Page 1: Guide to applying for Skilling Queenslanders for Work funding · informed about upcoming funding rounds. Step 2: APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Organisation identifies the need for a project

Guide to applying for funding

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Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Application process .................................................................................................................................. 3

Registration process ................................................................................................................................. 4

Completing an application ........................................................................................................................ 5

Select a Program Type ......................................................................................................................... 5

Navigation ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Key Contacts ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Project Overview ................................................................................................................................... 5

Dates and Intakes ................................................................................................................................. 6

Expected Outcomes .............................................................................................................................. 6

Objectives and Support Measures ........................................................................................................ 6

Target Groups and Industries ............................................................................................................... 7

Project Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 7

RTO Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Work Skills Traineeships ....................................................................................................................... 8

Project Budget .................................................................................................................................... 10

Support Expenses............................................................................................................................... 11

Budget Summary ................................................................................................................................ 11

Assessment questions ........................................................................................................................ 11

Declaration ......................................................................................................................................... 13

Submitting an application .................................................................................................................... 13

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This application guide provides additional information and tips for completing the Skilling Queenslanders for Work online application form. It is strongly recommended that all applicants read the relevant program guidelines for funding and the Skilling Queenslanders for Work Services Agreement before completing and submitting an application.

Application process

All applications must be submitted through the SQW Apps online application portal. Applicants should ensure that their application is complete prior to submission. The following chart describes the key steps in completing an application and developing and delivering a Skilling Queenslanders for Work project.

Step 1:


Funding rounds are announced on the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) webpage at:

Interested organisations are advised to link to this page and check it regularly to keep informed about upcoming funding rounds.

Step 2:


Organisation identifies the need for a project that meets the objectives of the program and addresses the assessment criteria. Regional officers are available to provide advice and assist with application development.

The project must provide a pathway to employment, or further training and align to an occupation or job outcome.

Step 3:

REGISTER TO APPLY Register your organisation by creating an account for SQW Apps Online.

Step 4:


Login to the SQW Apps online application portal using the credentials provided to your organisation in the registration email and complete your application.

The department will send an email confirming successful submission of the application.

Step 5:


SQW Advisory Committees (SQWACs) review applications against the relevant program guidelines for funding, assessment criteria and Government priorities and make recommendations to DESBT.

Step 6:


DESBT considers recommendations from SQWACs and makes a funding decision.

The Minister for Training and Skills Development announces results of funding round and project details published on web. Notification sent to all applicants.

Step 7:


Successful applicants offered a Services Agreement.

DESBT makes first payment upon execution of Services Agreement.

Step 8:


Provider commences project, completes milestones, provides reports and acquits funds received against expenditure.

DESBT makes payments, monitors progress and evaluates outcomes of projects.

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Registration process

All fields marked with a * are mandatory. In order to apply for funding, applicants must first register via the SQW Apps online portal (link provided on the SQW webpage:

Important information needed at the registration stage:

Email address

The email address is your logon id to the portal.


Applicant organisations must have an ABN to be considered eligible for funding.

ABN Status

Status of ABN (ie Active or Inactive).

GST registration

Applicant organisations must be registered for GST to be considered eligible for funding.

Entity name

The Legal Name provided at time of registration will be used in all legal documents, including the Services

Agreement if the application for funding is successful.

Incorporation number

Not all organisations will have an incorporation number; however, if your organisation does have one, it must

be provided.

Trading name

Providing your organisation’s correct trading name will assist with the application assessment process.


Website of your organisation.

Type Address (Business Address)

Start typing your address and it will look up your address. Once you find your address, click on the address and

the street, suburb, postcode and state will populate. If you address does not show up, type in the individual

fields for your street, suburb, postcode and state.

Type Address (Postal Address)

Start typing your address and it will look up your address. Once you find your address, click on the address and

the street, suburb, postcode and state will populate. If you address does not show up, type in the individual

fields for your street, suburb, postcode and state.

The first person to register with an organisation becomes the portal administrator. This person then can grant or revoke access to any subsequent registration associated with the organisation.

