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Opportunities in rehabilitation research


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Research and Devel-opment convened a group of experts (authors on this guest editorial) to iden-tify key rehabilitation research opportunities. Our first task was to examine theimportant themes of rehabilitation research to serve as a guide to the identifi-cation process. Rehabilitation research encompasses a broad field of disci-plines and methodologies covering the full spectrum of basic to appliedscience. Important themes for rehabilitation research include prevention,improvement, restoration, and replacement of underdeveloped or deterioratingfunction [1]. The use of the term “function” refers to the level of impairment,activity, and participation as defined by the World Health Organization [2]. Ananonymous reviewer of this editorial noted that rehabilitation researchers arepractitioners and investigators of the “science of recovery.” Rehabilitationresearch operates within three domains of investigation: (1) physiologicalfunction (molecule, cell, tissue, and organs), (2) physical and mental function,and (3) social and community integration and design and delivery of rehabili-tation services [3].

In defining areas of research opportunity, we do not intend to suggest anexclusive focus on the proposed topics and we fully support other creativeapproaches. Within each of the three domains of investigation identified pre-viously, this editorial provides examples and highlights areas of interest butdoes not fully describe each potential research area of interest, nor does itcover all areas.


It is important to understand the mechanisms of disease or injury relatingto impairment. In considering research opportunities, we identified sevenareas within the domain of physiological function (Figure 1).

Molecular Substrates for Recovery and Preservation of FunctionAn example of the molecular substrates for recovery relates to the pro-

cess of demyelination in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The findingthat a persistent current mediated by abnormally long regions of expressionof Nav1.6 sodium channels triggers axonal degeneration in animal modelsof MS [4] has provided the basis for current clinical studies on sodium chan-nel blockers as potential neuroprotective agents in MS [5]. Likewise, under-standing molecular substrates for recovery and preservation of function is


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critical for developing treatments for spinal cordinjury (SCI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) and inall other areas of rehabilitation research.

Identification and Targeting of Key Molecules Along Pathogenic Pathways

Changes in potassium channel expression indemyelinated fibers have been demonstrated in thedemyelinating diseases [6]. These studies providedthe rationale for the development of the potassiumchannel blocker, 4-aminopyridine, as the first Foodand Drug Administration (FDA)-approved therapyfor restoring function in MS [7]. Understanding cel-lular physiological changes in both animal modelsand in people with disabilities has also led to deepbrain stimulation, the most significant advance inthe treatment of Parkinson disease (PD) since theintroduction of L-DOPA in the 1960s [8–9]. Neuro-physiological analysis of both nonhuman primatestreated with the toxin MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) as well as patients withPD identified over-activity in brain regions such asthe subthalamic nucleus and the globus pallidusinterna as a major contributor to abnormal motorfunction [10]. FDA-approved implanted devicesinhibit this activity, and their benefits have beenwell documented [11]. These examples illustrate thebenefit of research efforts focused on identifyingand understanding molecular pathways associatedwith disease mechanism.

Axonal Sprouting, Regeneration, and Functional Compensation

The role of growth or trophic factors on the ner-vous system has undergone a transformation frommolecules in early development to potential thera-pies for both neurodegenerative diseases and injury.Factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) have beenwell studied, both with regard to their mechanismsof action and their protective and restorative effectsin animal models of neurodegenerative diseases andSCI [12–14]. Translation of these factors into effec-tive protein-based therapeutics has been a majorchallenge. Gene-based strategies, such as the injec-tion of viral vectors expressing NGF in Alzheimerdisease (AD) or the GDNF homolog neurturin inPD, are undergoing clinical trials as a means ofadministering biologically active amounts of thesefactors to brain regions undergoing degeneration[15–16]. Enhanced understanding of these factorsand their clinical use will have a profound effect ontreatment of a variety of conditions, including SCI,TBI, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Drug, Gene, and Cell-Based Therapies for Recovery of Function

A variety of cell-based therapies are under devel-opment for neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, TBI,and SCI. Both embryonic stem cells and adult mesen-chymal cells secrete a variety of potentially beneficial

Figure 1.Areas of opportunity in rehabilitation research: molecule, cell, tissue, and organs.

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substances that have both anti-inflammatory and neu-roprotective qualities [17–18]. The feasibility andsafety of infusion of autologous (adult-derived) bonemarrow mesenchymal stem cells has been demon-strated in phase I studies in human subjects [19]. Cell-based therapies are viewed as major components ofregenerative neuroscience and medicine.

Recent studies are developing more efficientprotocols for conversion of embryonic stem cellsinto dopamine-producing neurons with the potentialto replace degenerating cells in patients with PD[20]. Translation of such neuron replacement ther-apy will be a challenge, where cells will need toboth differentiate appropriately and form functionalconnections with the host brain. The forms ofpotential cell-based therapies continue to expand.Not only can adult somatic cells be induced to formlines of pluripotent stem cells with properties ofembryonic stem cells (induced pluripotent stemcells) but recent studies have demonstrated thatadult human fibroblasts can be converted into func-tioning neurons [21–22]. The identification ofgenes that orchestrate neuronal development, suchas those coding for transcription factors, has madethese novel cell-based therapies possible.

Drug-based therapies targeting acute secondaryinjury mechanisms for TBI have shown tremendouspotential in experimental models but have yet to besuccessfully translated to clinical trials [23]. However,drug-based therapies targeting chronic intervals mayhave potential for attenuating injury-related neurode-generation and stimulating recovery mechanisms.Another opportunity is to examine the rehabilitationbenefits of drugs approved for other indications.An example is statins, which have been shown to havea neuroprotective effect in experimental central ner-vous system (CNS) disease models [24].

Muscle Function, Muscle Disease, and Motile Biological Systems

While conditions such as stroke, SCI, and TBIare primarily associated with neurological conse-quences, they can also affect multiple body tissuesas well as cellular structure and function. Nowhereis this more evident than in the effect on skeletalmuscle, where molecular regulation of fiber type,

metabolism, and contractile function is a rapidlygrowing research theme in both neurological disabil-ity and age-related functional declines. The biologyof sarcopenia (muscle wasting) in aging and disuseatrophy, both of which lead to weakness and insulinresistance, are important areas of geriatric muscle-molecular biology research.

