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Sy st emRe q u i r eme n t

Spe c i f i c a t i o n

D o c ume n t

Geological Survey

and Mines Bureau

16 July 2013

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Geological Survey and Mines Bureau System Requirement Specification Document

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Tab l e o f Con t en t s

1.  Document Revision and Sign off Sheet ................................................................................................................... 7 


Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 


Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................10 

4.  Project Management System ................................................................................................................................. 11 

4.1 Summary of System User Features ......................................................................................................... 11 

4.2 Process Flow Based for Project Management ......................................................................................... 12 


Process PMA: Create Project Templates ................................................................................................. 13 

4.4 Process PMB: Project Management ........................................................................................................ 18 

4.5 Process PMC: Project Monitoring .......................................................................................................... 42 


Process PMD: Initiate Corporate Plan ................................................................................................... 44 

5.  GIS Database ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 


Process GDA: GIS Database .................................................................................................................... 47 


Queue Management System ................................................................................................................................. 49 

6.1 Summary of the System .......................................................................................................................... 49 

6.2 Queue Management Process ................................................................................................................... 50 


Process QMA: Queue Ticket Issuing ....................................................................................................... 51 

7.  License Issuance System ....................................................................................................................................... 56 

7.1 Summary of the System .......................................................................................................................... 56 

7.2 License Processing Flow...........................................................................................................................57 


Process MLA: Licence Issue Process ...................................................................................................... 58 

8.  e-RecordRoom....................................................................................................................................................... 74 


Process ERA: e-Record Room Management .......................................................................................... 74 

9.   Web Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 77 


Summary of the System ........................................................................................................................... 77 

9.2 Process WSA : Web Services Management ............................................................................................ 78 


Finance System...................................................................................................................................................... 83 


Summary of the System ................................................................................................................... 83 


Process GLA: General Ledger Activities ......................................................................................... 84 

10.3  Process BIA: Branch Integration .................................................................................................... 89 


Process FAA: Fixed Assets Management ........................................................................................ 91 


Process PCA: Procurement Management ...................................................................................... 93 


Process WMA: Warehouse Management ....................................................................................... 95 

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Process LMA: Library Management .................................................................................................................... 97 


Human Resources Management System Functionalities Matrix ....................................................................... 99 

12.1  Process PSA: Payroll Management ............................................................................................... 103 


 Administration Function ..................................................................................................................................... 110 


Process AFA: Administration Function ......................................................................................... 110 

14. Central Information Portal .................................................................................................................................. 113 


Process CPA: Central Information Portal Management............................................................... 113 

15. Issue Handling System ........................................................................................................................................ 115 

15.1  Summary of the System.................................................................................................................. 115 

15.2  Process IHA: Issue Handling ......................................................................................................... 115 


Non functional requirements ............................................................................................................................. 120 

17.  Annexure 1: System Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 123 

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L i s t o f Ta b l es

Table 1: Document Release Notice ...............................................................................................................................7 

Table 2: Revision History ............................................................................................................................................. 8 

Table 3: Project Tool List ............................................................................................................................................ 14 

Table 4: Create Project Description ............................................................................................................................ 16 

Table 5: Create Project Description ............................................................................................................................ 19 

Table 6: Assign Users Use Case ................................................................................................................................. 20 

Table 7: Budget Estimate Description ....................................................................................................................... 22 

Table 8: Project Scheduling Description ................................................................................................................... 24 

Table 9: Resource Reservation Description .............................................................................................................. 27 

Table 10: Update Progress Description ..................................................................................................................... 29 

Table 11: Mark Attendance Description .................................................................................................................... 32 

Table 12:Cash Management Description .................................................................................................................. 34 

Table 13: Sample Tracking Description..................................................................................................................... 39 

Table 14: Change Management Description ............................................................................................................. 40 

Table 15:Customer Communication Description ...................................................................................................... 41 

Table 16: Variance Reporting Description ................................................................................................................ 42 Table 17: Personalized dashboards Description ....................................................................................................... 43 

Table 18: Corporate Plan Use Case ............................................................................................................................ 46 

Table 45: GIS Database Management Description ................................................................................................... 48 

Table 23:Queue Ticket Issuing (Normal Process) Description ................................................................................ 52 

Table 24: Queue Ticket Issuing (Delayed Applicants) Description ......................................................................... 53 

Table 25: Issue licenses (one day service) Description ............................................................................................ 55 

Table 26: Application Submission Description ........................................................................................................ 60 

Table 27: Scan Documents Description ..................................................................................................................... 61 

Table 28: Application Maintenance Description ...................................................................................................... 62 

Table 34: Inspection Report Description .................................................................................................................. 63 

Table 29: Approval of License Preparation Description .......................................................................................... 64 

Table 30: License Preparation Description............................................................................................................... 66 

Table 31: Transport License Holder Description ...................................................................................................... 68 

Table 32: Maintenance of Licenses Description ....................................................................................................... 69 

Table 33: Royalty Calculation Description ................................................................................................................. 71 Table 35: SMS Alerts Description .............................................................................................................................. 72 

Table 36: Interface to other Government Departments Description ...................................................................... 73 

Table 37: Chart of Accounts Description ................................................................................................................... 85 

Table 38: Budgets Description ................................................................................................................................... 86 

Table 39: Charges Description ................................................................................................................................... 88 

Table 40: Integration of Regional Offices and Divisional Secretariats Offices Description .................................. 90 

Table 41 :Fixed Asset Management Description....................................................................................................... 92 

Table 42: Procurement Management Description ................................................................................................... 94 

Table 43: Warehouse Management Description ...................................................................................................... 96 

Table 46: HRMS Requirement Matrix .................................................................................................................... 103 

Table 47: Payroll Processing Description .................................................................................................................105 

Table 48: Salary Adjustment Description ............................................................................................................... 106 

Table 49: Medical Claims Description ..................................................................................................................... 107 

Table 50:Overtime calculation and payment Description ..................................................................................... 109 

Table 51: Common Portal Use Case .......................................................................................................................... 114 

Table 19: Capture Issue Description ......................................................................................................................... 117 

Table 20: Issue Progress Update Description .......................................................................................................... 118 

Table 21: Communication Description ..................................................................................................................... 118 

Table 22: Reporting Description .............................................................................................................................. 119 

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L i st o f F i g u r esFigure 1: PM System Use Case .................................................................................................................................... 11 

Figure 2: Project Management Workflow .................................................................................................................. 12 

Figure 3: Create and Manage Project Templates ....................................................................................................... 15 

Figure 4: Assign Project Templates Use Case ............................................................................................................ 17 

Figure 5: Assign Project Template Description ......................................................................................................... 17 

Figure 6: Create and Manage a Project ...................................................................................................................... 18 

Figure 7: Assign Users Use Case ................................................................................................................................. 19 

Figure 8: Budget Estimate by Project Lead Use Case ............................................................................................... 20 

Figure 9: Budget Estimate by Manager / DDG Use Case .......................................................................................... 21 

Figure 10: Project Scheduling Use Case .................................................................................................................... 23 

Figure 11: Resource Reservation Project Lead Use Case .......................................................................................... 25 

Figure 12: Resource Reservation Resource Controller Use Case ............................................................................. 26 

Figure 13: Upgrade Progress Use Case ...................................................................................................................... 28 

Figure 14: Mark Attendance Site Team Leader Use Case ........................................................................................ 30 

Figure 15: Mark Attendance Approver Use Case ....................................................................................................... 31 

Figure 16: Cash Management Use Case .................................................................................................................... 33 

Figure 17: Document Management Use Case ........................................................................................................... 35 Figure 18: Document Management Description....................................................................................................... 36 

Figure 19: Sample Tracking Use Case ....................................................................................................................... 37 

Figure 20: Accessing and Modifying Sample Data Use Case ................................................................................... 38 

Figure 21: Change Management Use Case ................................................................................................................ 39 

Figure 22: Customer Communication Use Case ....................................................................................................... 40 

Figure 23: Variance Reporting Use Case ................................................................................................................... 42 

Figure 24: Personalised Dashboards ......................................................................................................................... 43 

Figure 25: Initiate Corporate Plan Representation .................................................................................................. 44 

Figure 26: Corporate Plan Process Flow ................................................................................................................... 45 

Figure 51: GIS Database Management Use Case ...................................................................................................... 47 

Figure 23: Queue Management System Use Case .................................................................................................... 49 

Figure 24: Activity diagram Queue ticket process .................................................................................................... 50 

Figure 25: Queue Ticket Issuing (Normal Process) Use Case ................................................................................... 51 

Figure 26: Queue Ticket Issuing (Referred ticket) Use Case ................................................................................... 52 

Figure 27: Issue licenses (one day service) Use Case ............................................................................................... 54 

Figure 28: License Issuance System Overview Use Case ......................................................................................... 56 

Figure 29: Activity diagram License processing ........................................................................................................57 

Figure 30: Application Submission Use Case ........................................................................................................... 58 

Figure 31: Scan Documents Use Case ........................................................................................................................ 60 

Figure 32: Application Maintenance Use Case .......................................................................................................... 61 

Figure 33: Inspection Report Use Case ..................................................................................................................... 62 

Figure 34: Approval of License Preparation Use Case ............................................................................................. 63 

Figure 35: License Preparation Use Case .................................................................................................................. 65 

Figure 36: Transport License Holder Use Case ........................................................................................................ 67 

Figure 37: Maintenance of Licenses Use Case .......................................................................................................... 68 

Figure 38: Royalty Calculation Use Case .................................................................................................................. 70 

Figure 39: SMS Alerts Use Case ................................................................................................................................. 71 Figure 40: Interface to other Government Departments Use Case ......................................................................... 72 

Figure 41: e-Record Room Management Use Case .................................................................................................. 74 

Figure 50: Web Services Use Case .............................................................................................................................. 77 

Figure 42: Finance System Use Case ......................................................................................................................... 83 

Figure 43: Chart of Accounts Use Case ..................................................................................................................... 84 

Figure 44: Budgets Use Case ...................................................................................................................................... 85 

Figure 45: Charges ...................................................................................................................................................... 86 

Figure 46: Integration of Regional Offices and Divisional Secretariats Offices Use Case ..................................... 89 

Figure 47: Fixed Asset Management Use Case ......................................................................................................... 92 

Figure 48: Procurement Management Use Case ...................................................................................................... 93 

Figure 49: Warehouse Management Use Case ......................................................................................................... 95 

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Figure 52: Payroll Management Use Case .............................................................................................................. 103 

Figure 53: Payroll Processing Use Case .................................................................................................................. 104 

Figure 54: Salary Adjustment Use Case ...................................................................................................................105 

Figure 55: Medical Claims Use Case ........................................................................................................................ 106 

Figure 56: Overtime calculation and payment Use Case........................................................................................ 108 

Figure 57: Fleet Management Use Case ................................................................................................................... 110 

Figure 58: Central Information Portal ..................................................................................................................... 113 

Figure 59: Issue Handling Use Case ......................................................................................................................... 115 

Figure 60: Capture Issue Use Case ........................................................................................................................... 116 

Figure 61: Issue Progress Update Use Case ............................................................................................................. 117 

Figure 62: Communication Use Case ....................................................................................................................... 118 

Figure 63: Reporting Use Case ................................................................................................................................. 119 

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1. D ocum en t R ev i si o n an d Si g n o f f Sh eet


Document Title: Government Process Re-engineering Report

Release (Number): 1

Date of Release: 08 March 2012


Hasini Adhikari

Roshan Lanthra

Rasika Weragala

Tyronne John


Reviewer(s): Ashinie Perera Date:

 Approved by: Nishan Mendis Date:

Table 1: Document Release Notice

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Document No: 01 Document Title: Government Process Reengineering Reportfor Geological Survey and Mines Bureau

Revision No. Issue Date Change Details Approved by

0.1 8 March 2012  Version 1 Nishan Mendis

Table 2: Revision History

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2 .  G l o s s a r y

 AR Assistant Registrar

BOD Board of Directors

CV Curriculum Vitae

DFR Daily field Report

DG Director General

DDG Deputy Director Geology

DS District Secretariat

EOI Expression of Interest

G/L General Ledger

GIS Geographical Information System

GPR Government Process Re-engineering

GPS Global Positioning System

GRN Goods Received Note

GSMB Geological Survey and Mines Bureau

HR Human Resource

HRMS Human Resource Management System

ICT Information Communication Technology

IS Information Systems

IT Information Technology

KPI Key Process Indicators

MIU Mineral Investigation Unit

NIC National Identity Card

PMS Project Management System

PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers

SMS Short Message Service

SVAT Simplified Value Added Tax

TOM Target Operating Model

TOR Terms Of Reference

 VAT Value Added Tax

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3 .  I n t r o d u c t i o n

The detail requirements in relation to the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB) are gathered and

specified in this document. The Detail Software Requirement Specification (DSRS) is the core document whichrepresents software requirements such as functional requirements and non functional requirements,diagrammatically as well as descriptively.

The purpose of the DSRS is to provide details of the IT solution for GSMB including functional requirements ofthe envisaged solution, none functional requirements, external relationships and other factors to provide acomprehensive set of requirements to design a suitable solution. The DSRS serves as the input document forthe system architecture and system design, therefore, the DSRS plays a major role to provide accuraterequirements to develop the system architecture for the proposed solution for GSMB.

