
January 410


The Haseleys January 2014 2

Your Parish Council

Chairman: David Simcox Tel: 279631

Email: [email protected]

Vice Chairman: Kay Sentance Tel: 279669

Email: [email protected]

Councillor: John Andrews Planning & Transport Rep. Tel: 279212

Councillor: Deirdre Mann Tel: 279334

Councillor: Nicholas Nixey Tel: 07779 246 889

Councillor: Elisabeth Spencer Tel: 279844

Councillor: Terry Coles Tel: 278074

Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer: Jane Simcox

Tel: 279631

Email: [email protected]

District Councillor: Stephen Harrod Tel: 01844 278068

County Councillor: Caroline Newton Tel: 01491 614662

Cover photograph: Celebrating the re-licensing of Toby Garfitt as Lay Minister by Estelle Fairfax

Weekly Events Mondays 7.30 to 9.00pm – Bell ringing, Church Tower, Hilarie Rogers (01865 890163)

Tuesdays 8.00pm – Bible Study House Group. Chris Williams (339359)

Wednesdays 9.30am Kindergym and Melody Minors (Music, songs and games) – Gt Haseley

Village Hall

Thursdays 7.00 – Fitness/yoga classes – Gt. Haseley Village Hall


I was most embarrassed to receive the card (and present from the coffee

morning regulars at the December meeting. It was lovely but I do enjoy doing

it and would like to thank Biddie for her help. She makes it very much easier

on the day.

The next coffee morning will be in the Village Hall on 9th January 2014, 10.00-

12.00 noon. All are welcome.

Jane Simcox 279631

The Haseleys January 2014 3

From the Editor

As I write this, Christmas has not yet come but I do hope you have a good one

wherever you are and a peaceful New Year. It certainly does not look as

though Haseley will have a white Christmas as the weather is really mild with

Spring bulbs coming up and I note still a few late summer bedding plants in

peoples’ gardens.

As you are probably aware, there has been a burglary in Great Haseley and I

also hear on the grapevine, one in Little Haseley. It is sad that these things

occur in our villages, one problem is we are very close to the motorway and

unscrupulous people can quickly leave the area without being detected. If you

see anything that you don’t think looks quite right always contact the police,

they would rather come and find it is perfectly innocent than have to deal with

a crime scene. A lot less paperwork!

I am sure you have all heard about the problems with The Plough. However

having eaten there recently, I can highly recommend it (and the new chef).

The food is really good and the atmosphere and staff are very welcoming.

This will probably be a short issue as I have to get it to the printers early in

order for him to produce it before the 1st of the month. So.....

That’s all folks

Jane Simcox


For those observant people, you will see that the new area has been planted

with a mix of trees (including some plums and gages) and shrubs to attract

wild birds. The Parish Council drew up a plan for the area with a “ride” from

Back Way with a central open circle giving a view of the Windmill. Another ride

goes from the corner of the site (where cars are often parked) to the central

area and then off to join up with the remainder of the Wood. This will become

more obvious once the trees start to grow. The new trees will be maintained

twice a year by Nicholsons putting down weed killer around the base of the

new trees in order that they do not become choked before they have a chance

to grow.

Whilst the Parish Council would encourage people to use the area and if they

wish plant a few more trees, it is requested that this is done through

contacting a member of the Parish Council in order to keep the vistas that have

been planned. Also it is necessary to ensure that the trees are not planted too

close together thus meaning that they will have to be removed when they

grow. If they are planted without consulting the Parish Council there is the

possibility they will be dug up and replanted somewhere else.

Jane Simcox

The Haseleys January 2014 4


All seven members of the Parish Council attended the December meeting

together with the District Councillor and one member of the public.

The Chairman reported that after a succession of emails, some of the drains

had been cleared in the parish but looked forward to the remainder being

done. The bollards on Latchford Lane had been reinstated after the incident

with the hay lorry. The allotments tap had now been shut off for the winter.

After the Parish Council had marked out the area for planting on the

Millennium Wood, it had been ascertained that the area was smaller than

outlined in the plan from Nicholsons. As a result they had contacted and

informed that it was possible that fewer trees would be needed. Planting was

due to take place later in the week (see note below).

Planning – Spring Cottage, Mill Lane, Great Haseley (Two-storey rear extension. Single storey gable end extension. Window on outbuilding replaced

with full height openable window). The Parish Council had no strong views.

Budget and precept The clerk prepared two budgets for the Parish Council, one leaving the precept

as previous years and one reducing the precept. As discussion, the Parish

Council agreed to accept the budget with the reduced precept which for 2014-5

will be £11,000. It was felt that this was good news for local people struggling

with their finances.

Cheques – Colourplus £305.95; Stamps for The Haseleys £24.00; J Gostick

£20.00; Heating £6.00; P Woodrow (Christmas Tree) £25.00. The following

cheques were written in December and not on the agenda: J Simcox (Line

marker) £10.55; Carmellamedia £70.00; Scion Estates Ltd £157.68. A request

by M40 Chilterns Group for funds had been received and a cheque for £50 was

written for this. All these will appear on the January agenda. No other cheques

were written. The clerk received the following income since the last meeting:

Advertising in the Haseleys £217.33; Jubilee Mugs £10.00.

