Page 1: Have you found uninvited pests in your home hire pest control specialists today!

Have You Found Uninvited Pests In Your Home? Hire Pest Control Specialists


Termites cause $100 million dollars of damage per year and more than one in four homes are

attacked during their lifetime. So it’s important to have the correct termite control measures to

protect your largest asset.

You may be surprised by knowing the fact that termites are good for the environment because

they clear away dead, rotting wood etc.… But unfortunately they don’t know the difference

between rotting tree and your house. With a main food of wood, termite can cause major

damage to a home or other building.

Do termites worry you? If so, you’re not alone, it’s reported that “every year termites causes a

billion dollars in structural damage and make homeowners to spend over 2 million dollars to

treat them. Early detection of termite invasion in your home, will definitely pay off huge

dollars in the long run.

Tips to Detect the Presence of Termites in Your Home….

A temporary swarm of winged insects in your home or from the soil around your home.

Any cracked or bubbling paint or frass (termite droppings).

Wood that sounds hollow when tapped.

Mud tubes on exterior walls, wooden seams or in crawl spaces.

Discarded wings from swarmers.

If you suspect any of these above mentioned termite activities, call a licensed pest control

company to do an inspection. A termite specialist can recommend a customised treatment and

prevention plan that may involve liquid repellents, wood treatments, baits and, if necessary,

fumigation of the entire structure.

Decided to Choose an Experienced Pest Control Team??? Read Below…

Page 2: Have you found uninvited pests in your home hire pest control specialists today!

If you feel, you may have a pest problem in your home, then it’s the right time to hire a pest

control team to bid adieu to those invited nasty critters. To get rid of bed bugs, you need to

choose the right company, be clear about what you want done, and monitor the service you get.

Do Proper Research Online:

Ask your neighbours who may have successfully dealt with termites for a referral.

Use phone and Web directories to find listings. Some companies may list themselves as

pest control specialists.

Look for companies that advertise “Comprehensive pest management” services. They’re

more likely to inspect and monitor conditions, and they’ll recognise needed


Use companies that are registered with State Department of Environmental

Conservation and are licensed & insured. And also make sure to see the proof of their

license and insurance.

Questions to Ask Before You Choose One:

Reputed companies will provide references. Ask for the names and telephone numbers of

customers who have received their services for the specialised service that you’re looking for.

How much experience does the company and applicator have in inspecting and treating

termite infestations?

What kind of training do employees receive, and how often?

What is the company’s standard procedure for dealing with bed bug infestations?

What is the length of the treatment?

What types of chemicals used for treating pests? Is it eco-friendly?

Will my family need to leave the house during treatment?

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

What To Do to Protect Your Home From Termites?

Keep firewood, lumber or paper away from foundation or crawl space

Get rid of stumps and debris near house

Place screens on outside vents

Check decks and wooden fences for damage

Wood on your home shouldn’t contact the soil

Regular inspections for every 6 months

Importance of Termite Pre-Inspection:

It is vital that you carry out a proper and timely termite inspections on your home because the

result of termites infested in your home can be terrible. Using a professional pest control

company is the only way to avoid all the problems that termites can cause. The smart thing to

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do is to make sure that you are having inspected every six months as specified by the AS 4349.3

& AS 3600-2000.

So why put off having your home inspected for termite infestation? Call the professional

termite inspection specialists in Sydney.

Resource Box: Mr. Kenny, a regular blogger on pest control explains how a professional termite control team in Sydney can help you keep the pests away from your house forever.

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