



B.A.LLB. (Hons.)(Semester: I–X)

(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Session: 2016-17


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(ii) Subject to change in the syllabi at any time.Please visit the University website time to time.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester System)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Scheme of Course

Semester – I

Course No Title of the Course Credits TotalCreditsL T P

LAL101 English-I 5 1 0 6LAL102 History – I 5 1 0 6LAL103 Political Science – I (Theory) 5 1 0 6LAL104 /LAL105

-I/ (Mudhli Punjabi)

5 1 0 6

LAL106 Legal Methods & Social Sciences Research 5 1 0 6LAL107 Law of Torts including Motor Vehicle Accidents 5 1 0 6

Total 30 6 0 36Semester –II

LAL108 English – II 5 1 0 6LAL109 History – II 5 1 0 6LAL110 Political Science – II (Thoughts) 5 1 0 6LAL111/LAL112

-II/ (Mudhli Punjabi)

5 1 0 6

LAL113 Comparative Legal System 5 1 0 6LAL114 Law Relating to Consumer Protection 5 1 0 6

Total 30 6 0 36


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester System)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Semester – III

Course No Title of the Course Credits TotalCredits


LAL 115 Economics-I (Macro/Micro) 5 1 0 6LAL 116 English-III 5 1 0 6LAL 117 History-III (Indian legal & constitutional history) 5 1 0 6LAL 118/LAL 119

Punjabi-III/wZ[Ybh gzikph (Basic Punjabi)- III

5 1 0 6

LAL 120 Sociology-I (General Principles) 5 1 0 6LAL 121 Contract-I 5 1 0 6ESL220 Environmental Studies (Comp.) 3 0 0 3

Total 30 6 0 36

Note:- Credits of paper ESL 220* will not be included in the CGPA* Common Code of University is to be given.

Semester IVCourse No Title of the Course Credits Total

CreditsL T P

LAL 122 Economics-II (Economic Development in India) 5 1 0 6LAL 123 English-IV 5 1 0 6LAL 124 Political Science-III 5 1 0 6LAL 125 Fundamentals of Computers 5 1 0 6LAL 126 Sociology-II (Society in India) 5 1 0 6LAL 127 Contract-II 5 1 0 6

Total 30 6 0 36


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester System)

(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Semester VCourse No Title of the Course Credits Total

CreditsL T P

LJL301 Economics-I (Macro/ Micro) 5 0 0 5LJL302 History – II 5 0 0 5LJL303 Administrative Law 5 1 0 6LJL304 Environmental Law 5 0 0 5LJL305 International Human Rights 5 0 0 5LJL306 Law of Crimes-I (Indian Penal Code) 5 1 0 6Interdisciplinary Course-I

To be offered from the outside Department 4 0 0 4Total 34 2 0 36

Semester VICourse No Title of the Course Credits Total

CreditsL T P

LJL307 Economics- II (Economic Development in India) 5 0 0 5LJL308 History-III 5 0 0 5LJL309 Law of Crimes-II (Criminal Procedure Code) 5 1 0 6LJL310 Law relating to Property 5 0 0 5LJL311 Law of Evidence 5 1 0 6Any one of following:LJL312 Opt-(i) Legislative Drafting 5 0 0 5LJL313 Opt-(ii) Comparative Constitutions. 5 0 0 5Interdisciplinary Course-II

To be offered from the outside Department 4 0 0 4Total 34 2 0 36


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Semester VII

Course No Title of the Course Credits TotalCredits

L T PLJL401 Economics-III (International Trade & Finance) 5 1 0 6

LJL402 Civil Procedure Code & Limitation Act 5 1 0 6

LJL403 Alternate Dispute Resolution Systems 5 1 0 6

LJL404 Labour Law 5 1 0 6

Any one paper from LJL405 and LJL406

LJL405 Opt-(i) Humanitarian & Refugee Law 5 1 0 6

LJL406 Opt-(ii)International Organisation 5 1 0 6


To be offered from the outside Department 4 0 0 4

29 5 0 34


B.A., LL.B (Honours)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Semester VIII

Course No Title of the Course Credits TotalCredits

L T PLJL407 General Psychology(Legal) 5 1 0 6

LJL408 Principles of Taxation 5 1 0 6

LJL409 Company Law 5 1 0 6

LJL410 Industrial Law 5 1 0 6

Any one paper from LJL 411 to LJL 413

LJL411 Opt-(i) Health Law 5 1 0 6

LJL412 Opt-(ii) Land Laws including Tenure &Tenancy System

5 1 0 6


To be offered from the outside Department 4 0 0 4

29 5 0 34


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester System)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Scheme of CourseSemester – IX


Title of the Course Credits TotalCreditsL T P

LJL501 Interpretation of Statues & Principles of Legislation 5 1 0 6LJL 502 Indirect Tax 5 1 0 6LJL 503 Drafting, Pleading & Conveyancing 5 1 0 6LJL 504 Small Acts 5 1 0 6Any one of the following: Paper from LJL 505, LJL 506 and LJL 507LJL 505 Opt(i): Law Relating to Insurance 5 1 0 6LJL 506 Opt(ii): Law Relating To Banking 5 1 0 6LJL 507 Opt(iii): Private International Law 5 1 0 6LJL 508* Moot Court Exercise and Internship 0 0 2 2

Interdisciplinary Course–V (To be offered fromoutside department)

4 0 0 4

Total 29 5 2 36Semester –X

LJL 509 Professional Ethics 5 1 0 6LJL 510 Fundamental of IPR (Patent, Trade Mark, Design

and Copy Right)5 1 0 6

Any one paper from LJL511 to LJL512LJL 511 Opt(i): Criminology and Victimology 5 1 0 6LJL 512 Opt(ii): IT Offences 5 1 0 6

Any one paper from LJL513 to LJL514

LJL 513 Opt(i): Services Law 5 1 0 6LJL 514 Opt(ii): Competition Law 5 1 0 6LJL 515** Moot Court & Exercise and Internship 0 0 4 4** The marks of LJL508 and LJL515 will be clubbed together.

Interdisciplinary Course–VI (To be offered fromoutside department)

4 0 0 4

Total 24 4 4 32


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-101 English – I

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR IShort Stories (Tales of Life)1. The Umbrella2. The Egg3. The Story Teller4. The LamentGrammar, Vocabulary and Word Power.1. Errors in the use of articles2. Voice3. Narration4. Homonyms5. Testing the proficiency in Spellings.Some Legal and Foreign Terms DefinedLegal Terms – Plaint, Plaintiff, Defendant, Petition, Alimony, Maintenance, Monogamy,Bigamy, Polygamy, Tort, Libel, Slander, Homicide, Suicide.Foreign Words and Phrases – ad hoc, alma mater, alter ego, ante bell bum, ergo, erratum,etcetera, ex cathedra, finis, ex gracia, homo sapiens, in toto, modus Vivendi.MINOR IIShort Stories1. The Luncheon2. The Shroud3. The Doll’s House4. In Another CountryGrammar and Vocabulary.1. Transformation of sentences (Interchanging affirmative, assertive, negative, interrogative,

exclamatory sentences and Degrees of Comparisons.)2. Punctuation3. GerundsEffective WritingParagraph (100-150 words)Some Legal and Foreign Terms DefinedLegal Terms – Lease, Mortgage, Eviction, Tenancy, Void, Ultra vires, Mandamus,Jurisprudence, Parole, Alibi, Forgery, Prima Facie, Sub judice.Foreign Words and Phrases – persona non grata, post factum, status quo, versus, amour,avant garde, bourgeois, canard, carte blanche, cause clebre, coup de grace, détente, fete.MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)Short Stories1. Eveline2. The TabooGrammar and Vocabulary1. Infinitives2. AntonymsSome Legal and Foreign Terms DefinedLegal Terms –Locus Standi, Suo Moto, Bona Fides, Mala Fide, Habeas Corpus, Ex-Parte,Ex-Officio, Sine-Die, Modus Operandi, Inter alia, De-facto, D- jure, Indemnity.Foreign Words and Phrases –fiancé, fiancée, liaison, motif, rendezvous salon, res time, visà-vis, in ure, vox populi, gleesome, faux pas, environment, eureka.Letter Writing(Personal or Professional)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR IEmergency of Kingship and Republics Local and Village AdministrationSources of LawAdministration of JusticeAdministration of MauryasAdministration of GuptasAdministration of Mughal GovenrmentMINOR IILand Revenue System – Manasabdari, Jagirdari,Foundation of the British Rule.Administration and Social Reforms of Cornwallis, Bentik and Dalhousie.Administration of Punjab by Britishers and role of Punjab in National MovementAdministration of Civil and Criminal Justice in Punjab during the British Rule (1849-75).Land Alienation Act. 1900.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)Agitation against Rowaltt Bills.Jallianwala Bagh and its Impact.Non-Co-Operation Movement.Simon Commission,Cripps Mission.Mountbatten Plan.

Suggested Readings:1. Vakataka Gupta Age – R.C. Majumdar, A.S. Altekar2. Ashoka an Decline of Mauryas – Romila Thapar3. Mughal Empire in India – S.R. Sharma4. A History of the Sikhs Vol-II – Khushwant Singh5. History of British India – P.E. Roberts6. Rise and Fulfillment of British – Thompson7. An Advanced History of India – R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhari, Kalinkar Datta8. The Republican Trends in Ancient India – Shobha Mukerji9. Indian Since Independence – V.D. Mahajan10. Punjab Under the British Rule Vol. III – B.S. Nijjar


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR IPolitical Science: Meaning, Nature and Scope, Greek View Point, Traditional,Modern and Power Concept.Relationship of Political Science with History, Economics, Sociology, Ethics andJurisprudence.State: Meaning, Elements of StateOrigin of State: Theories of origin of State, The Social Contract,Evolutionary, Marxist

MINOR IIFunctions of State: Liberal and Marxist Concept.Sovereignty: Meaning, Features, Types, Theories of Sovereignty: Austin andPluralist.Forms of Government: Unitary, Federal, Parliamentary and Presidential.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)Organs of Government:

The LegislatureThe ExecutiveThe Judiciary

Democracy: Concept, Basic Principals, Kinds, Merits & Demerits.

Suggested Readings:1. Political Theory - V.D. Mahajan2. Political Theory - K.K. Misra3. Political Theory - O.P. Singh4. Political Theory - J.C. Johri5. Principles of Political Science - A.C. Kapoor6. Comprehensive Political Theory - N. Jayapan7. Political Theory and Organization - L.S. Rathor and S.A.H. Haqqi8. Principles and Theories of Political Theory - Urmila Sharma and S.K. Sharma9. State Politics in India - Babulal Fadia10. India Government and Politics - Dr. B.L. Fadia


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-104 pMjwbI - I

e[b nzeL 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)mweInr I : 20mweInr II: 20

mYjr : 50pRSnwvlI/vweIvw: 10

kryifts 5-1-0

mweInr I1 ekB{zBh ns/ ubzs wkwb / (fszB ftu'A iek)2 j/mK fby/ PpdK dk noE fby e/ tkeK ftu gq:'r eoBk

Adult, Agreement, Authorities, Accused, Acquit, Allegation, Alimony, Claim, Come intoforce, come into operation, Compensation, Competent Authority, Compulsory retirement,Crime, Conviction, Damages, document, documentary proof, discretionary defendant,defaulter, embezzlement, evaluation, exercise of power, ex-officio, Implement, law,Misappropriation, misconduct, misrepresentation, misstatement, on use of proof, offence,pending decision, probation, procedure, Plaintiff, petitioner, respondent, time bound, witheffect from, alien, apprentice, asylum, award, barter, bigamy, bias and respondent.

3 BwSw, aupBwSw, tkswlI BwSw, pMjwbI dIAW aupBwSwvW[

mweInr IId' ozr (;zgH jofizdo f;zx fYZb'A), gqhsw f;zx ;or'Xhnk (eftsk Gkr), r[o{ BkBe d/t :{Bhtof;Nh,nzfwqs;o [

(T) gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (d' ftu'A fJe)(n) fe;/ fJe eftsk dk ;ko$ftPk t;s{ (d' ftu'A fJe)(e) do rMg pwT pusqk (kivqw Bwg) iv`co pRSn-au`qr[

mYzr (mweInr I Aqy mweInr II smyq)1H gzikph s'A nzro/Ih ftu nB[tkd2H gzikph ftnkeoD

(T) P[X^nP[X(n) ftPokw fuzBQ(J) fto'Xh Ppd


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-105 mu`FlI pMjwbI -Ie[b nzeL 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

mweInr I : 20mweInr II: 20

myzr : 50pRSnwvlI/vweIvw: 10

kryifts 5-1-0

mweInr I

pMjwbI BwSw,gurmuKI ilpIgurmuKI ilpI : bxqr Aqy qrqIb

pMjwbI BwSw : nwmkrx Aqy sMKyp jwx pCwx, gurmuKI ilpI : nwmkrx, gurmuKI vrxmwlw; pYNqIA`KrI, A`Kr kRm, svr vwhk (a, A, e), lgW mwqrW, pYr ivc ibMdI vwly vrx, pYr ivc pYxvwly vrx, ibMdI, itMpI, A`Dk[

mweInr II

gurmuKI AwrQogRwPIsvr bxqr Aqy aucwrnivAMjn bxqr Aqy aucwrn

gurmuKI AwrQogRwPI Aqy aucwrn; svrW dI bxqr Aqy aucwrn (lGU-dIrG svr); svr Aqy lgWmwqrW; ivAMjnW dI bxqr Aqy aucwrn; pYr ivc pYx vwly vrxW (h, r, v) dw aucwrn ; l Aqyl. dw aucwrn; B, D, F, J, G dw aucwrn, pYr ivc ibMdI vwly vrxW dw aucwrn[

mYzr (mweInr I Aqy mweInr II smyq)

pMjwbI Sbd bxqrswDwrn Sbdiek aucwrKMfI Sbd

pMjwbI Sbd- bxqr : swDwrn Sbd; iek`lw svr (ijvy Aw) : svr Aqy ivAMjn ( ijvyN Awr) ;ivAMjn Aqy svr (ijvyN pw); ivAMjn svr ivAMjn (ijvyN pwr) ; koSgq Sbd (ijvNy Gr, pI);ivAwkrxk Sbd (ijvyN nUM, ny); pMjwbI Sbd rcnw = 1; ilMg-puilMg, iek vcn-bhu vcn; in`qvrqoN dI pjwbI SbdwvlI-I : Kwx-pIx, swkwdwrI, ru`qW, mhIinAW, igxqI, mOsm Awid nwlsMbMiDq [


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-1Meaning of ResearchDifference between Research and Research MethodologyComponents of Good ResearchNeed of Research in SocietyNature and Scope of Legal ResearchDefinition of Legal ResearchResearch EthicsUnethical Research Practices: Plagiarism and its ConsequenceLegal Research: A Tool for Codification and Legal Reform

Types of research; Doctrinal Research, Non-Doctrinal Research, Comparative Research,Descriptive Research, Empirical Research, Evaluative Research, Experimental Research,Historical Research, Inter-Disciplinary Research Inductive and Deductive Research,Normative Research, Socio-Legal Research

Minor-2Identification and Formulation of a research problemHypothesisResearch Design

Major (Including Minor 1 and 2)Methods of data collection; Observation method, Questionnaire method, Interview method,Sampling method, Case study method and Scaling methodProcessing and analysis of dataReport writingMethods of citationRole of electronic technology (computers and internet) in the field of legal research

Recommended Readings:

1. Ahuja, Ram, Research Methods, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 20072. Singh Rattan, Legal Research Methodology, Lexes and Nexus Publications3. Barzun, Jacques and Henry Graff, The Modern Researcher, H. Brace and Worl

Incorporation, New York, 1970.4. Chakworth, K., Research Methodology, Sumit Enterprises, New Delhi, 2006.5. Cotterol, Roger, The Sociology of Law, Butterworths, London, 1984.6. Enright, Christopher, Legal Technique, Universal Law Publishing Co., Delhi, 2009.7. Kumar, Ranjit, Research Methodology, Pearson, New York, 2005.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

8. Misra, P.R., Research Methodology, Concepts Publications, New Delhi, 2002.9. Mittal, Kapila, Research Methodology in Social Science, Vista International Publications,

Delhi, 2006.10. Purohit, Mona, Legal Education and Research Methodology, Central Law Publications,

Allahabad, 2010.11. Singh, Y.K., Research Methodology, APH Publications, New Delhi, 2007.12. Verma, S.K., and M. Afzal Wani, Legal Research and Methodology, Indian Law Institute,

New Delhi, 2006.13. Verma, S.P., Research Methodology, Akansha Publications, New Delhi, 2006.14. Kothari, CR, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, New International (P)

Limited, New Delhi, 2004.15. Gibaldi, Joseph, et. al., MLA Hand Book of Writers for Research Papers, Dissertations

and Thesis, Affiliated East West Press, New Delhi, 2004.


