
Wtt^'lwi: : t i^^liK$X TSS&

•*H«r jsattSPESfbEH* JPRSSS:,-


-' -rimoHgr other great and notable etettgfisjwbieJi'faftva taken, pliw&jti this bfluitry daring the last few years'

^ there isikme move important of wov-.o"'•'<:-•'••rf-..= "•'" '•.".':v " •-;-."' ' . " ;tky of noticethanthat whichth» pah-

. ^ ? W t e ; ^ v e ) E ^ ^ a B ^ 3 S 0 B t ' i B * j a ^ . ^ B uBder<? to xWcdnnee:

,: ,fe isJfiQugris'that &&y» .S3le.yelfta<i'

••. :V.S&8LBS3?SEET'B- ektilfeHeS -put- "tft&5

.csttoti bropef I?i-3' a* la Jfj^OO^atea

':.. •"' "£c \'.' KASCKKSTAI.-;:.; aVnti-Wqn'o.poly - )<^ayeat io t t iae^ led- i6s Jttfy-itMy at.

•• A . BB£3i ." ,3lneH<JJ%.":-the'".- -Htate :.^nstat«ti©BVsoe-as'to... -py&imkr- p&;

,;. . i K ' S i i g o a r r e B t ' r ^ ' T ' f c a t W a s h -• i s g t c ^ # a t ' Seaafei" W i s d o m witi be Ir iydte j l fe®s"-Seei re i i ry i%i ot J*16: Ifireasufy-at •rjhe.^6s#Ea&ia';,o|--Ms

..'Josser : '.to-: ta&e-' Atic>ioey-Seae^tt:i

':. -- ,THE~assits3ia%.of. - - - i+^ .PsveaapB;

; |$3t «a?y lEOPsr •$;jj^s-»l:*^..mlsp1st>#5f :«ca?fideBcSi. \T&ff e l d » # g b : e f , h p h e r ;

•: a^tig^IMe*seeB^'.Krit-t©feiijgoi<d,

,'lif' i & o n g - t J i e / d ^ n d j i r t t s i o t M Star-

:. 3JabH'a;fdjf ,aS5as,tipiir i-m.;; * 7i»V*«ti-• seiottshbsa.' of-. j»al|t•;• I'sriy' -nof ajKct

thetti* biit t h e ^pjp4¥5.H*,iMott-.Qf toKT^g" •-;'- Hy^^&WMi ilneir \ i i j i ^ t y f i?tla»%s: : ;soferiety pf/ibpisduef arid a.KesBz'uff .-' sense of eoTajB|*-e:&pi&t4q&;;.v:<-:_• -•'.*;-:"=.

trfrided fiie'state riaee'rfsilj offl ip Y». > I •: <Q«;JLi &i^fmlmig-k: t&Sf'-v?ee& thsHt'.in.. :-»hy. previous-year ; ' ..^he'"" ' ro^r!;ag "•p^flf rri#re tteHi-" asw.d; i»terHn r SM4

. i a t t ag t o va?snelat|«a,v ¥ ^ ^ . ^ i i | \ ; r i o -4ea&t'i8"sa1±vi Qjtmty- &<Mvi'iy. snd "moteefflcieatweffe * fey i,f&;ff ^Jl'-a'ft: assosiafiorfe &4Saffeat'Gie'.eiaiev ".

i ? M « 4 . ^ ^ teP ^1 Big Moia*u>'t tit'P.

..-' of ta8'gae3fi£m;.^Mcb' 1 w n ^ t i W ' : t o feos^e^ ^p^ted.-xea6ra£t;n.*. ;n^r-• g a ^ n g ' t i i s ^ a v a t a b r 'kpGojjgiexiPtli^r • l iegi^ t taTOft ' spselaf ssssfoxi for' flift

-.vfinspose, M; fectlfying': ihfy &xsms" mi&

: •"• 4:»?eidei.' reMerM;.'.'. t h e ; .jProhi^jfeory / l i im&atoe^ ' iaQP&rafere ; ;Tlie- irate: ': sfe'ed-^&i /Inv fay^&if;'of iiEctmedLate ae-

-%/--^Jte'MC^pfi^:'JaRfcKrd«.d-# e x - ^ o v -:''_- *irai)TSt. Johtf 6 6 fc.'s^S^tesfi ttij>- is :; :a~a e teeotc8,-if atfyfw%s tie^deCtbat

;'- "isei?ea3eaad iiri;9633ff ft. !,,.TM3'.s?i3 : ttesptoBStrat^ l a -mcl i . of j b a s s ^ e r i l '

:-r j d t s ^ a i a ; Peniigyivi'ttia,, .• -at"-0;>Qj3ier;. ; tT^ovLtMsw-liot^i^y &p&&i]p1$i<itl

,•'; -feffta l^ew^'iaJg.ftd." ^ s e to -.ibei. 'eSfeafr: •": tii<st MAJBoafeii'/re^^I'Qa' of tKar S2~P' : " w ^ a f i f s a d • ©.yafiqai..• ' ' TCHa-• fethe /fe-3iagSQ3aii<iw y^Meli-• d^ratldi. ' -.-to;

. &? eaiSHi^B'd^- '•. • ' ' ••' • •" •'<

' v;'AteaMotf ofjpim se&e&m'&gpQS. t h f ig -

-1;;." .'• / I s e d , : ^ f ^ a j s j c a o i a i ^ ; - f t i e - y o i j ^

~77~~^^^f*mitlf'"tes?i-' -. -. iCSsiesikte :ftavft

—-^•-fC:JWt-sasBfcr jfifefSlSXaSkat w W e : S a d ,"• • - ;ticttetife%sestiia£'.ipeac yBclf^nttra^fe",

••• - ; «tbtBen in. .afeadyi; aiid-:tba6.'two,.or : .'. ; tbree d r i ^ e n i SriS.fee .fer.*liead;j.bat

'-..'_'-' to^ tMer j w o t o e i l " i a y # a ^ ^ Q i F ajVsi'-

'•" T&^esaaltoiretlietfikef..|e3gl|3:t^lisfar': "'•":'. viave^By^^;r^iHi:a4 tfae^iiGStaaagdtae' '-j.;•': iio^6S of'lb.^feieHds©f<;p-^uc*t3oil.'s.

i.-.;;: '• I fE . (^a -a f lb i cd tobaye |6e ' t epaMi-..'"-:? ^sn 'par iy . ' g a i o - # i e ^ ; t t . t h a f e i s Ms. ', •'. dfHfeejaie"y^sli, jberaiusejfie'piece*' ";-'-'- ;^ilVbe ;pat:tggetiiie?r kgrnri m:& better

;>.^ Baodopdlisla.:' ^ . . j s ^ b e f r :itfad"-^'' •':"-: ,y i i e r t ^M^#et i i^ : a id -3are" io dwV.vyfijr

• ~: t t i&^4"-ofl l3)^/ t8ff i«Flxy ^sgtidei* ?'""";-':3^"K^^^aoSaas;day,' • fotifc & # d a e t h i i i g - w e . ;•;.'; caaaafi^".kS^rd'Isto :%a>4ipjiiidrK of' , . y p j f i T d r e ^ e a ^ win'igpo?to*6e« T f e e :

. . pe ra t l^e gariBfet.^ljieh.;cbttipefeo?H', ; ;\;.' •p.duihs atTan'y i a e r f t e s i ^ $ $ 1 ;}igtzara.3;,' ; j " ' . - ; ».o know tyiwte readaod(w'ritft > B is" ; • . ©arMpif tms bi^Hi6S3.t&dsKmTifl ib!a^

; ; ' . . iade&j_-jtojt i eo r s |o r {ij6 sake otl thwe ' -'7 ..T^te_bM»dbii^^ • • • s a k e and fo^ t h e i^oteetiott'MjtnTS Hi- ' : . v " : . ' e t l t a l i o a s i % l h e ' f a ^ e ; ^ ^ © - ^ = ;•.'

Therevwaa a t ie ie wh**a ao o^«?sp,*per was ?uppnaeti' to have 'inffriPiiw* or g f e o a a g e #dJes»- i t wa^thfi '-trfeaQ of saax0 po!ia<fjl .pariy, w i ^ e irstvEsslsi "if was \yij)tfe# to-servp, and wh'oBepe-cuila'r '<im?iims, smtL- pfioiji.plp^ it-^pft* exp^''. There ;v?e?eftw rattepetiideht n^wspap^rs i s . thfi c o a s t r y " their, aiid t h e fewtfeat d i d ' ^ s j were hut,,TSfeiQ.ed. •Withsuehastelettyypar.tfeaa.pre?at% "p^ty.^iri%Beee^'jfUy'isiu.h%h,.^Ha th^,.strife .bstweeti; partjes ti>as oft^B SQI bi t ter-as it© ttistarb tlie Rpaee and h-trToaay of society and affect the ofherwise pleassitft refat.iofs •erisflttg bstweea; nei^hhars and friafMs. iatih«weolsvysit waseouated &. dfegraeefdl act. to ' repadiate- t h e nofeJibeespf one's own party, no ma t -tf»i 'ftow-QHftt.Gr- UHWiMhy^be capdi-^ dkte j ifll^ht h'ft whife fc vote for their ."dpporieats Qtt the., ^t her tiefot was an ii^\jpse"not-sbb»'^ With theiaeteased^^ growth and wide-spread teffriertge ;o£ tbe-iVrdei^hdeHt' ps<?s , lwvKrever, att-'-tfeis has be&a changed. P.^trticTatiHH^ye no-fearer. .b«6h able tocdhtrQl the• ptjptjiar vbtf, ahd. diar-fjnrgr the past few-yeara-havefiftea baen

..sraVpris^d "afe.the feauits of t h e efse-£iphsi fa this: stud other; states. -,- Before r;th^"'war,[..'"and; 'ev^n .'later,

' Hiiraee ^Jcfieley ^ a s : woat to- estimate ;b<rteft_elfefehs".-' 8bef msjnrity. wh£eh sith&r-party. was.;litte|y to giye- i n a h y statpj-aad-. hig estimates usaaUy 'srere

^4f te . correct. I n iieceht year.? sueb ea-;tiHP»t««! Jx%ye baisa so often, dM'proy^d >y.fe.AMts' pflople,' and e^en :poii-. tiefcjR-s^hAve ef>.aie'ti>.S.titkch' bsj.t, littl^ iito.pbrtan'^'taythemr and^?;eeotifiicler-ed abojQt as relia'tiie"«s Vrtijn'or'a.p.rei^' .diettorrs-. Qf'grfat" "storiiis-tor :ocedr in e^rtaja loe.di'ttra. at! certain; ' t imre ;

-'•Ptd5;a0e^Ffaipf.'^t&. 't!onHjs''k>yffisc; to the-large ihd^pea-ft&at vritfi? wnf?h haa bad a eorrespoh-. dm'g g r o w t h w i th the, "indsp.eQdeat press,; and;'..\^hit?b, to-diy . holds -.the hnJa'aue of 'po.wer i a this country, s*^ Wtiflg' f rora:"' ei ther parly t h e .eandir d ^ f e m«st- w"prEhy,'aad©fectfeg them t o fee' sffiees for 'whi<jh'tiey' w^re hatoedi .'.• .'.'. " ; - . " , ; , . :

;•? Iff esamipfng the. •standard, news-.pap;pr;direete3*y'.of 18SS, ..w^'ftadtBat, :feki"B3:tha'co.aatfy a.hd'city press to--gfsthar, thei 'e ' ar/e more', infiependerit BBWspapsrspublfefted in N e w ' York t o d a y t f taa ' either repholieaa or deoaobrat-ie, while' t h e a^bi-age cireu-;ii>^oaofthe.'Mdi?peh;3^itt neitt3pa'pra> ^eseeed b y isaany hapdrects t h e av^r-s g e eirealMion of t h e p^rty. press . ' In th i s ntiinfrer are iaftlsidwd mms of'thp .eaos^ able- ahd • influential, journal* published rh.the State, which being co'ntrolipd by a d oar ty and owned b y hft Cflqae' are not restrained by par t i s a a o r o ther ' motives from (Iteeus^tets-fairly add honestly, qabstions of pub­lic, interest \M I h e y ar|ae- between .parties. b.ftaEispreseBifed :for the '.ebn-siderailoii. of the ;pebpie . . '.. .. ^ j ahe i i eve ih anindepeDdent presa,

ific'epshdeiit bat^ a o t • nentra'L. and' free, t o e ipbse ey i l : a n d ..HQeoyer •wroags-whereyef they exist, no raaf-

;t9r-wMea p a r t y or what men -stifle? . frbip sank - e ipo^arev so long m th*-

:.prrae%le- gre.;res.oIateiy''aiid .'firnilj:

-of ;the.par£y, pressare^^-MMngitfus-po-s i & n . | b . t ha t t h e fia| i t^epf i j

