
Blogging strategies and SEO methods to

ensure the blog gets more traffic to

maximize profitable list building!

Grow Your List Method 5: Blogging

The Money Is “IN” The List

Many Blogs are not in the process of getting people to subscribe to their list.

They are to busy trying to sell at every turn.

What you should focus on is to get your visitors to subscribe before even

thinking about making some money with them.

It’s called “The Money Is IN The List”.

Sustainable Long Term List Building

Creating blogs can be a great option for list building for those who have more time and creativity.

Instant Results? This is not for you! Like article marketing, this technique can take time before you start really seeing good measurable results, so don’t be discouraged when this method doesn’t show immediate returns.

A great way to create sustainable long-term list building, and build your credibility and reputation.

Do your very best to deliver great content first and foremost that helps solve your visitors problems., By doing so you will build Great Traffic, which gives you the opportunity to list build.

Stick To Your Plan

Plans for list building with your Blog require you to plan well and stick to your


The hardest work is at the start. The first subscriber is always the hardest and

most costly to get!

List building through blogging gets easier once you have built momentum.

Be Consistent!

Secrets To Successful Blogging

Give Them What They Want: The most successful blogs focus on their target


Be Real

Knowing yourself and your audience are extremely important aspects of

successful blogging.

Identify who you are as a blogger, what you’ll be blogging about, and

who your audience will be; these are key to a successful blog.

Be Passionate

Passion breeds passion. If you aren’t enjoying what you’re blogging

about, it’s difficult to be consistent, so blog about things you truly enjoy.

Find a voice that you enjoy writing in and stick with it.

Blogging Secrets

Create Meaningful Titles

Titles are absolutely essential to blogging successfully:

Every blog post title should give readers a reason to want to read the

entire post.

Write Consistently- Being consistent isn’t just good for the blog, it’s an

absolute requirement for success.

Updating your blog often with fresh content serves two major purposes:

Search engines love fresh content and will revisit your site more often the

more it’s updated.

Readers love new and fresh content.

Blogging Secrets

Keep your site simple and clean!

Its not time for flashy banners and buy now buttons. It is all about building a

relationship with people through your content and your brand.

Be careful not to give you readers to many choices of action to take focus on

your main goal. Getting your reader to subscribe to your list

Provide good relevant Niche specific, problem solving content. Remember

that the purpose of content is to provide value to others. So ask yourself…

Do you provide genuine value, and is it the best you’re capable of providing?

Your Writing Style

The style in which you write your blog posts can greatly affect the readership of your blog. Write as if you personally know each person who is reading your blog. (research is important)

My suggestion is to always be working towards building a relationship with your readers so they feel they "know" you. By taking this time for them to get to know you, and by you getting to

know your readers, you will develop a loyal reader base for your blog. Be careful… Think Credible Expert VS Friendships

Show that you care, and are interested in your readers. This will develop loyalty and even help your blog go viral as your loyal readers point others toward your blog.

Look at your Blog Posts from the perspective of your readers. Read them!

Their Needs Not Yours

Never believe that your website visitor cares about you or your product! What visitors care about when they show up to your site is, does the content solve their problem.

Your visitor takes one look at your website and turns around and leaves…. Why? You designed your web site for your needs, not their needs. Here is something even worse to think about; After they leave they're going to one of your competitors' sites and buy something.

A couple things to write down and place where you can see them as your building your website: The only reason my web site exists is to solve my customers' problems.

What problems does the page and the content I'm creating solve?

Stop The Clever Tricks

Make it clear to your visitors what your blog/site is about. Do not mislead


If you want better results stop all of the cleaver little tricks. You want your

visitor to find exactly what they came searching for.

Don’t use little disposable content just to increase page views and ad


I find that content rich articles that really give some meat to the visitor are

better at generating links and referrals and building traffic.

Squeeze Page Link In Blog Post

One of the most effective blog list building methods is to add strategically

placed and relevant links to your squeeze page.

One of the most effective links to your squeeze page can be found within

the text of your blog post.

With the increased use of blogs you will find that blog readers are used to

seeing links in blog posts.

As long as the link has relevance for being there, leads to a relevant benefit

for the reader, and offers a solution to their problem or need, you will

find yourself with a higher click through… a click through will often lead

to a good qualified subscriber..

Very important; pre-sell the click through on your Link through your content

Adding Your Link

Blog Post Link Process

WordPress SEO

Download the following Basic SEO Plug-Ins for Wordpress and install them:

All-In-One SEO- Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for

Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization)

Google Sitemap Generator- Sitemaps are an easy way to inform search engines about pages on your blog that are available for crawling. Using the Sitemap protocol does not guarantee that web pages are included in search engines, but provides hints for web crawlers to do a better job of crawling your site.