 According to the system study conducted at GSMB the envisaged solution has to contribute for the mainobjectives as well as the supporting activities at GSMB.

The following activities are considered as the scope of the solution that could be listed as the activities whichneed to be included in the IT solution. They are,

•  Maintain a mining database by introducing a license issuance system and link with other modules.

•  Reduce the use of various registries

•  Introduce modern technology to obtain information from regional offices.

•  Carry out information handling, income generation and public services efficiently using the modern


•  Maintenance of the national geo-science database

•   Availability of relevant, selected information to the public

•  Store data related to mineral occurrences (details on location, drill hole data, geology, physical

properties and chemical analytical data).

•  Have a state of the art accounting and a Human Resource Management system

•  Capture data on analysis carried out by laboratories

The requirements listed above could be grouped into following Systems or functional modules of the envisagedsolution.

•  Project Management System •  GIS Database

•  Queue Management System •  Human Resource Management System

•  License Issuance System •   Web Services

•  e-Record System •   Administration Functions

•  Finance System •  Central Information Portal

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4 .  Pr o j ect M an agem en t Sy st em

4 .1  Sum m a r y o f Sy st em User F ea t u r esProject Leaders and Onsite Project Team lead will be entitle to following features;

Create and ManageProject Templates

 Assign Project


System Administrator 

Create and Manage


 Assign Team

Estimate and

Manage Budgets

Reserve Resources

Update Progress

Mark Attendance

Manage Cash

Manage Document

Track Samples

Manage Change

Manage Customer 


Generate and

 Access Reports

Corporate Planning

Project Leader 

Onsite Project Leader 

 Authorised GSMB user 


 Figure 1: PM System Use Case

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4 .2  P r o ces s F l ow Based f o r P r o j e ct M an agemen t

 Figure 2: Project Management Workflow

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4 .3  Pr ocess PM A: Cr ea t e P r o j ec t Tem p l a t es

4.3.1  Process DescriptionThere are different types of project activities that would be handled under the Project Management System(PM). Each of these project types may need different functionalities to suit their activities. The system

administrators will be able to prepare these templates combining a suitable set of functionalities (Project tools)for different types of projects.

Project tools are listed bellow;

Tool Description Template Type

Project Detailcapture tool

This capture the name, nature, clients, etc. details of theproject

 All projects

GIS Integration tool This tool allows the project staff to insert GPS location detailsof the project location/locations and integrate data with the

GIS database. This tool must have the ability to input datathroughout the project.

Geology Projects

Sub project tool This tool allows creating of subprojects that contain samefeature as the main project. This subproject then should havethe ability to be turned into main projects and continue asnew projects individually.

Corporate PlanningProject

Budget estimationtool

This tool would allow the user to make estimates based on theresource (human and equipment) that they would need forthe project. The users would be utilising the automated ratecards to do all the estimations for the system.

These estimates should have the ability to be submitted to theclient in printed format as Performa invoices.

 All projects

Project schedulingtool

This would allow the users to schedule the project and clearlyallocate human and other resources to the project withoutincurring conflicts.

 All projects

ResourceReservation tool

This tool would allow user to reserve resources like company vehicles, drilling equipments, camping utensils, etc. for aspecific period on which the project needs it.

There would be option to extend or shorten these reservationperiods depending on the project activities.

If the resource to be reserved is not available, a notificationshould be send to relevant resource manager to makealternative arrangements (e.g. vehicles).

 All projects

Cash managementtool

This tool will allow project team to request for cash advancesand cash reimbursements. This would trigger workflows torelevant parties for approvals and forward to financedepartment / system for payments.

Projects that need cashmanagement

DocumentManagement tool

Documents that are connected with a specific project needs to be managed using this tool. Document types are identified to

each project and documents are uploaded under each typeand categorised for .

 All projects

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This component should have the ability to version control various documents and categorised according to the type.Document workflows to get approvals should also be a partfor this.

Progress Updatingtool

This could be utilised by field staff and laboratory staff toupdate the progress of the project. This module should allowthe users to access the system from field locations via aminimal speed internet connection, mobile or throughintranet.

Geology projects

Mapping projects

Geophysical projects

Mining investigationprojects

Laboratory projects

(project that have fieldinvestigations orLaboratory activities )

Check rolltool(attendancetool)

This would be used by the filed staff to mark their attendanceas well as send attendance details of the casual staff that istemporary recruited in the field location.

Geology projectsMapping projects

Geophysical projects

Mining investigationprojects’

(project that have fieldinvestigations)

Sample trackingtool

Most of the project results in samples that need to be storeand kept. This component allows the users to keep records of where the samples can be located. This component must have

the ability to be edited even after closure of the project byauthorised parties.

Geology Projects

Geophysical Projects

Laboratory Projects

Customercommunication tool

This component allows the project staff to managecommunication between the external parties who arestakeholders to the project and GSMB. This would managenotifications and information that is going out to them andcoming in from them.

 All project with externalcustomers

ChangeManagement tool

This is the tool that can be used to make changes to the initialdata relevant to budget estimated, schedules, resourcereservation, etc.

 All Projects

Table 3: Project Tool List

*Note: If required, the template types mentioned in the above table can be applied to other project types aswell. These templates can be customised to suit the changing requirements of GSMB.

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4.3.2  Activities4.3.2.1  Use Case PMA1: Use Case IHA2

System Administrators

Delete Project


Edit Project


Create Project


Define access

path of the


Input template


Search for tools

 Add tools/component

Delete tools/



Parameters / KPI

of tools

Change the

project template

Deactivate / delete

templates that are

no longer in use

 Figure 3: Create and Manage Project Templates


 Activity DescriptionDifferent project templates can be created from the components available in

the system

2.   Main activities •  Create Project Templates

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o  Define the path where the template can be accessed. The

category under which the template will be available for the


o  Input template name and description for the template so

that it could easily be identified by the users who are

utilizing these templates.

o  Search facility should be available to find different

components/tool that is to be included in the template

o   View a structured list of all the component available to be

added to a template

o   Add available component to the template

•  Manage Project Templates

o  Delete /Add components from / to the template

o  Edit parameters

o  Delete Templates

o  Deactivate Templates


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Template structure must be defined as to where an how the information

is input and output


Output •  Completed project template.


 Integration with

other modules



 Special notes ( if


 A standard set of templates must be offered to the users at the system

deployment (Corporate Planning Template, Geology project template,

Mapping Project template, Drilling project template, Laboratory Project

Template, Geophysical project template, Mining Inspection Project template,

non chargeable miscellaneous resource allocation project, etc.). These

templates must be identified in the requirements analysis phase. This project

template creation facility is given to administrators to handle future demand

in project management. And for the flexibility and satiable continuity of the


Table 4: Create Project Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 17 of 123  Use Case PMA2: Assign Project Templates

System Administrator 

 Allocate templesto users

Send notificationto staff 


 Figure 4: Assign Project Templates Use Case

1.   Activity Description The projects templates can be made accessible to a specific group of

users or individuals or make it public and give access to all. These

allocated parties will get notifications of the new template when it is



 Main activities •  Allocate temples to user groups (if restricted) or make it public template.

•  Send notification to staff informing of the new type of template available

for use.


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Project template created and ready to be published


Output •  Publishing of project template for users to be utilized in managing


•  Notification messages for the relevant users(i.e. project leads)


 Integration with

other modules


6.   Special notes ( if



 Figure 5: Assign Project Template Description

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4 .4  P r o cess PM B : P r o j ect M an agem en t

4.4.1  Process DescriptionOnce the templates are set up, they could be used to manage various types of projects. The users may need toidentify the correct template to be used in their project and manage it throughout the project lifecycle. This

systematic project management process would add structure and order to the project management practises ofGSMB and as an organisation it will give better access to information that is collected via these projects.

4.4.2  Activities4.4.2.1  Use Case PMB1: Create and Manage a Project

Project Leader 

Delete ProjectEdit ProjectCreate Project

Select template

Create a name

and a path where

the project can be


Input basic project


Deactivate / delete


Change the

project details


 Figure 6: Create and Manage a Project


 Activity Description Project template that is available to the user can be utilized to create a

new project.

2.   Main activities •  Select the appropriate template

•  Create a name for the project

•  Input basic project information


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Project templates are created and ready to be utilized

•  The relevant user should have access to the project templates


Output •  New project

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 Integration with

other modules

Depending on the template and type of tools included, these

integrations will be defined. (e.g. Approved estimation made by

estimation tool is to be integrated to finance system)


 Special notes ( if


 A project can be created in two different ways.

•  Create a new project

•  Convert a sub project in another main project in to a new project

(project coming from corporate planning project)

Table 5: Create Project Description  Use Case PMB2: Assign Team

Project Lead

Send notificationsto assigned users

 Assign Users andallocate thier job roles

Get Confirmation

on availablity


 Figure 7: Assign Users Use Case

1.   Activity Description Users who have the access to the created project should be defined and

allocated to the project and its activities. The assigned users will get

notifications on the new appointment in to the project.

2.   Main activities •  Select a set of users from a list of available users

•  Assign them to the project

•  Assign their job/project role in the process (This will be the criterion that

 would determine the access to functionalities the users have on created


•  Send notifications to assigned users

•  Get confirmation from them of their availability.


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Project templates are created and ready to be utilized

•  Relevant user should have access to the project templates/ projects

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Output •  New project


 Integration with

other modules

Depending on the template and type of tools included, these

integrations will be defined. (e.g. Approved estimation made by

estimation tool is to be integrated to finance system)


 Special notes ( if



Table 6: Assign Users Use Case  Use Case PMB3: Budget Estimation

Project Lead

Issue InvoiceCreate Estimates Edit Add Resources

Select Resource


Select number of

resource unitsrequired of the

resource (time/



 Add up all the



 Add a Mark up

Trigger Approval

Modify/ delete


Trigger Approval

Issue Performa

Invoices to


 Figure 8: Budget Estimate by Project Lead Use Case

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Manager/ DDG

 Approve Estimate

Reject Estimate

Edit Estimate

Issue Performa

Invoice to Customers


 Figure 9: Budget Estimate by Manager / DDG Use Case

1.   Activity Description The users will have the ability to make project budgets using the

automated rate cards and draft project expenses which after approval

 will be transferred on to the finance system. These budgets are used as

estimates for customers and as invoices for their payments after

accepting the projects.

2.   Main activities •  Select the resource type to be used

•  Select the time duration and/or quantity of use of the selected type of


•  Repeat this till all the resources needed for the project is captured

•  Add the project mark up (either % of the cost estimation or a lump sum

as consultancy fees)

•  Forward for approval

•  Issue Performa Invoices to the customers

•  Final approval and transfer to the Finance system

•  Modification ability for authorized personnel, approval and transfer to

the financial system


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Project template used should include the estimation tool

•  Master record containing all types of resources that need to be included

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•  Rates for resource must be automated and updated when required

4.  Output •  A budget estimate for the project

 5.   Integration with

other modules

Project scheduling tool – As a validation and limitation when assigning

HR to the activities

Resource Reservation tool - As a validation and limitation when

reserving resources for the project

Cash Management tool - As a validation and limitation when requesting

for cash advances and reimbursements during the project.

Check Roll tool- when marking attendance of field workers (casual and

permanent staff)

Customer Communication tool – when customer concerned budget

information is to be communicated

Finance system – approved budgets of project that is going to be

implemented will be transferred to the finance system with breakdown of

relevant cost types. Profit component will also be captured separately.

 Authorized alterations would need to be sent to Finance system as well.


 Special notes ( if


The cost types are to be categorised according to the divisions and

subdivisions, for the easy access of the users.

Table 7: Budget Estimate Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 23 of 123  Use Case PMB4: Project Scheduling

Project Leader 

DeleteEditCreate Activities/ Tasks / Milestones

Modify Activity DetailsDeactivate / delete

 ActivitiesSelect / input Activity



y/ equipments/

consumables )



GSMB staff/ casual


Input date and

location of work

Define if the

attendance is

marked to be on the


Define time range or

dated of the activity

 Figure 10: Project Scheduling Use Case


 Activity Description This function allows the users to schedule their projects. There should be

two project scheduling methods that can be interchanged between one

another. One is scheduling for exact dates, the other way is to schedule

for time ranges (in days/weeks/months/years). Scheduling will take

limiting parameters from budgeting tool that need to be prepared before

starting this step or vice versa.


 Main activities •  Insert activities

•  Assigns personnel responsible (heading) for each activity

•  Input dates or time range that the activity will be operational

•  Assign resources that would be involved in the activity

•  Choose human resources involved in each activity (GSMB Staff)

•  Input date and location of their assigned activity

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•  In majority of cases the attendance of the GSMB staff and casual staff

hired at the site are captured as a part of daily field report. The choice is

given to choose if the attendance is to be marked at the site. If this choice

is taken, the site team lead will get a interface to mark the attendance of

GSMB in the site as well as enter the details of casual staff employed at

the site.