B.A., LL.B (Hons.) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-107 LAW OF TORTS INCLUDING MOTER VEHICLE ACCIDENTSTotal Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)


Major Max. Marks: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR IIntroduction – Meaning & Nature of TortsMain Features, Significance & Objectives.Mental Element in TortsNuisanceNegligence

Judgments:1. Olga Tellis v. Bombay MC, (1985) 3 SCC 545.2. Jay Lakmi Salt works (P) Ltd. V. State of Guj, (1994) 4 SCC 1

MINOR IIDefamationTrespassLiability – Absolute & StrictLiability for AnimalsVicarious Liability

Judgments:1. Spring Meadows Hospital vs. Harjot Singh Ahluwalia & anothers 1998 (2) SCALE 456 (SC)2. Usha Ben vs. Bhagya Laxmi Chitra Mandir AIR 1978 Guj. 1183. Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action vs. Union of India AIR 1996 SC 14464. M.C. Mehta v. UOI, AIR 1987 SC 1086

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)General DefencesAssault and BatteryLiability for Malicious ProsecutionCompensation under Motor Vehicles Act


B.A., LL.B (Hons.) (Semester – I)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Judgments:1. ICICI Bank Ltd. V. Dr. BN.P. Gayathri, 2006 (3) CPR 2972. Kanhiya Lal Radhey Sham v. Urmila Rani, AIR 2007(DOC) 1173. Vimal Chandra Grover v. Bank of India, AIR 2000 SC 2181

Suggested Readings:1. The Law of Torts -- Rattanlal and Dhirajlal2. The Law of Torts -- Ramaswamy Iyer3. The Law of Torts -- Salmond and Hueston4. Text Book on Torts -- Tones Michael5. Law of Torts -- R.K. Bangia6. The Law of Torts -- S.K. Kapoor7. The Law of Torts -- P.A.S. Pillia8. The Law of Torts including Motor Vehicles Accident—N.V Paranjape


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-108 English- II

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I1. ‘Twenty Tales from Shakespeare’ by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb

(‘King Lear’, “As You Like It’, ‘The Merchant of Venice’)2. Grammar:(i) Tenses(ii) Formation of words (at least two from the given prefixes & suffixes)Legal Terms – Accumulated Profits, authority, Bailable, Bailee, banishment, body of laws, badfaith, caveat viator, claimant, clemency, company, consignment, convict, de jure, guardian,dichotomy of powers, abandon, defamation, cadaver, coercion.

MINOR II1. The Tempest (Twenty Tales from Shakespeare)2. ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’ by R.K. Narayan (First 7 chapters)3. Grammar:(i) Synthesis of sentences. (Synthesis of two sentences into one simple, compound or complex)(ii) Precis of the given passage, with a suitable title.Foreign Words and Phrases:Ad interim, alma mater, a propos, au fait, au pair, bête noire, carp diem, inter alia, ipso facto, joiede vivre, muse, sine die, via, vox populi, object d art, fait accompli, déjà vu, tour de force, bonvoyage, esprit de corps.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)1. Remaining Chapters of the Novel (The Man-Eater of Malgudi’ by R.K. Narayan)2. Essay of about 500 words.3. Antonyms and Synonyms.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-109 History- II

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR IAdministration of Justice In Bombay (1668-1726)Administration of Justice in Calcutta (1690-1726)Administration of Justice in Madras (1639-1726)Regulacting Act of 1773Supreme Court at Calcutta

MINOR IIPrivy CouncilEstablishment of High Court (Majour’s Court)Federal Court of IndiaCharter Act of 1833 and 1853Government of India Act, 1858

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)Indian Councils Act, 1861Indian Councils Act, 1892Indian Councils Act, 1909Government of India Act, 1919The Government of India Act, 1935

Suggested Readings:

1. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- J.K. Mittal2. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- Monica David3. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- Dr. S.K. Puri4. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- Kailash Rai5. Land Marks in Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- V.D. Kulshreshtha6. Outlines of Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- M.P. Singh7. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- S.C. Tripathi8. Outlines of Indian Legal History -- M.P. Jain9. A New Look Modern Indian History -- B.L. Grover10. India Since Independence -- V.D. Mahajan


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR IPlato : Ideal State, Theory of justice,Theory of EducationAristotle : Theory of State.Theory of RevolutionBentham : UtilitarianismTheory of State and Government

MINOR IIJ.S. Mill : On LibertyOn Representative Government.Karl Marx : Historical MaterialismClass StruggleLenin : Theory of ImperialismRole of Party

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)Mahatma Gandhi : Religion, Morality and PoliticsSatyagrahaB.R. Ambedkar : Political Liberty and Socio-Economic equality:Protection and Safeguards for Minorities.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-111 gzikph-IIe[b nzeL 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

mweInr-I : 20mweInr-II: 20

mYjr : 50pRSnwvlI/vweIvw: 10

kryifts 5-1-0

mweInr -I 15 kryift AwvrzbwkI dw drd (divMdr mMf) khwxI sMgRih (pihlIAW Cy khwxIAW) kuknus pRkwSn, jlMDr [(a) khwxIAW ivcoN pRSn-au`@qr(A) p`wqr-icqrn (cwr ivcoN do)(e) khwxI dw ivSw vsqU / swr / klwqmk jugqw (do ivcoN iek)(s) pRsMg sihq ivAwiKAW [

mweInr -II 15 krYift AwvrzbwkI dw drd (divMdr mMf) khwxI sMgRih (sq qoN cOdw) kuknus pRkwSn, jlMDr [(a) khwxI dw ivSw vsqU / swr / klwqmk jugqw (do ivcoN iek)(A) pRsMg sihq ivAwiKAW [(e) khxIAW ivcoN pRSn auqr [(s) pwqr-icqrn (cwr ivcoN do)

myzr (mweInr I Aqy mweInr II smyq) 20 krYift Awvrz

1H nzro/Ih s'A gzikph ftu nB[tkd2H gzikph ftnkeoD(a) bhuqy Sbdw dI QW iek Sbd(A) smwnwrQI Sbd(e) P[X^nP[X Sbd(s) fto'Xh Ppd


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-112 mu`FlI pMjwbI- IIe[b nzeL 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

mweInr I : 20mweInr II: 20

mYjr : 50pRSnwvlI/vweIvw: 10

kryift: 5-1-0

mweInr I 15 kryift AwvrzpMjwbI Sbd-bxqrsMXukq Aqy imSrq Sbdbhu-aucwrKMfI SbdpMjwbI Sbd-bxqr: sMXukq Sbd; smwsI Sbd (ijvyN lok sBw) ; dojwqI Sbd (ijvyN kwlw isAwh) ; dohrySbd/duhrrukqI (ijvyN DUVH DwVH/Br Br), imSrq SbdW dI bxqr/isrjnw; AgyqrW rwhIN (ijvyN aup BwSw),ipCyqrW rwhI (ijvyN rMglw), pMjwbI Sbd rcnw-2: pVnwvIN rUp, ikirAw/ shwiek ikirAw dy rUp; in`q vrqoNdI pMjwbI SbdwvlI-2: pVnwvIN rUp, ikirAw/shwiek ikirAw dy rUp; in`q vrqoN dI pMjwbI SbdwvlI-2:mwrkIt/bwzwr, vpwr, DMidAW nwl sMbMiDq[mweInr II 15 kryift AwvrzpMjwbI vwk-bxqrswDwrx-vwk : iksmWsMXukq-vwk : iksmWimSrq-vwk : iksmWpMjwbI vwk-bxqr: krqw krm ikirAw; swDwrn vwk, ibAwnIAw, pRSnvwck, AwigAwvwck, sMXukq AqyimSrq vwkW dIAW iksmW; suqMqr Aqy ADIn aupvwk; smwn (qy/Aqy) Aqy ADIn (jo/ik) XojkW dI vrqoN;pMjwbI vwkW dI vrqNo : iviBMn smwjk/siBAwcwrk pRsiQqIAW dy AMqrgq; Gr ivc, bwzwr ivc, myly ivc,SoiMpMg mwl/isnmy ivc, ivAwh ivc, Dwrimk sQwnW ivc, dosqW nwl Awid[

mYzr (mweInr I Aqy mweInr II smyq) 20 kryift AwvrzpRkwrjI pMjwbIic`TI p`qrpYrHw rcnwsMKyp rcnwAKwx Aqy muhwvryies XUint ivc ic`TI p`qr (in`jI/d&qrI/vpwrk), pYrw rcnW, sMKyp rcnw Aqy AKwx muhwvirAW dI vrqoNrwhIN ividAwrQI dI BwSweI Xogqw nUM priKAw jwvygw[


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0


Historical Development of Comparative Law.Need and Importance of Comparative Law, Significance of Teaching and studying thesubject of Comparative Law for the Law Students.Comparative Law and its Role in Development and International Unification of LawsIdentifying the Sources and Structure of LawMajor Legal Families of the WorldThe Common Law SystemThe Civil Law SystemThe Socialist LawReligious Legal System


History of English Legal System-The Anglo-Saxon Period, Growth of the Common Law, Growth of Equity and the ModernPeriod.Concept of the Legal Rules, Hierarchy and Functioning of the English CourtsSources of the English Law- Decisions of the Courts, Statute Law and CustomsHistory of American Legal System-Hierarchy and Functioning of the Federal Courts, Sources of the American LawThe French Legal SystemThe French Civil Code a brief OverviewThe German Legal SystemThe German Civil Code a Brief OverviewThe Austrian Legal System-Brief overviewThe Scandinavian Legal System-Brief overview

MAJOR (Including Minor 1 and II)

Characteristic Features of -Islamic Law, Saudi Arabia, the Jewish Law, the Canon Law, Indian Legal SystemLegal System of Pakistan, the Chinese Legal System, the Japanese Legal System


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. Ajijola, A.D., Introduction to Islamic Law, International Islamic Publishers, New Delhi,1989.

2. Allott, Antony N., The Limits of Law, Butterworths London, 19803. Anderson, J.N.D., Family Law in Asia and Africa, George Allen, London, 19684. Anderson, J.N.D., Islamic Law in the Modern Law, New York University Press,

London, 19595. Ballard, Roger, Desh Pradesh, The South Asian Presence in Britain, Hurst and

Company, London, 19946. Brady, James P., Justice and Politics in People’s China, Academic Press, London, 19827. Butler, William E., The Legal System of the Chinese Soviet Republic 1931-1934,

Transnational Publishers, New York, 19838. Cohen, Jerome, A., The Criminal Process in the People’s Republic of China 1949-

1963: An Introduction, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 19689. Cownie, Fiona, Bradney, Anthony, Burton,Mandy,English Legal System in Context,

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 5th ed., 201010. Cruz, Peter De, Comparative Law in Changing World, Routledge, London, 200711. Derrett, J. Duncan M., Essays in Classical and Modern Hindu Law, Vol. III, Anglo-

Hindu Legal Problems, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 197712. Derrett, J. Duncan M., Religion, Law and the State in India, Faber and Faber, London,

196813. Deva, Indra and Srirama, Growth of Legal System in Indian Society, Allied Publishers,

New Delhi, 197914. Donald, C. Clarke, China’s Legal System: New Developments, New Challenges,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 200815. Foster, Nigel, andSule, Satish, German Legal System and Laws, Oxford University

Press, Oxford, 201016. Glenn, H. Patrick, Legal Traditions of the World, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 200017. Gutteridge, Comparative Law: An Introductionto the Comparative Method of Legal

Study and Research, Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi, First Indian Reprint, 201018. Ingman, Terence, The English Legal Process, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 13th ed.,

201119. Menski, Werner F., Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia

and Africa, Platinum Publishing Limited, Mumbai, 200020. Plessis, Paul du, Borkowski's, Textbook on Roman Law, Oxford University Press,

Oxford, 201021. Slapper, Gary, English Legal System, Routledge, New York, 2006


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – II)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR IUnited Nations and Consumer ProtectionHistory and Need for Consumer ProtectionConsumer Rights under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986Consumer Protection Councils

MINOR IIApplicability of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 to Various Goods and ServicesUnfair Trade Practices under the Consumer protection ActRestrictive Trade Practices under the Consumer protection ActConsumer Participation in the Post Globalised EraRedressal Mechanism under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)Developments in the Consumer Protection Law in India(a) Group Actions and the Consumer Protection Law(b) Business Self-Regulation and Consumer Protection Law(c) Emergence of the Movement for Green ConsumerismNon-Legal Measures for Consumer Protection(a) Consumer Education(b) Lobbying(c) Boycotting

Suggested Readings:Avtar Singh: Law of consumer protection: principles and practice : being a study of theConsumer Protection Act, 1986, Eastern Book Co., 2005.

