
Happy Lá Fhéile Bríde from Indonesia ....This has turned into one of the most amazing trips of my life. After Christmas I decided Ineeded to step outside my comfort zone and leave Bali and explore two remote Islands , WestTimor and Sumba. Both are part of the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia. Timor I had avague memory of it being a very troubled place when I was a child. Sumba I never heard of .I always feel I have never really experienced countries until I get away from the tourists andimmerse my self in mountains and culture............ both these places certainly did that for me.Once I boarded the plane in Bali I never saw another tourist until I returned. Enjoy readingabout my adventures and seeing photos of these fascinating Island. Being away from Hunting Brook this year has given me the space to figure out clearly how I

want my plantings in the various areas in the garden to look this summer. New plants and lotsa seeds are ordered, planting plans prepared, now all I need to do is get back with my hands inthe soil in Hunting Brook.


Aquaba japonica 'Rozannie' I am often asked what's the best evergreen shrub in Hunting Brook is. I have lots of amazingsemi tender evergreens which come and go depending on the winter but Aucuba japonica'Rozannie' is reliably hardy, looks good through the year, should be easy to get your hands onand cheap.

It has dark green waxy leaves, small red-purple flowers in late spring followed by bright redberries. This compact Japanese laurel is perfect for a semi shade site. Tolerant of dry shademakes this a very useful shrub.

Aquaba japonica 'Rozannie'

The English Garden I was so cuffed to see that Hunting Brook was listed in the February edition of The EnglishGarden magazine. in their top 10 Plantsman's gardens to see in Britain and Ireland. Click

One of the highlights of my trip to Indonesia was time spending time exploring the Islands of Sumba

and West Timor in the Indian Ocean. Both are rarely visited by westerners and sparsely populated. I

never saw one tourist from when I left Bali till I returned. Sumba is perhaps the most mysterious and

least understand of all the 17,000 Indonesian Islands. I was fascinated with their culture which

has continued mostly unchanged since megalithic times.

The Marapu religion believe in temporary life on earth and eternal life in the world of spirits in Marapu

heaven . They believe in life after death and consider the funeral ritual as the opening way to the world

of Marapu. When some one dies the corpse is bent in fetal position symbolizing it's rebirth to the spirit

world and buried in megalith tombstones which were in in every village is visited. Multitudes of

buffaloes, horses and pigs are slaughtered as an offering to accompany the departed.

Sumbanese people speak a variety of Austronesian languages , 30% practice the animist Marapu

religion. Sumba is one of the poorest Islands in Indonesia, a huge % suffer from malaria? many

villagers have to walk several km several times a day for clean water.just had one of the most

extraordinary days of my life visiting traditional tribes. These people are one of the few places in the

world in which megalithic burials are still carried out. Head hunting has stopped but they did have a

drum made from human skin!

To see more Click here

West Timor

EVENTUALLY, I FOUND THE BOTI TRIBE IN WEST TIMOR! After 3 days, 4 wheel drive , motor bike , walking and 2 fantastic local guides. TheBoti tribe live a life closed from the out side world apart from the very odd tourist likeme. I got a very warm welcome from the king of the tribe and straight away felt we had lotsin common - with the help of my guide who translated. We started talking aboutgrowing food and showed my photos of Hunting Brook! He particularly took a shine tothe photo of my mum! They still have their own language, are totally self sufficient, organic, preform animalrituals and are about 350 people in total. They really do live at one with nature, livingin the forest, produce their own cotton for their clothes - this was true forest gardening!I asked what the situation was with crime with in the village. The king said if someonerobs bananas from some one else's tress, the village all come together and pick lotsof bananas for the man . If he robs again they will plant a banana tree in his garden !

CLICK HERE if you would like to see more pictures of West Timor

Plantpersons Course with Jimi Blake

The next Plants Persons Course which starts this coming February is open now for booking.This is a very popular course and always over subscribed so if you are interested contact Jimion [email protected] or on 087 285 6601. CLICK HERE for more information

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