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Handpieces and Burs: The Cutting EdgeA Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by David Little, DDS


Educational ObjectivesThe overall goal of this article is to provide the clinician with infor-mation on handpiece and bur technologies, as well as the updated guidelines for the sterilization of handpieces and dental burs.

Upon completion of this course, the clinician will be able to do the following:1. Describe the historical development of handpieces.2. Describe the types of handpieces currently available and their

advantages and disadvantages.3. Describe the types of burs currently available and their use for

specific dental procedures. 4. Describe the appropriate methods for ensuring the sterility of

dental handpieces and burs.

AbstractDental handpieces and burs are among the most frequently used mechanical devices in dentistry. Handpieces have evolved from primitive cutting tools introduced in the nineteenth cen-tury to highly efficient and sophisticated devices. Traditional handpieces are either air-driven or electrically driven. A more recent introduction utilizes technology from both air-driven and electric handpieces, and includes a control mechanism to adapt torque to clinical situations. Burs for dental procedures typically are fabricated from tungsten carbide or diamond particle coat-ings, with ceramic and zirconia burs also available. Bur designs include many configurations and sizes, with bur selection de-pending on the type of procedure, the clinician’s preference and the bur’s overall effectiveness. The selection of an appropriate handpiece and appropriate burs is key for the safe and effective removal of dental hard tissues and caries in an efficient manner that also maximizes ergonomics for the clinician and minimizes patient discomfort. Handpieces and burs become contaminated during dental procedures. To prevent any risk of cross-infection from these devices, all handpieces and burs should be heat steril-ized between patients in accordance with the recently published, updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

IntroductionHandpieces and burs are among the most frequently used me-chanical devices in dentistry. High-speed handpieces are used for restorative procedures and endodontic access, while low-speed handpieces are used for restorative, oral and periodontal surgery, as well as endodontic, orthodontic, hygiene and laboratory pro-cedures. The first commercial foot-treadle dental engine or drill was manufactured following a patent award in 1871 to James B. Morrison1; until approximately half a century ago, dentists used belt-driven (belt and pulley) handpieces to cut teeth. Initially only straight handpieces were available. These were slow and laborious to use and uncomfortable for the patient. In the late 1940s, a high-speed air-driven handpiece was introduced follow-ing its invention by John Patrick Walsh of New Zealand, and a model known as the Borden handpiece or Airotor, which incor-porated a contra-angle design, was subsequently introduced in the United States in the 1950s by Dr. John Borden.

Figure 1. High-speed air-driven handpiece from the 1960s

The other traditional type of handpiece is electrically driven; the first such handpieces were patented in the 1870s.2 Early electric handpieces were heavy and cum-bersome, resulting in poor ergonomics for the clinician. As both the practice of dentistry and dental technology have pro-gressed, handpieces have evolved. Low-speed handpieces have speeds ranging from less than 100 revolutions per minute (rpm) to typically around 20,000 rpm and up to 40,000 rpm, depend-ing on the type of handpiece. High-speed electric handpieces have a typical speed in the range of 200,000 rpm, while high speed air-driven handpieces operate at up to 400,000 rpm and are usually used within the 180,000 to 330,000 rpm range. Simi-larly, burs have evolved from crude cutting instruments to highly sophisticated devices in a variety of shapes and materials, used and selected depending on the procedures and the substance to be cut. Modern handpieces and burs have reduced the time re-quired for hard tissue removal and the potential for trauma to the tooth, have diminished patient discomfort, and have improved ergonomics for the patient and clinician alike. In addition to handpieces, over the last two decades first air abrasion and later hard-tissue lasers were introduced as cutting instruments to re-move dental hard tissue.

Modern handpieces and burs have reduced the time required for hard tissue removal and the potential for trauma to the tooth

Handpieces and Cutting InstrumentsCurrent high-speed and low-speed handpiece options include traditional air-driven and electric handpieces. Irrespective of the type of handpiece used, the needs of the clinician remain the same – a device that is safe and effective; offers a range of speeds to maximize productivity and minimize trauma to the hard tissues for a given task; enables both gross removal of dental hard tis-sues and restorative materials as well as preparation refinement; offers sufficient power and torque for procedures; enables easy placement and adequate retention of burs and facilitates their removal following use; minimizes patient discomfort; has a long life; requires minimum, preferably no, routine maintenance; and can be repeatedly sterilized without damaging or reducing the life of the handpiece. From an ergonomics perspective, the handpiece should enable or enhance visualization of the opera-tive field; have a head size and length that maximize access and visibility at the site; have a weight, configuration and grip that is comfortable for the clinician and minimizes operator fatigue and wear; produce minimal noise; and emit no vibration (which also avoids the development over time of hand-arm vibration syndrome in the clinician).3 3

Table 1. Handpiece requirements

Safe and effectiveWide range of speedsMaximizes productivityMinimizes dental traumaEnables gross hard-tissue removalEnables preparation refinementOffers sufficient power and torqueEasy placement and removal of bursGood bur retentionMinimizes patient discomfortNo maintenance requirementsLongevityEnables or enhances visualizationLightweightGood grip and handle configurationErgonomically designedNo noise or vibrationEasy to sterilize

The clinical requirements of handpieces are met by different methods, and to varying degrees, depending on the specific type of handpiece used. While the ideal handpiece does not exist, recently introduced handpieces more closely meet clinical needs than do earlier iterations.

