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Program Sponsors

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PAM BANKSExecutive Director,

RIC Centre

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Breakfast with the Experts

The Power of Digital Marketing

April 6th , 2017

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Introductory remarks

Paul BarterEntrepreneur-in-Residence,

RIC Centre

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Bereskin & Parr LLP


Amarpreet Kaur

RIC Centre

Ian Gadsby


Paul Barter

RIC Centre

Bernie Schmidt

Profitable Conversions

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Paul BarterFuturist and Entrepreneur-in-Residence

at RIC Centre

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Earned PromotionGetting Attention (Inexpensively) in a Digital World

Paul Barter, @barterpaul,, [email protected]

Entrepreneur in Residence at RICCentre;

Management Consultant; Speaker; Tech Strategy Prof at Schulich;

Venture Investor

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First, a marketing review.

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It’s still those 4 P’s

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What’s Changed?

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In the old world, you devoted 30% of your time to building a great service and 70% of your time to shouting about it. In the new world, that inverts.

Jeff Bezos

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The changing promotion mix:

Legacy Now




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• Its your most important owned asset

Tables stakes? Your website.

More from other speakers

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What have the big guys done?

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But I’m a Startup! I’m not that big!

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Owned EarnedThen Paid

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The Trump Anxiety was posted on March 9, so

comparing the first 2 months of the year with the

next 2 months...

Jan 1 to Feb 29 - Blog reach was 33,711

Mar 1 to April 30 - Blog reach was 127,054

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The Earned Promotion Rules


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I guess you can test for everything, but some other celestial bullet comes along and challenges your design. I agree that the car performed very well under such an extreme test. The batteries went through a controlled burn which the internet images really exaggerates. Anyway, I am still a big fan of your car and look forward to getting back into one.

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What comes now?1. Make great products 2. Tell your story your way3. Owned & Earned first 4. Then paid 5. Listen & respond appropriately

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Bernie SchmidtConversion Strategist

at Profitable Conversions

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Three Key Areas to Optimize Web Site Lead Generation:

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Access to Information

6,000,000,000+ Searches DAILYon

1,000,000,000+ Web Sites

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80% of Internet Users

research on-linebefore they buy

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the best option


for a solution


a problem

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Three Key Areas to Optimize Web Site Lead Generation

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Organic Search


Web Site

Organic Search


Web sites Blogs


Building Pathways into Website

Organic Search


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Keywords create the CONNECTION









to both

that starts the CONVERSATION

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Organic Search


Web sites Blogs


Organic Search


Organic Search


Web Site



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• How many people visit my website?• Where do my visitors live?• Do I need a mobile-friendly website?• What websites send traffic to my website?• What marketing tactics drive the most traffic to my website?• Which pages on my website are the most popular?• How many visitors have I converted into leads or customers?• Where did my converting visitors come from and go on my

website?• What blog content do my visitors like the most?

Basic Performance Questions

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• Session - Visits• Users• How they found you • Page Views• Pages Per Session• Average Session Duration• Bounce Rate• Time on site• Pages Visited• Entry Page• Conversion Rate• Returning Visitors

• Language• Country• City• Operating System• Device• Screen Resolution• Pages Visited• Entry Page• Social Shares

Google Analytics

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Aggregated Analytics

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Three Key Areas to Optimize Web Site Lead Generation


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OK, You got me to look. Now……

(Visuals – Content – Navigation)

Guide the visitorto what they want

Key Site Design Elements

Keep things SIMPLE and CLEAR

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Hero Shot with confirming text


An Offer


Client Roster

Another Offer


Navigation Bar

Another Offer!

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II want to buy now

I want to research

2 Types of Website Visitors

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Make An Offer

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Trade Show


Special Offer

If Ready to Buy – Great!

If not….

Make an OfferOffer value in return for contact info

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Three Key Areas to Optimize Web Site Lead Generation

Traffic Goals: Forms A/B Testing Email Marketing Goals: Attribution

Landing Pages Heat Maps

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Boy Meets Girl


about me?

I’m really good at sports!

I know I acedthe math test!

That’s Nice

I’m going ona field trip!

Good for you.

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Boy Meets Girl

Wow, he’s a good


What’s your favorite colour?

What TV shows do you like?


That’s a nice pink dress you’re


Thank you!

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Marketing Automation

• Nurture Leads by delivering personalized content that aligns with the buyer’s profile and their stage in their buying process

• Deliver Sales Ready Leads by tracking and scoring a lead’s behaviour with company content (webpages, emails, collateral, events)

• Generate more leads by identifying anonymous web visitors through reverse IP tracking

• See comprehensive ROI for every marketing tactic by tracking the entire sales process from end-to-end.

A set of integrated tools that let companies:

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Whitepaper Landing Page

Video Landing Page

Testimonial Landing Page

Website4 Blog Posts

NewsletterEmail to Demo

VideoEmail to



WhitepaperNOW PDF

Demo Signup










30-Day TrialRequest


Increasing Levels of Lead Commitment





Engagement Workflow

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Three Key Areas to Optimize Web Site Lead Generation

Traffic Goals: Forms A/B Testing Email Marketing Goals: Attribution

Landing Pages Heat Maps Marketing Automation ROIVisitorID – Reverse IP Lookup

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Takeaways• Current State of Marketplace: Buyer in control of transaction process

• Your Website’s Job: Engage in their search/evaluation and decision process

• CONNECT: Traffic Generation & Optimize Your Internet Properties

• CONVINCE: Turn Visitors into Leads: Call to Actions with Offers

• CONVERT: Lead Nurturing: Guide & Measure Behaviour


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Thank you!

