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H7N9 Influenza Virus in China

Chengjun Li and Hualan Chen

State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Biotechnology, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academyof Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150069, China

Correspondence: [email protected]

In early 2013, human infections caused bya novelH7N9avian influenzavirus (AIV)were firstreported in China; these infections caused severe disease and death. The virus was initiallylow pathogenic to poultry, enabling it to spread widely in different provinces, especially inlive poultry markets. Importantly, the H7N9 low pathogenic AIVs (LPAIVs) evolved intohighly pathogenic AIVs (HPAIVs) in the beginning of 2017, causing a greater threat tohuman health and devastating losses to the poultry industry. Fortunately, nationwide vacci-nation of chickens with an H5/H7 bivalent inactivated avian influenza vaccine sinceSeptember 2017 has successfully controlled H7N9 avian influenza infections in poultryand, importantly, has also prevented human infections. In this review, we summarize thebiological properties of the H7N9 viruses, specifically their genetic evolution, adaptation,pathogenesis, receptor binding, transmission, drug resistance, and antigenic variation, aswellas the prevention and control measures. The information obtained from investigating andmanaging the H7N9 viruses could improve our ability to understand other novel AIVs andformulate effective measures to control their threat to humans and animals.

During their circulation in poultry andthe environment, avian influenza viruses

(AIVs) sporadically infect humans. A recentthreat to humans was posed by the novel H7N9viruses. In March 2013, three cases of humaninfection with a previously undescribed H7N9virus were reported in China. Two cases werereported from Shanghai municipality and onecasewas fromAnhui Province. All three patientsdied from their infection (Gao et al. 2013).

Since the emergence of human H7N9 infec-tions, five epidemic waves of human infectionhave occurred (Iuliano et al. 2017; Su et al.2017). The first wave resulted in 135 humancases within 6 mo in 2013. In the four following

waves, the H7N9 viruses caused 320, 226, 117,and 766 human cases, respectively. After Octo-ber 2017, only four human cases were reported(Fig. 1). In total, the H7N9 virus has resulted in1568 infection cases in humans, of which 615cases were fatal.

The H7N9 viruses that caused the humaninfections during the first four waves were oflow pathogenicity to poultry (Zhang et al.2013a; Pantin-Jackwood et al. 2014). Becausethe viruses did not cause any symptoms in in-fected poultry, it was difficult to identify virus-infected poultry. This feature allowed the virusto silently spread among poultry, which wascompounded by the frequent movement of

Editors: Gabriele Neumann and Yoshihiro KawaokaAdditional Perspectives on Influenza: The Cutting Edge available at

Copyright © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reservedAdvanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a038349











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poultry to different regions, and by the viruses’continuing evolution in nature. After a few yearsof evolution, the H7N9 low pathogenic AIVs(LPAIVs) acquired multiple basic amino acidsin their hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage site andevolved into highly pathogenic AIVs (HPAIVs)in early 2017 (Shi et al. 2017; Qi et al. 2018).Subsequently, H7N9 LPAIVs and HPAIVs co-circulated in the poultry of affected area. As aresult, the fifth wave of human infections wascaused by both low pathogenic and highly path-ogenic viruses (Tang and Wang 2017).

The prevalence of H7N9 viruses causedmore human infections and deaths than theH5N1 viruses within a relatively short period.The fifth wave caused the largest number of hu-man infections, thus raising global concerns thatthe H7N9 virus could lead to a new influenzapandemic. The deployment of a national vacci-nation strategy in poultry since September 2017in China has effectively controlled H7N9 infec-tions in poultry and humans. Here, we summa-rize the biological features of the novel H7N9virus since its emergence in 2013 and the mea-sures employed for its effective control.


Live poultry markets have played pivotal roles inthe genesis of novel AIVs (Zhang et al. 2013a;Han et al. 2014; Deng et al. 2015; Cui et al. 2016;Liang et al. 2016; Guan et al. 2019). There arelarge numbers of live poultry markets in China.Different bird species are co-housed in the livepoultry markets, thus creating an environmentfor interspecies transmission and reassortmentamong different AIVs. The H7N9 AIVs thatemerged in 2013 were mainly isolated fromsamples collected in the live poultry markets(Gao et al. 2013; Shi et al. 2013a; Zhang et al.2013a; Han et al. 2014) and were very rarelyfound on poultry farms (Zhang et al. 2013a),indicating that farms may not have been asource of the H7N9 viruses. H7N9 AIVs wereprimarily isolated from chickens, but were alsodetected in ducks and pigeons, albeit in rela-tively low incidence (Zhang et al. 2013a). In ad-dition, the H7N9 virus was also occasionallydetected in wild birds, such as sparrows andmagpie-robins (Zhao et al. 2014; Yao et al.2018).


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Figure 1. Human infection with H7N9 viruses. The red arrow indicates when administration of the H5/H7bivalent vaccine to poultry was initiated in China.

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During the H7N9 waves in humans, most ofthe human H7N9 cases were reported in areasthat were epidemic for the H7N9 viruses (Liet al. 2014b; Wang et al. 2015; Zhu et al. 2016;Zhou et al. 2017). The H7N9 human infectionswere traced back to the poultry H7N9 viruses,and most of the H7N9 human cases had a his-tory of exposure to poultry, especially in the livepoultry markets (Gao et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2013;Xu et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014a). Retrospectiveanalyses were often carried out when humaninfections were identified, and genetically close-ly related H7N9 viruses were often isolated fromchickens or environmental samples, mostlyfrom the exposed live poultry markets (Shiet al. 2013a). There were also several reports ofclusters of human infection cases (Ding et al.2014; Xiao et al. 2014; Mao et al. 2015; Yi et al.2015; Xie et al. 2017; Guo et al. 2018;Wang et al.2018; Zhang et al. 2019), although there remainsno evidence of sustained human-to-humantransmission (Hu et al. 2014; Dong et al. 2017;Liu et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2019).

