  • 7/25/2019 Guidelines for the Certification of Connected Devices 2014


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    GuidelinesFor the certification of devices incorporating embedded wireless modules

    Updated February 2014

    Global Cert if ication Forum

    20-22 Bedford Row,

    London, WC1J 4JS, UK

    [email protected]

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    Wireless communication based on mobile technologies such as GSM, CDMA2000, 3G, HSPA and LTE are being incorporated

    into diverse connected devices for an increasingly wide variety of consumer, enterprise, industrial, automotive and medical


    The presence of mobile networks in virtually every country on the planet creates potentially massive opportunities for

    manufacturers of these new connected devices. Mobile operators, who will help realise the added-value of wireless connectivity,

    are ready to support the development of new markets. However they also need to be assured that new devices will not interfere

    with other devices or adversely impact their own networks and the services offered to other customers.

    Multi-band devices have enabled manufacturers to offer the same product in markets where operators have different spectrum

    allocations. However, as the number of available wireless technologies, bands and functionalities grow, the complexity and cost

    of conformance and interoperability testing increases dramatically. Today, subjecting a new device to multiple rounds of testing

    in order to secure entry into individual target markets is neither economic nor practical.

    The Global Certification Forum GCF maintains an independent certification programme that addresses this challenge. An

    active partnership between network operators, device manufacturers and the test industry, GCFs remit is to help ensure global

    interoperability between devices and networks. Through its commitment to the principle of test once, use anywhere, GCF

    facilitates market entry for manufacturers while reducing the acceptance testing burden on operators.

    +,- ,.$#)/)(0#)%" 1 0" %2.$2).3Since 1999, GCF Certification has confirmed interoperability between GSM mobile phones and mobile networks irrespective of

    network equipment vendor. The scheme made, and continues to make, a significant contribution to the spread and success of

    GSM worldwide and underpins the ability of operators to offer international roaming services. As GSM has evolved, so has GCF

    Certification. Today Certification embraces all technologies maintained by the 3GPP standards body: GSM, GPRS, 3G

    (UMTS/WCDMA), HSPA and LTE. GCFs scope was extended to include CDMA2000 devices from January 2014.

    The Certification process involves subjecting a new device to a variety of tests. Conformance testing is undertaken to ensure

    that the device conforms to relevant mobile standards. Inter-operability tests (IOT) verify the correct operation of key interfaces

    both within the device and between the device and mobile networks. Field Trials complement laboratory testing to provide

    valuable insight into a devices real-world operation across live commercial networks which encompass equipment from different


    The technologies, features, functionalities and application enablers included within GCF Certification are agreed collectively by

    GCFs operator and manufacturer members and reflect the current real needs of the market.

    GCF certification operates in line with open and fair processes which are defined within a number of Permanent Reference

    Documents - PRDs. Available to GCF members via the members area of the GCF website, the key PRDs are:

    GCF-PD (Princip le Document) provides an overview of the structure and scope of the Global Certification Forum and its


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    GCF-CC (Certif ication Criteria) lists the current tests required for the certification devices incorporating the various 3GPP

    technologies and functionalities embraced within the scheme. The Certification Criteria evolve as 3GPP technologies are

    developed and mature. As a general rule, devices must be certified against the Certification Criteria in force at the time of


    GCF-CC2 (Certif ication Criteria 2) lists tests required for the certification of devices incorporating 3GPP2 technologies

    including CDMA2000.

    GCF-OP (Organisational Procedures) describes the structure and working procedures of GCF including principles and

    processes relating to defining and assessing compliance with certification criteria.

    GCF-FT (Field Trial Procedures) lists the field trial tests and procedures required for the field trial component of GCFCertification.

    GCF-AP (Appl ication Procedures) outlines the process by which a Manufacturer Member certifies a 3GPP-capable device.

    GCF-CP (Cl ient Appl ication Certif ication Procedures and Criteria) defines GCFs framework for the certification of

    "standards-based" client applications intended for download onto smartphones.