. .depSiaewspapers .is^baStent^y iacr»*s.-ing whife.tB.;is'e of a s!x«*Iy pirti-; >r. •:eharaeter.-tff« . g p ^ i a s . it-.w.r >•'[•>• ^evlry ' . p ^ I - j ^ ^ a r . ' , . We_haiJU^U— J-Tty -Mm change in tise uharaeter *# •^odrpabficpifs^.fer we'fiatl .'ii.;-spi-ratiba for our -hoses and caqse ffti

: inereMed jCpiifldeRce- in the stabiltt? iwi perpetajf y of pa r free hist i tat iop-tthder ohr choaeri andpopu ia r form «'

; gfwer.naaeal;.. .Xhat none of our reasi-CT^.masf m i s t a k s o a r o w n position w« «fiirni. i n this ..etmneottorx what wt

•fiaW i r i t im^tM. Qaite Often bbfvire t h a t t h b . T u i i s i3 tT»btapartv. ovgcin fete jqi;iadpp>jMBrit newapap 'T^ndus sarij. will support and en-

,.eb"arage th?; riijht while i tfa. ir lp«ly '.•iarjKMit-h'fWy oppo^bt a.nd..cfm'!efan .the •wirjTig'. :P*i'fi;"ii-..piirties.lo a gov ,erjj«iegt.{iljepor^-are-a.nece^ity, f<>•" peoplb.w|1ihefU-yH.{?»d pn^^q^tiongof

\ p'nbHbinterest,. i*at. "when' parties or' •Aseh fese sighs of irreai pntseipiesaQd (**tttend!f>ijiy-fiir spoiis ami . powei t'hat they.tBaj.' ti*a them" wf -•jelh-'h p t i rpf js^ there Is abed, of ania 'depe1 ' -•fhmf press whivh.shall speal; for tbe y?h©ie people, a n d hot for. one party .albhe^.'-expb-iiT.^ tbe-.eVJas that '..Hi? : threatened -&'pi:Hyentto|?the ceasapj raatlOH of V-pm-jjoses .that-arb 'wtoi*? artiigin-cb.there rs .sneh 'adeed 'wecoi- '

A^semblvman Roose^?e^t h^s intro­duced' ia t h e iifw Yorfc li'-'gialfttare. & Mil providing t h i t woiaen and. child besiJi-rs rth H, dp '» convietioa.^ be given ad twe of th«ir own medicine, or, in other words, tfe-tt .infamous

. cjf'irftesUait be visited with infahaoas punishbient.- T h e r e . i s a . class .of brates itihuOTarx. form who. a r > n o t deferred by/ esi.^ting; penalffos from •fthn^iTJ* the weak and helpless; and for sh'*h the -Delaware system' seems the onTyadt'Ciuate one.. ; '• ' .. Mr. Boosey^lt maynothegus ta ined "in his eff> >rt: to seoure the passage of thiss hill, for the oa^th'od of punish ' m e a t i t proposes is ' believed, to be-the relJet of a barbarous age, a n * yet w h o shad; say it 3s inore hamiiiafihg o r severe deserved A persbhso inhuman, a s to cruelly Whip.and.unmefeifbny beat defensbr l e s s / t r o m e n - a n d ehiWren. deserves-t h e same kind of treatment --rid *be pnnisbment-is bBmane when compar­ed wi th the cr ime for which it is in­flicted. W e hope Mr, Boosevelt 's bill will b p c o m b a l a w . . •

W O M A N ' S T K M P E ( U « ? C E C O L U M N / EDU0ATION4L D E P A R T M E N T .

-. -,-ttJM. 'C. '«.. sv

1 . . . 1 . .

J M ' V V E U ' ,


,,,_.„,,,_. ., ,.H

^ O I - F t t H .

._ T H E 'E'tiur-Mile L » W » (no l iquor

shops within.four miles of a school) h a s been of great' benefit jto.'temper*, anee in those-parfeof Teaneaee. w h e r e i t has been i n oper'atio??, andtiquor'-. men n<*w greatly desire its repeal.

nnisraY c. iroRTH-ut, sBxrOB.

• .A •i.A'fEvelitor: i n^Ph i l ade lph ia said, ^Cloae a l r t h e grog shops i~i t | ie • United: 'States, and a ' ! the'. 'poverty could be relieved by- fhe'preseti'6 bS-is'-ing prixf-afe enaraties, ' and' in this RAp'jbUe there need not ha a n alms­house," '. . . . .'' . ; ; .'.".-'

Co n o c u o u s .

I n the educational column of F e b ­rua ry lo in tho column of cities the figure one should be uppoaile Broome county justem* ot AlJe^batiy, and opposite OoW go, instead of Orleans county.

Ln Iheculum' i , Feb. 23, u*ider t h e thetopic '"IIou-,e')t II>pifysnlativeN" :read '-They are olected every even year" t t c .

'.grafaytej'rhe ".people- of- .the JQ'japire ' -4 *t#"liiri'i of t hw great Stewwtbih!' in

." ^Dh^ ekeise.bill-:.which- !g .-now- a l -;moBt- ber^airt -ib;;^^bec0me.;.s.]aw-wai" - ^ m e d ehGrely t o fiefieftt .thb.iii^uo^

.-'; ife-ilers. , Jt; makes seye'rM ihsporJbsHJt :: f;hangesyjri/the1a-w Qtimgl)::and"re-

;jas-.7yes';;tho^ restrfeHons' t o ' ' ^ h | c h -\,, j ney hatyb. l o^ao f - i e t ed j sad/.^jttiek-:'.fe«ittld -:ia. -'aiiy . svl% -.•"':-ia,teTfSrb •-' wifh ,£!ie. traj6Sb-'[ -/Wtteri' fit«t iiitetidtieftd.

' -le.iWa^/'made: t o app|y/i>rrly to ^the "'iifites -fii^ew-"^ork,':.and..BrooSlyrii. - :butit.bas%Seaiar|irexided iji the 'Afeemi

Mym:0i£> bbyersBV'ffie:#ie;bi;fe'the ./S^afe / /Itf^^pr^feetl 'f&biqaor'

; iteeb^satffy tr^^ami:tletm;ffifi?: •..-.*• ^".pj^-'SBiisiii.-^sBefitibpp;- •; '.';•'/:. --.

to" grant^^licen^.roi'tbV.sM&^UStt^-.'tP fe straai: oittlie pvamifes" -TpEiettiei- •tiu><i»-{ie'.6r'

: pvsotimikjiiatels or taiferass, -/ ' .Aipr^stiit-. the.licetJ'ged. jplttefeiaxtktcfttttoln. kisdotamo(i&-ytinmjbr'ixiiv^i^m'&iii'tixpii bmssts;; -...- . ".v" '$%•. 7&&M tb» -Hemmmm.e}i: tot&S-.HtiosDr-' '• -ittorei-foSjfe*!; j&3&*Mme,mitik\ a w c'va -'ra-:, jHfflsfa-filspiae&ef jij»!'ae3A.:a»y^bte''wltte4:,-•". Tt%^"i«?lsa'tettEia"pf.tiio" pdmtal$Bi(aiefa with-..>on6:?TOa«^'s.t^..IiofeM& '. '•.:•-*'-"•,/ . " r ' :

: .'-": fW. l^4&i^^^^<Te:vialaiion6ir'm»i&w :. 6t&8rwitg«/]!!ba.-! .apas a,"irarKir«at:i..''6Stf^p(i*fir'' '.'twesatibe a&B.i5-i>f i o'otook itiji&AmotnfyXg. . »o«aao'al''3eSc. »t»to^lit- oBSokdaysvV- E'pes .' ;! thpu'ix^-^ioiii&m-a.^'bsi'fe Hken; to- .the: .: jft&*Bnc?4g i&a-p'Brifftf urr«<3'fc. '."/.-•"••'' ^4 t.i*«Tt^.ilia£ito8«.ca*lei'* , 't&cEW-&e'i-. "«Janse?rtf ttira iiv'r iff iSKf s&wifldt"':agptj£uj-, .. ditesUcsvirij* a papt^^*»'frf;.^re"tJSiaa 3i'0,-

.' See^'.I&e iif:ii'.'-seqilfflS- yeps-slk -"ibukjiistrfeBt: '.; ActC;*na. ifiesfjEtlt/orders ^jsbsniaw' isiitntfir ..\la;to-liPBi"ediatfr.'lHa"ect. -" '"'-;• -• . ' ::"!- - """

great Kepub: ^bMiI: w» fiya .oit/fh» feet, tiidl m-have such- a. p r « s a&d.ihat Jt ' Is st-rong aridaMb;eriough.tbdo. ii^fe,.worli:, '

/••Aaf^TftBs:' si^-i>.'#i,sjEi'C;'i9L--;; ]''"; •'/.:'_"..'."'at-j&jt^-' ."_, ; ' • ; . ;.. .

'$lie-Aar«>«ii" «»f a « Esia-ftp- SiitKcs O v e r i 709,06© o f m F H U « S i a S|sp<?ralaf iaiti.

: JfBW.YopyE'i:'E>4&. '25.^A heavy df--' £* ' a ik fQ : fqiniH ft>- ..lityhf ..tO-day. :Th ' culpri t i s . tTjlbert.i/, .Grbweli, presi­d e n t of. t h e -Empire 5Jiain]S eompany ?

:5ai!arilt eoattty,; tTtafr... -Crbwell in -jgfT.was giye?i fhe.»g:&" of W W -iP'itte'statbj.^wifh.pawerof attpfaey T h e o w n e r s a r e Mrs. O'tfReUa Atwetl awlhers fo te r Catherine. Talman arid! . b ' e r a i ^ j CatQl-ineSfttmaik; la. ffl?^ Urowett; Wefiybf o'th& . 'Eaipire rbifj^

"ingscheriie;stfrd^bQUffetlaiigely';piite' .8tocte'./;:l3>ettiJibe. has hied"ifai luK \' «nvl-tKe.^e'%sijienfa. idefeasedo-uhtil

.-anally .'0iwt;d''abMra-cted'. i3flt'-b{j&-.»'vf •: the- Tafmah trust • faitds^. Besides this, hb borrowed .r£om- (JAroline' 'falsnini .m :«&. -iife the U$' fhreft ybirli • he spbkt $?7Af!0{j.":" Ih.Md'ttioa • -he owes

:^S,O0^.' '33a thbd2th.'f0st;. '.he. .rhade aoassighrdent . -' Bfe-'e«fetecojisis'*sof

•*eai esfeite yaiaea-MN-$i'07.;fiOO, mtin-gaf*ed: alm.fwt" t o i t s M i ; -v^lab - s-ad abphtdfSjO© siiares'«yt'' iBfn.m? stneJj H b i s slbS a t . ' i r i in^Jon, 'N ' , I . : ' I t is fhbdgM MiaMSs .Talmfns will m*t

' "agai-n.^ hlrrt.- •"..'-. -••--•--• •.

•;M 3BfIu|sW*."^tttt Kefased » atiirje"|fis$i

;. -A- ..I^ehJftsfes' 5lerfyBiaa'--:rwIi<>-•;"- -SfGaldif t accept iwftiallops.of is'hig^ : ;key for mawyiag a; cbdpib' -bad to- goj

;^tkb^i;mt$:fi&:':M. ':$&r' B « i - ^ '.': preferred.'if..; ii.Q' Skew a idonatibaf ; - 0 t i $ -;iyassolhg' tov& oh

Mm the n»-xr,; weefe, -;. sbd.-.they'd he

of. 'Oamhridjie,' •wights' - all'. Ottholfe ;cfif.M«?h -to".-attend' the". paro.thW PchoofSi. "If tfeeih- pareB ' s^ ive - them Bitttfesir Bitters;'£hey: -wilS' have it)sy cheeks and.hb strong and. hea l thy . See' another 'column. "•' * - " S 6 w 2 .

A P a r t i s a n « <>I>ftt« o n (l ie B i e n n i a l ' S salens;. K1U-.

Albany^ Feb. 2C—debate on the bi­ennial .session . resolution ' to-n ight took a partisan tu rn . The wars of the revolution,, of 1812,. and 18(50 were fought oyer. Jefferson a n d BLarailtbn were dissected as to their political doctrines. '';Mt. Koosevelt, who aus-taipffi the reso»ution,was attacked on alt sMe«:by the:demQcratsafter.h.e.had; ..afflrmfd tha t J- S^rs m was the lineal predecessor of Jefferson ©avis, • as fai? .a«. t'he. dbctrJbe. of seeeswum was eon-cir-hed^', A t the.. close of the defeate, the reotion to disbharffe the.commit-ft-e of. the 'whole and' order t h e reso­lution to a th i rd reading was lost' for. lack <f t«o"or three votes.. Fbllow-iiMr arfesomeof the votes ^repablicafas ifi italics ;) ' " .