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Completing an application

Select a Program Type

Community Work Skills

Work Skills Traineeships

Get Set For Work

Ready for Work

Youth Skills


To navigate through the application, click either the Next or Previous buttons.

Key Contacts

Authorised contact details

The authorised contact must be the person within your organisation who has the designated authority to sign

off on official documents, including the submission of funding applications.

If successful in the application process, the person you nominate as the authorised contact will be used as the

organisation’s contact person (or official representative) in the Services Agreement.

The authorised contact will receive copies of all correspondence sent from the SQW Apps online application


Project coordinator details The project coordinator is the person who will be contacted for specific details or further information relating to the project and its delivery.

Project Overview

Project name

The project name should be something relevant to the project’s aims or outcomes.

Unique project names are preferred. For approved projects, the project name will be used by the department

in media releases and other departmental publications.

Primary delivery location

The primary delivery location is the location where the majority of the project delivery will take place and where participants will be recruited from.

If delivering across multiple locations within the one DESBT region, the primary delivery location should be

Note: 1. Organisations are asked to submit one application per program, per Department of Employment, Small

Business and Training (DESBT) region, as applications are assessed on a regional comparative basis. Delivery across multiple regions will require separate applications.

2. Please do not ‘cut and paste’ multiple applications. Make sure you tailor each application to the targeted region, the qualifications to be delivered or the cohort. As part of the assessment process, the department does take into consideration capacity issues when organisations submit multiple applications.

3. Applications are capped at 10 per applicant organisation per funding round. 4. If applying for funding to deliver a Youth Skills project, CBOs should have evidence of endorsement from

local Youth Justice and Queensland Corrective Services offices prior to submitting an application.

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determined by the location offering the highest number of training places. Applicant organisations must have experience in delivering services in the nominated primary delivery location

Other delivery locations

If this is checked ‘Yes’, a button will appear which will allow you enter additional delivery locations.

Dates and Intakes

Project dates

Enter the commencement and completion dates for the project.

Funding periods of up to 12 months can be considered.

When nominating a project commencement date, allow enough time for the application to be evaluated and approved, and participants to be recruited prior to the project commencing or shortly afterwards. You should also allow sufficient time to ensure any project requirements, as specified in the Services Agreement, are in place prior to the project commencing e.g. public liability insurance, blue card requirements.

It’s important to remember that sufficient time must be available to allow participants to complete their training and for other support measures (such as soft skills training) to also be delivered.

Intakes/participant numbers

Detail how many participants you expect to assist. If there are to be rolling starts or intakes, indicate each as a separate line item and detail the number of participants to be assisted for each intake. The number of participants will tally across each intake you enter.

Scheduling your intakes is important, particularly the last intake as it must allow sufficient time for the participants to be able to complete their training before the end date of the project. The department will also consider the volume of learning and whether the duration of each intake is long enough to ensure disadvantaged learners gain all relevant skills and knowledge.

If there is only one intake, complete the details only once, adding the total number of participants to be assisted across the project as one intake.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

Detail the proposed outcomes for the project. The department will review past performance to see what outcomes are being achieved for any current projects and/or past projects.

Objectives and Support Measures

Key objectives

This section should provide a brief overview of the project’s aims (what will be achieved), who will be assisted and what services will be delivered. You need to explain the benefits or appropriateness of the qualifications to be delivered and the support services to be offered to the cohort being targeted.

Detail here your partnerships with other CBOs for referral services if applicable.

Be concise; try to restrict this section to a few paragraphs.

A maximum of 3,500 characters applies to this section (approximately 500 words).

Note: All programs under SQW have specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that organisations are expected to meet. For more information on these, please refer to the relevant program funding guidelines at

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Tailored support and assistance

Detail the tailored individual support and other assistance measures or in-house and external services that will be provided to all participants for the duration of the project. This should include personal support that addresses work-related and non-work related issues.

Include details of any foundation skills (including LLN training); structured living skills training; counselling services (or appropriate referrals for any drug and alcohol problems, mental health and/or housing issues); workplace preparation skills; case management; group based and individual activities to build confidence and address any cultural, learning or employment barriers; job search assistance and post participant support.