The HA, neuraminidase (NA), and internalgenes of the novelH7N9 virus were derived fromdifferent sources. The HA gene of the H7N9 vi-rus is most closely related to that of duck H7N3strains isolated in the Fujian and Zhejiang prov-inces in 2010–2011 (Gao et al. 2013; Kageyamaet al. 2013; Lamet al. 2013; Shi et al. 2013a;Zhanget al. 2013a). The NA gene of H7N9 virus mayhave evolved from theNA gene of H2N9, H4N9,H7N9, or H11N9 progenitor viruses isolatedfrom ducks or wild birds (Gao et al. 2013; Ka-geyama et al. 2013; Lam et al. 2013; Shi et al.2013a). In comparison to the debate over thedirect precursor of the NA gene, all six internalgenes of the novelH7N9 virus are known to haveoriginated from the widespread H9N2 AIVs(Gao et al. 2013; Lam et al. 2013, 2015; Shiet al. 2013a; Zhang et al. 2013a; Cui et al. 2014;Han et al. 2014; Pu et al. 2015).

The H7N9 virus continuously reassorts withother subtypes of AIVs, such as H9N2 (Qi et al.2014; Shi et al. 2014; Yang et al. 2014), H5N1(Wang et al. 2017), and H5N6 (Lam et al. 2015),leading to increased diversity of the gene con-stellations. For example, while investigating thesource of an H7N9 human infection case in

Northern China, Shi et al. (2014) isolated a virusfrom chickens on the patient’s farm that was anovel reassortant between H7N9 and H9N2 vi-ruses, thus providing direct evidence that H7N9viruses continue to reassort with viruses in poul-try. Moreover, Liu et al. (2014c) reported H7N9/H9N2 co-infection in 14 of 283 samples collect-ed in live poultry markets, further demonstrat-ing the active reassortment between H7N9 andH9N2 viruses.

The H7N9 viruses that emerged in 2013possessed only one basic amino acid at the HAcleavage site (Gao et al. 2013; Kageyama et al.2013; Shi et al. 2013a; Zhang et al. 2013a), whichis the signature of low pathogenicity to poultry.The H7N9 LPAIVs evolved into HPAIVs inGuangdong province in the beginning of 2017by acquiring a multibasic cleavage site motif inHA (Shi et al. 2017; Qi et al. 2018). The H7N9HPAIVs then rapidly spread from Guangdongprovince to other provinces and posed a severethreat to the poultry industry and human health(Quan et al. 2018).

The frequent reassortment of H7N9 viruseswith other subtypes of AIVs resulted inmultipleviral genotypes. Cui et al. (2014) found a total of27 genotypes among 109 H7N9 viruses between2013 and 2014. Shi et al. (2017) collected a largenumber of samples from poultry and the envi-ronment between 2013 and 2017 and isolated293 H7N9 viruses, including 286 LPAIVs and7 HPAIVs, from which 23 genotypes were iden-tified. They found that the HPAIVs from poul-try and humans formed a single cluster in boththe HA and NA gene, indicating that the H7N9HPAIVs are derived from a single origin. In asubsequent study, Shi et al. showed that theH7N9 HPAIVs evolved rapidly after their emer-gence. Through reassorting with other subtypesof AIVs within a few months, nine genotypes ofH7 HPAIV were detected, including two geno-types, G8 and G9, that emerged by reassortmentbetween H7N9 HPAIVs and unknown duck vi-ruses (Shi et al. 2018).

After October 2017, only four human in-fection cases have been reported, with themost recent case being reported in March of2019 (Yu et al. 2019). Compared to the earlierH7N9 HPAIVs, the HA gene of the H7N9

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HPAIV from the latest human case showed arelatively long genetic distance, and the otherseven gene segments also exhibited obviousgenetic diversity, indicating that the H7N9HPAIVs have evolved considerably since theiremergence (Yu et al. 2019).


Like any other AIV, H7N9 AIV acquires adap-tivemutations during replication inmammalianhosts. Most of the natural H7N9 isolates possessa Q226L (H3 numbering is used throughout)mutation in the HA receptor-binding site (Gaoet al. 2013; Shi et al. 2017), which is a typicalmammalian-adaptivemarker that confers great-er binding affinity to the human-type α2,6 sialicacid receptors (Xiong et al. 2013). The T160Amutation, acquired during serial passages ofH7N9 AIV in human airway epithelial cells, isalso located close to the receptor-binding site(Gao et al. 2013), which may increase the bind-ing affinity for α2,6 sialic acid receptors, as ob-served for H5N1 viruses (Gao et al. 2009; Wanget al. 2010). In addition, Yu et al. found that thehighly pathogenic H7N9 viruses isolated from apatient in 2019 possessed 135A (loss of glyco-sylation site) in HA, whereas viruses isolatedfrom the environment close to the patient had135T in HA, indicating that the avian virus mayhave acquired this adaptive mutation in humans(Yu et al. 2019).