•  Specify number of casual staff (project or location specific)for activities

•  Continue to add activities and create a schedule


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Project template used should include the project scheduling tool

  Active Project Estimate

4.  Output •  A project schedule for the project

 5.   Integration with

other modules

Project estimating tool – Act as a validation and limitation when

assigning HR to the activities or vice versa.

Customer Communication tool – Triggers alerts to the points where

customers need to be contacted.


 Special notes ( if


Timelines could be either actual dates and times or time periods like

hours, days, weeks or months. The schedules can be made with time

periods and when a start time is specified it will convert in to real dates

and times. This will allow GSMB to plan activities and put it in to actual

schedules in a later date when the project is actually starting.

Table 8: Project Scheduling Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 25 of 123  Use Case PMB5: Resource Reservation

Project Lead

Modify ReservationsReserve resource

Select Resource

Select time period

Insert Location

Check availability

Reserve resource

Trigger Workflow

Modify thereservations

 Figure 11: Resource Reservation Project Lead Use Case

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Manager/ DDG / Resource Controler 


Reject with



 Allocate resouce


 Figure 12: Resource Reservation Resource Controller Use Case

1.   Activity Description GSMB has a set of assets and resources that are shared between all

departments and various projects (i.e. Machines, Equipment, Vehicles,

etc…). This function would allow the project owners to reserve such

resources to their respective projects and trigger reservation workflows

and get approvals from usage of the resources.

2.   Main activities •  Select a resource

•  Select a time period that the resource is required for

•  Insert the location at which the asset is picked up and transported to be


•  Check for resource availability

•  If available, reserve it

•  If not available, check for another time period

•  Trigger an approval work flow

•  Request sent to approvers with email notifications

•  Approvers approve or disapprove (with reason for disapproval) the

request or let the requester know about alternative resources available

•  If approved, allocate resource

•  Send notification of resource allocation or request disapproval or

alternative plans

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•  Continue this for all needed resource reservations


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Project template used should include resource reservation tool

•  Active Project Estimate (for resource request limit validations)

•  Set up of available resources and related approval workflows

4.  Output •  Resource allocated for projects

•  Manage resources reservations

 5.   Integration with

other modules

Project estimating tool – Act as a validation and limitation when

reserving resources

Customer Communication tool – Triggers alerts to the points where

customers need to be contacted.

6.   Special notes ( if


Timelines could be either actual dates and times or time periods like

hours, days, weeks or months. The schedules can be made with time

periods and when a start time is specified it will convert in to real dates

and times. This will allow GSMB to plan activities and put it in to actual

schedules in a later date when the project is actually starting.

Table 9: Resource Reservation Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 28 of 123  Use Case PMB6 : Update Progress

Project Lead / Project Team

Submit reports

Update status

Upload documents

Upload Images

send for approval

Trigger an

approval work flow

Send notifications




Manager/ DDG

Send notifications


 Figure 13: Upgrade Progress Use Case


 Activity Description GSMB has two type of projects based on the location they are carried out.

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Project carried out in the field and projects carried out in laboratories.

Each of these types of projects needs to be updated through which the

final reports for the project carried out can be consolidated. This

functionality should able to be access via internet even with a dial up



 Main activities •  Login to the system (via both internet and intranet)

•  Select the relevant project to be updated

•  Submit reports / update status

•  Upload documents /images

•  Save and send for approvals (project leader)

•  Project leader accept the reports and send acknowledgement


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Project template used should include progress updating tool

•  Access given to field officers


Output •  Records of the projects carried out


 Integration with

other modules

Customer Communication tool – For customer report generation using

the updated data

6.   Special notes ( if


There could be different sets of templates that would be used depending

on the type of project (Laboratory or Field)

For field reports progress update there is to be a mandatory progress

report update for every day in the field.

Table 10: Update Progress Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 30 of 123  Use Case PMB7: Mark Attendance

Project Lead

Mark Attendance of

Casual Staff

Mark Attendance of

GSMB staff

Choose date

Choose Location

Obtain the list of

GSMB staffallocated

Mark Attendance

Submit forapproval

Insert names and

NIC number ofcasual staff 

Choose date

Choose Location

Submit for


 Figure 14: Mark Attendance Site Team Leader Use Case

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Manager/ DDG



Forward GSMB staff 

details to HRMS

Forward Casual Staff 

Deatails to Finance Systsem


 Figure 15: Mark Attendance Approver Use Case

1.   Activity Description  When a field project is conducted, the attendance of the field staff needs

to be reported back to HO. This is done for both the GSMB staff and the

casual staff hired for the specific project and/or location.


 Main activities •  Login to the system (via both internet and intranet)

  Select the relevant project

•  Chose the data and the location

•  Obtain the list of GSMB staff allocated for this project for specific date

and location

•  Mark Attendance

•  Insert names and NIC numbers of the casual staff (for the day)

•  Submit for approvals

•  Approval by Project Lead > DDG

•  Forward GSMB Staff details to HRMS (for payroll process)

•  Forward casual Staff details to Finance System (for project payments)


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  An active project schedule with allocations for location and day

•  Project template used should include Check roll tool(attendance tool)

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•  Access given to field officers

•  Information of the GSMB staff and casual staff allocated for the specific

day/location coming from the Project scheduling tool


Output •  Staff (permanent & casual) attendance records.

•  Data for payroll and finance systems

 5.   Integration with

other modules

•  Project scheduling tool – Input of HR resource data available for the

specific day and location.

•  Payroll – Information on attendance of GSMB staff in the field activities

•  Finance – Information on casual workers hired, to issue payments for


  Cash Management tool – The casual worker payments are sent to cashmanagement tool when the payment is released to the project leaders.

•  Variance reporting tool – capture the actual cost of the project in terms

of human resource expenses.

6.   Special notes ( if


The attendance marking will be controlled by the allocations made at the

project scheduling tool. Permanent GSMB staff allocated and number of

casual workers estimated for the specific location in a given day is pulled

from the project scheduling tool’s input.

Table 11: Mark Attendance Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 33 of 123  Use Case PMB9: Cash Management

Project Lead / Field Project Lead

Submit for 


Submit for 




Notify Finance

Manager/ DDG

Make a cash request

(with relevent documents)


 Figure 16: Cash Management Use Case


 Activity Description Cash is given to the project lead in advance or reimbursement basis at

the time of project execution. These cash payments are done when a

request is made by the authorized person. There are three types of cash

payment requests 1. Payment for the casual workers in field projects 2.

 Advance cash payment 3. Cash reimbursements.


 Main activities •  Login to the system (via both internet and intranet)

•  Select the relevant project

•  Choose the type of payment (Payment for the casual workers in field

projects, Advance cash payment, Cash reimbursements)

•  Make the request

•  Upload any document evidence (invoices, receipts, bills, etc.)

•  Submit for approvals

•  Approval by Project Lead > DDG

•  Notify Finance (system and personnel)


 Pre-condition / •  An active project

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Triggering Point •  An active resource allocation for cash (coming from casual worker

estimate and cash expenses in the estimated budget)

•  An approved casual worker payment


Output •  Cash management with a clear approval workflows and audit trails.

 5.   Integration with

other modules

•  Estimate tool – Cash limit validation of specific project

•  Attendance tool – Capture the approved casual worker payments

•  Variance reporting tool – Capture the actual costs of the project

•  Finance – Information on payment to be made to project leaders and

cost the project accounts

6.   Special notes ( if



Table 12:Cash Management Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 35 of 123  Use Case PMB10: Document Management

Project Lead

Version control

Upload a document




 Figure 17: Document Management Use Case

1.   Activity Description This module allows the project team to manage their documentation.

Documents have different categorization and version control ability

 within this module. Also the documents can be published or distributed

among chosen recipients, after an approval workflow.

2.   Main activities •  Login to the system (via internet or intranet)

•  Select the relevant project

•  Upload a document

•  Define a document type (choose from a list and if not in the list manually

input the type)

•  When the user intends to save a document with a document name that

already exists within the project, then the users should be able to save

the documents as a new document or as a different version

•  Save

•  Publishing or Distribution

o  Select the document

o  Choose the distribution type (publish- where? URL?,

Distribute- assign recipients)

o  Initiate a workflow

o   Approval

o  Publish or Distribute

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 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Template used contain document management module


Output •  Version controlled documents that can be easily distributed.


 Integration with

other modules

•  Email – If the distribution will happen via emails that needs to be


•  Web Publishing - if the document is to be published in a web site, the


•  eRecordRoom – Documents should be saves in the document library

 with reference to the relevant project.


 Special notes ( if



 Figure 18: Document Management Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 37 of 123 Use Case PMB11: Sample Tracking Tool

Project Leader

Modify Sample

detailsInput Samples

Input sample


Insert storage


Insert GPR

Coordinates (if


Generate Sample


Print Barcode

Modify details

Reprint Barcode


 Figure 19: Sample Tracking Use Case

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 Authorised Users

 Access Records

Modify Records

Reprint Barcodes

Delete Records

Search for Records


 Figure 20: Accessing and Modifying Sample Data Use Case

1.   Activity Description This is mainly used to track the samples that come out of a project. In

each project samples (laboratory samples, drill cores, mineral samples,

etc.) location of storage is tracked and kept updated. Each sample is

numbered and bar coded. Where bar code is pasted on the sample


2.   Main activities •  Login to the system (via both internet and intranet)

•  Select the relevant project

•  Generate sample ID and print bar code

•  Insert the storage location

•  Insert description

•  Insert GPR coordinates (if available) where the sample originated

•  Save records

 3.   Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Template used contain sample tracking module

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Output •  A database of sample that are tracked using barcodes/ sample numbers.


 Integration with

other modules

•  N/A


 Special notes ( if


The samples input in the project is going to a central database where they

can be accessed by authorised users (do not have to be in the same project to

access sample data) in a common interface where a search facility is

provided. Search criteria can be mineral name, project name, location of

extraction, storage location, sample ID, etc.

Table 13: Sample Tracking Description Use Case PMB12: Change Management

Project Lead

Submit for approval




Manager/ DDG/ DG

Make the change


 Figure 21: Change Management Use Case

1.   Activity Description This allows the project leaders to change the information that has been

initially input in to the project. These changes made should be trackedand relevant approval lifecycles should be followed.

2.   Main activities •  Login to the system (via both internet and intranet)

•  Select the relevant project

•  Select the change type (estimate change, scheduling change, resource

reservation changes, etc.)

•  Make the change

•  Submit for approval

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•  Approval workflow


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

4.  Output •  A change to current data in the system

 5.   Integration with

other modules

•  Relevant integrations to the modules which the change applies

6.   Special notes ( if



Table 14: Change Management Description Use Case PMB13: Customer Communication

Project Team

Upload documents

from customers

Send notifications

/ Reminders

Get Reports

Send diffrent types of 

communication to selected set of 



 Figure 22: Customer Communication Use Case


 Activity Description This would manage the information coming in and going out to external

customers of the project. This manages all the documentation produced

and tracks all the transactions that occur with the customer.


 Main activities •  Select the specific communication

•  Select recipients

•  Send the email/letters/SMS

  Track email/letter/SMS communications

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•  Track documents transactions

•  Upload documents from customers

•  Send notifications

•  Send reminders

 3.   Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  An active project

•  Template used contain document management module


Output •  Audit trail of all the customer communication


 Integration with

other modules

•  Customer database

•  Document management tool

•  Email system

•  Progress updating tool


 Special notes ( if



Table 15:Customer Communication Description

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4 .5  P r o cess PM C: Pr o j ect M on i t o r i n g

4.5.1  Process DescriptionThis is the process through which the users will understand the progression of the project, cost- profit analysis, variance analysis, etc. once the information is captured via the project management process, the progress of the

projects, departments, divisions can be analysed using the following activities. This is the reporting tool of thePM system which provides management information for the GSMB staff.  Use Case PMC1: Variance Reporting


Print reports

Generate reports


 Figure 23: Variance Reporting Use Case


 Activity Description This tool is used to identify the variance between initially estimated cost andactual cost of the project for GSMB. This will also capture the revenue andprofit of the project. These can be segregated to divisions, or consolidated toget overall picture of the performance of variety of projects that are ongoing.


 Main activities •  Set required parameters (projects, divisions, date range, project type,

project status, etc.)

•  Run reports


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Variance data is in the system

4.  Output •  Variance Reports

 5.   Integration with

other modules

•  Project Management tools – From which the information for reporting

purposes is extracted.


 Special notes ( if


 Variance reports are to be customized according to the requirement of

the users. Different level of data should be available for user types and

project leaders should have the access to the reports under his


* Note: Vendor to identify the types of reports required

Table 16: Variance Reporting Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 43 of 123  Use Case PMC2: Personalised Dashboards

 Authorised Users

Use widget links

for access

Choose Widgets

Place widget on

the dashbord


 Figure 24: Personalised Dashboards


 Activity Description Each user should have the ability to customise and view his own dashboard

as he logs in to PM system. Each reporting module could be represented as a widget. These widget need to be graphical where it is suitable.


 Main activities •  Choose widgets

•  Navigate them to required display position on the dashboard

•  Save the dashboard as personalized reporting screen

•  Use widget links to navigate to specific locations


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Reporting data is in the system

•  User access to variety of widgets

4.  Output •  Personalized dashboard

 5.   Integration with

other modules

•  Project Management tools – From which the information for reporting

purposes is extracted.