Ready for Work applications should outline job search assistance, employability skills training and networking opportunities. There is no funding available under Ready for Work for nationally recognised training or intensive case management.

A maximum of 3,500 characters applies to this section (approximately 500 words).

Target Groups and Industries

Target Group

The primary target for SQW projects are individuals ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or those who require complementary services due to significant barriers to learning and employment, or who have accessed Australian Government services for more than 6 months and remain unemployed.

The primary target group for Get Set for Work, Ready for Work and Youth Skills is Youth, however, if the project is targeting other key cohorts in addition to this, please identify them (i.e. Indigenous Youth, Youth with Disability, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Youth, etc.).

Multiple options can be selected, however, try to restrict your selection to the target group/s you will be recruiting.

Main Industry

Indicate the industry area your project and the training delivery best aligns to i.e. if delivering nationally recognised training in individual support or aged care, select Community Services, or for horticulture, select Primary Industry.

If the project is delivering nationally recognised training across multiple industries, the main industry is the one with the highest number of training places available.

Additional Industries

If other industries, other than the main industry, apply please identify them. Click the ‘Yes’ button where it asks Does your project and training delivery align to any other industries? More than one industry area can be selected in this section.

Project Plan

Project Plan

The project plan is to be completed by clicking on the Add Project Plan button.

Include attendance pattern, types of assistance to be provided, skills that will be developed or work activities to be completed, training to be completed and any other relevant information.

Note: CBOs are funded under SQW to provide ‘wrap-around’ individual support and services in a community-based environment. The CBO support is delivered separately and in addition to the training component i.e. you need to demonstrate what’s being offered to participants apart from the delivery of training.

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RTO Selection

List the Registered Training Organisation/s your organisation will be partnering with to deliver the project

Not applicable to Ready for Work (this section will not appear if Ready for Work has been selected as the program type as nationally recognised training is not funded or available under this program)

Training and assessment services delivered under SQW programs are funded through the Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G). RTOs with C3G PQS status will be able to deliver approved qualifications (including certificate III level, lower level training and foundation skills) within their current scope of registration.

For a complete listing of approved qualifications see the Priority Skills List at

Eligible RTOs under SQW programs must be an approved PQS or have applied to the department to become a PQS to deliver training at the time of application – evidence of this is required.

For Work Skills Traineeships, the delivery of training and assessment services is funded under the User Choice program. The Supervising Registered Training Organisation (SRTO) must be approved as a PQS under the User Choice program.

Click the Add RTO’s button to add your RTO/s you will be partnering with.

RTO Supporting Documentation

Provide evidence of partnership with the RTO. This can be in the format of a letter or email from the RTO

confirming their agreement to partner. Click the ‘Attach Files’ button so provide this evidence.

RTO selection process

Detail the process your organisation undertook to select the preferred RTO/s for this project. This could include long standing partnership arrangements, supporting procurement objectives – value for money, probity issues and open competition.

Justification needs to be provided on why the specified training is being delivered by the preferred RTO/s i.e. certificate level and method of delivery aligns with the learning needs of the target group.

A maximum of 2,450 characters applies to this section (approximately 350 words).

Planned delivery strategies

Outline any details relating to the training plan, mode of delivery, learning support, partnering etc.

Detail how the volume of learning and timelines in delivery are catered for by the RTO i.e. these are appropriately matched to the specific cohort being targeted.

Include any customised training or tutorial support or other mechanisms (such as assistance in using technology for online delivery components) being offered by the RTO if applicable.

Outline any reasonable adjustments in the assessment process to accommodate disadvantaged learners (such as oral rather than written assessments).

Outline any contingency plans for irregular attendance patterns that demonstrate flexible delivery strategies.

Specify the location of where the training will be delivered.

A maximum of 2,800 characters applies to this section (approximately 400 words).

Work Skills Traineeships

This section only applies if you are applying under the Work Skills Traineeships program

ABN and Legal Name of organisation

Provide the ABN of the organisation delivering the work placement project and employing Work Skills Trainees.

The organisation (as the employer) must provide the name of the legal entity not a trading name, business name or name of a trust.