Increasing data suggest that both these conditionsare modulated by master transcriptional regulators ofmuscle molecular phenotype, metabolism atrophy orhypertrophy signaling, and that these are modifiableby physical activity, altered neural innervation, andpossibly, pharmacologically. SCI and stroke producestrikingly similar downstream pathologies in skeletalmuscle that include atrophy, increased muscular areafat, and a major shift from slow twitch to the fastmyosin heavy chain molecular phenotype. Researchin such areas as activity-dependent plasticity (includ-ing calcineurin-related pathways) and activation ofPGC-1α (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorgamma coactivator 1-alpha), which upregulates slowtwitch muscle expression and glucose metabolism,constitute an opportunity for rehabilitation research toinnovate chronic disease management models in neu-rological disease as well as aging. Also important isunderstanding and treating acute musculoskeletalinjuries.

Bone Healing and DiseaseThe key to developing effective therapies for

bone loss is understanding the regulatory network forskeletal progenitors and downstream mediators.Understanding bone adaptation and healing will helpdevelopment of new therapeutic targets for traumaticinjury, osteoporosis, and other bone issues. Connec-tive tissue regeneration is also important to bonehealing and function. Important topics for futureresearch include implantable cartilage, cellular ther-apy such as stem cell homing, cell-cell communica-tion, and others.

Genetics and Genomics: Genomically BasedPersonalized Therapies

Genomics applied to rehabilitation carries greatpotential to assist in understanding molecularmechanisms of disease, injury, and recovery, as well

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as clinical effectiveness of therapies. Additionally, thefield will greatly assist in identification of new poten-tial targets, understanding responsiveness to clinicaltreatment, and potential targeting of rehabilitationtherapy approaches. Genetic variability associationwith the recovery process, response to rehabilitation,and recovery outcome are all areas of interest forrehabilitation genomics. Examples include workfocused on outcome after TBI and several candidategenes related to neuroplasticity (BDNF gene), bloodflow (ACE [angiotensin-converting enzyme] gene),and apoptosis (TP53) [25–26]. Genomic studies andfunctional profiling have also demonstrated the pres-ence of single amino acid substitutions that increaseor decrease the sensitivity of target channels to phar-macological agents, suggesting that personalized orgenomically based approaches to pain pharmacother-apy are possible [27–29]. The identification and sub-sequent validation of candidate genes can open newresearch approaches related to understanding the bio-logical pathways associated with conditions andrecovery mechanisms of interest.


Within the domain of physical and mental func-tion, we identified 35 key areas of opportunitywithin rehabilitation research (Table). Also impor-tant to this domain are medical complications ofdisabling conditions, including venous thromboem-bolism, pressure ulcers, and wound infections. Inaddition, understanding the rehabilitation of medi-cally complex patients and postintensive care syn-drome are of interest. These 35 areas are groupedinto 8 categories, which are briefly described next.

AgingAging has a profound effect on functional abil-

ity, outcomes, rehabilitative care plans, and treat-ment. As such, the effect of aging is an importanttopic for rehabilitative research. Language and othercognitive processes (e.g., memory, attention, deci-sion making) are readily susceptible to the effects ofaging, injury, or disease. Impairments to languageand or memory can affect quality of life and produce

barriers to employment, social relationships, and lei-sure activity. Identifying new rehabilitation strate-gies to enhance cognitive function and emotionalhealth are important research areas [30].

Recent work has shown that executive functions(goal setting, planning, decision making, etc.) areespecially vulnerable to the effects of vascular risk,which increases with age. This relationship is con-sistent with the pattern of gray matter changes andwhite matter integrity loss found to vary systemati-cally with vascular risk [31–33]. These data suggestthat systemic cerebrovascular health for the wholeperson may play a role in neural tissue degenerationin brain areas critical for executive functions.

Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive impairment associated with disease orinjury is an important theme for rehabilitationresearch. The cognitive sequelae of TBI and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are importantthemes for rehabilitation research. Evidence sug-gests that TBI may be a risk factor for several neuro-degenerative disorders [34]. Several studies haveimplied an effect of repeated episodes of concussionin combat and potential cumulative effects related tothe parallel and noninteractive development ofPTSD and prolonged sequelae of mild TBI [35–36].New therapies for the treatment of PTSD and TBIare of particular interest, e.g., the centrally actingalpha-adrenergic blocking agent, prazosin, to reducethe frequency and/or severity of nightmares [37–38].

TBI and PTSD can cause a constellation of over-lapping physical and emotional symptoms that areassociated with cognitive deficits, including execu-tive and attentional dysfunction [39]. Blast injurymay exacerbate these relationships and pose addi-tional challenges for the development of successfultreatments [40]. Additional research is needed tofully understand any effect of blast exposure on out-come. Depression has significant effects on cogni-tive function across a broad array of clinical issuesrelevant to Veteran rehabilitation research. Later-lifedepression is associated with cognitive deficiencyand increased risk of developing AD [41]. Models ofdepression and AD implicate glucocorticoids and

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Table.Areas of opportunity in rehabilitation research: physical and mental function.

Category Example

Aging and Impairment Successful aging with chronic illness and/or disability.

Role of mood and cognition in successful aging.

Cardiometabolic risk factors and aging.

Cognitive Impairment Understanding interplay of cognitive and emotional issues and their effect on rehabilitation.

Developing interventions that remedy cognitive and emotional issues in rehabilitation.

Exercise and Motor Learning Activity-dependent (including cognitive exercise) plasticity/regeneration and cognitive function.

Understanding relationship between physical activity and biological changes in muscle/bone.

Physical activity and effect on physiological systems, quality of life, functional ability, and pre-vention of illness (e.g., secondary stroke prevention and pelvic floor muscle training for uri-nary and fecal incontinence).

Understanding continuum of structured physical activity (i.e., types of exercise) and effect on health.

Models of motor function/optimizing motor function.

Effects in muscle of central nervous system-based trophic factors.

Neurodegeneration Neurodegenerative diseases and relationship to traumatic injury.

Neurodegenerative diseases and development of new treatment approaches and targets.

Importance of disease-modifying approaches to slow neurodegeneration and improve quality of life. Translational clinical strategies in progress include (1) modification of beta amyloid, Tau, and alpha-synuclein load to reduce disease pathology; (2) growth factor gene therapy to reduce cell death and improve cell function in Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease; and (3) anti-sense oligonucleotide therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Pain Understanding contributors to chronicity in pain: What are drivers of chronic neuropathic pain?