Air-driven handpiecesAir-driven handpieces operate using a compressor to produce compressed air that drives the handpiece. Internally, the handpiece consists of a turbine containing bearings and o-rings, and a chuck mechanism is used to introduce burs, hold the burs while static or rotating during use, and to release them. The chuck utilizes either a friction grip or a push-button mechanism, depending on the model. Friction grip chuck mechanisms are more popular.

Figure 2. Air-driven handpiece turbines

Air-driven handpieces have wider/thinner and longer/shorter handpiece components and varying contra-angle con-figurations and designs.

Figure 3. Contemporary high-speed air-driven handpieces

The latest air-driven handpieces are available with full-size, mid-size or miniature heads. Smaller heads and lighter, more er-gonomic handles offer greater visibility and reduce the potential for operator fatigue.

Figure 4. Typical high-speed handpiece head sizes

Stylus ATC 990

Stylus ATC 890

8.5 mm

13.0 mm


9.8 mm

Stylus ATC 990

10.2 mm


The cutting force used by the clinician during operation of an air-driven handpiece depends on the procedure (cutting of metal versus ceramics for instance) and the torque level of the handpiece. In a study involving 31 dentists preparing Class II preparations, the cutting force used with tungsten carbide burs in traditional air-driven handpieces was found to depend on the handpiece’s torque level. Handpieces with a higher torque level were found to result in a mean cutting force of 1.44 Newtons, while lower torque level resulted in a mean cutting force of 1.2 Newtons.4


Figure 5. Contemporary low-speed air-driven handpiece attachments

Compared to electric handpieces, air-driven high-speed hand-pieces offer less power with a lower available torque, and are liable to stall or hesitate during use if increased force is applied or the bur meets a harder material. While it has been suggested that the higher torque of high-speed electric handpieces can result in an increase in tooth cracking or heating, a recent study found no evidence of this.5

Smaller heads and lighter, ergonomically-designed handles offer greater visibility and reduce the potential for operator fatigue

Slower speeds are achieved with compressed air by us-ing slow-speed handpieces and attachments. These tend to be heavier than high-speed handpieces.

Figure 6. Low-speed air-driven straight handpieces

Maintenance is an important consideration for all types of hand-pieces to help prevent wear and tear and degradation of internal components. Signs of deterioration in the function of air-driven handpieces include noise or clatter, bearing resistance, increased stalling, and decreased free-running speed. In clinical practice, in-creased noise often serves as a good proxy for mechanical testing for imminent bearing failure.6 At that time, the handpiece must be re-paired with new bearings to avoid compromising clinical outcomes as well as overheating of the handpiece as bearing degradation continues. Failure to replace a failing chuck mechanism can result in acentric bur rotation, lowered efficiency and vibration, and in the worst-case scenario can result in injury to the patient caused by a loose or lost bur and includes the potential for swallowing of a bur, or worse yet its inhalation.

In clinical practice, increased noise in air-driven handpeices often signals imminent bearing failure and a

requirement to repair the handpiece

In the United States, air-driven handpieces are still the hand-piece of choice, although the use of electric handpieces has increased.

Electric handpiecesElectrically driven handpieces operate using a simple electricity supply to power the electric motor through a control unit.

Figure 7. Electric handpiece units

Electric handpieces operate at a minimum speed of 20 rpm and up to 200,000 rpm, depending on the specific handpiece and attachments used. Electric handpieces use a motor, so the attainable rpm is pri-marily determined by the motor attachment used.

The motor attachments are categorized by their “gear reduc-tion” – whether they increase or decrease the basic speed of the electric motor. Gear reducers range from a high speed of 1:5 to a low speed of 16:1. For preparations, a high-speed attachment is used while a ratio attachment of 1:1 down to 10:1 is used for caries removal, depending on how soft and deep the caries is. A 10:1 ratio and lower is also used for endodontic procedures, composite polish-ing as well as other procedures.

Figure 8. Electric motor attachments and speed reducers

Recent systems enable smaller variations of the speed at the control unit, as well as allowing the operator to set the desired speed for the procedure and amount of water spray. The control unit may use visual or touch displays, depending on the model.

Given the variation in speeds that can be obtained with motor attachments, a single electric handpiece can be used with differ-ing motor attachments for all high-speed (restorative and end-odontic access) and low-speed (restorative, hygiene, endodontic, surgical and laboratory) procedures. Recent trends include the use of fewer micromotor attachments for a greater range of speeds. An air compressor link is still necessary to supply water spray through the handpiece for irrigation and cooling.

