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The hammer down system

Strength: Most strength qualities fall under three primary types:

1. Static strength (isometric contractions)2. Dynamic strength (concentric contractions)3. Yielding strength (eccentric contractions)

Strength training exercises for MMA fighters should develop all of these types of strength, but some are more important than others. Unlike a sport such as powerlifting where maximal strength is king, MMA fighters must develop a vast number of strength qualities.

One of the most important strength qualities for an MMA fighter is explosive endurance strength. This is the ability to repetitively execute explosive efforts. (Think of Vitor Belfort's early round punching when he shows up in top shape.)

Endurance: MMA fighters must be able to perform at a high intensity for a prolonged period of time. Most MMA competitions are organized with durations that range from 15 minutes (UFC non-championship fights) to 20 minutes (Pride fights) to 25 minutes (UFC championship fights). So the 15-25 minute endurance range must be developed to the highest level. Of course, some fights end in significantly less time, but you must train to perform at a high level for the entire fight.

Jogging for 60 minutes won't help since it's challenging aerobic metabolism (the long duration energy system). In fact, long-duration cardio will hurt your efforts since you'll likely lose maximal strength and muscle mass while causing a muscle fiber type shift away from high-force power toward low-force endurance. Therefore, the intermediate energy system, anaerobic glycolysis, must be developed to build endurance strength (more on this in the next installment).

Mobility: This is the fitness quality I'll use most loosely. What I'm referring to by mobility is, of course, the ability to move freely. You're going to enhance mobility by developing dynamic, static passive, and static active flexibility (again, more on this in the last installment).

The Hammer Downsystem isn't for beginners! If you're new to resistance training, don't start with this program. This program is intended for intermediate to advanced level trainees and MMA fighters who need to develop fitness qualities specific to their sport. And it's intended for fighting coaches (boxing, wrestling, jiu-jitsu, etc.) who need a better understanding of the fitness qualities that will help their athletes excel.

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The 4 Elements

Four qualities should be possessed by MMA fighters: extraordinary strength, endurance, mobility, and fighting skills. I can help you with the first three qualities, but the fourth one is in your hands. If you develop each quality to an elite level, you'll become the crème de la crème of MMA fighters.

The Other Type of PC

There's an adage that says, "A strong man is strong on the back of his body." This is very relevant and true for MMA fighters.

You must develop super-strong muscles that run from the base of your skull down to your Achilles tendons. Some of the most important muscles in this range are your hip extensors and back extensors. These muscles, along with a handful of others, collectively form the posterior chain (PC).

Why is the PC important for MMA fighters? Because the PC assists explosive movements involved in locomotion. If you've ever seen a guy shoot forward to drive his shoulder into his opponent's abdomen for a takedown, that's the PC at work. Furthermore, a strong PC will help you lift and throw a fighter, and it'll help you resist being pulled down to the ground.

There are many effective exercises that improve the strength of your PC. Good mornings, back extensions, reverse hypers – they all help. But one exercise remains at the top of my list for PC development for MMA fighters: the deadlift. Why the deadlift? Because it forces you to train your entire PC while holding a load in front of you. That's important!

By holding the load in front of you, the carryover to fighting is much greater compared to having the load across your upper back. After all, fighting is about controlling the guy in front of you.

The majority of the time your opponent will be in front of you, you'll have your hands on him, and he'll be trying to resist you. The fact that the deadlift strengthens your PC, your grip, and your shoulder girdle, makes it one of best exercises to build fighting-specific muscle groups.

I think the deadlift is so important for MMA fighters that I could write out an entire novice MMA fitness program in one sentence:

Deadlift heavy, jump rope and sprint often, and perform push-ups and mobility drills every day.

That sentence alone covers much of what I consider an effective MMA fitness program. The deadlift is also important because it builds very strong traps. MMA fighters must possess huge levels of strength in their traps and, maybe even more

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important, their necks. Obviously, the deadlift isn't the best neck builder, but I'll outline an excellent neck strengthening exercise in the program.

But here's the beauty and challenge of strength training for MMA fighters: even if you develop world-class strength in your PC, it isn't enough. You must also be strong on the front of your body, too.

Hell, you've gotta be strong everywhere

Speed Rules

In MMA fights, being strong isn't enough, you must also be fast. Strength without speed is useless. If your opponent can strike you quicker than you can strike him, he's going to beat you. Does that mean that every fighter should perform speed work? Probably. But maximal strength training alone with large loads will make you faster if your maximal strength is very low. What's very low? I define "very low" as anything less than a 1.5x bodyweight deadlift and squat, and anything less than a 1.25x bodyweight bench press.

So if you weigh 170 pounds and your max efforts for the three powerlifts (deadlift, squat, and bench press) are less than 255 for the deadlift and squat, and 213 for the bench press, maximal strength training alone will make you faster. But once maximal strength is up to par (and that's based solely on the individual), specific explosive strength work must be performed.

MMA fighters must be explosive, so they must have plenty of explosive strength. Explosive strength is defined as the ability to produce maximum force in minimal time. Since a MMA fighter only has a miniscule amount of time to develop maximal force (punches, kicks, etc.), explosive strength training must be an integral part of a MMA strength program.

To explain the importance of explosive strength in fighting, let me use a very basic example (this isn't perfect but it makes my point). Let's say there are two fighters, X and Y. Fighter X has a 1RM for the one-arm dumbbell bench press of 100 pounds; fighter Y has a 1RM for the same movement of 150. On the surface, it seems that fighter Y would be a more powerful puncher because his 1RM is 50% higher than fighter X. But is that true?

Now let's say that I had both fighters perform a one-arm dumbbell bench press as fast as possible with 80 pounds. Fighter X pushed up the dumbbell in 0.3 seconds, and fighter Y pushed it up in 0.5. So even though Fighter X has a significantly smaller 1RM, his ability to produce maximal force is faster than fighter Y. This measurement of force production when time is a limiting factor is known as the "rate of force development (RFD)." RFD is a direct measure of explosive strength.