Understanding molecular and cellular basis for pain: development of new therapeutic targets and approaches.

Understanding transition from acute (nociceptive, and sometimes protective) pain to chronic, unprovoked (often neuropathic) pain.

Understanding integrative and cognitive basis for pain: development of new therapeutic approaches.

Pain as comorbidity and moderator and mediator.

Sensory Issues Understanding sensory issues related to injury, aging, and neurodegeneration.

Optimizing rehabilitation models for low vision, auditory impairment, and other sensory deficits.

Technologies to promote improved functional outcomes and community reintegration.

Spinal Cord Regeneration Mechanisms of regeneration.

Cellular and extracellular environment supporting axonal growth (e.g., matrices).

Growth factors and inhibitors.

Mechanisms to deliver therapeutics (e.g., growth factors, matrices).

Neural stem cells.

Development and evaluation of rehabilitative therapies for spinal cord injury.

Prevention and treatment of secondary complications.

Health promotion and maintenance of post-spinal cord injury.

Assistive technologies.

Motor Issues Paralysis.

Bladder and bowel control, sexual function and adaptation.

Respiratory support/upper airway.

Oral, speech, and swallowing.

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cerebrovascular disease as primary mechanismsleading to neuropathological changes [42].

Exercise and Motor Learning

Physical inactivity is a strong predictor of physi-cal disability in older adults, and physical activitypatterns decrease as a function of age [43]. Main-taining a physically active lifestyle is associatedwith prolonged longevity and a reduced risk ofbecoming physically disabled [44]. Physical activ-ity has been demonstrated to improve quality of lifeby improving overall well-being [45], reducingphysical symptoms [46], reducing depressive symp-toms [47], and improving self-efficacy [48]. Furtherresearch is needed to understand the dose, timing,and modalities of exercise to optimize long-termhealth outcomes and how to best synergize exercisewith motor learning, nutrition, and clinical path-ways across the continuum of care.

Aerobic exercise produces improvements in arange of cognitive domains, including auditory andvisual attention, processing speed and motor func-tion, and planning and working memory [49–50].Exercise has a broad role in causing, preventing, andtreating select medical conditions. Exercise-mediatedcognitive improvements are, in general, most robustfor executive control: an area of cognitive functiontypically most impaired in stroke, TBI, schizophre-nia, and aging with vascular risk factors [51].Although the mechanisms by which exercise affectscognition and affect are not conclusively delineated,several studies have documented a positive associa-tion between exercise and brain activation in thefrontal and parietal cortices, production of BDNF,and improved autonomic function [52–53].

Recent advances in neuroimaging methods haveenabled researchers to link alterations in brainstructure (e.g., cortical thickness, tissue integrity)and function (e.g., resting brain networks) with cog-nitive change in response to cognitive training andphysical exercise [54–56]. The use of neuroimagingto investigate the neurobiological effects of cogni-tive and physical exercise is currently limited buthas broad implications for guiding the developmentand evaluating the efficacy of rehabilitative strate-

gies for cognitive and emotional function in aging,neurodegenerative disease, and brain injury.

NeurodegenerationAs the proportion of the elderly population

increases, so does the number of individuals afflictedwith neurodegenerative disorders such as AD, PD,and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Identifyingaberrant processing of the amyloid precursor proteinas a major risk for the development of AD-typedementia has led to the development and testing ofseveral new classes of drugs to prevent or slow dis-ease progression, including amyloid-modifying com-pounds that are in clinical trials [57]. Greaterunderstanding of the biochemistry and role of thestructural protein tau in neurons has also led to clinicaltrials in AD that target this mechanism [58]. The find-ing that growth factors can prevent cell death arisingfrom diverse mechanisms and can stimulate cell func-tion has led to trials in AD, PD, and ALS [59]. In PD,appreciation for the importance of intracellular accu-mulation of alpha-synuclein in neuronal degenerationhas led to the development of new therapies in animalmodels that are in the process of undergoing clinicaltranslation [60–61]. Progress in understanding funda-mental risks associated with the development of spi-nal motor neuron loss, including the role of glia, isleading to new approaches to the treatment of ALS[62].

Spinal Cord RegenerationA topic of great interest in SCI research over the

last several decades has been the elucidation ofmechanisms that underlie the failure of central axonsto regenerate. Several mechanisms, both intrinsic andextrinsic to the adult neuron, contribute to regenera-tive failure. First, in the injured environment, cysticlesion cavities fail to become filled with cellular orextracellular matrices to support growth. Accordingly,experimental efforts aim to place permissive matrices(both natural and bioengineered) into the lesion site tosupport axonal growth. Second, growth factors arenot expressed at sites of SCI in appropriate spatial ortemporal gradients to promote the recruitment of newaxonal growth. This is in marked contrast to theregenerating peripheral nerve wherein Schwann cells

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produce a number of growth-promoting molecules,including NGF, BDNF, neurotrophin-3, GDNF, andothers [63]. Third, two classes of molecular inhibitorsto growth are present in the lesioned CNS to activelyblock axonal growth: inhibitory extracellular matrixproteins, including chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans,and inhibitory proteins present on adult myelin,including Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein, oli-godendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein, netrin, semapho-rins, Wnt proteins, and others [64–66]. Finally, unlikeperipherally injured neurons, centrally injured neu-rons fail to upregulate a repertoire of genes to supportan active, intrinsic growth state.

Based on these findings, experimental therapiesaim to (1) place bridges in spinal cord lesion sites,(2) deliver growth factors, (3) neutralize or elimi-nate inhibitors of growth, and (4) activate the intrin-sic growth state of the neuron. Individually, manyof these approaches incrementally improve axonalregeneration. When combined, the effects of theseexperimental interventions are more potent, result-ing in the first successes in achieving axonal regen-eration into and beyond spinal cord lesion sites overthe last few years [67–68]. To improve function inhumans, additional progress is needed. Primarily,the number of axons and the distance over whichaxons will regenerate needs to be substantiallyimproved to have detectable benefit in human trials.

PainPain is almost universally experienced as a con-

comitant of most physical and behavioral healthimpairments. Pain has been identified as an impor-tant moderator of the effectiveness of treatment forcommon mental health conditions, including depres-sion, substance use disorders, and PTSD [69].Reduction in pain may mediate improvements in therehabilitation of other disabling conditions such asstroke [70]. Consistent with these observations, cur-rent trends in rehabilitation research encourage thedevelopment and evaluation of integrated treatmentand rehabilitative approaches [71].