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Amarpreet KaurDigital Marketing Manager

at RIC Centre

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10 Resource-Packed Social Media

Tips for Small Businesses

Amarpreet KaurDigital Marketing ManagerRIC Centre

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I know social media

can help me grow my

business, but where

do I start?

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Plan and define your target audience

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Plan and define your target


• Align social goals to business goals

• Audit your social presence (Hootsuite


• Site, Followers, Last Activity, Action

• Define your target audience

• Analyze your competition

• Pick a platform (SproutSocial analysis)

• Develop a content strategy

• HootSuite, Buffer, etc

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Ann Hadley @MarketingProfs

connect to your strategy

tell your bigger story

grow your audience

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Match the tone of your business

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Match the tone of your


• What does your brand sound like?

• What kind of words do you use in your social media conversations?

• Why are you on social media in the first place?

• Don’t be a glorified RSS feed -humanize your brand

• Be consistent across all channels

• 71% of consumers have unfollowed a brand because they were embarrassed & 41% admitted to unfollowing brands who don’t share relevant information (SproutSocial)

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Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Media

“At a cocktail party, you wouldn’t walk up to someone and

say, ‘Hey, I’m Dave. My stuff is 20 percent off.’ What you do

is ask questions, tell stories, listen and relate to people.”

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Aim for engagement, don't try to sell

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Aim for engagement, don’t try

to sell

• It’s not always about “me”

• Share interesting and relevant content

• |

• Share posts that are share-worthy


• Increased PwC’s social impressions 136x on Twitter

• #ShotOniPhone – Apple

• 85% of users surveyed find visual user-generated content more influential than brand photos or videos (Adweek, 2016)

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Use social media to get people to your website

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Use social media to get people

to your website

• If your audience doesn’t like what you’re

sharing on social media, they won’t go to

your website

• For every call-to-action you have, you

should also generate each of the following:

• 3 blog posts, articles or


• Hemingway App to write clear call-to-action

focused social media posts

• Use to add your call-to-action on

every post you share on social media

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• Be specific and cater hashtags to the social network you’re using

• Daily hashtags - boost engagement and visibility

• #MotivationMonday

• #FridayFact

• #Caturday

• Unbranded hashtags - #DoUsAFlavor

• Don’t have more hashtags than words

• How to Choose a Hashtag w/ Twitter

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Optimize optimize optimize

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Optimize, optimize, optimize

• Your website should be mobile-optimized

• In-app integration

• Social-media friendly posting with metadata


• All-In-One SEO Pack, Yoast

• Social media photos and image sizes

• Ultimate Cheat Sheet from HubSpot

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Break through the noise

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Break through the noise

• Find the best times to post on social media

• CoSchedule Blog analyzed 16 studies

• Search for topics and keywords and

analyze what content or topics get the most

shares on social media - BuzzSumo

• Sloppy writing?

• Hemingway App

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Use your creativity

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Use your creativity

• Visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. (Source: HubSpot)

• Social media images - Canva

• Infographics - Venngage, Piktochart

• GIFs -

• Video - Adobe Spark Video

• Slideshare - Turn your best blog post into a Slideshare

• Twitter Moments - Add tweets by account, search, link, photos, etc

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Measure and track using analytics

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Measure and track using


• Tracking - | Google Analytics |


• Goals to set:

• Increase brand awareness, drive traffic to

website, generate new leads, grow

revenue, boost brand engagement, etc

• Metrics to track:

• Reach, site traffic, leads generated, sign-

ups and conversions, revenue generated

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How can I learn more?

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How can I learn more?

• Hootsuite Academy

• Social Marketing Training, Certification,

Social Strategy Certification

• Training for each social media platform

• 61 Best Social Media Tools for Small


• MarketingProfs

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@RICCentre | @akamarpreet

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Amarpreet Kaur

Digital Marketing Manager, RIC Centre

[email protected] | @akamarpreet

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Ian GadsbyVice-President of Digital

Technology at PATTISON Outdoor

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0% 0%

43% 43%




0% 0%




13% 13%



0% 0% 0%0%






British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec Atlantic

PATTISON Outfront Astral Dynamic CDN

Bell Media, 20167COMB Market Data Report Winter 2017

Canadian Digital Network, 2017Dynamic Outdoor, 2017

OUTFRONT Media Inc., 2017PATTISON Outdoor Advertising, 2017


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DOOH Has all that…

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Thank You.

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Breakfast with the Experts

The Power of Digital Marketing


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Breakfast with the Experts

The Power of Digital Marketing

PANEL DISCUSSIONModerator: Paul Barter

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Bereskin & Parr LLP


Amarpreet Kaur

RIC Centre

Ian Gadsby


Paul Barter

RIC Centre

Bernie Schmidt

Profitable Conversions

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Closing remarks

Paul BarterFuturist and

Entrepreneur-in-Residence at RIC Centre

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Special Thank You to Our Valued Sponsors!

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