

Hazrat Ameer participates in

European Leadership

Conference in Sweden, and

visits Berlin Mosque

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the


.......... The HOPE Bulletin ………..

Health, Ongoing Projects, Education



Akbar Abdullah, Editor

Hazrat Ameer Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha Sahib arrived in the United Kingdom during the latter part of

May, 2009. The flurry of activities on his arrival started immediately. On the weekend of May 21, 2009,

accompanied by Dr. Zahid Aziz, he flew to Sweden where they were joined by Br. Santoe, AAIIL European

Representative, to participate in an international peace conference as seen from the perspective of different

world religions.

Europe is now hungry to learn the truth about the mission of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, frequent interfaith

gatherings take place to voice the different religious beliefs about the life and mission of Jesus. While in

Europe Hazrat Ameer intends to take full advantage by attending such gatherings to propagate the

Ahmadiyya point of view on the truth and mission of Jesus by citing quotations from the Holy Qur’an and

the Bible and basically from the truth about Jesus as promulgated by Hazrat Mirza Sahib.

About the participation of our delegates in the European Leadership Conference in Sweden, Hazrat Ameer


“There was full of Lahore Ahmadiyya presentation and we got to tell a lot about our movement at

many forums and to many members who wanted to know.”

With reference to photographs [shown below] Hazrat Ameer said:

“These photos show the active participation by the members of our Jamaat.”

No sooner had he returned from Sweden that Hazrat Ameer left for Germany for a 10-day trip where Br

Santoe and Muhammad Ali, Imam of the Berlin Mosque, joined him to deal with administrative and policy

making matters pertaining to the Berlin Mosque. Hazrat Ameer also delivered a Friday khutbah and led the

Jumu‘ah prayer.

Jazak Allah, for Hazrat Ameer’s commendable and fruitful visits to Europe. He is now back in the United

Kingdom awaiting the start of the AAIIL UK Convention. Meanwhile, he is meeting members individually

with a mission to energize the UK Jama‘at. Alhamdollillah!



Hazrat Ameer delivering a 30-minute interpretation of Qur’anic verses


Dr Zahid Aziz and AS Santoe during their presentations



With the Head Imam of the Stockholm Mosque

Time to meet and greet


Some of the delegates


Hazrat Ameer departs London for Berlin


Delivering khutbah at the Berlin Mosque

In the company of AS Santoe and ...

Muhammad Ali, Imam of the Berlin Mosque

Mr Paetz and his daughter. Mr Paetz had invited Hazrat

Ameer, Imam Muhammad Ali and Br Santoe to discuss

some important matters pertaining to the Mosque.

A German girl, who had interviewed Hazrat Ameer, Imam

Muhammad Ali and Br Santoe for her thesis on



Outside the Mosque


Akbar Abdullah

Editor, The HOPE Bulletin

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