. A y e ^ A U a n p q n , Oneida; . -Bm;#, Chenango; Smit \, f i e rk i tner ; Par' rar, <Ja'oBda^%; JS'wjjfvihdTThbmps.oh, Jefferson ; Ehoiiu St. L a w r e n c e ; tyjteit. Franklin ; Xlelm^ O.s.wea'o.. 'NOPS—Townsend, One ida ; Benja­

min, Madison;. N^hon and Ely , Otr s e g i ; Beercwilh,Si, 3j iwrenee. . .Thf* resolution is.still in commit tee of/the" -whole to be acted on or left alohe hereafter. The vote was non­partisan. . . " . - . . "

, . ! ! • • • • • • • • •••*_•• l l i . l . I i l l l

(Prom oter Speoial Pori-asii'Mnifftit.)

• • - N E W Y O R K , F E B . 24,1833, Just 'about shisxItsM of year people

•ijre Inofciag ground for their summer quarters, i t may seem ra ther ear?y to do so r while the wet ther i* so ei ld •kmi the snow stilt on th«-<?roun<l, but it i-? impos-iib'e to secure r Toms at ^ood hot»ls in desirable re^ifM uu-Ifss negotiations are b<^ m in Feb- . ruary. This is not t rue of th"! lir<re resortsiifee Newport , Biratoiji , and L-in^" Bi'iiiiDh. I t i s t m » o f s t n i l l places which are. visited annual ly by acsffeain safc;qf mee people and which can only accommodate a e^H.dh nuna-bei'i' There a r e f?i»nerrtliy two or three, old fashioned hotels which, have'en­tertained the same people for success­ive years, and whieh reserve rooms for th m. These regular* g-a«st3 often •lesire to bring Mends,, and an oiitsl-. I^r has to feitee an early s tar t to get tte'vi.. .of thwia, • TPhey are rtwrffV*

.'-fhere'fiaxiHieo?o .to- pas^s the. whole •surniaer. The prices are not low, but nm stttt Ie% than {he prices of th*' l^njerp'kw^-Vr1**^ s r e i na^-fiy 'rf th*->se '^•{rnruarmi»• pe*orf^ :ll »t ( L ) a * Is laod. -J,.. ,:i t h e AHsiOtJC O.-.tit Tf ! t v « l -

•tk-b ap!ac« he i i s».ib-b*d s\>i"h>r-'Uftly that he in sflal to set away:

Ualess introduced 'by an old t i m w , a tew comer is geriorally left to his > wh devices and h is a very dull t v - n e . ' " ' • " • ' • ' •

The annual f;»sfive b^tl of the Arioo ^'icibty. of N ' w Y / r f e t r x f c pl->ce' Wednesday n i eh t . a t the >Udism.

^ q u W G v r d a h for which §3'«0.0 rant •Arm pWi.fbr the ocbwon. : . I t is esti~ >wted t b t t d u r i t ? the n 'ght th» G sr-lon -was visit*"! by at least" S'fi/too-•e'spie. The'b>3cis,.'30't i n n u n b r, •sp*re all sold .and oce^pled, ari 1 tha uroox^tiHide• WAS packed. ' The festi-v" it was f i r m d l y ih'-iU^ux'ateil- ab')ut 10 o'clock by a procession, the- partic-ip-4 vts in 'which w r ^ ''os^u-ned S la invmde Gama. O'he'tofid Ejrmtcf, Precd^d 1-jy ,"t h-tn-i, "Ph - com-nitfpes a5?^b?tQd Cilumbine, borne on sturdy •^hoailers of "si-? in*«-%t>wn% and pissed in rbvi' 'w before Prince. O w -'aiwflj. who sat oa his thf one a* th«

:eastern end o f - t h e garden, fL'\rla-ij,aina, pierrot-*, puichinffros and o'th^ - r pr.rfcssiona!'• f iHlg danced .and' f s-bbrted the. jfrtnd marshal ' and the m w t e r ofe'^reaaonies around the en­tire S vw, and than • after mubh mock f>rm.*md eere 'aony, ;xan^ed the ' t t -selvbs near tho Pr ince 'an t l Pnncesv Carriiyil. D i h c i n ? m^an t im" was in -5bey;iu.Ge,bijt.'soon the r l >or Was pack-'ed.witji- naerry maskers,' who galloped and wait2"d and polked and ta;-iz«rk:

ed and % head and qn i t r 11 teil to their heart 's content, ©srly in the morn-i u g t h e wine-rooni y/as tranSferrefl to the. boxes. -, and the har-roo m Was one 'feni?. gnrffla. Politicians of al grades w e r e . p,onsp!cu'»us in everv dbparthient,.. Masks were multithr, -dinaus, but- aot. noyei., and eo tara-ea :were.plentifuU• but • not remarkable. -Tbe""Hnrald- estitoatei- the expenses ineupre'd by the society and . its guests »t-$Si9.,50tt. ... •'.. -.-,; --. . •' ' "••'• ...

- ,3ihe average New-York clerks born here, bred here and..' whose aneestbrs

^worked here as fflerks for .ffanerations. p&StiS':.a' euribus creature. He. is abwnt.ftyft feethigrh, of s l im, ftervous bdd.d,; a.«?d ' tisrht, delicate ie-rthres. H ? wefaiba s »methi'ng over, o n e h u n d r red pounds , . and. most of tha t is «h'<aek'-noti'always insolent' cheek-^ b i i t a eool assurance ' tha t tides him. oyer'itroubkS'Xhie sttuations,aad oyefr throws higger m.t*n. H e is a, plucky, l i t t le fellow and tries to rsakb up in fury what he lacks, in . weight. = He -k n o w s i t atlrfrom t h e Bowery, d ive to;the gildfid gaoiiMing palace, aud he is a lways ready to paradetheeleohsjot-far t h e benefit-of the horny handed-e.oa»tryraHii.whois wiliinsr to-pay the b.iils,. .•He-iS;ja'GF.e.atore. of «1J' "eha'rae;.. t e r s . ' . He. .is koud, had, iiulilrV'rent

.: T H E l7idepehMent says :'• Thb Cfctis-timn 'Advocate't'egrStS to -see.1hAt the Woman ' s National Christian. Tem­perance Union favorsfemale suffrage. iBut we have seen the editor of t h e Cltristiari Advocate and the President of tha t dolichonymous Union stand together on the same platform and spesk on the paxne public top ic ; and

t h e woman d i d no t suffer in compar- a&poxXloa^ b y vtonpeai&xinMCB****-json.with the asps famous and agile .instruction ou nr .iwow t*e t^-.u^iti 4ny or

T H E teachers are training- the future •eiUz-iiis of tins grand old Republic.

A I l t l C L I J 1, C E UUJGII OJ>,

i 5. Tne moneys raisei oy siaig uir., or ljiirro^eJ as af jfu.iitid. to supply a. tlefioieUcx thereof, and suchport cm ot"t'iiei'neotneo£.tii;e 0jjti<;slStates ijBijosiiinail as appro-.. prlatecl, ana Uu3tii6!.'3ii.^dt'tlie <XH&JIIG.:>. >oaqol. lu id, *liau tt>e same are ai)i>r >p"r;tit(«l to ttie support of the omamon'sph'ools^'oDSHiu' <j tUs s.taie scHo:>l monajfs.aml sbah p.i 'di-t'ulsfl&nj.

debater, in the Methodist church. We could n o t s e e Why shesho idd not v o t e , . ' "• • ' " ' ' .

- The " i t a j n e L a w , " prohibit ing the manufacture and sale of intoxicatln<>' liquors, passed the legislature (if tha+ state May 31st, 1S57, Ky'a vote of-86 to <£Qin the H. >use of B-'presehtatiyes. On February 8th, ISS^, t h e .constifca-tionaf amahdmea t -prohibltrng ' t he . manufacture 'and sale was passed .by /a vote of i n | to 37. '-..'"No'tiee- . the' fact-that- the .people of Maine^.have t r ied the policy of prohibition ib r ' twehty-fi^ve yearSf jnearlya whole geperafipn, and welt satisfied w i t h i t . t ha t to-day no oppositioa can be prgaaized to ebusiTtatiqnal prohibit ion. ... Th.e results are .satisfactory,, whateyer is said to the contrary.

..TUB "Bed pragon" by T.-.D > Wi4t Talmage, is the title, of a • sermoh frocu Bev... l^:h #hap. 31 and -4ih verses. F i v e cents will purchase one and one dollar will, send a strong,. invincible, . forcible, sermon in to twenty homes to enlighten and in­spire .to work. - . . . • . .

THTJE . "Physio logy of Alcohbiics" by-Wno. B. Carpenter, M . D . , treats upon, the eff-fets of .aleo.h'ot upon the system by one whOs bas made th is a life work. This book should be put-in ' the hands of every^ physician, in fact in the hands of every man and woinan who can read. Only 10Vent-*. Address Inr either of the above J. K. Stearns, 53 Reads atr«et, New York c i ty . ' . ' ' '

The New Jersey ii-jnate h a s passed a fr'dl ivhieh. .provides for.submittiu? to a'vote of- the people an aroerub me it-to the en lstitaHon pr >hi'>i-Hng the manufacture and sale of li'qfior and intoxieatinar- bavsrages. I f ir fill to pass the assembly the t emper ­ance Deople will r-dly to the support of Mr. Parson's License bill, whieb is the mo3tsweeping eyer proposed. I t proposes to exi,et from alt-saloon keepers bonds: for good character in the sum of S2:0!10, and to raise fh^ It-ense fees, mikiaar them froca $15fl t»«25D for beer m i from $350 to $o0« for liquor and bjer'.. T h e effect would b<j to rodu;e by thfee-t surths the •mmber of saloons io t h e cities of

Jauuajy In each, yeav ajf followsi..- and alt money-- so aBpor4,'lon«cl. exiepb tlie litipary moDeys.sUaU- be. appHt;£l''exol.uslrtjty. to'the piiymwntof tB'aohers'-;wages'-.' ' • " - . ;' • " QcEipy .—#bere - jds* t'vuVtess ..get-aatjiority far appropriat ing Ehe.,pub-lic school moneys ( that have .been sacredly ae tapar t by law.tor,ie.ibher3'-. wagessj.tothe' pufehasboffael s repairs. on school house, and o t t e r incidental, expenses? • . ; . ; ^ . •'"'•.-.

Shonld &efe4P^w-fee-Tespictad or .not-?;'.- , :," ,,'.5'..v • '-:. '...• . . •;• •".

_. '" ' ; . .soEto'Jti'.Ho'aaES. .• ' ; W e s t Martiasbiirgh' . is to haye a .new .schoolhouse,. . ' " • " . ' ' . ' .

Clayton is to hayb ah :ad'dhion at a cost of. iS-,000. -'. ' ' . ' . . .'

Norwood will.' byijld' a. new school boude costing". 11.0,000«- '," ". ;' .' '•-' . , • Johostb'svu'is to h a v e . a new: one costing. $1,5,01)0, - • ' • ' . " ' . ' . •

O a r t h ^ e . wili have an addi t ion costing $2,500.' '.._'.; ..''. '"'•'. " • ' ' • .

Veri ly , t.heoutsida vyorld is mov­ing. . . . - . . ." .'

'Quest ion i n " II IstQrjr Ariswerpd

- . The first ' 'Otnt ineatal Gonstress" i n which all'.the coiooies were represent-' ed assembled September. a, 1-75-i, in Carpenter's flail,. Philadelphia. . I t was com posed of fifty-three members t«jd jisaon* them we»--i the following : s&^titm-Washte^fab,. Patr ick S e a r y . Bic-hard Herirj ' ti>8, Edward and J m v Eutleflge.-Ch.ristophet (x-4'Jsden, Sisuael. AdAins, .E lij-ar- Sherman, Phi l 'p liivtnj^ston, AYiIjiam.Livings-t'»t> and John J a y . . ' . * ' ' The.debate on the .-second day was

opened by Pa+ri<--k fT'"nry in a speech of syrp-issin^,-. wh > said a m o u ^ other things, "Br i t i sh oppres­sion fans"ff ic-^d the banji'diries of the several c-ilonies; the distinctions tie-tween Virginians, . Pennsylvanians. Nesv Yorkers, and N-^w B tfflandc.r--a r e u o m o r e . I am not a Virginian but an A me.riAcm.'"

by a viva voce vole of p->eb metn-ner p r « ^ n t »n P».» s <> >B<i Tu 'sd>iy after th-3 rae^tia^ ?nd or»:-in]zi-\tion thereof, n-une a p^r-. «.T for S nator.

I l l Cn* two Etotw- shall rn-et in jolnf ib-f'iTibly, t'i > d ty following, and it the -, line p"rso>i h is received a i n a p t l y of ill vh> vj ies ja-.t in e if,h l lnus" ( K qu »ru a b^-ng pi--seat) he shall '^e d<->ei i^ed In y elected ti3a-ai^r oi t h" UmUd S'd*es.

