Page 1: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

Goodlow Evangelical Free Church

February 1, 2015

Hope for the Hopeless

Page 2: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 3: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 4: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

Harrison Odjegba Okene recited..."Oh God, by your name, save me. ...

The Lord sustains my life."

Page 5: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."




Page 6: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

1. God’s gospel originates in and

expresses the wondrous

perfections of the eternal, triune


2. God’s gospel is authoritatively revealed in the Scriptures

Page 7: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

3. God’s gospel alone addresses our

deepest need.

Page 8: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 9: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

We believe that God created Adam and

Eve in His image, but they sinned when

tempted by Satan. In union with Adam,

human beings are sinners by nature and

by choice, alienated from God, and

under His wrath. Only through God’s

saving work

in Jesus Christ can we be rescued,

reconciled and renewed.

Page 10: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

We believe that God created Adam and

Eve in His image, but they sinned

when tempted by Satan.

Page 11: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness

of God. 2 He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day

they were created.Genesis 5:1-2

Page 12: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God

knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will

be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant

to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with

her, and he ate.Genesis 3:4-6

Page 13: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

10 So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because

I was naked; and I hid myself.”11 And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that

you should not eat?

Genesis 3:10-11”

Page 14: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

We believe that God created Adam and

Eve in His image, but they sinned when

tempted by Satan. In union with Adam,

human beings are sinners by nature and

by choice, alienated from God, and

under His wrath.

Page 15: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

And I will put enmityBetween you and the woman,And between your seed and her Seed;He shall crush your head,And you shall strike His heel.”

Genesis 3:15

Page 16: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

21 Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin,

and clothed them.Genesis 3:21

Page 17: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 18: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin,

and thus death spread to all men,

because all sinnedRomans 5:12

Page 19: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

“Original sin, however mysterious its nature may be, tells us that the reality of sin

is something far deeper than the mere outward commission of sinful deeds...It

tells us that there is an inner root of

sinfulness which corrupts man‘s true nature and

from which his sinful deeds spring. Like a deadly poison, sin has penetrated into and infected the very center of man‘s


P. Hughes: Christianity Today

Page 20: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

Scott Atran, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and

the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris

Anthropologist Seeks the Roots of Terrorism

Page 21: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

…here’s an ideology that appeals to them, it’s something that’s very attractive to more people than you might think. In France, a poll

by [ICM Research] showed that 27% of young French people, not just Muslims, between 18 and 24 had a favourable attitude toward the Islamic State. The jihad is the only systemic cultural ideology that’s effective, that’s growing, that’s attractive, that's glorious—that basically says to these young people, “Look, you're on the outs, nobody cares about you, but look what we can do. We can change the world.”

Page 22: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

It’s not about recruitment, it’s about self-seekers. The Islamic State and Al Qaeda don’t directly order commando operations. Basically they say, “Hey guys, here are ideas, do it yourself. Here’s the way to make a pressure cooker bomb; here are likely targets that will terrorize people; here are things we hate. Go out and do it.”

Page 23: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

We believe that God created Adam and

Eve in His image, but they sinned when

tempted by Satan. In union with Adam,

human beings are

• sinners by nature and by choice,

• alienated from God, and • under His wrath.

Page 24: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

In union with Adam, human beings

are:• sinners by nature and by choice

Page 25: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 26: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

In union with Adam, human beings

are:• sinners by nature and by choice, • alienated from God

Page 27: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

...[they] walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 having their understanding darkened, being

alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart;

Ephesians 4:17,18

Page 28: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

In union with Adam, human beings

are:• sinners by nature and by choice, • alienated from God, and • under His wrath.

Page 29: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

...we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh

and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.

Ephesians 2:3

Page 30: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 31: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

20 The soul who sins shall die...21 “But if a wicked man turns from [repents of}

all his sins which he has committed...

he shall surely live;

Ezekiel 18:20,21

Page 32: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

6 For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died

for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man

will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love

toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:6-8

Page 33: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

…He shall bruise your head…Genesis 3:15

Page 34: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 35: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 36: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

What Next?

Page 37: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

What Next?

Page 38: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

What Next?

Page 39: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

Harrison Odjegba Okene I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good.

7 For He has delivered me out of all trouble;Psalm 54:6,7

What Next?

Page 40: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo,

I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Matthew 28:19-20

What Next?

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“Do thisin remembrance of me.”

Page 42: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."
Page 43: Harrison Odjegba Okene recited... "Oh God, by your name, save me.... The Lord sustains my life."

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