    GCF-AD (Abbreviations Definit ions)provides a glossary of the terminology used within GCF

    ,%"".(#.& &.2)(.4 )"(%$5%$0#)"6 .78.&&.& 7%&'9.4Compact wireless modules are now available that enable manufacturers to add mobile connectivity to their products in a discrete

    physical and functional block. This capability adds value to established product categories and is acting as a catalyst for the

    creation of entirely new propositions.

    GCFs test once, use anywhere ethos is as relevant to developing markets for new devices as it is for facilitating market entry

    for traditional mobile handsets, smartphones and communications products. Operators and manufacturers alike can benefit

    from significant reductions in the overheads associated with acceptance testing.

    By demonstrating that a new device has achieved GCFs recognised benchmark for conformance and interoperability, a

    manufacturer will be better equipped to attract the support of operator partners or other distribution channels when introducing

    its product to new markets.

    GCF has established a new category of Associate Manufacturer Members open to manufacturers who only wish to certify

    connected devices that incorporate GCF-certified embedded modules.

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    An optimised certification process has been developed for connected devices which incorporate GCF-certified embedded

    wireless modules. This is an evolution of the process that has been applied to the thousands of devices certified previously, and

    maintains the robustness and integrity of GCF.

    There are three essential requirements for a connected device to qualify for certification by this alternative process.

    ! The embedded wireless module that provides mobile connectivity must itself be GCF-Certified


    The wireless module must have been certified less than three years prior to the certification of the connected device inwhich it is embedded


    ! Mobile communications cannot be the primary function of the connected device. (Embedded modules, like mobile

    phones, USB modems, portable Wifi hotspots and other devices which have mobile communications as their primary

    function are required to undergo full GCF Certification.)

    In practice, qualifying embedded modules (which will have been designed specifically for the purpose of adding mobile

    connectivity to other devices) will typically be supplied to the connected device manufacturer by a third party who is a

    Manufacturer Member of GCF. However, the certification of a connected device incorporating a certified embedded module is

    the responsibility of the manufacturer of the connected device itself.

    1See a list of eligible certified


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    Cert if icat ion declarat ion

    Once a connected device has been subjected to all applicable tests, the ACE reviews the results. If the ACE is satisfied that the

    device meets all relevant certification criteria, the manufacturers Device Certification Manager submits a Certification

    Declaration via the members area of the GCF website.

    The Certification Declaration for a connected device is made up of the following information and documentation:

    F.1: Device Declaration a formal declaration signed by the Associate Manufacturer Members responsible manager

    often the senior Quality Manager

    F.2 GCF Certified Device Declaration provides a summary of supported bands, application enablers etc

    F.5 Field Trial results

    F.3.10 OTA - Antenna Performance Measurements (the requirement for this evidence is determined by an assessment of the

    modules antenna implementation)

    F.4.2 Certification Criteria Applicability List derived from the analysis of the applicability table in Annex G described above.

    Templates are provided for all documentation required for the Certification Declaration.

    A manufacturers Device Certification Manager has the option to select a Public Availability Date. This is to allow the

    manufacturer to maintain the confidentiality of a product until, for example, its public launch. However, the Public Availability

    Date must be within 90 days of the Certification Declaration, which must be complete when uploaded. In addition, the date of

    certification must be within the validity period of the Certification Criteria version stated in the Certification Declaration.

    Changes made after the Declaration upload must be recorded in a change history.

    An automatic e-mail notification is sent to all operators in GCFs membership whenever a new Certification Declaration is

    uploaded, or on the Publicly Available Date if specified.

    Device Manufacturer CoDevice Manufacturer Co

    John Smith

    A1 Device



    zz GCF Test Manufacturer

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    If changes have been made to a device between upload and a Publicly Available Date, the change history is sent with the notice

    of certification. Through the notification process, more than 100 operators groups are automatically made aware of a new


    Information on all certifications is also posted to the public area of the GCF website. The public listing includes:

    ! Manufacturers name

    ! Devices marketing Name(s)

    ! Date of certification

    ! GSM/GPRS frequency bands supported by the device (i.e. 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

    ! 3G (UTRA) modes (i.e. FDDI, FDDII, FDDV) supported


    LTE (E-EUTRA) bands/modes supported (e.g. FDD Band 13 (700 MHz), FDD Band 20 (800 MHz))

    ! Application enablers supported

    Operator Members have the right to contest a Certification if they perceive it is incorrect or incomplete. Issue resolution

    procedures are defined within GCFs PRDs.