The PB2 E627Kmutation is known to play apivotal role in the mammalian adaptation ofAIVs (Subbarao et al. 1993; Hatta et al. 2001;Herfst et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2013a; Linsteret al. 2014;Moket al. 2014; Shi et al. 2017). Near-ly 80% of H7N9 human viruses possess the PB2E627K mutation (Shi et al. 2017). Some H7N9human isolates also acquired the PB2 D701Nmutation (Yamayoshi et al. 2015; Shi et al.2017; Pu et al. 2018), whose role in the mamma-lian adaptation of AIVs has also been well estab-lished (Gabriel et al. 2005; Li et al. 2005;Gao et al.2009; Steel et al. 2009).Xiao et al. (2016) reportedthat the number of H7N9 human isolates bear-ing PB2 588V has increased significantly since2013 and demonstrated that this mutation mayfacilitate virus adaptation in mammalian hosts.

Moreover, the T271A and Q591K mutations inPB2 have also occasionally been identified inhighly pathogenic H7N9 viruses (Yang et al.2017). Mutations in other components of theviral RNP complex, including PB1 I368V andPA K356R, which were established in theH7N9 avian viruses (He et al. 2018), as well asV100A, A404S, and S409N in PA, and V33I andI109V in NP, which were rarely observed in thehighly pathogenic H7N9 human viruses (Chenet al. 2016; Yang et al. 2017), could also poten-tially contribute to the adaptation of H7N9 vi-ruses in humans. Of note, mammalian-adaptivemutations were also acquired during virus repli-cation in other mammals, such as PB2 T271A,E627K, and D701N in pigs (Liu et al. 2014b).

Because of the pivotal role of the PB2 E627Kmutation in the adaptation of H7N9 AIV in hu-mans, Liang et al. attempted to discover why theH7N9 AIV easily acquired this mutation. Theygenerated a series of reassortants between anH7N9 AIV and an early H9N2 AIV and testedthem inmice. They found thatwhen the PAgeneof the H7N9 virus was replaced with that of theH9N2 virus, the H7N9 virus lost the ability toacquire the PB2 E627K mutation during repli-cation in mice. Further studies showed that thelow polymerase activity of the H7N9 virus, con-ferred by the viral PA protein, is the intrinsicdriving force behind the emergence of the PB2E627K mutation during virus replication inmice. Of significance, the polymerase activityand growth of H7N9 AIV in human cells arehighly compromised by knockdown or knock-out of ANP32A protein. Furthermore, the im-paired viral polymerase activity of H7N9 AIVdue to ANP32A depletion in Anp32a−/− miceabolishes the acquisition of the PB2 E627K mu-tation. This work thus revealed an enigma in theemergence of the critical PB2 E627K mutation,showing that both the viral PA and mammalianANP32A are crucial for the acquisition of thePB2 E627K mutation during adaptation ofH7N9 AIVs to humans (Liang et al. 2019).


The H7N9 viruses were initially low pathogenicto poultry. They replicate efficiently among

C. Li and H. Chen

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chickens, but caused only asymptomatic infec-tion (Zhang et al. 2013a; Pantin-Jackwood et al.2014). By contrast, the H7N9 LPAIVs replicateless efficiently in ducks (Zhang et al. 2013a);however, they replicatewell in differentmamma-lian hosts, such asmice, ferrets, guinea pigs, pigs,and nonhuman primates (Belser et al. 2013;Wa-tanabe et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013a; deWit et al.2014; Gabbard et al. 2014; Xu et al. 2014). TheavianH7N9LPAIV isolateswere nonpathogenicin mice, whereas the human isolates could causelethal infections in these rodents (Belser et al.2013; Watanabe et al. 2013; Zhang et al.2013a). The virulence ofH7N9LPAIVs inmam-mals was dramatically enhanced after they ac-quired the mammalian-adaptive mutations,such as PB2 E627K and D701N (Zhang et al.2013a; Mok et al. 2014; Yamayoshi et al. 2015).

The H7N9 HPAIVs emerged in Guangdongprovince in early 2017, spread quickly fromSouthern toNorthernChina, and caused a num-ber of outbreaks in poultry, resulting in the deathor destruction of millions of infected or exposedbirds. The H7N9 HPAIVs were 100% lethal inchickens (Shi et al. 2017) and also caused a highmortality rate of ∼50% in infected patients (Keet al. 2017; Zhou et al. 2017). Shi et al. demon-strated that an index strain of H7N9 HPAIV, A/chicken/Guangdong/SD008/2017 (CK/SD008),was nonlethal in mice, but readily acquired thePB2 E627K or D701N mutation upon replica-tion in ferrets. Two mutant CK/SD008 virusesdisplayedmore than 500,000- or 12,000-fold de-creases in the 50%mouse lethal dose, respective-ly, compared with the wild-type virus, and alsocaused lethal infections in ferrets (Shi et al.2017). In a follow-up study, Shi et al. showedthat during the rapid evolution of the H7N9HPAIVs, five different motifs were detected inthe HA cleavage site. The pathogenicity of theseH7N9HPAIVs was different in mice, with someof them 100% lethal in infectedmice. The highlypathogenic viruses also showed distinct replica-tion and pathogenicity in ducks. Among them,A/duck/Fujian/SD208/2017 (H7N9, G8 geno-type) and A/duck/Fujian/SE0195/2018 (H7N2,G9 genotype), generated by reassortment be-tweenH7N9HPAIVs and unknown duck virus-es, caused lethal infections in ducks (Shi et al.