I V . H ' i o p"i->on ba^ received such . u q n i t y , t'i »n th.- j unt aa8embly snali> d b> xuij v iw, v ire to elect i S^UMO'-, m d coa^in ie to vote at h 3"-t onc» eti h H y . dur ing tne ses­sion, or until a S3ri*t>r has been alccti'd. For ui inu"r • >f viva voce voUi i i iS tv pi«j^ ,">L

Q, H >w v,"re the B^nitois class­ified acoor ling- to the €on-,litutiony at the rirsL meeting ?

I . T h n e w e r e only m n ^ e n S»ni-cors present . a i tn>-i opening. ; tne namesof s i s were.pat into.on'*.class, sev«n, i a 'o anoiher, ami s i x , in to another .- • " . - . - ' \ ' : - ,.'.' •'..•": ' ' ' - I I . Nb two Senators'' names from .the.. S.MW.-&tite were out into one cla-s;' • '-"; . : ' ; - - "' '. - J-XL, Three R-ip"r.s- of eqwal size

numbered one, tw.y, and'-three.,, were. ro l led-up ap^ p«r< intoya box, ^and. drawn by-: a cbm'yiittee of fhreaper^. 3mschosen for this purpose in, bbh'atf >f,the r^-.p>v-ti/.e «l i-s'sas. i'u' which

each of. fhbm was placed, • •••-. VIV, Senators o f t h * fi>st cla*« w e r e

fe vacate their seats i n - t w o years;- of, the second.ia four years; of the third, inrsix'years,-;. . : • . - •-•'•. .: ' . -„ . ;V. B y a r e s g i u t i o a of 0ongrel3 in ; KS9t -it- was d eid v'd .-.that- when' gena--tors tak&'«3its -from'State's t h a t : •ha*e • not'•-before appointed- Sen­ators,, they shjdl- .ba pi iced by Mt in-' the for*oiog'cliSSes in. such a manner as-shal l ' keep the classes a s nearly•' eqii i l as ra-*-y--'»e in numbers^

;VI. ^mym-fimv ybars will inter-,'yeae .between two sueesssiye expira -tioris of Senatorial ' terms in any -State.' : " •

' E L i e X B i a T T Y . ''•'••

Q. Wbafc ' sp 'Cial qu'aiifie'ati'ons m t w t a Senator possess?

. I . He must be' th i r ty years of flgb, ah. inhabi tant of the S ta te in which elected, and nine y e a r s a'citizen.'of the Unitisd States; . . • I I . Be m u s t be free from' the re- ' stribtiohs ixi regard t o ' hbiding office heretofore given for' Representatives, .

Q, W h a t are t h e y ? ' ' . '•

- yAGAN.eiES.' • • ". -' ."

Q . S o w are vacancies in th i s office m i . a ? . . ' - . . ; • ' • . : . . . . . •..

I, I f a y a e a n e y occurs dur ing . tae re>-e!-s of the Legislature of any State, the Governoitof su-.-h State rjaay.oiake a temporary, appomtuaeht which will expire at the meeting of the Legisla­ture. . ''

-.' I I . If th» Legislature of a State- he in r-e3"»iyn a t the t ime a yacaney - •ccir-j,. the -IjcgMsf-ure -will proceed :tb fid such yk-c-iuisy ' by vot ing as i n i h .*" c-iJH of a {ulfc< t e rm.

I I I . The person elected to ' fill, a vacancy shaij serve only for-the un­expired- te>'r«C. * . . . . . . . ; ' ' • ' - . . '


Who said and under wha t cireum-s*aaces fhe foliofiagf- " D m ' t give u p the shin.". ,

Answer next week.

P r a c t i c a l fforlt o n Gir i l « o * J r a « » a r t t .

• ' '-^Ehe-gpdd'holisefke&per m a y he a vi^er^IJuit she • eaaaol:;' fee altogether.

. ^ a d i j ";> - , ' ' . : ; " ; ' / • • ' " • "••- • : ' .-•

. Ifypii fe'yeTumor(orturnoraymp-=i-"i-• •-•*-•• t-'- -----£.-- -if--: -----*•-• -i- ?««>•*,} C-rt<.tvr.(f*r'' c^iee'r H.ymptoihs,,) fewl eirooa&sybri'i. white--if : t tey famfiS SeRi&ia,ErrsipeJas,H-,d»-i-hi'U'ri,gs?iii littasr;#Mle.iQ6HQgshe ao^ae^t^iey ,d; JBIofehes, Dr ;Mlmer . ' s Female Berne-.;'*»$, $&.dfQaiE.^b*y^d saektfie. en-;dy to.wattauled to cute. Ettaggists tie© ?cemum«*-&0.*tw- Fast* :\.am%i, '-$i> . '

. T H E exjiiilleat Union Signal',- the ea is i l ida ted orgitt of the Woman ' s Ohrisriaa' Te'itiwraivie t l u ion tbtt-s tU * 'Jeff p-tftia^iit si-iry ho'W th ' t HO-"tent E.'y.".' , !^f^,.i*'.»riiHgto.Ptodor-•JL% h i d a .Iwen-ie s>;s:;;itsi'. for. theft and thiev 'S, L a ier-itittdi«g that theft cptiid not be entirely suppress ed the .Egypt ians , had I theft licen-sihg buresiu, wi ih i ts aeored-ited heid . All Wi i widied-to en­gage in the f h 'evin > business report -<H-1 t.hem-i..-l\:es and werb. enrolled by th-'h^Ad-sf the b'i,-eAit, the i r nibi^s and address . .bMag taken, down, iYhatevep they.stole \yas'.r«ported"b>\ th«m to t h e bureau; Then those from w t o m the jowls h i t been stolen ap­plied, to the b u r e m to recover th^ir goo-Ti and rec Ttved t h e p back ua.'ui ji.rfeil,')a p r/oa «it of \ fourth p r theif VAiue, wh ich went, to the thief, with a proper <i">duati(>a, by wiy of liceasf t'-> the bureau and the. g">yfirntjaen;. Of course no one could; steal ' except thys-j t h u s lieense 1; and it w fo> th*. iatHr '.st of th > licensed-thieves t.> suppress all who were, unlicensed Thus a skillful add efficient body of thieves Was tr^to«d : md' a c mslder-able revenue accrued to the govern-' mea t .

-'•-.':'• ^iex^clmC"''

TSse- E"lr"!t Cninet of?Ste ^ ' eac . v

• A iittie, before s^vsa o'clock on Fr iday eyening last, while ' Prof, Lewis Swift, Director of the Warner Qbservutiiry,. E 'schester, 1ST. Y, vya* scanning the western sky, lie discov­ered a hrilfiapt eoiuei located in th* G'>hs»ellatidn of Pegasus,' near the Star Beta. The new comet is moving eastward and is very bright . This i1-the first comet discovered .during *h» present year and also the first discov ery made by nae-sns of the new tel-<<se'>pe.'of the- Warner .tWj.^r'ya'ory, a'hich is- the. lai'gast private tehMbbpi.; in • • • ' ' - . . . ' .

Take a young, man, a ' i a l l y o u n g matt,, wi th a small hat , a long face, a iengthy neck^ a ihor t body, a pair of long and s l i m legs, .with a rms tt>. raafch, and "both a r t p s a n d legs la rg­est a t the; extremities.;. put hiba into a Seymour,coat, encase his legs ihee ' - . skin panraioonsj .withsnfflcient bow in the legs. to. give p-tssiag glimpse-bet Ween them-of the mashed .and as­tonished woiid tha t lies ahead Q£ him', when he w a l k s ; cram his Teet in topotiite*; tie an.eye-gktsstu his iapttel; glvo. h im a delic'ite, mus­tache to p lay with—ami if there be a grander sight ubdvr t he canopy <ui Btaveriv *e haven' t r ime to th iuk Si' up. Perhaps a m>>ukey withi* tit' Sail comes nearest to the "•phauorae* uoa.-^M'anfcfiii- Pvees-

• T H B stsfgbdri nf. the._Jfa«f HaypP: Register *»ys th i* when' "Dr,' Bl'i-'

an iniideloi" a Christwn, a, Hebrew, J m : e lMr i !jA , ied, h i s . miprf*ifoV or a Qentile, hut all alike possess th« t bonxoion traits I have dea.r.ibe'd.. H o i s s . n a l i because bis race has been, atanl.ed by confinement, a t . sedea ta iy workyau'd- by'a tack ot exercise..-'. ftis hrAin ts-ii**t..lafgi", hut ve ry . active, and he often tri.'jkes.k successful b W ,ines-$ m»n« Ete rare ly . makes h i s

"•as Slow, his pulwe rapid., and hi-pus cuvity dist«!id"d with bile.".

I . A W I . ^ S ' . '1-01H'(<0' .

THBfiREAT PtSMAUK HjSMBOY 5-pi>ep*red' by .the WaitKJs^s M:KD.ICA.I. IjfHTjVOTK OF JUTpFAt;'*,' iSf,' Y.,' »r.»V

. i^lheir favoritepri'sc''iadie--mark in Pter-uure, or in the arts , as • \yho are suft'ering from any weakue-4-th*'. .wou'dbe e». t i r- lyoutofhisi neof,' or coinplAiats common to the i r sex' trairiirc?. H-« runs in a groove, and i I t i,s sold by druggists at $1.00 p". if he has no bad habits he dies in the bottle. Ladies cap obtain advicO o u d a inspected citizen. ., F ^ K K . Send s tamp for niimes of those

AUQTOi' J who h^ve been cured. 80—tf,

Q- H >w ar "'yicaBcib-ija this e.fBce ' f i U f . ' 1 - i ? ' • • ' . • • • • ' : • •

I. Pry appeal f5ri«iion hi th^ disfcri.-'t' in which, th f vacuuey. ex is t s ; sut'h pie.-f ion being ordered, by .'tee Gdvetr-nor of theStitta..'...

II. The person elected at such special election serves only for the unexpired tend . " ' • • ' • - •

Q, What are:s)m2 of the duties of Rbpreseniatives? . - .-.

i . To tho.®;tth o.f office. (See p i i g e ' 1 2 9 . , ) ' . . . . . • ; . . ; • , ' •

. J I , Tap. oath fs-admiaisfered to the ihembers bi'for-j taking, the i r .seats, by the las t . Clerk of the JHouse of Representatives, whose i-xty i t is to-act as pr-'Hiding offioerttritrl a Spsak-

. er shal l WeieHpd, . . " ^ ^ . I f I . T i elect' from •".t«@K' number

a presiding ojaicer who is called ••Speaker.'.' . , '.. '-. '". • - -'-'-.

i V . To ele^t -o ther offi.c»rs ;. as CierkiSa- jeant-a t -Arni ' , Dvirke-per and Pb-itHidsteEf -. Thes'* 'jgh: : rs . are not hie tabersof the Hou^e of Ileprf-

• SenHtiyes. -, V. r A msjnrity shall constitute a

quoruui fo r -dn iag bii-iitiess; shall judge of the elections,.- re turn , , and' quahfteationa of i ts o^'n m'-mbers ;, c.impel..-the .a t tendance of. absent m'irnliers.;; ietermins its own rules of or iceediags;. pdfiish •raeia,'ar>! for Usorderlv; bdhiv ior ; and 'bxpei a niain.ter by a two-thirds':'Vote; ; ;/<'

V I . They may not ailj.mra for •Bore than three days, .or to a n y other p k c a t h a a : i M f c i n ^ r h i c h the' Senaje also | s : sitting, syithout -the consent of -the. Senate. • The ' .s*m'.e rule a rtplies to Senators.

V I L To h».va .jj-ordi'iHfe . jurislic-fion with the Senate iu enacting I . - - 1 . W S . • ' . , - ' - .'

• • -VIII,. -t'U; Jivtye. fhe Kate- p.ower'.of; ..irigid.-itlrig' impij.-tahta'r.BHj. " An i m -p-««jfam->'i.- r-i f«. Boei'j d-i a^cusAtion . ig-ainst a pahiip o i l 'br cht'trying h.irn yith a c f J c a e w iais>l«'a'*:a4<>i'. (and is. rathe f<»r,u of aa ibdlctm«nt) sufS-ciotit to pat- the; acbusej on t r ia fav t h e bar of the S^jwte. When a*rnij'«'-' i ty ef the p:ous'e has impeached, m bfft'-ei^ i t apppin ts a coibnait'tee to ' lay the" whole m4tt%- before.-. the Senate,. and' to rep'resb'at th-«i Hohse ia- i£<:

proseeKi.ra. • The.duties•.oftth'- House ©f- Reprb?entefivesen.d.hefe.