•  Variance reporting tool – comparison reports

6.   Special notes ( if



Table 17: Personalized dashboards Description

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4 .6  P r o cess PM D : I n i t i a t e Co r p o r a t e P l a n

4.6.1  Process Description

 Figure 25: Initiate Corporate Plan Representation 

Director General (or a delegated officer) would create a special type of project for corporate plan. Through thisproject all the GSMB staffs that have the access to corporate planning process will be sent a notification(email/SMS) to log in and contribute to the process.

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 Figure 26: Corporate Plan Process Flow

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 Activity Description This is done using the Corporate planning project template. Once the usersare assigned, they are notified and can create subproject with their proposalsfor the next year. These are then filtered in department, division, DG and

Board level and becomes a corporate plan for the next year. An action plan isalso created using this.


 Main activities •  Create project

•  Assign and notify users

•  Users create subprojects

•  Create proposals

•  Submit for approval

•  Approval and reject workflow for proposals

•  Create estimates for short listed proposals

•  Approval workflow for estimates

•  Consolidate corporate plan

•  Create action plan

•  Action plan workflows

•  Print and publish

•  Convert corporate plan proposal in to a running project using another

project template.

 3.   Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Availability of corporate plan project template

4.  Output •  Corporate and action plan for the coming year


 Integration with

other modules

•  Project Management tools – These proposals when approved areconverted to actual projects. They need to be managed using a specific

project separately.

•  Email and SMS systems - Communication

6.   Special notes ( if



Table 18: Corporate Plan Use Case

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5.  GI S D a t ab ase

5.1  Pr ocess GDA : G I S D a t ab ase


 Activities5.1.1.1  Use Case GDA1: GIS Database Management


Mining engineer 


Write to GIS


View / generate



 Figure 27: GIS Database Management Use Case

1.Activity Description

 Accessing Mining Information in a map (Business applicants).

GIS database with co-ordinates will be updated via the Project ManagementSystem (projects and laboratory) and License Issuance System (inspection


2. Main activities

•  Show mineral occurrences in different locations.

•  Show survey results with capacity information.

•  Show different type of licenses given to a particular location.

•  Total number of licenses (mines) given to a particular location and

their activities.

•  Number of active licenses of a particular location

•  Number of projects taking place at a particular location

•  Link to Mining information and Project information

•  Capture information regarding drill holes in a separate layer in


•   Views and reports shall be available for users to view and print above


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•  The Cartographers should have created the topographic map in the

GIS System

•  The Geologist should have input the geological information in the

GIS System

•  The Mining Engineer should have input the mining location as GPS

position in the License Issuance System

•  The Data from the License Issuance System should be transferred to

the GIS System via the API

4.Output•  The mining location points displayed in a map

 5.Integration with other


GIS system, Project management system and License Issuance system

6.Remarks/ Comments

For this function, ArcGIS is considered as the main software platform. The

connection with the License Issuance System and PM System will occur

through a web API that is available in new versions of the proposed platform.

Table 19: GIS Database Management Description

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6 .  Queu e M an agem en t Sy st em

6 .1  Sum m a r y o f t h e Sy st em

Duty officer 

Print queue ticket


Issue license and


Print queue ticket



 Figure 28: Queue Management System Use Case

Figure 28: Queue Management System Use Case illustrates a high level diagram of the queue managementsystem. The two main functions of this system shall be to issue a queue ticket with a bar code to the customerand then to call and issue documents and licenses (one day service) to the customer based on the queue ticket

 bar code.

 Applicants shall be called to the counter sequentially by the counter staff based on the queue ticket numberissued to them. After serving a customer the counter staff shall call the next customer by clicking the nextcustomer button on the screen.

The following features are described in this section of the document

•  Queue ticket issuing ( Normal Applicants)

•  Queue ticket issue ( delayed applicants)

•  Issue licenses ( one day service)

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6 .2  Queu e M an ag em en t P r o cess

 Figure 29: Activity diagram Queue ticket process 

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6 .3  P r o cess QM A : Qu eu e T i c k et I ssu i n g

6.3.1  Activities6.3.1.1  Use Case QMA1: Issue queue ticket (Normal applicants)

Duty officer 

Print Queue ticket( normal)

Entry of new queuerecord


 Figure 30: Queue Ticket Issuing (Normal Process) Use Case

 A duty officer will check the suitability of documents and issue a queue ticket along with an application form toeach applicant on arrival, which will contain a sequence number and will be used for processing at differentcounters. In addition to the sequence number, a queue ticket will contain the following information;

•  Ticket header including the government coat of arms, ministry and division names.

•  Sequence Number (Start with “N” and contain 4 decimal numbers)

•  Date and time of issue.

•  Bar-coded system generated serial number.

•  Ticket footer text

1.Activity Description Issue queue ticket (Normal applicants)

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  Duty officer logs into the “Queue Ticket issuing” application and

clicks the “Print Normal Queue Ticket” button.

•  System prints the queue ticket through the ticket printer with the

details mentioned above.

•  System adds a new queue entry to the application submission queue

(System generated serial number, queue sequence number and the

date of issue).

•  For a new customer, the license applicant (owner’s) NIC number

 will be used to generate the queue ticket.

  For an existing customer, the customer code (bar code in the license book) shall be scanned or entered and a queue ticket will be printed

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 with the name of the applicant.




4.Output New application submission queue item

 5.Integration with other


License Issuance system

6.Special notes ( ifrequired)

Note: if an applicant gets delayed to come to the counter when called, the

applicant may have to re-queue the ticket number ( from the queue ticketissuing desk). The applicant will then be called again ( after a definednumber of applicants are called).

Table 20:Queue Ticket Issuing (Normal Process) Description  Use Case QMA2: Queue Ticket Issuing (Referred ticket)

Duty officer 

Print Queue ticket

( normal)

Entry of new queue



 Figure 31: Queue Ticket Issuing (Referred ticket) Use Case

Referred queue tickets will be issued for the applicants in following situations:

•   Applicants have submitted the documents along with the application and supposed to submit

additional documents.

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•   Applicants have submitted the documents along with the application and supposed to make the


•   Applicant has not come to the collection counter to collect the documents on the same day.

In all above situations the applicant will be issued with a delayed queue ticket number against the application

 barcode number or the earlier queue ticket that was issued to the applicant. System captures this number anddisplay in the computer.

1.Activity Description Issue referred queue ticket

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  Duty officer reads the barcode (serial number allocated to the business

entity) of the acknowledgment issued to the applicant.

•  If the Barcode is not readable, the officer will enter the serial number

into the relevant text box.

•  Duty officer clicks on “Print Referred Queue Ticket” button.

•  System shall print the queue ticket through the ticket printer with

following information:

-  Ticket header including the government coat of arms, ministry and

division names.

-  Sequence Number (Start with “R” and contain 4 decimal numbers)

-  Date and time of issue

-  Bar-coded system generated serial number of the original queue

ticket entry for this application

-  Ticket footer text

•  System shall add a new queue entry to the application submission

queue (System generated serial number, serial number of the business

entity and the date of issue).




 An application bar code must have been issued to the applicant.

4.Output Referred queue ticket

 5. Integration to other


License Issuance system

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 21: Queue Ticket Issuing (Delayed Applicants) Description 

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PwC DC 02 Page 54 of 123  Use Case QMA3: Issue licenses

Duty officer 

Scan bar code

Call queue ticket



 Figure 32: Issue licenses Use Case

1.Activity Description

 After the license is processed, the license shall be sent to the issuing counter.

The issuing counter staff shall scan the application bar code and call the

relevant queue ticket number to the counter and hand over the license and

the relevant documents.

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  Duty officer scans the barcode (serial number allocated to the business


•  If the Barcode is not readable, the officer will enter the serial number

into the relevant text box.

•  System shall display the queue ticket number in the display screen for

the customer to see.

•  Once the documents and the license are issued, the queue ticket

number or the application barcode shall be entered to the system to

indicate that the documents are issued. The issue date and time shall

 be captured in the system along with the other details.




 An application bar code must have been issued to the applicant.

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4.Output Issued license

 5. Integration to other


License Issuance system

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 22: Issue licenses (one day service) Description

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7. L i cen se I ssu an ce Sy st em

7.1  Sum m a r y o f t h e Sy st em

Counter staff 



Scan documents



 Approval of 

license preparation

Maintenance of 



License holder / Transporter 


Registrar / Asst. Registrar 


inspection report

Mining Inspector 

Receive SMS

Calculate royalty

Prepare license

Transport license

verification through SMS


 Figure 33: License Issuance System Overview Use Case

Figure 33 illustrates a high level diagram of the License Issuance system for mines division. The core functionsof the system are to issue licenses and maintain different types of licenses issued to customers of GSMB. Thesystem shall be used exclusively by the mines division staff and the system shall interact with other systemssuch as the Queue management system, Finance system, e-record room and GIS system.

The License Issuance system shall be integrated with ASYCUDA system at Customs to obtain the actual exportdetails with regard to the export licenses and sample exports. Exports can be monitored and reconciled withthis information for the purpose of extending the export licenses for remaining quantities.

The following features are described in this section of the document

•   Application submission

•  Scan documents

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•   Application maintenance

•   Approval of license preparation

•  License preparation

•  Transport license booklet issuance

•  Maintenance of license

•  Royalty calculation

•  Inspection report

•  SMS alerts

•  Interface to other Government Departments

7.2  L i cen se P r ocessi n g F l ow

 Figure 34: Activity diagram License processing

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7.3  Pr ocess M L A: L i cen ce I ssu e Pr ocess

7.3.1  Activities7.3.1.1  Use Case MLA1: Application Submission

Counter staff 

DeleteEdit Application


Call next applicant

Retrieve customer


Enter customer and

license information

Mark check list ( for

documents received)

Scan application bar


Generate payment


Fill document


Change application


Deactivate / delete



 Figure 35: Application Submission Use Case

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There will be multiple counters for acceptance of applications and the documents that require to be submitted. Applicants those who are waiting will get called through QMS to counters that are operational. System shall callthe applicants based on a running sequence of the queue ticket number. Calling of the applicants will be carriedthrough the queue management displays mounted at the waiting area.

1.Activity Description Submission of applications to obtain all types of licenses.

2.Main Activities

•  Call the next applicant by clicking on the next customer button. Thenext queue ticket number will be prompted and also will bedisplayed in the screen.

•  If the customer is an existing customer, System should scan thequeue ticket (bar coded) and retrieve the applicant’s details fromdatabase and display.

•  For new applicants, when the queue ticket is scanned the applicationdetail entry screen will be prompted for entry, but the NIC willalready be populated as it is captured during queue ticket issue.

•   A check list will be available in the interface for the user (counterstaff) to mark/ check the documents which are received at thecounter during application submission. System shall not allow theapplication to be processed unless all the documents are checkedand marked in the interface.

•  Different checklists should be available for different license types.These check lists shall be created / modified by the systemadministrator.

•  Once the documents are accepted and application details are enteredand processed, the application processing fee shall be calculated based on the type of the license. The application processing fee shallinclude a breakdown of the fees for application processing,

inspection, etc…

•  The application bar code which will be pasted on the applicationshould be captured to the system (by scanning) to link with theapplication data and the scanned documents.

•  The application will be in “submission complete” status once thepayment is processed in the system.

•  System shall have a set of document templates which shall be filledand printed to be given to applicants confirming applicationsubmission and payment.

•  During application submission, system shall give the option to theuser to view the history of the applicant.

•  If the applicant is a black listed customer, system should prompt theuser with a message and should not allow to process.

•  Counter staff should be able to amend license application details in

the system after it is processed but before it is finalized/ Authorised

 by Registrars and ARMTs.





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 5.Output  A valid application in system

integration Queue management system and finance system

9.Remarks/ Comments

Note: For exploration license, if the customer needs to get EOI notifications

in future, a tick, flag or an indication should be set in the system when

creating the customer initially or while updating. When EOIs are published

these customers will get a notification through email or sms.

Table 23: Application Submission Description  Use Case MLA2: Scan Documents


DeleteEditScan documents

Scan document and

attach to the


Enter document


Re scan document

and attach to


Remove a scanned


Write to e-Record



 Figure 36: Scan Documents Use Case

1.Activity DescriptionOnce application submission is complete, user should be able to scan theapplication bar code in the system and retrieve the appropriate application.The scanned documents shall then be attached to the application.


•  System shall have the facility to scan all the documents provided by the

applicant and attach it to the application.

•  User shall provide a short name to the documents which are scanned

and attached to the application (eg. Copy of deed, affidavit etc.).

•  The scanned documents shall be saved in the eRecordRoom System

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along with the application code and customer code. The scanned

information can then be retrieved at later date to view or when new

applications are submitted and processed.

•  Should be able to re scan a document and attach it to the application or

remove a scanned document.




 A valid application must be in the system

4.Integration eRecordRoom

 5.Output Scanned documents attached to application

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 24: Scan Documents Description  Use Case MLA3: Application Maintenance

Higher officer 

CancelEdit Hold

Hold a license


Cancel a license


 Amend license

application Amend license


Save amendments


 Figure 37: Application Maintenance Use Case

1.Activity Description Applications should be able to be amended, put on hold, deactivate and


2.Main activities•   An authorized application can be amended only by a higher

authorized user. The amended details should be saved in system

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 with a new version.