2018). In a similar study, Imai et al. found that anH7N9 HPAIV strain, A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016 (GD/SF003), was lethal and more virulentin mice than an H7N9 LPAIV. Moreover,GD/SF003 caused lethal infections in ferretsand replicated efficiently in nonhuman primates(Imai et al. 2017). Qi et al. (2018) also reportedthat the H7N9HPAIVs displayed high pathoge-nicity in chickens, with the human viral strainsalso lethal to mice. Sun et al. (2018) found thatthe H7N9 HPAIVs exhibited enhanced lethalityin mice and caused more severe infections inferrets compared to an H7N9 LPAIV.

The pathogenicity of H7N9 viruses is a mul-tigenic trait that is affected by different residuesof different viral proteins. In addition to the crit-ical role of themultibasic amino acid insertion atthe HA cleavage site in the virulence of H7N9HPAIVs, residue 64K inHA2 has been shown tocontribute to virus stability and replication inmice (Sun et al. 2019). Almost all of the H7N9viruses isolated from humans have an aminoacid change, Q591K, E627K, or D701N, in theirPB2 protein (Yamayoshi et al. 2015). Numerousstudies have demonstrated the significance ofPB2 E627K in the replication and pathogenicityofH7N9 viruses inmammalian hosts (Mok et al.2014; Zhang et al. 2014; Yamayoshi et al. 2015;Shi et al. 2017). Q591K or D701N can partiallycompensate for the absence of PB2 E627K interms of the effect on the polymerase activityand virulence in mammalian cells (Mok et al.2014; Yamayoshi et al. 2015). The rarely com-bined PB2 E627K/D701N mutations acquiredduring transmission of the H7N9 virus amongferrets via direct contact increased the polymer-ase activity and replication in mammalian cellsand enhanced virulence in mice compared withthe single E627K or D701Nmutation (Zhu et al.2015). In addition, other mutations in the viralpolymerases—PB2 K526R, A588V, or a combi-nation of PB2 482R, 588V, and PA 497R—alsocontribute to the pathogenicity of H7N9 virus inhumans or other mammals (Song et al. 2014;Xiao et al. 2016; Yamayoshi et al. 2018). A recentstudy byMa et al. (2020) identified two residues,286A and 437T, in the NP protein as prerequi-sites for the virulence of H7N9 virus in mam-mals. The H7N9 viruses also harbored other

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known pathogenicity signatures, such as N30Dand T215A in M1 and P42S in NS1, which havebeen shown to increase the pathogenicity ofH5N1 viruses (Jiao et al. 2008; Fan et al. 2009).Moreover, Neumann et al. (2014) identified anumber of amino acid changes that may havebeen critical for the genesis of H7N9 influenzaviruses, whose roles in the pathogenicity ofH7N9 viruses remain to be investigated.

H7N9 virus replicated efficiently in humanlung epithelial and endothelial cells and in typeII pneumocytes (Zhou et al. 2013; Zeng et al.2015). Histochemical analysis with formalin-fixed human respiratory tract tissues showedthat H7N9 viruses attachedmoderately or abun-dantly to both the upper and lower respiratorytracts, which is not typical for AIVs (van Rielet al. 2013). Siegers et al. (2014) further foundthat the tropism of H7N9 viruses within theupper and lower respiratory tract of mammalianhosts was more widespread than that of anH5N1 HPAIV in humans, ferrets, macaques,pigs, and guinea pigs. The wide tissue tropismof H7N9 viruses may be an underlying factorcorrelated to the efficient replication and path-ogenesis of H7N9 virus in humans.

H7N9 virus infection caused hypercytoki-nemia in patients (van Riel et al. 2013; Zhouet al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014b; Guo et al.2015). Guo et al. (2015) showed that the profileof eight cytokines and chemokines could predicta fatal outcome. Similarly, Wang et al. (2014b)found that high levels of IL-6, IL-8, and MIP-1βin the plasma of patients were predictive of fatalinfections. H7N9 virus also replicated efficientlyin explanted human lung tissue (Knepper et al.2013) and induced high levels of pro-inflamma-tory cytokines, such as MCP-1 and TNF-α inmacrophages (Zhao et al. 2016). As a main vir-ulence factor, H7N9 PB1-F2 activates theNLRP3-dependent inflammasome to inducepulmonary inflammatory infiltration, recruitcytokines, and enhance the virulence of the vi-rus (Pinar et al. 2017).


The receptor-binding specificity of viral HA isconsidered to be one of the barriers for the

transmission of AIV in humans. A number ofstudies have determined the receptor-bindingspecificity of H7N9 viruses. Depending on theviruses and approaches used, the receptor-bind-ing specificity ofH7N9 viruses varied among thedifferent studies. However, these studies allshowed that the H7N9 viruses displayed dualreceptor-binding specificity, meaning theycould bind to both human-type α2,6 sialic acidreceptors and avian-type α2,3 sialic acid recep-tors (Table 1).