Recent trends in electric handpieces include the use of fewer micromotor attachments for a greater range of speeds

Unlike air-driven handpieces, electric handpieces operate at a constant torque, avoiding the potential for reduced speeds and stalling when increased pressure is applied or when old restora-tions are being removed. It has been suggested that together with 5

the high speed and high torque offered by the electric handpiece, these features result in more precise preparations and better-defined margins; however, one study of Class I preparations (each prepared separately with an electric or air-driven handpiece) carried out by 86 dental students and assessed by a clinical instructor, found that there were no statistical differences in either the specified basic preparation or refinement of the preparation (including well-defined cavosurface margin and flat, smooth walls).7 Electric handpieces typically offer quicker preparation and improved cutting efficiency compared to air-driven handpieces.

Electric handpieces operate at a constant torque and typically offer quicker preparation and improved cutting efficiency

compared to air-driven handpieces

When using an electric handpiece, attention must be paid to ensure that the head of the handpiece (“back cap area”) does not overheat. Cases have been reported of patient burns – including third-degree burns – associated with overheating of the head of an electric handpiece.8 Overheating can occur if an electric handpiece is poorly maintained, because the unit compensates for poor function by automatically increasing power – which in turn rapidly generates more heat. Unlike air-driven handpieces, which perform slowly and haltingly when damaged, malfunctioning is thus less readily appar-ent until it is advanced. Maintenance of electric handpieces is criti-cal to avoid undetected overheating. In addition, as with air-driven handpieces, failing chuck mechanisms must be replaced.

Regular maintenance of electric handpieces is critical to avoid undetected overheating and the potential for patient burns

Electric handpieces are known for their flexible functionality and operation at reduced noise levels. They can be fully integrated into the chairside module with a display box or used as a tabletop model. In addition, unlike early models, current handpieces are lighter, smaller and ergonomically designed to decrease operator fatigue and to maxi-mize visualization of the operative field. Recent electric handpiece models are less cumbersome overall than earlier variants.

Hybrid handpieces – air- and electric-driven featuresA hybrid handpiece has recently been introduced that utilizes technol-ogy based on both air-driven and electrically driven handpieces. This hybridization has resulted in a handpiece (Stylus ATC) with some of the benefits found in both categories of traditional handpieces.

As with traditional air-driven handpieces, this handpiece oper-ates using a turbine and compressed air. Unlike traditional air-driven handpieces, however, it contains technology that alters the level of torque depending on the task at hand. The adaptive torque control (ATC) is achieved using a torque control unit that monitors the bur speed and adjusts the torque accordingly by automatically increasing the power. In addition, when the bur is not under load, the unit reduces the power and speed to conserve bearings in the turbine.

Figure 9. Torque control unit

The torque control unit can be retrofitted onto an existing chair con-sole by attaching it under the console with the coupling to the hand-piece, which sits in the handpiece holders already on the console.

The torque control unit monitors the bur speed and adjusts thetorque accordingly by automatically increasing the power

The handpiece has been designed to offer a clinician-friendly lightweight handle, ergonomic grip and contra-angle design handpiece in mini and medium head sizes to offer the same vi-sualization of the operative field offered by premium traditional air-driven and electric handpieces. It should be noted that an ATC handpiece is compatible only with an ATC unit, and vice versa. The handpiece cannot be used with other systems, and the unit cannot be used with other handpieces.

In vitro testing has found differences between this hybrid hand-piece and traditional high-speed air-driven handpieces.

Increasing the power to adjust the torque results in a level of efficiency and reduced chairside time for the removal of dental hard tissues and old restorations typically associ-ated with an electric handpiece. This hybrid handpiece is lighter than electric handpieces and incorporates a mini or medium-size head, depending on the clinician’s preference.

Figure 10. Operating power






50K 100K 150K 200K 250K 300K

Speed (RPM)


er (W



StylusTM ATC

Conventional Large Head Handpiece

Conventional Mid Size Head Handpiece


As shown in Table 2, electric and air-driven handpieces each have advantages, and ATC handpieces offer hybrid advantages.

Increasing the power to adjust the torque results in a level of efficiency and reduced chairside time

Air abrasion and hard-tissue lasersAir abrasion involves the use of a fine silica or aluminum oxide powder sprayed at high speed onto the tooth surface. Precision is required to ensure appropriate tooth preparation and to avoid trauma to soft tissues. When used appropriately by an experienced clinician, air abrasion can offer precise removal of hard tissue; its ap-plication is limited, however, because air abrasion cannot be used to remove dental alloys.

Er:YAG (erbium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet) lasers have been introduced that cut dental hard tissues and most recently an Er,Cr3+:YSGG laser that cuts soft and hard tissues. These have been found to be safe and precise when used appropriately, and to generate the same degree of heat in in vitro studies as a high-speed air turbine.9 Er:YAG lasers have been found to produce a microre-tentive morphological pattern in dental hard tissue.10 Dental hard tissue lasers have the advantage of not producing any noise or vibra-tion. As with air abrasion devices, hard tissue lasers do not have the ability to remove dental alloys.