Note: You must consult with your selected RTO prior to the submission of your application for funding. The selected RTO must have education and support services and learning resources appropriate for disadvantaged learners. For tips on selecting a RTO, please read the accompanying fact sheet.

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As an employer of Work Skills Trainees you must provide the facilities, range of work, supervision and training necessary to complete the competencies for the corresponding certificate I qualification and training plan.

Enter the ABN and click ‘Validate ABN’. A message should appear underneath with Validation successful. Every time you arrive at this page u must click ‘Validate ABN’ to proceed to the next page.

Work Placement Supervisor including their Qualifications/Skills/Experience

Nominate the designated qualified person directly responsible for supervising the Work Skills Trainees.

Detail their qualification/skills/experience. This person must be a dedicated resource and where existing staff are employed as supervisors they must be formally released from their normal duties.

Australian Apprentice Support Network

Work Skills Trainees must be registered as trainees. You must nominate the Australian Apprentice Support Network (AASN) that will be engaged to assist with the signing of the Training Contract and also provide assistance throughout the duration of the traineeship. Click on the magnifying glass to select your AASN.

Organisational capacity

Detail your organisation’s capacity to provide the facilities, range of work, supervision and training required for the Work Skills Traineeships.

A maximum of 2,450 characters applies to this section (approximately 350 words).

Community or public benefits

Detail how the community or public will benefit from the work placement. The underlying objective of the program is to not only leave a visible and long-term impact on physical community infrastructure but that these opportunities are going to those within the community that need it the most.

Where works are to be undertaken on council owned land, there is an expectation that council will contribute materials, equipment or labour to demonstrate support for the project.

A maximum of 2,450 characters applies to this section (approximately 350 words).

Work activities

Describe the work activities to be undertaken.

If delivering multiple projects, describe the different vocational areas of each project.

Priority will be given to projects that are most likely to give trainees the skills to gain and maintain jobs after the project is finished. Projects most likely to be recommended for funding are those where there is a diversity of work experiences and skills acquisition opportunities available rather than repetitive work skills.

A maximum of 2,450 characters applies to this section (approximately 350 words).

Examples of work activities include:

Construction assist in building BBQ facilities and a covered play area

construction of board walk and viewing platform – use of hand and power tools

Business computer data entry

filing and record keeping

reception, telephone answering

promotional work and events management

office work

Conservation and Land Management

re-vegetating, regenerating nature reserves or creek beds

basic landscaping and horticulture design, planting techniques etc.

plant selection and identification garden maintenance

irrigation systems

weed management, use of chemicals

Hospitality serving food and drinks at a counter or delivering them to tables

clearing tables

working for charitable organisations in social enterprise cafes or council owned and operated restaurants

Retails Services provide customer service in not-for-profit social enterprise opportunity shop or retail outlet or

plant nursery

provide customer service in a council owned and operated tourism centre or recycling centre

organise and maintain work areas

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Alternate work activities

Provide details of alternative work activities if required due to adverse weather conditions for outdoor projects.

A maximum of 2,450 characters applies to this section (approximately 350 words).

Additional training

Provide details of any additional courses or competencies to be delivered – include proposed delivery method e.g. will it be integrated or off-the-job and how many days per week.

A maximum of 2,450 characters applies to this section (approximately 350 words).

Project Budget

Intakes (WST only)

Based on the number of intakes you added from the Intake Details page, Click the Edit button under actions

A pop up box will appear where you will enter Traineeship, Wage Selection, Modern Award, Full/Part Time, Length (weeks), Workcover %, Safety Equipment, Other Allowance and RTO Name. Click Submit to add the record.

Once you click submit, the details of the particular intake will appear below detailing the Weekly wage, Total Basic Wage, Recreation Leave & Leave Loading, Superannuation and Total wage with safety and other allowances.

Before clicking the next button, click the Validate Intakes button.

Qualifications (CWS, GSW and YOS)

Click the ‘Add’ button to enter your qualifications (both priority and non-priority skills).

A pop-up screen will appear where you will click a check button if your qualifications is on the Priority Skills List, add the places, AHC’s per place, contribution fee and RTO delivering the training.

