




Acorn is Hungry C 4 TT16

Acorn the Pony F 10 PW219Adventure in the Purple Forest I 16 14 SB16

All About Soccer J 17 13 NFS71Animal Homes E 8 PW216Animal Race C 3 3 LD11Animal Tricks D 6 6 J13Animals at School I 15 15 D11

Animals on the Farm C 3 PW117Apples for Santa I 16 13 LE12At the Ocean C 3 3 A34

Baby Animals of the Forest G 12 PW303Baby Animals of the Rain Forest B 2 TT14

Baby Stegosaurus J 18 LD91

Baby Tiger's Blanket J 18 GE92Babysitting Marvin's Sister M 23 PW424

Backpack Surprise, A G 12 PW301Balloons B 2 2 A22Bananas for Little Monkey E 8 AF92Baseball C 3 NFG11Basketball D 5 NFB11Bats L 22 PW414

Beautiful Animals D 5 PW207Bedtime for Porcupine G 12 PW304Bella & Rosie Play Hide and Seek E 7 7 BR13Bella & Rosie Trick or Treat E 8 8 BR22Bella and Rosie Love the Fall F 10 BR61Bella is a Bad Dog I 15 12 BR16Bella se porta mal I 15 SPABR16Bella y Rosie en la nieve C 4 SPABR13Bella's Birthday C 4 5 BR12Bella's Busy Day B 2 BR54Big Fish, The C 4 4 B31

Big Flood, The H 13 PW310Big Game, The L 21 LD93Big Hole, The E 8 8 C11Big Snow, The E 8 8 C22Bike Ride, The D 5 5 B101

Birthday Party, A B 2 A102Birthday Present for Spaceboy, A E 8 8 SB13Birthday Surprise, A H 13 13 C21

Blast Off F 9 PW220Blocks C 3 4 A103Bloques C 4 4 SPA03Boring Day, The D 5 B32Boy Who Cried Wolf, The G 11 F34Brandon's New School F 10 10 C31Breakfast for Pickles C 3 3 P12

Bremen Town Musicians, The J 18 PW322Bubble Gum Contest, The J 17 SB93Bully Dinosaur E 8 8 LD14Busy Dad A 1 1 M11

Butterflies J 17 NFS72Cambodian New Year K 19 NFS91Camouflage B 2 2 NFS21Caring for Your Dog J 18 NFD12

Carpenters Tools, A C 3 5 NFS31Casey and the Nest K 20 GE94


Castles E 7 8 NFS41Cat Slayer, A I 15 PW313Cats J 17 NFS92Chen's Christmas Tree E 8 8 C12

Chicken Little F 9 PW221Chicks Are Hatching, The C 4 6 G13Colors C 4 NFG12Come Here, Puppy C 3 3 BR33

Contest, The J 18 PW323Cookies for Santa H 13 12 LE13Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner E 8 8 B24

Costume Party, The B 2 PW113Count the Kittens B 2 TT24Cricket the Dog J 17 NFD13

Crocodiles I 16 PW314Dad Goes to School A 1 1 M12Dad's Turkey Sandwich A 1 1 M13Daisy's Bell G 12 JD14Daisy's Party Dresses A 1 TT12Daisy's Tiny Things B 2 TT23Deer Report, The J 18 FW93

Detective Business, The J 17 GE91Dinner Time I 16 G91

Dinner Time at the Zoo A 1 PW102Dinner Time for Bella and Rosie A 1 BR51Dinosaur Snack, A C 4 5 LD12Dirty and Wet Dogs L 21 BR94

Dog Bones I 16 PW315Dog to Walk, A G 11 C41Dogs C 4 NFG13Don't Get Lost D 6 B44

Dressing Up D 6 PW208Ducks C 3 PW202Eek! F 9 L13El cumpleanos de Rosie E 7 SPABR14El dia de Bella B 2 SPABR11El parque D 6 6 SPA08

Elves and the Shoemaker, The F 9 9 F24Emily Can't Sleep F 9 9 B25Emily's Babysitter D 5 5 B103

Emma and Acorn Jump J 18 PW319Farm Animals A 1 1 NFS11Farm Chores D 6 6 A43-aFawn, The J 17 FW91Feliz cumpleanos C 3 3 SPA02

