Download - Haskell

Page 1: Haskell


Individual assignment


HAND IN DATE: 15-08-2010

HAND OUT DATE: 09-11-2010

Page 2: Haskell


Geeta Nagpal Rahul Kumar

(Module Lecturer) (PT00782238)


Haskell is a modern ``purely functional'' programming language. A functional language is one in

which functions are as easy to manipulate as the more common kinds of values, such as numbers

and strings. By being purely functional, Haskell does not allow the operations which make

functions difficult to work with in traditional imperative languages: assignment to global

variables or reference parameters. As a result, calling a function will not have any ``side-

effects''--that is, it will not change the values of any non-local variables--and we are free to treat

them as pure functions.

The advantage of Haskell lies in the fact that it enables programmers to be more productive and

write shorter, clearer, and more maintainable code. Unfortunately, industry practice has not yet

embraced functional programming, in part because of the enormous effort it would take to retrain

current programmers and redesign all the support tools.


The main objective is to implement a system that minimizes the processing time of the

employees of the bank by making core functionalities paper free. Present time there are many

banking software system available in the market but they are not so much effective as user

prospects in the terms of cost, speed, ease of use, proper interface, user-friendly etc. Proposed

system is very simple in terms of use any novice and casual user can also use this system easily.

Developed in pure functional programming, this system shall provide coding benefits but has a

few limitations, primarily due to lack of scope of the module.

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It’s a well known fact that the productivity and the success of an organization depend

substantially on its technology the higher and effective technology drives any organization. The

better the technology better are the prospects for the organisation. In this fast and furious world

where every manual work is shifted towards computer work. And the time has become more

precious than money. People desire instant output from system. and maximum system’s output

based on its software system. Means how fast and accurate data we can access using the system.

This bank management software system is developed to avoid these things. So this software

would be suggesting the best result which would take less amount of time.


The main objective to implement such software is to minimize the processing time of the

employee of the bank by getting an efficient and accurate result. Present time there are many

banking software system are available in the market but they are not so much effective as user

prospects in the terms of cost, speed, ease of use, proper interface, user-friendly etc. proposed

system is very simple in terms of use any novice and casual user can also use this system easily

after getting/understanding some instructions and one more advantage is it’s cost is not very high

in terms of maintenance and redevelopment.


this project mainly specifies to develop a simple banking application using Haskell for

Functional Programming Concepts and Prolog for Logic Programming Concepts.As prolog

application system specifies to Create a set of Prolog rules which, given a set of basic facts

about a family tree, and to define family relationships through bloodlines.

As project specification there are 5 modules in Haskell application:-

Check account details-In this module user can check the details of his/her account in terms of

account ID, account number, name, gender and current balance in the account.

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Money deposit-In this module user can deposit any amount of money in his/her account or

other’s account.

Money transfer-In this module user can send/transfer any amount of money to another’s

account in other case if there is no selected money in the account of the user then he/she is

unable to transfer money. for example if any user wants to transfer 5000/- rupees from his/her

account but there is only 2000/- rupees in his/her account then in this case he/she cannot transfer

the money.

Money withdraw-In this module user can withdraw any amount of money from his/her account

in other case if there is no sufficient balance is available in his/her account which he/she wants to

withdraw then he/she cannot withdraw money.

Create new account-In this module user can create a new account in the bank.

Requirement- The following are the list of those hardware and software resources that

required for developing and running the system -

Software requirement-

Win hugs


Hardware requirement-

Processor: Preferably 1.0 GHz or Greater.

RAM : 128 MB or Greater.

Language used -

1. Haskell-

Haskell is a modern, standard, non-strict, purely-functional programming language. It

provides all the features including polymorphic typing, lazy evaluation and higher-order

functions. It also has an innovative type system which supports a systematic form of

overloading and a module system. It is specifically designed to handle a wide range of

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applications, from numerical through to symbolic. To this end, Haskell has an expressive

syntax, and a rich variety of built-in data types, including arbitrary-precision integers and

rationales, as well as the more conventional integer, floating-point and Boolean types.