Acquiring binding affinity for α2,6 sialicacid receptors is a prerequisite for the efficienttransmission of influenza viruses in humans(Vines et al. 1998; Matrosovich et al. 2000; Gla-ser et al. 2005; Herfst et al. 2012; Imai et al. 2012;Zhang et al. 2013b). Of the three earliest humanH7N9 viruses, A/Shanghai/1/2013 possesses226Q in its HA, compared with A/Shanghai/2/2013 and A/Anhui/1/2013, which possess 226Lin theirHA. The ability of A/Shanghai/1/2013 tobind to human-type receptorsmay be associatedwith the A138S substitution (Zhou et al. 2013).An L226Q HA mutant of the A/Anhui/1/2013virus retained its dual receptor-binding proper-ty, indicating that other amino acid substitutionscontribute to the ability to bind to human-typereceptors (Shi et al. 2013b); further studiesshowed that both 226L and 186V of HA conferthis ability (Dortmans et al. 2013; Xiong et al.2013). Of note, in comparison to most of theH7N9 LPAIVs that contain 226L, the majorityof the H7N9 HPAIVs possess 226Q (Yang et al.2017). However, the H7N9HPAIVsmaintainedthe dual receptor-binding affinity (He et al.2018), indicating the G186V mutation alone iscapable of increasing the human-type receptor-binding affinity. In addition, a T160A mutationin HA was acquired by the H7N9 viruses (Gaoet al. 2013; Huang et al. 2017), leading to the lossof an N-glycosylation site. This mutation hasalso been shown to increase the human-type re-ceptor-binding preference among the H5N1 vi-ruses (Gao et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2010).

Several studies have examined the potentialof H7N9 viruses to acquire enhanced human-type receptor-binding specificity. A combina-tion of G228S in HA1 and K58I substitutionsin HA2 has been shown to increase the binding

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Table 1. Receptor-binding properties of H7N9 viruses in China

Viruses Methods Receptor-binding properties Reference

A/Anhui/1/2013; A/Shanghai/1/2013; A/Shanghai/2/2013; A/chicken/Shanghai/S1053/2013;A/pigeon/Shanghai/S1069/2013; A/chicken/Shanghai/S1410/2013; A/pigeon/Shanghai/S1421/2013

Solid-phase bindingassay

All viruses bound to human-typeα2,6 sialic acid receptors,although they also bound toavian-type α2,3 sialic acidreceptors with low to highaffinity.

Zhang et al.2013a

A/Anhui/1/2013; A/Shanghai/1/2013

Solid-phase bindingassay; flowcytometry–basedbinding assay

Bound strongly to α2,3-linkedsialic acids, and also displayedlow levels of binding to α2,6-linked sialic acids; A/Anhui/1/2013 possessed higher bindingaffinity to α2,6-linked sialicacids than did A/Shanghai/1/2013.

Ramos et al.2013

A/Anhui/1/2013 Biolayer interferometry A/Anhui/1/2013 virus showed alower binding avidity to avian-type receptors and higherbinding avidity to human-typereceptors than an avian H7N3virus, whilemaintaining avian-type receptor-bindingpreference.

Xiong et al.2013

A/Anhui/1/2013; A/Shanghai/1/2013; A/Shanghai/2/2013

Solid-phase bindingassay

All three viruses bound to bothavian-type (α2,3) and human-type (α2,6) receptors.

Zhou et al.2013

A/Anhui/1/2013; A/Shanghai/1/2013

Glycan array analysis A/Shanghai/1/2013 bound to abroader array of α2,3 sialicacids than α2,6 sialic acids,whereas A/Anhui/1/2013exhibited binding to both α2,3and α2,6 sialic acids.

Belser et al.2013

Reassortant viruses possessing theA/Anhui/1/2013, A/Shanghai/1/2013, or A/Hangzhou/1/2013 HA genes in combinationwith the A/Anhui/1/2013 NAgene, and the remaining genesfrom A/Puerto Rico/8/34(H1N1)

Glycan array analysis The two viruses possessing A/Anhui/1/2013 and A/Hangzhou/1/2013 HAs boundstrongly to α2,6-linkedsialosides, whereas the viruscontaining A/Shanghai/1/2013 HA bound equally well toboth α2,6- and α2,3-linkedsialosides.

Watanabeet al. 2013

A/Anhui/1/2013; A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016 (highlypathogenic); A/Guangdong/17SF006/2017 (highlypathogenic)

Solid-phase bindingassay

A/Anhui/1/2013 virus bound tosialic acid α2,3 and α2,6receptors, and the two H7N9HPAIVs showed typical dualreceptor preference, withincreased affinity to α2,3 sialicacid receptors compared withA/Anhui/1/2013 virus.

Zhu et al.2017


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affinity for α2,6 sialic acid receptors (Schrauwenet al. 2016). Structural analysis demonstratedthat an additional G228S mutation in the HAof the A/Anhui/1/2013 virus would allow exten-sive binding to human-type receptors (Thara-karaman et al. 2013). de Vries and colleaguesreported that in the background of A/Shang-hai/2/2013 virus, the introduction of two differ-ent 3-amino acid mutations (i.e., V186G/K-K193T-G228S or V186N-N224K-G228S) canswitch the receptor-binding specificity from avi-an- to human-type (de Vries et al. 2017). Thecombination of V186K-K193T-G228S muta-tions in the HA of two fifth-wave H7N9 viruseswas also shown to switch the receptor-bindingspecificity to human-type (Yang et al. 2018a). Ofthese three mutations, the K193T mutation hasalso been shown to increase the human-typereceptor-binding specificity of H10N8 virus(Tzarum et al. 2017).

The optimal balance between the receptor-binding activity ofHA and the receptor-destroy-ing activity of NA is critical for influenza virus toinfect its host. The NA of H7N9 virus possessed401A instead of 401T in the second sialic acid–binding site, which led to reduced sialidase ac-tivity. The acquisition of this T401A mutation,which preceded the emergence of the H7N9 vi-rus, is proposed to have driven the selection ofHAmutations that confer dual receptor-bindingproperties (Dai et al. 2017). A secondary sialicacid–binding site in theNAprotein of theH7N9viruses was also proposed to contribute to thevirus binding to sialic acid receptors (Bentonet al. 2017). In addition, the unusual kinetic

properties of the NA sialidase site, characterizedby higher binding but lower cleavage of human-type receptors, promoted the binding via thissite to sialic acid receptors, and particularly tohuman-type receptors (Benton et al. 2017).