•  Should be able to cancel a license application by a higher officer with

a reason.

•  Should be able to hold a license application by a higher officer in the

system and no further processing will be allowed until It is released by a higher officer in the system.

•   Audit log should be available to track amended details.




 Valid application must be in the system

4.Integration with other



 5.Output  Application with different status

6.Remarks/ Comments N/A

Table 25: Application Maintenance Description  Use Case MLA4: Inspection Report

Mining Engineer 

Generate report

Write geographical

co-ordinates to GIS


Generate inspection



 Figure 38: Inspection Report Use Case

1.Activity Description After the inspection of the mine, the report shall be prepared in the system

 by the mining engineer

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•  System shall provide a list of pre defined parameters for the mining

engineer to select and fill in the report

•  The report shall be always linked to a mine or application for a mining


•  Should be able to capture the co ordinates of the mine which shall belinked to the GIS database though an API.




Mining licence application or a valid mine should exist in system

4.Integration GIS system

 5.Output Inspection report

6.Remarks/ Comments N/A

Table 26: Inspection Report Description  Use Case MLA5: Approval of License Preparation

Registrar /

 Asst. Registrar 


Forward for

secondary approval

 Amend license

application Approve license


Inform client


 Figure 39: Approval of License Preparation Use Case

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1.Activity Description

 Applications which are submitted, scanned, payments are done andinspection report completed by the mining engineer shall be available to beauthorized by Registrars or ARMTS to prepare the license.

The main activity shall be to approve the license before printing.


•  System shall prompt all licenses by license category (e.g. Mining license,

Transport License, Export license etc) for all authorized officers

(registrars and ARMT’s) to approve for printing.

•  Facility should be available in system to prompt different license

categories for different users to authorize the preparation if necessary.

•  User should be able to cancel an application or hold an application.

•  Should be able to configure the system for multiple approval /

authorization levels.

•  The user should be able to forward the application for a secondary

review/ approval if required. The license shall be ready for printing only

after the approval of the RMT/ ARMT

•  The RMT/ ARMT will have the facility of selecting the applicable

licensing conditions from a pre-defined list. Special conditions that are

not in the pre-defined list can be entered into the system for the

particular license. Conditions that are not printed in the license booklet

need to be printed in the license sticker.

•  RMT/ ARMT should define the license fee with the approval. This can be

a pre-defined license fee for each license type, but shall have the facility

to amend the fee if required.




•   A valid license application should exist in system

•  Inspection report submitted by the Mining Engineer and has advised to

proceed with processing the license.

4.Integration N/A

 5.Output  Approved application

6..Remarks/ Comments

Once the license approval is complete, the system shall generate an email or

a sms to the customer informing to collect the license from the relevantoffice.

Table 27: Approval of License Preparation Description

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Print copies

Print security sticker 

Scan license book

number and securitysticker 

Print license copies

Validate cube

limitation for

transport liense


 Figure 40: License Preparation Use Case




Once the registrar /ARMT or an authorized officer approves the licensepreparation, the license book will be prepared and a sticker will be pasted inthe book. The sticker shall then be scanned for its code and it will then beattached with the customer, license number and license book.

2.  2.Activities

•  System shall prompt license application of all categories which are

approved by Registrars and ARMT’s in order to prepare the license.

•  Facility should be available in the system to prompt different license

categories for different users if necessary.

•  If the customer does not have a booklet for the license type applied, thena license booklet of the relevant type shall be issued to the customer.

The barcode of the license booklet to be recorded in the system.

•  User shall print the license details in the security sticker (e.g. Validity

period of the license, special conditions applied to the license etc.) This

shall be pasted on the license book.

•  Once the license is prepared, user shall scan / enter the license book

number, and the security sticker number(s) to the system.

•  The security sticker number will be considered as the license number

•  Should have the option to print copies of licenses whenever necessary.

(This need to be printed in a GSMB letter head)

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•  Security stickers for transport license (which are issued for mining

license holders and trading licenses holders) shall be captured in the

system. These stickers will have the cube denominations. Therefore the

system shall validate with the cube limitation and inform user if it is

exceeded. System shall also show the remaining cube quantity for the

particular mine or trading license. Different types of stickers shall beissues for different cube quantities. (i.e. 1 cube, 2 cubes, ½ cube, etc…)

•  Customer shall obtain the license after paying the license fee to the





g Point

License approved and finalised

4.   IntegrationN/A

 5.   5.Output A valid license

6.  6.Remarks/


General conditions will be pre printed in license book.

Trading license owners and mining license holders who has transport license

shall periodically submit transport license application to get their allocated

quantity of security stickers ( transport license)

Table 28: License Preparation Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 67 of 123  Use Case MLA7: Transport License Booklet

Counter staff 


Enter transporter’s


Enter details of

transport application

Check if transporter

is blacklisted

Capture the

transport booklet

serial number in the



 Figure 41: Transport License Holder Use Case

1.Activity DescriptionTransport license book shall be issued and record and the applicant’s details

shall be recorded in the system.


•  System shall have facility to record application details of a transport

license book holder specially the NIC number.

  Each transport license holders shall be provided license books and itsserial numbers shall be recorded in the system.

•  Note: The transport license book is provided only to paste the transport

license sticker once they are obtained for transporting.

•   A transport license book holder can obtain more than one transport

license book for his NIC and they will be recorded in the system.

•  System shall have the facility to blacklist a transport license book

holder, therefore the system shall not allow issuing a transport license

 books to that applicant.




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4.Integration N/A

 5.Output License book

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 29: Transport License Holder Description  Use Case MLA8: Maintenance of Licenses

Counter staff, RMT / ARMT

DeactivationCancel / Hold /


Submit deactivation

request ( by counter


Cancel, hold,

suspend license


 Approve deactivate

request ( by RMT/


Secondary approval

for deactivation ( by

higher officer)

Refund amount


Trigger to finance


 Approval( Higher officer)

Refund amount


Trigger to finance



 Figure 42: Maintenance of Licenses Use Case


 Activity Description

 Amend, suspend, hold, activate deactivate licenses and also to black list

mining license holder or transport license holder.

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2.   Activities

•   At any stage by scanning the serial number of the license book, system

should display all details of a license holder and all type of licenses

issued and details of those licenses

•  Should have the facility to cancel a license by a higher officer with a

reason•  Should be able to hold, or suspend a license by a higher officer in the

system and no further activities will be allowed to be processed until It

is released by a higher officer in the system.

•  Deactivation of a license

-  System should have the facility to record request by customers to

deactivate a mine. This request may be generated from application


-  Deactivate request should be approved by multiple officers (who are

assigned in the system).

-  Refund amount should be calculated by the system.

-   After the final approval, trigger the Finance system to generate a

payment voucher in order to print cheque for the amount that is to

 be refunded to the customer.

•  System shall have the facility to black list a license holder. This has to be

performed by a higher authorized officer.

•   A deactivated license should be able to be activated by a higher Officer.

•   Audit log should be available to track amended details.




g Point


4.   IntegrationN/A




 IntegrationFinance system





Table 30: Maintenance of Licenses Description  Use Case MLA9: Royalty Calculation

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Release ( blocked


Royalty calculation

Release ( by higher

officer)Royalty calculation

Block renewal of



 Figure 43: Royalty Calculation Use Case

1.Activity Description

Royalty calculation will be an activity which shall be called or used to

 validate in other functions such as application submission, approval of

licence preparation.


•  System shall have facility to define royalty calculations for different

periods and for different royalty types.

•  System should be able to calculate royalty.

•  System should calculate royalty penalties for unexcavated minerals for

 which a mining license is obtained.

•  Should have the facility to block the renewal of a mining license if there

are outstanding royalty.

•   A blocked license shall be released once the royalty is settled or if it is

released by a higher officer.




 Valid license holder should exist

4.Integration N/A

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 5.Output The royalty amount

6.Remarks/ Comments N/A

Table 31: Royalty Calculation Description Use Case MLA10: Transport License Registration

License holder /



Receive SMS with

license / sticker code

by license holder /


Validate license /

sticker by system

Generate SMS by

system (replies and

validation codes)


 Figure 44: SMS Alerts Use Case

1.Activity Description Generate SMS from system and capture SMS those are received by licenceholders


  System shall have facility to generate and deliver pre defined SMS tolicense holder or a requester.

•  Shall receive SMS from license holders (with valid sticker number)regarding activation of a transport license sticker and this informationshall be captured in the system.

•  System shall generate a random activation code 5 minutes afterreceiving the SMS and send back to the license holder or the requester.

•  The date, time, no of cubes defined in the sticker shall be captured in thesystem.

•  The sticker information received and activation codes generated to alicense holder or a mine shall be captured under the license holder and

the mine.•  If invalid sticker numbers are received, the system shall notify the

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sender with an error message.




 Valid license holder should exist, a valid sticker numbers should exist in thesystem.

4.Integration N/A

 5.Output  Activation code (SMS)

6.Remarks/ Comments N/A

Table 32: SMS Alerts Description  Use Case MLA11: Inquiry on license

Other Government Department users

View information


 Figure 45: Interface to other Government Departments Use Case

1.Activity Description Generate SMS from system and capture SMS those are received by licenceholders


•   An interface shall be provided with relevant authorisation for the other

government departments such as Police, Ministry of Environment,

Divisional Secretariat Offices, etc. for the purpose of monitoring and

 verification of licenses.

•  This interface will provide access to functions and information as

determined by GSMB for each organisation.





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4.Integration N/A

 5.Output  Views

6.Remarks/ Comments N/A

Table 33: Interface to other Government Departments Description

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8 .  e-Reco r dR oom

8 .1  P r o cess ERA : e-Reco r d Room M an agem en t

Counter staff/ Cleark ( customer docs)

Generate documents

Store documents

Internal users ( staff)

Customers ( through Web)

Retrieve documents


 Figure 46: e-Record Room Management Use Case

Figure 46: e-Record Room Management Use Case illustrates a high level diagram of the e-Record Room system.The core function of this application will be to generate, store and retrieve documents of GSMB customers andinternal documents.

1.Activity Description

Documents generated and sent or document which are received from clients

and employees shall be stored, viewed, retrieved and printed


•  Security levels of access to documents and screens

•  Different levels of user groups with different methods of access to the


•  Users can be assigned individually or as groups for the use of the


•  Documents to be categorized as private and public or highly confidential

and to be assigned only for authorized users

•  Creation of documents

•   Attachment of various supporting documents

•  Notification of assigned documents via email (or SMS) to clients or


•  Shall be able to retrieve, view or print documents based on uses access

level defined in the system

Client Related Documents

•  Store scanned documents linked to an application license or Project (e.g.

Deeds, Affidavits, letters etc).

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•  Based on an application or license GSMB will be able to generate letters

in the system to be sent to District offices, environmental authority etc.

Templates for such letters will be available in the system.

•  Letters sent and received electronically or any document that is scanned

 will be stored in the eRecord room with a reference to a project , license

or application.

Internal Documents

•   A document approval lifecycle, which assigns approvers of different

levels to documents, (before assigning them for the notice of the

employee as a valid document).

•  Facility to approve or reject documents to be circulated with comments

on the revisions needed to make it a valid document for company/

employee consumption that complies with company laws and





License Issuance system, project management system, HR, Finance and Webdocumentation

4.Integration The eRecord room will be integrated to all the modules such as ProjectManagement, License Issuance System, HR, Finance and the web services

 5.Output Documents

6.Remarks/ Comments

The eRecordRoom should have;

•  Facilities for scanning of various sizes of documents, in various

formats as defined in the system.

•  Facilities to scan multiple pages and store as a single document

•   Ability to scan Text, Graph, drawings

•  Should support high dpi resolution (200, 300, 400...)

•  Should support industry acceptable data formats, such as TIF, PDF,


•  Should support various image processes to improve the quality of

the scanned documents, such as De-skewing, De-speckling Cropping•   Ability to link document to the relevant business process

•   Ability to index documents

•  Only authorised person should have the option to scan document

and save in the system

•  Only an authorised user should have the option to modify the details

in the scanned document

•  Override old scanned document with new document and archive

the old document

•   Any changes to the original scanned document should be logged and

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the option should be there to insert reasons for the change

•  In the case of override, the new document should be saved as a new

 version of an old document

•  Each and every access of scanned document should be logged by the

system•  The authorised user should have the option to remove archived

documents from the system

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9 .  W eb Ser v i ces

9 .1  Sum m a r y o f t h e Sy st em

Web Services

DS Office Staff 

 Approve documents

Issue License

Send documents to

connected authorities


Submit License


Purchase Library

publicationsView Library


View documents

Place digital


GSMB Clerk


 Activate Transport

Sticker Code

Field Officer 

Submit DFR

Verify License Data





 Access Export

License Data

 ASYCUDA/ Sri Lanka Customs


* *

* *

* **


* *








* *








  Figure 47: Web Services Use Case

This is a high level diagram of Web Services provided by the GSMB. The core functions of this application will be to facilitate entering relevant data to the authorised parties, facilitate view and approve relevant documentsto authorised parties, facilitate customers to submit license applications and purchase library publications.