There are a number of compilers and interpreters available. First-time users may want to

start with Hugs, a small, portable Haskell interpreter. Haskell was named after the

logician Haskell B. Curry. Curry, together with Alonzo Church, laid the foundations of

functional computation in the era Before the Computer, around 1940. As a functional

programming language, Haskell is a member of the Lisp family. Others family members

are Scheme, ML, Occam, Clean. Haskell98 is intended as a standard for lazy functional

programming. Lazy functional programming is a programming style where arguments are

evaluated only when the value is actually needed.

Functional Programming-

C, Java, Pascal, and so on, are all imperative languages. They are "imperative" in the sense that

they consist of a sequence of commands, which are executed strictly one after the other. Haskell

is a functional language. A functional program is a single expression, which is executed by

evaluating the expression.

Anyone who has used a spreadsheet has experience of functional programming. In a spreadsheet,

one specifies the value of each cell in terms of the values of other cells. The focus is on what is

to be computed, not how it should be computed. The advantages of functional programming are:

Ease of understanding

No core dumps

Codes re-use

Strong glue

Powerful abstractions

Built-in memory management

Advantages of Haskell-

Substantially increased programmer productivity.

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Shorter, clearer, and more maintainable code.

Fewer errors, higher reliability.

A smaller "semantic gap" between the programmer and the language.

Shorter lead times.

Haskell is a wide-spectrum language, suitable for a variety of applications. It is particularly

suitable for programs which need to be highly modifiable and maintainable.

2. Prolog-

Prolog is a non-procedural logic based language. Prolog involves building up a knowledge base (database) where relationships are represented. Prolog then uses a built-in facility in order to draw logical conclusions from a user's inputs. Prolog has its roots in formal logic, and unlike many other programming languages, Prolog is declarative: The program logic is expressed in terms of relations, represented as facts and rules. A computation is initiated by running a query over these relations. The language was first conceived by a group around Alain Colmerauer in Marseille, France, in the early 1970s and the first Prolog system was developed in 1972 by Colmerauer with Philippe Roussel.


Logic based languages are able to represent the real world more accurately.

Prolog is able to derive new rules from the existing rules contained within the knowledge


Module wise source codes with comments and explanation-

Module Name-Welcome Page

Source Code-

module Start where

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import CreateAccount

import Checkbal

import Deposit

import Trans

import Withdraw


main = do

putStrLn " ****** Welcome To BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ****** "

putStrLn " 1. Create an Account." --Press 1 to create an account--

putStrLn " 2. Check Balance." --Press 2 to check the balance--

putStrLn " 3. Withdraw Ammount." --Press 3 to withdraw the amount--

putStrLn " 4. Deposit Ammount." --Press 4 to deposit the amount--

putStrLn " 5. Money Transfer." --Press 5 for money transfer--

putStrLn " "

putStrLn " "

putStr " Enter your Choice: "

choice<- getLine

menu choice

menu :: String -> IO ()

menu choice = case choice of

"1" -> account

"2" -> bal

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"3" -> with

"4" -> depo

"5" -> tran

"0" -> main

_ ->do

putStrLn "Invalid Input..!!!! Please Try Again.!!"

Explanation- Working of this module-

Display startup page on the screen.

Text based user friendly menu and choice of options for user.

On choice making of user it will be forwarded to other section of application.

Use of higher order function.

Module Name-Create Account

Source Code-

module CreateAccount where

account :: IO()

account = do

as<-readFile "rahul.txt" --Database named rahul--

let as1 = length (func as)

putStrLn " Enter your Name : " --write your name--


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putStrLn " Enter your Address :" --write your address--


putStrLn " Enter your Gender :" --write your gender m/f--


putStrLn " Enter Balance :" --enter minimum balance to deposit--


let d1 = read d:: Int

e<-readFile "rahul.txt" --entries comes in database--

let e1 = func e

let e2= e1 ++ [(as1+1,a,b,c,d1)]

writeFile "rahul.txt" (show e2)

func :: String -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func x =read x::[(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

Explanation-Working of this module:

Add new customers by filling details of customer.

Data takes as input in list of tuples.

Automatically generate customer account ID.

