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ADIT, Brasil


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• Designs for over 300 new and existing communities since 1980 • Nationally prominent & influential projects • Innovative development & implementation of design codes • Internationally recognized architectural work • Founders and leaders of the New Urbanism

Firm Description

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• Regulators, stakeholders, and developers will be actively involved in all stages of the process, to build consensus and coalesce support • Public engagement will allow for a design with a broad-based appeal, and will build support for the plans and proposals

The Charrette Process

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• Interactive forum for all interested parties • Intensive, collaborative, onsite work session • Comprehensive documents: plans, renderings, design codes • Potential attendees: - Neighbors/property owner(s) - Elected officials - Police & fire departments - Local planning officials - Environmental agencies - Merchants’ associations/trade groups - School board, etc.

The Charrette Process

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Smart Growth advocates the design of compact, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use communities Smart Growth/New Urban designs •Prioritize the public realm by investing in community facilities and public spaces •Promote pedestrian activity and transit •Provide for basic daily needs within walking distance of residences •Balance retail, residential and civic offerings •Protect culturally and historically significant areas •Provide towns with identifiable centers and edges •Provide housing for a range of incomes and lifestyles •Respect regional and historic context and precedents

Smart Growth/The New Urbanism

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• Sprawl doesn’t work: climate, environment, economy, society, health • Transition from auto-scale to human scale • The Value of Urbanism • Need to change the system fundamentally: design, regulatory framework, financing, and implementation • The Brazilian context: similar challenges, NIMBY-ism, legalization of good urbanism • Clear Choice: Sprawl or Complete Communities • The Brazilian opportunity: create models for the future, avoid the mistake of sprawl


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Inconvenient Truths

Notas de apresentação
Sprawl played/plays a big part in many of the current multiple global crises Sprawl is inclusive growth – but the bad kind
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Sprawl VS. TND (Smart Growth)

Notas de apresentação
Smart growth begins with SUSTAINABLE PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN We have a choice between growing in the pattern of Suburban Sprawl or in the pattern of TND/Smart Growth Sprawl – current setting - single land use; again: places where people only live, only shop, only work, etc. In TNDs: all the elements are there -- difference is in the rational organization > efficient use of land, walkability, placemaking, sustainability Compact: smaller footprint, able to preserve more land for open space (better for stormwater management) Complete: destinations are close by, reducing car trips for daily needs Connected: walking, biking and transit use are possible, reducing dependency on car use
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The Benefits

Notas de apresentação
Cities and towns made of neighborhoods balance resource needs: preserve more land for open space and agriculture, less driving for basic daily needs In sprawl, the city and the suburbs compete for the same, scarcer resources Suburbia is premised on the box-to-box experience - residents leave the box of their home, ride the box of their car, then come to the box of the parking garage, ride the box of the elevator and sit at the box of their cubicle > Society has gotten to a point where an increasing number people lead their lives with minimal human contact -- it gets to a point where people do not tolerate one another; sprawl may therefore lead to intolerance
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Sustainable, Walkable, Desirable, Beautiful

Providence, RI CityPlace, West Palm Beach

Habersham, SC Rosemary Beach, FL

Notas de apresentação
TNDs offer sustainability at all scales**
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New Building Types

Convenient Solutions for Future Growth

Agricultural Urbanism

Notas de apresentação
Reshaping, recovering, retrofitting the human habitat How is this achieved? Sprawl is land use based; the new tool for compact, sustainable growth is FORM-BASED development and regulation
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Systemic, fundamental change
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Sprawl is the product of the rise of car use and segregated land use zoning Shift in land use patterns to single use pods connected by a dendritic road system
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Sprawl favors the car The conventional thoroughfare network comprises local roads, collectors and arterials > Consequence is that VMTs in conventional sprawl can be from 1/3 to 1.5 times higher than in TNDs -- an average suburban household generates 8 to 11 car trips per day, compared to about 2-3 trips in a TND household.
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
In suburbia, a caste system of sorts of perpetuated by land use based planning. Public housing sits in its own pod by the fringes, middle income housing has its own gated subdivision, and the most expensive houses get the waterfront lots As in nature, any monoculture, an environment that lacks diversity, bears the greatest risk of extinction. That is exactly what subdivisions are. All the houses age and decay at the same time, all the suburban residents age at the same time, the houses are vacated at the same time and subdivisions depreciate in value in large single chunks. It is clear that land use based planning is a non-sustainable pattern of development, not just from a land utilization standpoint, but from a sociological standpoint as well >> sprawl uses 2 to 4 times as much land as medium density cities
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Sprawl disregards placemaking and civic life This actually a school, and the other a chapel, Orani Subic They look more like a prison… (studies linking school planning and design with violence in schools)
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
EDSA view from Magallanes station Every year, the average American spends 55 8-hour workdays on the road -- likely more for the average Filipino
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Sprawl disregards the public realm Here is a house in suburban Dallas, also known as the Dallas Special -- you might have also heard the term McMansion It’s a house that is trying to be an entire village - at least 11 gables and ridges -at least 9 window types on the front elevation alone (imagine the door and window schedule for this) everything is internalized: - you enter a double height space and there is a café -there is a 20 seat movie theater, a gym, a formal dining area (that is almost never used), a “bistro” for lunch and the masters bedroom area is called the master _resort and spa_, complete with jacuzzi and steam room > The external environment is so awful and driving to other places has become so tedious and costly that all the “third places” (the places between home and work) now need to be absorbed within the house >The average size of a N American suburban house: 1950 800 SF, 1970 1500 SF, 2000 2300 SF > In 2006, the average living space per person in China 108 SF, in Japan 331 SF, UK 409 SF and N America 650 SF. Guess which model the Philippines is emulating?
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
The Transect Origins clearly in natural sciences- study of a continuum of environments and the corresponding flora and fauna The Planning Transect extends the continuum to the sequence of human settlement types
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
And one you have those zones calibrated, you essentially have completed your code for the proposed master plan. Here is a regulating plan for a neighborhood development… Note that this is not a land use based plan, but rather one that generally has mixed uses in all zones – what governs is the relative density, character and form within each zone 5-minute walk
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
DPZ has developed a form based code template, called the SmartCode – a unified planning ordinance that is meant to replace land use based zoning with form-based or performance-based planning and urban design regulations, built on the chassis of the Transect It covers all design aspects of building and design elements -- here on the right are the different frontage types from T1 to T6…
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Smart Codes in Saudi Arabia, AlAin, Spanish, Scotland, England, Costa Verbena – Portuguese, Haiti in French, St Petersburg Russia
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Transect-Based Planning, the SmartCode