Firefighters I 16 14 NFS73Fishing Adventure, The G 11 AS92Fishing in the City K 20 PW409Five Little Dogs D 6 6 BR23Food for Jasper B 2 J21Friend for Jasper, A J 18 J92Friend for Peanut, A E 7 7 B45From Seed to Apple D 6 NFB12Fruit Salad B 2 2 A25Fun for Pickles K 19 P92Fun in the Snow C 4 4 BR11Fun on the Slide C 3 3 A31Gabby and the Christmas Tree G 11 11 C23Gabby Is Hungry C 4 5 B104Gabby Runs Away G 11 11 C13Gabby Visits Buster B 2 2 A33George's Show and Tell E 7 7 B22George's Story G 11 11 C14Georgie Giraffe, The Detective D 5 5 GE13Gilbert Goes on a Picnic H 14 8 G23Gilbert in the Snow J 17 G92Gilbert the Pig Goes on a Diet E 8 8 G15Gilbert the Pig Has an Adventure I 15 12 G16


Gilbert the Pig Wears a Dress D 6 6 G14Gilbert the Prize Winning Pig B 2 2 G12Gilbert the Special Pig I 15 15 G26

Gingerbread Boy, The C 4 5 F21

Giraffes D 6 NFS32Glasses for Nutmeg H 13 PW307Going Fishing E 7 AS91Going for a Ride C 3 3 A104Going to School I 16 BR91Going Up and Down C 3 3 A105Goldie and the Fawn J 17 FW92

Goldilocks and the Three Bears C 4 PW203Good-bye Gabby I 16 D12Goose and the Golden Egg, The G 12 F35Grandma's House C 4 5 J12Grandpa's Boat E 8 8 C32Grandpa's Train E 7 7 B33Grasshopper and the Ant, The D 6 F31

Great Big Enormous Turnip, The G 11 PW306Haircuts for Bella & Rosie E 8 8 BR25Halloween Caper, The M 23 SB92Hanukkah Party, The I 15 15 D21Hard at Work B 2 2 A23

Hatching Chicks H 13 NFS61Having Fun C 3 3 A46Help for Lion F 9 AF93Help for Rosie H 14 12 BR15Help for Santa F 9 9 LE14Help Me C 3 3 B105Hermit Crabs D 6 NFB13Homework E 8 8 B43

Horses E 8 NFS42How Many? B 2 2 NFS22Hungry Baby Robins C 4 PW118Hungry Holidays For Bella and Rosie J 17 BR92

Hungry Knight, A C 4 PW201Hungry Lion, A F 10 AF94

Hungry Mr. Naughty C 3 PW119Hungry Puppy, A D 6 6 BR36Hunting Squirrels I 16 JD16Hurricane Katrina Dogs K 20 NFD14I Like to Read B 2 2 A26I Love Camping C 3 3 A24Ice Skates for Quack K 19 PW410

Insects A 1 2 NFS12Jack and the Ball D 5 JD12

Jack and the Bean Stalk D 6 6 F22Jack and the Fox H 14 JD15Jack's New Skates E 7 7 C24

Jamaica E 8 NFS43Jasper and the Birds D 6 J22Jasper and the Bully M 24 J81Jasper and the Cheese H 13 J25Jasper and the Kitten I 15 15 J91Jasper and the Squirrel E 8 J23Jasper Goes Camping H 14 J26Jasper the Fat Cat C 4 4 J11Jasper's Party F 10 J24Job for Little Elf, A E 8 9 LE11

Jugando en la nieve C 3 3 SPA09Jugando junta B 2 SPABR12Kangaroos J 17 PW402Keeping Watch K 20 BR93Kittens D 5 NFB14Lemonade for Gilbert H 14 8 G24Lester's Bedtime C 3 3 L11Lester's Haircut H 13 13 L16Lester's Song F 10 10 L15


Library, The D 5 5 B106Lion and the Mouse, The F 10 F33Lion's Birthday M 23 PW421Little Cousins Visit, The D 5 5 B107Little Dinosaur Runs Away J 18 LD92Little Dinosaur, The Hero G 11 8 LD16Little Dinosaur's Skateboard H 14 10 GE16

Little Knight A 1 PW106Little Knight and the Kitten L 22 PW418Little Knight Goes Shopping A 1 TT11Little Knight Runs Away K 20 PW411

Little Knight to the Rescue E 8 PW213Little Knight's Feather D 5 TT27Little Monkey is Brave D 6 AF91Little Red Hen, The C 3 3 F11

Little Red Hen, The E 8 PW217Little Red Riding Hood G 12 12 F16

Look at Me A 1 PW103Look at Pickles B 2 2 P11

Look Out for Little Knight C 3 PW120Look Out for Space Monster C 4 4 SB11Looking Out A 1 BR52Loose Tooth, The D 6 6 GG13Lost in the Jungle D 6 7 LD13Lost in the Woods E 8 8 BR14Lost Money, The E 7 7 GE15Lost Valentines, The G 11 C45