There are twomodes of transmissibility of influ-enza virus: direct contract transmission and re-spiratory droplet transmission (Li and Chen2014). It is believed that sustained respiratorydroplet transmissibility is an essential propertyof pandemic and epidemic influenza viruses.The H7N9 viruses spread widely in poultry inChina, which is attributed to its efficient trans-missibility among poultry (Zhang et al. 2013a).Of greater concern is the potential ofH7N9 virusto acquire efficient transmissibility among hu-mans, thereby evolving into a pandemic virus.

Guinea pigs and ferrets are two well-estab-lished animalmodels for the evaluation of trans-missibility of influenza viruses (Gao et al. 2009;Steel et al. 2009; Herfst et al. 2012; Imai et al.2012; Zhang et al. 2013b). The H7N9 viruses,especially the human isolates, transmitted effi-ciently among guinea pigs or ferrets via directcontact (Belser et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2013; Gab-bard et al. 2014; Luk et al. 2015; Sun et al. 2018).Compared with natural H5N1 viruses, whichhave never acquired respiratory droplet trans-missibility, many studies have reported thatboth H7N9 LPAIV and HPAIV can transmitvia respiratory droplets in guinea pigs and fer-rets, although the efficiency of virus transmis-

Table 1. Continued

Viruses Methods Receptor-binding properties Reference

Six H7N9 LPAIVs and six H7N9HPAIVs

Solid-phase glycan-coated ELISA

All six low pathogenic viruses andfive of the six highlypathogenic viruses bound wellto both human-type andavian-type receptors, whereasone of the six highlypathogenic viruses bound onlyto avian-type receptors.

He et al.2018

(HA) Hemagglutinin, (NA) neuraminidase, (HPAIVs) highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, (ELISA) enzyme-linkedimmunoabsorbent assay.

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sion differs in different studies (Belser et al.2013; Richard et al. 2013; Watanabe et al.2013; Zhang et al. 2013a; Zhu et al. 2013; Xuet al. 2014; Kong et al. 2015; Imai et al. 2017;Shi et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2018b). For example,the respiratory droplet transmissibility of a se-ries ofH7N9 viruses was shown to vary from lowto high in studies by Zhang et al. (2013a) andKong et al. (2019). In particular, the A/Anhui/1/2013 virus was found to transmit to 3/3 exposedferrets or guinea pigs via respiratory droplets(Zhang et al. 2013a; Kong et al. 2019). Notably,the respiratory droplet transmissibility of H7N9viruses could be greatly enhanced by certainmutations, such as PB2 627K, 701N, 292V,and M1 156D (Shi et al. 2017; Kong et al. 2019).


The M2 inhibitors, including amantadine andrimantadine, were the first anti-influenza drugsused for the clinical treatment of patients (Stiver2003). An S31N mutation in the M2 proteinconfers resistance to amantadine (Pielak et al.2009). Sequence analyses showed that all of theH7N9 viruses possess the S31N mutation in theM2protein (Chen et al. 2013; Gao et al. 2013; Shiet al. 2013a; Zhou et al. 2013), indicating thatthey are resistant to amantadine. Consequently,the M2 inhibitors are not effective for the treat-ment of H7N9 virus infections.

The second class of anti-influenza drugs isthe NA inhibitors, which include oseltamivir,zanamivir, peramivir, and laninamivir (Samsonet al. 2013; Loregian et al. 2014). In clinical set-tings, NA inhibitors were used to treat H7N9virus–infected patients. However, some of theH7N9 isolates acquired the R292K mutation aswell as other mutations (i.e., E119V, I222K/R,A246T) in the viral NA protein, which conferdrug resistance during treatment of patientswith oseltamivir (Hay and Hayden 2013; Zhuet al. 2013; Liu et al. 2014a; Marjuki et al.2015; Song et al. 2015). The emergence ofdrug-resistant H7N9 virus usually occurredwithin 1–9 d after drug administration (Gaoet al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2013). H7N9 virus encod-ing the R292K mutation in NA is most resistantto the NA inhibitors, followed by viruses encod-

ing E119V, and finally those encoding theI222K/R mutation (Hai et al. 2013; Yen et al.2013; Liu et al. 2014a; Marjuki et al. 2015). Ofnote, none of these mutations occurred in theavian H7N9 viruses, indicating that these muta-tions were acquired during the treatment ofpatients with the NA inhibitors (Wang et al.2016). Moreover, these NA inhibitor–resistantmutations in H7N9 virus (i.e., NA R292K andI222T) were also observed in nonhuman pri-mates during oseltamivir treatment (Itoh et al.2015; Kiso et al. 2017)

The fitness of the R292K mutant H7N9 vi-ruses varied among studies. Hai et al. showedthat the NA R292K mutant H7N9 virus is com-parable to wild-type virus in terms of their rep-lication in human respiratory cells, virulence inmice, and transmissibility in guinea pigs (Haiet al. 2013). By contrast, others reported thatthe R292K mutation reduced the virus fitnessin the ferret model (Yen et al. 2014; Marjukiet al. 2015). Notably, in the absence of NA in-hibitors, the R292K mutant virus reverted backto 292R during growth in embryonated eggs,MDCK-SIAT1 cells, or HAE cells, suggestingthat the R292K mutation may compromise thefitness of the H7N9 virus (Sleeman et al. 2013;Huang et al. 2017).