Given these constraints, air abrasion devices and lasers are adjunc-tive devices in the dental office with high- and low-speed handpieces still required in the same office. In contrast, handpieces can be used for all hard tissue and alloy-cutting procedures.

Air abrasion units and hard-tissue lasers are adjunctive devices

Handpiece Maintenance and SterilizationWith the advent and recognition of HIV infection, and concerns about the transmission of other viruses and micro-organisms, cross-infection of patients resulting from use of dental handpieces is a real concern. Chin et al. conducted an in vitro study followed by an in vivo study of internal contamination in low-speed air-driven handpieces used with prophy angles. In the in vitro study, the in-vestigators assessed contamination inside the nosecone, motor and prophy angles. Using two handpiece types and a sample of 160 tests where the prophy angle end was contaminated in vitro with Geoba-cillus stearothermophilus, it was determined that the motor became contaminated in 20% of cases. When the internal motor was con-taminated, on the other hand, the microbes were transmitted to the prophy angle in 47% of 160 other samples.11 In the later in vivo study of 20 subjects, 75% of the 420 samples obtained from slow-speed handpiece/prophy angle systems were found to be contaminated by oral flora.12 This underscores the importance of thorough cleaning and sterilization of all handpieces between patients to avoid the risk of cross-contamination and cross-infection.

The updated guidelines issued in November 2008 by the Cen-ters for Disease Control and Prevention state that dental offices must heat sterilize handpieces following use in a single patient and recommend that they be steam sterilized (autoclaved).

While autoclaving handpieces is an essential component of cur-rent infection control practices, repeated autoclaving over time can result in deterioration and degradation of the turbine; the most re-cent generation of handpieces, however, is more autoclave-resistant than handpieces available in the early 1990s. A recent study investi-gated the potential for high-speed air-driven handpiece degradation following repeated sterilization after simulated clinical use. The handpieces were assessed for a number of mechanical parameters – including power, speed, noise, eccentricity and chuck performance – after up to 1,000 simulated uses and sterilizations. The study

Air-Driven models Electric models ATC modelsHigh torque No Yes AdaptableConstant bur speed No Yes YesCutting efficiency + ++ +++Stalls with increased force Yes No NoHigh-speed handpieces/attachments Yes Yes YesLow-speed handpieces/attachments Yes Yes NoQuiet operation + ++ ++Integrated fiber-optics Yes/No Yes/No YesPush-button chuck Yes Yes YesFriction grip chuck Yes Yes YesUses standard/short-shank burs Yes/No Yes YesCross-compatibility of handpieces and units Some Some NoErgonomicsLight-weight Yes No YesMini-head Yes/No Yes/No YesSwivel feature Yes/No Yes/No YesSize Smaller Larger SmallerMaintenance Maintenance requirements Yes Yes YesPotential for autoclave degradation Yes No YesRisk of head overheating without warning No Yes No

Table 2. Air-driven, electric and ATC (hybrid) handpieces 7

concluded that increased numbers of cycles resulted in increased eccentricity and that the evaluated handpieces would be effective for at least 500 cycles.13 A second study assessing handpiece ball bearings found no degradation after 300 autoclave cycles for any handpieces studied.14

Updated guidelines issued in November 2008 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that dental offices

autoclave handpieces following use in a single patient

To reduce the risk of turbine degradation, the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, lubricating and sterilizing the handpiece must be followed. A number of techniques are available for clean-ing and lubricating prior to autoclaving. Certain cleaning solutions and foam sprays are available that are introduced into the inner area of the handpiece. Debris must be removed, the inner surfaces cleaned, and the handpiece lubricated. Depending on the spray selected and the manufacturer’s instructions, lubrication after autoclaving may or may not be required. In addition to manual cleaning and lubricating, automated machines are available with short cycles of automated cleaning and lubricating. Another au-tomated system has a 35-second cycle time and delivers cleaning solution through air/water lines, as well as oiling turbines and chucks prior to sterilization.

Failure to clean handpieces prior to sterilization results in a failure to sterilize the handpiece due to the presence of debris, and also clogs chuck mechanisms and turbines. Failure to lubricate handpieces – with the exception of lube-free handpieces, which do not require lubrication – contributes significantly to early bearing failure.

Handpieces must be sterilized following cleaning and lubrica-tion. If a handpiece cannot be heat sterilized, it should be safely and permanently discarded.15 Heat sterilization methods include the use of dry heat, chemical vapor or, most commonly, the pres-surized steam of an autoclave. The CDC guidelines recommend autoclaving of handpieces (steam sterilization). The instructions from both the handpiece manufacturer and the autoclave manu-facturer must be followed to avoid potential damage to the hand-piece and to ensure that the sterilization cycle is effective.

Burs The three basic parts of a bur are the head, the neck and the shank.

Figure 11. Head, neck and shank of a bur


Dental restorative burs are typically made from tungsten carbide or a diamond particle coating of varying degrees of roughness depending on the purpose of the bur, bonded to the underlying metal bur head. Ceramic burs are also available and are used for dental restorative procedures. They can be used for caries removal. Surgical burs are fabricated from tungsten carbide.