    Compliance folder

    Connected device manufacturers are required to maintain a compliance folder containing evidence that the device has been

    developed and tested according to the manufacturers Quality Assurance Program Requirements and that the device conforms

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    with the relevant GCF Certification Criteria. Evidence may be in any form (electronic, paper etc) that is appropriate to the

    manufacturers accredited processes, provided that the information is under issue control, and applicable to a specific device.

    For connected devices, the compliance folder can refer to the relevant embedded modules GCF Certification as evidence that

    common functionality and features are compliant with the GCF Certification Criteria. (The module manufacturer will separately

    be maintaining a compliance folder for the module.)

    The compliance folder needs to describe which functionality and features of the module are common to the connected device.

    Where there are differences between the module and the connected device, the compliance folder must provide evidence that

    any differences do not compromise compliance with the relevant GCF Certification Criteria.

    The folder also holds evidence of the conformance, interoperability and field trial assessments performed. These records must

    be maintained for at least the period that the device is available on the market.

    Separate Compliance Folders must be maintained for each device/module pair if alternative modules have been sourced.

    Under normal circumstance, the Compliance Folder remains confidential to the manufacturer. However, in the case of a dispute

    and issue resolution, relevant information may be requested for review by the GCF Office.

    Changes to hardware and software conf igurat ions

    Module manufacturers are required to ensure the continued compliance of their devices against the GCF Certification Criteria in

    force at the time of certification for as long as the module remains on the market.

    Although the connected device manufacturer is not responsible for any changes made by the module manufacturer, there is an

    obligation to ensure the continued compliance of the implementation of the module.

    When a certified device is modified, changes in the device hardware and/or software configuration must be recorded in the

    Compliance Folder together with evidence of continued compliance with the applicable Certification Criteria. For example,

    regression testing can be employed to demonstrate continued compliance.

    The applicable Certification Criteria are those that were applicable on the date of the original Certification Declaration. Tests

    that are incorporated in GCF Certification after the device was first certified are not applicable, nor are changes to the tests

    made after the device was certified.

    Any change to the device build state which invalidates the manufacturers Declaration must be notified to the GCF Office within

    thirty days, accompanied by a request to withdraw a device from holding Certified Status. Build changes that require a

    modification to the information within the Declaration but do not invalidate the original Declaration must also be notified to the

    GCF Office within 30 days.

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    GCF Certification is open to any Manufacturer or Associate Manufacturer Member of GCF.

    To qualify for membership, a manufacturer is required to demonstrate Quality Qualified' and Quality Assessment' compliance.

    Qual ity Qual if ied requires a declaration that the manufacturer's design, development and manufacturing processes are, and

    remain, compliant with a recognised quality assurance standard such as ISO 9000 or an appropriate regional equivalent. The

    manufacturer's quality system must be under regular review by a recognised third-party accreditation organisation.

    Qual ity Assessment Compliance demonstrates the manufacturer, with the assistance of a Third Party ACE if necessary, has

    access to the skills and expertise to assess the conformity of their product.

    To maintain the rigour and credibility of GCF Certification, all conformance testing must be performed by a Recognised Test

    Organisation in an ISO/IEC 17025-accredited test facility. This can be the manufacturers own facility or outsourced to a

    suitably qualified and recognized third-party test house. Several module suppliers and test houses within GCFs membership

    offer services to third parties.

    Each Manufacturer Member appoints a named person from within the quality framework of their company to act as Device

    Certification Manager. The Device Certification Manager is responsible for overseeing the certification process and making the

    Certification Declaration for each device that is successfully certified.

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    Further information on the GCF membership application process can be found at:

    Or scan here:

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