Reference Material:D.N. Saraf: Law of Consumer Protection in India, 2nd Edition, N.M. Tripathi, Bombay, 1995.Gurjeet Singh: The Law of Consumer Protection in India: Justice Within Reach, Deep & DeepPublications, New Delhi, 1996.Anoop Kaushal: Universal's Practical Guide to Consumer Protection Law, Universal LawPublishing Co., Delhi (3rd Ed.), Reprint 2010.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-115 ECONOMICS-I (Macro/Micro)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

Definition & Scope of EconomicsBrief introduction to various Branches of EconomicsTheory of Demand:- Meaning, Law of Demand, Types of DemandElasticity of Demand:- Price, Income & Cross- Meaning and DegreesLaws of Consumption- Law of DMU, Law of Equi-Martial Utility & its defects.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Market Structure- Perfect Competition , Monopoly Monopolistic completion, oligopoly duopoly(features only), Measure to restrict monopoly.Money & Banking: Money meaning & functionsCommercial Banks- Meaning & functions.Central Bank- Meaning & functions, Banking in India.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Nature & Norms of Modern Public FinancePublic Revenue- Canons of Taxation, Characteristics of a good tax system, The Indian TaxStructure.Public Expenditure, Budget Analysis.

Suggested Readings:

1. Advanced Economic Theory- Micro Analysis by H.L. Ahuja.2. Economic Theory- Micro Analysis by G.Kaushal3. International Economics by M.L. Jhingan4. Public Finance by B.P. Tyagi5. Monetary Economics by R.R. Paul.6. Money Banking International Trade and public finance by Dr D M Mithani


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours* A Choice of Short Stories (ed. Batra & Sidhu). The stories prescribed are:1. The Refugee.2. The Interview.3. Miracle.* Poems of Nature and Culture. Poems prescribed for study.1. The World is Too Much with us2. The Solitary Reaper Grammar & Vocabulary (Text based) Use of Legal TermsLegal of Terms – Abandonment, abduct, acquittal, adjourn, adverse witness, affidavit, appeal,argument, bail, bench, code, capital punishment, compromise, damage, decree, domicile,estoppels, eviction, habeas corpus, homicide, immovables, inheritance, issue, litigation, locusstandi.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours* A Choice of Short Stories (ed. Batra & Sidhu). The stories prescribed are:1. The Lost Child2. Dusk.3. An Astrologer’s Day.* Poems of Nature and Culture. Poems prescribed for study.1. She walks in Beauty2. Ozymondias* Grammar & Vocabulary (Text based)* Report Writing

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours1. A Friend in Need2. Post Haste3. The Boss Came to Dinner* Poems of Nature and Culture. Poems prescribed for study.1. La Belle Dame Sans Merci.* Grammar & Vocabulary (Text based)* Essay Writing


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-117 HISTORY- III (Indian Legal & Constitutional History)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

India Under The East India company, and end of the company’s rule Inauguration of Adalat system in Bengal Role of Cornwallis in judicial Settlement Progress of Judicial reforms.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours Development of Criminal law (1772-1860) Influence of English Law in India Racial Distinction. Development of Civil Law: Mofussil

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Growth of Legal Profession Legal Education Present Indicial System


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-118 - III

e[b nzeL 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated) I : 20 II: 20 : 50

: 10Credits: 5-1-0

I 15 Credit Hours1eEk^b'e gfjbhnK 8 ejkDhnK. (;zgkde vkL ;HgH f;zx, vkL i;ftzdo f;zx, gpbhe/PB

fpTo' gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk)(T) gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (d' ftu'A fJe)(n) fe;/ fJe dk ;ko$ftPk t;s/ (d' ftu'A fJe)(II 15 Credit Hours2H eEk^b'e gfjbhnK 9 s'A 15 ejkDhnK. (;zgkde vkL ;HgH f;zx, vkL i;ftzdo f;zx,

gpbhe/PB fpTo' gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk)(T) gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (do ivcoN fJe)(n) fe;/ fJe dk ;ko$ftPk t;s/ (d' ftu'A fJe)(

I II 20 Credit Hours


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-119 III(Special paper in lieu of Punjabi Compulsory)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credits Hours nWv pVnWv ivSySx ikirAw

MINOR II 15 Credits Hours ikirAw ivSySx sMbMDk Xojk ft;we

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credits Hours Axif`Tw pYrHw ivSrwm icMnH Su`D-ASu`D Sbd lyK-rcnw

j/mK fby/ PpdK dk noE fby e/ tkeK ftu gq:'r eoBk

Adult, Agreement, Authorities, Accused, Acquit, Allegation, Alimony, Claim, Come into force,come into operation, Compensation, Competent Authority, Compulory retirement, Crime,Conviction, Damages.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-120 SOCIOLOGY-I (General Principles)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR ISociology: Concept, Nature, Scope and ImportanceRelationship of Sociology with Political Science, History, Economics, Ethics andJurisprudence.Methods of Sociology: Comparative, Historical, Statistical, Case Study,Functional and Scientific.Sociological Concepts: Status and Role, Social Groups

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Religious Institutions: Religion and Morality.Social Stratification: Meaning and TypesSocial Change: Meaning and NatureSocial Control: Meaning & Nature.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 15 Credit HoursSocial Groups: Concept & Kinds.Social Institutions: Marriage, Kinship, Family.Political Institutions: Power, Authority, State.Economic Institutions: Capitalism Property, Division of Labour

Suggested Readings:1. Sociology -- C.N. Shankra Rao2. Sociology: A Systematic Introduction -- Hary Johnson3. Introduction to Sociology -- Dr. Vidhya Bhushan.4. Introduction to Sociology -- Stewart Elebert5. Principles of Sociology -- P. Broom Leonard6. Fundamentals of Sociology -- P. Gisbert7. Sociology for Law Students -- T.K. Oommen & C.N. Venugopal8. The Family in India -- Tulsi Patel (ed.).9. Crisis & Contention in Indian Society -- T.K. Oomen10. The Sage Dictionary of Sociology --Steve Buice & Steven Yearly11. Sociology -- B.R. Smith12. Unique Quientesence of Political Science --Theory of Govt. and Politics -- H.D. Ghoshal


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursProposal, Acceptance, Agreement, ContractProposal: Definition, EssentialsTypesGeneralSpecificStandingContinuingDifference between ‘Offer’ and Invitation to treat’Revocation of offerAcceptance: Definition, Essentials, Communication of acceptance,Revocation of acceptanceJudgments:1. Lalman Shukla v. Gauri Dutt, AIR 1995 SC 16072. Bhagwandas v. Girdhari Lal & Co., AIR 1966 SC 5433. Anil Kumar Srivastava V/s State of U.P. AIR 2004 SC 4299

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursConsideration: Definition, Ingredients,Privity of Contract and of Consideration,Exceptions to ConsiderationsCapacity to Contract: Contract of a minorNature of minor’s agreementEffect of minor’s agreementDoctrine of RestitutionBeneficial ContractsRatificationLiabilities for ‘Necessaries, suppliedContract by an Unsound PersonJudgments:1. Chacko V/s Mahadevan AIR 2007 SC 29672. Mohori Bibi V/s Dharmodas Glos (1903) 30 IA 114 (PC)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursFree Consent: DefinitionCoercionUndue influenceMisrepresentationFraudMistakeLegality of Object and ConsiderationUnlawful Agreements.Void AgreementsDischarge of a ContractModes of DischargePerformance of ContractImpossibility of Performance and FrustrationEffects of FrustrationDischarge by Agreement, NovationBreach of ContractAnticipatory BreachDamages for BreachRemoteness of DamagesMeasure of Damages


1. Shri Krishan v. Kurukshetra University, AIR 1976 SC 3762. Khan Gul V/s Lakha Singh AIR 1928 Lahore 60,3.3. Sushila Devi v. Hari Singh, AIR 1971 SC 17564. National Insurance Co. V/s. Bhogara Polylab Pvt. Ltd.

Suggested Readings:

1. Law of Contract-I & II with specific Relief Act, Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act &Negotiable Instruments Act - By S.S. Srivastava2. Contract-I & Specific Relief Act - By Kailash Rai3. Law of Contract - By R.K. Bangia4. Contract & Specific Relief - By Avtar Singh5. Law of Contract - By S.K. Kapoor6. Indian Contract & Specific Relief Act - By Mulla7. Law of Contract - By Anson8. Law of Contract - By Dutt


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

ESL 220 Environmental Studies (Compulsory Paper)

Credit 3-0-0

1. The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, scope & itsimportance, Need for public awareness.

2. Natural Resources: Natural resources and associated problems.a) Forest Resources: Use of over exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber

extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people.b) Water Resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought,

conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.c) Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using

mineral resources, case studies.d) Food Resources: World food problems, change caused by agriculture and overgrazing,

effects or modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problem, salinity, case studies.e) Energy Resources: Growing of energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy

resources, use of alternate energy sources, case studies.f) Land Recourses: Land as a resource, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.g) Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources, Equitable use of resources for

sustainable lifestyles.3. Ecosystem:

Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, consumers anddecomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains, food websand ecological pyramids.Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the followingecosystems:a. Forest ecosystemb. Grassland ecosystemc. Desert ecosystemd. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).

4. Biodiversity and its Conservation:Definition: Genetic, species and ecosystem diversity, Biogeographical classification of India.Value of Biodiversity: Consumptive use; productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and optionvalues.Biodiversity of global, National and local levels, India as mega-diversity nation "Hot-spots ofbiodiversity.Threats to Biodiversity: Habitat loss, poaching of wild life, man wildlife conflictsEndangered and endemic species of India.Conservation of Biodiversity: In situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

5. Environmental Pollution:Definition, Causes, effects and control measures of:a) Air Pollutionb) Water Pollutionc) Soil Pollutiond) Marine Pollutione) Noise Pollutionf) Thermal Pollutiong) Nuclear HazardsSolid Waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrialwastes.Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.Pollution case studies Disaster Management: Floods, Earthquake, Cyclone and Landslides

6. Social Issues and Environment:* From unsustainable to sustainable development* Urban problems related to energy* Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management* Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case studies* Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions.* Climate change, global warning, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and

holocause. Case studies.* Wasteland reclamation* Consumerism and waste products* Environmental Protection Act* Air (prevention and Control of Pollution) Act* Water (prevention and Control of Pollution) Act* Wildlife Protection Act* Forest Conservation Act* Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation* Public awareness

7. Human Population and the Environment* Population growth, variation among nations* Population explosion-Family welfare programme* Environment and human health* Human rights* Value education* HIV / AIDS* Women and child welfare* Role of information technology in environment: and human health* Case studies


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

* Road Safety Rules & Regulations: Use of Safety Devices while Driving, Do’s and Don’tswhile Driving, Role of Citizens or Public Participation, Responsibilities of Public underMotor Vehicle Act, 1988, General Traffic Signs

* Accident & First Aid: First Aid to Road Accident Victims, Calling Patrolling Police &Ambulance

8. National Service Scheme Introduction and Basic Concepts of NSS: History, philosophy, aims & objectives of

NSS: Emblem, flag, motto, song, badge etc.; Organization structure, roles andresponsibilities of various NSS functionaries.

Health, Hygiene & Sanitation: Definition, needs and scope of health education; Foodand Nutrition; Safe drinking water, water borne diseases and sanitation (Swachh BharatAbhiyan); National Health Programme; Reproductive health.

Civil/Self Defense: Civil defense services, aims and objectives of civil defense; Needsfor self defense training.

9. Field Work: Visit to a local area to document environmental assets–river / forest / grassland /hill / mountain. Visit to a local polluted site–Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural.Study of common plants, insects, birds. Study of simple ecosystems–pond, river, hillslopes, etc. (Field work equal to 5 lecture hours)


1. Agarwal, K. C. 2001. Environmental Biology, Nidhi Publications Ltd. Bikaner.2. Bharucha, E. 2005. Textbook of Environmental Studies, Universities Press, Hyderabad.3. Bharucha, E. 2004. The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad.4. Brunner, R. C. 1989. Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc. New York.5. Clark, R. S. 2000. Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford.6. Cunningham, W. P., Cooper, T. H., Gorhani, E. & Hepworth, M. T. 2001. Environmental

Encyclopedia, Jaico Publications House, Mumbai.7. De, A. K. 1989. Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.8. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.9. Hawkins, R. E. 2000. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History

Society.10. Heywood, V. H & Waston, R. T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge

House, Delhi.11. Jadhav, H. & Bhosale, V. M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub.12. Joseph, K. and Nagendran, R. 2004. Essentials of Environmental Studies, Pearson

Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Delhi.13. Kaushik, A. & Kaushik, C. P. 2004. Perspective in Environmental Studies, New Age

International (P) Ltd, New Delhi.14. Miller, T. G. Jr. 2000. Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co.15. Odum, E. P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – III)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

16. Rajagopalan, R. 2005. Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure. Oxford UniversityPress, New Delhi.

17. Sharma, B. K. 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publishing House, Meerut.18. Sharma, J. P. 2004. Comprehensive Environmental Studies, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd,

New Delhi.19. Sharma, P. D. 2005. Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.20. Subramanian, V. 2002. A Text Book in Environmental Sciences, Narosa Publishing

House, New Delhi.21. Survey of the Environment. 2005. The Hindu.22. Tiwari, S. C. 2003. Concepts of Modern Ecology, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,

Dehra Dun.23. Townsend, C., Harper, J. and Michael, B. 2001. Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell

Science.24. Booklet on Safe Driving. Sukhmani Society (Suvidha Centre), District Court Complex,



B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-122 ECONOMICS-II (Economic Development in India)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursIndian Economy: Nature and FeaturesLaw and EconomyFeatures of Economic LawsEconomic Laws and Government LawsForeign Capital in India: Forms, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)Multi National Companies and Foreign Collaboration in Industry: Domination and Control

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursNew Economic Reforms in IndiaMonopolies Restrictive Trade PracticesMonopolies Restrictive Unfair Trade Practices: The Preview of Monopolies Restrictive TradePractices Act, Process of Liberalization in the Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Act.Role of Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Commission and the Government.Industrial Policy 1991 and the Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Act

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursWTO- Impact on Indian Economy.Inflation- Meaning, Causes and consequencesLand Reforms in India: Objectives, Measures Introduced in India, Suggestions forAttaining in the Implementation of Land Reforms, Achievements in Land ReformsCenter-State Financial Relations in India: Introduction to 13th Finance Commission.Banking Law & Practice.