Module Name-Check balance

Source Code-

module Checkbal where

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bal :: IO()

bal = do

x<-readFile "rahul.txt"

let x1 = func1 x

putStr " Enter Account Number : " --write your account number--


let y1 = read y:: Int

let in2 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-x1, a == y1]

let in3 = head in2

if(in2 == []) then do

putStrLn " "

putStrLn "Account Number Doesnot Exist..!!!! " -- display massage when entered account no does not match to any account number of data base--

else do

let z = func in3

putStr " Your Account Balance is :" --your current account balance--

putStrLn (show z)

func :: (Int,String,String,String,Int)->Int

func (a,b,c,d,e) = e

func1 :: String -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func1 x =read x::[(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

Explanation- Working of this module-

It gives the information about current balance.

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It matches the customer ID of data base and entered customer ID by user if they not

match it shows a massage that record is not found.

Module Name-withdraw

Source Code-

module Withdraw where

with :: IO()

with = do

putStrLn "Enter Account Number : " --write your account number--


let x1=read x :: Int

a<-readFile "rahul.txt" --data base matches account no--

let a1 = func a

let q = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-a1,a == x1]

let q1 = head q

let g = func1 q1

putStrLn "Enter the amount to be Withdrawn : " --write the amount to be withdraw--


let z1=read z :: Int

if(z1>g) then do

putStrLn "Money Cannot be Withdrawn..!!" --display massage in the case of available amount<withdrawal amount--

else do

let f = g - z1

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let qw = func2 q1 f

let qw1 = func3 qw

let c = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-a1,a/=x1]

let d1 = c ++ qw1

writeFile "rahul.txt" (show d1)

func :: String -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func x =read x::[(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func1 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int)->Int

func1 (a,b,c,d,e) = e

func2 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int) -> Int -> (Int,String,String,String,Int)

func2 (a,b,c,d,e) x = (a,b,c,d,x)

func3 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int) -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func3 (a,b,c,d,e) = [(a,b,c,d,e)]

Explanation- Working of this module-

Allows user to withdraw money from his/her account.

Check available balance and withdrawal balance if available balance <withdrawal

balance, it gives massage insufficient balance.

Module Name-Deposit

Source Code-

depo :: IO()

depo = do

putStr " Enter Account Number : "


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let y = read x:: Int

in11<-readFile "rahul.txt" --database--

let in1 = func in11

let in2 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a == y]

let in3 = head in2

let g = func1 in3

putStr " Enter Ammount to be deposit : " --write amount here --


let y1 = read z:: Int

let u = g + y1

let in4 = func2 in3 u

let in41 = func3 in4

putStr" Amount after Deposit is : " --new account balance(last amount+deposited amount)--

putStrLn (show (func1 in4))

let in5 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a /= y]

let in6 = in5 ++ in41

writeFile "rahul.txt" (show in6) --new database entry--

func :: String -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func x =read x::[(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func1 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int)->Int

func1 (a,b,c,d,e) = e

func2 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int) -> Int -> (Int,String,String,String,Int)

func2 (a,b,c,d,e) x = (a,b,c,d,x)

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func3 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int) -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func3 (a,b,c,d,e) = [(a,b,c,d,e)]

Explanation- Working of this module-

It allows user to deposit money in any account using account ID.

If account deposit successfully completed the deposited amount will be automatically

added to available balance.

Module Name-Transfer

Source Code-

module Trans where

tran:: IO ()

tran = do

putStr " Enter the account number from where Money will be transfered : " --source account no--


let x1 = read x::Int

putStr " Enter the account number where Money will be transfered to : " --destination account no--


let y1 = read y::Int

putStrLn " "

putStr " Enter the Ammount to be transfered : "


let z1 = read z::Int

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func21 y1 z1

func11 y1 x1 z1

func11::Int->Int-> Int->IO()

func11 x y y1 = do

in11<-readFile "rahul.txt"

let in1 = func in11

let in21 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a == x]

let in31 = head in21

let g1 = func1 in31

if(g1 < y1) then do

putStrLn" You Balance is Low " --display massage when available balance in source account is less than amount to be transfer--

else do

let in2 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a == y]

let in3 = head in2

let g = func1 in3

let u = g + y1

let in4 = func2 in3 u

let in41 = func3 in4

putStr" Amount after withdraw of Money is in Account Number " --new amount in source account--

putStr (show y)

putStr" is : "