So now you're probably confused. I've been harping about the importance of maximal strength, but I just explained that it isn't as important as the RFD measure of explosive strength. The answer goes back to whether or not your maximal strength levels are up to par, and how you perform maximal strength work.

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You see, explosive strength consists of three components: maximal strength, starting strength, and acceleration strength. So if you improve any of those three strength qualities, your explosive strength will increase. That's why you should perform maximal strength work.

However, if you're advanced, lifting only huge loads won't help your explosive strength because your RFD will slow to the point where you'll need significantly more time to develop maximal force than is allowed during a punch or kick. And this is where speed work becomes extremely important.

You must get stronger by lifting large loads, but you must keep your RFD as high as possible by lifting light loads as fast as possible. Furthermore, you should try to lift the heavy loads as fast as possible to keep your RFD as short as possible.

Sure, a large load won't move quickly, but your effort to move the load should be as fast as possible. Now you know why I'm often on my soapbox about the importance of lifting fast, regardless of the load (except for beginners and rehabilitation).

Finally, maximal strength is a component of endurance strength. So if you increase your maximal strength, you'll be able to develop more explosive endurance strength.

To establish my point about the influence that maximal strength has on endurance strength, let me use two identical twins. Both twins performed nothing but maximal strength work. They both started training at the same time, and they both followed similar parameters. But the first twin didn't push himself and he often missed workouts. The second twin was determined, diligent, and consistent.

So let's say the first twin built up his 1RM bench press to 315 pounds. The second twin built up his 1RM bench press to 405. If each twin performed a bench press rep max test with 225, the second twin would be able to perform significantly more reps than the first did. In other words, the second twin would have more endurance strength with the submaximal load because his maximal strength was greater.

Back to Maximal Strength

The three powerlifts are a good measuring tool because most people know how to deadlift, squat, and bench press with sufficient form. But the list doesn't end there. I recommend that you also test the push press, chin-up, and power clean. So, you should test your maximal strength for the following lifts:

DeadliftSquat (to parallel)Bench PressPush PressChin-upPower Clean

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How do I test these lifts? Do I have my MMA clients perform a one-repetition maximum (1RM)? Nope. I calculate their 1RM based on their 3RM performance. I consider their 3RM performance to be 90% of their 1RM.

So if a guy pulls a max 230 pound deadlift for 3 reps, I'll estimate his 1RM to be 255. Whether or not his 3RM is exactly 90% of his 1RM is a moot point. My experience has shown the conversion to be sufficient for MMA athletes. I simply don't think the benefits of performing a 1RM outweigh the risks for MMA athletes.

Your first task is to test your 3RM for the six aforementioned exercises. I don't recommend testing all six in one day. Typically, I break up the 3RM test into two sessions that are at least 48 hours apart. Here's how I break it down (keep the exercises in the prescribed order):

3RM Test, Workout 1

DeadliftBench PressChin-up

3RM Test, Workout 2 (48 hours or more later)

Push PressPower CleanSquat

Here's how you should test your 3RM lifts:

3RM Test Workout Parameters

Set 1: Perform 3 reps with a load you could lift 10 times fresh (~75% of your 1RM)

Rest 60 seconds

Set 2: Perform 3 reps with a load you could lift 8 times fresh (~78% of your 1RM)

Rest 90 seconds

Set 3: Perform 3 reps with a load you could lift 5 times fresh (~85% of your 1RM)

Rest 120 seconds

Set 4: Perform 3 reps with 3-4% more load than set 3.

After set 4, if you feel like you can lift more, add 2% more load. Continue with this sequence with 180 second rest periods until you find a load where you can perform 3 perfect reps without compromising your form. That's your 3RM. Rest 5 minutes, and move to the next test exercise with the same sequence.

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All efforts should be performed raw. You can't wear a weightlifting belt, squat suit, bench shirt, or wrist wraps into a fight, so don't bring them to the gym.

Time to Step Back

In the past, I've tested MMA athletes with these six core exercises to develop a better understanding of their maximal strength capabilities. The system works well, but it's not exactly how I do it now.

My current system is simply too extensive and individualized to explain in one article. These days, I must watch a fighter grapple in the gym to determine what needs to be tested and improved. Obviously, I can't explain all of those nuances here.

Second, I don't believe that an exercise such as the bench press is hugely important for MMA fighters. But I'm recommending it here because most people know how to perform it, and improving a lackluster bench press can enhance punching power.

So what's the point of the six recommended exercises? The point is to give you six basic exercises that can be tested every few months to monitor your progress. These six exercises won't be the only exercises in this program, but they provide a good, basic testing tool to monitor your total body strength increases.

Moving Forward

MMA fighters must develop high levels of relative strength. This is defined as your absolute strength (maximal strength) in relation to your body weight:

Relative Strength = Absolute Strength/Body Weight

Before the implementation of weight classes, relative strength didn't matter in MMA competition. But now, relative strength does matter because fighters are competing against competitors with similar body weights. That's why I speak of maximal lifts in terms of body weight – not just a blind recommendation of a 300 pound bench press, 400 pound squat, and 500 pound deadlift.

How strong should you be for MMA? Stronger than you are now. The effort toward constantly improving your strength is more important than any "ideal" number I could prescribe. Sure, I could tell you what levels of relative strength I prefer, but in the end it only leads to frustration and Internet feuds. So even though I've hinted at relative strength ratios for elite fighters in the past, I'm not going to recommend them here. The only thing that's important is that your entire body is getting stronger, each and every month.

But if I had the proverbial "gun to the head," I'd say that a raw deadlift of at least 2.0x body weight is important. For fighters who possess a physical structure that's conducive to deadlifting – leverage advantages from their skeletal structure, muscle insertion points, etc., the number could be closer to 2.5x body weight. (Why do I feel like this is the only paragraph that's going to be referenced on other MMA sites?)

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Strength Workout Design

With MMA fighters, I've found that the more exercises they perform in a microcycle, the better. That's because they're constantly forced into so many different positions that 4, 6, or 8 exercises per weekly plan won't meet all their strength needs.