Figure 12. Operative and surgical burs

In the case of tungsten carbide burs, the head contains blades that produce the cutting action. The cutting property of a bur varies with the positioning and the degree of angling of the blades. More obtuse angles will produce a negative rake angle, which increases the strength and longevity of the bur. More acute angles will produce a positive rake angle, which offers a sharper blade for quicker cutting but which dulls sooner. Additional cuts across the blades, called “crosscuts,” can be added to increase cutting efficiency.

Figure 13. Negative rake angle and positive rake angle

Dental burs are designed with different flute angles and cutting char-acteristics specific to the task for which they are designed. Operative or cavity preparation burs have flutes (sometimes called “dentates”) that are cut deeper and wider, creating a higher degree of aggressive enamel cutting with increased speed and efficiency. Typically, these operative burs are either straight bladed (plain) or crosscut. Straight-bladed burs cut smoothly but are slower, especially with harder ma-terials; crosscut burs can cut faster due to the lack of debris build-up. In the case of diamond-coated burs, a smooth shape is created and a fine-, medium- or coarse-ground diamond coating is applied over it.

Various bur shapes can be selected, depending on the particular clinical case and the clinician’s preference. Shapes include round, in-verted cone, straight fissure, tapered fissure and pear-shaped – each available in a variety of diameters or sizes.


Different shapes of tungsten carbide burs – flat fissure, plain and crosscut – have been found to result in the same cutting force when used in traditional air-driven handpieces with the same levels of torque.16 As such, shape does not appear to influence cutting force. In addition, specialized restorative burs are available for specific tasks. These include depth-cutting burs – which consist of horizontal ridges across a diamond-fissure bur, providing guidance for the depth to which a fixed restoration preparation should be cut – and end-cutting burs, which are used to trim the floor of mesial and distal preparations in Class II cavities with smooth sides, as they help reduce any possibility of impacting the surface of the adjacent tooth with the cutting surface of a bur. End-cutting burs can also be used to finish the pulpal floor of Class I and Class II cavities, thereby avoiding contact of a cutting surface with the prepared cavity walls.

Figure 14. Depth-cutting and end-cutting burs

Figure 15. End-cutting bur preparing the pulpal floor of a Class I cavity

Tungsten carbide burs recently have been engineered that are more sharply dentated than a crosscut bur and have a unique geometry in the design of their blades. This creates a bur that cuts faster into tooth structure or dental materials and does not grab or stall during cutting. These innovative burs cut quickly, efficiently and smoothly through metals, composites, enamel and amalgam, saving time and money for clinicians. The beneficial byproducts of this unique design are less chatter and vibration, which reduces hand strain and fatigue. In clinical use, I have found MultiPrep burs consis-tently outperform operative carbides in the cutting of both tooth and dental restorative materials. These burs are designed to help make restorative dentistry less complicated and more efficient, and ultimately provide a beneficial service to the patient. Other benefits resulting from this design include reduced stress on the tooth and the supporting periodontal structures and less friction. Due to the efficient cutting of this unique bur design, less pressure is required by the dentist to initiate and complete a cut; cutting is smoother and more accurate; and there is less heat generation. Fine crosscut burs are optimal for all phases of restorative dentistry. Due to the bur’s

design, it is an effective and efficient bur for the removal of amal-gam, composite resin, cast-gold and direct-gold restorations that are being replaced. Fine crosscut burs can accomplish multiple steps, which reduces the number of times the clinician must stop during a procedure to swap out burs – improving efficiency as well as reduc-ing wear on chucks and reducing the number of burs that must be sterilized per procedure.

Figure 16. MultiPrep burs

The clinical cases below demonstrate the use of burs for restorative procedures ranging from gross removal of tooth structure to removal of dental materials. resistant to cutting.

Case 1. Removal of a fixed restorationCutting through porcelain is best accomplished using a diamond bur. A diamond-fissure bur maximizes the length of area removed at one time. Following this, metal is best removed using a tungsten carbide bur. Finally, the underlying preparation is refined using a tapered-fissure bur. A Stylus ATC handpiece was used for all steps.

Figure 17. Removal of porcelain using a diamond fissure bur

Figure 18. Removal of alloy using a MultiPrep bur 9

Figure 19. Alloy sectioned

Case 2. Removal of an existing amalgam Fast, efficient removal of amalgam is best accomplished with a tung-sten carbide bur. Fast efficient removal of amalgam can be obtained using straight-fissure bur, as well as MultiPrep pear shaped burs (332) and fine crosscut burs (557).

Figure 20. Use of #332 pear-shaped bur

Figure 21. Use of #557 fine cross-cut bur

Case 3. Removal of cariesCaries present can be safely removed using a round tungsten carbide (size 2, 4, 6 or 8) at slow speed. Using a round tungsten carbide at slow speed helps to remove the minimal amount of dental hard tissue while also removing the softer carious areas and, in the case of deeper cavities, reducing the risk of iatrogenic pulpal exposure. Alternatively, a ceramic round bur can be used. If desired, a caries detection solution can be used to ensure that the caries is thoroughly removed. Following caries removal, a finer smoother carbide or diamond can be used to complete the preparation, prior to restoring the tooth. The cases below dem-onstrate the use of this two-stage approach using fissure burs followed by large round burs.

