Page 1: Gurdians of the galaxy fact file

Table 1

Guardians of the Galaxy

Scientific developments

Genetically modifying, space travel, new technologies

Conventions of science fiction

Supernatural characters such as walking tree (Groot), space travel, Invasions and abductions, magical objects e.g orb, blue and metallic lighting portraying futuristic tones, advanced technology, genetically modified creatures.

Sub genre/ Hybrid genre

Guardians of the galaxy is comedic in many ways as there are sarcastic comments and ironic relationships. e.g. Groot and the Racoon are so different in attitudes and size yet they are companions. Several elements of the film make it action; fighting scenes and a questionable amount of carnage caused by the team.

Plot in Todorov stages

1) Peter Quill is abducted after his mothers death. 2) Peter finds the orb. 3) Gamora wants to the the orb to a dealer and Drax wants to kill Ronan. The orb is so powerful as it has a infinity stone, therefore its highly destructive. 4) The orb is delivered to Nova Prime who keeps it safe. 5) They become the Guardians of the galaxy.

Enigma codes Why is this orb so precious? What does this orb do? Why did Ronan kill Darx’s wife? Why was Peter abducted? (chosen)

Binary Opposites Good VS Evil as the guardians of the galaxy are trying to defeat villain Ronan and stop him receiving the magical orb. Human VS Supernatural, Peter Quill is a normal human before abduction. He comes across all of these powers and discovers he has powers himself.

Studio/Production company

Marvel Studios/ Disney

Budget 195.9 million

Marketing campaign details

The film was labelled as a marvel film therefore automatically marvel lovers felt the need to see it as marvel has a fandom and expectations. It was announced to be a sequel comic; tricking the audience into thinking that the film was already successful. The film had brand new characters added in, there were several images and posters of these characters everywhere, making people recognise them even before seeing the film. There were several teasers; whether that was via posters or trailers or social media. Finally there was a lot of last minute buzz, disney saved 40% of marketing efforts until the final week of release allowing maximum audience awareness and anticipation.

Audience demographics

Mainstreamers; the film is fairly universal due to its mixture in genres. It also has such a wide range of characters a number of personalities could relate to. Marvel is a well known company therefore anyone who appreciates or knows of marvel would have confidence in the film. Considering the age rating is a 12A and that the film is an animation, the main audience would probably young teenagers (10-15 yr olds) due to non extreme violence and a comedic approach.

Audience psychographics

Social climbers would be likely to enjoy this film most as the fantasy elements would be seen as thrilling- also the futuristic technology would appeal to those who thrive for new inventions. The film is explorative and non stop go which is what social climbers appreciate.

BBFC rating 12A- Moderate violence and bad language.

Uses and gratifications

Entertainment: The film is action packed and has you intrigued constantly. It provides a sense of relief for the audience, from their day to day life.

Stereotypes Ronan, the villain, is dressed in all black and has a scar on his face which is the typical view of a villain. The guardians (heroes) are all muscular looking, abnormally muscular, which suggests that you need to be physically strong to be a hero. Gamora is dressed in a provocative manner which supports the idea that women are there for men (stereotype).

Countertypes Gamora is a female presented to be strong, even amongst a group of men. She fits into the group and is equally as willing to fight- if not more.

Hero/Villain Villain is Ronan the Accuser- he has red marks on his chest which connote blood and danger. He is always very dark, a scene with Ronan has particularly dull lighting- he seems mysterious. Although essentially all the Guardians are heroes, the most heroic guardian is Star Lord. He is the main character, we watch his journey through the whole film (watch him grow up). He wears a long coat which connotes a cape- stereotypical ‘save the day’ outfit.

Gender representations

Gamora is presented powerful, you can tell by her stance and her facial expressions. However she is also quite revealing in the way she is dressed. She is wearing a low cut top for the majority of the film suggesting that she is flirtatious. Star lord is also presented to be powerful as he has a last gun and also looks muscular. The fact that star lord has a gun and looks muscular suggests he's presented to be superior to Gamora.


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