You won't see 10 x 3 or 8 x 3 in this program because it simply takes too long to finish each exercise. Such parameters limit the total number of exercises that can be performed in a workout. MMA fighters are extremely limited by the amount of time they can spend resistance training because they must also spend numerous hours each week perfecting their fighting techniques.

Second, you won't see hardly any single joint exercises. MMA fighters must build total body strength as quickly as possible. Therefore, this program revolves around traditional compound lifts, Olympic lift variations, and hybrid lifts. Each workout is a total-body session.

The most effective maximal strength building method I've ever used is the supramaximal hold (SMH). This consists of holding a load near lockout that's greater than your 1RM, or performing partial reps with a SMH, or any other type of maximal voluntary contraction. Supramaximal holds immediately cause an increase in maximal strength. This is due to nervous system and muscle contractile enhancements known as post-activation potentiation.

This is how you should prepare for a SMH. Due to the limited number of strength sessions per microcycle in this program, I'm only recommending SMHs for the squat and bench press. The deadlift is a slight variation that uses 2-3 very short reps to provide the same effect. In the case of any of the three exercises, here's how you should prepare for the SMH.

Set 1: Perform 3 full reps with 75-80% of your 1RM

Rest 60 seconds

Set 2: Perform 1 rep with 85% of your 1RM

Rest 60 seconds

Set 3: Hold the load 2-3 inches short of lock-out for 5 seconds with 90% of your 1RM

Rest 90 seconds

Set 4: Hold the load 2-3 inches short of lock-out for 5 seconds with 95% of your 1RM

Rest 90 seconds and start with the first prescribed hold.

The strength portion of the Hammer Down program consists of two total body workouts each week. Furthermore, the next installment on endurance training will

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outline another resistance training circuit that should be dropped into the middle of each microcycle. For now, what you should do is start performing this program to get your body accustomed to the new demand.

Fighters' joints take a serious beating. This is especially true for those who practice styles that revolve around submission holds. When I first started training jiu-jitsu, my joints were always aching and sore, so I limited my strength workouts to twice per week. When I started working with fighters, I found this frequency to be ideal for the strength building workouts.

Hammer Down: Strength



Note: You should use a load that approximately equals your 12-14RM for the following explosive strength exercise. But the load isn't as important as the speed of movement (it must be lightning fast). If your speed significantly slows by the last set, the load is too heavy. These exercises shouldn't be fatiguing; they should be invigorating. Also, if the load is too heavy it'll impair your maximal strength for the remainder of the session.

Jump Shrug

Sets: 8Reps: 3Load: 12-14RMRest: 45s (45 seconds) between each set

Description: From the hang position, extend your torso back and continue by shrugging up and going up on your toes (you can elevate off the floor if it doesn't compromise your form). These 3 reps should be performed as fast as possible.


Supramaximal Hold: Back Squat

Sets: 1Load: 120% of your 1RMHold: 6sRest 60s

Note: Hold the load isometrically 2-3 inches short of lockout. Use a slightly wider than shoulder width stance.

Half Squat (squat to parallel)

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Sets: 1Load: 90% of your 1RMReps: As many as possible without compromising form.Rest: 180s before the next exercise

Supramaximal Hold: BB (Barbell) Decline Bench Press

Sets: 1Load: 120% of your 1RMHold: 6s

Note: Hold the load isometrically 2-3 inches short of lockout. Use a shoulder width grip. Perform on a 10-15 degree decline. You can prop up the front end of a traditional flat bench with a few 45 pound plates if a decline isn't available.Rest 60s

BB Decline Bench Press (full ROM)

Sets: 1Load: 90% of your 1RMReps: As many as possible without compromising form.Rest: 180s before the next exercise.

A1 Drop Snatch (aka Press Under)

Sets: 3Reps: 3Load: 3RMRest: 90s

Description: Use a slightly wider than shoulder width stance with your feet slightly angled out. Rest a barbell across your upper back with a wide (snatch) grip. Drop down into a full squat while simultaneously pressing the barbell overhead. Stand up with your arms extended overhead. Lower the load and repeat.

A2 Chin-up

Sets: 3Reps: 3Load: 3RMRest: 90s

Note: The above A1/A2 sequence should go like this: A1, rest 90s, A2, rest 90s, A1, rest 90s, A2, etc. Your 3RM will likely decrease by the third set. This is true for all 3 x 3 pairings.

B1 Single-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

Sets: 3Reps: 3

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Load: 3RMRest: 60s

Description: While standing on your left leg (for example) with a dumbbell in each hand, push your hips back and let your left knee slightly bend. Keep your lower back tight (don't let it round forward). Lower until the dumbbells are at mid-shin level. Lift and repeat.

B2 1 Arm Dumbbell Row

Sets: 3Reps: 3Load: 3RMRest: 60s

Note: In the above B1/B2 sequence, don't rest between the single leg or single arm exercises. Perform 3 reps with your weakest side, then perform 3 reps for other side, then rest for 75s before moving on.

C1 Hand Walk (aka Inch Worm)

Sets: 3Reps: 5Load: Body weight (use an Xvest if body weight is too light)Rest: 75s

Description: Walk your hands out as far as your strength allows. Hold for 2s before walking your hands back.

C2 Power Clean

Sets: 3Reps: 5Load: 5RMRest: 75s

Reverse Wrist Curls

Sets: 3Reps: 5Load: 5RMRest: 90s between sets

Description: Rest the front of your forearms on a flat bench. Let your hands hang off the edge of the bench. Hold a barbell, EZ-curl bar, or dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing down. Pull your knuckles up toward the ceiling as high as possible. Let your hands drop down as far as possible with each rep. Don't let your forearms lift off the bench.

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Standing Isometric Neck Flexion

Sets: 3Duration: 30sRest: 60s

Description: You'll need a Jump Stretch band for this drill. Start out with the lightest resistance band (mini). Attach the band to a fixed object that's 6-8 inches lower than the height of your forehead (from the standing position). Loop the other end of the band around the front of your forehead so it looks like you're wearing a rubber headband when viewed from the front (my clients wrap a small towel around the section of band that's against their forehead, or you could wear a cotton stretch headband to protect your skin).