Using a round tungsten carbide (size 2, 4, 6 or 8) or round ceramic bur at slow speed helps to remove the minimal amount of dental

hard tissue while removing the softer caries

Figure 22. #330 carbide bur used to prepare occlusal tooth #31

Figure 23. #4 round carbide bur removing decay at slow speed


Figure 24. #557 carbide bur preparing occlusal-lingual outline form tooth #3

Figure 25. Round ceramic bur removing decay at slow speed

Finishing bursFinishing burs fabricated from tungsten carbide have more flutes closer together and shallower than do operative burs, for the fine finishing and polishing of dental materials. Either diamond or tungsten carbide finishing burs can be used to remove composite and to improve the smoothness of the restoration prior to polishing with cups/discs/liquid polish, which optimizes smoothness and thus reduces the potential for biofilm development on the composite’s surface.17

Cleaning and sterilizing bursFollowing completion of a patient’s procedure, the burs must be examined. Worn or damaged burs and any single-use, disposable

burs must be discarded and safely disposed of. Using a worn or damaged bur results in poorly executed and inaccurate prepara-tions, trauma to dental hard tissue, and reduced efficiency. In addition, in the case of electric handpieces, worn or damaged burs reduce cutting efficiency and cause the unit to compensate for this by increasing power, which can result in overheating of the hand-piece head and burning of a patient’s oral mucosa.18

Once it has been determined that burs can be reused, they must be cleaned and then sterilized. Before proceeding, the staff member responsible for this must don utility gloves. Prior to cleaning, burs should be presoaked in a container of soapy water to loosen debris. In the case of diamond burs, an enzymatic cleaning solution can be used that retards dulling of the diamond coating during sterilization procedures. Ultrasonic systems also may be used to loosen debris, provided that the burs are separated from each other in a bur block during immersion to prevent damage. Following soaking and/or ultrasonic cleaning, any remaining debris must be brushed away from the bur using a stainless steel wire brush, and the burs then must be rinsed under running water. Manual scrubbing to remove debris from burs has been found to be more effective when carried out under running water than in air.19 After rinsing, the burs must be thoroughly dried by placing them on absorbent towels and patting all bur surfaces. Presterilization cleaning of burs can also be performed using a washer-disinfector, which has been found to be more effective than manual cleaning of contaminated dental burs,20 and which reduces exposure of dental personnel to contaminated devices.

Bur sterilization is achieved using heat. Surgical burs are classified as critical instruments and must be heat sterilized. Nonsurgical dental burs that may contact oral tissues (therefore, all dental burs except laboratory burs) are classified as semicritical; since these are heat resistant, they should be heat sterilized in accordance with the CDC guidelines.21 Cold sterilizing solutions are not recommended for heat-resistant semicritical instruments; in addition, they contain oxidizing agents that may weaken carbide burs.

Heat sterilization of burs can be achieved using a dry heat sterilizer or an autoclave. For dry heat sterilization, the burs should be sterilized at 170°C (340°F) for one hour. This method, when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, will not corrode or dull carbide burs. If using an autoclave, the burs should be sterilized at 121°C (250°F) for a 20-minute cycle at 15 p.s.i. Steam autoclaves will effectively sterilize burs; however, potential for corrosion is present.

SummaryDental handpieces and burs have become more efficient, ergonomic, and user- and patient-friendly in recent years with the introduction of faster, more effective burs and new handpieces. Considering the technological advances found in the latest generation of burs and handpieces, a clinician can select a handpiece and burs that more closely meet the demands of daily clinical practice, increasing efficiency and producing ergonomic benefits. The recent update on infection control guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention underscores the 11

requirement for heat sterilization of all dental handpieces and suitable sterilization methods for both handpieces and dental burs.


timeline_19cent.asp.2 History of handpieces. Available at:

h t t p : / / d e n t a l h a n d p i e c e s r e p a i r s . c o m /Historyofdentalhandpieces.aspx. Accessed December 1,2008.

3 PooleRL,LeaSC,DysonJE,ShortallAC,WalmsleyAD.Vibrationcharacteristicsofdentalhigh-speedturbinesandspeed-increasinghandpieces. JDent.2008Jul;36(7):488-93.

4 EliasK,AmisAA,SetchellDJ.Themagnitudeofcuttingforcesathighspeed.JProsthetDent.2003Mar;89(3):286-91.

5 WatsonTF,FlanaganD,StoneDG.Highandlowtorquehandpieces:cuttingdynamics,enamelcrackingandtoothtemperature.BrDentJ.2000Jun24;188(12):680-6.

6 Monagahn DM, Wilson NH, Darvell BW. Theperformance of air-turbine handpieces in general dentalpractice.OperDent.2005Jan-Feb;30(1):16-25.

