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Page 1: Gunnedah South


23rd February, 2018


Gunnedah South Public School

Relieving Principal: Mrs Nicole Walsh

Deputy Principal: Mr Graham Conn

Deputy Principal, Instructional

Leader: Mrs Meleah Walters

Assistant Principals: Mrs Justine Davies

Mrs Judy McGowan

Mrs Vicki Merlehan

Mrs Lynda Heath

Mrs Rebecah Higgins

School Captains: Angus Waerea, Indiella Bryers

Administration Manager: Mrs Kerryn Pryor

Phone: 6742 1899 / 6742 1448

Fax: 6742 4217

Email: [email protected]

Web site:

SkoolBag App: Gunnedah South Public School SkoolBag

(available from the iTunes and Google Play stores)

Flexischools Online Ordering:


02.03.18 NW Area Tennis


09.03.18 Zone Basketball 9am at basketball stadium

09.03.18 Zone Soccer

13.03.18 P & C AGM and meeting 7pm kitchen

16.03.18 Bullying No Way National Day of Action

21.03.18 Harmony Day

23.03.18 Zone Hockey at Longmuir

23.03.18 Zone Rugby League at Longmuir

29.03.18 Easter Hat Parade

06.04.18 Zone Cricket at Donnelly Fields

10.04.18 P & C Meeting 7pm kitchen

13.04.18 Zone Touch at Longmuir

13.04.18 Zone Netball At Basketball Stadium

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Dear parents and carers,

The warm weather is still upon us and staff

have been encouraging students to drink

plenty of water and to stay in the shade if they

do not have their hat at school. I ask that

parents ensure their children have a water

bottle at school every day and that all students

wear their red school hat to school every day.

Could parents and carers also make sure the

hats are labelled so they can be returned if lost.

A special mention to Mr Smee who has been

trying so very hard to keep the grounds looking

good, grass alive and plants surviving; even

without rain!

Mr Honner has also been at school in the past

fortnight preparing the SAKG gardens for

planting and harvesting. The position of Garden

Specialist, filled so skilfully by Mr Jeffery is in

the process of being filled.

Please remember if your child has not returned

their annual permission note or Medical note,

they must be returned as soon as possible.

Cute “quote”

Whilst sitting on the playground with some Yr 4

girls this week, we asked a very happy Kinder

student what her favourite thing was so far at

school and her reply was:

“I love Mrs Sommerlad and I LOVE the canteen”.

Principal’s Message 2018-2020 School Plan

The executive team have been working to

complete the 2018-2020 school plan. This

involves analysing data from all areas of the

school, including surveys from students, parents,

members of staff and the wider community. The

plan sets out the strategic directions that the

school will take over the next 3 years with new

initiatives and improvement measures to guide

future learning. The school plan will be

communicated to the school community via the

P and C and AECG in draft form, after which the

school executive welcome feedback from you to

then have the document finalised by the end of

term 1.


to our


Senior Primary House Captains Banksia – Harry Bartlett and Madison McDonald Boronia – Sophie Mainey and Dylan Anderson Waratah – Cley Durrant and Claire Barnes Wattle – Harrison Capper and Mika Formann

Junior Primary House Captains Banksia – Lauchlan Southwell and Charlotte McDonald Boronia – Oliver Shoesmith and Rebecca Sams Waratah – Rochelle Costello and Keaton Walters Wattle – Harry Ryman and Kailee Gallagher

Infants House Captains Banksia – Byron Jolliffe and Scarlet Donoghue Boronia – Cooper Mitchell and Ruby Newman Waratah – Hamish Henderson and Shaylee Barton Wattle – Rocky Wild and Imagen Jolliffe

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Titanium Lunches

This week I had the pleasure of dining out with

Ted Pease and Max Jewiss, both Year 5

students. We talked about family, holidays,

likes, dislikes and what they would do if they

were Principal for a day.

I couldn’t believe how mature both the boys

were. They held entertaining and sensible

conversation and they are a credit to

themselves and their parents. These boys

make great role models to our younger

students and I was so pleased I got to take

them to lunch.

Wishing everyone a happy week ahead.

With warmest regards,

Nicki Walsh

Relieving Principal

Parent Involvement


It has been wonderful too see so many parents

coming in for PLP meetings with their child’s

classroom teacher. This is such a great

opportunity to get to know what your child is

learning and the expectations of each grade

and stage. If you haven't received a note home

with times for a PLP, please don't hesitate to

call your child’s teacher at school and leave a

message. Alternatively, if there is not a time

that suits you the classroom teacher will call

you back with a time that suits you both.


Mrs Tydd put out a message of HELP last

Thursday night as she was facing yet another

busy Friday without any volunteers. A huge

thanks to those volunteers who came in to

save the day! Especially one mum, who was at

work and came in during her lunch hour!

PLEASE remember that the canteen is always in

need of volunteer parents, grandparents and

friends. Friday is the busiest day and even if

you can only spare an is very much

appreciated. If you have thought about helping

out and just haven’t gotten around to it, call

the school and ask for Sharon 6742 1899. She

will be able to give you a time and day that’s

convenient to you.

Parent Information Night

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to come along last

Tuesday night, however Mr Conn informed me

that there was a huge number of parents at the

information sessions. Thank you for coming

along and meeting your child’s new teacher.

Thank you also to staff, who gave up their own

time to provide parents with an overview of

how their child’s classroom will run and what

to expect from 2018.

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BRONZE Angus Waerea, Zara Bartlett, Ava Coleman, Cooper Towill,

Chantelle Stubbs, Kalan Southwell, Dylan Anderson, Zoe McAlpine, Amarni Louis, Mitchell Passfield, Jelena Briggs, Yarraki Budden-Talbott, Josephine Banks, Ayrton Neale, Jordi Jeffrey, Lilly Harris, Mayse Frey,

Jack Borthistle, Tyler Howes, Kailee Gallagher, Laura Demmery, Declan Holt, Amber Welch, Landon Mortimer, Timmy Capper,

Siri Sparkes, Liam Duff, Ella Hancox, Zahlia Milne, Emmy Torrens, Zenae Burwood

PBL Cobi Jolliffe, Tyler Hobden, Kiahne Ruttley, Braidyn Delaney


SILVER Siri Sparkes, Gracie O’Donnell, Timmy Marshall-Thorning, Jada Villegas,

Harrison Capper

YCDI Gavin Sams, Josh Knox, Gabby Pease, Shaniqua Briggs

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Yarn Up


Ms Bunce & 3S

This week 3S were learning to create and interpret stories using

traditional Aboriginal symbols with Ms Bunce.

All students were able to create their own stories using symbols and

record it. They also read someone else’s story following the symbols.

There were some great imaginative stories that Mrs Kemp, Mrs Walters

and Mr Conn got to hear while visiting the classroom.

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School Uniform Shop School uniform items,

including the new Sports

Skorts for girls, can be

purchased from school

8.30am to 1.30pm on

school days.

Please remember that

profit made from the

uniform/clothing pool

goes back into providing

great resources and

equipment for our


Scripture Scripture is held in our school

each Thursday.

Students have a half-hour, non-denominational lesson with

an authorised and trained Scripture teacher of an approved

religious group (eg. Anglican, Baptist).

Catholic students are able to attend a group taught by a Catholic teacher.

Notification of any changes to your child’s attendance in a Scripture class

should be given to the school in writing.

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contact the school office on 6742 1899

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