Walk forward (the band is attached behind you) to develop tension in the band (at this point, the band is trying to pull your head backward). Lean forward slightly to maintain your position with one leg in front of the other, as if you were going to take off in a sprint. Continue moving forward until you achieve a maintainable level of tension against your forehead. Hold your head and entire body super tight while the band tension tries to pull your head and body backward (your head and body should remain rigid). Maintain this position for 30s. Rest and repeat.

Note: This is an outstanding neck exercise that not only strengthens your anterior neck muscles (that's important for minimizing abrupt head extension when punched to the front of your head), but it also strengthens your core muscles. I picked up this drill from the excellent and inspirational documentary on Rickson Gracie titled Choke.

WORKOUT 2 (4 days after workout #1)


Jumping Box Squat

Sets: 5Reps: 3Load: Body weightRest: 45s between sets

Description: Straddle a flat bench or stand in front of a box. In either case, when you sit down, your hips should be just below the height of your knees. Use a wider than shoulder width stance.

From the standing position, clasp your hands behind your head. Sit back and down until you're resting on the box/bench. At this point your knee joint should be 90 degrees. While focusing on your hips/lower back, jump up and forward as hard and fast as possible. Your feet should elevate off the ground. Don't pull your head forward with your arms – focus on your hips! If you can't abstain from pulling your head forward, cross your arms at your chest.

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Explosive Clap Push-ups

Sets: 5Reps: 3Load: 12-14RMRest: 45s between sets

Description: Assume a traditional push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width (no wider). Push-up as hard and fast as possible. Clap your hands together as you elevate off the floor (no, this isn't a parlor trick, it can help improve hand speed).


Supramaximal Partial Reps: Sumo Deadlift

Sets: 1Reps: 2-3Load: 120% of your 1RMRest 60s

Description: Use a power rack with the pins set so you can only lower the load 4-6 inches. Use a sumo (wide) stance with your grip inside your legs (don't use a mixed grip). Perform 2-3 quick reps with this short range of motion. If absolutely necessary, you can use wrist straps for this exercise (but this exercise only).

Sumo Deadlift

Sets: 1Reps: One short of failure.Load: 90% of 1RMRest: 180s before the next exercise.

Note: This is a full ROM (range of motion) Sumo Deadlift.

A1 Single Leg Full Squat (a.k.a. Pistols)

Sets: 3Reps: 3Load: 3RM (hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of you if your body weight is too light)Rest: 75s

Description: Stand on your weakest leg first. Hold your other leg slightly out in front of you (soft lockout) so your heel isn't touching the ground. While keeping your torso as vertical as possible, push your hips back slightly and squat down. You can allow your heel to lift up as you approach rock bottom.

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Stand and repeat for all 3 reps. Go immediately to the other leg and do the same. Rest 75s and move to A2. (If you have balance problems with this exercise, you can stand next to the corner of a power rack and hold it to assist your stability. But you must wean yourself off the support within a few weeks.)

A2 Push Press

Sets: 3Reps: 3Load: 3RMRest: 75s

Description: This is performed like a traditional standing barbell military press, but with the assistance of leg drive. Squat down a few inches before pressing to let your legs assist the overhead pressing movement.

B1 Dips

Sets: 3Reps: 5Load: 5RMRest: 75s

B2 Side Deadlifts (a.k.a. Suitcase Deadlift)

Sets: 3Reps: 3Load: 3RMRest: 75s

Description: Squat down next to a bar that's at your side. Grip it in the middle for balance and keep your torso as rigid as possible while lifting and lowering. Let the bar briefly rest on the ground between reps to give your grip a break.


C1 External Rotation

Sets: 2Reps: 12Load: 12RMRest: 45s (don't rest between arms, start with your weakest side first)

Note: Use a dumbbell, cable, band, or whatever you fancy for the external rotation. In fact, it's best to alternate between them all.

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C2 Reverse Wrist Curls

Sets: 2Reps: 12Load: 12RM

Note: Perform with the same technique as workout #1. Feel free to alternate between dumbbells and barbells.

Standing Isometric Neck Flexion

Sets: 3Duration: 30sRest: 60s between sets

Microcycle Structure

This program should be structured in your weekly plan (microcyle) so there are four full days of rest between each workout. An example is Monday and Friday, or Tuesday and Saturday. This is because the next installment will include another endurance-focused weight-training circuit that will fit between these two workouts. So, in the end, you'll be weight-training on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or something similar.

Most of my clients favor performing these strength sessions in the first half of the day (AM hours). Then, they perform grappling, boxing, etc. in the afternoon, followed by endurance work at night. That's certainly not what you're required to do, but I'm giving you insight on the structure that many MMA fighters follow.


Supramaximal Holds: Increase the load 2-4% with each subsequent workout.

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Explosive Work: Only increase the load if your speed doesn't slow.

Maximal Strength Work: Increase the load with each subsequent workout, even if it's a very small amount. As soon as you can perform all the recommended parameters without approaching failure, increase the load to the next available amount. If the load increase forces you to perform one less rep with every set, that's fine. Stay with that load until you can perform the recommended parameters without approaching failure.

Standing Isometric Neck Drill: It's very tough for me to prescribe a progression for this drill. Ideally, you should slowly build up the duration of the hold by 5 seconds each workout. Once you work up to around 2 minutes, it's probably time to move to the next (stronger) band. But some fighters would do well to hold this position for longer than 2 minutes instead of increasing the tension. Use your best judgment and do what best suits your needs.

With regard to the loading guidelines, if I prescribe 5 reps with a 5RM, it means that you should be able to perform 5 perfect reps before drastically compromising your form or reaching failure. It doesn't mean you should go to failure on every set. I want you to work hard and strain, but I don't want you to get to the point where you can no longer move the load.

In my first installment of the Hammer Down program for mixed martial arts' (MMA) fighters, I outlined two outstanding maximal — and explosive — strength building workouts. But the purpose of the Hammer Down: Strength (HDS) portion was to develop a solid base of strength — nothing more.