Suggested Readings:1. Indian Economy- Its Growing Dimensions by P.K. Dhar2. The Indian Economy- Environment and Policy by Ishwar C. Dhingra3. Indian Economy by Ruddar Dutt and Sundaram4. Public Finance by B.P. Tyagi5. The Economics of Development and Planning by M.L. Jhingan.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours* All my Sons by Arthur Miller (Act-I)* Poems of Nature and Culture. The poems prescribed are1. The Portrait2. Te Unknown Citizen.* Precis Writing* Use of Legal Terms:Magistrate, mortage, motive, natural justice, negligence, notary public, oath, offence, overrule, ownership, pardon, parole, penalty, possession, post-mortem, preamble, presumption,procedure, promissory note, proof, quorum, sentence, summons, trespass.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours* All my Sons by Arthur Miller (Act-II)* Poems of Nature and Culture. The poems prescribed are

1. Funeral Blues.2. Do not go Gentle into that Good Night

* Unseen passage* Translation

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours* All my Sons by Arthur Miller (Act-III)* Poems of Nature and Culture. The poems prescribed are

1. False Religion.2. Night of Scorpion.

* Letter Writing (Formal / Informal Letter)* Prefixes & Suffixes.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours• Meaning, Nature and Scope of International Relations• Concept, Elements, problems and Limitations of National Power.• Collective Security.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours• Meaning, Purpose, Significance and Determinants of foreign Policy.• Origin of Cold way and its impact on International Relations.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours• Origin, Role and Significance of International organization (I.O).• League of Nations.• United Nations• Indo-US Relations• Indo-Pak Relations.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

Introduction of ComputerComputer System Characteristics,Hardware- CPU, Memory, Input, Output & Storage DeviceOrganization of Secondary Storage MediaSoftware- System & Application, Types of Processing Batch And On-Line


Operation System ConceptsRole of an Operating System, Types of Operating SystemBooting Precedure and Its Types.Fundaments and Typical Instructions of Windows & Non-Windows Based OperatingSystem.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)

MS Word (Word for Windows)

Overview, Creating, Saving, Opening, Importing, Exporting and Inserting Files, FormattingPages, Paragraph and Sections, Indents and Outdents, Creating Lists and NumberingHeading, Styles, Fonts and Font SizeEditingt, Positioning and viewing texts, Finding and Replacing Text, Inserting page breaks,page numbers, book marks, symbols and dates.Using tabs and tables, header, footer and printing.Header and Footers, Mail Merge, Macros and Tables


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MS-Power Point

Introduction to MS Power Point, Power Point Elements, Exploring Power Point Menu,Working with Dialogues Boxes, Saving Presentation, Printing Slides, Slide View, SlideSorter view, notes view, Formatting and enhancing text formatting.

Text Books:

1. R.K. Taxali: Introduction to software packages, Galgotia Publications.

2. MS-Office 2013 Complied by SYBIX

3. MS-Office 2003 BPOB Publications

4. Introduction to Computer P.K. Sinha.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LAL-126 SOCIOLOGY- II (Society in India)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursIndian Social Institutions: A Fundamental Idea.Hindu Philosophy: Continuity and Change.Indian Society: Unity in diversity.Hindu Marriage – A Religious Sacrament. Problems of Hindu Marriage viz. ChildMarriage; Widow Re-Marriage, – Divorce.

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursFamily: Nuclear and Joint; Recent Trends.Caste System: Concept, Changes in Caste SystemSocial Class: Concept, Marxian Analysis of ClassTribal Society: Tribal Problems and Tribal Welfare ProgramsIndian Rural Community: Panchayati Raj System in India

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursSocial Mobility: Sanskritisation: Modernization; WesternizationSocial Problems in Indian Context:Atrocities against Women,Problems of the Under Privileged: Scheduled Caste and Backward Class

Suggested Readings :1. C.N. Shakara Rao - Sociology2. Dr. Vidhya Bhushan - Introduction to Sociology3. Veena Das (ed.) - Hadbook of Indian Sociology4. M. Hara Lambus and R.M. Head - Sociology5. M. Francis Abraham - Contemporary Sociology: An Introduction to Concepts and Theories.6. Tulsi Patel (ed.) - The Family in India7. T.K. Oommeh and C.N. Venugopal - Sociology for Law Students8. David M. Newman (ed.) - Sociology9. Steve Bruce and Steven Yearly - The Sage Dictionary of Sociology10. B.R. Singh - Sociology11. H.D. Ghoshal - Unique Quintessence of Sociology - Theory of Government & Politics


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursIndian Contract Act, 1872IndemnityGuaranteeBailmentAgencyJudgments:1. Ass. of Corporation v. State of Bihar, AIR 2000 Delhi 1062. Ram Prasad v. State of M.P., AIR 1970 SC 1818

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursSpecific Relief Act, 1963Recovering possession of property (Sec. 5-8)Specific Performance of ContractContracts which can be specifically enforced (Sec. 10-13)Contracts which cannot be specifically enforced (Sec. 14-19)Discretion and powers of the Court (Sec. 20-25)Injunctions (Sec. 36-42)Judgments:1. Ashok Kumar Srivastav v. National Insurance Co.Ltd., (1998) & SCC 3612. Ram Niwas v. Bano, AIR 2000 SC 29213. Moti Lal Jain v. Ramdasi Devi, AIR 2000 SC 2408

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursIndian Partnership Act, 1932Definition of PartnershipRelationship of partners inter se (Sec. 9-17)Relationship of partners to third party (Sec. 18-30)Minors admitted to the benefits of partnership (Sec. 30)Dissolution of Firm (Sec. 39-55)Sales of Goods Act, 1930Difference between agreement to sell or sale (Sec. 4)Conditions and Warranties (Sec. 11-17)Transfer of property as between seller and buyer (Sec. 18-26)Rights of an Unpaid Sellers (Sec. 45-54)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IV)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. Addanki Narayanappa v. Bhaskara Krishnappa, AIR 1966 SC 1300

2. Commissioner of Income Tax v. Sunil J. Kinariwala, AIR 2003 SC 688

3. Badri Prasad v. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1966 SC 58

4. U.O.I. v. West Punjab Factories Ltd., AIR 1966 SC 395

5. Vishnu Sugar Mills Ltd., v. Food Corporation of India, AIR 1987 Pat. 22

Suggested Readings:

1. Law of Contract-I& II with specific Relief Act, Sale of Goods Act, Partnership

Act & Negotiable Instruments Act - S.S. Srivastava

2. Contract -I & Specific Relief Act - Kailash Rai

3. Law of Contract - R.K. Bangia

4. Contract & Specific Relief - Avtar Singh

5. Law of Contract - S.K. Kapoor

6. Indian Contract & Specific Relief Act - Mulla

7. Law of Contract - Anson

8. Law of Contract – Dutta


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-301 ECONOMICS-I (Macro/Micro)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

Definition & Scope of EconomicsBrief introduction to various Branches of EconomicsTheory of Demand:- Meaning, Law of Demand, Types of DemandElasticity of Demand:- Price, Income & Cross- Meaning and DegreesLaws of Consumption- Law of DMU, Law of Equi-Martial Utility & its defects.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Market Structure- Perfect Competition , Monopoly Monopolistic completion, oligopoly duopoly(features only), Measure to restrict monopoly.Money & Banking: Money meaning & functionsCommercial Banks- Meaning & functions.Central Bank- Meaning & functions, Banking in India.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Nature & Norms of Modern Public FinancePublic Revenue- Canons of Taxation, Characteristics of a good tax system, The Indian TaxStructure.Public Expenditure, Budget Analysis.Suggested Readings:1. Advanced Economic Theory- Micro Analysis by H.L. Ahuja.2. Economic Theory- Micro Analysis by G.Kaushal3. International Economics by M.L. Jhingan4. Public Finance by B.P. Tyagi5. Monetary Economics by R.R. Paul.6. Money Banking International Trade and public finance by Dr D M Mithani


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-302 History- II

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursAdministration of Justice In Bombay (1668-1726)Administration of Justice in Calcutta (1690-1726)Administration of Justice in Madras (1639-1726)Regulacting Act of 1773Supreme Court at Calcutta

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursPrivy CouncilEstablishment of High Court (Majour’s Court)Federal Court of India

Charter Act of 1833 and 1853Government of India Act, 1858

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Indian Councils Act , 1861Indian Councils Act, 1892Indian Councils Act, 1909Government of India Act, 1919

The Government of India Act, 1935

Suggested Readings:1. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- J.K. Mittal2. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- Monica David3. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- Dr. S.K. Puri4. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- Kailash Rai5. Land Marks in Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- V.D. Kulshreshtha6. Outlines of Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- M.P. Singh7. Indian Legal and Constitutional History -- S.C. Tripathi8. Outlines of Indian Legal History -- M.P. Jain9. A New Look Modern Indian History -- B.L. Grover10. India Since Independence -- V.D. Mahajan


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

• Meaning, Nature and Scope of Administrative Law• Origin and Growth of Administrative Law in India• Rule of Law and Development in India and England• Theory of Separation of Power with reference to India• Relationship between the Administrative Law and Constitutional Law

Judgements:1 Tulsi Das V. Govt. of A.P. AIR 2003 SC 43.2. Ram Ashray Yadav V. Chairman, Bihar Public Service Commission AIR 2000 SC 1448.3. Peoples Union for Civil Liberties V. State of U.P. AIR 2000 All.103.4. I.R. Coelho (dead) by L.Rs v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 2007 SC 861

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours• Delegated Legislation: Meaning, concept, nature and scope• Delegated Legislation: Control Mechanism• Sub Delegation• Administrative Adjudication : Meaning, Structure and Procedure.• Judicial Review and Constitutional Remedies

Judgements:1. State of Maharashtra V. Indian Medical Association 2002 (1) SCC 589.2. Behru Lal V/s. State of Rajasthan AIR 2001 Raj 42.3. C. Jacob V/s. Director of Geology and Mining AIR (2009) 1 SC 264.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours• Meaning and Concept of Natural Justice• Concept of Post Decisional Hearing and Institutional Hearing• Attributes of Fair Trial• Public Interest Litigation.• Institution of Ombudsman-Lokpal in India• Punjab Lokpal Act, 1993.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. Farid Abdul Latif Noorani v. Syed Sadigi Ali Qadri, AIR 2009 Bom 1935

2. Gopal Singh v. State Forest Officer’s Association, AIR 2007 SC 1878

3. Nirmaljit Kaur v. State of Punjab, AIR 2006 SC 607S

Suggested Readings:

1. D.D. Basu: Administrative Law, Kamal Law House, Calcutta.

2. I.P. Massey: Administrative Law, Eastern Book Co., Lucknow.

3. C.L.Thakur: Administrative Law in India, Eastern Book Co., Lucknow.

4. Jain & Jain: Principles of Administrative Law N.M. Tripathi, Mumbai.

5. M.P. Jain: Cases and Materials on Administrative Law, Wadhwa & Co., Nagpur.

6. Rai, Kailash: Administrative Law, Allahabad La wAgency, Faridabad (Haryana)

7. Kesari, U.P.D, Administrative Law, Central Law Publication, Allahabad.

8. Yadav, Abhe Singh (Dr.): Right to information act,2005: an analysis, Central Law

Publications, Allahabad.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursMeaning & Definitions of Environmental LawConstitutional Provisions (Arts. 21, 48-A, 51-A (g))International Documents : Stockholm Declaration and Earth Summit

Judgements:1 M.C. Mehta v. U.O.I. & Ors (2004) 12 SCC 118.2. Motors Ltd., & Anr v. N. Siva Kumar & Anr (2000) 10 SCC 664.3. Forum for Prevention of Environment & Sound Pollution v. U.O.I. & Anr AIR 2005 SC 3136.4. M.C. Mehta v. U.O.I. AIR 2002 SC 3696, M.C. Mehta v. U.O.I. AIR 2002 SC 1696.

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursEnvironment Protection Act, 1986.Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, 2002.Kyoto Protocol – 1997.

Judgements:M.C. Mehta v. Kamal Nath & Ors AIR 2002 SC 1515.Buffalo Traders Welfare Association v. U.O.I. 2005(2) Scale 198.Research Foundation for Science v. U.O.I. 2005 AIR SCW 3263.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursWater (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.Noise Pollution.Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.Bio Diversity Act, 2002.

Judgements:A.P. Pollution Control Board v. Prof. M.V. Naiydu (1999) 2 SCC 718.M.C. Mehta v. U.O.I. & Ors (2006) 3 SCC 399.Intellectuals Forum, Thirupathi v. State of A.P. & Ors (2006) 3 SCC 549.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Suggested Readings:

1. Environmental Law – P.S. Jaswal & Nistha Jaswal

2. Environmental Law in India – S.C. Shastri

3. Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Materials & Statutes – Shyam Divan &

Arumin Rosencranz

4. Environmental Law – S.C. Tripathi

5. Environmental Law – International and National Perspectives – Gurdip Singh

6. Legal Control of Environmental Pollution – Mahesh Mathur

7. Environmental Disasters and The Law – Vinod Shankar Mishra

8. Environmental Pollution and the Law – Justice V.R. Krishna iyer

9. Environmental Protection Law and Policy in India – Kailash Thakur

10. Environmental Law – H.N. Tiwari


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursEvolution of Human RightsLeague of Nations and Human RightsUN Charter and Human RightsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights, vis-à-vis Indian ConstitutionCovenants: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966.

Judgements:1. Sunil Batra V. Delhi Administration AIR 1980 SC 1579.2. Nilabati Behra V. State of Orissa AIR 1993 SC 1960.3. Rudal Shah V. State of Bihar 1983 (4) SCC 141.4. Gaurav Jain V. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 3021.5. A.K. Gopalan V. State of Madras AIR 1950 SC 27 (F.R’s)MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Conventions: The European Convention on Human Rights, 1950.The American Convention on Human Rights, 1969.Geneva Conventions.International TerrorismThe Vienna Conference on Human Rights, 1993.Prevention of Inhuman Acts: Genocide, Torture, Trafficking in human Beings and

Prostitution.Protection of Vulnerable Groups: Child, Refugee, Stateless and Disabled Persons.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursIndian Perspective of Human RightsThe Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.Role of National Human Rights Commission.Human Rights Movement in India: A Critical Appraisal..Judicial Activism, Public Interest Lawyering and Protection of Human Rights.Role of NGO’s in the Protection of Human Rights in India


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. D.K. Basu V. State of West Bengal AIR 1997 SC 610.

2. Maneka Gandhi V. Union of India AIR 1978 SC 597 Art.

3. Sunil Gupta V. State of M.P. 1990 (3) SCC 119.

4. Vishakha V. State of Rajasthan AIR 1997 SC 3011.

5. Hussainara Khatoon V. State of Bihar, AIR 1979 SC 1369.

Suggested Readings:

1. Concepts, Theories and Practice of Human Rights -- Praveen Vadkar.

2. Human Rights Activism and Role of NGOs -- Ashish Chandra

3. Human Rights: Achievements and Challenges -- Umesh Bhatt

4. Human Rights -- R. Mishra

5. Human Rights: Burning Issues of the World -- R.S. Verma(ed)

6. The Human Rights: Conventions and Indian Law -- U.N. Gupta.

7. Human Rights: Global Perspectives -- Anuradha Kumar

8. Human Rights, Justice and Constitutional Empowerment -- C. Raj Kumar & K. Chockalingam

9. Human Rights: UN Initiatives -- Rahul Rai

10. Human Rights and the constitution: Vision and the Reality -- K.P. Saksena. (ed)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL- 306 LAW OF CRIMES-I (Indian Penal Code)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR- I 15 Credit Hours• General principles of Criminal Law• Territorial Operation of IPC (Sec.2,3, & 4).• Stages of Crime.• General Explanations (Sec. 6-52 A)• Nature of Joint Liability (Sec. 34 and 149)• Abetment: (Sec. 107-120)• Criminal Conspiracy (Sec. 120-A and 120-B)

Judgements:1. Satpal v. State of Punjab AIR 20072. Sushil Sharma V/s. State of N.C.T. of Delhi, 2013 STPL 9Web) 837 SC.