The viral HA gene also gained mutations thataffect virus antigenicity. An A135T mutation inthe HA of some H7N9 viruses, resulting in theacquisition of an N-linked glycosylation site atresidue 133 of HA, combined with the S128Nmutation, reduced the reactivity to antiserumraised with the prototype A/Anhui/1/2013 virus(Liu et al. 2016).

In parallel with the significant geneticchange during the fifth wave, the H7N9 virusesalso underwent detectable antigenic change. Incomparison to the A/Shanghai/2/2013 virus,A122T, S128N, A135V, and R140K substitu-tions on antigenic site A of HA1 were seen inthe low pathogenic A/Hong Kong/125/2017 vi-rus (recommended by the World Health Orga-nization [WHO] as a candidate human vaccinevirus), and A122P, S128N, L226Q, and G270R

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substitutions on antigenic sites A, C, and Dwereidentified in another candidate vaccine virus,highly pathogenic A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016 virus (Yang et al. 2018a). The role ofL226Q in the antigenic change of the H7N9viruses was demonstrated by Chang et al., whosestudy showed that the L226Qmutation is criticalfor the antigenic differences between H7N9LPAIVs and HPAIVs (Chang et al. 2019). No-tably, 90% of highly pathogenic H7N9 viruscontained 226Q, whereas >95% of low patho-genic H7N9 viruses had 226L (Chang et al.2019). Yu et al. (2019) further showed that incomparison to the earlier H7N9 HPAIVs, theH7N9 HPAIVs isolated in 2019 were under se-lection at potential antigenic sites, such as R57K,G124R, V135T/A, and S145P, indicating thatthe new H7N9 HPAIVs may have undergone acertain degree of antigenic variation.


Given that the live poultry markets are the pri-mary source of human infections, their periodicclosure was enforced by local governments dur-ing the H7N9 epidemic waves. The evidence isclear that market closures, which substantiallyreduced human exposure to poultry, were effec-tive in preventing H7N9 virus infections in hu-mans (Li et al. 2014b; Yu et al. 2014). During theclosures, H7N9 viral RNA detection and isola-tion rates in retail markets were shown to de-crease by 79% and 92%, respectively, indicatingthat market closure and disinfection rapidly re-duce the amount of viable virus in the marketenvironment (Yuan et al. 2015).

Because of the severe threat to human andanimal health posed by H7N9 viruses, preven-tion and control became a top priority in China.In addition to the slaughter of infected poultry,vaccination was considered as a control strategy.The National Avian Influenza Reference Labo-ratory of China has established several platformsfor the development of avian influenza vaccines,including the reverse genetics–based inactivatedvaccine (Tian et al. 2005), the recombinantNewcastle disease virus (NDV)–vectored HAvaccine (Ge et al. 2007), the recombinant duckenteritis virus (DEV)–vectored HAvaccine (Liu

et al. 2011), and the DNA vaccine (Jiang et al.2007). The inactivated vaccine and the recom-binant NDV-vectored H5HAvaccine have beenwidely used in China to control H5 avian influ-enza since 2004 and 2006, respectively (Li et al.2014a). To combat the H7N9 epidemics in Chi-na, the inactivated vaccine was developed byusing reverse genetics. To limit the number ofpoultry immunizations, an H5/H7 bivalent in-activated vaccine was formulated by using theH7N9-Re1 and H5-Re8 seed viruses containingthe HA and NA genes of A/pigeon/Shanghai/S1069/2013 (H7N9) and A/chicken/Guizhou/4/2013 (H5N1), respectively, and the six internalgenes of the A/Puerto Rico/8/34 virus (Zenget al. 2018). The efficacy and safety of the biva-lent vaccine were fully demonstrated in the lab-oratory setting, as well as in field tests in threeprovinces of China: Guangdong, Guangxi, andHeilongjiang (Zeng et al. 2018). This massivevaccination program has been employed inchickens since September 2017 (Shi et al. 2018).

Before and after the implementation of thenational vaccination program with the H5/H7bivalent inactivated vaccine, Shi et al. (2018)performed two rounds of large-scale active sur-veillance of AIVs. During the first round of sur-veillance, between February and May of 2017,30,201 swab samples were collected from livepoultry markets and poultry farms, resultingin the isolation of 250 H7N9 LPAIVs and 56H7N9 HPAIVs; the H7N9 LPAIVs were detect-ed in 24 provinces, and theHPAIVs were detect-ed in four provinces. The second round ofsurveillance was carried out after the initiationof the poultry vaccination program. A total of23,683 samples were collected from which onlytwo LPAIVs and 14 HPAIVs of H7N9 subtypewere isolated; H7N9 LPAIVs and HPAIVs wereisolated in two and four provinces, respectively.In clear contrast, the isolation rate ofH7N9 viruswas 1.013% in the prevaccination period, com-pared with only 0.068% in the postvaccinationperiod (Zeng et al. 2018). Therefore, vaccinationdramatically limited the prevalence of H7N9 vi-rus in poultry: The virus isolation rate droppedby 93.3%. The effectiveness of the vaccinationstrategy in preventing and controlling H7N9avian influenza was also demonstrated by Wu

C. Li and H. Chen

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et al. (2019), whose study reported that a 92%reduction in H7-positive rates among poultrywas associated with H5/H7 bivalent vaccinationin Guangdong province. More importantly, thevaccination of poultry successfully preventedthe emergence of new waves of human H7N9infection: Only four human cases were reportedafter September 2017 (Fig. 1). Therefore, vacci-nation of poultry greatly alleviated the risk of anH7N9 pandemic.