If you performed nothing but the HDS workouts, you'd be in serious trouble once you stepped into the ring, dojo, octagon or dimly-lit alley.

Why Endurance is Important in MMA

Of the three installments that make up the Hammer Down series, I consider this portion most important (even though I'm hesitant to single out any of the three installments because the coalescence of the three is really what's most important). But if I had to choose one, I'd choose this endurance-focused installment.

Why? Here are the reasons:

1. Most competition fights last longer than 10 seconds. Without having sufficient levels of endurance, you'll turn into a limp-wristed Nancy-boy by the 11-second mark. After all, your most powerful energy system usually peters out within 10 seconds.

If you haven't developed the second energy system that comes into play, you're in a heap of trouble. We've all seen those monstrous muscle-heads walk into UFC or Pride fights that end up gasping for air shortly after the first round begins. Those dudes rarely end up with their arm raised at the end of the bout because their eyes are still in the back of their head while the winner is announced.

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2, Rotational strength is probably the most important strength movement quality for MMA fighters. Sure, deadlifts, cleans, squats, chins, etc. are great strength building exercises, but they only establish a base of strength: that strength base must be further enhanced with rotational movements.

If rotational strength isn't developed, the HDS workouts won't carryover well into competition. And that's why the Hammer Down: Endurance (HDE) workouts revolve around rotational movements.

I designed the Hammer Down Strength workouts so obviously I'm biased towards their effectiveness. But honestly, if I only had 8 weeks to prepare a fighter for a bout, I'd favor a guy who spent the last 6 months throwing hay bales on a farm compared to a guy who performed my HDS program. That's how important rotational strength is to fighters. (Of course, my ultimate preference would be to prepare a fighter who spent the last 6 months performing the entire Hammer Down program).

3. Being a world-class striker depends on two components: timing and distance. Each fight is unique because each fighter is unique. Even the best fighters need some time to figure out what distance is optimal in a match. Establishing distance allows a fighter to hone in their timing. And neither timing nor distance can be accurately determined within 10 or 20 seconds.

If you're someone who gets exhausted early on, you won't be able to capitalize on the distance and timing you've established because you'll be wasted of energy.

There's probably no better striker in the UFC than Chuck Liddell. Why is he such an outstanding striker? Because he understands timing and distance. But if you've ever watched him fight, you'll notice that he throws many, many punches before he can really dial-in his strikes — and he's one of the best strikers in the business! Those strikes consume energy. So you must have enough endurance to allow you to establish timing and distance.

Yeah, I know, excelling in MMA isn't just about effective striking. Many fighters depend on their ground skills to win fights. The wrestling and jiu-jitsu guys come to mind. So let's take, for example, one of the best ground fighters ever to compete in MMA: Rickson Gracie.

Even considering a guy at Rickson's level of jiu-jitsu expertise, submissions rarely occur within the first 30 seconds of a fight. He must "size up" his opponent on the ground just like Liddell must size up his opponent while standing. In either case, it doesn't happen quickly. MMA fighters must possess sufficient endurance that allows them to determine what timing, distance, or submission hold is best.

All of those activities consume energy and that's why endurance training is so important to fighters.

The Energy Systems

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The Hammer Down Endurance (HDE) workouts are designed to develop the energy system that's most important during fights: anaerobic glycolysis. Before I explain why anaerobic glycolysis is the most important energy system to develop, let me give a brief overview that outlines how energy is produced for muscle contractions.

There are three energy systems known as the ATP-PC system, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic metabolism. Here's a brief overview of each system:

The 3 Energy Systems

1. ATP-Phosphocreatine (ATP-PC) — this is the most readily available supply of energy for muscle contractions. The ATP-PC system can sustain energy needs of contracting muscle for approximately 10 seconds. Running a 40 yard dash, or performing a 1-3 repetition maximum (RM), relies on the ATP-PC system since both activities require high levels of power.

2. Anaerobic Glycolysis — once the ATP-PC system has been exhausted, anaerobic gylcolysis takes over. This system can sustain the energy needs of contracting muscles for somewhere up to 10 minutes. Importantly, anaerobic glycolysis is the system responsible for the accumulation of lactate. Anaerobic glycolysis can maintain moderate levels of power output.

3. Aerobic Metabolism — this is the last energy system that comes into play during activity. At some time past 10 minutes, aerobic metabolism takes over. This system can maintain muscle contractions for hours, even days with ultra-marathon runners. Importantly, aerobic metabolism can only maintain energy demands for low-power contractions.

A Powerful Topic

There's an inverse relationship between power and time. What I'm trying to say is this: you can't maintain high levels of power output over long periods of time. Why? Because the ATP-PC system — the system that supplies energy for your highest power activities - can't sustain your energy demands for more than ~10 seconds before exhaustion.

At this point, your second energy system, anaerobic glycolysis, must take over. Unfortunately, anaerobic glycolysis can't maintain muscular power output that's as high as the ATP-PC system (see graph below). But that's how our body was designed, so we have to deal with it.

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Except for the first round in Pride events, MMA rounds typically last 5 minutes. So it's clear that anaerobic glycolysis is the system you want developed to the highest level. But let's not forget that many fights can last up to 25 minutes in UFC championship bouts. This is where it becomes important for MMA fighters to work with trainers who understand how to develop anaerobic glycolysis.

Note that the above graph depicts the normal relationship between muscle contractions, power, and the appropriate energy system. In other words, if I put a typical healthy person through a cycling protocol and told him to pedal at the fastest rate he could muster for 30 minutes, the above graph depicts what role each energy system would play during the test.

He would be able to develop high levels of power within the first 10 seconds; moderate levels of power for 8-10 minutes, and low levels of power past the 10 minute mark. However, each system can be developed to work more efficiently — precisely the reason why you train.

As an exercise physiologist, I know there's a limit to how much any of the three systems can be developed. Remember I said that the ATP-PC system can only sustain high levels of power for approximately 10 seconds. Well, that sucks for two reasons.

The first reason is because this system is what maintains energy demands during your most powerful activities. If I could somehow develop this system to work for 15-25 minutes, that would be incredible for both you and me. Unfortunately, since the typical limit for ATP-PC activity is 10 seconds, I'd be a simpleton to think that I could stretch out its capacity to 15-25 minutes.