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9 .2  P r o cess W SA : W eb Ser v i ces M an agem en t

9.2.1  Activities9.2.1.1  Use Case WSA1: Activate Transport Sticker Code

1.Activity Description

Transport license holder shall be able to activate the license by sending a

SMS to GSMB stating the code in the sticker. Automatic activation code

 will be sent on reply to the customer through the GSMB License Issuance


2. Main activities

•  Transport license holder shall be able to activate the license by sending a

SMS to GSMB stating the code in the sticker.

•  GSMB will validate the sticker code and send a return code through SMS

to the requester after 5 minutes. The return code shall be a randomly

generated code with reference to the sticker and the license.



  Mobile network should be available in the place where customeractivates the sticker code.

•  Transporter should hold a valid sticker and a booklet

 5.Output •  Random, automatic activation code will be sent back to the customer

from the GSMB.

6.Integration with other


•  This should be integrated with the License Issuance System

7. Special notes ( ifrequired)

N/A  Use Case WSA2: Send Documents/ Approve Documents by the Connected Authorities

1.Activity Description Documents can be sent to the relevant authorities and those documents

can be approve or rejected by the those authorities

2. Main activities

•  Should be able to send documents to the District & Divisional

Secretariats (DS) offices and Central Environmental Authority (CEA) to

get relevant approvals prior to issuing licenses.

•  Relevant authorities should be able to download those documents and

upload the approved scanned documents.

•  Relevant authorities should be able to place digital signatures for

document approval.

•  DS Offices and CEA should be able to get relevant data relating to the

license applications which need their approvals.



•  Document templates will be uploaded to the system

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 5.Output •  View and print relevant documents

6.Integration with other


•  Integrates with the GIS Database and License Issuance System

7. Special notes ( if


N/A  Use Case WSA3: Issue License from the DS Office

1.Activity Description DS Office can issue licenses

2. Main activities

•  Web service login needs to be provided to the District & Divisional

Secretariats (DS) office staff to connect to the License Issuance System at


•  DS Office will issue transport license and transport booklet

•  Issued license data and booklet data should be conveyed to the GSMB

Head office at real time.

•  General ledger should be updated for the issued booklets




•  Should have relevant authorization levels to access the system

 5.Output•  Should be able to obtain reports for issued license and booklets for a

selected period and/ or selected DS Office from the License Issuance


6.Integration with other


•  Integrates with the Finance System and License Issuance System

7. Special notes ( if


N/A  Use Case WSA4: Submit License Application

1.Activity Description Clients should be able to submit applications for licenses through the

 web site

2. Main activities

•  Users should be able to request for a personal login account through the

 web site by providing relevant details in a pre defined template. Login

details of approved Users should be communicated through an email.

•  Web site should display the fees applicable for each license type

  Customers should be registered to submit applications for licenses and

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purchase library publications.

•  Web registered customers should be able to apply online for licenses by

filling online application forms and uploading scanned documents which

needs to be linked with the License Issuance System. The application

submission process shall be completed with the customer making an

online payment for the application processing fee.

•  A confirmation document shall be provided for the customer to be

saved/ printed for future reference after the successful submission and


•  Customer should be able to track the status of his application.


condition/Triggering Point

•  Application templates should have been uploaded

•  Application processing fee defined in the web site

•  Provision of a secure payment gateway

 5.Output•  Report should be generated for number of online received applications

for a selected category and/ or for a selected period from the License

Issuance System.

6.Integration with other


•  Integrates with the License Issuance System and Finance System

7. Special notes ( ifrequired)

N/A  Use Case WSA5: Purchase Library Publications

1.Activity Description Clients should be able to purchase library publications online

2. Main activities

•  Interested parties should be able to view web catalogue of library

reference materials, publications and maps for sale.

•  Cover page of reference materials and publications shall be displayed in

the web catalogue.

•  Prices of sellable materials shall be displayed in the web catalogue.

•  Interested parties should be able to purchase publications and maps

online, which are for sale. Online payment to be made.

•  Interested parties should be able to subscribe for publications for a

defined period. Online payment to be made if relevant.



•  Secured payment gateway need to be provided.

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 5.Output •  Report should be generated for sold items for a selected period and/ or

for a selected category from the Library System.

6.Integration with othermodules

•  Integrates with the Library System and Finance System

7. Special notes ( if


N/A  Use Case WSA6: Submit Daily Field Reports

1.Activity Description Daily Field Reports to be submitted by the field officers

2. Main activities

•  Field Officers should be able to login to the web application and submit

‘Daily Field Report’.

•  Field Officers should be able to enter details of the project with GPS

location that need to be saved in the centralized database.




•  Authorised and secure access to the system through the web

 5.Output •  Should be able to search for a selected date, project and for a Field

Officer from the Project Management System.6.Integration with other


•  Integrates with the Project Management System and Finance System

7. Special notes ( if


•  N/A  Use Case WSA7: Verify License Data1.Activity Description  Verify the validity of Licenses online.

2. Main activities

•  Web service need to be provided to the Sri Lanka Police to verify license

related data by giving a license reference number or the national identity

card number of the customer.

•  Web service need to be provided to the Sri Lanka Customs to verify

export licenses information and letters issued for export samples.

•  GSMB should be able to view CUSDEC details issued by Sri Lanka

Customs for a particular export license or for a selected period.



•  Authorised access should be available

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 5.Output•  Report to obtain details of a particular license from the license number,

licenses issued for a particular period or licenses issued for a particular

person.6.Integration with other


•  Integrates with the License Issuance System and ASYCUDA system of

the Sri Lanka Customs

7. Special notes ( if


•  N/A

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10 . F i n an ce Sy st em

10 .1  Sum m a r y o f t h e Sy st em

Finance System

 Authorised Employee

Manage Chart of 


Manage Budgets

Manage Charges







Manage Regional

Office Petty Cash

Manage Fixed Assets

Manage Procurements

Manage Warehouse

* **







 Figure 48: Finance System Use Case

This is a high level diagram of the Finance system. The core functions of this application will be to manageChart of Accounts, Budgets, Charges, Regional Office petty cash, Fixed Assets, Procurements and Warehouse.

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10 .2  Pr ocess GLA : Gen er a l L edg er Ac t i v i t i es

10.2.1   Activities10.2.1.1 Use Case GLA1: Chart of Accounts

Finance System

Finance Manager 

Create Chart of  Accounts

Modify Chart of  Accounts

Block Chart of  Accounts





Update Chart of  Accounts

 Accounts Clerk

* *


 Figure 49: Chart of Accounts Use Case

1. Activity Description Create a Chart of Accounts, Update accounts, modify accounts, block


2. Main activities

•  Chart of accounts shall be created by the system. Account type, posting

side and relevant financial statement that needs to be updated shall be

defined for each account from the system.

•  Created accounts can be updated, modified and blocked.

•  Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Changes in Equity Statement and

Cash Flow statement can be generated for a given period.




•  Account shall have been created prior to update, modify or block.

•  Posting groups shall be created to link chart of accounts with other

modules in the Finance System.

•  Relevant name, Account type, posting side and relevant financial

statement that needs to be updated will be defined when creating an


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4. Output

•  Created account will be displayed in the chart of accounts.

•  Updated and modified journal entries shall be displayed in the relevant


•  Blocked accounts shall be highlighted in the chart of accounts and

 journal entries shall not be able to post.

•  Log file shall be generated to track login, date and time of the entries to

the system.

 5.Integration with other

modules•  Finance system integrates with other systems like License Issuance

System, Project Management System and HRM System

6.Special notes (if


•  Only Finance Manager shall be able to create and block accounts.

Table 34: Chart of Accounts Description Use Case GLA2: Budgets

Finance System

Head of Division/ Project

Create Budgets

Modify Budgets

Delete Budgets



* **


Modify Estimates

Modify Activities




 Figure 50: Budgets Use Case

1.Activity Description Budgets will be created for the organization, division and project.

Created budgets can be updated and modified.

2. Main activities•  Organizational, Divisional and Project level budgets can be created.

Estimates can be defined for selected activities of the Budget.

•  Budget variances calculated by the system based on the actual and

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estimated values.

•  Budget estimates can be modified and new activities can be mentioned

for an ongoing budget.

  Created budgets can be deleted. 3.Pre-



•  Budget activities shall be pre defined.


•  Created budgets shall be displayed with the estimated figures, actual

figures and variances.

•  Notifications shall be sent to the relevant parties when the actual figures

reach the estimated figures.

 5.Integration with other


•  Finance system integrates with the License Issuance system, Project

Management System and Human Resources Management (HRM)


6.Special notes ( if

required)•  N/A

Table 35: Budgets Description Use Case GLA3: ChargesFinance System - Charges


Generate Receipts

Update Accounts

Generate Invoices*






Update Accounts for 

Customer Receipts

Update Accounts for 

Customer Refunds




 Figure 51: Charges

1.Activity Description Royalty, VAT and other charges shall calculate for chargeable customers

at a pre defined rate.

2. Main activities •  Relevant Charge type and Refund type shall be assigned at the customer

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•  Fee type shall be able to select and fee shall be calculated based on the

type and number of units, when generating the invoice.

  Fee type display for the user shall be based on the category (Mines,Geology, Library and etc.) and authority level.

•  Relevant accounts shall be updated for every chargeable transaction.

•  Invoices shall be able to generate for customers for relevant transactions

 based on the data triggered from the License Issuance and the Project

Management systems.

•  Receipts for payments shall be generated based on the generated invoice.

  For license related payments, relevant application number and customershall be able to track from the receipt number.




•  Fee types, Charge types and Refund types shall be able to define with the

respective rates.

•  Customer shall have a unique identification number which shall be

linked with every application form submitted.


•  Printable reports shall be able to obtain for a selected customer or a

selected charge type (Royalty, VAT & etc.) to view all relevant charges.

•  Printable report shall be able to obtain for a selected Office (Head office,

Regional office, Divisional Secretariats Office) to view income generated

from selected license type.

•  Printable reports shall be generated to view details of items sold in each

category for a defined period in the library.

•  Daily Summary Report and Monthly Summary Reports prepared for

cash receipts from license issues shall be able to reconcile with theLicense Issuance system license issue data for a selected license issue


•  Head office shall be able to view Revenue from each category for a given

period of time for each license issue location (Head office Mines

Division, Regional Office and Divisional Secretariats) and as a

cumulative total.

•  Monthly SVAT Invoice shall be able to generate for a selected customer.

•  Monthly SVAT Report shall be generated from the system.

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6.Integration with other

modules•  Finance system shall be integrated with other systems like License

Issuance System, Library system and Project Management System.

7. Special notes ( if



Table 36: Charges Description

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10 .3  Pr o cess B I A : B r a n ch I n t eg r a t i o n

10.3.1   Activities10.3.1.1 Use Case BIA1: Integration of Regional Offices and Divisional Secretariats Offices

Finance System – Regional Offices

Regional Manager 

 Approve Petty Cash &

Travelling Costs

Enter Petty Cash


Enter Travelling


* *





 Attach scanned

documents for proof 



Finance Manager 

Update Accounts



 Figure 52: Integration of Regional Offices and Divisional Secretariats Offices Use Case

1.Activity Description Finance system shall be integrated among Head Office, Regional Offices

and Divisional Secretariats Offices.

2. Main activities

•  System shall facilitate Regional Offices to allocate Petty Cash allowances

and Transport Allowances and to allow Regional Mangers to enter petty

cash details and transport details separately in the system. System shall

also facilitate Regional Managers to attach scanned documents for billing

proof which can be viewed and approved by authorized parties.

•  System shall block Regional Mangers from submitting petty cash details

exceeding the allocated amount.




•  Access levels shall be defined based on the user login.


•  Printable report shall be able to obtain to view petty cash details and

transport details for a selected Regional office.

•  Email Notifications shall be sent to the Regional Managers when a pre

defined percentage or an amount of the petty cash limit has been


6.Integration with other



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7. Special notes ( if



Table 37: Integration of Regional Offices and Divisional Secretariats Offices Description

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10 .4  Pr ocess FAA : F i xed Asset s M an ag em en t

10.4.1   Activities10.4.1.1 Use Case FAA1: Fixed Asset Management

Finance System – Fixed Asset Management Module

 Authorised User 

Write Off Fixed


 Add on Fixed Assets

Revalue Fixed Assets






Dispose Fixed Assets

Replace Fixed Assets


Enter Useful Life

Enter DepreciationMethod

Eneter Depreciation Rate

 Assign InsurancePolicy

Configure toGenerate Notifications

Generate ReportsConfigure regular 

maintenance notifications

Configure renewal of insurnace policies


Configure periodicpayments notifications


















* *

Transfer Location/Cost Center 




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 Figure 53: Fixed Asset Management Use Case

1.Activity Description Finance system shall facilitate management of fixed assets in the


2. Main activities

•  Finance system shall facilitate Add on, Revaluation, Write off, Disposal,Movement and Replacement of fixed assets.

•  System shall facilitate to enter useful life, depreciation rate of assets and

shall calculate depreciation charges for a selected period.

•  Fixed assets class and/ or sub class shall be able to assign to a fixed asset.