The H5/H7 bivalent vaccine continues to beused in chickens. To ensure optimal protectionagainst AIVs, the H7N9 vaccine seed virus wasupdated at the end of 2018 with the new H7N9Re-2 vaccine strain bearing the HA (the cleavagesite was modified to resemble that of theLPAIVs, and the receptor-binding sitewasmod-ified to display only avian-type receptor-bindingspecificity) and NA genes from an H7N9HPAIV, A/chicken/Guangxi/SD098/2017. It isimportant to note that the effectiveness of thevaccination strategy was determined by the vac-cination coverage rate, which is high in devel-oped regions, but relatively low in less developedregions as a result of inadequate investment ofefforts and funds. The four human H7N9 casesafter October 2017 occurred in such less devel-oped regions—namely, Gansu province and theInner Mongolia autonomous region. Moreover,the active surveillance conducted by the Nation-al Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory alsodetected the persistence of H7N9 viruses insome areas. As a result, the H7N9 virus couldevolve further in the field. Therefore, follow-upstudies should be continuously undertaken tomonitor the evolution and spread of H7N9 vi-ruses and to investigate the biological character-istics of newly discovered viruses.


The H7N9 viruses that emerged in 2013 spreadwidely and evolved in China, caused severe dis-ease and death in humans, bound human-typereceptors, was capable of respiratory droplettransmission among animal models, and dis-played antigenicity variation during circulationand antiviral drug resistance during treatment ofpatients. All of these properties indicate the

H7N9 viruses are a potential candidate to causea new influenza pandemic. Fortunately, thecontrol measures taken in China have proveneffective. In particular, the national vaccinationstrategywith theH5/H7 bivalent avian influenzavaccine effectively controlled outbreaks and thecirculation of H7N9 viruses in poultry, sig-nificantly reducing the virus load in the environ-ment, and clearly preventing further H7N9virus infections in humans.

The H7N9 epidemics taught us that aLPAIV can emerge through reassortment andhave a huge impact on human health. Afterevolving into a highly pathogenic virus, theH7N9 viruses became an even greater threat tohuman health and caused severe damage to thepoultry industry. The emergence of H7N9 epi-demics is inevitably associated with the poultryfarming system in China, which comprises largenumbers of small-scale or even backyard farms,the wide distribution of live poultry markets,and long-distance transportation of poultry,thus creating favorable conditions for the gen-eration of new reassortment viruses from differ-ent sources. Given the ecosystem for the genesisof AIVs in China, comprehensive preventionand control strategies must be implemented, in-cluding biosafety measures, active surveillance,culling of infected poultry, and vaccination.


We thank Susan Watson for editing the manu-script. Work in the authors’ laboratory wassupported by theNational Natural Science Foun-dation of China (NSFC) (31521005, 31672582),the National Key Research and DevelopmentProgram of China (2016YFD0500203, 2016YFD0500205), and theNatural Science Foundationof Heilongjiang Province (JQ2019 C005).

This article has been made freely available on-line courtesy of TAUNS Laboratories.


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Page 18: H7N9 Influenza Virus in China - CSHL  · et al. 2010). In addition, Yu et al. found that the highlypathogenic

published online March 23, 2020Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Chengjun Li and Hualan Chen H7N9 Influenza Virus in China

Subject Collection Influenza: The Cutting Edge

Live Attenuated Cold-Adapted Influenza VaccinesKanta Subbarao

Structure and Function of Influenza Polymerase

CusackJoanna M. Wandzik, Tomas Kouba and Stephen

Next-Generation Influenza VaccinesMasaru Kanekiyo and Barney S. Graham

H7N9 Influenza Virus in ChinaChengjun Li and Hualan Chen

Influenza A VirusesSelective Genome Packaging Mechanisms of

Takeshi Noda

H5 Influenza Viruses in Egypt

Mostafa, et al.Rabeh El-Shesheny, Ahmed Kandeil, Ahmed

to Influenza VaccinationSystems Biological Analysis of Immune Response

Rouphael, et al.Mario Cortese, Amy C. Sherman, Nadine G.

ChallengesInfluenza Vaccine Effectiveness: New Insights and

Huong Q. McLean and Edward A. Belongia

Relationship with HumansSwine Influenza A Viruses and the Tangled

Arendsee, et al.Tavis K. Anderson, Jennifer Chang, Zebulun W.

Immunity to Influenza Infection in Humans

et al.David J. Topham, Marta L. DeDiego, Aitor Nogales,

Original Antigenic Sin: How Original? How Sinful?Jonathan W. Yewdell and Jefferson J.S. Santos Severe Disease

Human Susceptibility to Influenza Infection and

Robert C. Mettelman and Paul G. Thomas

Action and ResistanceInfluenza Polymerase Inhibitors: Mechanisms of

Emi TakashitaHuman Infections with Avian Influenza VirusesThe Epidemiology, Virology, and Pathogenicity of

Dayan Wang, Wenfei Zhu, Lei Yang, et al.

PerspectiveHistorical−−Influenza Reverse Genetics

Gabriele NeumannChallenges and Recent Advances

−−Influenza Therapeutics in Clinical Practice

John H. Beigel and Frederick G. Hayden For additional articles in this collection, see

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