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Slide 2 HCAC & OPPC MEDICAID INPATIENT HOSPITAL SETTINGS APRIL 2012 1 Slide 3 Provider Preventable Conditions PPC (Provider - Preventable Condition) OPPC (Other Provider Preventable Condition) Any healthcare setting Includes wrong surgery/invasive procedures HCAC (Health Care - Acquired Condition) Inpatient settings Medicare HACs and wrong surgery/invasive procedures 2 Slide 4 Other provider-preventable condition (OPPC): A condition occurring in any health care setting that could have reasonably been prevented through the application of evidence based guidelines that meet the criteria established under 42 CFR part 447.26; Are defined to include at minimum, the three Medicare National Coverage Determinations (surgery on the wrong patient, wrong surgery on a patient, and wrong site surgery). Health care acquired condition (HCAC): A condition occurring during an inpatient hospital stay, identified as a Medicare HAC, with the exception of deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism related to total knee replacement or hip replacement in pediatric and obstetric patients. Hospital-acquired condition (HAC): An undesirable condition occurring during an inpatient hospital stay. A list of conditions is identified in the Federal Register for Medicaid Regulations. Definitions 3 Slide 5 Effective Date May 1, 2012 HCACs and OPPCs 4 Slide 6 Review of HCACs & OPPCs that occur during hospitalizations Post payment claim-based analysis Reporting to the Medicaid agency Scope of Services 5 Slide 7 Federal Register For Medicaid Regulations eQHealth RESOURCES 6 Slide 8 Limit the number of days certified only to those preceding the event and any additional medically necessary inpatient days for services unrelated to the event HCACs & OPPCs Occurring During Hospitalizations 7 Slide 9 Verification of the degree of reliability between reporting and actual claims submission. Comparison of the information submitted to eQHealth to the present on admission (POA) indicator and ICD-9-CM codes on the submitted claim. Post Payment Claims-based Analysis 8 Slide 10 Upon identification of a discrepancy: A request for an electronic copy of the medical record is sent via e-mail; the record is to be submitted within 30 days of the request. Medical record received review continues Medical record not received Review is suspended; and AHCA is notified Post Payment Claims-based Analysis Contd 9 Slide 11 Frequency of occurrence by: Type of HCAC or wrong surgery/invasive procedure Provider Provider reporting reliability Provider specific patterns Reporting Results to AHCA 10 Slide 12 eQHealth is responsible for reviewing HCACs and OPPCs related to hospitalizations in all hospital settings. Review Process 11 Slide 13 Provider reporting during submission of review requests Identification by eQHealth during review Review Process 12 Slide 14 When a HCAC or OPPC is reported by a provider or identified by a nurse reviewer, the following actions are taken: Determine if additional information is needed: No Proceed with review Yes Request additional information HCAC or wrong surgery/invasive procedure: No Proceed with review Yes Refer to second level physician reviewer First Level Review 13 Slide 15 The physician reviewer may: Pend the request for additional information Consult with the attending physician Determinations: HCAC or wrong surgery/invasive procedure Whether inpatient days are solely for the treatment related to the incident Second Level Review Process 14 Slide 16 Full Denial The incident occurred on the day of admission of the recipient to the hospital and care is solely for treatment related to the incident. A recipients readmission (to the same hospital) occurs solely as a result of an incident related to a previous admission. Partial Denial Inpatient days following the occurrence are solely for the treatment related to the incident. Adverse Determinations 15 Slide 17 In accordance with Agency policy, any party involved in the case may request a reconsideration of an adverse determination. Requests for reconsideration will be reviewed by a physician reviewer not involved in the original case review. Reconsiderations 16 Slide 18 Providers must report the: Date of the occurrence Nature of the specific event Applicable ICD-9-CM code Provider Reporting Requirements - eQSuite 17 Slide 19 eQSuite 18 Slide 20 eQSuite 19 Slide 21 eQSuite 20 Slide 22 eQSuite 21 Slide 23 eQSuite 22 Slide 24 eQSuite 23 Slide 25 eQSuite 24 Slide 26 eQSuite 25 Slide 27 eQSuite 26 Slide 28 Customer Service 855-444-3747 Nancy Calvert Director, Provider Education & Outreach [email protected] RESOURCES 27

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