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putStrLn (show (func1 in4))

let in5 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a /= y]

let in6 = in5 ++ in41

writeFile "rahul.txt" (show in6) --database is updated--

func21 :: Int->Int->IO()

func21 y y1 = do

in11<-readFile "rahul.txt"

let in1 = func in11

let in2 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a == y]

let in3 = head in2

let g = func1 in3

if(g < y1) then do

putStrLn " "

putStrLn " Money Cannot Be Transfered"

else do

let u = g - y1

let in4 = func2 in3 u

let in41 = func3 in4

putStrLn " "

putStr" Amount after Deposit of Money is in Account Number " --new balance in destination account--

putStr (show y)

putStr" is : "

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putStrLn (show (func1 in4))

let in5 = [(a,b,c,d,e)|(a,b,c,d,e)<-in1, a /= y]

let in6 = in5 ++ in41

writeFile "rahul.txt" (show in6)

func :: String -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func x =read x::[(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func1 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int)->Int

func1 (a,b,c,d,e) = e

func2 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int) -> Int -> (Int,String,String,String,Int)

func2 (a,b,c,d,e) x = (a,b,c,d,x)

func3 :: (Int,String,String,String,Int) -> [(Int,String,String,String,Int)]

func3 (a,b,c,d,e) = [(a,b,c,d,e)]

Explanation- Working of this module-

It transfer money from one account to another account and automatically changes the

values of both account.

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Screen shots- Main Menu-

Deposit module-

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Check balance module-

Create Account Module-

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Withdraw Module-

Transfer Module-

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Testing is the process of exercising software with the intent of finding and correcting errors. This

fundamental doesn’t change for the stand alone systems but the search for the errors is a

significant challenge for the software engineers due to the complex nature of the system. Testing


A process of finding error

Finding Undiscovered error

Unit Testing:-

Unit testing is a testing in which the individual units of the software are tested in isolation

from other parts of a program. It is type of testing for which we test the all type of the module

that is working according to need or not.


To catch the defects that occurs at the early stage of software development.

To minimize the ration of defects before moving to next level.

Integration Testing:-

Integration is a systematic approach to building the complete software structure specified

in the design from unit-tested modules.

Integration plan must specify the order in which the modules are integrated.

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Test Plan of Application-

Module to be Tested Name of Tester Result Selected Test Plan

Pass Fail

Create account Rahul Kumar Unit Testing

Withdraw Rahul Kumar Unit Testing

Deposit Rahul Kumar Unit Testing

Transfer Rahul Kumar Unit Testing

Check Balance Rahul Kumar Unit Testing

Full System Rahul Kumar Integration Testing

Limitations –

There are many limitations in this application which can cause the failure of present system the

main limitation of this project is ,there is no modify account module in this application it can

cause many problems for user for example if user want to modify his/her name, address, phone

number in his/her account detail then it is not possible, the another problem is there is no delete

account option in this application another problems are there is no interactive screen ,security

system like data encryption technique, data hiding used in this application.

Future Enhancement-

To make this application more reliable and secure it is important to implement security, modify

and delete option in the application.

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wife(X,Y):-father(Y,C),mother(X,C),x \= Y.












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Learning objectives-

Throughout the development of the project the primary concern is to study the Haskell and

Prolog thoroughly. It will also help in understanding the blood relationship model and functional

programming language. Combining these two things and giving a fruitful result it was

accomplished by a good knowledge. So I have to pay attention on each and every part of Haskell

and Prolog.

Conclusion- Before completing the project I would like to conclude that, designing and

developing a bank management system was a real learning experience for me. The principles of

Haskell and Prolog were well implemented throughout the system. The whole project phase was

full of enthusiasm and joyous moments. I have successfully developed programs as required by

the project and have imparted all of the efforts to submit the project on time.

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