I X . A.11 bfHs'fprreyeiiuemus f orig­inate in the Hou^e of teipresenta-'.(styes, hdV'th.eSefl^tb J»ay'pfpptis«,oi-. concur in amendments as in other h i l i s . ' . . . ' . - : . • • • - = . . • . • . - • . ' . ,

• X . a; Prasidenfc of t he , Uui'--d Siat«s, when the electors ikil to e t ' e t one. .(8.:b'r>;-iSe'.90.).

Tnis has occurred twice. '• Thomas J >tft'3)n was elected in -.1801;,'- and J-fhn-Qiincy Adains in is'25, (See pajfefjS,).-. ; ; - ' . ': •.••...•'

. . . ' ' ' ' . KBTjEGATEg^ •'' •: -; ... •- ' . , Q. ifew-'areterrttoriesrepresehted?' I . Eiieh te.rrKbry-isetit-itied'to. :one

delegate, who : has the privilege of preseutmg the claims of his te r r i tory ; but has ho vote . '

I I . Tli ^ sn{ary of delegates' i s five, thousand dollarVand mileage.

- .--' . TH.12 SENATE* •'. •

. Q, H iw are the United States Seii-*tors.fiu)ttd ? • • ' ' . . "

I . By the L'lgistatures of the sever--ai S' t •», for a t e rmo l S-iX Years,

I I . (ff' ii a b a t o r is to he elect-ed.i) «ach body of a I*9gftetetare sliaU

Has "decided''claims tip&tittiepuWie. This. ; is posUiveij' iifoyeii by file .immense good i t

' lias doiie to those %\Iio have been cured of fliscasc-s from v;Mcli tltc-v tjave suffwd In-tejisplj. f<jr yi':tn*,!fcS wiiiiwi Uvllie PttWWe .eil i.cHt.iitu.'niais-, e-veacs ens of .wltl^b is a lies-

,'.-.- - ' CfOttj-Eh, yr-„ Friv.24,187?.'. . StjKSR».C. I.iJouu'i: Co;, lcnvt'11, Siass.:

Tliecth tla-y -of'last - June 1 was Ktbetf sfek -'Willi a; RW-CIHUK i'U lr.> ijgl.tfuta.audwitli.aa .

' iiwftil j>ain: 'Hie.sweltSns wi-nt all over lite. ' Sly feet- was s.WHMt So-lliat 1 CoflW With dif- ' '-tit-uit v swo mrt ol my cjvs. imd 1 broke ou t ' m t t ilie wliulij Mulaee. i>t-ih}-.lnJdy; mv riplit fout up'to iiiy liiii-e \%as cue raw, jtcliiiig inassv aii(!-nijf- aulUe. and toot so lame alia .sore 1 could.iHit step on it, "aljil It would iiift •s='o as to"wet a irftodage tlU'Oasil), in an' lioiit lnUiiseondltwn.-Mr. W. F-Bogdi.of the firm ol A. H. Hood- & S'mi, druggists.of tliis'toWn>,

. taudia lue a bottle, of 1UHJ1>"S. S-Mt&APAEIL-i. \, 1'iUl n:e to fake it. 1 did MI. and by '

.- tlie iiirie-i .had tttk^iiolie bottle I found iliatr it.was doinc rae.aood. 1 have sinc-e tuiten five bottlo-iiitore. After I had taken tlu-ee-bottles my soreness, bepan to leave me. and . 1 ha-ve been pw.'tne better, every «Jay. so that to-day I.can walk witiRmt goius lame.. I ha\enosoreue?s in niv ahEle and it has healed all tip, and direstipt rail at all. 1 owe mv* rei-ovei-v .to uiur sarsaj'arilla.. I write tills th let you know tlj'atl thlulsltaesen^s

-tlie. confidence of the ptiMie, especially those . wlio'-are troubled, w itb Utwiofs.

• . " . ' • . • Yoftrs most truly. ' - ,-' • • • • ' • / ,1'OSI'iiH fTTKTN."

•. P, S. -Eyeryperson-tliat saw me said tiiat. I ue\er.woiild s.-t lu-ylanieuess without having a vimriiiicc sore oil my aakle: fiat thank-eodlKave. .. J. f. .

; KooflierSMsasarillahassuehiashai'pening. effect upon -the appetite. No otjier' pvepii _> 3ratiun tones and strengthens th^ digestive organs 1fl«:'-Hooi>'s SAHSAfAEitLA: •" . Iyrie.e one. dollar,' or sis liotti<?s for Sve dot-

. lavs. rivi'iU'ed,ow.]y>y CL'ttOOB &..CO«. Altotheiaries, J.ow.ell. Mass.' "• '• •"

: P T T S T R ^O'HRRS! ?H«', er m'o-' MlJ l iotli. .«.''•»<U-y «

•In.hig spruiK S l c t ' a w t y ii <'".

'i sniit'mpr. A'hlress JI C. , P h i ' S i i f - f i h i a , Pa . - . ' • .- .

T H * M A R K E T S .

Corrected and R.'vised Weekly. . - Lo<nr\ij:Li!, JSOT. 16tn. '"

. ' . . . . ' . . . Bt'-TTEB,. . ' . - . Crea m.s ry, ,„-' I . ».-.— ***.-.. ..2H@30 Chotee-.—.. '. ' . . ^ . . - .L . . ^ . ; ,-2S@2S t?ii'ii'to'Gooa^^.-_ „J^.-— ; ; . i , „ : . . _iis<a>%



F O B B L E E D I N G \ T I HE T.tfM5a t O L B S . e o u t i a - s C U O C P B » ' O V H I M S nsT.i,Tj-

VXZ*L. A s u i i i \. a n d -.ill A r E " > c -1 IOKS OI 1 H 1 L L i . e ' j I I


» r l tu>5i? s s p e c i f i c Tor C o n ' u n m J O I I IK r e . o m t i i p de . l bv i ' l t h e lp , i<Hn" pliyMeUus WHO ate^u cuminted w a n its u> e,

Pnop T^arae size - - «i (,0 P r i c snidll si^e, - at)

So dlipdiug«LaL<'oveiywhere

Dr Wi'lon^'iby t hea t t e idms Physician a t the tsters Umpital a id one t>( BuQotltrsinoiil ^proI)^-.elll Vnembers of the piofessioii, .has used It for years, and says :

' - Btti'jPiLi.o, Aug. ij., mt. '. X>f, gusli's Medical Association;. . . . ~

PEa.R.poero&s^--I i!une-i''r.&frngry1-a-a&--niy OJitoo to me lou« ust Oi regu aj pr'AetlfSoners wtio hn.v« rteom-mended our •s.-Jpei.fBo Tor Ooatiuiaptl -a.".— l-..tuvv« f.jr--»itny. yeai'sln tnyjimotioe fora,li-pnlri}tinary'af&o.' .uon.",-.aid -Ha^e al *.ays.:D--.err irrnre cuau SHtls-fled with the results I consider If. t&siest oainpuuud: known Xorati lnng.-tliseases;" ..- -"

.-... ..Yours, . ' :' . ' •. -:" '• ... - ' .

- . M.'.WII.T,(D12rG--SBY, I fcb . .

. Pr . Howard, Professor . of. Anatomy, Dol-tetrenf Bhj'stci-ans. auri Snr ' eoss -BuSVo. ST. -?.,'says:. , ' '

I>ri £>utfi's:Medical .association -•'• '• •': ' ' '," •BSA.E OooioEa'^X itVlyd iisel yf>i.jr Fjppjiho

for GiBi>.um l>Qn in.iQjr.'- 'ifae-jtle'e "fyj* .-\,6ai's with, the t>e-t. r.-snl-ts t «onsMerlt a.'.s»-re cnre.f jr-«onsaniptlon', If taken-'aoeordlng to dlreetiojis. . •- . ; ' • . ' . , ' .-. • . ' . . ; . ' fonts teuly, . ' -.- .".-.'.• '

. ' ; " ; • • . .' • %. P . H G . W A B B . M, t>.


- F Q B ^ -

Haa^i,t"• s* A a.US'15 CUKE FOB AL.U B'XSEASES. OF

. ' " . . . . . ' . T H k HEART.

S9r.' ;l|asli'*!'-4<5ejegtttato.i*'?. has never laiied to gtya relief. ' It.-lias iie^o nsed sueceasfully for years, in ifnb'dvHng taembs t stuo&oriicases of aeaM diffloulties, . ...

. IArge si ie. . - -. - •*':•» Small .size, .' -. .- ..-

• Sqldbydrngirists every

'.*l-.6Q- = - " . 5 0 -

* Wm...G; O^goodby. the well-ftnown safe, m'ami-me.tufcer. of. •-BoHXio-;.- Phlladelpnla,,. s'itts'bOTgti, Efew-a', Ga;;,, s a y s ;

OFF1CJ6 OP OgiSOODB-y S J,iPKOVEI)SA:FBS,7 . •- .'.'. IT- S. Briiitd- Street, '- >

ATLANTA; Ga., Oct. ITtn, 1881, ) Dr.-Hush's Medical Association::

OMK Dor-roRS—Tbe tbrep bottles' of "Br, Ru-b'.s IlegulMtoVr" £ ordered w^rerecefyed by express last Wi>efe., I h-.v-e, tafeea nearly one • thorOnKhly.satisfie'd witta tlie re*u-'.t, I'Vr over two yejirs 1 aave been trojl&-led -o-itb siT«rp p.alu a t myiieart . ' My physt-olan, upoi examinMtion.-.prjno.uneed it en­largement of. tbe aeart,' and wai ti'nauie. to give me an v relief. The trouble srew.vyorse,; u'nttl I u -d be Q-ineconvlncedttiatlconldnot

e cored'. Whiitj r.n' New YorX-Uity last iveei I c 1,'le-i <).n one o£. t-ie best ptivsiclahs there, wtto ebarged itie S25 for an examination and then.lecanmended sour • RcsgufaJtor," EhoV-" in* you to b-e a tea« ar . iIe*il(Hl Aisoeiatloa,. afld not a pectsnt me&Lcijie scheme. 1 ordered -the three Buuies. 1 hav.ts tujt'.ieeniroub'a'dgiuce ,1 lotninenced t^klna It, out shall conurina and taketJiH eniir-- t:iiee.bottles'&oas to-ctb-tain. a permanent cure; Yo'u haveniy sincere -tliaitftSi -I.a.'m, gen-wemea, • . . . . . . :;- ."'-

•', .Yeryresfiectfu-ilyi '.''• '•'•'•'*: .'_ • ' . - " . • -. . ' # M . G . Q 8 G 0 , O D B t . - .

3NT ES X ^ T

eioom^ ! NEW GOODS!


The t r i de ofl,owviUe and vie'nify have alwajs wilted in eignr expect iney loi theai ri aiof Avate.rS & Co.'s-. New. Goods. TM§ ye-.f thpy visi'^d the fnajrktit early "fii o'der xi> make pe>soos.l-se>.ot.lons before *Ue-est. pat-•ters's were piebs-d' out b'v tba e i ^ trade,' aria ;na- e made- un'n'saal "fforts Id- landMrt Lffw--*BIeshe'finest;1afeorfcttteni-:6r ' • ' . .-.;:-

''_ C^a'i'.^et? kapt i l s i c a s ; .

« v e r . s h o . w n ' f o ' t : i 6 t r e u s | o m . e K . ; . - ' " , V-

•Bo-fty.BBtrss'BtLS," •' -" ' " - ,V ' : . ' " ' . " ' . . • ' ' . .. . i A ' y E S T K y . - B i u J s s E l S ' , ' ;-'- .."'•• • . ' . ,

' ; . ' IKeBaXiSi OAtSPETS; . . •' -_ . "-•'.' ;.. . . - '«TiXB:OABFETS;. ' .•ViaNEjaQijf JCAzepiszs, • - : ' . • . ••. --•.' '.-

- ; . ' " S E 5 f p - 0 a 3 £ P B * s - . " ' - . ' .. '-•'•' ' ."-.-•-'".• :•--- - ' . .MOftn.E-rT.E.iBETJSSEL^ErjSS;. - "

• '•- • ! - . - " . VXZHiS. O I I J - O L O S H S , ; l k Q B ^ A T . y ' A a i E T Y - D F ' p A 3 r r E a $ f S ' ."'

:-'•- " . . - : . . • • ' • •KTyb-Vi'iUfBXii-QS. ' • ' - . v-"-- '

T o w e l s , T fa^ I^ l^Ijiess,. TS&pfef a« r

' We ca?)' s:Ue'iy- say thai'tlie.liaii'ner ye-.r.'Jn linens. -Never lia-ve. .tttev totea so <'li-e^p1a.'>d:.'.ftyei."' have ''e.bee'nsftfdrth,na,te-mfifieuringthe: patterns and.flinlsll.o'f-these' gctids,.^., tMj'y.ea.r^ '. ' ' , - ' . . .