If your qualification is on the priority list, clicking the magnifying glass will open a dialog box that allows you to search either by qualification code or name.

Similarly, when you click the magnifying glass for RTO selection, you can search by RTO name or national registration number.

Project Restrictions:

The construction of buildings or major capital works are not appropriate for work placement projects. Work Skills Trainees cannot undertake trade level work however, may undertake trade assistant work under appropriate supervision.

Work placement projects must not put trainees in dangerous work environments or situations e.g. removal of asbestos or other workplace hazards from old buildings. All planned work activities must meet work health and safety obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

Note: Work Skills Traineeships projects can only be conducted on privately owned land where a clear community benefit can be demonstrated such as recreational spaces or community facilities are open to the general public. At no time, can Work Skills Trainees be ‘hosted’ or undertake work experience with private sector employers.

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Support Expenses

Enter both the amounts and text for Staff Wages, Administration, Materials and Equipment, Other Delivery

Costs and Management Fee.

Other Funding

If you have applied for, or received, funding from other state or commonwealth funded programs for your proposed project or components of it, click ‘Yes’ and detail that information in this section.

Include the source of funding and the amount of funds received (or applied for). In Kind Contributions

If you have applied or received any in kind contribution, click ‘Yes’ and detail that information in this section.

In addition, attach evidence on letterhead confirming the estimated dollar amount or value of any identified in-kind contributions. In-kind contribution refers to the dollar value of non-cash contributions to the project e.g. office space, staff time or voluntary labour that would otherwise have needed to be paid for.

Budget Summary

The Budget Summary page outlines the information that has been entered in the previous pages.

Assessment questions

Capacity to Manage

Your capacity to manage the project includes establishing the financial viability of your organisation and proven experience in managing grant funds.

Demonstrate your experience and expertise in delivering training, skills development and other related support services in a community setting to disadvantaged target groups.

It’s important to describe the core business of your organisation and what services are offered or available to support disadvantaged Queenslanders and address their barriers to learning and employment.

Detail your working relationship with your nominated RTO/s.

If you or the partnering RTO are not local to where the project is to be delivered, you will need to demonstrate any linkages or relationships with local employers and the local community sector.

Outline how you plan to screen and recruit eligible participants. Include marketing strategies and where the project is to be promoted or advertised (i.e. local newspapers, local libraries, skate parks, youth centres, etc.). Given the eligibility criteria, it will not be feasible to simply rely on jobactive or Centrelink referrals – the department has an expectation that efforts will be made to try and recruit people who are not eligible for Australian Government employment services. It’s also important to note that the funded SQW provider is responsible for the recruitment of participants, not the RTO.

Detail your staff’s qualifications, skills and experience and/or provide details of position descriptions for the recruitment process of suitable staff. The department will need to be satisfied that appropriately qualified and experienced staff will be supporting the participants.

The SQW Advisory Committees will look for projects developed and driven by the community sector.

Past performance in delivering DESBT programs and ability to achieve forecast outcomes will also be used by the department in determining your capacity to manage the project.

A maximum of 2,800 characters applies to this section (approximately 400 words).

Supporting documentation required:

Audited income and expenditure statements for the past two years – mandatory requirement.

Staff resumes or background information and/or relevant position descriptions.

Servicing community and Industry needs

Detail the project’s capacity to provide short-term and long-term benefits to the community. Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate broad-based community support and the ability to deliver sustainable employment opportunities for disadvantaged job seekers.

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Outline evidence to indicate your organisation’s strong community presence within the local area e.g. local knowledge, fostered networks and relationships and how this relates to the project.

Describe the readiness of your organisational culture to working with other organisations e.g. detail any past collaborations or arrangements with partnering organisations.

Explain what the project will achieve, what the ongoing community benefits will be and what the level of need is for the particular project in the community.

Detail how the project aligns to local labour market needs and employment trends – i.e. participation rates, unemployment rates, current vacancy rates, industry growth, etc. The department expects organisations to have researched their local labour market.

The SQW Advisory Committees will look for responses that demonstrate local community support, outline how the project will link with other local initiatives or other services within the community, and identify links to local industry stakeholders/employers.