Minor- II 15 Credit Hours• General Exceptions: (Sec. 76-106)• Hurt (Sec. 319 – 326 A)• Wrongful Restraint (Sec. 339, 341)• Wrongful Confinement (Sec. 340, 342)• Force (Sec. 349)• Criminal Force (Sec. 350)• Assault (Sec. 351)• Kidnapping and Abduction (Section 359-362)• Defamation (S. 499-502)

JUDGEMENTS1. Kanwar Pal Singh Gill V/s. State (Adm. UT Chd.) AIR 2005 SC 1304.2. State of West Bengal V. Shaw Mangal S, 1984 Cri. LJ 1683.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – V)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

• Offences Against Human Body (Sec 299-309)

• Offences Against Property.

• Theft (Sec. 378-379)

• Extortion (Sec. 383-384)

• Robbery (Sec. 390, 392, 393)

• Dacoity (Sec. 391, 395, 396)

• Cheating (Sec. 415, 416, 417, 420)

• Mischief (Sec. 425-426)

• Forgery (Sec. 463, 465, 467, 468)


1. Thammu Panduranga Rao & Anr. V/s. State of Andhra Pradesh, 2013 STPL, 358 SC.

2. A.N. Venkatesh V. State of Karnataka 2005 Cr. LJ 3732 SC.

4.Dhananjay v. State of Bihar 2007 CLJ 1440 SC

Suggested Readings:

1. Penal Law of India - Dr. Sir H.S. Gaur

2. Law of Crimes - Rattan Lal Dhiraj Lal

3. Indian Penal Code - Basu

4. Indian Penal Code - S.N. Mishra

5. Indian Penal Code - Rajesh Tandn

6. Law of Crimes - Shamsul Huda

7. Indian Penal Code - R.A. Nelson

8. Indian Penal Code - R.N. Sexena

9. Criminal Law - K.D. Gaur

10. Law of Crimes – Bhattacharya


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL- 307 ECONOMICS-II (Economic Development in India)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursIndian Economy: Nature and FeaturesLaw and EconomyFeatures of Economic LawsEconomic Laws and Government LawsForeign Capital in India: Forms, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)Multi National Companies and Foreign Collaboration in Industry: Domination and Control

MINOR II 15 Credit HoursNew Economic Reforms in IndiaMonopolies Restrictive Trade PracticesMonopolies Restrictive Unfair Trade Practices: The Preview of Monopolies Restrictive TradePractices Act, Process of Liberalization in the Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Act.Role of Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Commission and the Government.Industrial Policy 1991 and the Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Act

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursWTO- Impact on Indian Economy.Inflation- Meaning, Causes and consequencesLand Reforms in India: Objectives, Measures Introduced in India, Suggestions forAttaining in the Implementation of Land Reforms, Achievements in Land ReformsCenter-State Financial Relations in India: Introduction to 13th Finance Commission.Banking Law & Practice.

Suggested Readings:1. Indian Economy- Its Growing Dimensions by P.K. Dhar2. The Indian Economy- Environment and Policy by Ishwar C. Dhingra3. Indian Economy by Ruddar Dutt and Sundaram4. Public Finance by B.P. Tyagi5. The Economics of Development and Planning by M.L. Jhingan.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL- 308 History-IIITotal Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

India Under The East India company, and end of the company’s rule Inauguration of Adalat system in Bengal Role of Cornwallis in judicial Settlement Progress of Judicial reforms.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours Development of Criminal law (1772-1860) Influence of English Law in India Racial Distinction. Development of Civil Law: Mofussil

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Growth of Legal Profession Legal Education Present Indicial System


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-309 LAW OF CRIMES- II (Criminal Procedure Code)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursApplication and Object of the CodeDefinitions (Sec. 2)Classification of Criminal Courts (Sec. 6-25)Power of The Courts (Sec. 26-35)Process to Compel Appearance in Court (Sec. 61-90)


1. Mohd. Yousuf V. Smt. Afaq John 2006 Cr.LJ 7882. Vinay Kumar Srivastava V. State of U.P. 2006 Cr.LJ 7023. Dr. Mr. Rafeeq V. State of A.P., 2007 Cr.LJ 2641

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Security Proceedings (Sec. 106-116)Maintenance (Sec. 125-128)Urgent Cases of Nuisance and Apprehended Danger (Sec. 144).Dispute as to Immovable Property (145-148)Information to the Police and their Power to Investigate (Sec. 154-176)


1. Uma Kant Yadav V. State of U.P., 2007 Cr.LJ 25402. Saidu Mohd. V. State of Kerala, 2006 Cr.LJ 4133. Dr. Mr. Vijay Manohar Arbat V. Kashirao Rajaram Sawai & Aur (1987) 1 SC J 5244. Ratan Mandal V. State of Jharkhand 2006 Cr.LJ 781


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Trial before Court of Sessions (Sec. 225-237)Trial of Warrant Cases by Magistrate (Sec. 238-250)Trial of Summon Cases by Magistrate (Sec. 251-259)Summary Trials (Sec. 260-265)Reference and Revision (Sec. 395-405)Bail (Sec. 434-450)Appeal (372-394)Inherent Power of High Court (Sec 482).


1. Shri Sant Singh V. Secretary, Home Department, Govt. of Maharashtra 2006 Cr.LJ 15152. Ajit Singh Thakur V. State of Gujarat AIR 1981 SC 7333. B.P. Joshi V. State of Haryana, AIR 2003 SC 1386

Suggested Readings:

1. Code of Criminal Procedure -- Mani2. Code of Criminal Procedure -- Mishra3. Code of Criminal Procedure -- B.B. Mitra4. Criminal Procedure -- Kelkar5. Code of Criminal Procedure -- Ratan Lal & Dhiraj Lal6. Code of Criminal Procedure -- Sarkar7. Criminal Procedure -- C.K. Thakkar8. Criminal Procedure Code -- S.P. Myneni9. Criminal Procedure Code -- N. Paranjape


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-310 Law Relating to Property

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-0-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursObject & Scope of the Transfer of Property ActKinds of Property and AttestationTransfer of Property (Sec. 5-21)Basis of Doctrine of Election (Sec. 35)Doctrine of Lis Pendens (Sec. 52)

Judgements:1. Indu Kakkar V. Haryana IDC Ltd., AIR 1999 SC 2962. Devendra Singh V. State of Rajasthan AIR 2002 Raj 664. Raghu Ram Rao V. Eric P. Mathras AIR 2002 SC 797

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Part Performance (Sec. 53 & 53-A) Sale (Sec. 54-56) Mortgages OF Immovable Property (Sec. 58-98)

JUDGEMENTS1. Narendrabhai Chhaganbhai Bharlia V. Gandevi Peoples Co-operative Bank Ltd., AIR 2002

Guj 2092. Nirmal Chandra V. Vimal Chand AIR 2001 SC 22843. HARYANA Financial Corporation V. Rajesh Gupta AIR 2010 SC 338


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Lease (Sec. 105-117)Gift (Sections 122-129)The Indian Trust Act 1882, Creation of TrustsRights, Power & Disabilities of TrusteesRights and Liabilities of the Beneficiary


1. Shivdev Singh V. Sucha Singh AIR 2000 SC 19352. Dalumbi Devi V. Raghu Raj AIR 2002 HP 993. C.I.T. V. Hamdard Dawakhana AIR 1960 Puj 219

Suggested Readings:

1.Transfer of Property Act -- Dr. Avtar Singh2. Transfer of Property Act -- R.K. Sucha3. Transfer of Property Act -- Shukla4. Transfer of Property Act -- C.L. Gupta5. Law of TPA -- G.C.V. Subba Rao6. Transfer of Property -- Dr. Shri hari Singh Gaur7. Transfer of Property Act -- Yogesh Desai8. Transfer of Property Act -- Dr. Tiwari9. Transfer of Property Act -- S.M. Lahiri10. Transfer of Property Act -- Vishwar Shridhar Sohani11. Transfer of Property Act -- Mulla


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursDefinitions and Relevancy of Facts (Ss. 1-16).Admissions and Confessions (Ss. 17-31).Statements by persons who cannot be called as witness (Ss.32-34).Character when relevant Ss. (52-55).

Judgements:1. R.M. Malkani V. State of Maharashtra AIR 1973 SC 157.2. Tejinder Singh V. State of Punjab AIR 1970 SC 1566.3. A.C. Jose V. Simen Pillai AIR 1984 SC 921.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours Evidence Ss. (59-99). Burden of Proof Ss. 101-114 Estoppel S. 115

JUDGEMENTS1. K.A. Vish V. State of Maharashtra AIR 1971 SC 2256.2. Varkey Joseph V. State of Kerala 1993 SC 1892.3. Sital Kaur V. State of Punjab 2005 (I) HLR (P & H) 607.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Witnesses Ss. 118-134. Examination of Witnesses Ss. 135-166. Improper Admission and Rejection of evidence Ss. 167.

Judgements:1. Kamalakar Nandram Bhassar V. State of Maharashtra 2004 Cr.L.J. 615 SC.2. Bhergavan of Others V. State of Kerala 2004 Cr.L.J. 646 (SC).3. Arjun Biswas V. State of Assam 2005 Cr. L.J. 554 (Assam).4. Javed Masood V. State of Rajasthan AIR 2010 SC 979.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Suggested Readings:

1. Principles of The Law of Evidence -- Avtar Singh

2. The Law of Evidence -- V.P. Sarathi

3. The Law of Evidence -- S.K. Sinha Ray

4. Principles and Digest of The Law of Evidence-- Chief Justice M. Monir

5. The Law of Evidence -- Ratan Lal, Dhiraj Lal Field’s Commentary on The Law of Evidence

6. Sarkar on Evidence -- Sudipto Sarkar & V.R. Manohar

7. Sarkar The Law of Evidence -- Sudipto Sarkar

8. Law of Evidence -- Batuk Lal

9. Expert Evidence -- R.N. Choudhary

10. Basis of The Law of Evidence -- P.M. Bakshi


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-312 (Opt-i) Legislative DraftingTotal Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-0-0

MINOR I15 Credit Hours

History of Legislative Drafting Meaning of Legislation Meaning of Drafting Nature & Scope of Legislative Drafting Kinds-Private, Public, Autonomous, Actual, Executive, Judicial Legislation. Role of Parliamentary Counsel, Role in the formulation of Legislative policy, legal

Advisor and Departmental officials.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours Pre parliamentary stage. Legislative proposals-identification, investigation and evolution of problem. Preparation of Bill Drafting Process, Drafting Instructions, Composition & Scrutiny of Bill Structure of a bill Formalities and arrangement. Different parts of a bill Procedure and stages of passing a bill.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Post Parliamentary Process. Subsidiary Legislation. Drafting of Penal Laws, Drafting Laws Establishing Statutory Bodies, Drafting Licensing Laws, Drafting of Subsidiary Legislation, Drafting of Review and rewriting of existing enactments


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-313 (Opt-ii) Comparative Constitutions

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-0-0

MINOR I15 Credit Hours

Constitution of United Kingdom- King, Crown Cabinet & Parliament Judiciary

Constitution of India- President Prime Minister and Parliament Judiciary

Constitution of U.S.A. - President American Congress Judiciary


MINOR II 15 Credit HoursConstitution of Canada-

Canadian Govt. Legislature Governor General Judiciary

Constitution of Swiss - Swiss Federal Parliament Swiss Govt.- The Plural Executive Federal Court

Constitutional of Japan- Emperor The Diet (PM & Cabinet) Judiciary


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VI)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Constitution of Afghanistan- President Legislature Judiciary

Constitution of Pakistan - President Prime Minister & Parliament Judiciary


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-401 Economics –III (International Trade & Finance)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

International and External Trade: Terms of Trade- Meaning, Types and factors affectingTerms of trade, Free Trade v. Protection, Tariff & non-Tariff Barriers to trade.Trade & Economic Development, Exchange Rate – Meaning, Types & Determination.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

International Monetary Institutions - IMF to IBRD - Their working & achievements.Deficit Financing – Meaning, RBI & deficit financing, Deficit Financing and Employment,Deficit financing & Economic Development.Centre - State Financial Relations.Agricultural Taxation in India-

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Public Sector in India: The Role; Pricing Policy, The Origin, the size, Kinds, problems ofPublic undertakings.Major Sources of Finance- War, State, Local bodies & Railways.

Suggested Readings:

1. Public Finance – Theory & practice -- K.P.M Sundharam & K.K. Andley2. Public Finace -- H.L. Bhatia3. Public Finance -- Dr. B.P. Tyagi4. Money, Banking, International Trade &

Public Finance -- Dr. D.M. Miltan5. Money, Banking & International Trade -- Dr. R.R. Paul6. International Economics -- M.L. Jhigan


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-402 Civil Procedure Code & Limitation Act

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours Definitions Jurisdiction of Courts S. 6 & 9. Res- subjudice S.10 Res- judicata S.11 Foreign Judgments S.13,14. Parties to Suits O. I. Place of Institution S.15-20. Frame of Suits O.II Transfer of Suits S.22-25 Institution of Suits O.IV, S.26

Judgments:1. Rachahonda Venkate Rao v. R. Satya Bai, AIR 2003 SC 33222. NDMC v. Satish Chand, AIR 2003 SC 3137

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours Pleadings Generally O.VI. Plaint O.VII Written Statement, Set Off, Counter claim O.VIII Settlement of Issues O XIV Examination of Parties by Court O. X Disposal of Suits at First Hearing O. XV Summons S.27-32, O. V

Judgments:1. Modi Entertainment Network v. W.S.G. Cricket Pvt. Ltd., AIR 2003 SC 11772. Union of India v. Adani Exports Ltd., AIR 2002 SC 126


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Witnesses : Summoning, Attendance O. XVI, O. XVI-A, O. XVIII Judgment and Decree S.33, O. XX Section 151- Appeal S. 96-112, O xLi, xLii, xLiii, xLiv, xLv. Reference, Review, Revision Interpleader Suits Temporary Injunction

Judgments:1. Salem Advocate Bar Association, Tamil Nadu v. Union of India, AIR 2003 SC 1892. Anil Rai v. State of Bihar, AIR 2001 SC 31733. Sunil Krishna v. Calcutta Improvement Trust (AIR 2001 Cal 199).