Lyla and the New Piano D 6 L12Macy is Clever G 12 PW305Maggie's Pets I 16 D13

Making Maple Syrup F 9 9 NFS51Making Pizza C 3 3 NFS33Marine Mammals J 18 PW320Marvin Plays a Trick G 11 PW302Matt Drives the Car D 6 6 B34Messy Rooms, The G 11 L14Mi almuerzo C 3 3 SPA07Mi paseo C 4 4 SPA04Mi perro D 5 5 SPA06

Michael and the Chicks G 12 C42Milkmaid and Her Pail, The H 13 F36Missing Earrings, The D 6 6 GE14Missing Glasses, The D 5 5 B41Missing Puppy, The D 5 4 BR35

Mitten, The D 5 PW211Mom Dresses Up A 1 1 M14Mom Goes Shopping A 1 2 M15Mom Likes Hats A 1 1 M16Moms A 1 TT21Monty, the Missing Cat E 8 8 C33

More Trouble I 16 13 BR32Mother Dog and Her Puppies, A L 22 NFD11

Mother Goose Caper, The J 18 GE93Mountain Hike, The F 10 10 C25Mouse in the House, A G 12 12 J16

Mr. Fluff at Laura's House G 11 C43

Mr. Naughty is Missing H 14 PW308Mud Pies H 14 PW309My Black Cat C 3 3 A42My Busy Day B 2 2 A44My Classroom A 1 1 S11My Dog C 4 4 A106My Lunch C 3 3 A107My School A 1 1 S12My Teacher A 1 2 S13Nap Time for Gilbert D 6 6 G22Nap Time for Lily D 5 5 B46

Naughty Rabbit, A E 7 PW214


New Friend at the Beach, A G 12 12 BR43New House, The J 17 P94Nightmare Hill F 9 C16No Cookies Before Dinner E 7 6 C15

No me mojes! C 4 4 SPA10Ocean, The H 13 13 BR44Oliver and the Balloons A 1 TT22Oliver and the Bird Feeder M 24 PW423

Oliver Dresses Up B 2 PW110Oliver Goes Camping C 3 TT15

Oliver is Hungry C 3 PW204Oliver Makes a Mess F 10 PW223Oliver Plays Ball D 6 PW209Oliver the Cat A 1 PW104Oliver the Musician J 18 PW404

Our Senses E 8 7 NFS52Pancakes for Breakfast D 5 5 B108

Pandas J 17 15 NFS82Party Clothes F 9 7 J15Party Time C 3 A43Perfect Dog, A J 18 P91Pet for Me, A C 4 4 A101

Pets I 15 14 NFS74Pets B 2 PW111Petting Gilbert H 14 14 G25Picking Apples E 8 8 C35Pickles and the Hole K 19 P93Pickles Gets Lost G 12 9 P15Pickles Goes to School E 7 7 P14Pickles Helps Out F 9 9 P16Picnic Lunch, A E 8 9 LD15Pie, The E 8 6 C36

Pigs F 10 PW224Ping-Pong C 4 5 NFS34Play With Me E 8 7 BR34Playground, The C 4 4 A108Playing B 2 TT33Playing in the Snow C 4 4 A109Playing Together B 2 BR55Playing With My Cat C 3 3 A35

Playtime C 4 PW121Please Read to Me F 9 C44

Porcupine is Hiding B 2 PW109Porcupine's Boo-Boo D 5 TT28Porcupine's First Day of School L 22 PW417Porcupine's Kite J 17 PW406

Porcupines D 6 PW210Princess and Marvin C 3 PW205Princess and the Necklace I 16 PW316Princess Pig and the Pea J 18 PW321Princess Pig and the Pink Purse L 21 PW416

Puerto Rico I 16 NFS62Puppies for Rosie G 11 BR62Puppy Play C 4 4 B35Puppy Trouble G 12 10 BR31Puss 'n Boots M 23 PW419Quack and the Petting Zoo M 24 PW422

Quack is a Duck C 4 PW206Quack the Duck A 1 PW105Quack the Duck's Family B 2 PW112Rain Forest, The C 3 NFG14

Rainy Day for Quack, A E 7 PW215Reading Buddies B 2 2 GG11Reading Partners A 1 1 S14Recess A 1 2 S15

Riding Acorn I 15 PW317Riding Bicycles H 13 12 NFS81Rocky Mountain National Park L 22 NFS93


Rosie Feels Sick G 12 BR63Rosie is Cold E 8 6 BR24Rosie Likes Pink A 1 BR53Rosie tiene frio E 8 SPABR15Rosie's Bear C 4 TT38Sand Castle, The G 11 11 BR42Santa's Suit E 7 7 LE15Scared at Night H 13 13 C22Scavenger Hunt, The J 17 LD94