7 Kenyon BJ,Van Zyl I, Louie KG. Comparison of cavitypreparationqualityusinganelectricmotorhandpieceandanair turbinedentalhandpiece. JAmDentAssoc.2005Aug;136(8):1101-5.

8 FDA Public Health Notification: Patient Burns fromElectricDentalHandpieces.December12,2007.Availableat:,2008.

9 Cavalcanti BN, Lage-Marques JL, Rode SM. PulpaltemperatureincreaseswithEr:YAGlaserandhigh-speedhandpieces.JProsthetDent.2003Nov;90(5):447-51.

10 FreitasPM,NavarroRS,BarrosJA,dePaulaEduardoC.TheuseofEr:YAGlaser forcavitypreparation:anSEMevaluation.MicroscResTech.2007Sep;70(9):803-8.

11 Chin JR, Miller CH, Palenik CJ. Internal contaminationofair-drivenlow-speedhandpiecesandattachedprophyangles.JAmDentAssoc.2006Sep;137(9):1275-80.

12 Herd S, Chin J, Palenik CJ, Ofner S. The in vivocontamination of air-driven low-speed handpieceswith prophylaxis angles. J Am Dent Assoc. 2007Oct;138(10):1360-5.

13 Leonard DL, Charlton DG. Performance of high-speeddentalhandpiecessubjectedtosimulatedclinicaluseandsterilization.JAmDentAssoc.1999Sep;130(9):1301-11.

14 Nagai M, Takakuda K. Influence of number of dentalautoclave treatment cycles on rotational performance ofcommercially available air-turbine handpieces. J MedDentSci.2006Jun;53(2):93-101.

15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelinefor disinfection and sterilization in healthcare facilities,2008. Available at: AccessedDecember8,2008.

16 Elias K, Amis AA, Setchell DJ.The magnitude of cuttingforcesathighspeed.JProsthetDent.2003Mar;89(3):286-91.

17 CarlenA,NikdelK,WennerbergA,HolmbergK,OlssonJ. Surface characteristics and in vitro biofilm formationon glass ionomer and composite resin. Biomaterials.2001;22(5):481-7.

18 FDApublichealthnotification:patientburnsfromelectricdental handpieces. December 12, 2007. Available at:,2008.

19 Whitworth CL, Martin MV, Gallagher M,WorthingtonHV.Acomparisonofdecontaminationmethodsusedfordentalburs.BrDentJ.2004Nov27;197(10):635-40.

20 Ibid.21 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guideline

for disinfection and sterilization in healthcare facilities,2008. Available at: AccessedDecember8,2008.

Author Profile

Dr. David Little is a national and international speaker, professor, author and researcher. A graduate of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, he approached dentistry with a vision for merging conservatism and progressiveness in a practice that focused on total patient care through a team concept. Dr. Little’s

private practice in San Antonio includes a multidiscipline state of-the-art facility. In addition, Dr. Little serves as an adjunct clinical professor at the UTHSCSA dental school, serve on the editorial board of Contemporary Esthetics, and is a partner with Pinnacle Practices, Inc. He is a fellow in the International and American Colleges of Dentistry, a member of the ADA, AGD, AACD, and the ALD. All of his programs unite clinical advancements and technology, including practice management for simple implementation into private practice. His passion for dentistry and his enthusiasm for the team concept specifically enliven and motivate all who hear him.

DisclaimerThe author of this course is a consultant for the sponsors or the providers of the unrestricted educational grant for this course.

Reader FeedbackWe encourage your comments on this or any PennWell course. For your convenience, an online feedback form is available at



1. The first high-speed air-driven handpiece in the United States was introduced in the _________.a. 1930sb. 1940sc. 1950sd. 1960s

2. The first electric handpiece was patented in the _________.a. 1870sb. 1880sc. 1890sd. none of the above

3. Low-speed handpieces have speeds ranging from less than _________revolutions per minute (rpm) to up to _________rpm.a. 50; 20,000b. 100; 30,000c. 100; 40,000d. 100; 50,000

4. Clinician needs for a handpiece include a device that _________.a. is safe and effectiveb. offers sufficient power and torque for proceduresc. maximizes productivityd. all of the above

5. An ergonomically designed handpiece must _________.a. have a large head size and be straight-handledb. have a small head size and be straight-handledc. have a weight, configuration and grip that is comfort-

able for the cliniciand. have a small head size and be contra-angled

6. The cutting force used by the clinician during operation of an air-driven handpiece depends on _________.a. the procedure and length of time requiredb. the length of time allotted and the torque level of the

handpiecec. the procedure and the torque level of the handpieced. the skill of the clinician

7. Compared to electric handpieces, air-driven high-speed handpieces offer _________. a. more power with greater available torqueb. less power with lower available torquec. more power with lower available torqued. none of the above

8. Signs of deterioration in the function of air-driven handpieces include _________.a. noiseb. decreased free-running speedc. increased stallingd. all of the above