A maximum of 3,500 characters applies to this section (approximately 500 words).

Supporting documentation:

Attach letters of support from local employers and/or industry groups.

Letters of support from employers should be relevant to the project, be on letterhead, include a commitment to employment and not be more than three months old at the time of application submission.

Attach letters of support from any other community organisations or referral agencies offering support services to participants.

Strategies to assist participants

Detail what strategies and support mechanisms will be used to identify and address the barriers to learning and employment of individual participants. This can include assistance offered directly by the organisation or the referral to appropriate service providers.

Outline the strategies to address the identification of additional training needs. Detail how participants will be supported to maximise progression towards the completion of qualifications and transition to employment. Include details of any activities or tools to encourage and motivate participants.

It’s important to allow sufficient time for disadvantaged learners to complete the training and gain all relevant skills and knowledge. The department will review the amount of training provided by RTOs as part of the overall volume of learning which includes all teaching and learning activities such as guided learning (classes, tutorials, online or self-paced learning), individual study, research, learning activities in the workplace and assessment activities.

List the skills participants will develop as a result of participation on your project and outline what is offered in addition to the training support measures offered by the RTO.

The project proposal must be able to demonstrate that the content and delivery has the flexibility to tailor holistic services to all participants to meet individual needs and local circumstances.

The SQW Advisory Committees will look for responses that detail training delivery methods and assessment measures that suit the needs and requirements of disadvantaged target groups and also, the level of job search activities that prepares participants for finding and maintaining employment.

A maximum of 2,800 characters applies to this section (approximately 400 words).

Supporting documentation:

Attach a sample/template of a Training and Support Plan. The Plan should specifically identify activity, outcomes and timeframes for individuals. It should include strategies to address barriers to training and employment. For tips on developing a Training and Support Plan, refer to the accompanying fact sheet.

Attach evidence of existing anti-cyberbullying policies, or evidence that policies are being developed.


Describe how the proposed qualifications and/or job preparation training will help participants gain employment. Outline negotiated goals and project activities to enable participants to achieve identified outcomes.

Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate that the training to be delivered is relevant to local job opportunities.

Detail the expected training and employment outcomes and how you will assist participants to achieve their goals.

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Employment outcomes may include full-time or part-time employment in a permanent, temporary, casual or self-employed capacity.

Provide details of past performance and outcomes achieved. The department will also take into consideration the outcomes being achieved for any current or active SQW projects.

The SQW Advisory Committees will look for responses that demonstrate a capacity to deliver services that support disadvantaged learners, the objectives of the program and provide quality outcomes.

A maximum of 3,500 characters applies to this section (approximately 500 words).



By providing your name and accepting the Declaration you are stating that the information in the application for funding is to the best of your knowledge, true and correct. You agree that the information provided in the application will be used by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT), and that DESBT may request and obtain additional information from appropriate agencies as required for assessment purposes. You understand that your submission is an application only and may not necessarily result in funding approval.

You also acknowledge you have read and understood the program funding guidelines for the Skilling Queenslanders for Work program for which you are applying for. You acknowledge you have also discussed the proposal with the nominated RTO and they have agreed to the nomination and have read and understood the Services Agreement. By submitting the application, you certify that you are an authorised officer for your organisation.

Submitting an application

Ensure you have carefully read and checked all the information provided in the online application form.

To submit an application, click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page of your online application form.

Once submitted you will no longer be able to edit or change the application. If you are at this screen and need to go back to amend any part of the application, click on ‘Applications’ in the black bar and edit the application.

After submission, you will receive an email notification (sent to both the registered user and the nominated authorised contact for your organisation, as detailed at the time of registration) confirming successful submission and a copy of your application for your records.

Note: The key performance indicators (KPIs) and expected outcomes will vary across the different SQW programs. For programs without a specified employment outcome percentage, it’s still expected that every effort will be made to assist participants to make informed decisions about their future, connect with support services and facilitate a successful transition to further training or employment.

For further information or assistance in completing a Skilling Queenslanders for Work online application form, please contact your local DESBT regional office 1300 369 935.

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