Existing medications might, at sufficient dosages,be effective in treating pain, but their efficacy islimited by off-target side effects, including ataxia,confusion, sedation, cardiac arrhythmias, and depen-

dency. This is especially true for pharmacologicalblockers of sodium channels that support the firing ofneurons. A goal of pain research has been the searchfor sodium channel subtypes that are selectively orpreferentially expressed in pain-signaling neurons.Research has identified a sodium channel that isspecifically produced only in pain-signaling neuronsand a sodium channel subtype that is upregulated ininjured pain-signaling neurons. This identification hasled to the functional profiling of other sodium channelsubtypes that are primarily expressed in peripheralneurons [72–75]. These studies have demonstratedhow these channels work together to generate painsignals [76]. Studies of rare inherited pain syndromeshave pinpointed pivotal molecules that drive pain sig-naling by identifying, for the first time, a single geneor gene product, the Nav1.7 sodium channel, that is amajor contributor to human pain [77–78].

A major challenge in understanding pain lies inthe transition from acute pain to chronic, unprovoked(often neuropathic) pain. Neuropathic pain takes on alife of its own, arising not from a noxious externalstimulus but from disease or dysfunction of the ner-vous system itself. Such pain negatively affects qual-ity of life in many after nerve injury or SCI, inassociation with diabetic neuropathy, and as a com-plication of cancer chemotherapy. Further, this typeof chronic pain is often refractory to existing pharma-cotherapies and represents a major challenge for mil-lions. In order to develop more effective therapies,understanding the factors that trigger and maintainneuropathic pain as well as the transition from acutenociceptive pain to chronic neuropathic pain isneeded. One such trigger is synaptic strengtheningcaused by central sensitization along the pain-signaling pathway. Recent studies have demon-strated major contributions from dysregulated expres-sion of ion channels that increase the excitability ofpain-signaling neurons [79–80].

In addition to molecular and cellular changes,there is evidence that psychosocial factors may belinked to the perpetuation, if not the development, ofchronic neuropathic pain and pain-related disability.High levels of maladaptive coping, high baselinefunctional impairment, presence of psychiatriccomorbidities, history of sexual trauma, and low

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general health status have been found to be particu-larly reliable predictors of poor outcomes [81–82].

Cognitive behavioral therapy has been demon-strated to be effective, either delivered alone or inthe context of interdisciplinary and multimodalapproaches for the management of pain associatedwith a broad array of disabling medical conditions[83–84]. Patient motivation and readiness to adopt apain self-management approach have been identifiedas reliable predictors of psychological treatmentengagement and adherence to therapist recommen-dations for pain coping-skill practice and have beenhighlighted as particularly important targets forintervention [85–86]. Continued research is neededto overcome barriers to access and engagement toeffective therapies and to develop new novel thera-pies, including nonpharmacological treatments.


VisualMillions of Americans have a visual impairment,

with prevalence estimated at 3.1 percent [87]. Inaddition to vision loss itself, the associated diseaseslead to substantial individual and societal costs aswell as disability. Important foci for research in thisarea include understanding the mechanisms associ-ated with disease and injury that contribute to visionloss; diagnosing and treating conditions leading tovision loss; and developing assistive equipmentand tools that support this research, such as high-resolution retinal imaging. Within these areas,important topics include (1) understanding opticneuroprotection; age-related macular degenerationand other retinopathies; optic neuropathy caused byglaucoma ischemia, compression, toxins or trauma,and diabetic retinopathy; (2) identifying biomarkersfor disease, injury, and response to treatment; sub-retinal and transcorneal electrical stimulation; and(3) assessing via computers and detecting visualfield loss and imaging modalities for assessment ofstructure and function of the visual system that canalso be applied to remote, telemedical assessment;retinal prosthesis; and wayfinding and mobilitydevices. In addition, recent evidence has shown thatdegenerative disorders affecting the CNS, such as

MS, TBI, PD, and AD, can also affect the layers ofthe retina and neural pathways mediating vision andeye movements. Assessments of visual and oculo-motor function (e.g., eye movements, eyelid move-ment and blinking, accommodation and pupilmovements) and retinal structure may provide easilyquantifiable ancillary rehabilitatory tools to assessCNS disorders and their treatment.

AuditoryThe prevalence of hearing loss is increasing at

1.6 times the rate of population growth in theUnited States—due primarily to the shift in popula-tion demographics toward higher age groups [88]. Itis estimated that over 34 million Americans havesome degree of hearing loss. This trend is particu-larly prevalent in the Veteran population where tin-nitus and hearing loss are the most common andsecond-most common of all service-connected dis-abilities for Veterans, respectively [89]. The pri-mary remediation for hearing loss is the use ofhearing aids. However, three of every four peoplewith hearing loss (and 6 of every 10 people withmoderate-to-severe hearing loss) do not use hearingaids. Further, many patients who wear hearing aidsare dissatisfied with their performance.

Numerous studies have examined the reasonswhy individuals with hearing loss tend to be satis-fied or dissatisfied with treatment. There is generalagreement that outcomes are associated with thehearing aid itself, in combination with individualdifferences in auditory, cognitive, and psychologi-cal factors [90–91]. Research is needed in the areasof evaluation, treatment, and ongoing rehabilitationto increase the use and effectiveness of hearing aidsand/or assistive listening devices.

Anything that can cause hearing loss can alsotrigger the onset of tinnitus. Based on multiple stud-ies, the prevalence of tinnitus in adults in the UnitedStates is estimated at 10 to 15 percent [92]. It wasrecently reported that Veterans have twice the preva-lence of tinnitus as non-Veterans [89]. Most tinnitusinterventions focus on reducing reactions to tinnitusrather than attempting to mitigate the sensation[93]. Research is needed to evaluate the effective-ness of the most promising treatments and to

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identify patient characteristics that are associatedwith the effectiveness of various treatments.