On the other hand, anaerobic glycolysis can already sustain moderate levels of power output for up to 10 minutes. If we really challenge this system through proper training, it's likely that we augment its role in energy demands. Ideally, a proper endurance-focused training plan would enhance anaerobic glycolysis like this:

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Why not focus endurance training on aerobic metabolism? After all, aerobic metabolism can sustain energy demands for the longest period of time, right? That's true, but we want to develop the system that can sustain the highest level of power possible. The ATP-PC system would be the best candidate, but there's no way you could enhance it enough to function for 15-25 minutes. So, by default, that leaves us with anaerobic glycolysis.

But make no mistake about it: aerobic metabolism will play a role in any fight that lasts longer than a few minutes. However, if your endurance training favors aerobic metabolism, your results will not be optimal since it can't sustain a moderate-high output of power.

The Lactic Acid Controversy

As I already mentioned, anaerobic glycolysis is responsible for the production of lactic acid. As you probably remember from your college physiology courses, anaerobic means "without oxygen." Because there's no oxygen, the cell converts pyruvate to lactate. This causes an accumulation of lactate that — for the last century — has been linked to decreased performance.

You see, it's been purported that lactate is detrimental to athletes because it impedes force production (1). A lower pH slows the rate at which muscle can hydrolyze ATP during contractions — or so scientists thought.

Currently, that hypothesis is being refuted.

As recently reported in the NY Times, it appears that lactate might actually fuel your muscles, not impair them (2). Regarding the notion that lactic acid decreases force production and, thus, is a key player in the accumulation of fatigue, Dr. George A. Brooks from the University of California Berkeley stated, "It's one of the classic mistakes in the history of science." (2)

How's that for a shocker?!

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So this current lactic acid position further supports my recommendation to train within sustainable levels of anaerobic glycolysis. I make that possible because the HDE program is too long to emphasize the ATP-PC system, and too demanding to favor aerobic metabolism. In essence, this program will force you to more effectively use lactate to fuel your contractions.

Throw Away Your Running Shoes (For Now)

When someone mentions endurance training, what comes to mind? Most of you would probably first think of running or jogging. Sure, those are acceptable activities to build endurance, but they sure as hell aren't the best methods to increase MMA-specific endurance!

If MMA events consisted of nothing more than running in a straight line, I could finish up this article in a hurry: run to the point of exhaustion. The next day, run farther.

And you know what? That's exactly what many MMA fighters have done in the past. In fact, that's how most MMA fighters still build endurance. But I'm here to kimura that dogma into submission and show you a much more effective way to build ass-stompin' endurance.

Yep, there won't be any long-distance running in this program. That statement alone will probably cause many aerobic zealots to lash out at me in furious anger. Why no running, you say? After all, fighters have built endurance with long-distance running since the dawn of man, right? Didn't Rocky Balboa spend his days running through the streets of Philadelphia? And he beat-up everyone who stood in front of him!

Well, this ain't the movies. All of those UFC, Pride, and K-1 fighters are held in the highest regard because they are putting their health on the line every time they sign the dotted line. And if you've ever stood in a ring or dojo against another fighter who was bloodthirsty, you know how humbling that feeling can be. So you better be prepared.

Long distance running should be avoided by MMA fighters because it challenges aerobic metabolism. As mentioned, this energy system isn't designed to play a significant role during high and moderate levels of power output. If you want to be a great fighter, you'd better be powerful.

Second, long-distance running or cycling causes a muscle fiber type shift away from high-force to low-force capabilities (type IIB/X -> type IIA and type IIA -> type I). Numerous studies have demonstrated that our physiology is very efficient at shifting our muscle fibers toward the lower end of the force-producing spectrum during typical long distance endurance training (too many studies to reference for that statement).

Long-distance running makes you less powerful, period.

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Bottom line: if you want to build powerful endurance, you should develop the system that works for the longest period of time at the highest level. By default, the system of choice is anaerobic glycolysis.

Enough with the science talk, let's move on.

What You Should Understand

Fighting is a total body sport. That's why it makes little sense to spend so much time performing a lower-body dominant exercise such as running. Why not perform movements that challenge your entire body for extended periods of time? After all, I've yet to see one fight where both fighters ran around the ring and never used their upper body.

Endurance training for MMA fighters should consist of exercises that are more similar in nature to real-world fights: the exercises should challenge your entire body.

The deadlift is a great exercise for fighters because it strengthens the posterior chain along with the traps, and gripping muscles. Indeed, those are important muscles that aid in overall power and force capabilities. But it's a rare day when you see one fighter squat down with his feet set to lift his opponent with both hands.

On the other hand, virtually every fight is dominated by movements where the feet aren't set in a perfect stance and rotational strength is being challenged.

So it makes sense to perform exercises that mirror the movements often portrayed in fights. Basically, you're going to see some strange, esoteric movements in this installment. In fact, it's likely that you've never seen some of the movements I'm about to depict. But when you look at the pics, and think about the movements, you'll soon realize that I've left few stones unturned.

With regard to the exercises in this workout, let me give you a few caveats.

First, I designed these workouts to be as effective and relevant as possible to MMA fighters. Because of that, I had to prescribe exercises that use cable pulleys, medicine balls, and many throwing drills. I know that many of you don't have access to such devices, and many of you work out in gyms that don't allow you to throw medicine balls. But there's simply no way around the issue. I had to pick exercises that were most effective - without regard for anything else. Do your best to find a location that makes the following exercises a viable option for you.

Second, you'll notice that many of the movements appear to mimic an activity such as a punch. That's both true and false. Yes, some of the movements are designed similar to typical strikes and throws, but the movements should not be considered technique training. The Hammer Down program is intended to develop the fitness qualities that will enhance your technique training - not replace it.

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Third, with regard to technique training (actual striking and rolling in the gym or dojo), I'm a big proponent of practicing your fighting styles while fresh.

