparation of such dishes. Brand "fast food" only leads to obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. And then, if there is a constant use of such food. And here are some fast foods cooked in questionable catering and kiosks may even eating them after a single cause severe poisoning, infection and other dangerous health effects. And sometimes life can pay. "Fast food or life" - so to speak. And all because the firm does not "fast food" is prepared without compliance with cooking techniques and unsanitary conditions. Medicine in all countries said that fast food is great harm to health and can lead to more illness and even death. This may confirm each physician in the world.

The fight against obesity has acquired the character of a global problem. Obesity affects millions of people in the world, and, according to experts, it causes great harm to the world economy. This was written by a UN report, the following:

A recent UN report shows startling figures: due to the obesity epidemic everywhere reduced productivity, and health insurance costs rise to $ 3.5 trillion a year, accounting for 5% of global GDP.

In the US, currently 31.8% of the adult population suffers from common ailments caused by malnutrition. According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more in 1995 this figure was two times lower.

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Meanwhile, according to the UN, most of the international community is catching up with America's population by the number of consumption of junk food. In Mexico, the number of obese people, even more than the United States, accounting for 32.8%.

Experts explain that after the adoption of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico has become an attractive market for cheap American fast food and carbonated drinks.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, through the trade agreement only for the period 1996-2002 exports to Mexico corn syrup, high fructose has increased by 1200%. Mexican officials, public health concerns, tried to impose a tax on these drinks, but under pressure from the US side, this measure was rejected by the World Trade Organization.

Now in Mexico, according to the National Statistics Agency, there remains the highest level of consumption of soda drinks - to 200 liters per capita per year.

Another country where obesity is becoming a national problem became Qatar - oil-rich Arab country with a population of 250 thousand. Man.

In a report published on, states that traditionally people in the Gulf region led an active lifestyle. Now it has become a place of work office, camels have replaced cars, and supplanted traditional cuisine fast food. Even household chores and child-rearing lay on maids and nannies. As a result, the diagnosis of "obesity" in Qatar suffer 40% of school-age children and 40% of adults.

Last month, experts shared their opinions on the issue at a conference in Sydney. Many believe that the reason was the free market and out-of-state control food giants.

As told in an interview to Indo-Asian News Service Professor Neil Bruce of the Institute for Global Health in Sydney, humanity got rid of the old infectious epidemics, but transnational food corporations have led to the widespread growth of a new, no less dangerous disease.

One of the authors of Foreign Policy by John Norris mentioned in the publication data of the Canadian University of Guelph on experiences conducted in rodents. The experiment showed that the corn syrup with high fructose consumed in large quantities leads to similar changes in behavior such as cocaine. Meanwhile, this substance is the basis of many soft drinks produced by American companies and actively sold for export.

Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo control 40% of the global soft drinks market, the total volume of which is $ 532 billion.

Despite its calorie, fast food is not very nutritious. For example, instant noodles as compared with the usual very, very poor in vitamins and dietary fiber. And if so, are there only carbs so all sorts of chemicals. Necessary substances the body by "fast food" approach to food does not get. And continues to demand - we are forced to go back for a snack. As a result of this vicious circle leads to obesity and related diseases.

One of the steps to a set of extra pounds is a failure to comply with elementary and food culture. Man eating sandwiches, chips and hot dogs on the go, bad chewing, dry rations.

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And even if there is an opportunity to sit down, he still swallows his lunch in 10 minutes, sometimes without even washing their hands. It definitely leads to overeating.

The man is simply unable to understand for 10 minutes, fed it or not: the brain signal of saturation comes about 20 minutes after starting a meal. A business lunch in a cafe or restaurant where meals and bring gradually falls slightly to wait for certain people would eat less - and the volume and calories.

Today, it is almost impossible to find organic food, which would be a priori could not cause harm to human health. Most foods contain a set of dietary supplements. Despite the fact that the manufacturers claim to prevent the market of harmful food additives, their assurances do not have much confidence, not least because many supplements do not undergo any special studies or these studies do not answer the question about possible harm to health. These products include fast food, people eat such a product knowing that it has the same great harm to their health, and realizing that because of this food spoils not only the state of their health, as well as a large amount of money.

To the opinions of others was important for the state, was to create an online survey consisting of 10 questions, two of them were open, here people can express everything that they think about fast food by these embodiments. And for a full analysis of the poll were asked not only locally in the same city, but spread throughout Kazakhstan, so the study was easy to analyze. Through research, namely the survey, it is important noticed that BPE fast food has touched not only a health problem, but also the country's economy.

  Basically polls held adolescents 13-17 years of age, it was 71% on the graph that means most people are interested in this field namely teenagers. Here the question arises: what kind of generation may be the country if almost all the free time children spend time in fast food restaurants, and does not move at all?

Through this study, the state can really ponder the question of whether to allow Kazakhstan distributed by fast food companies. Because the country does not want to have a healthy generation with no backward intelligence, because it was shown that fast food stops the development of the child’s mind . This study, as evidence testifying to the fact that the majority of citizens opposed to spread this fast food chain, and the general opinion social society is very important for the state, or protest for it has a better chance, because it does not want to have a disagreement between people.

      Was used very light, as well as an excellent method of research namely online survey. This method provides an answer not only to people living at one point the country, and all citizens of Kazakhstan. The number of the last survey, lets you know that this problem affects not small population. And the answers answer the question of this study for itself, because not all

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the people love and cherish fast food.

Since this topic of research is relevant in our modern day, it is very serious for

Kazakhstan economic and medical side. This research work is to specify the state of all the

negative side of fast food. And to achieve this goal you need to promote this work, that is to

arouse further investigation. Through this work, I pointed out many negative parts of fast food

and proved that it affects the country's economy and health of people and citizens as expected

were against the propagation of fast food. This gives a big impact this research, because the

opinions of the citizens are very important for this project. In a further study will address issues

such as: how to Kazakhstan to abandon fast food chains? This issue will give an impetus for

further research and think seriously about the state of this work, because it gives a strong

negative impact on the current generation. Through this work, I have learned to prioritize, to

make an accurate analysis, and display the right decisions. This project taught how to work on

the study, to find current world trends, to make the right questions, draw conclusions and defend

their point of view. In the future, these advantages will me and my project benefit.

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From the editorial board of the private online magazine. Retrieved from:

UN Report: fast food ruins the global economy. Retrieved from:

Report of the "Center for Educational Technologies". Resource Center "ICT in the educational

process". Lysyuk Marina Prohina Hope (2009). Retrieved from:

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