.TIN'S, wi ' te handsome b'amask'«t,§6c.; 62c., •S7o,. 51.S0; £1,25 an.4. §!.§«,. in slirijie^ figures,-lern-. /spot, a>odatt otUar.pattern;i.-ir-ablS!i.Gb..--edtttbietrnena nl 2*4- 25. SO,- ifi and 4pc.-- teed b-o'dere'dj'baL-BsJ'ey' and erea,nj .dannsls:; s'o:" anri-S:U)i . A'large lot-of T.oEliey''xfia da'maste in -HoieepaKeras and eolorliigs .at 43, Si, 62, 'Tfe.anajLUtljieryard..: ; •; ' ; . . .".;. •.; •. ••

' 'raEBV8<5ATT?S.-^We Tiavie a large Jtot'W B'iraaste' Towels., bleu-he'a-^,n-d-b.nbiea.ched,.-.tiaud-'onxe patiteras, hackahacfc-aHd. Honey: <>i%nb » e e - s ;\Sl lo Bes&la at 'tBe loW price ot 25cents..each. ..'.-..'... --'• ,. . ' -. _;•.;- •'.,,.,

' OTJB, purchase of guilt's of .tii'e inaniifaetux-.ers ii,i.s b«ea very iwcsi'. -We hay«.«lgli:t- difi-ft-rert qaalitiex, wjslch i-n fl'jtsh-..t>iti-ri)aiia"-.'qniyjw j.f yarn IS imt'eiiial'led. "'Fa'ev '-•wfll-.'-ee S«W. quififc .at -75e.. Si.Uii, §1,25, ,$1.*50,. 32.00, S2.50, S3.W and 5S.5Q. . . '' ' . . . - . '

- L.ACB CDB^AINS lix patterns. o'f."D,y-the. yard,'fi'om 12tofee. "Oretonnes,-double faced ptnsh^-'aind Wia44Jr''B;ona;nds,- -'..'. .""• . '-. •'-'..

T^E'best'NapfeHs'atSl'ieBa dozen l a Ani-6r-io i . , Our iiapljltis-«l; 51-25:Si.vO and-sf.75 we-kno^vare. v'^ry cheap, while-our napfsdnsa*


litnyhaniton Clly, V. T. Tm-covEBEit -or

I ^ E ^ C B I D T T I T h e p rea tSpec i f l c a n d Pos i t ive C u r e for H e a r t

i u d Gi rcu ls t ion Di^eas"s, H»jrt-WeaVnoe8, H e s r t -Palpifcation, I l ca r t - In f l ammtUon , H e a r t E n e n m * -t i s m , OiLart P - i n s , H e a r t P r o p B y ( w » t e r « r o n n d t h « l ie i r t ) H i sn t - i r rvousnn«> Ifoar t-Net iMlgm.Anghi* P e c t i n s , Hea r t I n t T m i t t a n c o f inreputar brnknffi, Hea' t -Ealar 1 jemeat ,H' ' 'ar t Va lvn la r Diseases, BuBh of Blot-d to t h e He->d K n m b n s a , T rembHng Apoplexy, B a r a l j - q s t r a l s y dangers) , r e n e v e i « n d c u r e s c l i i omc c i»^s, r r e v e n t s a n d c o n q u e r s eve ry a t tack I t p roves of g i e a t v j lnB l n case* of ll)Uoi)sy o r r i t B I t h a s a recognized m e r i t ova a l l -other p r e p a r a t i o n s because i t c o n t u a g no chlora l , m o i p l n a p , o j r a m , c H o r p f o n n , o r o t h e r h u r t f a l a n a u s u r i o u s d r u ^ s E i e a g n a l uncces* a t t o n O m g i t s u s o m B r . K i l m e r ' s extensive p rac ­t i ce f o r y M i d , h a s i n a u c e f f l n m t o pnt i l is l i BOHW-nccoimt o f i t a u o n a c r f u l t n r e s , Ana t o o f l e r i t for t h e b e n e f i t s t h e affliotea Kola vuhgt: ofxmpFr*

,grea«jii tasfi :pai-veget!ira& prodnct , ' T f t t c h * r n 1 r ' • a n d ^ q u r l s h . ^ t h u i s f g h i o f u j i n o s t e v e r y e a f e c t t ' . '-

- ' ^ - A U g e n n i n e l a v e B r ^ E i l m e r ' i p l ikenas j OIL -' tSiJaiaja'.-wiaEpei. , - ' . . ' - - :=C : - - :.-••• •~f'.-':--• ' ^ ' : , « o W l » y ? l » r t i g g i ^ g , '•&&;&,,.., . ; - - , - : . „ - ^ W a i S d - - 0 ^ F a n t h s ' B a h o r a J o r y . o l I > r . E a m e r ' s '-. BiB"pensary,'Binghamton,.:N'..y;': -,-.: / r ™ ' " 1 ' •

|8^^a^^-felliI3t«fr: -haStaJfenMisrooTiis-: JftteLv Sccttpi«tl; bx'.Mniv GeoValorrowr,- for the-purpORe waresgATOSlc-. Ingi and. ro»SpE«tr&iy\ solicits - .putroiiagt Blesses afnl. wraps for fcotb/l^dieg&navjoalwes. yfia43'eMttjectan.d.ina-aein-fiio: -.--.- • ;=•" .-'.'• --:

on- short notice xor ladies from thfe cbiinitry-w-rJjil I intt -t»r •J-»TTT'V» " •m'ti^f Vrt nir. TAnlsiiiih. ^f\ Jin "tint!


_. . - ,_ .^S>£26


Fre"-h, iiew,ln jius • '• ; RgKJS. ' "-

Fresh, (cash prio^) . „ , — „ . . . . . , , . ^ . BETA IB' PRlb- ' eHHKKNT.

.- FBOtHt TjCssali'/ilcw'process, persaok,-—.— H2 10 -Paxlry,ex.tra.iyiii.t' wftaiit, ^o.—^ ,, ... 1 7S •jFo. i3pr-ing-™-™=-—^-. '—».——-.-- J- «0

• ' ' " ' - ; 'SITGILE.^ ' ' ' " . ' . Cofree, '-'A", s tandard. . .„ .—1 ,™~.: . 11 White extra "C" •." ^~,-.--r- — W. Granulat-ed ...^.'._-... ...—<._,—,. Mapie s u g a r . ._ • . ._ - . ; . . .

. ' . . . : ' BIJ ITEB, . -. •• Sntt'ei ' ,-^..^; : .-;.^_:_r.~.^ _ „ . . " ' ; : . . . (.•H.t'KSE. '. ••• Cheese ^ . - ! - - - ^ ; *_

VEUfcriVBljiSS. . Potatoes..—-.- —.;—,—-,

- • • -- P O R K . -i j - g i . . . . — . —'—:-'-, : — - ~ ^ Korte, clear,, b b l . . ^ — . , ... . . . P o r k , r e t a i l . *-,— .--

' ' " -WO'OL. Wool , -~»—-- -...—• •'-.-•• • ••' K E R O s E ^ r ' a . : ;

Kerosene oil—«-—:~-.--^—^.--• '-— . '" ' WOOB. . ..

.V4 feet.^. ;.-;- ^-^.: — S'tov^—.^.-~—- : — —'--.-—

' HTB:ES A"vr>'PEr-.T!S. O x n n d cow hides i i ' i a , t r i m t n e d biriPB r«>., ii-lrmriPd .^'Je.

. 1'1-VS ..^6 t o 10

. ; . . - ; . . ; 80

; . 18

. - . . . - . . . - •60

9 nnRito oo '2S.OO


_ .„ sap-as

. » . . ^ - _ 15

S3 R6® . . .-1 5U@1 73

fij-ic. Bo l l

• ' "

K'NAi'P—PI.IJJT—At the 'Jf. -B 'Pai'-Sonage, .Wa»™n.; Feb.'Miss'3. hv Ri>v.T ,r. 0 Wofoo. Mr. Otfiye-teH. )vnnppofCroghanvandMlss.

."-.arnli K Pi'iH-J'f WiVtson.' riWirrl-.R^SBuri—\f. t-hfl :H. KV p'irr

son- go. Wats-on Peh.'TZ. lSS3.'by«py; T J, O. Warren, M - . w « .«mi 'h and Miss Bucv i i . Dunbar,-bulb, at Wa**on. v ' . .

- 'GATE«-JOB'NSO!Sr.-A* tlj-e M "E.-parRon-n-gn. We-t M "'tlnslmraU l-'eb. Sl'.'lSSS. )«• «ey P. « Rtanforl. Mr.He-M-y W..Gates of <sii--. ttinarcanfl Miss E.. Jolinsoti, of Mar-tlnsbxirirh..., • ' .- . .- . " . BA-NE-VPITC-HEB- .A.* the ivnidonce of :tbe hflrip's pn'rents Mr andWxs.'Hfir.'ev p l f h e r

.Feb 2'M, ISs-s,' by..R» Jenlrt-ns;'Mr'. Em- • m'Ot.t'D..'Bfi'.'^finfl ^).5K ABie-rr.' Pftchw'iho'th of .Marti'.sijoi'feli E.«wiscmnty-,N,"V. . . . . "iVGKBSOLI.—IC^APH-Xt t h e ' Meth­od st En.iscopal-P'»''S-n twe, MnrUnsbnrtth, Vf. Y-,: Feb. 21.- is»3 I tiy-Rev.- 1. Jenkins'- ii<rf,

-Hen'ryf nsersull and Mis') PfwriceBiKuapp boi h of-Cjreii:, Bewis county, N Y .

IfNiGHT-CBO-snY.-At the resiilRnco of Mr," P S. B'oinih, Marl-inshttrgh, N. Y,. >Vb. ?7. IHS ,. bv- Key 1 .lenltinK, Mr. B-iBhard Kn'ightWest MartMiKhu.^ii and Bliss AmatWa E, i rcvHby; Martinsburschi, K Y;. ..' .^.piTGHK;P;-At. t.h.-'residence of the h-'lde-'s-pArent^. Mr.a»d Mrs.Ij„ A Pitcijt=r.. Felv3S..l?S^,'by B v .1 JsnlfH-.s. Mr. Will JM i Jones Hud .M'lss (Snrie J , .Plli'liei', in.m of JfaHlnslnii-fh.^.y. . ."'

P E i U l . 'V-'iX.K.IS-'P,

N I X O N - I n G r e i a P e l l .33 M - s . P h e o b e

Nixon,aged 61 years? month and 18 days. GLADWYfT—In this place Friday Fehruary

23d, 1S8», Gliai-lotte widow of the late William (Kadwyata tueWttt year of fcer Bge*

- • &

GI'V.ES JStJ l ie iJ lATF B E L I E F I N ' A L L ' ..XA.Wt9 O P . . ' . • " . ' •

Xe.'jraigia, S.-iati-ca, Liiuibago;, Bacic-ach'\ Sorjjassss "'ef the Chest, Gout, -

Quinsy, a o ' e Tnroaf,-,Swell-. . ings and Sprains, Burns. - arid Scalds, General •

•Bodily Pains;

.Tooth, Ear nd. Headache, .Frosted Feet . and Ears, a u i all other.

Pains and . Aches.

• H>r. f&usia's ' 151-bo.d 'fl&ot. O i l lias uoe.jixai in th» won.I as a ti.oi.ui-ent of. 'ofl. It is ii cheap, safe: simple- an-d sure extern hat remedy lor n u n or b.=j.-t. i t i» pat up in two wizes.' Prrce 25 and • 50 eehts.- .BOM by drnggista every where. .' .. : .

CEss-.e^ <sf- Rli'eH;M»atisasa 2a. TPtvo"

. . ; Bri;'FALo.>. Y,,.3iay.?,18S2. . Dr. ifitsh's Jfcilical Association.:

G E S T L B S E X - I have heeu-' .troubled with rhvumatiKMi fir two years. I tried «-itthe best advertised«-and ltni.menl*',and'ma'i.y firsts class ]>.b siclaus witttout relief; The last <h c-tt>r I visited recomniFn-ided B B BUSH'S "BLoor? Roor O I L , " I purchased a.larg« bot­tle tor fifty cents, and aoplMi it. I n two horn's X was relieved,-and- n w am ehtirei'c welt. Its effects are w.indernil, ".mj X believe I t - the thing in the world which will cure rheu­matism. - .

Truly-Yours-, : ' ' " ' . '•.•'' • ' • • ' SQim HBTCHiSSON., . " '

• m B r l e St.; Buffalo,' H . - 'T .