Motor Issues

Motor control and motor learning are importantareas of concern for rehabilitation researchers. Twoexample conditions frequently associated withmotor issues are SCI and stroke. SCI can cause lossof voluntary control and involve movement of thearms and hands, trunk, lower limbs, breathing andcough, bladder and bowel function, and sexualfunction. Pain and spasticity may also be encoun-tered. Findings show that latent pathways of the spi-nal cord may be facilitated by activation throughinduced movement such as robotic devices andbody-weight supported treadmill training combinedwith low-level electrical stimulation delivered epi-durally to the spinal cord [94].

With regard to stroke, there is evolving evi-dence that patients retain the capacity to regainfunction for extended periods after their originalinsult. This outcome is due to the plasticity of thecerebral cortex that enables areas of the brain to bereassigned the control tasks [95]. Repetitive activityis well suited to technologies that supplement theactions of the therapist and allow professionals todirect their attention toward higher-level interven-tion. Robotic devices that augment the patient’sown effort are well suited to repetition, as are inter-ventions that employ electrical stimulation deliv-ered to the muscle. Another important issue facingpatients with stroke is swallowing and aspiration(dysphagia). Appropriate management of dysphagiais important for patients with stroke because it canlead to poor nutrition and increased disability. Inaddition to these areas, other important topicsinclude research focused on pulmonary rehabilita-tion and speech and language recovery.


Within the domain of new technologicalapproaches affecting rehabilitation research, Figure 2

identifies 11 key areas of opportunity. Of the manytechnological approaches affecting rehabilitation,these areas identified in Figure 2 are highlightedbecause of recent improvements in their use eitherclinically or in research.

Neural Prostheses

Neural prostheses are often divided into twocategories: motor and sensory. These medicaldevices are generally implanted with the goal ofrestoring some aspect of either motor or sensoryfunction that has been lost elsewhere in the bodydue to injury or disease, such as SCI or stroke. Inrestoration of movement, neural prostheses are usedto stimulate intact upper motor neurons that are stillconnected to paralyzed muscle (striated or smooth).In attempts to restore sensation, neural prosthesesare used to stimulate intact sensory neurons that arestill ultimately connected to the brain but whoseperipheral sensory receptors have been damaged.Neural prostheses have been used to restore somevoluntary control of paralyzed upper and lowerlimbs, trunk control and postural stability, bladderand bowel control, and breathing and cough and forbuilding muscle tissue for prevention of pressuresores [96]. Lower-limb systems can restore some

Figure 2.Promising new technological approaches affecting rehabilitation.

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ability to stand, transfer from one surface toanother, and some walking capability.

Neural prostheses also include brain-computerinterface systems. These systems use a variety ofneural recording technologies on the skin or brainsurface or penetrate into the brain for recording cor-tical neural signals and translating them into infor-mation that can be used to control other devices,such as computers, motor neural prostheses, orelectromechanical prosthetic limbs [97]. The morecomplex systems use a small array of invasive pene-trating recording electrodes that can record electrodepotentials from single cells and integrate the activityfrom multiple cells to create control information.A recent article describes two people with tetraple-gia using an implanted 96-channel microelectrodearray in their motor cortex to control a robotic armto perform complex reach and grasp movements[98].

Electrical stimulation provides a means of restor-ing some bladder control. Stimulation of the sacralroots either in the extradural or intradural space cangenerate significant bladder pressure. Relaxation ofthe external sphincter appears to be feasible by eitherinducing a reflex relaxation through the pudendalnerve or by blocking activity to the external sphinc-ter, e.g., through the high-frequency blocking tech-nique [99]. Restoration of bowel function has notbeen as extensively researched as restoration of blad-der function. While newly advancing bladder sys-tems are expected to have a similar effect on thebowel as earlier devices, additional research will benecessary.

Sensory neural prostheses are typified by devicessuch as the cochlear implant, which stimulates theendings of the auditory nerve when the hair cellshave been destroyed. There have also been success-ful preliminary clinical results in stimulating theoptic nerve when the photoreceptors of the retinahave been damaged [100].

Magnetic StimulationTranscranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) involves

the discharge of a large capacitor into a conductive coilpositioned over the scalp, with the rapidly changingcurrent in the coil generating electric fields in the brain

[101]. TMS techniques include methods to both stimu-late and inhibit cortical function. TMS has been shownto improve language function after stroke [102]. Thepresence of TMS-evoked motor potentials has beenfound to be predictive of recovery after stroke [103–104]. Impairments of the corticobulbar system in theform of motor speech disorders, caused by decreasedexcitability of the cerebral cortex, have also beenshown to be amenable to treatment with TMS in PD[105–107]. Repetitive TMS stimulation designed tosuppress activity in the unaffected hemisphere canenhance motor and language performance generatedfrom the affected side [108]. A more recent type ofrepetitive stimulation, theta-burst stimulation, cantransiently improve the efficacy of the affected motorcortex [109].

In the future, TMS may increasingly becomepart of an evidence-based rehabilitation practice inwhich measurement of neuronal and clinical deficitresult in application of a rehabilitation program spe-cifically designed to reverse that deficit. New meth-ods of noninvasively stimulating the brain are alsobeing developed, including transcranial direct cur-rent stimulation, and these may supplant TMS whenthe goal is the neuromodulation of wide areas [110].

Functional Brain ImagingMany forms of advanced imaging are important

tools of interest for rehabilitation research. Func-tional brain imaging is of particular interest becauseof the potential to measure brain activity in the con-text of brain function. Magnetic resonance imaging isthe most widely used, and other techniques includepositron emission tomography, near infrared spec-troscopy, and electro/magneto-encephalography.

The use of functional imaging to measure brainactivity related to movement, language, and othercognitive functions after stroke has led to severalconclusions related to brain reorganization, althoughthe field has been fraught with controversy. Much ofthis has to do with the functional role of brain areasthat are activated during task performance. Forexample, in aphasia resulting from stroke, there isfrequently activation of nondominant hemispherichomologs of language areas. However, this activityappears to correlate with poorer function and, when

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suppressed, can lead to better recovery [111]. In therealm of motor recovery and rehabilitation, non-primary motor areas in both hemispheres are fre-quently active during motor tasks after stroke, andmany appear to contribute to the recovered ability tomove [112]. As with TMS, prediction of recovery isalso possible with functional imaging [113]. Futuredevelopments in this area may enhance understand-ing of neuronal function during recovery and thus bea useful tool for rehabilitation research.