I know some trainers who work their fighters to the point of exhaustion with weight training before throwing them into a ring with an opponent. These trainers are under the assumption that teaching a fighter to fight in a fatigued state is beneficial to fighters since they'll end up in a fatigued state at some point during their bouts. I don't agree, at all.

Practicing your strikes, throws, and kicks while fatigued only reinforces poor motor patterns. You should develop your techniques while fresh in order to enhance the proper motor pattern. This is where the adage, "Perfect practice makes perfect" becomes very relevant.

In other words, don't perform these workouts before your technique training. Perform these workouts at least 6 hours after, or on a different day. Keep your resistance training and technique training separated.

The Hammer Down Endurance (HDE) Program

Perform the following circuit without resting between exercises. If you can't finish the entire circuit, pace yourself for the next workout so you can complete it - even if you must move at a moderate pace. Over time, increase the speed of execution of each movement so you end up flying through the circuit.

Rope Skipping

Duration: 3 minutes

Note: Perform the rope skipping by alternating feet with each revolution of the rope. In other words, don't hop up and down with your feet together — skip with each revolution. Focus on speed.

Cable Twist Press

Reps: 15 on each side (30 total)

Description: Follow the sequence of pics and perform each portion as fast as possible. The pulley should be set at forehead height while you're kneeling on one leg. Make an effort to twist your body as much as possible with each position.

Note: The following four pics depict one repetition. After the downward pressing portion, return to the starting position and perform 14 more reps. Don't rest before doing the same on the left side.

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Cable Twist Pull

Reps: 15 on each side (30 total)

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Lunging Throw

Reps: 10 on each side (20 total)

Description: From a crouching position with your left leg forward, explode up and throw the medicine ball straight forward. When you release the ball, maintain your position (don't step forward with your back leg). After throwing the medicine ball, run to it and perform the same movement with your right leg forward. Alternate legs with each rep for a total of 20 reps.

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Side Throwdown

Reps: 15 on each side (30 total)

Description: From a standing position with your left leg forward and with the medicine ball held overhead, throw down the medicine ball as you twist to your right side. At the same time that you throw the ball down to the right, lift your right knee up. Grab the ball and repeat on the left side. Alternate sides with each rep for a total of 30 reps.

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Backwards Overhead Throw

Reps: 10 on each leg (20 total)

Description: With your left leg forward, crouch down while holding the medicine ball in both hands. Throw the ball backwards, over your head, as explosively as possible. Your feet should elevate off the floor. Run to the ball and do the same with your right leg forward. Continue for a total of 20 reps.

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Shuffle Splits

Duration: 3 minutes

Description: Perform shuffle splits by jumping up just high enough to switch your legs in the air. Continue jumping and switching legs for a total of 3 minutes.

Side Scoop Throw

Reps: 10 on each side (20 total)

Description: With your left leg forward, crouch down and twist to your right side with the medicine ball in your hands. Explode up and throw the ball over your left shoulder with both hands as fast as possible. Run to the ball and do the same with your right leg forward. Continue for 20 reps.

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Run Sprawl

Reps: 10

Description: This drill starts by running in place for 10s as fast as possible. Then, quickly drop down into the sprawl position. Immediately after you drop into the sprawl, pull your left knee up to your chest and stand up from that position. Repeat the 10s run in place, followed by the sprawl. After you drop down into the sprawl a second time, pull your right knee up to your chest and stand up. This sequence constitutes one rep. Perform this entire sequence 10 times.

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Overhead Walking Lunges with Drag

Reps: 20 on each leg (40 total)

Description: With the medicine ball held overhead, perform walking lunges continuously for 20 reps on each leg (40 total). You should not raise up with each step, stay low by dragging your back foot forward with each step.

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Jumping Jack Push-up Climber

Reps: 20

Description: Perform one jumping jack while jumping as high as possible. Then, quickly drop down and perform one push-up. Next, perform the mountain climber by pulling your left knee up towards your chest, then switch legs by pulling your right knee up towards your chest. From there, jump both feet up towards your chest into the tuck position. Lastly, stand up and return to the jumping jack. That's one rep. Perform 20 total "reps."

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180 Lunges

Reps: 10 on each leg (20 total)

Description: From the standing position, step back with your right leg into a reverse lunge. Return to starting position. Step back at an angle into a reverse lunge. Return to starting position. Step directly out to the side. Return to starting position. Step forward at an angle. Return to starting position. Finish by stepping straight ahead into a forward lunge. Return to starting position. Do the same sequence with the left leg. Alternate the entire 180-degree sequence with each leg until you perform 10 on each side.

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Reverse Crunches on Slant

Reps: 20 to failure

Description: While lying on an abdominal slant board with your head at the highest position, hold your legs straight out so they're parallel to the floor. Pull your knees into your chest as you roll your hips up. Lower and repeat. Hold a dumbbell between your feet if you need to increase the resistance.

Cable Crunches

Reps: 20 to failure

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Description: With the pulley set on its highest position, use a rope or v-bar attachment with your hands at forehead height. Focus on contracting your abdominals before you crunch down. Perform each crunch explosively.

Rope Skipping

Duration: 3 minutes

Key Points for HDE

Now, allow me to explain some key training points for this program.

1. Perform all movements as fast as possible. There's really no such thing as perfect form for any of these movements, so work hard and fast.

2. Make an effort to really accentuate the twisting portion of each movement. In other words, try to make each exercise as total-body (demanding) as possible.

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3. You'll notice that JM is holding his hands up during most of the drills. I do this with all my clients who compete in striking sports. No, it won't make you a better striker, but it will train your nervous system and endurance to become very comfortable with your hands elevated. I've yet to see one fighter benefit from holding his hands low during a fight. Therefore, when training for MMA — even if it's not technique training — it's a good idea to reinforce the hands-up position.

4. Fighters' joints take a serious beating while they're practicing their fighting techniques. So it makes little sense to keep hammering away at their joint integrity with haphazard endurance drills. Therefore, the HDE circuit is designed to build explosive endurance strength without excessively stressing the joints.