•  One or more insurance policies shall be able to assign to a fixed asset.

•  Fixed asset placed location and the cost center shall be defined.

•  Fixed asset can be transferred from one location to another location of

the same cost center.

•  Fixed asset can be transferred from one cost center to another cost





•  Fixed asset classes, sub classes and depreciation types shall be defined.


•  Notifications shall be generated to relevant employees regarding regular

maintenance of assets, renewal of relevant insurance policies and other

periodic payments based on time and wastage.

•  Printable reports shall be able to generate to view fixed asset details

 based on their class and sub class. It shall display data such as make,

model, purchased date, vendor, useful life, remaining useful life,

 warranty period, depreciation method, assigned location and etc.

6.Integration with othermodules

•  Finance system shall be integrated with Project Management System.

•  Fixed asset module shall be integrated with the General Ledger,

Procurement and Inventory modules.

7. Special notes ( if



Table 38 :Fixed Asset Management Description

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10 .5  P r o cess PCA : P r o cu r em en t M an agem en t

10.5.1   Activities10.5.1.1 Use Case PCA1: Procurement Management

 Figure 54: Procurement Management Use Case

1.Activity DescriptionFinance system shall facilitate procurement management

2. Main activities

•  Divisional Heads shall be able to send Purchase Requisitions (PR) to the

system and check the status of PR.

•  Authorized employees shall be able to approve the PRs.

  Government registered suppliers shall be able to view and select from thesystem.

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•  Request for Quotations (RFQ) shall be generated for selected suppliers.

•  Quotations send by suppliers shall be entered to the system against a

RFQ as attachments.

•  Supplier evaluation mechanism shall be facilitated based on defined


•  Purchase orders (PO) shall be generated from the system.

•  GSMB public tenders shall be published and managed through the

government Tender Portal available in Lanka Gateway.




•  Chart of accounts shall have been defined

•  Access levels shall be defined based on the user login to perform

procurement actions.

•  Supplier evaluation criteria shall be defined

•  Marks and weightings shall be inserted for Supplier evaluation criteria



•  Supplier evaluation report shall be generated based on the quotation

data sent by suppliers and evaluation criteria.

•  Printable report shall be obtained for PRs, RFQs and POs generated

from the system for a selected period by a particular division or an

individual with the cumulative value of purchases.

6.Integration with other

modules•  Procurement module shall be integrated with the General Ledger, fixed

asset and Warehouse modules.

7. Special notes ( if



Table 39: Procurement Management Description

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10 .6  Pr o cess W M A : W a r eh o u s e M an a g em en t

10.6.1   Activities10.6.1.1 Use Case WMA1: Warehouse Management

 Figure 55: Warehouse Management Use Case

1.Activity Description•

  Finance system shall facilitate inventory management in theorganization

2. Main activities

•  Item registry shall be maintained category wise with unique code for

each and every item.

•  Detailed item description shall be available for each item to identify item

code, item category, division, location, purchased date, supplier, unit

price, costing method, posting group & etc.

•  When a purchased item is received by the warehouse, Good Receipt Note

(GRN) shall be entered to the system.

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•  Invoice details shall be entered, which need to be integrated with the

General Ledger module.

•  Transaction history for any purchased item shall be tracked up to

Purchase Requisition from the item code.•  Item movement will be recorded with cost center, location, responsible

person and date for both movement out from and in to the warehouse.

•  Unit price of a stock item shall be calculated based on the defined

 valuing method for that item.




•  Bar code sticker shall be pasted in every item except consumables.

•  Location codes, category codes, item codes, Lot numbers, In-Transit

codes, Transfer routes and etc. shall have been defined.

•  Stock valuing methods shall be defined


•  Printable report shall be generated to view details of items of a selected

category, In-transit and location

•  Printable report shall be generated to view details of GRNs and transfer

orders generated for a selected location and a period.

6.Integration with other

modules•  Procurement module shall be integrated with the General Ledger, fixed

asset and Procurement modules.

7. Special notes ( if



Table 40: Warehouse Management Description

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11.  Pr o cess LM A : L i b r a r y M a n a g em en t

11.1.1   Activities11.1.1.1  Use Case LMA1: Library

This is a high level diagram of library functionalities. The core functions of this application will be to maintainmembers, facilitate search books, reserve books, purchase maps/ publications, generate reports and updatelending and borrowing books.

1.Activity Description Library system shall maintain members, books and provide relevant


2. Main activities

•  Details of books shall be entered to the system based on the


•  Reference materials and selling items shall be displayed separately in an

E-catalogue in the web site.

•  Books shall be searched and reserved online from the web site or

through an interface in the system.

•  GSMB publications that are available to the public and maps can be

purchased online. Relevant ledger accounts should be updated by

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integrating with the Finance System. Receipt for sold maps and

publications can be issued from the Finance system.

•  Library inventory and Central inventory shall be updated for sold maps

and publications.

•  Barcodes shall be attached to the all library publications. View details,

lending and borrowing of the library books/ publications can be recorded

 by scanning the barcode of the book from a barcode reader.




•  New functions proposed based on the currently available Library System


•  When Re-Order level quantity of maps and publications have been

reached, a notification will be sent to the relevant people through an


•  Printable reports can be generated to view items sold in each category for

a defined period.

 5.Integration with other


•  Online payments shall be linked with the finance system.

•  Integrates with the Project Management System to display uploaded

project reports.

6. Special notes ( ifrequired)


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12 . H um an Reso u r ces M an a g em en t Sy st em

Fu n ct i o n a l i t i es M a t r i x

The following matrix displays the features, functionalities and sub functionalities required for the HumanResources Management System. The listed features are not available in the system presently used by GSMB.The features that are already running in the Human Resources Management System of what is being used byGSMB are not included in the matrix below. The proposed features are the recommendations for the HumanResources System that will ensure successful and structured execution of processes within the HumanResources Division. Moreover, the following features ensure that stronger controls and authority levels are setaccordingly for better decision making and internal controls. The following is a high-level list that shall serve asa guide prior to the development of the features in to the HR System. The reports section is not included here inthe list as the requirements of the reports vary for different hierarchical levels individuals for informationpurposes. The reports sections need to be taken up after the development of the features into the system, so asto determine the data are captured to generate the required reports.

 Note:-Based on the detailed discussion with the key personnel of GSMB it was known that the present Human Resources Solution Vendor had agreed to accommodate additional features to currently implemented Human Resources Solution at GSMB. Taking into account this information, the report lists features that need to beincorporated into present Human Resources Solution.

Feature Functionality SubFunctionality


EmployeeProfile Module

Employee Profile This allows the user to enter the customer'sdetail information before absorbing theemployee through the Hire process. This is

employee's personal file in the system.

Personal Will have the personal and contact informationabout the employee

Employment Contains the present employment held by theemployee


Displays the reporting structure of theemployee. This is vital when applying leave andother activities.

Family Displays the family information, which isrequired to contact in case of emergency.

Bank Display the Bank details to which the Salary isremitted.

Qualification Displays the Academic and Professionalqualification acquired by the employee

Remuneration Displays the salary particulars of the employeeincluding the cash benefits and deductions.

 Work Experience The previous work experience gained by the

employee. This will be blank for freshers.

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Feature Functionality SubFunctionality


Referees The particulars of the Referees

Skills & Expertise The skills of the employees are displayed here.This may include all the soft skills and hardskills of the employee.

 Achievement This displays the achievements made by theemployee during the tenure of the employment

Extra Curricular Activities

 Any sports activities that the employee wouldengage apart from work.


This displays how well the employee hasperformed while working with the organisation

Disciplinary Action This displays the disciplinary actions takenagainst the employee for any unacceptable behaviour.

Document History This provides to access the documentsgenerated through the system pertaining to theemployment and any other documentssubmitted by the employee such as certificatesand results sheets.

Leave Entitlements This displays the leave entitlements for theemployee

Training This displays the list of training attended by theemployee during the tenure of the employment.

Employee History This includes the dates on which the employee was progressed to the next level such asconfirmation, promotion, designation changeand so on.


This displays the insurance informationapplicable for the employee

Letter Templates

Letter TemplateGeneration

This will allow to create a predefined lettertemplate, in the system, which could be usedany number of times.

Generate Lettersfor Employee

This will allow to select a letter type for anemployee

Letter Generation This will allow to approve this letter and printthe Letter

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Feature Functionality SubFunctionality



This option will allow the user to reprintanother letter, that was printed 'LetterGeneration'


Document Upload This option will let the user to upload all thecertificates and other important documentsrelevant to the employment.

Employee LifeCycle

This lifecycle allows to manage the processesthrough the system including the approval and

disapproval. Workflows let the monitoring ofthe activities manageable. A workflow shall beinitiated by one employee and approved byseveral other employees in the hierarchy.Recommended workflows include Recruitment,Probation Extension, Confirmation, Increment,Designation Change, Promotion, BonusPayment, Leave of Absence, Transfer, Salary Adjustment, Contract Renewal, Termination,Change Bank Account Details and AnnualReview - Increments & Promotions andBonuses.


The initiated workflows should be allowed to becancelled at different points by the authorisedperson.

 Workflow StatusTracking

The workflows at each approval point need to betracked

 Workflow Delete The complete workflows should be allowed to be deleted by the authorised person.





 Yearly ManpowerPlanning

The individual divisions should be allowed tosubmit the human resources requirement to theHR Division, so as to plan the recruitmentprocess.

 Vacancy List

The HR should have access to the listcontaining the list of vacancies submitted by allthe departments.

 Application Applicant

 An applicant may forward the CV to thecompany, without applying for any available

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Feature Functionality SubFunctionality


Processing Registration vacancies. In such cases the forwarded CV isstored in the system with a classification taggedto it, for future reference. This panel will allowto register such candidates.

Existing CV Bank

This will allow the user to search the candidatesfrom the CV database. The search can beperformed using the classification or any otherkeyword.

Short Listing

 A comprehensive process that shifts thecandidate from one level to another level suchas First Interview, Second Interview,Examination, Rejection etc.. and allowing toconduct the recruitment process smoothly.

Manager Review

During the phase of short listing the user cansend the CV to a higher manager for review. Themanager will refer the CV and reply with hiscomments. The interviewer will use thecomments made by the Manager to make therecruitment decision.

Search Candidates

This will allow the user to specify the candidatesname and search for the candidates to check hisstatus of the recruitment process. This isrequired to answer if any candidate wants to

check the progress of his recruitment stage.


Interview Plan

Planning the interview activities including theparticipants of Interview panel and schedulingdate and time.

Updating InterviewNotes

This will allow the interview panel to updatenotes taken during an interview so that thisshall be visible for the panel conducting theSecond Interviews.

Email NotificationManagement

Notifying the candidates through email andSMS.

 Alumni This option is to retain the information of allthose employees who served GSMB and havequit for other opportunities or retired fromGSMB. Maintaining the information allows tokeep in contacts with the former employees.


Membership management involves in creatingnew membership accounts, updating membersdetails, activating and deactivating members

and sending notifications to members.

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Feature Functionality SubFunctionality



Organising and creating Alumni events andsending notifications to members on upcomingevents and activities.

Table 41: HRMS Requirement Matrix

12.1  P r o cess PSA : Pa y r o l l M an agem en t

12.1.1   Activities12.1.1.1  Use Case PSA1: Payroll Management

HR System user 

Hold salary

Enter New employees, No pay,

increments, promotions , Hospital and

surgery insurance, salary adjustments

Process salary

Update Finance


Payroll processing staff 


 Figure 56: Payroll Management Use Case

Figure 57 illustrates a high level diagram of the Payroll processing module. The core function of this application will be to process salary for the given month, generate salary slips and update the Finance system.

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PwC DC 02 Page 104 of 123 Use Case PSA2: Payroll Processing

 Figure 57: Payroll Processing Use Case

1.Activity DescriptionProcessing Payroll of Employees – This feature processes the payroll for all

the employees in the organization by collecting data from other modules

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  User selects the Payroll month

•  User selects the ‘Process Payroll’ option for payroll processing.

•  System generates salary slips

•   Accounts will be updated in the Finance system

•  System should have the facility to print pay slips of previous months




•  The Payroll module should be integrated with the HR System

•  The Remuneration details should be entered in the Employee Profile

•  The Loan & Advances (if any) should be entered in the Employee


  No pay, increments, promotions , Hospital and surgery insurance,deductions should have been entered in the HR system which shall be

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used for the payroll processing.

4.OutputSalary slips

 5.Integration with other


HR system and Finance system

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 42: Payroll Processing Description Use Case PSA3: Salary Adjustment

 Figure 58: Salary Adjustment Use Case

1.Activity Description This feature allows to adjust the salary before payroll processing.

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  System should facilitate to incorporate salary adjustments before payroll


•  System also should provide facility to hold and to release salary for a

particular employee for a particular month.

•   A list of all salary adjusted for the month should be able to be printed



 PointEmployee(s) details should be available in the system

4.Output Salary adjustment list

 5.Integration with other HR system

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6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 43: Salary Adjustment Description Use Case PSA4: Medical Claims

 Figure 59: Medical Claims Use Case

1.Activity Description Medical claims by staff shall be entered in the system

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  System shall have the facility to enter medical claims

•  System shall have a work flow where medical claim application shall be

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forwarded to relevant people for approval ( multiple level approvals)

•  System shall auto check the medical float status and notify if there are


   After the final approval the Financial system shall be updated andpayment will be done via the Financial system.