WXI& w* 'Mm s

- ^ A K B -


P r p v e n t a n i l C u r e f*ons t i i a! i o n a n d PHe's". \ sate reme'dv fo.i'.RiWo.usness.Tra'phlity of Ilie Liyer.JauM.'ce and all BlverCQinplstnfs.. f t - r i v e s S t i i m e a i n t e R e l i e f ' l a W e b ' 9 S i i - S < r -"onsi :Hi-a-tnehe. Thev- 'cleanse th<* s'tomaeh .and tuus remove alt b»» .taK-iefrom-.themouth and .make the-b«ealh pure and awe't Remove ail-Xinpurifies a n a sallowiT-ss from the com-'pl*s3on •' Ple.a«a«' take'and agreeable in thf-lr' aetlon. Entirely nnlt*e ,'otiier'Pills, Purely v.egetah'e. Prise; i!5 cents. - , -


. ThP:ahove pi'-eparations.a-re prepared hy Br, Bash's jMedicat As fi c;M iimr.-'i -' which Di'; Bus \ i s ansociated witrt the most proislaejit st.eclii.hst of borlj Europe and Amefica.«pec-.ial.t.TeTf-merrt-e.-vn be.olitaiu9df.1r any disease Tln-i-e medicines are the j-egutai' prp-.crlpt ohs Jor thedlseas^omen.t'o.ned:.'»h'd never fall to' glyereliaf . 'They, can bei ohtrifh'd'to Bow-VtHejat l)oth"W.ho'e..s\l'e and. Bra i l , .Of Bo1g. Bros., Munison & ' Moore, or Horace Bctsli, Brhsgis's iSijkts< street., and any druggist will. gl«UHy <..btafu ibem for jou upon sippfl<Bitlo'Hj • ur'th'-'y eaa be-obtainedwf us direct, Address,'

SEBIOA.ASSOCMQE". . • -i3?»B?f ,ii.04:afi-"'jr;,.«ri'S»A# •'

We wHl sen J. free uv mail a-.sainple set'of ntir Iai-ge- German, French and American Chr.ttno fafds, on l intel and gold grounds,. with a price list of. over ^00 dilTereut liesigHM^ on rec»ipt of'tt Ktamp • f<»r- posthge. We will also send- frea hy mail as samples, ten of our b»auli'j£:l ch'unios ou receipt <>f-Wic. to pay for packing and postasej.a.lso inclose aronflden-ttal pvlC" listof our birgi*«il c'U.roni.)s'i Agents wanted. Address-F.-Gteasoh & Uo„ d8 sum­mer St;,-Boston'. M'*ss.'. ' .r

ladies' !ned'--cticpBr th-'n yru. .ever' saw them Tostarii H.emstit oh. vef y fine .auaTit>va<*'15-' 0'ano: 55o.;

A larae yariet.y of he.ustit"ft.- fancy borrlers,-aU Uneri,at2je. Ohildfeii's, fanov bordei a t luq, X^aiiey colored cotton handk'c'f?,3and5e, . tifEW EMBaOiDBRTES. Swiss trlmm.itigs,-White goods, -ainso-iko, Tncfeings. Puffings, Kins Trimmings, Irish XrimioiCngs.. Corsets;. 45 7oc.n,-id§l00i'. A' I-oc .of. corsets. 25e, JE)r. Warner's OofaPne and F exiblB.H>n1G-6-y.e. Filling, and 500 • Boti'e .Corsets Bveryl«dy shontil, try., our He.-U.tO' Prfsei'vlng fSorsets, made' with wire springs; -Panniers, Hoop Skirts, GcHUais and -CAffSjSetae T.wixte, .eto. . • . - / . •"•-. - - . - . - . - ' • ' ."/ ^ 1 - , : : - ' - -

IMiSEBKSEqiwnlitres of pretty Cambrics, ••ftlo'tnie1 c'otha, Sper-8'tic6rerSj.Fbtt,ard?, i>ing-, h^.ms Calic'-ies, Bit-«ch«ri and Brnwtf Sheet­ings. Piilrtw-Oase rofl.on'^.?SHeeti!le..M,"9'4 i^nii 10^TwiiihES, Cottoa Waips, Yarns 'and. Batts... : '

: , . '- . • -. . •' ' : . . . -. .- :_:. -. ;-.• :.' * K hays the.!greatest -bargains 'ra-.Wacl: Ca^hnieres and Biaek' SBksv 'Pt«t!ch.faih.r' meres a t SO. 60 and'7ie, -ljyons'Silk at'81.00,. $B-2o a'.d-Sl'50. .Cacti-mere' Stolifne.SiiSsat 'si ,7si,an(i;a|uo.,"•". ' ..'•".••• "-•••" -'••'.'..."/'

": These prices are for new.gobris, bo( '6 t£ Our .purchases were unusually large. Our prices' jfeeidediy lost.. Ourteade/Vlyeiyt and "we..are •tSoroitehiy: prepared =tD- stioJiy *ur customers 4c"sto l£ .Wefi worth hearing about.; dodhfy ••STbrt'a looking at, and tfehly. worth baying. >

. : . . ' . ; . . " - . -" ;wATEasi.eb-'. .-

: - -1 '• •••- .&&$<biJ'&V3£ur: - 5 ' ' '\ . . . - • : . - ' . - ' 'i'niii-arpsT '.' ' . : /-. '" ' -'" ''"-

•Wonderful and "Biberal'O^er ilver-MadB;'--.-The Famous O'd. Origin?,!, and BeBable JJaw

ori.teFinallyp'lbe'r, •, .' ."..;..•.., ", THE-STAB s-PAFdiiBp. BAifsr-Ea,- v •

Establisbetd: lseVbeg'au iWlstyeai^" .Xan.' 1S83V It is a Varge-e'sht-pase, forty-,'.o1uTirkn Bins- '

trated Paper, sze.of I.'eriger. Every-number, contains eharining stories. Tales, .Sk'etohes. P enis, Wit,. Sunlor- ami:JS'.un.;j Illustrated B^bus;' Nutnev'ous EngrayB{gs. 'Slsp'tohes.-.-. eoems.;etc.;.-.5no j-rtly 'good -laughs j.«rtgo!*b.e.• "Roeue's C<irn«'." know-u.-ttie- world oVerfor. its.exposnre,of-Frfluds-'S-iy.lndlers.,ah.d Hum--• hqgs We desire to dou'>le our.' cireiilati-in arirf to do so we h ive secured a special ^difon" of iheendre.iv new..7011-page.A-merisan JJic-. tiohary, com.p3(ife and- unab'ria-.ed. '• It'cbn--. t i i n sas mivl i, and is^esactly as represented, - [.; :• . . . . ' . .

' ;,.;'l^9;:B:.^^;^Ofii6t»-J;;-':-;'; .eHSA»EST{]LATfeT'!'!BE.ST,ll!: . ' ~.

The New Ameri-enn Oiamona. Bictionary' illustrated, is rhec7ief -d'muvre .of brink niak-inir- * ii elega-nlfboon of-nve- 7fil) T>ages; Be» fines aad .ptohDunoesovev SOtiBO words • .Et Is, ".'up to the times''- ahdi«. based.upon -tBevbest' Atii«;c.'ui.andSu.glisiia:Hthovities - lr4(io umnsof deanitliiiis With nuttierdns fln°eS-: .grisvings, A-iJerfeet Vada '*recum.-7-a,-b<KiK-: for ail. Besides a >ompie*e dictionary it afs > eontams.aB 'the- usual--table.s;fotfcy-columns. <.f .Abnreviatipns, Php.;ses, e tc , Aroertcan. .Geogr<'pbical N"»m»s .w-'ith deflnitioiTs'-and. .sia^ificfttion, Borular 'S' stat^S-and '•ities.'-AlibTeVl'it-iiOtis nsel in wi«ti«g; ana print iag Tables of the varions -lianguagea, Langu ges and Aipha-bets of the World Fa"Ss mjegu-rd to Slin; Tanies showing power, of. Mali. H.»rse, etc.. Statistics of Lieut. SotJ'i.d,. ele.. Pooutation of the Wo-lrJ Betrgions-of-ali-CountrieS' l-n.terest...rabl<»s. 4 "to 20.percent,. the Metric System. T.ango."2e. and T-,e3jieo-gra.phvr. <,ompl»Sion of the Huninri Race', the Ocean and much nt'ier yalu-ableahd, insfenic-r' .live matter. '-B,eme.mBer£hlsisl3ot'3 jrasbj ' •imported book, but is n\new.fresh'anid perfect Birtidnn-ry- printed from new type :on-'fine .pape". witb pew engravings, cph-jabilng over Ve%Tfi liuudrea pages, superbly bonnd In "fine cl.''th.-embossed'*fcSes. with !uU gilt back1 and Htle,: Every -st'nBeut,' fe^.oher,':ev>-ry laiaH,. ivomah'and- chBdneeiisibi's-mvaluable stand­ard wofJ?.... . ; . .-.. • •. . ,.-• " ' ...

Ba«'v>"iw l f ? * s r l Theabdye Blctio»afy. S a r i U m i a g , —the. best4. cbe->p.esi.,-

most valuable.twirtviesiraWe bdote ever.piilit^ e.l—is'seut prepaid as «. Free • Gift witjilotir lareeeiffht'pagelllu'.ttat-ed Bedger s izeFam;. ily P per for a whole year, and all foroniy 83 cents iri pos'age stamps.oash o» money-prder. -Neve-is the Time,.-. - ., , • . . =. ./ ..'.';. •

T" f , i „V rnHJ Av,.t Tbougb^ortb'douMe' KWK S33.0. « Gb tbe pribe, yet w« r-ifer.

bur l.,rge. re fable,- aiid'p.'-pul.aT. national -pa'-nc»i> lor'only-. 50. Cents' 'a.'y.ea;f; and-toat''nre'.50.UBO new subscribers, we nbwofter this ne% and elegant 7(W.-page .Bloti-maTy i n ' substantiaic otti-gilt. MnditigflS.a freptift 'to a l l ,who send' 60 .c'e-'te'for-'the-.B.amer.ojie year.s-iid 18'cents to.part-'•pavac'Uaicbst-pT. posEage^etc.,.tipda.tihBBl'ctio^i,.v'-.,,:. • • • •-.- ... -..

.rbat w;e mean -s*bat.iye _ ^ __ say t ha-v f -50.0W Blctlon-.

ai'les-confMctid tori K i t our/paper is' worth. Si a y.ear1and Oief.iOLnarv contains a*much as. any <me snjd at §11 that.-you :c n.'bav6--boib'. b f return Biall.;'.<nd that .we.guarlatee satis- • •Jactbirii-n eyeryiase. . -. . •'.••'. ;-•-. -ry,_ i." f%„i. This offer, and" ecc'ose. 21 green." V/llr. U U h stamps If "oiaeltffutea, you •Can ha"e vour money back, elub ot Sye,-:^i-75j.'ten,'S5. .,. '. . j - • - . . . • , ' " . ' I- • •'• ,

THXNIC-Of a.700-page liBfeolumrtiCldth-gBt Dictionary, and * standard .family pa^er a l l ' fi'ee-for a p.altry-63 ceB,ts. Sead..u?.w.- - •-. . -;. -:.''

' .Address.. "Banner Publishing CO.. . •50 e,Yen-'eo5v-10t. ' -:Hinsdai-e.'N..H;,.


A. pseriess:ienl«a5r 1&r "Serbfula, "W/BJtei:g#«lfc' iigSyOancerj EryMpelaBifion^ Ghrobie Sores, Syphilis,; T'uto^rs»parbtiac^ MWlari%;.finioiis GfJmpiatats, atfd Sll iSeBSef -mdicRtingan±i^pfii«;eoridif ipnoftlieBlDpai Iiiver, Stoinach, ;KidxieS8, Bdyfpis-, Skltt;*AS Tnis Grand.Bsrkedy i s a.Cbmp.Onidof yege^*. -tabie'esltracts, the ohifitof vrhlclt.Aie.Sa^ft- :

- paraBa and.stiilingla;' 'Tlie,.-cures e|Eectexl By : e>Dyllrs''dBiy^'syrnp ^spl j i ta , arid ffieii- iecord^s undilsfigyrei bir'fidtlii»B.'-' Fofrsalelbyap drugg'isfe..; . '. '.:."." " "C "^2-•.-/

WiiaiQilDf^^di^ "When-fbe "Weary^beels Were- AXmoit ">i . Still,-';A'.Lnc-Sgr Acfeident Bey - • •" : ' . -•"-.-' :yeal"stbeBosl;Ei§'. -• - ; -. •."