Virtual RealityVirtual reality (VR) systems in rehabilitation

consist of a computer, software, various types of dis-play devices, and mechanisms for user interaction(gloves, sensors, treadmills, etc.). Haptic and othersensory feedback may also be part of the system. VRsystems are well suited to simulate naturalistic envi-ronments where rehabilitation patients have chal-lenges. VR systems have been successfully used forimprovement of balance and ambulation poststroke;skill training; and motor rehabilitation for TBI, SCI,and in other areas [114–115]. VR systems for reha-bilitation could provide an enhanced approach forcontrolled functional measurement in a variety ofapplications.

TelerehabilitationTelehealth encompasses a range of clinical ser-

vices performed when distance separates provider andpatient. These services include medical diagnosis,health monitoring, and therapy. A meta-analysis of 29home-based telehealth studies revealed an overallpositive effect of a variety of interventions on clinicaloutcomes in diverse patient populations [116].

An example of telehealth for rehabilitation istinnitus management for Veterans and military per-sonnel with TBI [117]. Another example is theemerging use of remote monitoring devices toassess visual structure and function [118]. Develop-ment of automated image analysis of retinal andoptic nerve images collected remotely allows disor-ders such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, pap-illedema, and diabetic retinopathy to be diagnosedand monitored for effective treatment and more effi-cient triage [119–122].

RoboticsRobotic-assisted rehabilitation has long offered

the promise of repetitive task practice without thera-pist fatigue, programmability to customize motorlearning paradigms, measurement capacity to empiri-cally progress training and quantify outcomes, andefficiency to possibly reduce costs. Until recently,data establishing comparative effectiveness of robot-ics to usual care or other forms of rehabilitation werenot available. In Veterans with chronic stroke,robotic-assisted rehabilitation for upper-limb functionhad similar treatment benefits to aggressive occupa-tional therapy and was more effective than usual care[123]. Emerging research themes in this area are test-ing modular, lower-limb, multi-segmental, and wholebody exoskeletons; advanced control algorithms;novel motor learning paradigms; and patient-robotinterfaces to enhance control and/or usability.

Portable Monitoring and Mobile ApplicationsPortable monitoring is rising in use along with

telehealth to improve the outreach, customization,and quality of rehabilitation and related services.Examples of portable monitoring methodologies thathave entered clinical translational research relevantto rehabilitation include continuous monitoring ofphysical activity, eye structure and function, bodyposition, surrogate measures of balance, electroen-cephalography, geo-location, select cardiopulmonaryparameters, and integrated sleep apnea/integritymonitoring systems. An example is a microprocessor-linked step monitor that was shown to be accurate incounting steps in patients with stroke [124]. Newergenerations of monitors include wearable technologyand accelerometers coupled with gyroscopes andlinked to smartphones, making portable whole-bodymovement analyses and feedback to track andimprove the quality, quantity, and safety of multi-segmental movements and balance a new frontier inrehabilitation research [125]. Smartphone applica-tions also provide mechanisms to deliver context rele-vant information as well as gathering data.

Biomaterials/Tissue EngineeringBioengineering advances have the potential to

improve regenerative therapies for SCI. Nanotech-nology has allowed the fabrication of synthetic

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bridges to guide axons into and through sites of SCI[126–127]. Bioengineered matrices can be loadedwith therapeutic substances, including growth fac-tors, that are gradually released over time to furtherenhance axon regeneration. Engineered nanofiberscaffolding constructs are also being developed toimprove the delivery of progenitor cells in CNSinjury [128]. Biomaterials and tissue engineeringtechniques have been used in a wide array of areas,including development of cartilage, bladder, skin,and biomaterials for bone tissue regeneration.These approaches are important for the future ofrehabilitation and rehabilitation research.

Advanced WheelchairsEffective wheelchair mobility requires that the

person and wheelchair work together intimately toform an effective human-machine system. Theinteractions vary from mechanical interfaces, suchas seating, positioning, and propulsion, to controland sensing interfaces that operate on a sliding scaleof autonomy and assistance. Optimal wheelchairmobility promotes the wheelchair and user workingsymbiotically as one from physical, sensory, andcontrol perspectives [129]. Significant problemsremain with secondary conditions associated withwheelchair usage, such as repetitive strain injury,pain, deformities, tissue integrity, and functionallimitations [130]. It is essential to understand theinteraction between the fixed and flexible builtenvironment in order to facilitate full participationof wheelchair users. It is also important to under-stand tasks such as transfers, obstacle negotiation,and whole-body vibration [131]. In addition, pro-viding enhanced mechanisms for transfer assistanceis needed. Research is needed into fixed and mobiledexterous manipulators [132]. There are still manytechnical, social, and behavioral barriers to over-come related to wheelchairs and their users.

Advanced Prosthetics and OrthoticsProsthetics and orthotics continue to evolve and

improve for both upper- and lower-limb applica-tions. Perhaps the most dramatic example of successin lower-limb prosthetics was an individual withbilateral below-knee amputation running in the 2012

London Olympics and competing at the highest ath-letic level. An example of a new approach is theactively powered foot/ankle prostheses. When com-pared with passive-elastic prostheses, this approachresulted in decreased metabolic energy costs andincreased walking velocities [133]. Other examplesinclude advanced upper-limb prosthetics that allowmany more degrees of freedom of movement thanpreviously available in upper-arm prosthetics [134].Dexterous hands and arms that have nearly anthro-pometric movement have been developed.

Even with these major advances, significantchallenges remain for completely compensating forlimb loss. Advanced upper-limb prosthetics facechallenges in obtaining sufficient control signalsfrom the user to control multiple degrees of free-dom. Lower-limb prosthetics continue to face chal-lenges in areas such as allowing users to walk overuneven terrain and stairs or the ability to easilychange gait velocity. Other than vision and extendedphysiological proprioception, prostheses do not, ingeneral, provide sensation to the user. Researcherscontinue to investigate methods of providing sen-sory feedback, either by vibration or low-level elec-trical stimulation to remaining sensory nerves.

Another significant issue is attachment of theprosthesis to the body. Currently, the socket is themeans for attachment of a prosthesis to the residuallimb. There are many unsolved problems with thefitting of sockets, such as changes in limb volumeduring the day and over time, temperature, perspira-tion, and the sometimes frequent breakdown of theskin due to pressure. Advances in osseointegration,direct attachment of the prosthetic to the bone, maysomeday provide a means for improving the attach-ment of the prosthesis [135]. Dental implants havedemonstrated the potential for these new interfaces,and new materials for biointegration and stable skininterfaces make these interfaces appear feasible forprosthetic application. Another area of research isphantom pain. Elimination or mitigation of the painresponse is important for the person with amputa-tion. Targeted muscle reinnervation has yieldedsome encouraging results as a method to reduce oreliminate phantom-limb pain in some individuals.