Notas de apresentação
Is a vital tool for municipalities and other government agencies. Has led to extensive public sector work
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Regional Planning

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Regional Planning

Notas de apresentação
Reconciling economic and infrastructure drivers for growth with physical patterns of development
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Regional Planning

Notas de apresentação
Scenario planning as an approach to the future development Mega Cebu Form, or Typology based
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Regional Planning

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Sprawl Repair

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Fragmentation, Car-dependence,

Single Use


Compactness, Connectivity and


Sprawl Repair

Notas de apresentação
The Philippines has limited resources but a large amount of existing sprawl. A large portion of future planning work will therefore be in the areas of sprawl repair – converting wasteful, sprawl into more sustainable neighborhoods and communities Retrofitting and repairing sprawl may be difficult under current land use zoning regulations. But if form based coding were adopted, the urban fabric could be transformed into compact, walkable mixed use neighborhoods – Sprawl Repair Manual outlines step-by-step protocols as to how this could be done
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Sprawl Repair

Notas de apresentação
Focusing on Identifying overall patterns of development – mapping out nodes, regional transportation and open space networks and sprawl repair targets
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Sprawl Repair

Notas de apresentação
Sprawling single family residential enclaves could be repaired to have a neighborhood center Car-centric shopping centers could be repaired to real walkable town centers
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Sprawl Repair

Notas de apresentação
Sprawling business parks and edge cities could also be transformed into authentic, mixed use communities
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Agrarian Urbanism

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Agrarian Urbanism

Notas de apresentação
Form based coding also permits the re-integration of agrarian use into the urban fabric Important to an agrarian economy such as that of the Philippines If growth is necessary, we need to incorporate means for ensuring food security and minimize food miles (the $6000 salad vs the low-carbon salad)
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Agrarian Urbanism

Notas de apresentação
Since focus is placed on form rather than isolating land uses, various types and intensities of agrarian activity can be woven into all scales of the urban fabric, from the community scale
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Agrarian Urbanism

Notas de apresentação
To the scale of the street block and individual building
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Lifelong Communities

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Lifelong Communities

Notas de apresentação
Pigs in the python Largest wave of two market segments demanding urban patterns of development
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Lifelong Communities

Notas de apresentação
Ebb and flow of life
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Lifelong Communities

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Lifelong Communities

Notas de apresentação
Completed the community fabric, created physical patterns that empowered seniors to age in place with independence and dignity
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Light Imprint/Green Infrastructure

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• Green neighborhood infrastructure (e.g. Green Streets) can cost 11% -25% LESS than conventional development

Light Imprint/Green Infrastructure

Notas de apresentação
Excessive goldplating of infrastructure has made development expensive Light Imprint – environmentally responsive, traditional, transect-based
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Light Imprint/Green Infrastructure

Notas de apresentação
Conventional suburban parking lot has excessive and costly infrastructure to support its rain gardens The Light imprint parking lot provides a low tech solution using pervious stone; it is beautiful with or without vehicles This grate inlet skimmer box is an expensive and high maintenance method for filtering stormwater (these are typically considered high-tech green) This vegetative and stone swale leading to a filtration pond is both beautiful and more economical for channeling and filtering stormwater; these techniques are intrinsically green
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Traditional Resort Communities

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Traditional Resort Communities

Notas de apresentação
Pioneering efforts in Smart Growth were developed in DPZ’s traditional resorts Seaside reinvigorated the planning of mixed use, pedestrian-oriented resort towns and villages - Laboratories of planning and design; unique, complete, immersive environments
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Traditional Resort Communities

Notas de apresentação
Resort planning and design was thus brought full circle back to its origins as true, vibrant communities, where traditional arrangements of streets and buildings produce a public realm that makes walking and knowing your fellow visitors, local residents and the staff desirable and fun, and where variety was authentic, from the architecture, to the array of restaurants and shops, to the range of activities available to every guest.
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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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Smart Buildings (Housing and Others)

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