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1. Title: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark2. Name of the authorWilliam Shakespeare3. CharactersHamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius, Horatio, Ophelia, Laertes, Fortinbras, The Ghost, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Voltimand and Cornelius, Marcellus and Bernardo, Francisco, Reynaldo, Osric4. Argument. PrinceHamletis depressed. Having been summoned home to Denmark from school in Germany to attend his father's funeral, he is shocked to find his motherGertrudealready remarried. The Queen has wed Hamlet's Uncle Claudius, the dead king's brother. To Hamlet, the marriage is "foul incest." Worse still, Claudius has had himself crowned King despite the fact that Hamlet was his father's heir to the throne. Hamlet suspects foul play and betrayal.

5. Principal charactersHamlet6. Secondary charactersClaudius, Gertrude, Polonius, Horatio, Ophelia, Laertes, Fortinbras, The Ghost, Rosencrantz And Guildenstern, Voltimand And Cornelius, Marcellus And Bernardo, Francisco, Reynaldo, Francisco, Reynaldo7. ConflictThe king dies and his son,Hamlet, feels a responsibility to avenge his fathers murder by his uncle Claudius, but Claudius is now the king and thus well protected. The ghost of his father appears to Hamlet and tells Hamlet to revenge his murder. Moreover, Hamlet struggles with his doubts about whether he can trust the ghost and whether killing Claudius is the appropriate thing to do.

8. Time and placeThe story of Hamlet is set in the late middle ages (14th and 15th centuries, or 1300 to 1499) in and around (mostly) the royal palace in Elsinore, a city in Denmark.9. Scenery Elsinore. A platform before the castle A room of state in the castle A room in Polonius' house A room in POLONIUS' house A hall in the castle A room in the castle The Queen's closet A plain in Denmark A churchyard10. VestuaryHamlet wears an "inky cloak" because he's in mourning for his dead fatherbut he's the only one in court still wearing black.Medieval costumes

11. Quotations KING CLAUDIUS dies Stabs KING CLAUDIUS All Trumpets sound, and cannon shot off withi Enter KING CLAUDIUS, QUEEN GERTRUDE, LAERTES, Lords, OSRIC, and Attendants with foils KING CLAUDIUS puts LAERTES' hand into HAMLET's The Attendants part them, and they come out of the grave

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