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Within the domain of social and communityintegration and design and delivery of rehabilitativeservices, Figure 3 identifies five key areas ofopportunity within rehabilitation research.

Key to rehabilitative efforts is an understandingof the role of the social and community environ-ment and social integration and its effect on one’sphysical condition. Strong social networking and apositive environment are relevant to both limitingthe rate of natural decline as well as expediting therecovery process. The converse is also true; a limitedsocial support system or nonaccommodating envi-ronment can result in suboptimal outcomes to other-wise manageable conditions.

Transitions to Stages of Care and fromUnimpaired to Impaired State

The transition from an unimpaired to impairedstate needs to be defined in terms that extendbeyond the clinical environment and consideredwithin the context of both how and where care isbeing provided and the transition environment.Seamless transition is especially a challenge whensubtle decline is noted in an ambulatory or nonclini-cal setting and when the consequences are moresocial rather than medical (e.g., loss of job, familydissolution, incarceration). In these settings, there isoften a mismatch among the care provided (oravailable), the degree of evolving impairment, andthe social supports needed. Research designed to

identify and intervene in nontraditional settings rep-resents a novel effort at addressing these mis-matches in disability needs and care settings [136].

Understanding Effects on Employment, Social Life, Family, Driving, and Life Space

Employment is often viewed in a more limitedcontext as necessary for economic self-sufficiencyand sustainment. However, several studies havealso demonstrated the therapeutic effects ofemployment, particularly in settings that accommo-date physical or cognitive limitations [137–139].Self-worth, constructive engagement, and physicaland cognitive conditioning are all related toemployment status. Similarly, the role of social sup-ports and social networking have long been recog-nized as critical to recovery efforts, while conversely,social isolation and withdrawal have a deleteriouseffect on the mental and physical functioning ofindividuals [140–141]. The contribution of caregiv-ers and their effect on the rehabilitation process isalso an important topic. In addition, it is importantto develop and understand models of care for man-aging client, caregiver, and family psychosocialissues in rehabilitation. Individuals with limitedsocial contact and poor social support systems cou-pled with limited financial resources are often themost vulnerable to a debilitating or disabling event[142]. In addition, the study of employment as atherapeutic tool to enhance and sustain rehabilita-tive outcomes (coupled or uncoupled with socialsupports and mentoring) represents an importantresearch area.

Figure 3.Areas of opportunity in rehabilitation research: social and community integration and design and delivery of rehabilitation services.

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Sites of Care, Role of Healthcare Systems,Multidisciplinary Team Care, and Specialist Care

While increased care coordination, includingteam-based care, is usually associated with improvedoutcomes, we have incomplete knowledge on howsuch care actually achieves the desired outcomes.Team-based care can also be costly and inefficient.Stroke rehabilitation outcomes, e.g., functional gains,length of stay, and discharge destination, were shownto vary by the characteristics of rehabilitation teams[143]. In addition, in a subsequent clinical trial, aprocess improvement intervention directed at teamfunctioning was associated with improved strokeoutcomes in the experimental versus control sites[144–145]. Further understanding relating to thedynamics of team-based care in rehabilitation in vari-ous care settings is an important topic for futureresearch. In particular, understanding team function-ing (or more broadly, processes of care) and its rela-tionship with patient outcomes is an important areaof focus.

Understanding and Mitigating Environmental Factors Affecting Care

Mitigating environmental factors include familyissues such as domestic violence, emotional neglect,and home conditions. Understanding challengesassociated with mitigating environmental factorsaffecting care can be considered within the contextof homeless patients, who often present withextreme challenges associated with social integra-tion. Musculoskeletal conditions and traumaticarthropathies are the most common comorbiditiesamong homeless and imminent homeless (extremepoverty) cohorts and play a significant role in deter-mining capacity to work and disability [146]. Impor-tant areas of inquiry for these high-risk populationsinclude developing approaches for earlier identifica-tion and development of care models focused onemployment and self-sufficiency. Still another areaof future inquiry is identification of care models forthose individuals who are treatment resistant or whohave not done well in traditional care because oftheir social condition, destructive behaviors, orextensive needs.

Self-Efficacy in Rehabilitation

Self-efficacy refers to how confident a patient isabout his or her abilities based on feelings of self-confidence and control [147]. The degree to which apatient believes that he or she is competent to man-age a chronic condition can be directly related totreatment outcomes and the ability to self-managethe condition. An example intervention is educationleading to self-management for chronic pain man-agement [148]. In the past, urgent pain relief mostlydepended on treatments such as opioid drugs or sur-gery. In current practice, it is recognized that effec-tive management of chronic pain depends muchmore on patients’ own efforts and expectations.Another example of successful self-management isProgressive Tinnitus Management, which is used inthe VA [149].

As patients become more actively involved indecisions affecting their clinical care in a recovery-oriented context, they naturally experience a greatersense of commitment to participate in the care man-agement process. The movement toward patientengagement and self-care has resulted in a greatershift of responsibility from healthcare providers topatients for aspects of their disease management[150]. Accomplishing this shift of responsibilityrequires working with patients to help them under-stand their condition, participate in decisions regard-ing their management plan, develop and follow theplan, and monitor success of their self-managementeffort and revise the plan as needed. This overallapproach is appropriately termed “collaborative self-management.” Understanding interventions and fac-tors that enhance engagement in rehabilitation is animportant area of research.


In addition to the research opportunities notedin this editorial, we identified several importantthemes as critical issues for rehabilitation research.These themes relate to translational rehabilitationresearch and methodological challenges associatedwith rehabilitation research.

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Methodological Challenges, Measures, and Metrics

There are two critical challenges in conductingclinical trials in rehabilitation: the variation in clini-cal conditions underlying functional impairmentsand the range of individualized treatments providedin usual care. In prosthetics, for example, uniquevariations in and modifications to each piece ofequipment may affect outcomes. Understanding theefficacy of rehabilitation interventions requiresdetailed knowledge regarding the complete array ofservices provided rather than just the length of stayor hours of therapy [151]. Further, rehabilitationinterventions are often comprised of many compo-nents, require a team approach, and involve variedlevels of patient engagement or participation.