Suggested Readings:

1. Civil Procedure -- C.K. Takwani (Thakker)2. The Law of Code of Civil Procedure in 2 volume -- S.C. Sarkar and Prabhas C. Sarkar3. S. Chakraverti & B. Nath’s Cases and Materials on -- Justice M.L. Singhal

Code of Civil Procedure (in 2 volumes)4. Mulla: The Key to Indian Practice -- Vinay Kumar Gupta

(a Summary of The Code of Civil Procedure)5. Ganguly’s civil Court Practice & Procedure -- M.R. Mallick6. Civil Procedure in the Superior Courts -- Hilary Delany and Declan McGrath7. Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice -- Professor Adrian Zuckerman8. Limitation Act -- R.D. Dayal9. Law of Limitation -- J.D. Jain10. Limitation Act, 1963 -- Dr. Desai.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

Concept & Importance of Alternate Dispute Redressal System.

Alternatives to Judicial Process: Arbitration , Mediation, Negotiation, Conciliation, LokAdalat’s Resolving Disputes by Panchayat’s.

Comparison between Public Interest Litigation and Dispute Resolution System Legal Aid: Meaning, Nature, Growth , Significance and Judicial Approach

Judgements:1. M.M. T.C. Ltd., Appellant v. Sterile Industries (India) Ltd., Resp, AIR 1997 SC 605.2. Grid Corporation of Orissa Ltd., v. Indian Change Chronic Ltd., AIR 1998 S.C. 1761.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Kinds of Arbitration. Arbitral Tribunals – Composition, Jurisdiction. Arbitral Awards & Finality, Enforcement Appeal, Enforcement of Foreign inwards.

Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. Arbitration & Conciliation Proceedings.

Role of Conciliation, Termination of Conciliation Proceedings, Resort to Arbitral andJudicial Proceedings.

Judgements:1. T. P. George V. State of Kerela AIR 2001 SC 816.2. The Supdt. Engineer (Highway & Rural Works) Chennai V. D.G. Deivasigamani AIR

2005 Mad. 59.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Conciliation Proceedings in CPC,

Conciliation Proceedings in Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Conciliation Proceedings in Family Disputes. Mobile Courts, Fast Track Courts, Family Courts and Legal Camp Courts.

Lok Adalat & Legal Services Authority Act.Judgements:1. Bombay Gas Co. V. Parmeshwar Mittal AIR 1998 SC 118.2. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board V. Bridge Tunnel Construction AIR 1997 SC 1376.3. P.P. Thomes v. Thomas Jole, 2005 (4) ALR 150 (SC)4. Punjab National Bank v. Laxmi Chand Rai ( AIR 2000 MP 301 at 303)

Suggested Readings:1. Alternative Dispute Resolution System -- S.C. Tripathi2. Alternative Dispute Resolution System -- S.P. Gupta3. Law of Arbitration & Conciliation -- Avtar Singh4. Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 -- P.C. Rao5. Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 -- P.S. Narayan6. Law of Arbitration & ADRS -- N.K. Acharya7. Law of Arbitration & Conciliation -- N.D. Basu8. Law of International Arbitration -- A.K. Bansal9. Arbitration & Conciliation -- Geeta Oberoi10. Arbitration & Conciliation -- Siddharth Bawa


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

Workmen Compensation Act, 1923.

Payment of Wages Act,1936

Equal Remuneration Act,1976


1. Ram Sarup & Another v. Gurdev Singh & Others, 1968 I LLJ 80.

2. Bandhu Mukti Morcha v. UOI AIR 1984 SC 802.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.

The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.


1. Municipal corportation of Delhi v. female workers (Muster Roll) AIR 2000 Sc 1274.

2. Deena Nath v. National Fertilizers 1992 LLR 46.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

The Factories Act,1948.

Constitional provisions against Child Labour in India.

Child Labour Prohibition Act, 1986.


Dutta @ Hiamanya Dutta v. State of Jharkhand 2010 LLR 504 and another.

2. Bhikusha Yamasa Kashtriya Pvt.Ltd. v. U.O.I. AIR 1963 SC 1591.

3. Hayath Khan v. The Deputy Labour Commissioner ILR 2005 KAR 6001.

4. Peoples Union for democratic rights & others v. UOI AIR 1982 SC 1473.

Suggested Readings:1. Labour laws in Punjab and Haryana – Jagdish Arora

2. Labour Law in India – G.B. Pai

3. Labour Law Digest – Kharbanda and Kharbanda.

4. The Law of Industrial Disputes – O.P. Malhotra.

5. Labour Laws – H.L. Kumar

6. Labour and Industrial Law – P.L. Malik

7. Labour and Industrial laws – S.N. Misra

8. Labour Law – S.K. Malik


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursInternational Humanitarian Law:-

Definition, Nature and Scope Fundamental Rules applicable in Armed conflicts Inter State Resort to Force and International Law-prohibition and Exception Relation between ius and bellum and ius and bella Law of Non International Armed Conflict Article 3 and Additional Protocol II to Geneva

Convention 1949

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

International Refugee Law:- Refugee Law-Definition and Nature Status of Refugee- UN Convention 1951 & 1957 Protocol Role of UNHCR Problem of Statelessness, Temporary Refugee, Irregular movements of Refugee Provision in the Constitution for Refugee Protection in India

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Combatant Status Protection of POWS General Limitation on t he conduct of war Specific Weapons-Chemical, Biological and Nuclear General Obligation of Humane Treatment- Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Persons

Suggested Readings:1. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Humanitarian International by the United Nations’ by Manak, Pub.

New Delhi 2002.2. R.C. Hingorani, Humanitarian Law; OUP, New Delhi, 1987,3. B.S. Chimni, “ International Refugee Law”, Sage Pub. New Delhi, 2000.4. S. Goddwil, “The Refugee in International Law”, Clarandon Press, 1996.5. Nagendra Singh, “ Role and Record of The UN High Commissioner for Refugee”,

Macmillan, New Delhi, 2004.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

-Meaning, Classification and Legal Personality of International Institutions-League of Nations—Composition and Causes of its Failure-United Nations—Purpose and Principles, Membership and Suspension

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

-Security Council—Composition, Functions and Powers, Voting Procedure-Economic and Social Council-Office of the Secretary General- Trusteeship Council.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

-General Assembly—Composition, Functions and Powers, Voting Procedure-International Court of Justice-International Criminal Court-War and its Effects-War Crimes- Nuremberg Trial, Tokyo Trial, Rwanda Trial-Genocide

Suggested Readings:D.W. Bowett: The Law of International InstitutionsR.C. Hingorani: International Law through United NationsMax Sorenson: Manual of Public International Law


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Interdicipilinary Course-III (To be offered from outside department)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 4-0-0


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-407 General Psychology (Legal)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0


• Meaning, Nature & Definition of Psychology.

• Goals of Psychology.

• Approaches- Biological, behavioral, evolutionary.

• Cross- cultural perspective.

• Psychology of the child, Adolescent, Aged & offenders- organized & disorganized.


• Social Psychology- meaning, definition and scope.

• Relationship of social science with psychology.

• Methods of social psychology- experimental and non- experimental;

- Co-relational and cross- cultural.

• Environmental factors- groups, gangs and society.

• Legal psychology & Methodology.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)

• Criminal justice system and mental psychology- Types of mental dis-order, personality dis-


psychoses, neurosis dis-order, mood dis-order punishments.

• Psychological behavior: Normal and abnormal behavior.

• Relationship of psychology with law:

(i) Drugs (iv) Crime

(ii) Violence (v) malafide intention

(iii) Prison


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-408 Principles of Taxation

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

Income Tax Act, 1961. Definitions S(2)

Income, Previous Year, Assessment Year, Agricultural Income, Assesses, Person, Capital Asset, Short Term Capital Asset, Long Term Capital Asset.

Incidence of Taxation and Residential Status S. (5 & 6) Income From Salaries S. (15-17) Income from House Property S. (22-27).

Income from Capital Gains S. (45-55). Income from Other Sources S. (56-59).

Judgments:1. Ishikawayma Harima Heavy Industries Ltd. v. Director Income Tax (2007) 3 SCC 7942. Sedco Forex International Drill Inc. v. CIT, Dehradun [2005] 149 Taxman 352 (SC)

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Clubbing of Income S. (60-64).

Set Off Carry Forward of Losses S. (66-80) Deductions Under Section 80C, 80D, 80CCE, 80G, 80U Income Tax Authorities S. (116-138).

Penalties Ss. (271-275). Offences & Prosecution Ss. (275-280).

Judgments:1. CIT v. Dr. V.P. Gopinathan [2001] 248 ITR 449 (SC)2. CIT v. Madhukant M. Mehta [2001] 247 ITR 805 (SC)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Income Tax Act, 1961. Assessments Ss. (139-158)

Deduction of Tax at Source Ss. (192-206 A)Wealth Tax Act, 1957.

Definitions: Assesses, Assets, Net Wealth.

Charge of Wealth Tax Ss (3 – 4). Wealth Tax Authorities & their Jurisdiction S.8

Return of Wealth S. (14, 15, 15A). Assessments S. (15B, 16, 17, 17A). Reference to Valuation Officer 16A

Penalties 18A, 18B.

Judgments:1. Amita Batra v. Deputy CIT [2005] 147 Taxman 83 (ITAT)2. Manish Maheshwari v. Asstt. CIT (2007) 3 SCC 7943. CWT v. H.H. Smt. Raj Kuverba TC 64 R 2934. J.K.K. Natarajah v. WTO, TC 66 R 248

Suggested Readings:1. Income Tax - Gaur & Narang2. Income Tax - T.N. Manoran3. Income Tax - Kailash Rai4. Direct Tax - G. Shekhar5. Direct Tax, Law & Practice - B.B. Lal6. Guide to Depriciation under Income Tax Act - Ahuja & Gupta7. How to Tackle Income Tax Problem - Satyadev8. Law of Income Tax - Iyenger, Sampath9. Income Tax Pleading, Practice & Conveyancing - Sharma10. Income Tax - Girish Ahuja


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-409 Company Law

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 CreditHours

Corporate Personality: Advantages & Disadvantages of Incorporation.

As per Companies Act 2013: Kinds of Companies, Promoters. Registration of Company (Public & Pvt.) Corporate Social Responsibility.


1. Mamata Paper Ltd. V/s. State of Orissa 2000 Comp. LJ 294.2. New Horizons Ltd. V/s. Union of India 1995 (ComLJ) 100, Vol. 1 (SC)

Minor-II 15Credit Hours

Companies Act 2013: Memorandum of Association. Articles of Association Prospectus Shares and Debentures.


1. Lakshmana Swami Mudaliar V/s. HC, AIR 1963 SC 1185.2. M/s. Hari Nagar Sugar Mills Ltd. V/s. Shyam Sunder Junjhun Wala & Ors.

AIR 1969 SC 1669.

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II)20 Credit Hours

Under Company Act 2013 Share Capital & Borrowing Company Management Personnel : Powers, Duties Company Meetings. Oppression & Mismanagement. Winding up: Grounds & Effects.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. Divy Mjg. Comp. Pvt. Ltd. V/s. Union Bank of India. AIR 2000 SC 2346.2. World Wide Agencies Pvt. Ltd. V/s. Mrs. Margarat T. Desor & Ors. AIR 1990 SC


Suggested Readings:1. Company Resolutions, Notices, Meeting & Minutes -- K.V. Shan-

BHOGUE2. Company Law -- K.M. Ghosh3. Company Law & Practice -- N.K. Jain4. Handbook on Private Companies -- S.D. Israni5. Commentary on Companies Act -- Johri’s6. Law and Practice for Mergers, Joint Ventures, --K.R. Sampat

Amalgamations, Takeovers Corporate Restructure7. Company Law Ready Reckoner -- D.K. Jain8. Corporate Laws with References & SEBI Guidelines. -- Bharat9. Company Notices, Meetings Resolutions -- Chakraborty10. Joint venture & Merger and Acquisition in India & Associates -- Dua, Sethe


B B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20

MINOR II: 20Major Max. Marks: 50

Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947a) Definitionsb) Authorities for settlement of disputesc) Methods of settlement, Collective Bargaining, Conciliation, Arbitration and

Adjudication.d) Courts of Enquiry, Labour Courts and National Tribunale) Strikes and Lock-outsf) Lay off, Retrenchmentg) Change of Service Conditions

Industrial Discipline &Misconduct

Judgments:1. Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board vs. A. Rajappa & others, AIR 1978 SC 548.2. Syndicate Bank v. K. Umesh Nayak, 1994-I-LLJ-836 (SC)

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

I Trade Union Act, 1926II Payment of Bonus Act, 1965III Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972IV Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Judgments:1. G.S. Dhara Singh v. E.U. Thomas and others, IRI 1988 Sc 1829.2. Pandian Roadways Corporation Ltd. Madurai v. The Principal Distt. Judge, Madurai

and others, 1996-II-LLJ-1229 (Mad.)3. Abdul Waheed v. Authority, Payment of Wages Act (1995) II LLJ 1079.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)

I Employer’s Liability Act 1938 20 Credit HoursII Employees Provident Fund & Misc Provisions Act, 1952III The Employees States Insurance Act, 1948:

a) Definitionsb) Benefits under the Act

Judgments:1 Krishna Flour Mills v. Commissioner 1997 (77) FLR 241.2 ESIC v. Hotel Corporation of Delhi 2008 LLR 640 (Del HC)3 D.R. Venkatesh v. The Regional provident Fund Commissioner, Hyderabad & Others

2004 LIC 3606.

Suggested Readings:

S.N. Mishra : Law of Industrial Labour Relations, Allahabad Law Agency

S.C. Srivastva : I ndustrial Relations and Labour Law

Anil Sachdeva : Industrial and Labour Laws

V.G. Goswami : Labour & Industrial Law, Central Law Agency, Allahabad

S.M. Chaturvedi : Labour & Industrial Law

S.K. Puri : Labour and Industrial Laws


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-411 Opt.(i) Health LawTotal Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)


Major Max. Marks: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit HoursSystem of MedicinesMedical Profession & Ethics

Concept of health, Public health. Law & health- development of interrelationship. Constitutional Law- regulation of health. Role of WHO Mental Health Act Quackery Problem of AIDS & its Socio-Legal Aspect.

Jugdements:1. Rajesh Kumar Sharma v. Director Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services Orisa, AIR

2006 Ori. 42 (DB).2. Social Jurist, A Lawyer’s Group v. Union of India and others, AIR 2004 Del 278.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

Medical Profession & Ethics Medical Council of India: Constitution, Powers and Functions. Central Council of Indian Medicine: Constitution, Powers and Functions. Role of Judiciary in Regulating the Medical Profession. Medical Profession, Patient and the Law.

