Download - Gwt ppt

  • 1. PROJECT REPORTONSmart BloggerMonica Bubna MCA VI SEM

2. Table Of Content
1.About Smart Blogger
2. Objective
4.Technical Feasibility
5. E-R Diagram
7.Future Scope
3. About Smart Blogger
1. This project Smart Blogger is very innovative initiative in the field of the social learning. This project is basically devoted to the social learning so as to boost up the user and put more emphasis on the gaining of practical knowledge.
2. This project is a revolutionary step towards the fulfillment of their needs regarding their assignments and complex problems.
4. 3. Through this project any student who have good command on any subjecthelp for other studentby answer the question can also rate the posted solution to themand most rated answer get the money .
4. So we can say this is good medium for earning money and exploring knowledge.
5. This project also provide the tag and comment facility to the user like FB.
5. Objective
1. Put more emphasize on practical knowledge.
2. Make student skillful.
3. Provide the best result for his/her all queries.
4. Try to clear each and every aspect of the problem in its solution.
5. Make student technically strong.
6. Build study tools around educational content that enables students to study smarter.
7. Innovate social features built around educational content that connect students, educators and self-learners.
8. Provide right content at right time.
6. TechnologyGWT (Google web Toolkit)
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source set of tools that allow the Web Developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java.It is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.
7. 1. Using GWT, developers can rapidly develop and debug AJAX applications in the Java language using the Java development tools of their choice.
2.When the application is deployed, the GWT cross-compiler translates the Java application to standalone Java Script files that are optionally obfuscated and deeply optimized.
8. GWT Architecture
9. GWT applications can be run in two modes:
1. Hosted or Development Mode
The application is run as Java byte code with in
the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This mode
is typically used for development,
supporting hot swapping of
code and debugging.
10. 2. Web Mode
The application is run as pure JavaScript and
HTML, compiled from the Java source.
This mode is typicallyused
for deployment.
11. How to create gwt application
1. Install java
2. Paste Eclipse Folderin any drive
3.Paste GwtFolder in any drive
4.Through Command prompt create project
D:gwt-2.04>webAppCreator out pro1 com.pro1
12. 13. Import project
14. 15. 16. .java file(client side)
19. side)
20. Technical Feasibility
Client on Internet: Web Browser, OperatingSystem
Web Server: Apache Tomcat
Data Base Server : MYSQL
Development End : GWT, ECLIPSE 3.5 (Galileo)
J2EE, java
21. E-R Diagram
22. DFD
Level0 :
23. Level 1 :
24. Level 2 :
25. (Post a Question) Level 2.1
26. (Answer a Question) Level 2.2 :-
27. (Watch an answer) Level 2.3 :-
28. Snapshots
29. User Login Form
30. Create account
31. Select Stream
32. Select Weak stream
33. Tagging in the Stream Page
34. Question related to any stream:
35. Toolbar Displayed:-
36. Character Map Toolbar:-
37. Post the question
38. File Upload
39. 40. 41. Congratulation Window After Question Posted:-
42. Mailbox:-
43. 44. One Line Question and Tags :
45. Comments on Question
46. Answer a Post
47. Answer to your question:
48. Comments and Answer
49. Rate answer and close the post:
50. Future Scope
Some points are elaborated for future application:
1. We can upload a Pdf or word document and can be shown on browser.
2. Educational games create a better competitive environment so as to motivate the user or students.
3. In future we can add chat server.
51. Limitations
1. This site is useful for Students, Professors, and Employers only. This is not useful for laymen users.
2.For a limited time Period user not able to see all
the answers.
52. Query?????

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