."Twenty .fiveyears'*' - '.•"•'.' . '-'•;. • '•;'.-. • .'-'-• "W'batl -9. bad-eouabi'-wlta oeeastpn»l atr._ teeks^t -hBuiHvage^. lor -'Byeniy.-ay*' y««r*?-Wr>y,;maa',. it-s'a -«eroj- . a a t ±ber6'#:a d«^*n, ,;: •pou-nas lefr..of;j--ou'"."- •-•>•,•' ii-.'.-•• v - '*,-•''-• Abrafiahi'0rn*r/iftIisbspirer.Baypb.mfikJ.i . Pa.- ifc-ticife: to Ms tatemenC aiid trtjeiJ..14(l..'. exc1amaVtwri".o^-.w'ondeir-qeaeed;he.adSeds•• •: -.-:-.",-' JtEia".fiyi.: "You'reright.- Itfe-a,:m«>'cy,.Bn;fr;,. the faeat*»t,merov''•'; 'uan'y; cougb>d "tavselS.o'ut -bf e^iR'tenftevl-gc* .; -. bold'of Parker'sGibgerToniOi.ind a.few bot-., ?:, tl'eyof'ltcur-.a.'ne..",. .-.-., ; ' .• . . ' . ;- . ' . - ' • . • ' . '

•-Cnrfed ybu5'S»Ueyedy<>n:-you.meaii?" . . "T mean what T say; i t cured me,"-said Mr»;-

Orn'pr'iimply. "T-feel llkea"n0thi?i'ma!ri.?'^ - .-., Please-fafe"- esp<wlaaiuoticejiPgrker's Ginger' •" -

Tonfr Is not a mpre .essenisp of ginger-;. not * - • *-ere stomacbio '• The ordinary preparation.B -.---of stnije-^re"beneficial-' for transient Abbes, butaStbat..p>ljr!;-aieir -yaltre^nds,. Par*ef» . GtesprTonieco-v^rsa far. w-ldfe' .abd.totsH* diffei'6'nt-fleld.. I t * i t an*saAdd i s s ipa t e*^" ': Jcafa.Tid'ijbroriie dis'eftseij. of tbeI.n.ps5S,3Cif-T -..; ii*=ys I j ver a-trd jOrerv^s-. I t is .as de'iolttus t o , th"naJatflas-itis-.tftompfa-nd eff:(511*8-10op*.--.; wataon\ Gins:ir'= .'is QAlf 'Stie^atnoi'* maby . -poiy-'-TfUl curatives whicb.*^ftTrti«c-;hold« m -.;, combination. T^st i ts , virmefor tba,' conght .. of y o n ^ o r fornn^-of tb'S-Bls "ivbtob.req.qlr8-" aain-vliiorani'fot-tBeiWib.oVrsv^temV: -.. -. :• - .-". -' AfidahftTa'afl-.'d1i.notip-=i',riityOur?eirtob.e . -nliwfBd- Parser's-Ging«r Tonic staeds »io.a«».' N-stbiiia;''-pK<'- Is" "'fast the samg." o r "Just *»; : ' • gb^d.'' Pr!'eeS-'59.eenl#and ?l. .-E bnbmyin , ; biiving the large*" Size.:. 3Eascpx=* Cb.i.NeW' Y o r k ; . - ' - >:'=•".• i;"-'•". ' - . ' ; - • " . ? ''•'•;'--

GteMpyftfiffpr ftetieMMelws miff*

-PiSSA-©i'ftjta'-Sfi'.Sfegn>&»rit -.r.a*B*0OJl > • • 1 * ^ 9 - 6* case;.eleganttyBnlsb;*« 3isti'IbgS, E1-3 ;'0.cfcaVo's; fall patent cancanto agfafl^s, bur-.nwsr patent o-'erstr«ng. icaW, beantlfuldarveditegs ab'd'lyre.'heayy'Rerpen>". '.Hue '-andr-large fancy moutdtng, futt Iron-ii'atn'e,.'FrefiBb Grand Aotiota:.GTaixdHam*, mers.'infact,-every ffaprbvement. wbioh^can-. -in any; was- • tend -to. tbe perfection oftbie 4n--str.ument;iias-be'enad<ied-.-:K .;- ':" ' ." '- ' ' j , ' • «^0dt".price for this instruTtenfi boxed anol

.fiellvsTed on bostrd'.cats-atvBrewYoik. w i t b • iffne-pi3nb-Obyer,.stoolabdbooKoniy:i*<M,K' .Just reduced frotft'ourlatewboiesate, i p a ? * ' ' factory- price, -8292;; for 60 davsoulj;. TWis !»:• jibw.bVfar;-ttte" greatest -bargain mex'oWm^ tbe musicalpbft'tic TJnipreeedented -snecesiit; ^XVeinenaonsdcbiandrfor the styled Sendin, -yojaf oidera.tbn"ce. Bonbtlosefibis rarepbr • p O r t u E d t y . •-••". :-. • ' • - " " . " '•'•.•' '.'. '-•':'.' .

-This.Plano-willbe^etit^on lo'daSstest^triaK Plesse'send referent^ if y b u d b n b ^ e n d nion-: ey .with b'd"!. .6a«h.sent * i t b .ordeirwlllbo reiundedTand freigbt' cbargespaidby .Us botfi -wayS-lf Piabb iS-TiotrJus't a«:i'ep.resentea..Sey:-r.; era! other speciat bargains^; Pianos^ljSi) n p . ;Qvbr ioOOO in -use, and ii<it one dissatisfied:: purchaser.'^- B'on't faii'to.*tlte: usbefbre^biiy-ibg; Biandsome UlustralBd. Piano: eatalbgue -fnalledttee, .giving 4b.e bigbest testimonial*-; •e'verawardedanypianb.'mabdraetuxer^yeiy-piaijo-fdMy warranted for 5"years." ;. . - '•;.• ' Sfieetmrisicut onertblrd price,' -OateTolrue'. of $.000 efiolee" pieces of populax .mnslc#en •; forSostaibn,-•'-. ••. -'•;- .;•'•- ; . . . „ . : • •- ' - .- Ml3S3a>EBSSOB?HPXA?S"0 GOi> ;. • - -. •, • . ' • - ' • . ' "Wew-YorXclfy..:

P . 0;'Bo5:m5S..' .;ly...6rS"'82.'.1550-.l;br«J5>i"'

. . % . ... . -"Wrecked b'y-bi ir ttttiempeTed Anibltion-^

..-. " A Bigbthouse on tbeSbbals. " -.;. •

da a;nv.t_„„, _ . ,-. - . . . —but who .Bint wrheil ambition and .the. chance-of' jhaking,mon*y spurs him.,bn? J . onlv. bobe I siuiU get.-weltenpugbto^lgest another square b.t*:rt some time m t t o t i t axe-.'sLf>machV'- : .• . ; ' . ' . ..-- ., -.-.."

The'speakerwvLS oieof tBe-best.fcnoWn.oly?!" 11 engineers,.and .minibg^Sp^rts-in tbisiooutt'r, . try , 'b'ardyby na&u'eaK&buffalq, hut broken down by-fiard s tudy-an* the- mexb'i.esslaah:^ : liig a-im-inlsteted tb-Ms- minrl imS body-by bl«: ownikand.-iinriBsr .tb.e.earB r p-ir tbfniseai •: "xeer." •Ata/tv.he.lspi'e-n'iitttireiygnsy, ben t t n • form and disptrHKl'.- Dyspepsia-.dfd.dfeHByS.- ; peiisia,-(aie.sel£»infl>eted -curse-of.iiiB^.tneriT-..

Cbiinty -IS. Y.;;an-. bad s.ufJered.f)-bm dyspeb-;-sia.-f-»x -fate'en"years*.. .Tried-jeyerytbfiJg;- At : laSt-ia\'e'Parke)vfs Gmgex T^bicffi^iance to , sJioOTTvKn't if eonl*do for .nxe, I tbrovedIts . • abflify by curing, hie.- .1 reoommandlt l o a l l Wb'» are'sufferibg from ttols dieadfniaiseasft,^' Mr. G, a . eo.e'.aruggtxt; bf Ca*nial,.Sr, Y.,cer-tiftes'to t h e trptb of.'Mx; Watts'.'statettient.

Gloom, despbndency,. hbpeihassngs. disgg|; =wttb' all" labor. SlEFpiessniess.-bprriaS i U lai~, iender the bed-dme 'like the .bour'-bf ^iecu-f. tlori to a cxifflir&tstheseaifrsomebfBySpepsIa-. -foot-prints. Tfie-,0^sp»piie ktf>*s what Cot-;-.eridgeiVMaant-whebbesa'idt. "Kigbf is... my -bell:" PSrfi?ei''s GingeiTbtJiccui^sByspepstai nuri'fles t he Biooa.bisperses Sneurnatism.'and; 'aU.ebrbn'iiaiBneniis.. -Price, 59.blyitsand' St :abbtUe..:B:-isa-,'?.*• toWFeV.'.Ybrfc",.'.' .;.;Eefe

••*B:o'ito.;fi:!s.'{5ry. n f s « y'.His*' t - i r^ disfeyiftttiiil and, s'tntisttcsfittbd'citiw, towns; .virtages,'-industries,', and Snbimer' Resorts of the Stafe. Tvifb complete l ist of -post ojHeeS, .cbuniiesr con,ntv! tbwiiB, laKes,.; risers. rall*oad«^e*b.. 30a.:cd.rpec!t-.and'elega,n1i-iBustratio'ns; Ptint^dbtttoyjedpapaf;- Hie--saniryb-ia->d, Giltedges.- P'.'tee.*!.*. Sells"• fast! Everv N#W Yorker -Favorable!;: termsi>; :B:; iKbUbcfc, PdbUsber.;23; JesesSl,JSL%::- . '_'-:•;.•:;-.. ] r-'.,••->32^85-'-. •

• • - • : • . - ' ' " .Bealersjn . ••'••. FLCUR, „ '-. ' - "- - : - ""'"' .' r ' - - - • FORK,- : • . . - - . - . " .


...".;.•' . - " .• ' . : ' ."•;•- . ..; -B.&Qsr

and all kinds.oi provisiansjindgraceriesv

Fresh goods- always, on hand and" prlijeaas

. . „iio«a;s#.e Co-svest..,•..-•. •--• 'Weoffs'reslii'it:b'arLr*i"Sln-';'- : -"••-.•.-. ."

' TEAKCOFFEmAirD^SPleMS,; • All eoorls- warrante}. -Stor.e; in:'jn&Ifforse bloekrnes.t(iom'tblve'lpr'alwrpftsssbop. ;

-M-ila Street,"•IiO'WVIWJB;-^",-'•?•--.•-iSS^jUl.fiei'S'.ins indebted, to.fche-late-luim a ie

'l will baye iBr saletbis^ltalibjlt^a amp.-: h e n o f . : . . . • .._- -• .-•- .- ;" . ;- .- ..'"••:":'.'-- ;-- -

;•:••'. '"'•• M ^ ^ - # l p i E > s - ' V :j'\ •-

All Warranted ti'dB'-id "name.,'Eariy-.€>rd«rk -. '-.:,'"-' Seevfxe,first choice.- - . . - ' . . . ' , .

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w a ilittusimda of cusus ^f ..... worst Jtl.iid tin., . ' long f ; ' .Q l ,m) lv f ic 'n , ' r l Jn '^••il.poetrtiotr^ ;m faltfi 1-. :™ erKiiev. tuat I willccr.d ' - . so .UOTT.Ll.^-ji'lclI.F.. to-t . on . . i lU-SALlABllSaWATiSiStiiMI-.tJ Utt'Mv.W uas-euHo-'??. .Olve-Expross and-K G. address. „

J B , i ' , 'A ) |T,DOriHjHiI'oa.rtS.t, ,H»wTor%

Relieved and cured by Dr J . A. Sherman's method, without regard to age" b r dp t s t ' oab t tfeo ; afflcHon' or the'i'ni«"rv''trnssecinflrct;6Vblndran'ce'fi'r4& Jaborbnd W.iths ctti4iy-i*.nasteaijir = en at-ion^'of wbich*'aecordin*to statistics,-hot less'atti;so.d-red'dWing.tlie-p-..-st y*iv. -1*0,. onf»'i«i«a&> wi'P.lwsa mo'tnreand depends ujion atruss^rbotb •><»•»»to,slca,;d mtaf' -br l""on kWin-y. b'add i-.n-iwi other organlc.yipeafies. wbi»>liafE><}' geb;fal" bea-lt'J Uft>»« tlma ape-Tr 'ahnt' IsesldPsK&c'iug.manhoodtlad^ ' . •

Pa* !i>r>"ti<. from ant"*"* canreoeive.treatrnent«hd leftve-forbotne-Siambday.--- ..-Dv,-.Sberraa,tt*»' book, with pbotoffrapbio likeness of badeases bef.«? a n 4 stfte*! care, and :indpr«e:^a.>ut*3»i: . PhTsiclans Merobant', Far-mersand others .who bity« been ^aredibiaBe'ifftfiO'?, PHtrcip*!-offl'ce. .Si Bradwav, N. Y.« 'lays of .eousultationr.:each, veeekv Hobdays, laesdays ttdd. papas' -. aass, • Braftou office, « : M » « si., Boat«uii«yp!anB(irlfty)i Tb,iif«aayg> JlrWW*." • "• 3^38 • .

& & • • • • ' •


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