Jugdements:1. Jacob Mathew V/s. St. of Punjab & Another (2005) 6 SCC I.2. Murtza Nasir V/s. Nazir Ahmed Wani & Others, AIR 2006 J&K 35.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Bioethics- Issues & Challenges. Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide. Reproductive Technology- Surrogate motherhood. Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Pre-natal diagnostic techniques. Transplantation of Human Organ. Drugs & Cosmetic Act.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Judgements:1. Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug V/s. Union of India. AIR SC 2011.4. Kuldip Singh and another v. State of Tamil Nadu and others AIR 2005 SC 2106.

Suggested Readings:

1. The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.

2. The Indian Medical Council Act, 1956

3. The Indian Medicine Control Act, 1970

4. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971

5. Mental Health Act, 1987

6. Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994

7. Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-412 Opt.(ii) Land Laws Including Tenure & Tenancy System

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)MINOR I: 20MINOR II: 20

Major Max. Marks: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR I 15 Credit Hours The Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887.

Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act 1949.Judgements:1. Parameshwari Devi v. Punjab State Electricity Board, AIR 1994 Supreme Court 11422. Fateh Singh v. Sewa Ram AIR 1983 SC 1093.

MINOR II 15 Credit Hours

The Punjab Land Reforms Act, 1972. The Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887.

Chapter I to Chapter V.Judgements:1. Hem Raj v. Pawan Kumar 1994 (1) RRR 198 (FCHP).2. Jagir Singh v. Arjan Singh 1997 (2) RCR (Civil) 688 (FCP).3. Punjab State v. Girdhari Lal 1955 LLT 2.MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Punjab Land Revenue Act 1887Chapter VI to IXThe Land Acquisition Act, 1894.Judgements:1. Shakti Devi v. Financial Commissioner (Revenue) 1997 (2) RRR 289 (P & H) DB).2. Inder Singh and Others v. State of Punjab and Others 1978 PLJ 339 (P & H).3. Baldev Singh v. Shivdev Singh 1956 LLT 21 (FCP).

Suggested Readings:

1. Land Law in Punjab & Haryana – Neety Kaul2. Punjab & Haryana Land Laws – D.P. Narula3. Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 – B.S. Chawla4. Village Common Land Act – Rishi Ram Sharma


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – VIII)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Interdicipilinary Course-IV (To be offered from outside department)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 4-0-0


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-501 Interpretation of Statues & Principles of Legislation

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits: 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours

Statute-Meaning and Classification General Principles of Interpretation Literal or Grammatical Interpretation: The Mischief Rule The Golden Rule Harmonious Construction, Statute should be read as a whole

Maxims: Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterious Nositur Sociis Ejusdem Generis Contemporanea Expositio est optima Et fortissimo in lege

Judgments:1. Bhavnagar Uni. V/s. Palitima Sugar Mills Pvt. Ltd., AIR 2003 SC 5111. Union of India v. Rajiv Kumar, AIR 2003 SC 29172. Nathi Devi v. Radha Devi, AIR 2005 SC 648

Minor-II 15 Credit Hours Internal Aids to Construction-

Title Preamble Marginal Notes Headings Definition or Interpretation clauses Provisos Illustrations Exceptions and Saving Clauses Explanations Schedules and Punctuation


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

External Aids to Interpretation Dictionaries Use of foreign decisions Text Books Historical Background Legislative History Administrative conveyancing and Commercial Practice.

Judgments:1. State of Maharashtra v. Indian Medical Association, AIR 2002 SC 3022. R. Krishnaiah v. State of A.P., AIR 2005 AP 10

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Construction of Taxing Statutes Remedial and Penal Statutes Liberal Construction of Remedial Statutes Strict Construction of Penal Statutes Statutes in Pari-Materia Mens Rea in statutory offences Vicarious responsibility in statutory offences and Mens Rea under the Indian Penal



1. Steel Authority of India Ltd., v. National Union Water Front Workers, AIR 2001 SC 35272. Bharti Telecom v. Commissioner of Custom, AIR 2002 SC 743. Ashwini Kuamr Singh v. U.P. Public Service Commission, AIR 2003 SC 26614. Iqbal Singh v. Meenakshi, AIR 2005 SC 2119

Suggested Readings:1. Text Book of Interpretation of Statutes & Legislation -- R.D. Srivastava2. Interpretation of Statutes -- D.N. Mathur3. Principles of Statutory Interpretation -- G.P. Singh4. Interpretation of Statutes -- V.P. Sarathi5. Interpretation of Statutes -- T. Bhattacharya6. Interpretation of Statutes & General Clauses -- J.S. Arora7. Interpretation of Statutes -- Baw & Roy8. Interpretation of Statutes -- Bindra9. Interpretation of Statutes – Maxwell


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-502 Indirect Tax

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated) Minor I : 20 Minor II: 20

Major: 50 Quiz/Viva: 10 Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours Definitions under VAT S. (2) Input Tax Credit (S. 13-15) Registration S. (21-24) Incidence of Taxation S. (6-12) Returns S. (26-28) Assessment of Tax S. (29-30) Recovery of Tax and Liability to produce accounts S. (33-38 & 42-50)

Judgments:1. State of Jharkhand v. Voltas Ltd. (2007) 29 PHT 655 (SC)2. Federal Bank Ltd. V. State of Kerala (2007) 29 PHT 491 (SC)3. TTK Healthcare Ltd. V. State of Punjab (2007) 29 PHT 304 (HTT)

Minor-II 15 Credit Hours Penal Provision (52-61) Appeal and Revision S. (62-68)

C.S.T. Act. Definitions- Dealer, Sale, Place of Business, Sale Price S. (2) Formulation of principles for declaring when a sale or purchase lake place outside a

stateor in course of Import-Export S. (3-5)

Liability to pay tax on Inter State sale S. (6)Judgments:

1. Laxmi Kant Chhotelal Gupta v. State of Maharashtra. (2007) 30 PHT 170 (SC)2. State of Punjab v. Mahavir Vanaspati Company (2007) 29 PHT 457 (P & H)3. State of Orissa v. K.B. Saha and Sons Inds. Pvt. Ltd. (2007) 30 PHT 66 (SC)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Registration of Dealers S. (7) Penal provision S. (8-10, 10 A)

Service Tax Introduction, General Exemptions Registration Requirement Payment, Recovery and Refund of Tax. Returns, Assessment and Allied Matters.

Judgments:1. Dalhousie Institute v. Asstt. Commissioner Service Tax Cell (2005) 1 STJ 693

(Calcutta)2. Addition Advertising v. UOI (2005) 1 STJ 809


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit HoursDrafting

General Principles of Drafting Kinds of deeds Components parts of deed Kinds of Writs Pleadings(1) Civil: Suit for Damage for Defamation. Written Statement of the Above Interlocutory Applications Petition of Winding of a Company Affidavit Execution Application for Final Decree Memorandum of Appeal and Revision Writ of Certiorari

Minor-II: 15 Credit HoursPleadings

Criminal: (i) Complaints Under section 324, 504 / 506 IPC

Application for Exemption from Appearance by the Accused

Bail Application. Memo of Appeal and Revision

Drafting of Agreements


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit HoursConveyancing: Sale Deed(ii) Mortgage Deed(iii) Lease Deed(iv) Gift Deed(v) Promissory Note(vi) Power of Attorney(vii) WillViva-Voce ExaminationTo test the understanding of legal practice relating to Drafting, Pleading & Conveyancing

Suggested Readings:

1. A.N.Chaturvedi: Principles and Forms of Pleadings and Conveyancing with

Advocacy and Professional Ethics.

2. B.Sen: Desouza’s: Forms & Precedents of Conveyancing and other Instruments and

Major Petitions to Courts.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-504 Small Acts

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours1. Registration Act 1949.2. Court Fees Act 1970.3. Suit Valuation Act (1870)

Judgments:1. Raj Prasann Kondur V/s. Arif Tahar Khan 2005(4) BomCR 383.2. State of Haryana & Ors. V/s. Navir Singh & Anr. (7 Oct, 2013) SC.

Minor-II: 15 Credit Hours1. Stamp Act.2. Punjab Courts Act3. Limitation Act.4. Law Relating to Power of Attorney and Wills.

Judgments:1. Channamma V/s. Shant Kumar AIR 2004 Kant 266.2. State of Punjab V/s Surjit Kaur AIR 2002 P & H 68.

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours1. Equity and Trust Act (1882)2. General Clauses Act.3. Negotiable Instruments Act.4. RTI Act (Def; (Sec. 3 to 11) (Sec. 12-20)

Judgments:1. D. Vinod Shivappa V/s. Nanda Belliappa. SC (25 May, 2006)2. S.V. Manzumdar V/s Gurjarat State Fertilizer Corporation Ltd. AIR 2005 SC 2436.3. Suman Sethi V/s Ajay K. Churiwal AIR 2000 SC 828.4. National Stock Exchange of India V/s. CIC (2010) 100 SCL 464 (Del.)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-505 (Opt.- i) Law Relating To Insurance

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)• Origin, History & development of Insurance• Nature, Function and conditions of Insurance Contract• Difference between Insurance Contract & wagering Contract• Life Insurance Contract : Elements and conditions of life Insurance Contract.• Discharge of life Insurance Contract & amount recoverable under life policy.

Judgments:1. K.S. Usha v. Branch Div. Manager LIC of India 2000 Karnatka 1572. Shshi Gupta v. LIC, AIR 1996 SC 13673. LIC v. Parsanna Dev Raj AIR 1995 Kerla 88

Minor-II: 15 Credit Hours• Non-Life Insurance Contract : Elements and conditions, Proposal, Acceptance,

Competence of the Parties, lawful consideration lawful object• Doctrine of Proximate cause• Representation & warranty.• Settlement of Claims

Judgments:1. Oberai forwarding Agency v. New India Assurance Co. Ltd. AIR 2000 SC 8552. M/s. Suree Ram Smara Centr v. State of Bihar AIR 2007 Pat. 973. Smt. Prema & Others v. LIC of India 2006 CLJ 858 (P)

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours• Motor Vehicle Act 1988• Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority Act. 1999• Life Insurance Corporation Act. 1956 : Structural setup of life Insurance corporation.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. National Insurance Co. Ltd. V. General Insurance Development Officers Association AIR

2008 SC 2657

2. National Insurance Co. Ltd. V. Bajhara Poly-Fab Pvt. Ltd. 2009 (1) SCC 267

3. Krishna Gupta v. Madan Lal 2003 (1) RCR (Civil) 737 Delhi (DB)

Suggested Readings:

1. Singh, Bridge Anand: New Insurance Law (2000) Union Book Publishers, Allahabad

2. Ivamy: Case Book on Insurance Law (1984), Butterworths

3. Ivamy: General Principles of Insurance Laws (1993), Butterworths

4. John Birds: Modern Insurance Law (1988), Sweet and Maxwell M.N

5. M.N Sreenivasan: Principles of Insurance Law (1997), Ramaniya Publishers,


6. Brij Nandan Singh: Insurance Law

7. K.S.N Murthy: Modern Law of Insurance


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-506 (Opt.-ii) Law Relating To Banking

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I (15 Credit Hours)_ Historical Perspective, emergence and importance of commercial banking_ Kinds of banks and their functions_ Banking Regulation Act, 1949Judgments:1. Sardar Associates v. Punjab & Sind Bank (2009) 8 SCC 2572. Central Bank of India v. Madan Chandra Brahma, AIR 2008 SC 15

Minor II (15 Credit Hours)_ The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 1995_ Liability under Consumer Protection Act, 1986_ Legal Regime to Control Banking Frauds_ Recent Trends in Banking : Automatic Teller Machine and Internet Banking, Smart

Cards, Credit Cards

Judgments:1. Durga Hotel Complex v. Reserve Bank of India, AIR 2007 SC 14672. Sudhir Shanti Lal Mehta v. C.B.I., (2009) 8 SCC 1

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) (20 Credit Hours)_ Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993_ The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881_ The Bankers’ Books Evidence Act, 1891

Judgments:1. Sunil Poddar & Others v. Union Bank of India, AIR 2008 SC 10062. Vinedale Distilleries Ltd. v. Dena Bank, (2010) 3 SCC 4663. Ramraj Singh v. State of M.P., (2009) 6 SCC 7294. Nambiram Veetil Pocker v. State of Kerala, (2003) 9 SCC 214


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Suggested Readings:

1. Avtar Singh, Negotiable Instruments Act

2. Basu, Review of Current Banking : Theory and Practice

3. B.M. Lal Nigam, Banking Law & Practice, Konark, New Delhi

4. Justice Bhagbati Prasad Bannerji, Guide to Securitisation and Reconstruction of

Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002

5. K.P.M., Sundhram, Banking Theory: Law and Practice, Sultan Chand & Co. Ltd., New


6. L.C. Goyle, The Law of Banking and Bankers

7. M.L. Tannan, Banking Law and Practice in India

8. M.S. Parthasarthy (Ed.), Khergamvala, Negotiable Instruments Act, Paget, Law of


9. P.N. Varshney, Banking Law and Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-507 (Opt.- iii) Private International Law

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours Application, Subject-matter, Denomination and Unification of Private International

Law. Characterisation. Renvoi – The Mutual Disclaime Theory, The Theory of Renvoi Proper, The Foreign

Court Theory. Domicile

Judgements:1. Smt. Satya v. Teja Singh AIR 1975 SC 105.2. Jolly Geoge v. Bank of Cochin, 1980 SC 470

Minor-II 15 Credit Hours Marriage Matrimonial Causes Legitimacy and Legitimation Adoption


1. Jagir Kaur V. Jaswant Singh AIR 1963 SC 1521.2. Lakshmikant V. union of India AR 1987 SC 232.

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Law of Property : Characterization Immovable Property Transfer of Tangible Movables. Succession. Jurisdiction of Courts Procedure Stay of Actions Foreign Judgments.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Judgements:1. Shankaran Govndan V. Lakshmi Bharti AIR 1974 SC 1764.2. Delhi Cloth & General Mills Co. V. Harnam Singh AIR 1955 SC 590.3. Mirza Ali Akbar V. United Arab Republic 1966 SC 230.4. Michael Golodetiz V. Serajuddin & Co. 1963 SC 1044.