9. In the United States, air-driven handpieces are _________.a. the handpiece of choiceb. almost never usedc. increasing in use compared to electric handpiecesd. none of the above

10. Electric handpieces operate at a _________.a. variable torque and constant speedb. constant torquec. constant torque and speedd. none of the above

11. Electric handpieces use a motor with the attainable rpm primarily determined by the _________ used.a. gear multiplication of the motor attachmentb. gear reduction of the motor attachmentc. gear enhancement of the turbined. all of the above

12. Recent electric handpiece systems enable smaller variations of the speed at the _________.a. control unitb. outsetc. chaird. none of the above

13. Electric handpieces typically offer _________ and _________ compared with air-driven handpieces.a. quicker preparation; improved cutting efficiencyb. lower visualization; quicker preparationc. slower preparation; lower cutting efficiencyd. none of the above

14. Maintenance of electric handpieces is critical to avoid undetected _________.a. underheatingb. hydrolyzationc. overheatingd. none of the above

15. A handpiece with adaptive torque control has a unit that _________ and _________by automatically increasing the power.a. monitors the temperature of the bur; adjusts the torque

accordinglyb. monitors the temperature of the handpiece; adjusts the

torque accordinglyc. monitors the bur speed; adjusts the torque accordinglyd. all of the above

16. A torque control unit _________ onto an existing chair console.a. cannot be retrofittedb. can be retrofittedc. must always be retrofittedd. none of the above

17. In a handpiece with adaptive torque control, increasing the power to adjust the torque results in _________ and _________for the removal of dental hard tissues.a. an increased level of efficiency; increased chair-side timeb. more oscillating current; an increased level of efficiency c. an increased level of efficiency; reduced chair-side timed. none of the above

18. Cross-compatibility of handpieces and units is sometimes available with _________.a. air-driven and electricb. air-driven and adaptive torque controlc. electric and adaptive torque controld. air-driven, electric and adaptive torque control

19. Air abrasion units and hard-tissue lasers are stand-alone devices for _________ restorative procedures.a. someb. allc. nod. none of the above

20. Updated guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that dental offices _________ handpieces following use in a single patient.a. chemical-sterilizeb. autoclavec. disinfectd. a and c

21. Failure to clean handpieces prior to steriliza-tion results in _________. a. the autoclave working harder to perform sterilization

and discoloration of the autoclave wallsb. failure to sterilize the handpiece due to the presence of debrisc. clogged chuck mechanisms and turbinesd. b and c

22. Dental burs can be made from _________. a. tungsten carbideb. a diamond particle coatingc. ceramics or zirconiad. all of the above

23. The cutting property of a bur varies with the _________ and the_________. a. positioning; degree of angling of the bladesb. positioning; degree of bevel of the headc. reduction angle; degree of angling of the bladesd. none of the above

24. Additional cuts across the blades of burs, called “crosscuts,” _________ cutting efficiency.a. decreaseb. maintainc. increased. none of the above

25. Different shapes of tungsten carbide burs – flat fissure, plain and crosscut – have been found to result in _________ cutting force when used in traditional air-driven handpieces with the same levels of torque.a. differentb. higherc. the samed. lower

26. Depth-cutting burs, which consist of horizontal ridges across a diamond-fissure bur, __________.a. provide guidance for the depth to which surgical relief

areas should be cut b. provide guidance for the depth to which a fixed restora-

tion preparation should be cutc. provide guidance for the depth to which endodontic

access cavities should be cutd. all of the above

27. Tungsten carbide burs that are more sharply dentated than crosscut burs and have a different blade geometry __________ and __________.a. cut more carefully; need more powerb. cut faster; do not stall during cuttingc. cut faster; never corroded. none of the above

28. _________ can accomplish multiple steps, reducing the number of times the clinician must stop during a procedure to swap out burs.a. Plainb. Fine crosscut bursc. End-cutting bursd. all of the above

29. Finishing burs fabricated from tungsten carbide have __________ than do operative burs.a. more flutes closer togetherb. fewer flutes farther apartc. fewer flutes closer togetherd. any of the above

30. Heat sterilization of burs can be achieved by using _________.a. a dry heat sterilizerb. an autoclavec. a disinfecting solutiond. a or b



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© 2008 by the Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology, a division of PennWell

Educational Objectives1. Describethehistoricaldevelopmentofhandpieces.

2. Describethetypesofhandpiecescurrentlyavailableandtheiradvantagesanddisadvantages.

3. Describethetypesofburscurrentlyavailableandtheiruseforspecificdentalprocedures.

4. Describetheappropriatemethodsforensuringthesterilityofdentalhandpiecesandburs.

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1.Weretheindividualcourseobjectivesmet? Objective#1:YesNo Objective#3:YesNo

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4.Howwouldyouratetheobjectivesandeducationalmethods? 5 4 3 2 1 0

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7.Wastheoveralladministrationofthecourseeffective? 5 4 3 2 1 0

8.Doyoufeelthatthereferenceswereadequate? Yes No

9.Wouldyouparticipateinasimilarprogramonadifferenttopic? Yes No











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