Download - Guia Writing 2 (1)



Programa: Programa Nacional de Ingls

Curso: Ingls 2 Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn

Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico.

Crditos: Dos (2).


General Objective:

To express effectively and, in a written form, ideas about contextualized/real situations, taking care the proper use of grammar and vocabulary learned through the course.

Specific objectives:

To comprehend and apply the main three stages of writing; pre-writing, writing, after writing. To write a short text in which you show the proper use of grammar and vocabulary learned through the units and previous levels. To stimulate the writing skill as a creative and organized process.


Comparatives and superlatives

Simple past tense

There was/there were

Asking for directions

Modal verbsAdjectives

Verbs in past tense

Giving and asking for directions

Descriptions of a place

Giving adviseAnd, then, besides, also, additionally, too, furthermore, moreover, apart from, in addition to

Learning strategy: To write a text in which the e-student shows the handle of the grammar and vocabulary acquired during the English courses and through accompany of the e- tutor and e-students. During the development of the writing activity, the e- student acquires the skills according to writing, following a series of steps (see Annex 1) to complete the final product, in which the skills expected to be acquired are: style, creativity, coherence, cohesion, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. Score:

100 points

Expected results in the forum (30 points):A. FORUM AT PRACTICE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT

Individually complete the pre writing activities. To share the solution of the pre-writing activities, you must upload them in a Word document in the Forum or add them directly in the Forum. (score: 10/100)B. FORUM AT COLLABORATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTGroup intervention: The entire group will decide on sub topics that you would like to include in the design of the brochure, as evidence of this process, every member of the group must participate at least 3 times. Additionally you must decide on the specific place you are going to talk about (a museum, amusement park, a special city/town, etc; the one fulfills your interests. This can be either by your personal decision or by a group decision). (score: 10/100)Individual intervention: You will share the drafts of your personal brochure with the purpose of receiving some feedback from your tutor, this must be prior to the construction of the final version. Remember that you must share your drafts by participating in the Forum in a period no later than 3 days before the final duedate (based on University regulations and academic policies, see academic resolution 006808). (score: 10/100)Final product (70 points):

You were asked to design and construct a brochure about my last vacations (see Annex 2 Features of informative texts and brochures). In your final version of your brochure you must take into account if this comply the following requirements: You develop a mnimum of 4 differents aspects/tem taken from the general discussion in the Forum (group intervention in the collaborative learning environment). Take into account that, in all cases, the last item for everyone is the location of the place and how to come to that place.

In the development of each one of the 4 aspects/tems, you must include a mnimum of 4 complete phrases that at all could be joined as a logical paragraph (around 50 to 80 words each one).

To construct each one of the 4 paragraphs, you will use past tense as a gramatical requirement (remember, you must talk about your last vacations). To get a visible evidence of the use of this gramatical tense you will highlight all verbs and expressions related to that tense.How to consolidate the final versin of your brochure: Consolidate and submit your brochure to the corresponding place. Use the dictionary when necessary during the writing process. I recommend you to use this online dictionary that will help you with meanings of words according to their context, spelling, sinonyms, etc. Proof read your writing drafts and share them in the Forum, you will receive unvaluable feedback from your peers and tutor

On-line Translators are useful tools, however, they are not able to do your job! Be responsible at using them. Be creative! Imagination and good sense of humor are important items when writing.

Finally, If you need some help in how to write your sentences, ideas or paragraphs, these web sites can help you.

ANNEX 1WHAT AND HOW TO WRITE (The Writing Process) 1. Prewriting

Before you begin writing, you must decide what to write about. There are a number of prewriting exercises that will help you decide on a topic. The topic is the subject you are going to write about. You just need to start a free writing to have an idea.

Example: My topic is How is my daily life

outlining Vocabulary or ideas: Daily routines, City, age...

2. Drafting

The drafting is about the process to put the ideas into sentences and paragraph forms. It is necessary to use the pre writing notes or lists to guide your writing.

Example:My LifeMy name is Carlos Santa, I am 25 years old, I live in Bogot. I wake up early in the morning, then I go to work. ...

3. Revising

This is the moment to in which you check your own work. To do this this is necessary to read and reread to notice the coherence of the text.

4. Presenting

After you have revised the text you need to present, or share, your writing with others (peer - correction/ feedback). In this case, you will use the Writing Forum.

ANNEX 2SOME FEATURES OF INFORMATIVE TEXTSWhen you are writing an informative text you need to think about who you are writing for. For example, are you writing for a child, a friend or a work colleague? This will make a difference to how you organize the writing and the language you use.

Informative texts usually:

avoid repetition

contain facts

give information in a clear way introducing it and then developing it.

SOME FEATURES OF BROCHURES Visual pictures, graphs, charts, maps, etc

Interesting and varied font (size, type, color)


Text boxes

Not too much text

Use of bullets Covers stand out

Contain places to learn more

Information retrieved from:

Images retrieved from: and adapted by SAW group-UNADTUTORIALS (USE OF MICROSOFT PUBLISHER) (versin 2010) (versin 2013)

BROCHURE SAMPLES1. (visit this place)

2. Another example

RECOMMENDED LINKS (informative texts) (main facts about brochures

PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY - PREWRITING (PRACTICE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT)1. This is a section of a brochure. Unscramble the following sentences giving to the text complete sense and coherence. To do this, you will find some sentences, labeled from 1 to 13, you must reorganize them in the space provided.


1. sleep the local way.

2. and support local community projects,

3. At intrepid, we love to travel.

4. while at the same time minimising our impact on the communities we visit,

5. at the centre of everything we do.

6. We use local leaders,

7. Every year we take more than 100.000 travelers around the world

8. eat the local way and

9. It is as simple as that.

10. ensuring we keep sustainability and responsible tourism

11. local accommodation

12. This grassroots style of travel ensures unforgettable real life experiences,

13. in small group adventures that allow them to travel the local way,









2. While you are reorganizing the paragraph highlight, using the following colors, the language elements:

Yellow: verbsLight blue: linking words or phrases ( words and phrases used to show relationships between ideas).3. Take the verbs from the previous exercise and complete the following chart



Attention!!!!!!!!Add as many rows as you need to complete your task

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