Suggested Readings:

1. Cheshire and North’s Private International Law -- Peter North & J.J.Fawcett

2. Essays in Private International Law -- Peter North.3. International Litigation and the Quest for Reasonableness -- Andreas F. Lowenfeld.4. Insolvency in Private International Law: National and -- Ian F. Fletcher5. Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law: -- J.J. Fawcet6. Conflict of Laws (Includes discussion of Private -- J.G. Collier

Law in Multiple Chapters) International7. Concise-Introduction-Private-International-Law -- Michael Bogdan8. Private International Law -- Paras Diwan & Pyueshi

Diwan9. International Law -- Oppenheim10.Basic Documents in International Law -- Ian Brownlie


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


including 2 Moot Courts and 1 Court Visit (Civil & Criminal)

The marks of LJL508 (Sem- IX) will be included in the marks of LJL515 (Sem-X)

4 Moot Courts -- 402 Court Visits -- 40

2 Viva voce -- 10

1 Visit to Supreme -- 10

Court/High Court

Suggested Readings:

1. Law of Pleading in India - S.A. Kader G.C. Mogha

2. Drafting and Pleading - R.N. Chaturvedi

3. Guide to Civil Drafting P.K. Majumdar R.P. Kataria

4. Better Drafting Civil and Criminal - Justice B.K. Behera

5. Drafting of Deeds and Documents - Padala Ram Reddi

6. Pleadings and Precedents in India - J.P. Aggarwal


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – IX)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Interdicipilinary Course-V (To be offered from outside department)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Credits 4-0-0Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Quiz/Viva: 10Major: 50


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours Legal Profession in India- Evolution, Historical Development and Regulations. Advocacy & Professional Ethics Advocates’ Act, 1961 Chapter V & VI (Ss 35-45) Bar Council of India Rules Part VI & VII

Judgements:1. Bombay Dyeing Manufacturing Co. v. Bombay Environment Action Group AIR 2006

SC 1489.2. Rameshwar Prasad v. Union of India AIR 2006 SC 980.

Minor-II 15 Credit Hours Contempt Law & Practice Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 Constitutional Provisions Regarding Powers of Supreme Court and High Courts &

Houses of Parliament & State Legislatures for Punishing for their Contempt.

Judgements:1. State of Orissa v. Gopinath Das AIR 2006 SC 651.2. Orissa Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., v. Bharti Industries AIR 2006 SC 1987.

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Nature and Functions of Accountancy Important Branches of Accounting Accounting and Law Need for Accountancy for Lawyers Accounting of Advocates or Advocates Partnership Firms 20 Prescribed Opinions of the Disciplinary Committees of the Bar Council of India.

Judgements:1. Nirmaljit Kaur v. State of Punjab AIR 2006 SC 605.2. Union of India v. Subedar Devarsy AIR 2006 SC 909.3. Director of Education, Uttaranchal v. Ved Parkash Joshi AIR 2005 SC 3200.4. Zahira Habidullah Sheikh v. State of Gujarat AIR 2006 SC 1367.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Suggested Readings:

1. Law of contempt of court -- Justice J.D. Kapoor

2. Advertising Law & Ethics -- P.B. Sawant J. &


3. Principles & form of pleadings & conveyancing -- A.N. Chaturvedi.

4. Advocacy & Professional Ethics -- Gururaja Chafri’s

5. Legal Ethics -- Dr. Kailash Rai

6. Legal Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers --Dr. Kailash Rai & Bench-Bar


7. Art of Conveyancing & Pleading -- Murli Manohar.

8. Contempt of Courts Act, 1971

9. Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers & -- Dr. S.P. Gupta


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-510 Fundamental of IPR (Patent, Trade Mark, Design and Copy Right)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours International Instrument: TRIPS. Indian Patent Act, 1970

Judgements:1. Godrej Soaps Ltd. V. Dora Cosmetics 2001 PTC 407.2. Super Cassette Industries v. Entertainment AIR 2004 Del 326.

Minor-II 15 Credit Hours Copyright Act, 1957

Judgements:1. Indian Express Newspapers Pvt.Ltd. v. Dr. Jagmohan AIR 1985 Bom 229.2. Nag Book House v. State of West Bengal AIR 1982 Cal 245.

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours Designs Act, 2000 Trade Mark Act, 1999.

Judgements:1. Bharati Cellulee v. Jai Distilees Pvt. AIR 2007 Bom 33.2. M/s. Meghraj Biscuits v. Com. Of Central AIR 2007 SC 1433.3. M.S. Dhadha House v. S.K. Mamje AIR 2006 SC 731.4. M/s. Arvind Lab v. M.A. Rahin AIR 2007 Madras 1.

Suggested Readings:1. Intellectual Property Laws -- P.Narayanan2. Patent Law -- P. Narayanan3. Intellectual Property --W.R. Corwoh4. Intellectual Property -- P. Kumar5. Intellectual Property -- Butterworths6. Intellectual Property Rights in India -- Prankeshne Pal7. Laws on Intellectual Property -- S.R. Sharma8. Intellectual Property & Criminal Law -- N.S. Gopalkishna9. The Law on Intellectual Property Rights -- Shiv Sahai10. Law of Patents -- Elizabeth Verkey


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours-Nature, Scope and Objectives of Criminology-Penology- Meaning, Concept and Objective- Relationship with Criminal Law-Schools of Criminology

Minor-II- Methods of Studying Crime and Criminals- Crime Causation: Physiological Psychological and Sociological, Economic,

Mental, Family and Mass Media- Probation of offenders Act, 1958-Parole: Meaning, Principles, Distinction with Probation, Supervision during ParoleJudgements:

1. Smt. Poonam Lata V/s. Wadhawan & Others. AIR 1987 SC 1383.2. M.C. of Delhi V/s. State of Delhi & Others. AIR 2005 SC 2658.3. Gulzar V/s. State of M.P. AIR 2008 SC 383.

MAJOR (Including Minor I & Minor II)

-While Collar Crimes-Juvenile Delinquency, Main Features of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)Act, 2000 with amendments of 2006Capital Punishment- Desirability, Judicial attitude in India.-Victimology-Compensation to Victims and other Remedial Measures

Judgements:1. State V/s. Param Singh & Another. (Damini’s Case)2. Salil Bali V/s. Union of India. AIR 2013 SC 3743.3. Zee Telefilms Ltd. V/s. Sahara India Co. Corp. Ltd.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sutherland: Principles of Criminology2. Ahmed Siddique: Criminology: Problems and Perspectives3. J.P.S. Sirohi: Criminology and Criminal Administration4. V.N. Paranjape: Criminology and Penology


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-512 (Opt.-ii) IT OffencesTotal Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours Crime & Cyber Crime-Meaning, Definitions, Advantages, Disadvantages. Information Technology Act 2000 (Amendment 2008) Definitions (Sec 2) Certifying Authority (Sec 30-34) Cyber Contraventions & Penalty (Sec 43-45) Offences & Territorial Jurisdiction (Sec 65-75) Investigation & Procedure for search & Seizure (Sec 78-80)

Judgements: Avnish Bajaj V/s. State (NCT) of Delhi, 2005 3 Comp. LJ (Del) Yahoo Inc.V/s. LICRA M/s. Satyam Infoway V/s. M/s. Sifynet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. AIR 2004 SC 3540

Minor–II15 Credit Hours

IT Offences, Indian Penal Code & Evidence Act: Fraud & Cheating Hacking Mischief Defamation Spamming

Concept, Jurisdiction & Punishment Obscenity & Pornography on the Internet: Cyber Terrorism Cyber Squatting Cyber Stalking

Judicial Approach to IT Offences in India. Prevention of IT Offences.

Major (Including Minor I & Minor II) 20 Credit Hours

Cyber Ethics Computers & Free Speech Privacy & Freedom Ethics & Etiquettes in Cyber Space Responsibilities of Cyber Citizen. Intermediary and their responsibilities.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Judgements: Sayeed Asifuddin & Ors V/s State, 2005 Cr LJ 4314. Firoz V/s. St. of Kerala AIR 2006 Ker 279. Sanjay Kumar V/s State of Haryana CRNo 65of 2013 (O & M)

Suggested Readings:

1. Vakul Sharma; Information Technology: Law and Practice; Universal LawPublishing, New Delhi.

2. Nandan Kamath : Law Relating to Computers, Internet and E-Commerce: A Guide toCyber Laws and the Information Technology Act 2000 with Rules and Notifications,Second Edition, Universal Law Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2000.

3. D.P. Mittal: Taxman’s Law of Information Technology (Cyber Law), New TaxmanAllie Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2000.

4. T.V.R. Satya Prasad: Law Relating to Information Technology (Cyber Law),AsiaLaw House, Hyderabad, 2001.

5. Shakil Ahmad Syed and Rajiv Raheja: A Guide to Information Technology (CyberLaw and E-Commerce), Capital Law House, New Delhi, 2001

6. Suresh T. Vishwanath: The Indian Cyber Laws, Bharat Law House, New Delhi, 2001.7. W.R. Cornish: Intellectual Property, Second Edition, Sweet and Maxwell, 19898. Veer Singh and Bharat Bhushan Parsoon: Cyber Crimes and Need for National and

International Legal Control Regimes, Panjab University Law Review, Vol. 44 2002,pp. 11-12.

9. Raagini Rao: Pornography on the Internet, The Lawyers Collective, Vol. 16, No. 3,March 2001, pp. 11-12


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-513 SERVICE LAW (Option-I)Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)


Major Max. Marks: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

MINOR- I 15 Credit Hours Article 323-A of the Constitution of India Principles of Equal Pay for Equal Work. Administrative Tribunals; their composition, Powers and Procedure under

Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985. Constitutional Right to Equality: Relating to Service Matters. Services under the Union and States (Articles 308-323) with special emphasis on

Article 309-311 (and including applicability of Article 311 to various categorieson non-permanent employees and Article 320.

Judgements:1. Baikuntha Nath Das and Anr v. Chief Distt. Medical Officer, Baripada Anr.

(AIR Sc 1020)2. S.P. Sampath Kumar v. Union of India and Ors. AIR 1987 SC 386.3. T. Sudhakar Prasad v. Govt. of India JT 2001 (1) SC 204.

Minor- II 15 Credit Hours Status and Rights of Ad hoc Employees and their Regularisation. Enforcement of Contract of Personal Service. Principles for Determination of Seniority:

(a) Seniority based on date of confirmation.(b) Seniority based on quota rules.

Adverse entries in Annual Confidential Reports (ACRS) Deputation. Compulsory/Premature Retirement.

Judgements:1. Union of India v. Delhi High Court Bar Association AIR 2003 SC 1479.2. Bhagwan Das v. State of Harayana AIR 1987 SC 2049.3. Union of India v. Tulsiram Patel AIR 1985 SC 1416.

Major 20 Credit Hours With special reference to CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 and Punjab Civil Service Rules. Major & Minor penalties. Suspension and Substances Subsistence Allowance. Conduct and Procedure of Departmental/Disciplinary enquiries (including charge

-sheet, inspection and supply of copies of documents, production of evidence,enquiry report, hearing if any on question of penalty and final action by competentauthority.)


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)


1. Registrar High Court of Gujrat v. C.J. Sharma AIR 2005 SC 344.

2. V.P. Ahuja v. State of Punjab AIR 2000 SC 1080.

3. S.S. Dhanoa v. Union of India AIR 1991 SC 1745.

Suggested Readings:

1. Ejaz’s Service Law in India

2. J.S. Chawla’s The Punjab Civil Service Rules

3. Service Law Relating to Govt. & Public Undertakings – Samarditya pal

4. Supreme Court on Service Laws – Dr. Gurbax Singh

5. Puran Chand Arora’s Punjab Civil Service Rules

6. Service Laws in India – P.K. Majundar & O.P. Tiwari

7. Service Law Ready Referencer – Bansal & Aiyer

8. Soonavala’s Supreme Court on Service Laws

9. Dr. Awasthi’s Central Civil Services Rules

10. Law Relating to Government Servants and Management – Narender Kumar


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

LJL-514 (Opt.-ii) Competition Law

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 5-1-0

Minor-I 15 Credit Hours

Competition Law in India- Introduction and Historical Background Competition Act 2002-Aim, Objects, Salient Features Monopolistic Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969. Comparison between MRTP & Competition Act, 2002. Anti Competitive Agreements; Prohibition of Anti Competitive agreements-Indian

Position & Remedies Abuse of Dominant Position

Judgements:1. Competition Commission of India V/s. Steel Authority of India, S.C. 9 Sept. 2010.2. M/s Prints India V/s. Springer India Pvt Ltd. C No. 16 of 2010. Decided on July 2012.3. Aamir Khan Production Pvt Ltd. V/s. Union of India & Other. Writ Petition No. 358

of 2010 & 526 of 2010. Delhi High Court.

Minor-II Joint Ventures, Mergers and Competition Law Definitions Control, Group Regulation of Combination. Competition Commission of India-Composition, Functions. Regulatory Role- Power, jurisdiction, Procedure, execution of orders. Competition Advocacy

Judgements:1. G. K. Granites V/s. Tata Hitachi Constrictions. Writ Pet. Civil No. 8698 of 2011

Delhi High. Court2. Grasim Industries Ltd. Vs Competition Commission of India. Writ Pet. Civil No. 4159

of 2013.Major Competition Appellate Tribunal: Composition, Functions, Power, Procedure &

Execution of Order, Punishment for Contempt, Compensation. IPR and Competition Law: Transaction, Protection and Licensing IPRs, Territorial

Restraints. Technical Barriers to Trade and Competition And International Co-operation in

Competition Policy.


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Judgements:1. Shree Cement Ltd. & Anr. V/s. Competition Commission of India. Writ Pet. Civil

No. 3008 of 20142. Dr. S. P. Shiani & Other Vs State of A.P. Writ Petition No. 17918 of 2014.3. Madras Bar Association Vs Union of India & Another. T C No. 150 of 2006

decided on Sep. 2014.

Suggested Reading:1. Dr R. K. Singh, Restriction Trade Practices & Public Interest.2. S. M. Duger’s MRTP Law, Competition Law and Consumer Protection Taxman’s

Competition Law & Practice.3. Ramagapa, T. P; Competition Law in Indian, Oxford Press.4. D. P. Mittal, Competition Law & Practice, Taxmann.5. Abir Raj & Jayant Kumar, Competition Law in India. Eastern Law House, Lucknow.6. A.E. Rodrigues, Ashok Menon the Limits of Compettion Policy, the shortcomings of



B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Credits 0-0-4

LJL- 515 MOOT COURT EXERCISE AND INTERNSHIP including2 Moot Courts, 1 Court Visit (Civil & Criminal) and1 High/Supreme Court Visit

The marks of LJL508 (Sem-IX) and LJL515 (Sem-X) will be clubbed together.4 Moot Courts -- 402 Court Visits -- 402 Viva voce -- 101 Visit to High/ -- 10

Supreme Court

Suggested Readings:1. Law of Pleading in India - S.A. Kader G.C. Mogha2. Drafting and Pleading - R.N. Chaturvedi3. Guide to Civil Drafting P.K. Majumdar R.P. Kataria4. Better Drafting Civil and Criminal - Justice B.K. Behera5. Drafting of Deeds and Documents - Padala Ram Reddi6. Pleadings and Precedents in India - J.P. Aggarwal


B.A., LL.B (Honours) (Semester – X)(Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System)

Interdicipilinary Course-VI (To be offered from outside department)

Total Marks: 100 (Equivalent Grade Points to be Indicated)

Minor I : 20Minor II: 20

Major: 50Quiz/Viva: 10Credits 4-0-0

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