HDE Progression

Duration of Workout: Depending on how fast you perform each movement and how quickly you can move between exercises, this circuit should take you between 20-25 minutes to complete.

The ultimate goal is to condition yourself so you can perform the entire circuit as fast as possible without resting. That's very tough to do! The drills might look simple, but they accumulate fatigue at a rapid pace.

Loading: Each exercise should be performed with the heaviest load you can handle while maintaining the fastest tempo possible. That's very important. My suggestion is to start with a load that's lighter than you think you could handle.

After the circuit is finished, if you feel you could've used more weight, or a heavier medicine ball — do it. But always remember that the goal is to keep your speed of execution as high as possible.

To establish my point regarding the importance of keeping the training load light, I'll mention a study that was referenced in Zatsiorsky's Science and Practice of Strength Training. The study demonstrated that a medicine ball with load of only 2.0 kg had the greatest carryover to sport (2).

But this was demonstrated with water polo players. MMA fighters tend to be stronger, and more highly conditioned. Nevertheless, the study supports my recommendation of keeping the load light so your speed of movement will not suffer.

The ultimate goal of HDE is to build explosive-endurance strength. If you use a load that's too heavy for any of your movements, your rate of force development will suffer. As I mentioned in the first installment, that's not good. You must be able to develop maximal force as quickly as possible.

Once you enhance your conditioning to the point where you can complete the circuit without rest, it's time to use an X-vest. This is a vest that looks like a bullet-proof vest with some lead weights in it. Start out with around 15 lbs loaded in the vest for your first 2-3 workouts. Then, increase the vest in 5 lb increments every 2-3 workouts until the vest is completely loaded (40 lbs for a typical X-vest).

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Medicine Ball vs. Sandbags: I actually prefer sandbags over medicine balls for all of the drills that depict a medicine ball. But I know sandbags aren't the most common tool in training gyms. Nevertheless, if you can find one, or make one that's light enough — use it.

It goes without saying that the sandbags make this workout more difficult. Due to the larger surface area and non-static shape of the sandbags, they carry-over extremely well to sport by making each exercise more unstable and challenging - just like a fight.

Frequency: Perform this circuit three times each week. Ideally, I'd like you to perform this workout in the PM hours on the days you perform the HDS program. The third HDE workout should be spaced 48 hours from the other two workouts. Here's how your weekly plan would look.



Day 1

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Day 6 Day 7


Off Fighting

Off HD:S

Off Off



HD:E Fighting




Of course, the above weekly plan is just a sample. Use whichever schedule works best but try to keep it as close to the above as possible.

First and foremost, MMA fighters should focus on the HDE circuit. Once they can perform three circuits each week at a rapid pace, it's time to augment the system.

Running for Power

Am I saying that MMA fighters shouldn't run? Of course not! What I'm trying to stress is the importance of not running for an hour, or more, as many fighters do. That's why I designed HDE. Fighters should first focus on HDE because it builds the type of endurance that will help them most: total body, explosive-endurance strength.

Running should be a part of any advanced conditioning program, but it must be performed correctly so power isn't compromised. Considering how demanding the HDE workouts are, I recommend that you run for no more than 2 miles.

Why such a relatively short distance? Because if you limit your runs to 2 miles, you'll be able to run at a much faster pace than you could for, say, 10 miles. That's good because a shorter run will focus on building the anaerobic glycolysis energy system. You'll be able to keep your power output high, and you won't force unnecessary muscle fiber shifts that occur with 60 minute runs.

The ultimate goal of the 2-mile runs is to finish them in 11-12 minutes. This time-frame fits perfectly within the capabilities of the anaerobic glycolysis energy system.

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So once you master the HDE workouts, you can incorporate one 2-mile run into your weekly plan. The next week, add another 2 mile run. The third week, add a third 2-mile run. During the fourth week I recommend you drop down to two HDE and 2 mile runs each week to give your body a break. The fifth week, return to three HDE workouts along with three 2-mile runs.

I prefer the 2-mile runs be performed after your HDE circuit. If you did the run first, it would greatly compromise your performance during HDE. So arrange your runs after the HDE is finished.

Once you complete the HDE circuit on any given day, rest for 5 minutes before performing the 2-mile run. Even if you have the capacity to move directly to the run after the HDE circuit is completed, it's not a good idea because you'll merge too far into the aerobic metabolism energy system (something we don't want).

Finally, don't run on a treadmill! When you run on a treadmill, the rotating surface pulls your leg back with each stride — not good. Your glutes should be pulling your leg back, not the rotating belt. Run on a track, in the forest, on a sidewalk... hell, run along the damn interstate if it's your only option.

To recap: complete the HDE circuit as fast as possible, rest for 5 minutes, then perform the 2 mile run as fast as possible. Focus on increasing your speed with each workout.

Once you work up to three HDE circuits and three 2-mile runs, your weekly plan should look similar to this:



Day 1

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Day 6 Day 7


Off Fighting

Off HD:S

Off Off


2 mile run



2 mile run



2 mile run



Three HDE circuits followed by three 2-mile runs each week will develop all the explosive endurance you'll ever need for a fight. You'll be a frightening machine of power and endurance once you get to such a level of conditioning.


As with all demanding workouts, I recommend that you use Spike before your workouts to increase performance.

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All workouts should begin with 1/2 serving of Surge mixed in water. Take the first serving of Surge anywhere from 30-0 minutes before your workout. Ideally, you should probably consume the first serving 30 minutes before your workout since the HDE workout can make you feel... well, nauseous. Immediately after your workout, consume one full serving of Surge mixed in 5-8g of micronized creatine.

I can't overly-stress the importance of taking an anti-inflammatory supplement like Flameout. All fighters should consume 6 capsules every day (3 in the A.M., 3 in the P.M.)


So that's it for the second installment of the Hammer Downprogram for MMA fighters. I encourage all of you fighters to incorporate this program into your regimen, in place of long-distance running. I guarantee that the carry-over to your performance in competition will be outstanding. If I'm lying, you can blindfold, hog-tie, and throw me into the ring against Chuck and Rickson!

Stay tuned for the final installment: Hammer Down: Mobility!

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