Seasons I 15 15 NFS83Seesaw, The D 5 5 B109

Seven Little Kids, The G 11 11 F25

Shark at the Beach, A F 9 PW222Sharks M 24 PW420Skateboarding G 11 8 C26

Skateboarding (nonfiction) I 15 11 NFS63Sky is Falling, The E 8 10 F13

Sledding Adventure, The F 10 AS93Sleep Tight Spaceboy G 11 11 SB15Snack for Gilbert, A B 2 2 G11

Snack for Porcupine, A A 1 PW101Snack For Roberto, A D 6 6 B21

Snakes F 9 11 NFS53Snow Fun B 2 BR56

Snowboarding A 1 2 NFS13Snowstorm, The G 12 AS94Space Fairy H 13 12 GG15Space Fort, The E 7 7 GG14Space Monster Saves the Day L 21 SB94Space Monster's Birthday Party I 16 16 GG16

Space Shuttle, The F 10 12 NFS54Space Zoo, The M 23 SB91Spaceboy Finds a Friend F 9 7 SB14Spaceboy Plays Hide and Seek D 5 5 SB12

Spiders G 11 12 NFS64Splashing Dad C 3 3 A110

Spring is Here C 3 PW122Stargazers C 3 4 GG12

Storm Drain, The J 18 PW324Stripes and Spots C 3 PW123Sudiendo y bajando B 2 2 SPA05Super Dog D 6 JD13Surprise Party F 9 7 BR26Sweet Face's Adventure M 24 J82

Switzerland B 2 2 NFS23The Aquarium C 4 TT26The Big Bone C 3 JD11The Bird and the Worm D 5 TT18The Elephant Orphanage K 20 PW408The Fisherman and the Golden Fish J 17 PW401The Frog Prince K 19 PW407The Garbage Can Concert L 22 PW415The Ice Cream Line J 18 PW403The Lost Ball D 5 TT17The Magic Hat K 20 PW412The Monkey and the Crocodile L 21 PW413The Thorn J 18 PW405The Thunderstorm J 17 BR64The Zoo C 3 TT36Three Bears, The G 11 11 F15Three Billy Goats Gruff, The F 9 9 F14

Three Billy Goats Gruff, The I 16 PW318Three Little Pigs, The C 4 4 F12

Three Little Pigs, The H 13 PW311Time for School A 1 1 S16Time to Swim B 2 TT13Time to Swim B 2 TT34Tortoise and the Hare, The E 8 F32


Town Mouse and Country Mouse E 7 9 F23Tree Fort, The H 14 14 D23

Triathlon M 24 NFS94Trick-or-Treating D 6 PW212Trip to the Beach, A F 10 9 BR41Trouble for Jasper J 17 17 J93Twins, The H 14 14 D14

Ugly Duckling, The I 15 15 F26

Una mascota para mi C 4 4 SPA01Vacation, The C 4 4 B110Van, The C 3 GE11

Vehicles B 2 2 NFS24Wake Up, Jack C 3 TT25

Wake Up! B 2 PW114Walk at the Farm, A J 18 G94Walk for Jasper, A E 7 6 J14Walk for Pickles, A D 5 5 P13Walk, The B 2 2 A36

Water J 18 16 NFS84Water Park, The C 4 GE12We Like Balloons A 1 TT31We Like Hats B 2 3 BR21

We Need a New School F 10 C46

What Can Fly? A 1 1 NFS14What Can Swim? B 2 PW115What Do You Like B 2 TT35What's Wrong with Gilbert? L 22 G93Where Are the Baby Chicks? D 6 6 G21

Where Are the Hamsters? A 1 PW107Where Are We? C 3 3 A21Where Can I Write? C 3 3 A32

Where is Elephant? E 7 PW218Where is Gabby? B 2 2 A45Where is Peanut? D 5 5 B42

Where is Quack? C 3 PW124Where is Santa? D 6 8 LE16

Where is the Cat? B 2 PW116Whitewater Rafting E 7 8 NFS44Who Can Read? A 1 PW108Who Can Swim? B 2 TT32Who's the Boss? K 19 J94Wild Animal, A J 18 FW94Winter C 3 TT37Winter Recess D 6 6 B26

Working Dogs H 14 PW312Yummy Lunch, A B 2 2 A41Zack and Nate H 13 13 D24Zack's Halloween Costume D 6 6 B36Zack's House D 6 6 B23Zack's Moving Day Surprise F 9 9 C34Zoe's Birthday Presents C 4 4 B102

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