The long-standing gold standard for evidence-based practice is a well-conducted, multicentered(phase III) randomized clinical trial. However, therehave been very few large-scale clinical trials to testsafety and efficacy for interventions in rehabilita-tive care. Some of the reasons for this relativelysmall number are associated with difficulty in stan-dardization of rehabilitation protocols, use ofappropriate control groups, and identification andrecruitment of participants. Key challenges relatedto evaluating rehabilitation devices in clinical trialsrelate to their design for individual use and blind-ing. Often, blinding is not possible in clinical trialson technology. Although research methods exist toaccommodate the challenges of small sample size,additional research is needed in the statistical meth-odology for alternative study designs that do notrely on large sample sizes [152]. Examples of theseapproaches are n of 1 studies and use of quasi-experimental designs.

A challenge for all clinical research, not justrehabilitation clinical studies, is the development ofmeasures that relate to disability and impairmentand also allow measurement of clinically meaning-ful change. Opportunities for research in this areainclude measures assessing cognitive function(including language), physiological function, andquality of life in the rehabilitation setting. In addi-tion, tools to assess social integration and patientengagement are of interest.

Challenges Involved in Translational Research: Bench to Bedside

Translation of research from basic science intoclinical development and use in clinical practicerequires moving through two major barriers: humanstudies and translation of new knowledge into wide-spread use in clinical practice and healthcare decisionmaking [153]. Development of new knowledge andclinical application is facilitated by the flow of infor-mation back and forth from the domains of basic andapplied research, as well as the domains of clinicalpractice and the human environment. Rehabilitationresearch that is concerned with the integrative modelof human functioning crosses all these domains [154].

Limited understanding of the biological mecha-nisms associated with rehabilitation domains presentsa challenge in identifying potential molecular targetsand interventions that could affect functional limita-tion. The identification of key molecular targets is achallenge for all translational research and is necessaryfor translating a biological discovery into a drug,device, or other intervention that will facilitaterehabilitation. Additionally, testing hypotheses indifferent models and in humans is also needed tovalidate therapeutic targets. Translational researchrequires the formation of many partnerships, includingresearchers, sponsors, clinicians, participants, andindustry. Infrastructure such as experienced investiga-tive teams, clinical research pharmacies (with regula-tory support), pharmacogenomic laboratories, andadvanced technology centers are needed to facilitatetranslational research efforts.

It is our hope that this editorial will serve toenhance interest and activity in the field of rehabili-tation research, which holds a vital and importantplace in the scientific enterprise.

Alexander K. Ommaya, ScD;1 Kenneth M. Adams, PhD;2 Richard M. Allman, MD;3 Eileen G. Collins, PhD, RN;4 Rory A. Cooper, PhD;5 C. Edward Dixon, PhD;6 Paul S. Fishman, MD, PhD;7 James A. Henry, PhD;8 Randy Kardon, MD, PhD;9 Robert D. Kerns, PhD;10 Joel Kupersmith, MD;1* Albert Lo, MD, PhD;11 Richard Macko, MD;12 Rachel McArdle, PhD;13 Regina E. McGlinchey, PhD;14 Malcolm R. McNeil, PhD;15 Thomas P. O’Toole,

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MD;16 P. Hunter Peckham, PhD;17 Mark H. Tuszynski, MD, PhD;18 Stephen G. Waxman, MD, PhD;19 George F. Wittenberg, MD, PhD20

1VA Office of Research and Development, Washing-ton, DC; 2Mental Health Service, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Ann Arbor, MI; and Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; 3Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) and Division of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Birmingham VA Medical Center (VAMC), Birming-ham, AL; and Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Medicine, Department of Medicine, Univer-sity of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL; 4Research and Development Ser-vice, Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, IL; and College of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 5Human Engineering Research Labora-tories, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, PA; 6GRECC, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburg, PA; and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; 7Neurology Service, Baltimore VAMC, Balti-more, MD; and Department of Neurology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 8National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research, Portland VAMC, Portland, OR; and Depart-ment of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Ore-gon Health & Science University, Portland, OR; 9Division of Neuro-ophthalmology and VA Research Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Loss, Iowa City VA Health Care System, Iowa City, IA; and University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 10Pain Research, Informatics, Multi-Morbidity, and Educa-tion Center, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, New Haven, CT; and Departments of Psychiatry, Neurol-ogy, and Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT; 11Providence VAMC, Providence, RI; and Departments of Neurology and Public Health, Divi-sion of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, Providence, RI; 12Rehabilitation Research and Devel-opment (RR&D) Center of Excellence and GRECC, Baltimore VAMC, Baltimore, MD; and Departments of Neurology, Medicine, and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 13Bay Pines VA Healthcare System, Bay Pines, FL; and Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of

Behavioral and Community Disorders, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; 14GRECC and Transla-tional Research Center for TBI and Stress Disorders, VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, MA; and Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 15GRECC, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburg, PA; and Department of Communi-cation Science and Disorders, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; 16Providence VAMC, Providence, RI; and Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Provi-dence, RI; 17Cleveland Functional Electrical Stimula-tion Center, Louis Stokes Cleveland VAMC, Cleveland, OH; and Department of Biomedical Engi-neering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH; 18VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA; and Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; 19Center of Excellence for Restoration of Nervous System Func-tion, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, New Haven, CT; and Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; 20GRECC, Baltimore VAMC, Baltimore, MD; and Department of Neurology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD*Email: [email protected]


Additional Contributions: We thank Louise Arnheim for her review and helpful suggestions regarding the manuscript. She was not compensated for her contributions.Disclaimer: The views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the VA or the U.S. Government.


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This article and any supplementary material should becited as follows:Ommaya AK, Adams KM, Allman RM, Collins EG,Cooper RA, Dixon CE, Fishman PS, Henry JA, KardonR, Kerns RD, Kupersmith J, Lo A, Macko R, McArdleR, McGlinchey RE, McNeil MR, O’Toole TP, PeckhamPH, Tuszynski MH, Waxman SG, Wittenberg GF.Opportunities in rehabilitation research. J Rehabil ResDev. 2013;50(6):vii–xxxii.

ResearcherID/ORCID: Richard M. Allman, MD: D-5964-2011

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