  • 8/12/2019 Guides in Feed Mixing


    Guides in Feed Mixing

    Mixing the all the raw materials in a given ration is

    important; because, mixing them thoroughly enables the

    animal to get the proper nutrition needed.

    The amount of feed to mix depends on the number of

    animals to feed. To do this, multiply the amount of each

    feed in the ration by the number of animals to feed. Then

    multiply the answers by the number of days to mix for. The

    final answer is the amount of feeds to mix.

    To maintain the freshness or prevent rancidity in

    feeds, it is recommended to mix feeds once a week. Mix in a

    500 kg or 000 kg batch.

    Mixing equipment

    There are two types of mixer, the batch mixer and the

    continuous mixer. !n batch mixer, the e"uipment is charged

    with the feedstuffs to be mixed. Mixing takes place for a

    prescribed length of time, and then the mix is discharged.

    #atch mixers are available in vertical and hori$ontal types.

    %ontinuous mixer is used primarily in large feed

    manufacturing plant. !n this type, feed ingredients are

    continuously introduced at one end and the mixed feeds are

    removed at the other end. !t is usually of the hori$ontal


    The vertical mixer elevates feed ingredients by means

    of an auger in the center of the mixer to the top where

    these are discharged into the mixing bin and then permitted

    to flow by means of gravity to the bottom of the bin wherethey are again elevated by the auger and discharged. Mixing

    is achieved when the ingredients are scattered as they are

    discharged from auger at the type but does not in general

    make the best &ob of blending the ingredients.

    The hori$ontal mixer consists of a large '(shaped bin

    which contains a central mixing blade or ribbon mounted on a

    rotating shaft. The blade or ribbon of the mixer cuts

    through the feed ingredients in the bin thus producing a

    mechanical intermixing of the feedstuffs in the ration. This

    type of e"uipment costs more than the vertical type and

    re"uires more power because the entire mix is agitated inthe mixing process. )owever, the hori$ontal mixer is more

    efficient at producing uniform blends particularly where

    some ingredients are used only in minute "uantities.

  • 8/12/2019 Guides in Feed Mixing


    Mixing *rocedures

    Manual mixing. +eed may be shovel mixed on a concrete floor

    or homemade box. !f the floor is too rough, mixing becomes


    Mix effectively with least effort thru the following


    . -ll feed ingredients which constitute less than or

    percent of the final mixing volume must be premixed to

    avoid poor distribution of ingredients in the feed.

    *remixing can be accomplished by blending the minor

    ingredients with a "uantity of one ma&or ingredient

    such as soybean meal or preferably a carrier. !f salt

    and other minerals become hardened during storage, they

    must be dried, and then thoroughly pulveri$ed beforemixing. -ll lumps should be removed to attain good mix.

    . *remixes should be prepared ahead of time particularly

    the mineral premix. -dding commercial premixes to a

    mixed feed should follow the directions from the


    /. i"uid ingredient like molasses should first be mixed

    with a ma&or ingredient like ground corn. #oth could be

    blended manually.

    1. 2tart with feeds which makes up the largest part of the

    mix. 2pread out the "uantity needed for the mix in a

    large flat pile.5. Take the re"uired amount of the feed making up the next

    largest part of the mix and spread it out in a thin

    layer covering all of the pile of the first feeds.

    3. 2pread out each of the other feeds to be mixed so that

    when finished, a large flat pile having everywhere the

    same number of layers as there are feeds in the mix is


    4. ith the shovel, a large scoop is best(start at one

    side of the pile and turn the entire pile over so that

    the layers are mixed.

    6. This should be repeated about five times or more toprocedure a homogenous mixture.

    Mechanical Mixing. Mechanical mixing can make use of a

    homemade, batch or continuous mixer. To get a good mixing in

  • 8/12/2019 Guides in Feed Mixing


    the homemade mixer, place first in the mixer about half of

    the main ingredients like corn and soybean meal, mix these

    for a few minutes, then add the mixture of vitamins, salt,

    and other small ingredients. Mix for another /(5 minutes.

    -dd the rest of the ingredients and again mix for 5 minutes.

    There is longer time of mixing needed in this type of mixer

    compared to continuous and batch mixer.

    hen using a batch mixer, all the ingredients that

    constitute less than 5 percent of the feed formula should be

    added after the mixer is 7/ full and before 7/ of the

    total weight of feed ingredients has been added. !n the

    continuous mixer, anything less than 58 are added during the

    mixing time of a particular batch of feed.

    +eed +orms

    The usual end product resulting from mixing of

    feedstuffs is the ground feeds known as mash. hile thismash is usually fed into the form of a ground mixture, it

    can be processed to produce other feed forms. *ellets are

    mash feeds that have been compressed with the aid of live

    steam to produce small chunks of cylinders of feeds.

    2ome mash feeds are processed to produce still another

    form of feeds known as crumbles. %rumbles are produced by

    grinding pellets into a coarse granular form. The crumbles

    are better adapted to mechanical feeders and can be used

    with animals that are too small to consume the pelleted

    form. *elleted or crumbled feeds generally cost slightly

    more than the same ration in mash form.

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