Footpaths - A footpath sign had been used in a burglary in the village and N Nixey agreed to inform OCC about this. It was currently at the Chairman’s

house and should be replaced as soon as possible.

Village Hall – The Village Hall Committee had put on a very successful ABBA

night and a Farmers’ and Craft market. Thanks go to those who helped to

decorate the village hall and there is a planned Christmas Party on 22


Playing Fields –. The grass had a final cut, the tree has been cut up and the water is switched off for the winter.

Cross Field - A complaint had been received regarding bird muck on the seats

of the swings. Unfortunately there is little that can be done about this as it is a

rural location. It is suggested that people taking their children to the swings

should take a cloth to wipe the seats prior to using them.

The Haseleys January 2014 5

Allotments – The water has been turned off and K Sentance hopes to get the allotment allocated shortly as some people wish to start on their allotments

over the winter period.

Transport – D Turner had informed the Chairman of a new bus service which

currently does not go through Great Haseley. He suggested that once it was

up and running that they should be approached to see if they would come

through the village. The information was passed on to J Andrews who will put

a note in The Haseleys about it. He will also contact the bus company in a few

weeks time.

Trustee for the Haseley Charity A letter had been received from E Newell stating that as C Duncan had moved

away, there was a Parish Council vacancy on the Haseley Charity. The clerk

had said that she was prepared to represent the Parish Council and it was

unanimously agreed that she should be a Trustee.

Other matters An email had been received from D Turner regarding the Neighbourhood Action

Group (NAG). This was disbanded in 2011 and a new structure was put in

place which relied on regular police reports and visits to Parish Council

meetings. However, it was felt that this was not really working well and the

Parish Council was asked whether they would support the re-introduction of

the NAG. The Parish Council fully supported this and the clerk would contact D

Turner regarding this.

A complaint had been received regarding dogs in Little Haseley. Three dogs

had jumped over a garden wall and worried a lady jogging. It was agreed to

try to find out where the dogs came from and try to stop it happening in


The status of the War Memorial was raised and after discussion it was stated

that it belongs to the two villages but as no one else has taken any active

responsibility for it in the past, the Parish Council has taken on the role of

keeping it tidy and safe. It was felt that it often looked neglected as people

put vases of flowers on it which fall over and die. E Spencer agreed to remove

the vases and put them round the back of the Memorial. It was also agreed

that as part of the annual Village Springclean, the War Memorial would be


Next meeting: 13 January and the following one on 10 February 2014, both of

these in the Village Hall 7.30pm.


We plan to ring for the Family Service on 5th January, and will resume normal

practices on Monday 6th.

Do get in touch if the New Year prompts you to want to find out what we do or

if you have rung before and wish to join us!

Hilarie Rogers

The Haseleys January 2014 6


I understand that recently there was a problem with a vehicle delivering

oxygen to someone in Lewington Close. The vehicle could not get into the

Close due to cars parked near the junction and on Rectory Road.

I am sure you would not want it on your conscience that emergency treatment

could not be administered to someone due to inconsiderate parking. It might

be an ambulance or paramedics or indeed a fire engine. I realise there are too

many cars for the number of houses but this entrance must not be blocked.

There is also the issue of people leaving Lewington Close and turning into

Rectory Road which has always been a problem due to visibility. This is not

helped when cars are parked right on the junction. Please think of others.

Jane Simcox


CINEMA CLUB Every 3rd Thursday of the month. 16th January 8pm. Enjoy a film on the big screen, without the hassle & cost of going to the cinema.

Plus licenced bar. Adult/Child £12 Over 60s £8 (valid for 6 films).

CRAFT CLUB Every 3rd Wednesday of the month. 15th January 7.30-10pm.

Drop in or stay for the whole evening. All crafts and crafters welcome. £2 per


QUIZ NIGHT SATURDAY 25th January 7pm. Ticket includes 2-course dinner.

Excellent local ale. Wine supplied by Little Milton shop. Corkage £2 per bottle.

Everyone welcome! On your own or in a team. Tickets on sale at the Post

Office: £8.


On the 5th December we all sat down to our Christmas Lunch for 2013. As

always the caterers had put on a splendid meal and everyone thoroughly

enjoyed it. All the arrangements this year were carried out by Tony D'Anger

and he made such a good job of it he could very well find himself doing it again

next year!!! Thank you very much indeed Tony we all appreciated all your hard


Forthcoming Events 2014

Thurs 9th Jan - Club re-opens - 2.15 p.m.

Wed 22nd Jan - Outing to Robinson Crusoe Pantomime at The Corn Exchange,

Wallingford - 7.30 p.m.

Wed 12th Feb - Outing to The Ferryman Inn, Bablock Hythe for Lunch and


The Haseleys January 2014 7



After a fun and successful 2013 Quiz Night,

another fundraising event will take place at

Great Haseley Village Hall

Friday 7th

March 2014

(Start time 8pm, doors open from 7.30pm)

£5 per head (max 8 per team)

To guarantee your table, tickets will be available in advance

from Jo Shrimpton on 01844 278298 or Viki Freear on 01844 278033

or just come along on the night

Wine, beer and soft drinks will be on sale


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