Float should be defined in system for the employee

4.Output Updated medical float.

 5.Integration with other


HR system, Finance system

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 44: Medical Claims Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 108 of 123  Use Case PSA5: Overtime calculation and payment

 Figure 60: Overtime calculation and payment Use Case

1.Activity Description Processing overtime payments

2.Process Control Flow

 Rule for Next Activity

•  Employees should be able to enter overtime hours in the system. The

system shall validate against the time and attendance system to

determine if the overtime hours entered are within the in and out time

of the particular day.

•  Once all the overtime records are entered they can be forwarded to the

supervisor or a higher officer for approval ( multiple approval facility

should be available)

•  Once the final approval is done, the system shall calculate the overtime

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•  The calculated overtime shall then be forwarded to the finance

department for approval and processing.

   When the finance division approves the overtime, the finance systemshall be updated and payment shall be processed.





4.Output Overtime calculated

 5.Integration with other


HR system, Finance system and time and attendance system

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 45:Overtime calculation and payment Description

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13 . A dm i n i st r a t i on Fu n ct i o n

13.1  Pr o cess AFA : Adm i n i st r a t i o n F u n c t i o n


 Activities13.1.1.1  Use Case AFA1: Fleet Management

 Figure 61: Fleet Management Use Case

1. Activity Description •  Upload data, Provide information and generate notifications for relevant

people regarding the fleet

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2. Main activities

•  Fleet information shall be provided for authorized people graphically

and in report format.

•  Vehicles classification and their characteristics shall be defined.

•  Running charts, uploaded fuel details and maintenance details of each

 vehicle shall maintain in the system.

•  Transport request shall be able to view by integrating with the Project

Management system.

•  Vehicle and driver shall be able to assign to each transport request.

•  Vehicle and driver availability shall be able to view from the system for a

given period.

•  Average fuel consumption shall be calculated for each vehicle and for

each trip.

•  Vehicle specifications shall be maintained

•  Technical characteristics shall be able to define for each vehicle with the

 validation capability.

•  Life cycle cost shall be generated for a selected vehicle based on the

possession cost, maintenance cost and operating cost.

•  Approved vendor list of vehicle agents, spare parts suppliers, garages and

service centers shall be maintained for each vehicle category.





4. Output

•  Reports shall be generated for trips where the trip average fuel

consumption has exceeded stipulated threshold of the overall average

fuel consumption of the vehicle.

•  Cost estimate shall be generated for a trip when distance, vehicle and

duration of the trip are inserted.

•  Vehicle usage and maintenance history report shall be generated for a

selected vehicle/ vehicle category for a selected period.

•  System shall generate a report of warranty items, replacement warranty

parts and warranty recovery money per vehicle.

 5.Integration with other

•  Fleet Management System shall be integrated with Project Management

System and Finance System

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6.Special notes ( if

required)•  N/A

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14 . 

Cen t r a l I n f o r m a t i o n Po r t a l


Pr o cess CPA : Cen t r a l I n f o r m a t i o n Po r t a l M an a g em en t14.1.1   Activities14.1.1.1  Use Case CPA1: Managing Central Information Portal




Mining SystemProject Management System

Human Resource Mgmt System

Finance System



 Figure 62: Central Information Portal

Figure 64 illustrates a high level diagram of the Central Information Portal and its integration with othersystems and modules. The core function of this application will be to view the personal dashboard and togenerate reports and views.

1.Activity Description  All systems shall be integrated into a common application portal.

2. Main activities

•  Define security levels and access groups to access each system,

documents and views. 

•  Employees of GSMB will add or remove components which are to be

displayed in the personal dashboard. This could be personal information

from the HR system or views and reports from other systems. 

•  Reports of any module or system which is integrated to the portal shall

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 be printed or viewed.





4.Output Reports and views

 5.Integration with other


Finance system, Project management system and License Issuance system,

HR and Payroll

6.Remarks/ Comments

Table 46: Common Portal Use Case 

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15.  I ssu e H an d l i n g Sy st em

15.1  Sum m a r y o f t h e Sy st em


P r o cess I H A : I ssu e H an d l i n g

15.2.1   Process DescriptionThis module is to handle all the public complains that are coming in to GSMB. These complain are captured viainternet, email, post and telephone. A Help desk staff will be at the forefront of capturing these complains andimputing it in to the system.

Tasks handled under this;

Raise an issue viaweb/mobile interface

Monitor the status of 

the issue (internet,

Mobile, SMS)

Online/ mobile user 

Capture Issue

Issue Progress




Gnerate Reports

Help Desk Staff 

GSMB Divisional Staff 


 Figure 63: Issue Handling Use Case

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15.2.2   Activities15.2.2.1 Use Case IHA1: Capture Issues

Help Desk Staff 

Categories issue

Capture issue

Capture complainer 


Direct it to the

relevant division/




Send the tracking



 Figure 64: Capture Issue Use Case


 Activity Description Issues are captured via several channels. It can directly be input by thecomplainer via internet or mobile devices. The same interface can be used bythe help desk staff to input the complains coming form other channels usingthe intranet.


 Main activities •  Capture issue

•  Capture complainer details

•  Categories issue

•  Direct it to the relevant division/ investigations

•  Send an acknowledgement to the complainer

•  Send the tracking code for the specific issue to the complainer


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point



Output •  Issue raised by the customer


 Integration with

other modules

•  Project Management tools – These proposals when approved are

converted to actual projects. They need to be managed using a specific

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project separately.

•  Email and SMS systems - Communication


 Special notes ( if



Table 47: Capture Issue Description Use Case IHA2: Issue Progress Update

Divisional Staff 

Send Notifications

 Allocate Issue

Update progress of investigation

Close issue


 Figure 65: Issue Progress Update Use Case


 Activity Description The issues directed to the relevant division / department are then assignedto a user. This user will conduct the investigation on the issue and update theprogress.


 Main activities •  Issue received by the relevant department manager

•  A issue handling officer is allocated for the issue

•  Issue handling officer update the progress of the investigation in to the


  Update the complainer on the progress via SMS or email

•  Close the solved issues

•  Close approval lifecycle is triggered

•  Approved and issued closed

 3.   Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Issue is created and assigned



  Complainer issue base

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 Integration with

other modules

•  Customer management module – this would give the parties who are

under investigation due to the issue

•  License Issuance System – if the issue is related to a mining license it

should be updated

•  PM System - if the issue is related to a project undertaken it should be



 Special notes ( if



Table 48: Issue Progress Update Description Use Case IHA3: Communication


View status

inquire status


 Figure 66: Communication Use Case


 Activity Description Complainers should be constantly kept in touch with the progress regardingtheir complaints The communications shall be managed with sms/email



 Main activities •  Trigger SMS / Email at appropriate intervals

•  Notifications and reminders

•   Access to issue progress via internet and mobile interfaces


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Active issue

•  Issue resolving milestone


Output •  Customer notifications

 5.   Integration with

other modules

•  Email / SMS systems


 Special notes ( if



Table 49: Communication Description

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PwC DC 02 Page 119 of 123 Use Case IHA2: Reporting


Set Parameters

Generate reports

Print/ distrubute



 Figure 67: Reporting Use Case


 Activity Description Issue handling should be monitored, for this purpose a reporting section ispresent in the issue handling system. This gives decision supportinformation of issue incoming and getting solves with the division wisereport.

2.   Main activities •  Set parameters

•  Run reports


 Pre-condition /

Triggering Point

•  Active issue handling system

•  Issue progress data


Output •  Issue management data reports


 Integration with

other modules


6.   Special notes ( if


*Note: Vendor should identify the types of reports required

Table 50: Reporting Description

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16 . Non f u n c t i o n a l r eq u i r em en t s

Lan guage Requ i r em en t s

•  Systems should support all three languages (Sinhala, Tamil and English)

•  Systems should maintain preferred language of each user

•  User should have the ability to change the language while using the system

Pr i n t m a t er i a l

•  System should support all three languages (Sinhala, Tamil and English) for printing purposes

•  User should have option to print reports, letters, forms, etc. using any preferred language

•  Facility to print the entire form / notice / letter on pre-printed stationary (i.e. letterhead)

•  Each system printed document details should be logged by the system

Qu er y L a y er

•  System should facilitate common Query Layer which could be used by the authorized users to generate

ad-hoc and specific reports. (e.g.: Authorized Users – Database Administrator, System Administrator)

•   Authorized users should have the option to create new queries and save those queries for future use

(e.g.: Authorized Users – Database Administrator, System Administrator)

M ast er F i l es

•   Ability should be there to add, enable, disable and modify information in Master Files.

•  Only authorised users (e.g.: system Administrator, Database Administrator) should have access to these


•   Ability to impose table, record and field level access controls to authorised users

•   Any changes to the parameter master files should be logged by the system with the following

information minimum

o  User ID

o  Date

o  Timeo  Modification or change (before and after values)

•   At the time of adding and modifying, the system should check duplicate data entries and should restrict

any duplications in the master files

•   Ability should be there to trace the modification history of details in the master files

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User M a n a g em en t

•   All users of the system should have a unique user name and a password defined by the user

•  Passwords should be encrypted and the passwords should be created with a proper password policy

  System should maintain user profiles for all the users•   Ability should be there to define roles for different users groups and based on the roles, authorized

applications and available menu options for users should be defined

•   Ability to define performance rights (e.g. add, modify, view, etc) for each application and menu option

for different user groups

•  System should enforce these security features not only to the application but also to the database(s)

•  On completion of the maximum number of unsuccessful log-in attempts, the system should lock-out

access to the user

•   Authority to unlock a user profile should be provided only to the System Administrator

•  On successful login attempt, a system should display the last login time and date for the benefit of theuser.

•   Any data transmissions travelling over third-party networks must be encrypted.

•  Session timeout should be available

App l i ca t i o n Con t r o l s

•   Ability should be there to restrict usage of certain modules for certain user IDs or user groups

•   Ability should be there to restrict usage of certain menu options in the modules for certain user IDs or

user groups

•   Any update, change, edit of the information in the system should be logged by the system

•  Log reports for above should at least maintain the following information

o  User id

o  Date

o  Time

o   Action performed.

•   All approvals, authorisations and validations should be logged by the system

•  Log reports for approvals should at least maintain the following information

o   Authorised users id

o  Date

o  Time

o   Action performed.

•   All overrides should be logged by the system.

•   Authorised users id

o  Date

o  Time

o   Action performed

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o  Old value

o  New value.

•  The system should maintain “status” of any workflow process

•   Workflow should be controlled by the status Example: License application should be in a “Approved”

status to accept payments

•   Any status change should be logged by the system

W eb s i t e

•  The content of the web forms filled by the applicants and other stakeholders must be validated as early

as possible in the process and any inconsistencies reported to the Applicants\

•  The system should allow the applicants to review all the web forms and make any valid modification to

it before submitting.

•   When invalid data is found, the website must prompt the applicant to make the corrections in the Web

Form.•  Once the applicant submits the form, the web site should provide confirmation messages subsequent to

the successful retrieval by the system.

•  The web site should generate an acknowledgement number once the form is submitted by the


•  Facility should be there to print the acknowledgement from the website

On l i n e I n q u i r y

•   Website should provide a section where applicants can email and inquire about their questions and


•   Ability to inquire status of applications already submitted by providing the acknowledgment number

Aud i t Repo r t s

•  System should have the ability to log any transaction performed by the user

•  Only an authorised user should have the option to view log reports (E.g.: auditor)

•   Auditor (authorised user) should only have the authority to view information and extract printouts only

•  The system should not allow any changes to the log reports

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17. An n exu r e 1: Sy st em A r ch i t ect u r e

General Public GSMB Staff  Third Party Organizations 

Mining System

License Management


Queue Management


Project Management System

Budget Estimation

Project update and


Project Planning/

SchedulingResource Reservation &


Corporate Planning

Issue Handling System

Issue Tracking Application

Communication &

reporting Application


 Administrative System

Payroll Processing


Overtime Processing


Medical Claim Processing


Transport Management


Finance System

 Accounting ApplicationProcurement

Management Application

Inventory Management


Fixed Asset Management


Human Resource Management System

HR Information

Management Application

Leave Management


Library System

Library Content

Management Application

Publication Sales

Management Application

GSMB Customers

Document Repository


Customer Database Mining License Database GIS Database HR DatabaseLibrary DatabasePM Database Finance Database

GIS Application


License Revenue


Project Revenue and Expenses

Payments and Asset Information

Employee Information

   U  s  e  r   I  n   t  e  r   f  a  c  e   L  a  y  e  r

   A  p  p   l   i  c  a   t   i  o  n

   L  a  y  e  r

a   B  a  s  e   L  a  y  e  r

Resource Reservation

License Details




GSMB Website

• Issue Handling System

• Project Management System• Library System

Lanka Gateway

• Finance System- Procurement Management Application

• Mining System

Common Portal

• Finance System

• Mining System

• Project Management System

• Issue Handling System

•  Administrative System

• HRM System

• Library System

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