Sociable-Automatically add links to your favorite social bookmarking

sites on your posts, pages and in your RSS feed. You can choose from 99 different social bookmarking sites!

All In One SEO Pack Plugin

Blog Post Titles

Use main keywords that relate to your post in your titles

To choose the best title, you must know which keywords your target audience

would likely use to find whatever it is you offer in your sites content

Beneficial keywords are closer to the beginning of the title

10 Tips to Maximize your list building

List Building; 10 Tips to Maximize Subscriber Signup

Content Structure

Your articles on your site should contain your main keywords near the

beginning of them.

Articles should be broken apart with the header tags in between.

You should try to include your main keyword once or twice in the first

paragraph and place it anywhere that makes sense in the next paragraphs.

Try to include your main keyword in the last paragraph of the article.

Perfect Keyword Density is a Myth!

Don’t get caught up in keyword density with your articles at all.

Write for humans and not for search engines and the search engines will

appreciate your content.

Write unique and relevant articles


Adding Subscriber Box

Creating Your Opt-in Form

Step 1: Login to your

admin of your blog

Step 2 Click on widgets

in the appearance section

of the dashboard

Adding A Text Widget

Step 3: Left click on a

text widget and drag

to your sidebire

Adding Autoresponder Web Form Code

Step 4: Add Title

Step 5: Add

Autoresponder Web

Form Code

Step 6: Save

Step 7: Close

Preview Blog

Step 8: Preview Blog

AWeber's Web Form Widget For Wordpress

Digi List Builder

Exit Pop

Subscriber box at bottom of page

Subscriber box on each post

Subscriber box on static pages

Light box on page load

Comment Form check box

Digi List Builder

Guest Blogging For Traffic

Trade posting blog content with another blogger. This is called "guest


Build relationships with fellow bloggers and submit a guest post for their blogs.

Remember, its all about your credibility and reputation. Giving your very best

gives you the required traffic and of course a backlink.

The better your blog, the better guest opportunities you will have!

Facebook Traffic

Place back links to your blog on your profile page.

Leaving relevant comments to other posts

Don't just create your Facebook profile, page or group and then disappear. In

order to be effective you need to actively update your status, share great

content, join conversations, and engage with other people. By building

relationships with your Facebook friends, you can indirectly grow your blog's


Place a Facebook ad- Facebook ads are fairly inexpensive, can be targeted, and

can raise awareness of your blog

YouTube Traffic

Enter your blog URL in your YouTube profile

Use Annotations to enter your blog URL

Add Blog URL on your slides you may record

Say Your Blog URL when recording

Enter your blog URL in description.

Leaving Blog Comments

Leaving comments on other blogs is a method of attracting people to your blog. Each comment you leave has a link back to your blog.

The effectiveness of leaving short little comments and adding your link back to your blog as a marketing tool is poor. These link send a trickle of traffic at best.

A more powerful ways to use comments as a communication channel.

For example, spend more time on each comment you make so that you add

significant value to the conversation. Use comments to form a relationship with high profile bloggers.

Form a daily routine

Leave Comments

Seek out new blog posts in your niche market and make good, relevant

comments on the blogs with a link going back to your website.

Reciprocal links can still provide some traffic to your website and also can give

you some backlinks.

The key is to only reciprocate with sites that are relevant in your niche market.

A weight loss site should not do a link exchange with a dog breeding website

for example.

Keep it to a minimum and seek out sites that have a high Google PageRank to

do exchanges with.

Forum Marketing

Just like commenting, a few value-adding contributions to relevant forums

with links back to your blog in your signature file will bring visitors to your


The more time and energy you invest in establishing a credible profile and

adding value in a forum the more traffic you will send to your blog.

Do Interviews

This technique works wonders. You interview a top blogger in your industry

and then publish the article on your blog.

The blogger in many cases will link to your interview to share it with his/her


Doing an interview you can’t help but form a relationship.

Interviews are easy to do.

Easy way to create great content, get exposure from a top blog and form a

relationship with a top blogger.

Article Marketing

Write articles closely related to your Blog topic, submit them to article

directories such as Ezine Articles

Create a resource box and linkback to your blog. Apart from gaining a

backlink, article submission also sends some good traffic back to the blog

Focus on good Keyword rich titles and content

Write good informative articles that leave your reader wanting to more.

Create Quality Content

The best way to organically build backlinks to your blog is to create consistent

quality content.

Great quality content automatically generates backlinks when people quote,

refer and discuss about your articles and posts. They all start pointing at you.

Thank You

Thank You for joining me on this training.

Blogging can be a great way for long term list building.

As with anything else your best results will come from adding good consistent

relevant value to your readership.

Time to take advantage of using your blog for your list building efforts starting

today if you have not yet done so.

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